The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 31, 1910, Image 2

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Tho following detailed write-up of
im lnuiortnnt Stroudsburg Industry
Is from the Monroe Record, ouo of tho
clovcrcBt papers of Its kind In this
The new factory of William II.
Glbbs & Co., Incorporated, manufac
turers of cut glass, located on Scott
street, this place, tho plant built by
public subscription, Is in operation
and It nlready presents a very lively
scene, although It Is not any way
near In full running order. The
shafting was tried out on Saturday
and on Monday tho frames, as the
cutting machines are called, were
placed in operation. There are about
20 hands employed at tho factory at
this time, all from this town with
the exception of six experienced men
brought hero from Hawley, where tho
plant was formerly located. This In
itself Is a demonstration of tho local
value of tho vactory.
A Record man called there and was
very pleasantly received by Mr.
Glbbs, who, although head over heels
at work, found tlmo to talk to the
newspaper man of the plans of the
company and tho progress already
made at the plant. He was delighted
with the factory erected by means of
the money subscribed by the progres
sive, patriotic business men and oth
ers of the borough. And well he
could bo for a brighter, more attrac
tive place for men and women to
In could not well bo imagined.
The factory is not nearly ready for
business, but tho company has or
ders on hand and It Is anxious to get
tho local people in shape to turn out
the products and consequently no un
necessary tluio was lost In getting in
operation. The majority of tho em
ployes at present are boys, who are
learning the art of glasscutting,
which has proven so profitable wher
ever the industry is located.
That they were enjoying the work,
and it is very interesting, was best
evidenced by the pleased expressions
on their faces. They certainly did
look happy. They seemed to take
the interest of a veteran in the work
and Mr. Gibbs was loud in his praise
of the work they were doing for the
short time they had been engaged at
it. He declared that they would
make expert workmen if they stuck
to the work and tried. He has ex
perienced men training them In the
art and they are taking the greatest
of pains with their young pupils.
There was no unnecessary noise
or commotion about the place; every
one seemed to be very deeply inter
ested in the work at hand. The merry
tinkle of the glass as It was run over
the steel or stone or emory wheels
as the case might he was as music to
the ears of tho operatives and to the
visitors, who are very proud of the
fact that the factory is located here
and in operation.
There are now 48 frames located
on the second floor of the building,
but this will he increased to 5 G In the
course of another week or so. There
are, as stated, 20 employes engaged
at the work, hut It is the hope of
the manufacturers to increase this
number to 150 when everything Is In
full running order. This will afford
some idea of the magnitude of the
youngest industry of the borough.
When It Is taken Into consideration
that when the industry was first lo
cated In Honesdale In 1SS4, about 12
men were at work and today there
are fully 500 engaged at the Indus
try there, the start in Stroudsburg
Is in every way beyond that of
Honesdale in point of numbers.
While there is no assurance that this
will prove to be anywhere near the
outcome, still there is no reason why
the success of Honesdale should not,
be duplicated here, If numbers at the
inception count for anything.
The glass used In tho cutting is
known as "lead blanks," the only
kind of glass that will stand the cut
ting and polishing. This Is procured
from various places, Honesdale, Ro
chester and so on. It is carefully
marked out at first and then given
to the operators. It Is cut roughly
either by steel, sand and water or by
emory or stone and next tho sand Is
lemoved from the creases. Tho fin
isher takes a hand at the work and
In turn It goes to tho polisher, which
work Is done by a huffing wheel of
felt, and tho washing and paraflnlng
follows In turn. Following a care
ful Inspection, It is dipped In acid and
is ready for the shipping clerk. It is
plain to be seen that much work Is
necessary to turn out each piece of
cut glass, every one going through
this same operation. Tho value of
tho product depends entirely on tho
amount of time that Is consumed In
tho cutting and finishing. One piece
may take an hour and a half or two
or four or five hours. It all depends
upon tho pattern and tho amount of
labor required to put It on tho
Speaking of tho industry, which at
fords pleasant and very lucrative em'
ployment, a member of the Arm stat
ed that from tho very start tho cal
amity howlers said that tho industry
would not amount to anything, that
the demand would dlo out, and so
on, but the fact was that with each
succeeding year tho demand was on
the increase. Ho had been In the
business 10 years and in all that
time ho bad no troublo to sell tho
wares. Ho did not think that tho
sales depended largely on industrial
conditions and that, being a luxury
to a certain degree, was bought only
when tho conditions wero good gen
orally, but Bald that thero wbb a
steady demand for tho wages. Tho
pcoplo appreciated tho work on a
pleco of cut glass and wanted It.
