The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 02, 1910, Image 1

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    THE WEATHER Friday overcast weather nnd nearly stationary tcnipeintnm will prevail, with fresh vnrlnblo winds and on Saturday partly cloudy.
f tf t' V H X K" ? li K MSfl If tf V
Wayne CotinjKpf)rgan j
I ot W '
Scml-Wcekly Founded vt
k 1908 y
k v,
k Weekly Founded, 1844 J
67th YEAE.
NO 70
A tall, lathy, pleasant-faced young
fellow with eyeglasses and a cane
walked Into the Wayne hotel at C
o'clock Wednesday night and said
ho was walking from Auburn, N. Y.,
to Philadelphia and guessed Hones
dale would be a good place to stop
over night. Ho said he was C. F.
Taber, employed In tho Quaker City
but living In Bordentown, N. J., a
Burlington county village 25 miles
up the Delaware.
Mr. Taber walked from Auburn
to Chenango Forks, N. Y from
Chenango to Deposit, Deposit to
Scott centre, Scott to Lake Como,
Lake Como to Wlnwood, where the
tired but confident tramper slept
Tuesday night.
"How many miles a day do you
walk on an average?" Mr. Taber was
"About 22 or 23," he replied, "but
It all depends. Some days I feel
like getting In 30, and I do It.
Other days, passing through a beau
tiful strip of country or meeting
friendly farmers, I stop to look and
talk. There Is no money Induce
ment to get up my speed. I'm out
for fun and health."
"How about the expense of such
a trip?"
"Well, It Is fairly expensive. It
costs me $2 or $3 a day to keep
going, for I stop at good hotels
when I can."
"How are your feet?" butted In
a bystander on the hotel piazza.
Mr. Taber laughed.
"Only one blister," he said, "and
that one's coming nicely. I cut It
open and treated It, and then I put
on cohesive plaster. That's tho best
"What do you think of Pennsyl
vania roads?"
"Some of them are good, but, the
avorage road la Now York goes
ahead of them. They post notices
warning drivers not to keep right
along in the same rut and to use
wide tires. .The good roads senti
ment Is powerful In the lower tier
of York state counties."
Mr. Taber will start today
for Stroudsburg. His baggage
was shipped there from Chenango.
He Is due In Philadelphia Sept. 15.
"But I can't tell you the precise
day when I shall hang up my hat
in the city of Brotherly Love," he
added. "I may find some village
that appeals to me and stop over
there for a day or two."
He thinks Wayne county Is a
beautiful region. Unlike Edward
Payson Weston, Mr. Taber 1b out
solely for the fun of the outing.
Unlike the veteran tramper, too, he
lopes from the hip, does not swing
his arms and shoulders violently,
and does not howl and swear at
everything that gets in the way of
his pedestrinal progress. His walks,
which have taken him through many
states and to hundreds of interest
ing places, are taken goodnaturedly
and Mr. Taber says he has hundreds
of acquaintances in New York and
Ohio and Michigan and California
who want him to call again.
Prohibition Candidate for Governor
Asks City Sprinklers as Adver
tisement. SCRANTON, Sept. 1. Madison F.
Larkln, Prohibition candidate for
governor, wants to uso the city
sprinkling wagons in tho Labor
day parade to advertise his candi
dacy on the cold-water ticket.
Mr. Larkln made his request at
the office of Director of Public Works
C. V. Terwllllger. He said ho un
derstood the city had six water wag
ons and so wanted to uso two of
"I will cover the sides of the wag
on with posters," said Mr. Larkln.
"Wo will bring up the rear of tho
Labor day parade Just after tho in
dustrial division."
Tho request was taken under ad
visement by tho director. Tho fact
that Scranton's first candidate for
governor would take advantage ot
water wagons to urge bis candidacy,
and especially at the tail end of a
Labor day parade, shows that Mr.
Larkln is alive to the power ot ad
vertising. Locul Option and Antl-8uloon Talka.
Prof. Bromley Smith of Bucknell
university will speak on "Local Op
tion" Sunday at Calkins at 11 a. m.,
at Milanvllle at 3 p. m. and at Tyler
Hill at 7.30 v- m.
