The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 02, 1910, Image 7

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Woodruff Tells of His Big
Adirondack Estate.
Durant, the Former Owner, He Sayi,
Wouldn't Sail Until New York Re
publican Chairman Decided to
Pay $12 an Acre.
Albany, Aug. 30. Timothy L. Wood
ruff, chairman of tho Republican stnto
committee, was niiparcntly not pleased
by several of the questions put to him
When ho appeared beforo the Hughes
commission to testify, nt his own re
quest, concerning his 1,000 acre Kamp
Kill Kare tract in tho Adlroudaeks.
This is the parcel he bought for $12
nn acre when he was lieutenant gov
ernor and president, In behalf of tho
stnte, of the forest preserve board.
He said In answer to an Inquiry that
the state land purchasing bonrd, when
lie wns a member as lieutenant gov
ernor, paid $1,500 In 1001 to Welling
ton Kcnwell for the latter's Interest
and household effects In a twenty room
boarding house on state land eleven
miles from Kamp Kill Knre. After
ward the building wns burned by his
order, Woodruff said. He denied his
private fishing preserve, Lake Korn,
was stocked with llsh at the state's ex
pense, lie said he had built a boat
house on state land, but destroyed It
when his canoes were stolen. He de
nied his son and n party of college stu
dents made the Kenwell house their
summer headquarters.
Woodruff said ho and his family and
friends stayed one night In the Ken
well house after the state had paid
Kenwell to vncnte. Under further
questioning ho said the Kenwell house
had been used by a stnte protector and
bis family, who were practically fed
from the Woodruff camp, but Wood
ruff Insisted he did not know twenty
beds had been left In the house.
Woodruff said, too, a telephone lino
had been built from the Kenwell
House to Kamp Kill Knre at public
expense. He asserted the country in
that vicinity covered the head waters
of Moose river and wns a breeding and
feeding grounds for deer and just the
place to estnbllsh a protector to guard
against forest flres as well because
within an area of twenty-five square
miles of practically virgin forest no
persons were established except in
four or five scattered camps.
As to the Kamp Kill Kare parcel,
Woodruff said the state wanted that
thousand acre tract along with the
rest of Durnnt's Itacquette lake hold
ings, but Durant wouldn't sell the
thousand acre parcel for the reason he
wished to reserve it to protect the val
ue of the Durant tracts on Lake Sum
ner (now Lake Kora) and on Lake
Shcdd (now Lnke Sagamore). The last
named lake since hns passed into the
possession of Alfred G. Vanderbilt. It
was only nfter Durant nnd tho latter
man's concern, the Forest Park and
Land company, had refused to sell the
thousand acre tract to the state, so
"Woodruff averred, that he stepped to
the front nnd acquired it for his own
private purposes. He paid $12 an acre
for the choice bit of wilderness and
lake, ho said, as against $7 an acre
paid by the forest preserve board for
the almost 21,000 ncre tract of Durant
holdings on Kncquettc lake.
Woodruff said Governor Black ap
proved tho 21,000 acre purchase by
Woodruff and his associates for the
state. An expert, AVoodruff alleged,
had npprulsed the tract at $47,000, and
it is now valued at $1,000,000. He de
nied tho state ever had a chance to get
the 24,000 acres for $127,000.
After hearing Woodruff tho commis
sioners nnnounccd they had concluded
tho taking of oral testimony nnd that
they would submit their report to
Governor Hughes some time next
Closing Stock Quotations.
Money on call today wan 1H per cent;
time money ana mercantile paper un
changed In rates. Closing stock quota
tions on the New York exchange Aug. 30
Amal. Copper... ti Norf. & West... K
Atchison 87H Northwestern ,.IU
B. & 0 105 Penn. It It.
Brooklyn It T... 74Vt Reading 1UT4
Ches. & Ohio.... 7SH Rock Uland 30M
C. .C.,C.&8t.L.. 73 St. Paul 120
D. & 11 ICO Southern Pao..,113U
Erie KVi Southern Ry.. 22ft
Gen. Electric. .142 South. Ry. pt.., 62
111. Central 1294 Bugar 11SH
Int-Met 18 Texas Pacific... 2CM
Louis. & Naah...H3Vi Union Pacific.