The product that Is being mndo
now Is prlclnpally goblets and wator
glasses, being rather cheap and of a
nnture that can be readily sold. This
Is tho best class of goods for tho
beginners to work on. Tho boys at
every framo wero engaged In making
these when a Record man called thero
to go over the plant. These can bo
sold for little money, being cut glass
just tho same as the dcaror grades,
but being more easily disposed of.
Tho motive power of tho plant Is
secured from two motors, the one
operating the machinery on tho sec
ond floor being a 15-horso power
and that on the first floor 10-horso
power. This power Is tho best adapt
ed to the needs of tho plant.
The carpenters are busily engaged
now fitting out tho factory and they
will soon have their work done. Tho
public olllce is In the front of tho
main floor and Is largo and spacious.
Adjoining will be a private office.
The display room will bo in tho rear
of tho latter office and will bo at
tractive and light. Tho wash room
will bo in tho rear of theso rooms
and tho major portion of tho rear of
tho first floor will be used for glass
cutting purposes and thero will be
27 girls put to work there as soon
as tho machinery Is In place and
ready for operation. Tho engine
room and the acid room are on the
first floor, the former being lowered
so as not to Interfere with the light
which Is so essential to the work of
glasscutting. Tho entire top floor
Is equipped for cutting. That there
will be no trouble in the matter of
light is evidenced by the fact that
the company owns sufllclen land to
prevent building close to the struc
ture. Mr. Gibbs has secured the services
of two very experienced men to teach
the new hands, the superintendent
being Charles Miller, a very pleasant
and affable gentleman, who takes
great pleasure in explaining the in
dustry, and his assistant, Edward
Bunnell, both of Hawley. They have
four other experienced hands at work
and hope to have 20 more In the
course of a week. To look at the
machinery no one would imagine
that tho much-sought-for cut glass
could be turned out on such crude
machinery, for it is really crude in
appearance. A frame is a wooden
trough about two feet in width and
four feet long and one and a half
deep. Thero Is a wheel fastened in
the front part and there is a rest to
steady the hand of the workman.
Overhead is a receptacle for either
sand or water or both, according to
the class of work to be turned out.
The piece of ware to be cut is placed
against tho wheel and the desired de
sign cut on.
It is the deftness of the cutting that
makes tho ware valuable. In the
course of few weeks, thero will be a
number of the best cutters in the
business engaged at tho plant and the
best of ware will be turned out-and
will add to the fame of Stroudsburg
as the Dorllinger cut glass to Hones
dale, although there are plenty of
factories that cut just as good there
and much of the so-called Dorfllnger
glass Is cut at factories other than
that which has gained so great re
nown in tho Industry. It is tho hope
of everyone that the Stroudsburg
plant will bo very successful In every
respect. As soon as everything is in
readiness, the public will be Invited
to inspect the plant and the wares
that are turned out there. The Rec
ord man enjoyed his stay immensely.
AVI11 Start Middle of October.
Of the East Stroudsburg shop tho
same paper says:
Tho work on the new glass fac
tory located In tho upper portion of
East Stroudsburg has been going
along at a rapid rato for tho past
month, and according to the pres'
cnt indications tho new buildings
which aro being erected and the great
Improvements which aro being mado
on the old ones, including tho In
stalling of all first-class machinery
In each and every one of tho build
lngs to bo used, will bo completed
aud ready for use by tho middle of
At tho present time there aro
about 25 men employed In tho work
of building and reconstruction. A
new packing houso is now in the pro
cess of construction and when com
pletcd will bo ono of tho finest and
most modern buildings of its kind in
tho state. No money or labor Is be
ing spared by tho company in order
to make everything as comfortable
and convenient for the employes as
possible and at the Bamo flino to pro
duce as much glass as possible at tho
least posslblo expense.
All of tho old engino, boilers and
tanks that wero used by tho old com
pany in operating tho plant havo been
removed and others which are of a
much better quality and equipped
with all of the latest Improvements
aro being installed in their places
Each and every ono of the buildings
is being covered with a slato roof,
which will mako them very much
stronger and safer against losses by
flro. All of tho old stock, work
men's tools, etc., that were in the old
buildings will bo replaced with newer
and more modern ones, which will
place the factory on an equal footing
with tho very best of Its kind In tho
country. As soon as tho buildings
are completed and nil of tho larger
oulpmontB Installed a fenco 12 feet
high will bo orectcd around tho cntlro
Ono of tho greatest Improvements
or advantages tho now factory will
havo when completed is that of tho
switch, which tho Lackawanna rail
road will build right into the build
ings from their main tracks. This
will enablo them to load their cars
right in tho buildings and also to
receive their good3 without handling
it three or four times.
