T11E CITIZEN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1010. COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE PLEASANT MOUNT. BAPTISTS OF THE COUNTY. Meet Next Week With He-opened Church In Damascus. , The Vayne Baptist association will hold' Its annual meeting" arid Dlblo schobf convention In Dninns I cus nest Tuesday and Wednesday. The program: I Tuesday 10.30, Praise service and Cripple Takes lrfnK Visitors II pro. David W. Page of Albany Is stop ping a fow days at Davis' hotel. Three years ago while driving a team In New York state drawing lumber, his load gave way going down a steep hill and the team ran away, throwing him to the ground. One of the wheels ran over his ankle and crushed It so tho leg had to be am putated near the hip. He was alone for one hour before help came. He took his handkerchief and bound the leg so as to stop the flow of blood. He was In tho hospital In Albany nine months. He walked on crutches from Albany, starting July 1, ar rived In Susquehanna July 27, stop ping at all small places a day or two. He arrived here Saturday. Out of town people who registered at Davis hotel last week were W. C. Murray and J. B. Murray of Forest City, Edward Deltzcr of Honesdale, John Caffery of Jermyn, A. Foster of Cnrbondale, W. Painter and wife of Vaudllng, G. W. Conwell of Mnt tewan, N. Y. The M. E. Sunday school picnicked at Blgelow lake Tuesday and n very enjoyable time was had. Mrs. E. A. Wright Is spending a I executive session; 1.30, Devotional Walk Many services, President A. H. Curtis, election of officers; 2.00, "What Relation Hns Organization of the Bible School and its Clnsscs to Its Success? Hov. Charles Smalley; 2.30, Discussion; 2.45, Teacher Training, Itev. George S. Wendell; 3. IB, Discussion; 3.30, Reports of schools and business; 7.30, Prnlse service, Fred Hlldebrand; 7.45, Question box; S.00, Address, Itev. Frank Dobbins, D. D.; offering for expenses, closing exercises, business. Wednesday 9.30, Consecrntlon, Ilev. William Barrows, D. D.; J). 45, Welcome, Rev. R. D. Mlnch; 10.00, Response, Clerk; 10.15, Election of officers; 10.30, Introductory sermon, Rev. Harry J. Baker; 11.10, Collec tion for expenses; 11.45, Reading church letters, memorials, business, report of committee of arrangements 12.00, adjourn; 1.45, Inspiration ser vice, Rev. Charles White; 2.00, re port of Standing Committee and Dls cusslon; 2.30, The Needs of Our As soclatlon, Rev. James Raincy; 2.45, Doctrinal Sermon, Rev. C. S. Snial ley; 3.20, The Budget and Our Rela tion to it, Rev. Frank Dobbins, D D.; 4.00, Women's Circle work; 5, Adjourn; 7.30, Young Peoples ses slon, led by Warren P. Norton; few days In Scranton, guests of Mr. 7.45, Reports of Young People's so und Mrs. Edson Kreltner. cleties; S.00, Address, liiustrateu Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Winner and Rev. Frank Dobbins, D. D.; offering dauchter. Harriet, of Boston are for expenses; adjourn spending their vacation at the home Thursday 9.00, Devotional, James of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Lloyd; 9.15, Reading minutes; 9.30, Winner. Reports of committees ana Business; .1. H. Kennedy and family returned 10.00, sermon, Rev. William II Saturday from a two weeks' stay son; 10.30, Exposition on Steward- nt Starlight lake. ship, pastors; 11.30, Addresses on Jefferson Wallace, of the Scranton Beneflclent Societies and Institutions, T.ifn insurance eomnany. was a guest Dr. Dobbins, Dr. Barrows, et. al of N. B. Buller Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Swingle of Honesdale are visiting relatives and friends here. unfinished business and adjournment. The re-opening exercises of tho Damascus church will be held Sun- Agnes Haggerty, Rose Farley, Ed- day, with preaching by Rev. Walter ward Lestrange, Charles Haggerty ot Gallant and others Scranton, Gertrude and Raymond Haggerty and Fred Mnnlon of Car bondale and Frank Minchin of Pater son, N. J., are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. O'Hara. Miss Catherine O'Hara has return ed from a three weeks' stay at Green wood Lake, N. J WALL PAPER TACKED ON. HUMOR OF THE DAY -i Waiter's Ready Tongue. The waiter who bawls out his order to tin cook in the kltt bt-ll snou li? us extinct ,is tin- dm! . but liN erlua should live forever. ! "Mutton broth In u hurry," says n customer. "Baa-baa In the