Manhattan 131 U. B. Bteel 70
Missouri Pac... 53 U. B. Steel pf...U6H
N. Y. Central.. ..1U West Union C1H
Market Reports.
BUTTER Barely steady; receipts, 16.003
packages; creamery, specials, per lb.. Zli
aszc.; extras, suanc.; miras 10 nrsts,
Z4H&29HO.; state dairy, finest, ISa&fto
common to prime. Z2Ha27Hc.; process, spe
clals, 27c.; seconds to extras, 22a2aMc
factory, seconds to firsts, Cazic; Imita
tion creamery, 24a25c.
CHEESE Unsettled: receipts. 8.031
boxes; state, whole milk, specials, lta
Httc.; average rancy, small, white, 15Yic;
large, ISVtc: small, colored. WAc: large.
UHc; choice, UVic; good to prime, 1414a
ibo.; common to rair, Wftano.; skims, spe
cials, 13c; fine, UKal2c.; fair to good,
SVialOVic; common, Ca7c.; full skims,
EGOS Receipts, 22,920 cases; state
Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery, white
aa33c; gathered, white, 25a29c; hennery,
hmwn 27nMo; irathereri hnwn -(. rtn .
fresh gathered, extra flits, 24a2Sc.; firsts!
vca.aa. second, juaiic
LIVE POULTRY Firm ; spring chick
. , v AUIUIU. iUYTID, UUttr
by, UoUtto.1 old roosters, 10o.j turkeys,
urxiM. nuCKl, KO.I BOOM, ua
Marriage of Actress to Copper
Magnate Takes Place Tomorrow.
Now York, Aug. 30. Fritz Augustus
Helnzc, tho cotton millionaire, ignor
ing tho threats of Lillian Hobart
French to make trouble for him If ho
married Berulco Golden Henderson,
tho nctress, went down to the city hnll
In a taxlcab with Mrs. Henderson and
got n marriage license.
Mr. Hclnze said that ho Intended to
bo married Aug, 31. Ho would not say
Joseph Prendergnst the acting city
clerk, had heard they were coming
nnd received them In his private olllce.
Mr. Heinze described himself ns "a
miner" nnd snld his home was Butte,
Mont, and that ho was forty-eight
years old and was born In Brooklyn.
His fiancee snld she was twenty-six
years old, hnd "no occupation" and
that her homo was tho Algonquin ho
tel in this city. She stated that she
had been married beforo and had so-
cured a divorce from her husband,
who Is still living, in tho courts in this
country in 1003.
When both had signed their declara
tions nnd had sworn to them Mr. Pren
dergnst gave the license to Mr. Heinze,
who paid the humble but requisite feo
of $1 and departed in their taxlcab.
Champion Decides That He Now Has
All the Money He Needs.
Kansas City, Aug. 30. With 324 vic
tories to his credit out of a total of 331
matches, Frank Gotch has decided to
quit wrestling.
In a letter to n local sporting writer
tho champion declares that he has nil
the money he needs nnd that he has
grown tired of the game. Gotch's let
ter reads:
"There will bo nothing doing for me
in tho wrestling gamo any more. 1
nm a professional farmer now, nnd 1
nm going to stick to thnt the rest of
my life. I have all the money I need
nnd am tired of wrestling. This goes
I am through forever."
Staple Reaches Highest Price In Thir
ty-seven Years.
Now York, Aug. 30. August cotton
Bold nt 20 cents n pound yesterday on
tho New York Cotton Exchange, there
by making the highest price for thnt
staple in thirty-seven years. From
Saturday's closing price August, roso
BIS points, or $15.00 n bnle. This sen
Rational rise wns merely ono of many
Incidents, ilthough perhaps tho most
picturesque, of the successful progress
of the bull pool which tho federal gov-
crnmont vainly has been attempting to
bring to Justice Tho bulls themselves
look upon yesterday's bear panic ns a
complete Justification of their position
Dody of Lady Marjorie Ersklne Found
In 8cotland.
Glasgow, Aug. 30. Tho body of a
woman on which there was a large
sum of money In notes and gold was
found In a remoto spot of the Scot
tlsh moors on Aug. 20. It hns been
identified as that of Lady Mnrjorps
Ersklne, second daughter of tho Earl
of Buchan.
Blank Versa.