Nearly all kinds of glassware ex
cept plato glass, will bo manufac
tured and when tho plant is In full
operation they will employ about
150 men. This Is boyond any doubt
ono of the greatest Industries our
sister borough across tho creek has
secured for a long tlmo and should
bo received by tho business men and
all others with open arms. It Is a
mighty good thing for all.
L'rof. Surface Writes To Sir. Hull.
.1. W. Hull has received tho fol
owlng letter from Prof. H. A. Rnr-
fnco In answer to ono Mr. Hull
rote him recently:
"Your letter of Aucust 20. to
gether with specimens of Insect you
found crawling around mnminwa
and barn, havo been received and
avo been found to bo bltnstia inn.
coptus or the chinch bug, so destruc
tive in certain Western states to the
grain crops of those reclons. Tho
best treatment up to tho present
time round to control theso In snrl-
ously infested districts consists of
Plowing in furrows about thn finliisj
of grain which they Infest, some
time before harvest, when Hipro
bugs migrate, and as they appear in
the furrows, which thev will tint
readily pass, they are killed with tar
or kerosene.
" They are also found to be sub
lect to a contagious dlscasn nml t
has been found that when diseased
insects aro imported from such sec
tions, where it is dvinc from thin
cause, it will spread contagion among
these pests, and they are thus held
in check.
"I should bo glad to know 1nRt
what damage the chinch bug has
Deen doing In your nelrhlmriinmi
and would request that you write me
further upon this subject nt vnnr
Yours very truly,
"Economic Zoologist. Harrlshiirn.
Progress is the watchword at
this fair in every department. There
will bo betterment and improvement
at every point. Tho fair days will
no mauo tlio holidays of tho vcar.
a tlmo when people can rest from
labor and review and enjoy results.
I'inn to Have a rest and a good tlmo
during tho fair.
Taylor Woman, Who Had Promp-
ioii imugiitcr, Dies In Hospital.
CARBONDALE. Autr. 30 Mrs
J. E. Stuart of Taylor died at tho
City Private hospital Thursday night
at C o'clock. Sho had been admitted
to the hospital Sunday evening.
.Mrs. btuart was the mother of C. A.
Stuart, secretary of the Business
Men's association. She was 54 vars
of age and for some months had
been a resident of Taylor. She had
previously lived at Clark's Summit,
where her husband kept a drug
Mrs. Stuart was a woman lilirhlv
respected and of refined character
istic. She had many friends among
those who had come to know her in
both towns. She is survived liv linr
husband, her son, C. A. Stuart, of
this city, and one daughter, Mrs.
Fannio Dalesman of Prompton.
Short prayer services wero held
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at the
undertaking parlors of C. C. Shiftier
on Wyoming street. The remains
were taken by carriage to Prompton
ror burial, where services were held
in tho Methodist Enlsconal church.
with interment in Prompton ceme
tery. Rev. D. L. Decker of Dalton
conducted tho services.
Tugboat Seems Solution of Water
way Power Puzzle.
BRISTOL, Aug. 30. Tho days of
the canal mule at. last seem num
bered, as tho result of repeated ex
eprlments by tho Lehigh Coal and
Navigation company, nnd tugs prom
Iso to become tho power to move tho
coal laden chunkers of tho com
pany's canal.
After trying different electrical ap
pliances during the past few years
and finding that It was not feasible
to uso electricity, a coal-laden barge
bound for Bristol was taken in tow
by a tug and mado four miles per
hour. It went over tho nlno miles
lovel In 2 1-4 hours, which is about
two hours nnd a half less than it is
generally dono by mulo power. Oth
er tests are to bo mado by tho
steamer this week, and If success'
ful tho mulo will have to go.
Several years ago tho company
built a trolley lino along the tow
path from Mauch Chunk to Coal-
port nnd Welssport for tho purpose
of moving tho boats, but It was
found inexpedient and the mulo was
again brought Into sorvlco.
Never compare yourself with oth
ors of tho same ago or think that
you must appear as old as they be
causo you havo marked tho same
number of years.
Tho Citizen has all the boroueh
and county news, fresh twico a week.
Read it regularly.
Style That Will Load
Later In the Season.
Women are much Interested in the
tailored suit for fall and early winter
wear. How is tho now tailored suit to
be mado? This la tho problem. We
have been "hobbled" and tied in until
tho limit of discomfort and ugliness
has been reached, so that it Is refresh
ing to hear that lines aro to bo re
laxed and hobblo bands discarded
when fashion settles down for tho au
tumn season.
