HIE CITIZEN, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1010. LABOR VOTE WILL LINE UP FOR TENER Republican Nominee Popular WitD Worklngmen, FROM MILL BOY TO GOVERNOR Former President of Amalgamated Iron and Steel Workers Tells of In terest of Candldato In Wageearnera. Special Correspondence Pittsburg, Aug. 30. Although the gubernatorial cam paign In Pennsylvania has hardly got ten well under way, one fact has been demonstrated, and that is that John Klnlcy Toner, the Republican nominee (or governor, Is going to be one of tho most popular candidates with the worklngmen that ever ran on a state ticket This is not surprising to those fa miliar with his record and who Imvo followed his course both in private and public life. His whole history Is that of a man who has worked hard himself and who is in full sympathy with labor by reason of his associations with the wage earners from his boyhood days. Any one who, like Mr. Tener, had to begin at tho very bottom of life's lad der and depend upon his own energy and resources to win success can ap preciate his concern fot the welfare of his fellow men. especially those who make up the great Industrial army of this state and nation "From Mill Boy to Governor." "From Mill Boy to Governor" Is a slogan already heard among the en thusiastic admirers of a former worker in one of the great steel plants of western Pennsylvania, and aB the can vass shall progress and the great body of the voters shall become more Inti mately acquainted with the career and the policies of the Republican nomi nee for governor, It Is predlctea that 'he will grow In popularity nnd Btrength with the inevitable result an overwhelming victory at the poll on Nov. 8. An Idea of the enthusiasm with which the nomination of Mr. Tener Is being received and oi the reasons for the interest shown in his candidacy by representatives of nretnlffri Inl-or may bo had from a chot with M. M. Garland, a former president of the Amalgamated Iron and Steel Workers, who has known Mr. Tenor for many years. Appreciation ot Co-worker. "John K. Tener Is essentially a self made man," said Mr. Garland. "Ho has over been Interested In tho cause ot the worklngman, and today classos among his very best friends men who have been and are high In the ranks of labor organizations. "Tenor's first occupation was as an errand boy and then as assistant ship ping clerk at the mill of Lowls, Oliver & Phillips, South Sldo, Pittsburg. Ho was then advanced to pay roll clerk. His associates wero tho men of the mills, and It was while ho was em ployed at tho plant of tho Olivers. tu South Tenth street he formed very close friendships with Miles P. Hum phreys, who had Just retired as presl dent of the Amalgamated Iron and 8teel Workers, then In charge of tho puddling nnd muck Iron departments; the late William Welhe, then a pud dlor; "Jock" Davis, a well known boss roller, and others who wero high lu labor circles. Once Ran a Locomotlvo. "Tener strnnt most ot his spare time In the mills and mill yards, and as a result ho obtained a thorough knowl edge of tho practical end ot tho busl ness. He 60on mastered locomotive engineering and was often found on tho engines in and about the planl ' and when a regular engineer was oft duty on nccount of sickness ho would toko his place for weokjit a time. "When Toner left tho Industrial field to tako up base ball he was a firm believer In organization, and dur ing the closing months of 1889 he with several other base ball plavers, Joined In a movement which resulted in the Brotherhood of Base Ball Play ers, and whlfh had for Its object tho betterment of tho conditions then Im posed upon tho players, and the extent of this move has had its effect ever since. "Tener became a resident of Char lerol at its inception, and is known to nearly every man. woman and child In that town, and as the men pass by they address him as 'John,' and he In turn salutes them as 'Hello Bill.' or 'How are you. Samt" as the case may be As a Friend of Labor. "For several yeirs he was engaged In the glass business at Buckhi--m. West Virginia, where only union ien were employed, and In all business In which he has been engaged or has had a controlling Interest, the very highest wages have been paid. At the beginning of tho st-Ike at the Mac-beth-Eyanaj?lap,i .factorv.nt r'larleroi. tho men appealed to Tener, and ho was Instrumental In securing a con ference between representatives of tho workmen and their employers. Ho was again called upon during a strike at tho works of tho Charlerol Coal company to Intercode In bohalf of the minors, and In this he was successful In assisting In an agreement satisfac tory to both sides nnd winning the pralsa of tba wage earners. "Toner was sont to congross witt tho unanimous endorsement of the la bor organizations