The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 02, 1910, Image 4

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    iiiis citizen, Friday, September 2, 1010.
Entered ns sccond-clnss matter, nt the post
olllce. Honcsdalc. 1'a.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 11)10.
For Governor
For Lieutenant Governor
Secretary o Internal Affairs
Stato Treasurer
For Congress,
For State Senator,
Bishop Fallows says that hope is
the best remedy for the blues. That
recalls the fact that an Irishman
said the best way to cure Insomnia
Is to go to sleep and forget all about
it. Louisville Courier-Journal.
It is true that Marse HENRY
sometimes goes to sleep, but not in
slumbers that are produced by In
somnia. Lillian Russell's new play is call
ed "in Search of a Sinner." Going
to open in Wilkes-Barre? Scranton
What's the matter this time?
Some other Electric City young man
gone wrong at the further end of
the Laurel Line?
One of the G. O. P. spellbinders
in the Maine gubernatorial and Con'
gresslonal campaign now nicely
warming up in Portland and Bangor
and Augusta will be the Hon. WIL
ately known to his New York, Port
Jervls and Wayne county intimates
as "Bill" BENNET. He is slated
to talk this week and next in the
principal Pine Tree cities and then,
by and by, he may go to the back
counties to address the lumbermen
of Androscoggin and the potato
growers of old Aroostook and Fort
Fairfield, away off there in the woods
that go clean to the Canadian
Of course, Maine will role up her
habitual Republican majority of 23,
000 to 30,000 at least there can
be no possibility of doubt as to that;
but just the same it is alwayB a wise
plan to send tried men of long and
successful party influence to talk
the party's beliefs in sections of the
country where the enemy's lines are
weakest and most insignificant. It
does the people on the Down East
coast and in the rural regions back
from salt water a world of good to
meet solid men from New York and
Washington, and tho plain, honest
citizens of methodical Maine will
not hesitate to tell Mr. BENNET,
precisely as they told Mr. BLAINE
and Mr. REED, what their corner of
the land needs in the way of na
tional legislation.
We know Mr. BENNET, a guber
natorial possibility on tho other side
of the Delaware, will be freshened
and stimulated by the bracing
breezes of tho Pine Tree coast and
by tho sweet waitings of tho Pine
Tree woods; and tho people of
Maine will be benefited by his lucid
and vigorous exposition of the issues
of this Congressional campaign of
1910, which means a lot to Ponn
sylvania as well as to Maine.
HOKE SMITH, who will bo the
next governor of Georgia, having just
administered an impressive primary
whaling to Gov. LITTLE JOE
BROWN, the deposed railroad com
missioner who In 1908 downed Gov.
HOKE by 14,000 and a littlo bit
more, is a BRYAN man from tho top
of his high Panama to the solo of his
patont leather footings; but the
SMITH victory in tho Peachtree stato
should by no means bo counted as
equivalent to a resumption of the
Peerless Pleader's prestige In tho
most intelligent state, of tho solid
South. Tho anti-railroad agitation
that elected SMITH tho first time
was again very busy as primary day
drew on; other local Issues, with
possible statewide prohibition in tho
background, assuredly had something
to do with tho return of SMITH to
the statehouse in Atlanta.
Mr. BRYAN never was strong in
Georgia; and no mentally vigorous
southern Democrat savo Capt. GON
ZALES of Columbia and Col. JOE
DANIELS of Raleigh 1b green enough
to believe tho thrice-belated knight of !
the Platto country could get a fourth
nomination if he wanted it. Mr.
BRYAN, though ho never tells it, Is
as much n 16 to 1 advocato today
as he was in that spellbinding 1896
campaign of his. He still believes
there should be silver coins among
the gold. The South sorao time since
recovered from its free silver im
becility of 14 years ago, and tho man
who still Is a sllverlte at heart is as
dead politically In the country below
the Potomac and the Ohio as ho be
came in his own Nebraska when a
state convention that is a part of very
recent political history told him to go
to the rear and bo seated.