That coats will be short Is an estab
lished fact. Skirts will bo straight, but
comfortably built Of courso many
women will follow the extremo styles
and wear the narrow tied in skirt, but
as a rule tho now skirt will show a
wider knee girth. Tho best tailors say
the popular six piece skirt is tho one
to be desired and the simplest to make.
This skirt should havo heavily welded
sea m and bo worn short, well above
tho ankle.
The new tailored suit, according to
accepted lines. Is a typical model of
what a mannish suit should be more
so than any that has been worn for
several seasons. Less material is re
quired for this suit than for the plaited
model. The salesman will tell you to
buy seven yards of doublo width ma
terial, but this Is nearly a yard more
than Is needed If the material Is well
cut. Tho suit Illustrated Is a smart ex
ample of the new tailor mado.
A Public-Privato Stenographer.
"I am a married woman living In a
small town," said a woman recently,
"aud my husband's work Is of such a
naturo that It has Its dull and its busy
season. During tho former the family
purse sometimes gets very low. and 1
am glad to say that I havo been able
to help replenish It by making use of
the business experience 1 had before
"1 am a stenographer, and, being the
only ono In the town, I havo many op
portunities to mako mouey by tnklng
depositions, reporting conventions and
doing amanuensis work.
"1 also' teach shorthand and type
writing and am seldom without one or
two scholur-3. I often do work for thn
guests of tho hotels here too. This
work pays very well, aud in our town,
being a small one, a public stenog
rapher (which I might say I am. al
though my ofllce is my home) is often
very much in demand."
Girls' Camps.
Summer camps in the mountains aud
woods aro tho things now for young
girls and boys whoso parents aro off on
trips to Europo. or obliged to bo sep
a rated from them. Tho camps aro
conducted by experienced chaperons,
who watch over tho young people,
planning interesting days for them,
with a division of tlmo for study,
sport and social llfo. Thus tho chil
dren fortunato enough to go to theso
can lead a wholesomo llfo, and their
parents, conscious that they aro being
well taken caro of, can attend to their
affairs elsewhero.
For Eyelet Worker.
When making largo round or ob
long, eyelets or thoso that aro petal
shaped, nil difficulty may bo obviated
by working first and cutting away tho
central material afterward with tiny
manlcuro scissors. If carefully dono
by this method tho laundering will
havo only a beneficial effect upon the
eyelet instead of wearing It out
- W. WBJ. i.l .1 I IIIPI.MIBM1I (., II III,
Antiquity of Shorthand.
Shorthand is apt to bo looked upon
ns an essentially modern art. The
predecessors of Pitman Byrom In tho
eighteenth century, Mason In tho sev
enteenth aro dim and distant figures
boyond which it seems useless to ven
ture. Cicero dictated his orations to
his frecdman, T. Tulllus Tiro, nnd wan
Inconsolable when temporarily depriv
ed of his services. Ho complained in
n letter to n friend that, whllo "Tiro
takes down whole phrases in n few
signs, Splntharus (his provisional sub
stitute) only writes In syllables." We
need not, however, supposo thnt tho
notao Tlronlanao" wero actually In
vented by tho frecdman In question.
As M. Gucntn points out, tho Romans
created very few of tho arts of peace,
contenting themselves, ns a rule, by
copying from tho Greeks. M. Gucnln.
however, Indicates tho banks of the
Nile as tho cradle of tho art. T. P.'s
London Weekly.
TIBhtly Tied.
"That man's mouey Is all tied up.
"Poor fellow! Can't get nt It. oh?"
"Ob, ye. All be has to do Is to untie
his money bag." Judgo.
Healthful conditions, pure spring wa
ter, lake frontage, extensive campus.
New modern gymnasium. Pre
pares for nil colleges and technical
courses. Strong Music and Com
mercial courses. Fall term begins
Sept. O. Catalog upon request.
Fnctoryvillc, Pu.
Wafer Bonds
From 5 to 6 per Gent.
In denominations of
100, 500 and 1,000
If Interested
call on or address
Honesdale, Pa.
n a
ft i
in your family you of course call
a reliable physician. Don't 6top
nt that; nave his proscriptions
put up at a reliable pharmacy,
even if it is a little farther from
your home than some other store.
You can find no more reliable
store than ours. It would be im
possible for more care to be taken
in the selection of drugs, etc., or
in the compounding. Prescrip
tions brought here, either night
or day, will bo promptly and
accurately compounded by a
competent registered pharmacist
and the prices will be most rea
sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS,
Opp. D. A II. Station. Honesdale. Pa.