Ilev. 0. H. Brandt, district super
intendent ot the Anti-Saloon league,
will occupy the pulpit of Damascus
M. E. church Sunday, Sept. 11, at
11 a. m.; at Galilee at 2.30 p. m.,
and at Abrahamsvillo at 7.30 p. m.
TEKHE HILL, Sept. 1. While
B. W. Weaver was calling on his
neighbor, Mr. Kline, the Keystone
party committeeman from that dis
trict called and asked Mr. Kline,
who Is one of the trustees of the
church, If ho could have the use of
the church for W. II. Berry to
preach In, Mr. Kline asked him If
Mr. Berry was a preacher. The man
said yes that Berry was a local
minister going from town to town
Sundays to preach and that he had
the consent of the other trustees,
but It was up to Mr. Kline and what
ever he said they would agree to.
Mr. Kline then asked:
"Why does Mr. Berry want to
como here?"
"Why," the man answered, "he
is going all over tho state to preach
and ho want3 to preach In Lancas
ter county."
Mr. Kline then said:
"Why, ye3, we would like to hear
Mr. Berry very much, but we would
like to set the date."
The man said that would be all
"Well, then," Mr. Kline said,
"wo will wait until after election to
hear Mr. Berry."
The Berry man said:
"Oh, that will never do! He
wants to come before election."
"Well, then," Mr. Kline said,
"this church is dedicated to re
ligion, not to politics."
Berry will not come.
Republican Stat Campaign Will
Open Saturday Night.
HARRISBURG, Sept. 1. Satur
day night at Charlerol the Republi
can campaign in Pennsylvania will
be officially opened, when Congress
man John K. Tener, candidate for
governor, will address his home
people. Afterward there will be
considerable public speaking and
the orators will appear in every sec
tion of the state.
Gov. Edwin S. Stuart will make
four addresses in behalf of Mr.
Tener, speaking at Philadelphia,
Pittsburg, Scranton and Altoona.
What Gov. Stuart has to say upon
the subject will be heard with much
Interest, for there is no man in the
state In whom tho people have
greater confidence.
James Scarlet whoso splendid rec
ord In the prosecution of the state
capltol grafters Is known to every
voter in the state, will also make
several addresses for the Charlerol
candidate. It will bo recalled that
tho Keystone ticket sought Mr.
Scarlet, but he refused to have any
thing to do with the disappointed
crow of ofllceseekers composing that
organization. Lieut. Gov. Murphy,
Thomas F. Murphy, Senator Sproul
and Senator Crow will be among
tho Republican campaigners.
Mui taugh's Pets Will Tnko on Chad
wick Team Xext.
CARBONDALE, Sept. 1. Mana
ger Murtaugh has completed ar
rangements with Harry Tighe, mana
ger ot tho Chadwlck team of New
York state, to play hero Sunday.
Tho Chadwlck team Is ouo of the
fastest amateur aggregations in low
er New York, and a good gamo is ex
pected. Mr. Tighe, the manager of
the Chadwlck team, is a former resi
dent of this city and has many
friends here. He playB on tho Chad
wlck team and had some reputation
as a ballplayer when he resided in
this city some years ago.
Manager Murtaugh is making ar
rangements with Dr. Knapp, mana
ger ot the Forest City team, for a
series of three games. Forest City
succeeded in winning two of tho
three games played with tho locals
this season, but since the local team
has been greatly strengthened
"Nick" is confident ot winning a
series from the Forest City boys.
PORT JERVIS, N. Y., Sept. 1.
Jtepresentatlvo William S. TJennet
spent yesterday in town with his
family, who are summering here.