The census olllco announces that
Paterson's population, 105,000 In
1900. Is 125,000 now. How many
out of that new 20,000 are Anar
chists? We wrote something the
other day obout the desirability of
quality as well as quantity in the
population of large, cosmopolitan
cities and here is an illustration. If
1,000 out of Paterson's 20,000 new
citizens arc men and women trained
to troop under the red flag, it would
have been much better If the Jer
sey silk city, with her 100 mills and
her abundant opportunities for the
employment of skilful and order
ly workmen, had rested at 75,000 in
1890 instead of climbing to 105,000
in 1900 and to 125,000 in 1910.
There was sincere sorrow mani
fested on every hand Tuesday when
the sad news was broken in the
borough that ORVILLE L. ROW
LAND, an able lawyer and a genial
companion, had crossed the river
where there is no bridge. His call
ing away was so sudden, so totally
unexpected, that his friends and
he had a world of them in Pike as
well as in Wayne county simply
cannot comprehend It. The men
that knew him best will mourn for
He was accomplished, unostentatious,
approachable and kind. Ho made
his friends readily, without seeming
effort, and his friends stuck by him.
No man In the circle wherein he
moved was more congenial to his
associates, and on those who met
him professionally and otherwise
the loss occasioned by his untimely
death is second only to that of the
family bereaved. They know, as
well as any men need to know,
there was much to admire and to
love in this man ROWLAND, and
to them it is particularly distressing
to see him cut down in his prime.
Optimism is sometimes due to a
shortage of experience.
Many a man has been stung by
tho political bee in his bonnet.
The worm usually turns after It
is too late to make a get-away.
The man who pays as he goes sel
dom gets beyond the speed limit.
A man seldom appreciates liberty
until after he finds himself married
or in Jail.
The man who shaves himself might
be perfectly happy if he could cut
his own hair.
Sometimes it is a man's cheek of
brass that enables him to grasp a
golden opportunity.
We are glad wo don't know it all
when we hear what people say about
men who think they do.
Many a man would enjoy being
cast away on a desert Island. Then
he would not have to call on his
wife's relations.
Yes, Equinunk is In tho limelight
again. Tho row that has ended in
a $20,000 suit for false arrest was
precipitated there.
Only Ave weeks to tho fair. Get
out your high corn and your heavy
pumpkins! Tho field stuff is going
to bo in evidence this year.
Wo noto with some Burprlso that
"Mayor Gaynor has eaten a beef
steak" and "Is doing well." Ho cer
tainly is doing doggono well to
have a beefsteak to eat In this year
1910 A. D.
The love-sick swain who takes the
matrimonial plunge on $12 a week
these days Is about on a par with
tho man whose, only preparation for
a dive Into a 12-foot lake Is a cor
respondence school courso in swim
ming. A Now York maglstrato has de
cided a man may take a second look
at a pretty woman without being
guilty of flirting. Life has its com
pensations, after all even In tho
torrid metropolis!
On tho other hand, did you ever!
hear of a man marrying a woman to
reform her?
After planning your Christmas
shopping Just figure on how sanely
you aro going to spend tho next
Fourth. Time is time, in Wayno
county ns elsewhere on this terres
trial hall.
It Is a good thing tho Now Jersey
clerk who holds that in order to be
qualified to take out a marriage li
cense a man must bo sober didn't
stipulate also that he must bo in
his right senses.
Texas had snow this week, but the
white Texas this time was the Texas
away down between Oklahoma and
tho Rio Grande and not tho Texas
that thinks according to some of
her prominent Democratic citizens
that Honestlnlo ought to be hitch
ed on as the tail of tho Texas kite.
Boston's Mayor, "Honey Fltz,"
will run for governor of Massa
chusetts in November, but neither
sweet manners nor sweet nickname
can bo expected to overcomo the
normal Republican majority of 75,
0000 in tho Bay stato and put
"Honey Fltz," whoso real name is
John F. Fitzgerald, in the executive
chair on Beacon hill.
It seems doubtful if Virginia's new
nnti-cusslng law will be any more
effective than tho antl-klssing move
ment in some quarters of this coun
try. The Virginia summer and the
Virginia fall, even in an off year for
politics, are enough to make the
safest and sanest citizen blaspheme
with tho best of 'em; and as for the
other thing well, brother, It's just
a waste of wind and Ink to try to
make human nature go back on itself
by putting laws on tho statute hooks!
