THE WE ATI IE H For Wednesday fnlr weather, nml for Tlitirsilny cloudy ami rainy wcnthcr. ' tC ' K" JO C K JO tf X K JO 0 X J? K" Semi-Weekly Founded 5 k 1908 k k Weekly Founded, 1844 2 .S . 0 f 0 i . & J .5 & J Cifbett jfiOjVK'jOjcjrx1 i. VVoyne Co Organ 5 Y REPUBU, PARTY 1 ' 3 iM 67th YEAR. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1910. NO 69 NO MILK SAMPLES YET HONESDALE IS BOSS r Some Will Be Sent This Week, However, For AnalysisSixteen Sam ples of Water Shipped to State Chemist Two More Typhoid Cases On the List. Tho examination of drinking wa ter In Honesdale and vicinity lias been halted, for the present at least, and tho borough's rnllk sup ply Is now receiving attention. No samples of milk from tho Beech Grove and Bothany dairies have yet been sent away for analysis by In spector Irwin, who was ordered to stay here after Inspector Shaugh- nessy was shifted to Wilkes-Barre, but some will be sent, it is expected, this week. Sixteen Samples of AVntcr, All Told. Sixteen samples of water from Cajaw pond and elsewhere have been sent to the State chemist at Phila delphia for analysis. Ten went last Thursday. The other six went Mon day morning. Sunday morning N. B. Spencer, who has been working with the state Inspectors, visited the spring on the hill In Glen Dyberry and got a sample of that. Several families have been using tho water. The spring by the toolhouse in the ceme tery was also visited by Mr. Spen cer, who had Supt. Miller with him, but this one had gone completely dry. It was a slcklooking spring. Supt. Miller called attention to several private sewers that go flush Into the river opposite the ceme tery. He says these ought to be ex tended Into the stream, to say the least. Ordered to Clenn Up Tliclr Places. Property owners around Cajaw pond who were ordered by Mr. Spencer to clean up their premises within 10 days are for the most part complying cheerfully, though a few of them got stuffy over tho matter and wanted to argue. The Most Recent TyplId Cases. Glverth Kelsch, 12 years old, of 128 Broad street, son of William Kelsch, and Helen Rogers, 13, a sister of Clarence Rogers, the first typhoid patient to die, are the lat est cases reported. They are pati ents of Dr. P. F. Grlffln. Edith Hartung, 15 years old, was taken to Scranton Stato hospital Monday to be treated for typhoid. Action of Water Directors. The directors of the water com pany held a meeting Friday after noon and decided to extend the pipes to First pond, which will mean about two and one-quarter miles moro pipe. The survey lias been started and Supt. McMullen said Monday that as much work as pos sible will be done this fall, though the whole job cannot be completed before snow flies. Ultimately the supply from First pond will bo enough to keep Honesdalo in water. FIRE AT CHERRY RIDGE. Rant, Horse, liny nnd Other Proper ty of Mrs. Boneur Destroyed. CHERRY RIDGE, Aug. 30. The barn of Mrs. Francis Bonear, a widow who lives with her daughter at this place, took lire, nobody knows how, about 7 o'clock Satur day night. Before the women could send the alarm to the neighbors tho blaze had gained a considerable headway, and before help reached the scene the barn was doomed. Tho building went, and so did everything In it. Mrs. Bonear's 3-year-old horse, Just broken and getting where ho was good. for something, was lost. He was worth $150. Mrs. Bonear lost carriages, harness, seven tons of bay and farm tools. Mrs. Boi.ear said Monday that she thought spontaneous combustion must have started the Are. It could not, everybody agrees, have been an Incendiary fire, starting as it did almost in broad daylight. The barn was directly across the road, say 100 feet from the house. The barn was insured for $200. Tho horse was not Insured. Latet reports say tho animal was Ave years old and worth $250. MRS. CORRELL LAID TO REST. CARBONDALE, Aug. 30. Tho funeral of Mrs. Carolina Correll took place from tho home of her daughter, Mrs. H. R. Frisbio, on Grove street Monday morning at 11 o'clock, the services being conducted by Rev. Dr. Charles Lee, after which tho body was taken to South Canaan for burial. Rev. Mr. Hooper of South Canaan