rain! Make blm run!" sliouts the waiter. "Beefstead nnd onions," says n cun toiner. "John Bull! Make blm a glnny!" shouts the waiter. "Where's my baked potato?" nsks a customer. "Mrs. Murphy In n seal skin coot!" shouts tho waiter. "Two fried eggs. Don't fry "cm too hard." says a customer. "Adam nnd Eve In the garden! Leavo their eyes open!" shouts the wnlter. "Poached eggs on toast." says a cus tomer. "Bride nnd groom on a raft lu the middle of tho oceanl" shouts the waiter. "Chicken croquettes," says n cus tomer. "Fowl ball!" slwuts tho wiltcr. "Hash," says a customer. "Gutle man wants to take n chancel" shouts the waiter. "I'll have hash, too," says tho next customer. "Another sport!" tdiouts tho wnlter. "Glass of milk," says a customer "Let It rain!" shouts tho waiter. "Frankfurters nnd sauerkraut, good and hot," says n customer. "Fldo. Shop nnd n bale of hay!" shouts the waiter; "and let 'cm sizzle." Now York Sun. Favorite Fiction. "I'm Not Buying It For Myself. You Know; I want It For a Friend." "Dishes Marked With a Star Ale Ready." (Recommended by F. P. A.) "My Friends. I Came Utterly Unpro pared to Mnko a Speech." "Wlfle, Dear, I Shall Be Lonesome Everj' Moment While You Aro Awny." "I Smoke Stogies Because They'll Made of Real Tobacco," "I Trefer to Sit In the Balcony; You Can See tho Stage So Much Better." "Yes, John Always Gets His Own Breakfast; He Says He'd Rather Do It." "Let Him Climb on My Lap If lie Wishes, Mrs. Smlthklns; I Just Love Little Boys." "It Annoys Me Dreadfully to See My Picture In the Papers So Often!"-Chi-cago Tribune. 1 A KJf-k ' BEE KEEPING NEW TALES THAT. ARE TOLD IN BEE SWARMING TIME. Inconsistent Man. Ho tells funny stories about how a woman drives a horso, and steers his automobile up a telegrnph pole. He is nlwnys adding postscripts to hlo letters but he usos tho long dis tance telephone to oxplnln what ho omitted In his business communica tion. ' Ho can explain tho wireless teleg raphy system to his wife, but he can not understand her description of u new bonnet. Ho loves to tell of the splendid ex ercise of sawing wood but he Is will- Ini n nnv nnnthor mnn tn anlni. (hn wine, but had a horror of the "groan- eXgrc)gg lng board" nt huge sot feasts and for- ' ,.... card. to tho n;in,,,a mnl banquets. Ho could cook quite , nganat problem plays and swears Whistler's Frur.Iity. Whistler was extreuvy frugal and abstemious. He lite mid dr..uk 1 wi moderately of the plainest fore. IK liked dainty dishes and n mr tul Spray the Colony Lightly with Cold Water Before Hiving. I practice several ways ot hiving Bwanna, but will describe only ono horo, writes nn expert. If the swarm has clustered on the outer edgo of somo tree, where It necessitates only decently himself nnd sometimes made 1 at the ticket window if he cannot get nn omelet or scrumoica eggs, nut a fronl Beat when tho ballet comes these culinary feats I never saw prr-' to town. formed. Uls famous Sundny luncheons i He doesn't go to church on Sunday wrru always Into In being served, out-1 because he wants to read tho paper racoously delayed without upnariMt I but through the week he is satlslied to many years, to spray a swarm lightly i cimse. it was no uncommon tiling for glance at the headlines on his way with cold water neroro niving. water . lls t0 nlt nn uour or cven two r,)r , down town, seems to bo very refreshing ana ,ho eRKS flsUi cutletg nnd a BW,,ot soothing to tho bees during tho heat of ,)lch tUo meal -.n,,,,,, tho cutting of a thin branch, I prefer this plan; provided, of courso, they are within reach of my ladder. I have found It to bo an excellent plan, and consequently have practiced It for .,, h . 711 ! wrltps Hnnnsr Pennington In the Met- will often cnuso the bees to remain ... ' . i.,i .,. hanging until evening, when It Is more ropolltnn Magazine. A bottle of ver;, When Tacks May Be Preferable to Paste and How the Tacking ra Dons. "You never heard of tacking on wall paper? Oh, dear! yes," said J. E. Tiffany and family are spend- Mr. Flatdweller, "we often do that inc two weeks nt Starlight lake. Mr. We don't put the paper on wiin lacuB TICany was in town Monday. He originauy, urn. we uick u on in inu says the fishing is fine there. CENTERVILLE. Party For Nina Mulns Proves Enjoyable. Mary Lane of this place Is visiting friends in Callapoose. Milton Marshall, who has been working