Foot You published a poem of mino
last week. Yoa pay according to tho
kind of verso, don't you? Editor Yes.
George, givo tho gentleman a blank
check. Judge.
Democratic League Execu
tive Committee Meets.
Organization Preparing For Rochester
Convention Big Increase In Mem
bershipCampaign Committee
Chal rman Lloyd Optimistic
Albnny, N. Y., Aug. 30. A meeting
of tho executlvo committee of the
Stnto Democrntlc lenguc is being held
nt tho leaguo headquarters in Albany
this afternoon.
Tho members of the committee In
clude Thomas M. Osborne, chairman;
Francis A. Wlllard, secretary; Edward
M. Shcpard, Brooklyn; Morgan J.
O'Brien, S. Stanwood Menken, It. G.
Monroo and W. S. Rodle, New York;
Jnmes Smith, Buffalo; W. G. Rice, Al
bany; Jnmes B. Gnlvln, Wnterford;
John Anderson, Jr., Newcomb; Charles
F. Rattlgan, Auburn; Hugh Duffy,
The executive commltteo will, nmong
other things, fix tho dato of another
meeting similar in chnracter to the
Saratoga conference of September last.
to be held either prior to or in connec
tion with the Democratic state con
vention, which meets nt Rochester on
Sept. 20.
Secretnry Francis A. Wlllard has al
ready secured the commodious ball
room and other rooms on tho second
Door of the notel Seneca In Rochester
ns the headquarters of the Democratic
leaguo during convention week.
Tho advisability of holding n Demo
cratic mass meeting nt the Lyceum
theater, Rochester, on tho evening of
Sept. 20 will nlso bo considered.
During tho pnst few weeks the
league hns incrensed tho number of
enrolled members to n considerable ex
tent Branch headqunrters are main
tained at 1413 Fifth avenue, New
York, nnd 532 Elllcott square, Buffalo.
Particularly strong Is the enrollment
In Manhattan nnd the Bronx.
The Democratic league was organ
ized nt Saratoga Springs In Septem
ber, 1000, for the purpose, nmong other
things, "of nldlng and strengthening
the Democrntlc party, bringing back
to Its ranks those who have been sep
arated from It and attracting to it the
independent nnd young voters."
With the view of carrying out this
purpose, the league is making nn ef
fort to get In touch with as many In
dependent voters with Democratic
leanings ns possible in every county.
for the purpose of enrolling their
names and, when occasion nrlses, pro
curing their assistance in doing active
work to strengthen the Democratic
party in tho stnte. The league has no
factional purpose whatever, but hopes
to bo an Importnnt factor In promoting
the growth of sound Democratic prin
ciples throughout tho state.
The declaration of principles nt the
Saratoga conference announced tho
following cssontlnl Democrntlc princi
ples nnd policies:
First. A tnriff for revenue only.
Second. Equal and uniform taxa
Third. nome rule and local self gov
ernment by tho stnto nnd each sub
division thereof.
Fourth. Rigid economy in govern
mental expenses.
Fifth. Enforcement of federnl nnd
stnte Inws ngalnst federal and crlnil
nnl trusts.
Sixth. Election of United States sen
ators by direct vote.
Seventh Reform in our primary
system, ns well as In our registration
nnd enrollment laws.
Eighth. A federal Income tax.
Electors in sympathy with tho ob
jects of tho leaguo nnd of cnrrylng
out its platform nre Invited to enroll
ns members of tho league.
Hopes For Majority.
Washington, Aug. 30. "For the first
timo in several years the Democrats
have substantial basis for hoping to
elect n majority of tho houso of repre
sentatives," said Representative Lloyd
of Missouri, chairman of tho Demo
cratic congressional committee,
Mr. Lloyd explained ho wns not in
the business of harvesting rainbows,
"I do not expect to seo any political
tidal wave no 2 to 1 or 8 to 1 victory,"
snld tho man from Missouri, "but a
substantial working majority. My re
ports nre surprisingly pleasing. Thero
nro sections of tho United States whero
Republicans are showing more inter
est and concern for Democratic suc
cess than tho Democrats aro apparent
ly. Insurgents appear to prefer Dem
ocrnta in congress rather than stand
patters and the stand patters are re
ciprocating In kind. Between, tho two
forces at war In tho Republican party
tho Democrats must gain something.