conducted a Bhort ser vice at the grave. The pallbearers wjoro all grandchildren of Mrs. Correll. NeWS Sn&DshotS I)ostItuto Ul0 once famous actress, May Yoho, lyoesessor of the Hope diamond, divorced wife of Lord Francis Hope and Put Jllap nmn urncUee strong, broke down in a San Francisco cafe, where she was an entertainer. Despite efforts of rangers and soldiers. Of the Week forest fires wrought havoc In the northwest, killing hundreds and making thousands homeless. Above map shows route ex President Roosevelt Is traveling. Republican leader, William Barnes. Jr., wns threatened by Roosevelt with fight at coming New York state convention. Copper King F. Augustus Heinze announced he would marry Miss Bernlce G. Henderson, actress, In September. Revolution ists routed President Mndrlz's forces, entering Managna, Nicaragua's capital; General Juan Estrada now controls government. OF MIDNIGHT VISITORS TO GIiEN DYI1ERRY SHOULD CONDUCT THEMSELVES WITH PROPRI ETYSUPERINTENDENT'S DE SIRE TO KEEP PLACE PEACE FUL AND PURE MAY GET SOMEBODY IN TROUBLE. Moral citizens agree that Supt. Robert J. Miller of Glen Dyberry cemetery is on the right track when he says the use of that beautiful spot for purposes the nature of which can only bo intimated in a newspaper is something that must be stopped. He bas gotten all out of patlenco with the antics of some men and women that make a prac tice of prowling through Dyberry after 11 o'clock at night, and this week ho asked an officer to see what could be done toward the abatement of this nuisance. Mr. Miller lives next door to the cemetery and he puts in long hours as a general thing on his job. As a rule he goes to bed about 11. Some times it may be later, but ordinarily the lights in the Miller home are out an hour before midnight. Then tho fun for a certain depraved class of people gets busy. "Tho regulars know what time I turn In and about 11, or sometimes a little after, they commence to sneak across the bridge. I'm fa miliar with that soft tiptoeing tread. Some of them I'vo been able to scare away. Others slide by tho house and over tho bridge before anybody can stop them." Mr. Miller is not to blame for these midnight performances in the cemetery. He cannot work 20 hours a day. One night not long ago, he says, ho opened his dining room window, which is on the cemetery side of tho house, and caught a young couple spooning on tho bridge. It has been suggested that a watchman be posted in the Miller yard or at some other eligible vant age point commanding a free sweep of the bridgo, and that this watch man bo provided with a long piece of garden hose and the authority to uso It, and that no particular pains bo employed to have tho water used for this purpose entirely disinfected for typhoid germs. Glen Dyberry Is one of the most beautiful of all the places in this land that have been set apart for tho burial of tho dead. Midnight callers are vandals who should bo prosecuted. Above all things, tho soldiers' lot should bo exempt from their visitations. It is poBslblo that an effort may be made to capture and show up a few of tho ceme tery's nocturnal visitors. Dcuth of Mrs. Elliott. Minnie C. Elliott, wife of Daniel C. Elliott and daughter of Nathan and Mary L. Perkins, died Sunday afternoon at 4 at her home In Cherry Ridge of pulmonary tuberculosis. She was 43 years old and a lifelong resident of Cherry Ridge. Tho fun eral will take placo Wednesday from the house and tho body will be laid to rest In Darling cemetery. Letter From Former Citizen Editor. In a letter lately received from Hon. T. J. Ham he says: "I am im proving physically wjien I tell you that I have for tho past few days been taking walks oxteuding several blocks, with the help of my cano only, and can get around the house WORD WARNING fairly well without even that help: HOMES DEMANDED MANY ASK FOR MORE HOUSES AND THE BOARD OF TRADE RECOMMENDS BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION FOR HONES DALE. The most important topic of con versation at the executive session at the Greater Honesdalc Board of Trade last Friday night was the erection of homes for the working man. Tho demand for houses hero is evident. One of Honesdale's largest and best paying Industries has made the assertion that the en largement of its plant and output de pends entirely upon its help. Men can be secured who would coma- to. Honesdalo and make. 