Some of the work which "speaks
for itself" stutters terribly. Oil
City Blizzard.
A well-read man is one who knows
almost as much about the subject
as we do. Williamsport Sun.
The drouth has not yet affected
the quantity or price of booze in this
vicinity. New Castle News.
It Is mighty hard to forgive oth
ers for being more successful than
ourselves, but some of us can do
It, all right. Punxsutawney Spirit
The harmony program of the ad
ministration may have the desired
results. President Taft and former
President Roosevelt are working
along lines that will doubtless pro
duce good results so far as "party
peace Is concerned. Bradford Era.
If you would fill your measure
fiom tho well of happiness you must
carry more there than you take
away. Happiness Is the return from
an investment, the interest which
accrues from honest, patient and
earnest living. No man can leave
sorrowful faces along the trail and
carry away happiness for himself.
There are no deadheads; every man
has a ticket, and pays for it.
Titusville Herald.
Tho striking feature of tho flight
from Paris to a point near London
by John B. Molssant, the latest
claimant of aerial honors, is the way
in which he has maintained a definite
flying schedule. Prior to his depart
ure from the French capital ho
mapped out a course much as a sea
captain would chart a voyage. Then,
with compass between his knees, be
proceeded to steer through the air
lanes and over cities, towns, cliffs,
valleys and waters entirely un
known to him. Ho alighted at or
near places which he selected in ad
vance; he flew at a speed of his own
choosing. Philadelphia Bulletin.
I do not get much timo now to
sing and play dominoes. It takes
mo most of my timo to push tho
fair, and it's going to bo a dandy,
bellovo mo. Emerson W. Gammell.
I still believe it would bo desir
ablo to annex tho borough to Texas
and suggest that Jan. 1 bo the time
appointed for Greater Texas to be
gin buslnesB. What does tho Great
or Honesdalo Board of Trade say
to that? William A. Sluman.
I told Mr. Cody, when ho asked
mo to writo up tho poultry meeting
at Hawley, that ho would cortainly
catch It if I did tho story, but ho
said ho didn't mind that In tho least.
Ho said a roast on him would bo
a big ndvertlsomeut for tho poultry
Bhow at tho fair In October. Ho
seemed to realize that overy knoclc
Is a boost nowdays. I wroto him up,
gooso and all, and I have yet to hear
that tho reverend gentleman got soro
over what I said about him. Joseph
Stephens, White Mills.
When I went to Hawley tho other
day to seo about tho poultry farms
I got Interested and waltod up to tho
last minuto before going to tho hotel
for supper. Thon 1 was lato getting
through. Tho rest of tho boys
Joe Welch and Stocker and Lord
went . to the station ahead of mo
and waltod for tho train on tho
platform outside. They passed the
time away making fun of me.
"Whero'a Cody?" one of them said,
and the answer was, "Why, Cody la
over eating." By that, of course, ho
meant that I was over at tho hotel
eating. Ho simply got his words
transposed. The, Idea of a country
parson over-eating! Preposterous!
Rev. J. B. Cody, Bethany,
When I was a lawyer In Wood
county, Ohio, I met some interesting
men. There was W. F. Duncan, Judge
of the common pleas court in Han
cock, tho next county to Wood and
tho man who reversed Judge Banker
of the probate court after Banker
had lined tho Standard Oil ?5,000 for
illegal methods in Hancock. I also
knew Judge Scroth of Tiffin, over
in Seneca county, tho littlo man with
tho tuft of whiskers on his chin who
Is known and liked all over north
western Ohio. But tho brightest one
In tho lot was Tyler, a criminal
lawyer, who once was hired to de
fend tho scapegrace brother of a
well-to-do merchant and keep him
from going to the Columbus pen
If possible. Tyler cleared his man,
but the $500 promised by tho broth-1
er In business wasn't forthcoming.
Tyler rendered bills, but they were
Ignored. At last he got tired of
waiting. Selecting a day when he
knew the brother of his client would
have a storeful of customers, he
walked In, strode up to the counter
where tho proprietor was handing
a bundle to one of his best custom
ers, and shouted:
"Did you employ mo to dofend
your brother and keep him out of
state's prison?"
