The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 02, 1910, Image 2

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T1IE CITIZEN, FlttlUY, SKl'TEMIUin 2, 1010.
his am
Kansas Prrgresve Lea J ts
Greet Gol. Roosevelt.
Whllo Former President Is Touring
West, New York Supporterr Agree
to Fight For Him In Republic
an State Convention.
Osnwntomlo, Knn.. Aujr. 31. In tlio
crowd which shouted Itself hoarse to
tiny when Colonel Itoosevelt arrived
were ninny descendnntR of followers of
John Hrown, who waited cxpectiintlj
to hear what the former president
would have to say of thnt famous char
ncter of national nnd Kansas history
Mr. Itoosevelt's day began with nicot
ine; Governor Stutibs, Congressmen
Murdock and Madison and Senator
When he gets through here he will
dine with the insurgents at Governor
Stubbs' home in Lawrence. He will
start for Kansas City tomorrow.
In Ills impromptu speeches on the
way here Colonel Itoosevelt continued
to say interesting things.
"I nni ready and nnxlous." he said at
Colorado Springs, "to do my share In
the work there Is before us, I believe
that fundamentally we are sounder
than any other nation, but there are a
lot of things to be considered. For in
stance, tnke the corporations.
"I believe in doing full Justice to ev
cry corporation. It is entitled to Its
rights. It should be protected in Its
rights, but it Is not entitled to vote,
and it is not entitled to own any pub
lic servants. So far as I am able I will
protect the corporations against crooks
who blackmail them and against the
visionary demagogues who would
wrong the people by nttacking them
"And I will do everything in my
power," he shouted, "to take the cor-
poratlons out of politics. Wo want tc
break up the connection between
crooked politics and crooked business
To do that we must insist not only on
justice but on doing Justice. Do not
trukt men who will resort to any kind
of blackmail. If they c' i that they will
do you If they get the chance. Stand
by the clear headed ninn, and, aboyt
till, by the man whose deeds make
good his words."
Will Fight For Roosevelt.
New York, Aug. 31. Itepublican
County Chairman Griscom and others
have agreed that Colonel Itoosevelt's
name shall be presented to the coming
state convention as a candidate for
temporary chairman and also that they
will use their best endeavors to have
included m the party platform a direct
nominations plank.
This announcement was made aftei
conferences had been held between
Cliairmau Griscom, Fred Greiner, the
Itepublican leader of Huffalo; Collector
of the Port William Loeb, Jr., who
was described by bomo of those attend
ing the conference to be acting as the
representative of Colonel Itoosevelt;
Frederick J. H. Kracke, naval officer
of the port; former Mayor A. C. Cutler
of Itochester, State Senator Davenport
of Utlca, Mr. Sherman's homo town,
and Darwin H. James, Jr., the presi
dent of the Brooklyn Young Repub
lican club.
From reports which Mr. Griscom
has received from all parts of tho state
ho Is confident that tho progressives
will be able to dominate tho Saratoga
convention. It is believed by Mr.
Itoosevelt's friends that tho old guard
will have undivided delegations only
from Albany, Syracuse and Rochester.
Senator Davenport said that thero
would certainly be a divided delega
tion from Utlca. The samo will be
found to bo true, It was said after tho
Griscom conference, of every other
county In tho state. Tho progressives
go so far as to assert that nrf-nnnt im.
pearances indicate that they will have
at least ooo or tho 1,013 delegates to
tho convention, and as fins vnrra n-ni
constitute a majority their calculations
u tuey ore correct would enablo them
to smother the Barnes-Woodruff-'Wanl-"Wndswortu
Weather Probabilities.
Partly cloudy and somewhat warmer
today; fair and cooler tomorrow! light
to moderate winds.
( Solicitor General Believed to De )
Taft's Choice For Supreme Court. )
Beverly, Mass., Aug. 31. Discussion
if President Tnft's probable nppolnt
Jient to the supreme court was revived
here when it wns learned that the
president took luncheon yesterday at
the home of Charles P. Searles, near
Ipswich, with Associate Justice Holmes
and United States Judges L. D. Colt,
William L. Putnam and Francis C.
Lowell of the First circuit. The pres
ident has two vacancies to All on the
supreme bench. One occurred with the
death of Chief Justice Fuller and the
other will come about when Associate
Justice William II. Moody makes for
mal announcement of his retirement
under the recent act of congress. There
Is no doubt as to Mr. Moody's Inten
tion to quit the bench, although his
health is said to be improved.