He has just returned from tho Tioga
county fair, which was held at New
ark Valley, and was the guest of
Congressman John Dwlght, tho Re
publican whip of the house ot rep
resentatives, whoso home at Dry
den. Mr. Bennet delivered an ad
dress on the fairgrounds. He will
leavo tho latter part ot this week
for Portland, Me., to take part in
the Congressional campaign in that
Western Farmers Gather G.olden
Grain ; Are Ready to Pick Apples
The harvest season is in full swing In the far west, and hundreds of great
combined harvesters drawn by many spans of horses are cutting the golden
grain, separating the chaff from the seed nnd sacking It ready for shipment to
the big Hour mills of tho east Apples, too, are nearly ready for the pickers In
the northwest, and the orchardlsts expect one of tho largest crops In tho his
tory of the Industry. Homes for 7,000 families will bo provided in central
Washington this fnll by the opening to settlement of more than 1,000,000
acres of land on the Yakima Indian reservation, and, as all this will doubtless
be devoted to tho raising of small fruit, vegetables and grain, a fow years from
now will probably see still greater activity In the newest port of tho United
Fr. Walsh of Forest City Out, IIc
Won't Say How Much.
liam McDermott, held In Buffalo for
extradition to the Jurisdiction of the
Monroe county courts on the charge
of a diamond robbery and obtaining
money by false pretenses, is also
wanted for larceny In Forest City,
the complainant being Rev. R. H.
Walsh of St. Agnes' Catholic church.
Father Walsh wrote the Monroe
authorities that McDermott worked
him In a confidence- game. Ho was
sent out to make" a "purchase, but
Instead borrowed money from the
merchant and with what was given
him by the priest he made a hasty
Father Walsh says that if McDer
mott had his just deserts "he would
be put in a penitentiary and kept
CARBONDALE, Sept. 1. Frank
Burnett of Waymart was admitted
to Emergency hospital Tuesday,
where ho will undergo an operation.
Mr. Burnett had his foot Injured
several months ago.
f I ! 4 4 -h f. .j. . , .j.
The platform for the state grange, to be carried out by
the legislative committee, was adopted by the executive
and legislative committee of the grange just before the ad-
journment of its sessions at the Bolton house, Harrisburg.
The platform, copies of which will be widely distributed
among the Grangers of the state for action by the local
granges, is as follows:
"The Pennsylvania State grange stands squarely for the
following principles, which we want adopted and enforced.
To this end we earnestly recommend that cagh grange set
apart a number of meetings for the discussion of these
questions and report their action to the worthy master of
state grange before the coming annual meeting of the state
grange. The legislative committee was formed to aid in
securing the passage and enforcement of laws of which we
approve and the influence of your committee in securing J
legislation depends primarily upon the fidelity of the mem-
bership in selecting favorable legislation and in urging
them both directly and through your committee to vote
for these principles. A thorough discussion of these ques- t
tions will do much to clarify sentiment and a definite re-
port discloses the unity of the opinion.
i. Equalization of taxation (a) By relieving real estate "i
of taxation by increasing state appropriation for local pur-
poses, viz: schools and roads, (b). A law to pay school
districts the minimum salary of teachers for the minimum
school term, (c) An appropriation from the state to
townships of 100 per cent, of tax raised by townships for
road purposes up to $25 per mile, (d) The enforcement
of the constitutional provision for taxing all classes of sub- !
jects uniformly. 4
"2. The initiative, referendum, recall (a) A3 it applies to
all branches of local government and to all matters which i'
affect the public in the different units of government. "i"
(This means local option on all subjects as well as upon
the traffic in liquor.)
"1. We favor the parcels post. J
"2. We favor the election of United States senators by f
popular vote.
"3. We favor conservation of timber and mineral lands.
"4. We are opposed to ship subsidy.
"5. We are opposed to a centralized bank. 4
"6. We are opposed to American-made goods being sold
cheaper abroad than at home."
Man Who Started Diamond Career
In Carbondalc Makes Good.
CARBONDALE, Sept. 1. Manager
McGraw of the Giants has announc
ed the purchase of Billy Cranston,
who played In this city, from the
Denver team of tho Western asso
ciation. Bill has been putting up
a star game and batting over .300
for Denver, which team is now lead
ing tho league.
Cranston is playing short. He
was released when a general all
around cleanout was made In Kan
sas City a .few months ago. The
Kaw'City nine was In bad shape and
a whole new infield and pitching
staff was signed.
It will be remembered that Bill
got his start In this city with the
old Association team.