The whole Republican organization has
been weakened by tho fight Tho Re
publicans have been divided and In
discord before, but never quite bo
much so ns at present"
Labor Party to Have lta Own Ticket
Nowburg, Aug. 80. The labor party
of Orango county, at a conference of
delegates held in this city, has decided
to placo an ontlro county and legisla
tive ticket iu tho field. It la tho first
llrao this has been done and it Is un-
aeratood will be attempted In every
county In tho state where labor is or
Speaker Denies Extrava
gant in Adirondack Deals.
8ays Mountain Tracts Which Cost Av
erage of $4.42 an Aore Are Now
Worth From $20 to $25 an
Acre Today.
Albany, N. Y., Aug. 30. When
Speaker James W. Wadsworth, Jr.,
appeared before Commissioners Austin
and Clnrk, who wcro appointed by
Governor Hughes to inqulro Into tho
Btnto's Adirondack laud dealings, ho
declared that slnco tho stnte begnu
purchasing lands in 1807 850,000 ncres
had been secured for $3,702,000, or nn
average of $4.42 an ncre.
"No person enn sny," declared
Speaker Wadsworth, "that tho state
has been extravagant In its Adiron
dack land purchnses, which nre now
worth from $20 to $25 nn ncre."
Speaker Wadsworth has been presi
dent of the stnto land purchasing
board since Hughes hns been governor.
It appeared from tho questions
asked during this Inquiry by Commis
sioners Austin nnd Clnrk thnt tho
state's purchaso In 1007 of 42,000
acres of Adirondack land, Including
tho PIcknrdt lands of 32,000 ncres, was
questionable. The commissioners in
sist thnt while the state paid $7.25 an
acre for this land It could have been
purchased several years earlier for
less than half that prlco and thnt tho
people who sold this lnnd to the stato
had paid $3.00 an ncro for tho PIck
nrdt Innds nnd less thnn that for the
remainder of tho 42,000 ncres.
Mr. Wndsworth called nttentlon to
the fact that those who sold theso
lands to the state hnd purchased them
several years previously and that Ad-
lrondnck lands hnd increased in value
each year. He declared If previous
state officials had been offered the
lands cheaper they were negligent In
not buying them. In his opinion these
lands were now worth $10 an ncre,
Spenker Wndsworth said ho had fa
vored purchasing theso lauds on the
representations of tho late Colonel
Fox, tho state superintendent of for
ests, whom ho considered the best
posted man on Adirondack lands. In
view of the fnct that tho purchase of
the Plckhardt lands hnd been critl
clsed, and in order to learn If he had
been misinformed' regarding their
value, Speaker Wndsworth snld, ho
made n ppeclal trip into the woods a
week ago and traveled over the prop
erty for two days. He climbed the
peaks and hills nnd ho traversed tho
lowlnnds, nnd ho Insisted that the
property wns much more valuable and
much better timbered than ho had nny
Idea of when ho voted to purchase it
He insisted tho Plckhardt property
wns much more valuable than tho
Fisher tract of 40,000 acres south of
Beaver river, for which a higher prlco
Is asked. Speaker Wndsworth made it
plain that he, and not Senator Allds,
hnd suggested purchasing tho Pick
hardt lands outside of tho park'boun
dnrles, because theso lands ndjolned
n solid block Just within the park, nnd
thnt Governor Hughes not only np
proved legislation accomplishing this
purpose beforo It was Introduced, but
signed tho bill.
Another subject of criticism wob tho
appointment of Frank L. Bell by the
stato lnnd purchnslng bonrd as nn ex
pert on Adirondack tax titles at n sal
ary of $7,500. Speaker Wadsworth
said that Mr. Bell had been appointed
nfter consultation with Mr. John G.
Agnr of the Association For tho Pres
ervation of tho AdlrondnckB nnd Gov
ernor Hughes, nnd that Governor
nughes had suid tho salary was none
too much. Mr. Wndsworth stated that
Governor Hughes and Mr. Agnr each
knew that Mr. Bell had been employed
privately by Adirondack lumber and
pulp interests, nnd that Mr. Bell's serv
ices had been of tremendous vnlue to
the stnto purchasing board.
Stato Chairman Timothy I Wood
ruff will probably appear before tho
commissioners today to explain how
he acquired his Adirondack estate.