So far as friends of the president
know at this time, ho has not changed
his mind as to the appointment of Gov
ernor Hughes to succeed Justice Ful
ler. The governor has already been
confirmed by the senate as an asso
ciate Justice succeeding the late Justice
Brewer. The president, if he follows
his present plan, will have to with
draw the governor's name as associate
Justice and submit again as chief Jus
tice. There is little doubt that Mr. Taft is
considering the name of Lloyd W.
Bowers, solicitor general of the United
States, for the other vacancy. Mr.
Bowers Is believed hero to stand a bet
ter ciionce nt this time than does any
other man.
Labor Leaders Ask Governor Harmon
to Demand Arbitration.
Columbus, O., Aug. 31. A Mount
Vernon avenue cor was dynamited at
Sandusky nnd Broad streets. Severe
injuries were sustained by a woman
passenger and by a iedestrlan on the
sidewalk. Both were rendered uncon
scious. The car crew escaped without hurts
and the car was not so badly damaged
as to prevent its being taken to tho car
barns with Its own power.
Although the trouble occurred in the
heart of a district notably In sympathy
with the car strike, it was not followed
by demonstrations of any kind.
W. D. Mahon, International presi
dent, and C. O. Pratt, chairman of the
Carmen's International union, aud a
group of other labor leaders from Co
lumbus and other Ohio cities formally
called upon General Manager Stewart
of the Columbus Railway and Light
company Jo arbitrate the strike diffi
culties. Stewart refused. lie said that
not ono man In a million was compe
tent to arbitrate.
Princeton Alumni Asked to Rally
Around President For Governor.
Trenton, N. J., Aug. 31. Ab n result
cf tho recent announcement of Pro
feasor Woodrow Wilson, president of
Princeton university, that ho would ac
cept the Democratic nomination for
governor of New Jersey If It appeared
that such was the wish of "a decided
majority of the thoughtful Democrats
of tho state," a movement has been
inaugurated to unite tho 1,400 mom
bers of the Princeton Alumni associa
tion in Now Jersey in support of Mr,
With this end in view a circular has
been sent to each member of tho asso
ciation, asking his aid In furthorlAB
tho candidacy of Princeton's president
Mysterious Girl Would Be
Suicide Identified.
Beautiful Actress, Who Tried to End
Her Life at the Hotel Astor, Says
She Was Denied 8uccess
With Honor.
New York, Aug. 31. Despite tho ef
forts made to conceal the identity of
the beautiful girl who attempted to
commit suicide in the Hotel Astor. it
has been leorned thnt she is Miss Vera
Fitch, a niece of the late Clyde Fitch,
noted playwright.
She Is n daughter of the lato Henry
Fitch of Onkland. Her sister, Miss
Grace Fitch, married a nephew of Ed
win U. Conger, former United States
minister to China, but left him to go
on the stage, taking her mniden name.
Falluro to win success on the stage,
and not disappointed literary ambition,
is given as the cause of tho girl's at
tempt at self destruction.
Miss Grace Fitch, n sister of the
young woman, is the leading woman
for Dr. Perriu, a palmist, who Is about
to open at Hainmcrstcln's Victoria.
The would be suicide Is also said to bo
a member of the Perrln compnny.
Some hours before the police began
to suspect that tho would be suicide
was Miss Fitch she yielded to the Im
portunities of lio doctors and nurses
far enough to say that her name was
Alice Cole. She gave the name with a
smile, and her demeanor satisfied the
doctors thut she wns not telling the
truth. An operation was performed
upon the girl late this afternoon for
the removal of tho bullet.
There Is nothing hysterical about this
remarkable girl, who, professing n
wish to attain oblivion, selected the
crowded notel Astor, in the heart of
the theatrical district, as the scene of
her attempt on her life. Even In pain
nnd suffering from the effects of drugs,
she is calm and determined.
The smnll pearl handled revolver she
used in her attempt on her life was
well aimed. But for n corset steel, the
bullet would have entered her heart
The steel deflected the missile, which
passed through her left lung nnd
lodged In her back.
At first the wound did not present a
serious aspect, but symptoms of blood
poisoning have developed. Then the
surgeons decided to remove the bullet.
The girl, before attempting to shoot
herself, wroto three remarkable letters.
These were found after tho uncon
scious girl, clad in rich evening attire,
had been removed to the hospital.