Sullivan's Fair Receipts Increased. '
The Sullivan. M. v.. ennntv fninl
receipts this year are about ?400 in
excess of last year and more than
any other year In the history of the
society. They are divided as fol
lows: Gate receipts $1, CSC. 07;
grandstand $201.55; privileges
$588.50; advertising ?G3.00. Total
SCRANTON, Sept. 1. The "Old
Gravity Boys," who years ago pilot
ed cars from Hawley to Port Blan
chard over the Pennsylvania Coal
company's system and over the Del
aware & Hudson between Hones
dale and Olyphant, are getting ready
for their aunual reunion, to be held
Saturday at Nay Aug park, Just out
of Scranton. It is expected that
several hundred former employes of 1
the two roads will gather to talk,
over old times and relate tho ex
periences of those good old days.
These annual meetings always!
prove enjoyable. The association I
was formed several years following!
the abandonment of tho Gravity sys-
tern and each succeeding year finds
much enthusiasm manifested at the
reunion. The Gravity men from I
every town along tho routes of the I
Pennsylvania and the D. & H. will, I
It is expected, attend this event. The I
president Is A. C. Snyder of Dun-j
more. Deputy County Controller !
Charles P. Savage is the secretary.
New officers are to bo elected at Sat
urday's meeting.
Tho committee arranging for this
reunion Is composed of S. A. Dletz,
P. J. Foster and E. A. Wonnacott of
Carbondale, William D. Blgalt and
William E. Borrell of Dunmore and
Albert Shaffer of Lake Ariel.
William Katz Tokes Scranton Bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Katz, Mr.
and Mrs. Jonas Katz, Mr. and Mrs.
Emanuel Freeman, Samuel J. Katz,
Mrs. E. A. Katz and Joseph Katz
have been at Harvey's lake, near
WIlkes-Barre, tbday to witness the
marriage of William Katz, one of
the best liked young business men
In Honesdale, and Miss Maud Mor
ris of Scranton, who were united at
noon, Rev. Salsmann tying the knot.
The happy couple, after tho wed
ding feast and other festivities,
which are being held this afternoon,
will go for a wedding trip through
New York state, their itinerary in
cluding Buffalo and Niagara Fall3.
Upon their arrival In Honesdale they
will commence housekeeping in the
Steinman house, which has been
fitted up In the finest sort of shape
for their comfort and convenience.
Honesdale, Scranton and other rel
atives and friends gave Mr. and Mrs.
Katz a great many very substantial
evidences of their confidence and
good wishes. The bride Is an esti
mable young woman, whose friends
In Scranton nnd outside are as nu
merous as her acquaintances.
Honesdale friends expect to give Mr.
Katz a welcome ho can always re
member when, about Sept. 12, he
comes home with his bride. He is
a member of the Greater Honesdale
Board of Trade and as soon as plac
ed on the membership committee
he went out and got 25 business and
professional men to Join the organi
zation and pay ?2 apiece for dues.
Llko all tho Katz people In Hones
dale, ho is public-spirited.
They Stoned Non-Union Man and
Shouted "Scab" at Mm.
Emil Herbeck and Attorney P. H.
Iloff, tho Herbeck-Demer peoplo's
lawyer, called on Justice Robert A.
Smith this forenoon at 11 o'clock
and got warrants for Peter Goodlln,
Benjamin Breidenstclu and Charles
VIcInus, who were charged with dis
orderly conduct in throwing stones
at a non-union workman and shout
ing "scab" and other names. Tho
alleged offence was committed about
a fortnight back.
Dotectlvo Spencer went after the
trio, all glass shop employes, and had
them In front ot Justice Smith at
2.30 this afternoon. They had no
counsel, and they all promptly
pleaded guilty. Tho threo witnesses
were told they could go. ,
Mr. Iloff urged the court to give
tho boys the fine limit.
"This thing," ho said, "has been
going on too long. Thero has been
too much of this business ot shout
ing 'Scab' at men who don't bolong
to tho union. The peace and dignity
ot tho community theso young men
must be taught to respect. A ?10
fine for each of them would bo none
too much."
Justice Smith gave tho three a
sharp locturo and fined thorn $5
apiece. He told them some man
with real estate must guarantee the
payment of $8.91 within five days.