"I certainly did," meekly an
swered the frightened man on the
other side of the counter.
"Did you, or did you not, agree
to pay me ?500 mind you, sir,
$500 to keep your brother out of
state's prison?"
"Yes, I did," was the desperate
"And did I succeed, sir, in
keeping that rascal out of the pen,
where ho belonged?"
"You did," said Tyler's Inter
locutor, now thoroughly humbled and
eager for a settlement on most any
basis. "That's what you did, Mr.
"And did you pay me, sir? Did
you give me that $500 you agreed
to give me for keeping your rascally
relative out of state's prison, tho
place where he belonged, sir?"
"I don't," began the proprietor.
"Can you give me a check today,
sir a check for $500, to pay me
for keeping your "
"Here's your money," fairly
shouted the agonized man behind
the counter. "I'm making you a
check. (He was getting out the
book and the pen.) I'll pay you
now. I'll give you $500. I'll "
Before he finished, Tyler had the
check and was off, and tho proprie
tor and his customers breathed a
long sigh of relief. Herman
Harmes, Hawley.
Now softened suns a mellow litBter
The laden orchards glow with tempt
ing red;
On hazel boughs tho clusters hang
And with tho hunting horn the, fields
Old September Poem,
Well, wo should say so, and tho
mellow horn of Mr. Morgan will
awake the morn, bidding us garner
for the bins and cribs in which we
labor for his royal nibs. Tho sum
mer ended and tho blower on, the
respite over and tho money gone, and
Rockefeller as wo drill along, bow
ing and hoping wo aro well and
Tho seaside sojourner will quit the
shore, and tho summer girl will lino
up three or four conquests in puppy
love she has around, and chooso tho
one that is to go undrowned. Tho
which selection from tho litter born
of summer madness sho will then
suborn with things sufficient to un
lock Its eyes, and hurry homeward
with tho gasping prize.
Tho busted tourist will return from
Franco with hotel stickers stuck up
on his pants, and tarred and postal
carded by his friends, will reap the
penalty of what ho sends. They'll
waltz him up and down upon a rail,
and alternately turn him head and
tall, or howsoever they may best en
Joy tho views in Venico or tho sito of
Tho festive calf will blithely sniff
and snort and deftly tip up where the
hair is short, and in tho quiet oven
afterglow tho quail will pipe his
dulcet piccolo. Tho bold insurgent
will insurgo tho moro, and All the
planet with his dreadful year, and
each ono betting ho will not bo last,
the autumn candidates will gallop
Tho now progressive and tho Dem
ocrat, tho unlnsurglng that aro stand
ing pat, and In tho midst of them,
unfaint of heart, our Mr. Bryan on
tho water cart. A mazo of Issues,
and a mass of men, and lo, a gallus
busting now and then, and not es
pecially alarmed by It, the trusts de
sisting till tho swarm has lit.
The man from Elba trying to como
And tho poor consumer In his cul-de-sac
Unknowing If tho quaking earth por
tends Death or tho near approach, perhaps,
of friends.
But howsoevor and be It as may,
tho dread mosquito will have had Its
day, and Joining Satan in Its spectral
growth, have made It real holl there
for them both. Tho while tho earth
ly remnant of it swings upon tho win
dow screen, and drying clings to that
post which, though wanting mortal
fire, It still holds with Its faco against
tho wire.
The sad first day of school will como
to pass,
And tho barefoot boy will hldo out In
the grass,
And by tho tlmo we've caught these
The Crlppen chase will look like thir
ty cents.
Milady Fashion in her hobble skirt
will stride the pavement with tho men
alert to Bet her right sldo up again
In caso sho should in time turn turtle
any place. It does beat thunder what
the women wear, and how they stick
on other people's hair, constrict their
middles and constrain their toes and
what importance they attach to
clothes! But bless us, aro they after
all to blamo, or had they been In
these things quite the same If Mother
Evo's first thought, as wo suppose,
had not been necessarily of clothes?
Was it to be expected In her case that
with a man somewhere upon tho place
she ever thought of anything at all
but gowns, slippers, or perhaps a
But anyhow, tho crawfish will have
And tho pumpkin shown tho faintest
trace of gold.