In one, addressed "To Mother," she
Never reproach yourself for what I am
about to do. You have been an angel of
love to me, and I regret that 1 cause you
this trouble. The force of fate has proved
too strong for me to cope with, and It
has driven me against the wall, and, be
ing defenseless, I resort to this cowardly
Then. too. I hate the Insincerity, sordid
nesa and disillusionment of life. That Is
all I have met with face to face In the
last two years. Ana now I seeK uie un
I can hear you say, dear, "It Is very
wrong for one to take one's own life
whatever the motive be."
It Is really deplorable that a girl can
not get along honorably In New York.
In some things I might have succeeded
had I conceded to the wishes of men
cultured, yes; usually moneyed, yes, but
never moral. I could never submit to
such thlivs. Death Is preferable. Ill for
tune has pursued me through.
In a letter to "Sister" she said;
Waiting the last two years, I havo sev
eral times been tempted to do this, and
now I will be successful for the first
time in my life In something that I
would not undo if I could. It Is hard to
do this, but still harder not to do it. Do
not grieve for me. Though I have never
Intentionally said or done an unkind thing
In my life, I recognize that my life has
been a mistake a hopeless mistake. Ob
livion Is what I want.
In tho third letter, to "Blanche," she
As with King Midas, everything turns to
gold; in my case everything turns to fail
ure. Think kindly of me. Remember it
might not have ts.-en so. Mine has been
an unhappy lite. Think kindly of me i
ask you again.
Democratio League Meets In Rochester
Before Convention.
Albany, Aug. 31. The Democratic
Stato league, orgauized at Saratoga
last full, Is to hold its second annual
conference nt Rochester Sept, 28, the
night beforo the Democratic state con
vention meets, on Sept. 20. This wns
determined by tho executive commit
tee, which met here.
Each assembly district will be en-
Wtled to three votes at tho conference,
which will be held in tho big assembly
room of the notel Seneca. Tho execu
tivo committee of tho league will hold
Its next mcetliig on tho afternoon of
Bept 28 at the Hotel Seneca.
Earth Caved In, Burying Them In
Clovoland, O., Aug. 81. Walter
Christopher, thirteen years old, and
Carl Broege, twclvo years old, were
smothered to death today when the
earth forming the roof of a tunnel
thoy had built nt Walworth run and
Fulton road caved in. Horraan Gobow
sky, fourtoon years old, oecapod. The
boys coraploted tho (unnal londny
night nnrt stocked it with mllU, broad
find other food, intending to camp
Chief Special Agent Kills
Murderous Assailant.
Discharged Groat Northern Railroad
Employes, After Falling to Shoot
Former Superior, Makes Attempt
to Blow Up Building.
Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 31. C. P.
Welsh, a discharged special ngent of
tho Great Northern railroad, was shot
and instantly killed by Al O. Ray,
chief of tho road's special agents, aft
er Welsh had hurled a bottlo contain
ing nitroglycerin nnd fired five times
nt Ray in an attempt to take his life.
The bottlo contained enough nitro
glycerin to blow up the entire building
in which tho tragedy was enacted.
Tho shootlug occurred in Rny's of
flco in the Great Northern building,
St. Paul. Ray gave himself up Imme
diately after Welsh was killed and Is
held by tho St Paul police. It is be
lieved no formal cliargo will bo made
against him, since tho authorities are
convinced that he acted entirely In
self defense.
Welsh had been special agent for the
Great Northern in Duiuth, but had
been discharged by Ray becauso lie
had shot and wounded Georgo Miller
In an affray near Duiuth not long ngo.
Ray claimed Welsh had fired on Miller
without provocation.
Welsh left the Great Northern July
21. Since then he had been calling al
most dally at Ray's oillce asking for
re-employment nnd demanding a rec
ommendation. When Ray refused ho
threatened his life.
Welsh went to the Union station in
St Paul, where he told John Lane, the
station detective, that ho "would get
Ray yet." Lane told him to keep still
and leave tho premises, and Welsh
then threatened his life.
Before Rny reached his office yester
duy Welsh appeared and nsked Chief
Clerk Lewis Hess if there was any
mail for him. On being told that there
wns not he left, saying, "Where is Al?"
"He will be in in n few minutes,'1
"Tell him I'll be back," said Welsh
as he went out.
A moment or two later Ray put in
an appearance, and, going into his pri
vate office, began to open his mail.