'this town their home providing houses could be se cured. At present the Industry is handicapped by the Inadequate num ber of dwellings to take care of the mechanics. Tho cost of an average house for workmen was discussed by practical men. It was stated that homes could bo erected that would rent from $10 to $12, providing such improvements as furnace, electricity, etc., were not used. This is the class of houses in Honesdalo and vicinity today and the kind the Board of Trade recommend ed being built. It was stated that an effort is be ing made to erect a largo number of cottages suitable for workmen and that operations will commence this fall. Main street and Its mud were dis cussed. The different kinds of road making materials were considered, as were tho methods of building roads. Tho question of occupying tho two vacant brick factories with new in dustries after recommendations was left in tho hands of proper persons to interest out-o-town parties. Other matters of importance were discussed. Tho press committee has placed an order for several thousand but tons for Greater Honesdale, which will bo here soon and will be sold by several young women. Prothonotary M. J. Hanlan has this week Issued marrlago licenses to Henry J. Bellman, fresco painter, and Amelia Kelch, both of Hawley; and to Robert S. Tyler, farmer, and Muriel F. Stephens, both of Look out. E. J. Huyck tackled tho Metho dist steeplo right after dinner to day. His rigging went up without a hitch and at 3 o'clock tho young man, who weighs about 185 pounds and is a fearless climber, was work ing 10 feet below tho baso of the weather vane, 175 feet or bo from the ground. A scoro of people watched him from tho corner of Main and Eleventh streets and one man tried to get a snapshot, but Mr. Huyck was always at tho wrong angle. Tho Hawley Times says the bor ough stone crusher has been re turned to Its homo after an absence of over a year in Palmyra township, Pike county. The supervisors rented tho crusher for crushing stone and have built one of the best pieces of road In Pike county, and second only to that built by tho state. Tho sec tion which extends from Tafton to A. II. Downs' runB through a sandy ploco of territory and tho annual expense for repairs was great, and even after repairs tho road ,was al ways rough. Tho crushed stono bids fair to last for a long time with little attention. Milford Dispatch. ifflp WILL GET IRE $50 WHITE MILLS MANAGER SAYS HIS TEAM IS TO RECEIVE MONEY PROMISED WINNER OF GAME WITH ARCHBALD AT LAKE LODOHE ON IIEPTA SOPIl DAY. WHITE MILLS, Aug. 30. Man ager Thomas Gill of the White Mills baseball team says White Mills will get the $50 offered the winning team in the game that was played with Archbald at Lake Lodore the day of the Heptasoph's picnic. Tho date was Aug. 17. That game broke up in a row. For seven innings nobody scored. Then, with a man on, first and a mail, on third, Catcher Shaffer, the Jieavy hitter of the Millers, put tho ball away out in right and two runs came' In. Shaffer was called safe at third, and then Umpire McDonald changed his decision, swore right up and down the ball was foul, and refused to record the two runs claimed by White Mills and which had been sent across the plate on Shaffer's hit. There was a wordy wrangle and White Mills left the .field. The $50 has been hung up ever since. At first It was proposed to divide it. White Mills wouldn't stand for any division. "It's nil or none," said the man behind the Millers. "Tho commltteo on sports meets Sept. C In Scranton," said Mr. Gill Monday, "and at that meeting our umpire, Mr. Lllliquist, who did not butt in nt all In tho row over tho de cision at tho lake, will file a sworn statement to controvert whatever the other umplro may have to say. Yes, we expect to get the $50. It's ours." Manager Gill and several of his players saw tho Honesdale-Carbon-dalc game at Lake Lodore Sunday. O. L. ROWLAND MAY DIE. Very