The sassafras will don a redder dress,
And the gods will crowd around the
cider press.
Or prohibition or whatever will,
here Is a fountain that shall serve us
still, a place of resting and a steal
away out of the desert and the heat
of day. A place of quiet and the
shade of palms, of irrigation and the
soothing balms that no reformer till
the poles embrace shall ever capture
for a bathing place.
The hosts of labor will parade tho
street, which will remind us of a
happy feat in arbitration from the
olden days when Julius Caesar was a
sort of craze. It is related of that
ancient time that sweet September
In the Roman cllmo was hot as blazes,
and the union file could only march
about a half a mile.
It wasn't anything at all, they Bay,
to watch the mighty pageant get
away, the music playing and the flags
displayed, and see It suddenly duck
for the shade. The gasping drummer
with his sounding drum, the bronzed
mechanics who perhaps had come a
dozen squares, and in the frantic
rout, age and apprentice with (ts ton
gue stuck out.
The faint Impression the procession
made on Roman capital for long dis
mayed the union leaders, when the
serried ranks at times not even pass
ed the Roman banks. And so It was
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned, havo known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by his firm.
Waldlng, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iti
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of tho
system. Testimonials sent free.
Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by
all Druggsts.
Tako Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. The good style, fine
ing make this suit a model that will be eagerly chosen
by the woman who appreciates correct attire. As
this suit has the Wooltex label, you maybe certain that
it will give you long time service and look well as
long as worn. For those who wish other models, we
have a large number of styles. Let us show them
to you.
The store that sells Wooltex.
when mighty Caesar came, and hav
ing found tho populace aflamo, ho
shoved September from tho seventh
place along to ninth, which has re
mained tho case. Ho merely Inter
changed It with July, but when ho
asked them how was that for high,
thoy fairly inundated him with
smiles, and have slnco been doing
about twenty miles.
Tho autumn equinox will como
And Roosevelt, by that tlmo eastward
Will aid It In the making of such
As they may find necessary to a few
And then the sun will turn still Bofter
And tho bold October, having duly
His planes, and carefully put on his
Will see what sort of landing ho can
Let wonderful WASHWAX do
your family washing; savc3 rubbing
and saves the clothes; makes them
clean, sweet and snowy white.
WASHWAX is a now scientific com
pound that washes in hot or cold
water without tho use of soap. It
is entirely harmless and different
from anything you havo ever used.
Send ten cents stamps today for reg
ular size by mall. You will bo glad
you tried It. Agents wanted to in
troduce WASHWAX everywhere.
Address Washwax Co., St. Louis,
Otto Heumann and Miss Elsie
Heumann have been at Shohola, tho
former home of the family, this
Mrs. John Lake of Sherman,
Wayne county, is visiting Mrs.
Theron Loomls of Lincoln avenue.
Carbondale Leader.
Food Fermenting
Causes Indigestion
"I got a box of Ml-o-na tablets for
a distress In my stomach, and the
first dose relieved me, and after I
took tho fourth I have not felt any
more of It. I think It Is a wonder
ful medicine." Hiram Shultz, Wat
seka, 111., July 27, 09.
If your stomach Is out of order
or distressed, no matter from what
cause, Ml-o-na stomach tablets will
give instant relief, and If taken reg
ularly, will cure indigestion, acuta
or chronic, or money back.
Every sufferer from stomach
trouble, gas, belching, sour stomach,
nervousness, dizziness, and bilious
ness, should get a fifty cent box of
Mi-o-na stomach tablets to-day and
start a treatment.
In three days' time the stomach
and bowels will be thoroughly puri
fied and sour stomach and distress
will vanish.
Continue the treatment for two
weeks and the stomach will become
so strong that It will be able to di
gest the heartiest meal without dis
tress. Sold by druggists everywhere
and by G. W. Peil.
Booth's Pills best for constipa
tion, 25c.
AUG. 31, 1910
Ask Ticket Agent For
This Business Woman's Suit is the
Smart, Trim, Practical Model that
women of good taste choose for gener
al all-around wear.
fabrics and exquisite tailor