At 3 o'clock P. J. Moran, who of
fered to help tho boys out, was tele
phoning to their friends to keep the
threo young mea out ot Jail.
C. W. Seaman of Carbondale spent
Sunday with Honesdale relatives.
Mrs. Seaman and daughter, Mar
cenla, who have been visiting friends
the past week, returned with him
VERSALLY. Orville Lafayette Rowland
"Cap" Rowland his hundreds of
friends affectionately called him
died Tuesday afternoon at 4.30 at
his home, 309 Tenth street, of con
gestion of the brain. He had been
ailing several weeks and for four or
five days before the end came his
condition was critical. Hope was
abandoned Tuesday noon, when Dr.
H. B. Ely and Dr. F. W. Powell, the
attending physicians, told Mrs. Row
land and the children that the hus
band and father of their home could
not possibly get through another
night and might breathe his last be
fore sundown. The wife, son and
daughter of Mr. Rowland were at
the bedside when the struggle ended.
Never a man to complain, Mr.
Rowland kept up and dressed as
long as he could and did not go to
bed until Saturday. Up to that time
he had lain down a good deal, but
always went to the table regularly
for his meals. He lost a good deal
of flesh lately. When In his proper
condition he weighed something like
195 pounds, but he lost 10 or 15
pounds during August.
One of Mr. Rowland's closest
friends was Dr. Harry B. Searles. To
him he said on the street one day
last week:
"My head bothers me all the time.
I don't know what's the matter with
Dr. Searles advised him to see his
physician without delay rind Mr.
Rowland did that. He was advised
to rest and take things easy for a
time. Soon after that he went to
There was no man in Wayne
county who had more warm and
devoted personal friends than Orville
L. Rowland. He was an exceeding
ly genial, frank and companionable
man, and he was free from the
smallest suspicion of professional
crookedness. Many who knew him
well say he was far and away too
tenderhearted to be a lawyer. Ho
hated to see people In trouble. Ho
generally advised people to steer
clear of the law, though he could
have materially augmented his in
come by steering them into it. All
his brother lawyers respected hla
high moral standards and tho
thoroughness of his legal learning.
One of them, who Is not quoted by
name, said today:
"Rowland, like all of us, was
sometimes approached by parties
with a crooked scheme to put
through. They would ask him, say,
how $2,000 could be made by this
trick or that. He invariably gave
them a patient hearing, for Row
laud was always patient, and then
ho'd say:
" 'Yes, that thing can be done,
but don't count on me to help you
do It.' "
Mr. Rowland's mental equipment
Tor the law was very noticeable, even
to laymen. He had a very retentlvo
memory and an excellent command
of clear, Idiomatic English, though
he never tried to be a fancy speaker.
Ho was eminently peaceablo in tem
perament and disliked to engage in
disputes outside tho necessary argu
ments of tho courtroom or to hear
wrangling on the part of others.
It was frequently said of him that
he could calm discordant factions
with fewer words than any other
man In Wayne county.
In outdoor sports Mr. Rowland
was particularly Interested. He lov
ed to shoot and fish, and every fall
he made it a point to drop law busi
ness for a fortnight In order to go
over into tho woods of Pike county
and rough it. Ho was a good shot
and handy with rod and line. Ho
was an Ideal hunting nnd Ashing
companion and men that had been
In the Pike woods once with "Cap"
Rowland wore always eager to go
Mr. Rowland had Just turned his
half century. Ho was born at
Rowlands, tho Plko county vlllago
that long ago was named for tho
family, Nov. 21, 1859. His father
was George H. and his mother
Katherino Rowland. He wont to
school at Rowlands and was a dill
gent studont. At 15 ho entered
Wyoming seminary and at 19 grad
uated. Ho had decided to bo a law
yer and from Wyoming ho went to
Albany, N. Y. Law school and stud
led threo years.
Mr. Rowland's wife was Harriot
Julia Genung, daughter of Ezra and
Nancy Genung ot Honesdale. Tho
wedding took place hero on Sopt 12,
1888, Rev. Georgo C. Hall, at that
time settled over Grace church, ty
ing the knot. Mr, and Mrs. Row
land had two children. Harold
Genung, their son, has lived here all
(Continued on Pago Eight).