Low This Afternoon Doctor Gives No Hope. At 2 o'clock this afternoon tho condition of Attorney O. L. Row land, whoso serious sickness is briefly noted in a personal item on pago 5 of The Citizen, was critical. Dr. H. B. Ely, who, with Dr. F. W. Powell, is attending him, said he did not think Mr. Rowland could live through the night. Mr. Rowland slept four hours last night, but ho awoko weaker. His son, Harold, cared for him last night, giving tho trained nurso a rest. For somo time Mr. Rowland has not been feeling as well as UBual. He was taken sick Wednesday. This week ho has grown steadily worse. Monday tho critical stage of tho dis ease was reached. Was on Her Way to Honesdale. Mrs. Charles S. Horton died sud denly at her home in Ephrata Sat urday. Mrs. Horton and her hus band wero former residents of Honesdale and the latter until two years ago was superintendent of tho Consolidated Telephono company here. She was planning to go to Honesdalo to visit her friend, Miss Nellie G. Kimble. Sho had just re turned from Allentown with her husband and was apparently In. good health. Her sudden death, was shock to her friends. The funeral was held In Ephrata today. COUNT! BAPTISTS MEETING AT DAMASCUS CHURCH HEARS SOME EXCELLENT DIS COURSES AND IS FRAUGHT with KVroiTitAfiivr; m.:si7Tr NEXT ONE WILL BE HELD IN , SOUTH CLINTON. The 41st annual session of the Wayne Baptist association was held with the Damascus church Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The Bible school convention Tuesday af ternoon and evening was interesting and helpful. Arthur H. Curtis of Clinton presided and Rev. H. J. Baker of South Clinton wn3 secre- A. T TT T-1 . e mi ' tary. Rev. F. H. Farley of Tho Commonwealth, .Philadelphia, con ducted an evangelistic service In the evening with excellent results. The association proper began Wed nesday morning and the inspiration service was conducted by the mod erator, Rev. William Barrows, D. D of Forest City. Officers were elected as follows: Rev. Charles S. Smalley, Hawley, moderator; George P. Ross, Hones dale, clerk; John H. Penwarden, Honesdale, treasurer; W. C. Knapp, Alfred Bowell and E. JC. Curtis, j trustees. Rev. R. D. Minch gave the , delegates and visitors a hearty wel come and George P. Ross responded. "We aro laborers together with God," 1 Cor. 3:9, was the text of Rev. H. J. Baker's practical sermon. The letters from tho churches dis closed bright prospects for tho en suing year. Nearly all had a hope ful tone and a "working spirit." Rev. Walter Gallant, formerly pas tor at Damascus and Honesdalo, spoke of tho work years ago In these fields. Rev. Charles White led the open ing servlco in tho afternoon.. Dr. Barrows spoko in bohalf of Buck nell university and Rev. James Ralney, in an address filled with practical suggestions, told of "The Needs of the Association" in one word "Conviction." The doctrinal sermon, Rev. 5:C, was delivered by Rev. C. S. Smalley. His theme was "Tho Old, Old Story." H. C. Jackson of Tyler Hill by In vitation spoke briefly of "The Chris tian's Placo In Politics." Rev. Frank Dobbins, district secretary of the Foreign Mission society, discuss ed tho "Budget," and urged tho churches to do their part in furnish ing tho funds for missionary work. A Bible drill was conducted by Rov. R. D. Minch. Tho class was composed of Miriam and Alice Minch, Elsie Brown and Bessie and Sadie Welsh. They showed skill in reply ing to Bible questions no one else in tho large congregation could answer. The evening exercises wero open ed by the moderator. Miss Martha M. Troock spoke of tho work accom pllshed among tho Immigrants at Ellis island and Miss Lena M Benjamin, M. D told of her work as a medical missionary at Nellore, India. Dr. Dobbins gave aif lllus- tratea lecture on tne missionary work In Japan, showing great pro gress. Rev. Mr. Farley made a plea for converts. A number came for ward or raised their hands. Deacon James Lloyd of TylerHlll led tho devotional servlco Thursday morning. After the routine business Warren P. Norton spolto In bohalf of Keystone academy. Ho was fol lowed by Rov. Mr. Rafney on the same subject. Rev. Qeorgo 8, Wendell of Hones' (Continued