While he was thus employed AVelsh
appeared unannounced at the door and
began to fire at Ray. With the first
shot Ray dropped to the floor behind
his desk, nnd, using that as a screen,
kept out of hnrin's wny as Welsh fired
five shots. When Welsh ceased firing
Rny stood up from behind his desk
and fired, killing his assailant in
stantly. Welsh's shots struck the wall Inline
diately behind Ray's desk and within
a few Inches of Ray's head. He fired
with his right hand nnd seemed to be
feeling for something in his pocket
witli his left. As Ray brought his pis
tol Into action Welsh fired his last shot.
Then he threw the package which he
had taken from his pocket. The bul
lets from Rny's revolver seemed to
confuse Welsh, and he put little force
behind ills attempt. Ray did not real
Ize until afterward that tho package
contained nitroglycerin, with fuse and
cap attnehed.
Ray's shots were deadly. At least
four of the sis bullets took effect.
Walsh staggered into tin anteroom and
fell dead.
Detective Jnnies Murnaue picked up
the llnsk of nitroglycerin that Welsh
had thrown at Ray. Tho explosive
filled a pint flask. It wns wrapped in
heavy brown paper. Holes had been
cut carefully through the top of the
paper and the percussion cap which
was attached to a fuse, which should
have set off the fluid, was pushed
through the holes.
"There was enough to destroy the
whole building," said .Murnane. "The
heavy paper prevented the explosion
but even nt that it is reninrknblo it did
uot go off."
Inspector Dew Finds Card Construed
as Confession of Guilt.
London, Aug. 30. "I cannot stand
tho horror I go through every night
nny longer, nnd ns I see nothing bright
abend and my Journey Is coming to nn
rnd, I have rande up my mind to Jump
overboard tonight I know I have
spoiled your life, but somo day you
may learn to forglvo me. My last
words are of love."
Theso words, construed as virtual
confession of guilt under tho prompt
Ings of despair and remorse, wero writ
ten on the back of a business card and
found pmong the effects of Dr. nnwley
Harvey Crlppen nf ter his arrest on the
steamship Montrose off Father Point,
Quebec. Inspector Dew of Scotland
Yard read them In his testimony when
Crlppen nnd Ethel Clara Lenevo ap
peared In t.ho Bow street police court
charged with the murder of Belle El
more, Crippen's wifo, last February.
Tho note was supposed to bn Intended
for Miss Leucve, to bo seen by her
uf ter Crippen's suicide.
In addition to tho major accusation
against the Lenevo woman, which tho
prosecutor admits is not supported by
proof, she Is charged with being ac
cessory after tho fact In that she bar
bored Crlppen knowing that ho had
killed his wifo.
The hearing Is to bo resumed on
Ront n.
Throwa Carbolic Into Crowd Trying to
Injure Mai Who Jilted Her.
Wllkcsbnrre, Pn., Aug. 31. Ten men
were burned with carbolic acid by
Miss Barbnra Walton of Plymouth,
who tried to destroy tho features of
Thomns Price, a mine worker, of
whom she wns Jealous becnuse he had
transferred Ids nffectlons to another
Price was at the Dodsou mine nbout
to be lowered to his work, and nine
other men wero with him, when Miss
Walton, who had been hiding behind
some timber, darted forward with a
large bottle of acid in her hand nnd
throw the contents nt Price.
Where to Begin.
Tnlr horn " unlit tha rnfnrmlni? hun
band; "wo must have things arranged
in this house so thnt wo shall know
Just whero everything is kept."
"with all ray heart" sweetly an
swered his wlfo. "nnd let us begin with
your late hours, my love. I should
very much llko to know where thoy
are kept" stray stones.
Healthful conditions, pure spring nn
ter, lake frontage, oxtcnslvo campus.
Aciv modern gymnasium. Pre
pares for nil colleges and technical
courses. Strong Music nnd Com
mercial courses. Fnll term begins
Sept. O. Catalog upon request.
Fnctoryvllle, Pa.
Wafer Bonds
From 5 to 6 per cent.
In denominations of
100, 500 and 1,000
If interested
call on or address
303-I4th St.,
Honesdale, Pa.
tti! i u x i 1 1 ittuttitiiitttniitttxiitiiiiiiiiiiiiixi
in your family you of course call
a reliable physician. Don't stop
at that; have bis prescriptions
put up at a reliable pharmacy,
even it it is a little farther from
your home than some other store.
You can And no more reliable
store than ours. It would be im
possible for more care to be taken
in the selection of drugs, etc., or
in the compounding. Prescrip
tions brought here, either night
or day, will be promptly and
accurately compounded by a
competent registered pharmacist
and tho prices will be most rea
sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS,
Opp. D. & H. Station, Honesdale. Pa.