8 30
10 00
10 00
.... ISIneliniucon ....
10 00,
10 00
2 15
12 30
8 30
. Philadelphia .
1 20
2 08
7 25
8 15
4 40
5 30
1 20
2 OS
5 40
0 SO
9 05
9 15
9 19
9 30
9 42
9 4."
6 20
0 30
2 05
2 15
2 IB
2 37
2 43
2 49
8 43
8 55
Cnrbonilule ....
..Lincoln Avenue..
... Lake Lotlore ...
... . Wnynuirt
Honesdale ....
5 51
ti 11
ti 31
8 59
9 It!
9 24
C 52
ti 58
C 23
(i 21;
6 32
9 39
ti 43
li 40
0 50
7 01
9 29
9 32
9 51
7 07
7 13
7 10
7 20
2 52
9 57
10 00
2 57
2 69
3 03
3 07
3 10
3 15
U 3
9 39
9 43
10 01
10 0ft
7 21
9 47
10 11
7 27
9 50
9 55
10 15
7 31
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year opeiu witn a deluge of now mixed paints. A con
dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind
of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, boing new and heavily advertised,
may find a sale with tlio unwary.
There are reasons for tho pro-minence of CHILTON PAINTS'
1st No ono can mix a bettor mixed paint.
2d Tho painters doclaro that it works easily and has won
derful covering qualities.
8d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to ropaint, at his
owu oxpenso.every surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective.
4th Thoso who havo used it aro perfectly satisfied with it
and recommend its uso to others.
Are You Bilious?
Biliousness means that your liver is sick
and out of ordet. You are cross or cranky,
can't eat, havo a bad, nasty tasting mouth,
and are sick all over. To neglect bilious
ness will, result in congestion, loss of
appetite, torpidity and bad feelings. Re
store the liver to health by using Smith's
rincapplo and Butternut Pills, which euro
biliousness in ono night, give your liver
healthy action, assist digestion, clean up
your furred and coated tongue, and give
new llfo and energy to tired nerves.
Mri.jAMK F.U)nKiHiK,of Old Mritle, Conn.,
wrltct : " I'len.o tend mo n rial of Smith's
Pineapple and Iluttornut 1'UIi. Thoso I haro
had aro all right, anil I llko them Tory much
for blllotuneia anl dTipcpsla, which I hare
been troublod with."
These little vegetable pills will accom
plish more in a few days toward making
you feel better than a bushel of nervo pills.
They cleanse and Invigorate the blood and
mako it rich and red. They restore the
liver and stomach to normal activity.
Physicians use and recommend. They
form no habit. You should always keep
them on hand. Theso little Vegetable
Pills will ward off many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
CO Pills In Glass Vial 28v All Dealer.
For Sick Kidneys,
Bladder Dlseaita, Rhtamatltm,
the one btf t rtmedr. tellable,
endoned by leading phyilcl&na;
safe, effectual. Resnlti lattlng.
On the market IS jean, tlare
cared thoaiaads. 100 pUls In
original glais package, SO centa.
Trial boxei,t0pUli,S!lcent. All
drcggliti tcU and recommend.
Roll of
Attention is called to the STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
Citv has published a ROLL Or
IIO'NOR of the 11,470 State Bank
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands lOtli in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wavr.e County.
Capital. Surplus, $455,000.00
Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00
Honesdale. Pa.. Hay 29, 1908.
A. O. BLAKE, jj
You will make muiiey i ,
byhavlns me.
BELr.rno.vE 9-u Bethany, Pa.
1 A M.
2 00
12 40
10 00,
8 45
10 501
8 45)
3 5.1
10 20
9 37
4 05'
3 15
2 25P.M.
1 35 10 05
P.M. P M
8 05
1 35
1 23
5 40
5 30
12 17
12 07
12 01
11 41
11 37
11 31
11 29
11 23
11 20
11 16
11 12
11 Oil
8 29
8 17
8 13
; 51
7 47
7 41
7 39
7 32
7 30
7 2ti
7 22
7 19
7 15
7 0
7 60:
7 33
7 25
7 19
1 21
5 21
1 03
12 a)
6 0S
5 01
12 31
5 50
7 17
7 12
12 49
12 43
12 40
12 3fi
12 32
12 29
12 25
1 51
4 48
4 45
7 00
7 05
4 41
7 01
4 37
4 34
4 30
6 6H
6 55
a 05
.V.M.Jp M
V.M. P.M.
I. -TOR. . -.vfJ
1 Dmouan. 173 .
1 lrs"!? U5t:M
'Ml Iff 111