on Page Eight). No Question Now as to Which Place Has The Stronger Ball Team- Rousing Defeat Admin istered to Carbondale Sunday Demonstrated That. Honesdale won the fifth and de cisive game of the Carbondale scries at Lake Lodore Sunday and won it fairly. There Is no question, either in Carbondale or here, as to Jthat. The Maplo City lads outbatted and outflelded their doughty rivals from the other side of the Mooslcs. The game was won before three Innings had been played, for Pitcher Mc Andrew was a regular pudding for the Honesdalo hitters. They found him whenever they felt like It, and after three Innings the Carbondalo twlrler, who once used to bother our boys a bit, went off the Job. Neary followed him In the box and did better, but the last Carbondalo chance had faded off the map before Neary's time. On the other hand, Honesdale was sound in the box from start to fin ish. Sweet-tempered little Bennle Hessllng, tho able runt of a pitcher who always goes into tho game with a rainbow smile and comes out of it, whatever the result, with the colors simply augmented and in tensified, pitched one of his strong est and most "heady" games. Ho struck out 12 men altogether; and in the seventh, when Carbondale did actually succeed In getting two men on bases' Jennie fanned two and lived to see the third victim send a pop foul, a nice little dewdrop, right into the hospitable mlt of Catcher Sandercock, who holds his pitcher nicely and whoso work behind the bat was the real, simon pure article Sunday. Close to 2,000 people saw the game. There were US on the reg- iular 11.05 out of Honesdale In tne morning, and for the special at - ' . 1 Ticket Agent Transue let Capt. Kupfer arid his boys have 580. Out of that cluster very few tickets were returned. Tho special had eight cars, while the special from Carbondale showed up at 2.05 with 14 cars and more than 800 men, women and children to root for "Nick" MurtaugTTs pets. Honesdale got an elegant start. Mangan, the first man to shake a stick at McAndrew, liked the first ball and hit it. He got it right and the sphere shot well out Into right ana jIangan took two bases as easy as eating lemon pie with vanlla cream on the side. Brader singled and stole second and then Capt. Kupfer came to bat. The Captain had on his batting clothes and ho put the second ball off toward tho lake somewhere. He sent Mangan and Brader home and got to tllrd himself by beautiful sprinting, but, though tho boss of the Honesdale team had both homraels planted squarely on the bag a full second before the ball landed at Murray's placo of business, Umpire "Mike" Burke called the runner out. "Punk," yelled the Honesdalo side of tho field. It was a rotten decision, and ns the game progressed the man with tho Indicator stirred Heaven and earth In his effort to get Carbondale homo on top, but oven the strenuous efforts of a loyal umpire couldn't do the trick at Lake Lodore Sunday. It was Honesdale's day to get there. It was Carbon dale's day to loso. In the fourth Neary took the box and McAndrew went out In tho field, and the new pitcher gave the Carbondale outfit a new though insufficient lease of life. Neary struck out threo men and gave two freo passes to tho initial bag. Hess ling was not so generous. Ho only handed out one. It Is true that all through this season tho little Hones dale twirler has been throwing high and he sent a good many of them high Sunday, but his old-tlme speed was thore. "Bonnlo pitched the game of his life," said both tho Carbondalo box men. They know a good thing when they seo it. For Honesdale Hattlor, Brader, Kupfer, Murray and Mangan were the hitters. Brader made three of Honesdale's seven runs and the others found McAndrew for two baggers. Carbondale's runs were made by Neary and Williams. Neary scored tho Carbondale short stop on one of his two-base hits. Carbondalo fielded loosely and there wero fumbles galore on her side of the fence. Carbondalo made eight errors. Honesdalo mado two. "We did tho best wo could, nnd if we'd had another pitcher from the first wo might havo won," said Manager Murtaugh. "It was a good gamo and I think (Continued on Pago Eight)