D. & li. CO. TlflE TABLE
8 30
10 00
10 00,
10 00
4 30
6 05
Albany ....
10 00
2 15
8 30,
2 15
... Philadelphia.
1 20
2 OB
7 25
8 15
4 40
9 30
1 20
7 10
7 53
2 IMS'
S 40
9 SO
5 51
9 03
9 15
9 19
9 36
6 20
6 30
2 03
2 13
2 19
8 45
8 55
8 59
9 18
Carbondnle ....
...Lincoln Avenue..
.... Ijike Ixxlore ...
... . Wnymnrt
Honesdale ....
6 31
U 11
6 52
2 371
2 43
6 17
B 23
6 26
6 32
6 39
6 43
9 42
ti 88.
7 04
7 07i
7 13
9 48
2 49
2 52
9 29,
9 32
9 91
9 67,
10 00
10 04
2 57
9 3:
7 16
7 20
2 8!
3 03
9 39
9 43
9 47
10 OS
7 21
7 27i
7 31
3 07
H 46
6 CO
10 11
3 10
3 15
9 50
9 95
10 15
A.M. P.M.
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year opeiu wicn a deluge of new mixed paints. A con
dition brought about by our enterprising dealors to get some kind
of a mixef paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised,
may find a sale with tlio unwary.
AtimonizED to handle LHILI UN 5 ffllAfcU rAIN I
There are reasons for the pre-minouce of CHILTON PAINTS
1st No one can mix a better mixed paint.
2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won
derful covoring qualities.
8d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at hia
own expenso.ovory surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves aofoctivo.
4th Those who have used it aro porfectly satisfied with it
and recommend its use to others.
Is Your Appetite
Always Good?
Why can't you eat as you used to ? Sim
ply because your liver doesn't do Its work
properly. Its business is to take bile out
of tho blood, which acts as Nature's
cathartic, but your liver Is sluggish and the
bile accumulates too fast, and you feel
worn out, tired and lifeless, and each suc
ceeding day brings no relief. The use of
Smith's I'Jncapple and Butternut Pills will
rcgulato your bowels, stimulate your liver,
and promote a healthy, vigorous appetite.
Mr. Hat W. Duox, of Banford, Mo.,Vrlteii
" 1 hsre gained ten pournli. 1 con now eat all
kinds of fowl."
Try them and you will be convinced that
these little vegetable pills are Indeed a tonic
and stimulant to the functions of the liver.
Then your brain will be active, your mind
clear, and health conditions again estab
lished and you can cat anything. Get
your liver right. Smith's Pineapple and
Butternut Pills act gently but surely on the
liver. Physicians use and recommend.
They form no habit. You should always
keep them on hand. These little Vegeta
ble Pills will ward off many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
A V SMITH'S , Iffi-W
y piheappleVP
CO I'UIa In Gins Ylnl 25c All Dealer.
For Sick Kidneys
Bladder Dlseane. lUienmatlam,
the one tett remedy. Reliable,
endow! by leading physlclana;
safe, effectual. IteenlK luting.
On the market 19 yean. Have
cured thonianda. 100 pills In
original glata package, CO cents.
Trial boxei, CO Milt, ss cents. All
drngglita wll and recommend.
Roll of
Attention is called to trie STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
City lias published a ROLL Or
HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
: Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00
; Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00
I Honesdate. Pa., May 29, 190S.
You will make money
I byhavlne me.
2 00
12 40
10 50
8 45
10 50
8 45
3 63
7 31
7 32,
7 31
7 32
10 20i
9 37
4 03
3 15
7 15
6 20
2 25
1 35
10 05
P M.
8 05
7 51
1 35
1 23
5 40
6 30
12 1
8 17
8 13
7 54
7 47
7 41
7 39
7 32
7 19
7 15
12 07
12 03
7 60
1 21
5 24
7 33
1 03
12 56
9 OH
11 41
7 23
5 01
11 371
7 19
12 SI
9 56
11 31
7 17
12 49
12 43
12 40
12 36
12 32
12 29
4 94
11 29
7 12
4 48
4 45
11 23
7 09
7 05
11 20
4 41
11 16
11 12
11 09
11 03
7 01
4 37
4 31
4 30
6 88
6 55
12 25
Lv A.M. P.M.
A.M. P.M.
n i