In tho Twenty-fourth district ho having doclarod for an eight-hour law. At tho second session of the Sixty-first congress ho intro duced a resolution calling for an in vestigation of labor conditions In the mills and factories In wostern Ponn sylvnnla, which went to tho commit too on rules, which body. s orery one knows, was 6oon after the center of bitter fight, resulting n the delay of this and other creditable proposod legislation. Ho Is I firm believer In arbitration, as his close trlcnd3 well know. "Tenor's political enemies have un successfully endcavoted to make po litical capital aui jf tho story that when the Hughe; Inlunctlon amend ment was before ih house of repre sentatives he waf recorded as 'not voting,' but thej (ailed to add that at that time he wat paired with Repre sentative Taylor Democrat, of Ala bama, who was absent from Wash ington, as will be shown on page 9224 of the Congressional Record, and It would have been the height of dls courtosy and dishonesty to have acted otherwise. "While Tenor has been liberal to all local charities his uame has al ways been found among the contribu tors to the fund? for the widows and children of the unfortunate men killed lb the mines nnd factories, and moro than one borne has been brightened as the result of his generosity. "1 predict his election by ono of tho largest majorities ever given a candi date for governor in Pennsylvania." A Boomerang. "Call that art!" exclaimed a. would bo critic, pointing to a painting In a studio. "If that daub is a work of art, then I'm an idiot!" "The latter pnrt of your statement," rejoined the nrtlst calmly, "would seem to furnish concluslvo proof that It Is a work of art" Rivals. She John Is n very considerate sort of fellow. Isn't he? He (tho rival) Oh, yes, very! He has that keen tact nnd loving sympathy which a chauf feur displays toward a helples9 crip Die. Life. IBEWSII. Colonel Roosevelt Criticises Supreme Court Decisions. DENOUNCES SOME MUGKRAKERS After Exploding In Colorado Capital Former President Start on Hit Journey Into Kansas Important Speech Tomorrow. Denver, Aug. 30. Colonel Roosevelt while hero did moro smashing than he has done sinco ho wns president. Before tho stnto legislature, con vened lu special session, ho criticised two decisions handed down by tho su preme court of tho United Stntes. Colorado legislators who have been fighting their own battles with Gov crnor Slmfroth out hero listened to the colonel with Interest. Ho nsked them to be progressive, because, he declared a grunt democracy must be progres sive or else full. It wns In the eliuin bar of the house that Colonel Roosevelt shouted that he wns agnlust the muck rakers, who nccusod n man unjustly, nnd thnt ho will go the limit in con demning tho writers of the public press who tell untruths nbout polltlcnl nnd social conditions. The only mnn more noxious than tho corrupt public olllclnl, nccordlng to the colonel, Is the corrupt newspaper nnd ningnzlne writ er. The criticism of tho supreme cotirl did not utterly nstouud tho legislntor. nnd the thousand citizens who Jninmec the house, but It did rather surprise them at this time. Tho Knight sugnt enso served Colonel Roosevelt ns nu cxnmple of tho decision on n hlghlj technical legal subtlety "which ren dered exceedingly dltllcult for the na tion effectively to control tho use ol mnsses of corporate cnpltal In Inter state business." He declared thnt It rendered it exceedingly dilllcult for tin people to devise nny method of con trolling nnd regulating the business use of great capital in interstate com merce. The New York bakeshop ense was the other matter cited whereby the supremo court made the action of the governor nnd legislature of New York I unconstitutional. They used tho negn j Uvo power of not permitting the abuse to bo remedied, the colonel stated, lest men be deprived of their "liberty." No Pure Water. Owing to the extremely solvent pow ers, pure water Is never found in na ture, the nearest appruach being found In rainwater, which, as It Is foimed in tho upper regions of tho atmosphere, Is the purest that nnture supplies, but In descending It brings with It what ever Impurities nre floating near the surface, which In the neighborhood of cities nre always numerous; hence per fectly puro water is hardly to bo found, even the artificially distilled being only approximately so. Long In Consideration. Tho prospect of tho Capo Cod Ca nal now undor construction antedates the revolutionary war. Of No Value. Cowards do not count In battlo; they aro there, but not In It Euripides. Chlgger Has Multiplied. Sinco its introduction from Amer ica tho chlgger has sproad far and wide along tho woat coaBt of Africa and Is now a greatly dreaded pest II Kill ? ' 3!' i. 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