Two Cases of Disease Appear Close to
Berlin, Aug, 80. Cholera has broken
out at Spandau, nlno miles from here.
A man and his wlfo were taken down
with tho dlseaso a day or two ago.
Tho wife lias since died. Tho authori
ties are taking precautions against the
spread of the disease.
Number One.
Proposing nn amendment to section
twenty-six of nrtlclo five of tho
Constitution of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania.
Rosolved, (If the Senate concur).
That the following nmendment to
section twenty-six of article five of
tho Constitution of Pennsylvania bo,
nnd the same Is hereby, proposed, In
accordance with the eighteenth nrtl
clo thereof:
That Bectlon 26 of Article V., which
reads as follows: "Section 26. All
laws relating to courts Bhnll bo gen
eral and of uniform operation, nnd
tho organization, Jurisdiction, nnd
powers of all courts of tho same
class or grade, so far as regulated
by law, nnd the force and effect of
the process and Judgments of such
courts, shall be uniform; nnd tho
General Assembly Is hereby prohibit
ed from creating other courts to ex
ercise the powers vested by this Con
stitution in the Judges of the Courts
of Common Pleas and Orphans'
Courts," be amended so that the same
shall read as follows:
Section 26. All laws relating to
courts shall bo general and of uni
form operation, and the organization.
Jurisdiction, and powers of all courts
of the same class or grade, so far as
regulated by law, and the forco and
effect of tho process and Judgments
of such courts, shall be uniform;
but, notwithstanding nny provisions
of this Constitution, tho General As
sembly shall have full power to es
tablish new courts, from time to time.
ns the same may be needed in any
city or county, and to prescribe the
powers and Jurisdiction thereof, nnd
to increase the number of Judges in
any courts now existing or hereafter
created, or to reorganize the same,
or to vest In other courts tho Juris
diction theretofore exercised by
courts not of record, nnd to abolish
the same wherever It may be deemed
necessary for the orderly nnd efficient
administration of Justice.
A true copy of Resolution No. 1.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Two.
Proposing an amendment to the
Constitution of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, so as to
eliminate the requirement of pay
ment of taxes as a qualification of
the right to vote.
Resolved (if the House of Repre
sentatives concur), That the follow
ing amendment to the Constitution
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia ue, and the same Is hereby, pro
posed, in accordance with the eigh
teenth article thereof:
That section one of article eight be
amended, by striking out the fourth
numbered paragraph thereof, so that
the said section shall read as fol
lows: Section 1. Every malo citizen
twenty-one years of age, possessing
the following qualifications, shall be
entitled to vote at all elections, sub
ject however to such laws requiring
nnd regulating tho registration of
electors as the General Assembly may
First. He shall have been a citizen
of the United States at least one
Second. He shnll have resided in
the State one year (or if, having pre
viously been a qualified elector or
native-born citizen of the State, he
shall have removed therefrom nnd
returned, then six months), Immedi
ately preceding the election.
Third. He shall have resided in the
election district where he shall offer
to voto at least two months immedi
ately preceding tho eldction.
A true copy of Resolution No. 2.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Three.
Proposing nn amendment to the Con
stitution of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, so as to consolidate
the courts of common pleas of Al
legheny County.
Section 1. Be It resolved by the
Senate and Houbo of Representatives
of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia in General Assembly met, Thnt
the following amendment to the Con
stitution of Pennsylvania be, and the
same is hereby, proposed, In accord
ance with tho eighteenth article
That section six of article five be
nmended, by striking out the said
section, and inserting in place there
of the following:
Section G. In the county of Phila
delphia all the Jurisdiction nnd pow
ers now vested in tho district courts
nnd courts of common pleas, subject
to such changes as may be made by
this Constitution or by law, shall be
In Philadelphia vested in five dis
tinct and separate courts of equal
and co-ordinate Jurisdiction, com
posed of three Judges each. Tho
said courts In Philadelphia shall be
designated respectively as tho court
of common pleas number ono, num
ber two, number three, number four.
and number five, but the number of
said courts may be by law Increased,
from time to time, and shall be In
like manner designated by successive
numbers. Tho number of judges in
any of said courts, or in any county
where the establishment of an addl
tlonal court may be authorized by
law, may be Increased, from tlmo to
time, and whenever such Increase
shall amount In the whole to three,
such three Judges shall compose a
distinct and separate court as more
said, which shall be numbered as
aforesaid. In Philadelphia all suits
shall be Instituted In the said courts
of common pleas without designating
the number of the said court, ana the
several courts shall distribute and
apportion the business among them
In such manner as shall be provided
by rules of court, and each court,
to which any suit shall be thus as
signed, shall have exclusive Juris
diction thereof, subject to chnngo of
venue, ns Bhnll bo provided by law.
In tho county of Allegheny all tho
Jurisdiction nnd powers now vested
In the several numbered courts of
common pleas shall be vested In ono
court of common pleas, composed of
all tho Judges In commission In said
courts. Such Jurisdiction nnd pow
ers shall extend to all proceedings at
law and in equity which shall have
been instituted in the several num
bered courts, nnd shall bo subject to
such changes as may be made by law,
and subject to change of venue as
provided by lnw. Tho president
Judge of said court shall be selected
as provided by law. Tho number of
Judges In said court may be by law
increased from time to time. This
nmendment shall take effect on tho
first day of January succeeding Its
A true copy of Resolution No. 3.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Four.
Proposing nn amendment to section
eight, article nine, of the Consti
tution of Pennsylvania.
Section 1. Be It resolved by the
Senate and House of Representatives
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia in General Assembly met, That
the following is proposed as an
amendment to the Constitution of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in
accordance with tho provisions of tho
eighteenth article thereof:
Amendment to Article Nine, Sec
tion Eight.
Section 2. Amend section eight,
article nine, of the Constitution of
Pennsylvania, which reads as fol
lows: "Section 8. The debt of nny coun
ty, city, borough, township, school
district, or other municipality or In
corporated district, except ns herein
provided, shall never exceed seven
per centum upon the assessed value
of the taxable property therein, nor
shall any such municipality or dis
trict Incur any new debt, or increase
its indebtedness to an amount ex
ceeding two per centum upon such
assessed valuation of property, with
out the assent of the electors thereof
at a public election In such manner
ns shall bo provided by law; but any
city, the debt of which now exceedB
seven per centum of such assessed
valuation, may be authorized by law
to Increase the same three per cen
tum, in the aggregate, at any ono
time, upon such valuation," so as to
read as follows:
Section 8. Tho debt of any county,
city, borough, township, school dis
trict, or other municipality or Incor
porated district, except as nerein
provided, shall never exceed seven
per centum upon the assessed value
of the taxable property therein, nor
shall any such municipality or dis
trict incur any new debt, or increaso
its Indebtedness to nn nmount ex
ceeding two per centum upon such
nssessed valuation of property, with
out the nssent of the electors thereof
at a public election in such manner
as shall he provided by law; but any
city, the debt of which now exceeds
seven per centum of such assessed
valuation, may be authorized by law
to Increase tho same three per cen
tum, In the aggregate, at any one
time, upon such valuation, except
that any debt or debts hereinafter
incurred by the city nnd county of
Philadelphia for the construction
and development of subways for tran
sit purposes, or for the construction
of wharves and docks, or the re
clnmatlon of land to be used in the
construction of a system of wharves
and docks, ns public Improvements,
owned or to be owned by said city
and county of Philadelphia, and
which shall yield to the city and
county of Philadelphia current net
revenue In excess of tho interest on
said debt or debts and of the nnnual
installments necessary for the can
cellation of said debt or debts, may
be excluded in nscertainlng the pow
er of tho city and county of Philadel
phia to become otherwise Indebted:
Provided, That a sinking fund for
their cancellation shnll be established
nnd maintained.
A true copy of Joint Resolution
No. 4.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
TWELVE muslin trespass notices
for $1.00; six for seventy-five cents.
Name of owner, township and law
regarding trespassing printed there
on. CITIZEN office.
The Jeweler
- -
would like to see you If -
you are In the market!
. -
"Guaranteed articles only sold." '. '.
Trains leave Union depot at 7.20
a. m. and 2.48 p. m., wees: days.
Trains arrive Union depot at 1.C0
and 6.46 p. m. week days.
Saturday only, Erie and Wyoming '
arrives at 3.46 p. m. and leaves at
6.60 p. m.
Sunday trains leave 2.48 and ar
rive at 7.03.