In Susquehanna, has return ed to his home here. Mrs. John Lane and children from Scranton, also Bridget E. Garrity of lug repairs, "You know how the paper curls away from tho wall sometimes, stiff and hard with the paste on It? Some times If It's left that way pieces of the hard paper may be broken off. Well, you couldn't very well pasta that paper down again, because you couldn't make any paste strong enough to take out the curl and make tho paper hold, you might not make a nice job of It around the joints, might got on too much paste and so get somo of it on the outside of the paper. Tho Ultimatum. "Mamma, please button my dress quick, so I can go over to grandma's." called five-year-old Margaret Impatient ly. But her mother was giving baby hie bath and could not stop to help her. "You didn't como In to dress when 1 called you. and now you must wait til! I'm through with brother," she was told. ' Silence for a few moments; then";; very subdued little girl appeared at her mother's elbow. "If you don't hurry and fasten up my back Til probnbly take' cold nnd die," she announced. "And I should think It would be easier to button me up than to plant' flowers on my grave." Harper's Weekly. convenient to hivo thorn. By taking pruning shears and clipping off tho branch gently they may be carried to tho hive. When they are shaken In front of It they will readily crawl Into It and assume possession. Newly hlvod swarms should bo shaded for a fow days and tho hive entrance en larged to supply sufficient ventilation. The section, boxes should bo trans ferred from tho parent hive to the ono containing the newly hived swarm, which now hns almost all of the Held bees. The parent hive being so de pleted will have no further use for sec tions for a month or more. After the prime swarms Issues put It on the old stand, setting tho other colony close besido It. In five to sev en days remove tho mother colony to a new location nnd the field bees will desert It and loin tho swarm. The de pletion and the fact that no honey la coming In discourage any idea of fur ther swarming. The prevention of swarming In the production of extract ed honey Is not a very dimcuit matter, as the putting on of up per stories not only keeps down swarming but secures the crop, all In ono operation. It all hinges on the one essential, large hives. Of course, I keep the entrance wide open during the warm season, and If the bees still show signs of being crowd ed by hanging out during the heat of the day I raise up the back end of the cover, and this give3 such a draft through the hive that they will usuaV ly go In. Do not let your bees hang out during the honey season; after the season closes they will usually cluster on the outside of the hive in large quantities, if the weather still keeps warm, but as the swarming sea son closes with the honey season there will be no swarming. Plenty of comb space mnst at aH times bo available for the bees to store their boney. This condition Is secured with a ten-frame upper story filled with combs of the Langstroth size. Philadelphia, are visiung uieir mom- Q .,, ,,. th rii n er. Mrs. Eliza Garrity. of this Place. I d tack Qn the pleces ttat ci ......v. .......... " I may have fallen off, the home ot .Mr. ana .Mrs. t,. ,ut dm,t tbfi tack ll;ads show ln Mains Thursday evening last, when a ., Kr nnt nt not ahem! surprise party was given for their 1 W(J do the'tacklng. That's where daughter, .Mnn, wno uas jusi return- flne nrt o tacking on paper, as ed from Honesdale for a two weeks' we practico u, comes in. There's a visit with her parents. Those who nnttprn nn th naner and 8ure to bo attended the party were Irene and hero and there raoro or i08S dark Uay burpnee. h-ua I'auerson, u- PiaceB jn ti,e coloring and we simply nam uiiuii), dusk:, i drive tho Uicks in me aarn spots, Margaret and w llliam .Marsnan oi wnere they don't show." this place; .josepn janosKi mm George Atkinson of Ariel; John Queer Chinaman. Ryan, Charles Knot, Mrs. Proveil, nis left hand Is the place of hov Mrs. finllecar and Nellie Llmchan. it ,-H li? Instead of driv John Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph nim- Herzog, Mr. Herzog furnished the ij0 whitens Instead of blackens f.U music for the dancing. George Atkinson was a welcome caller in Centerville Sunday. Don't forget the picnic at Den ver's grove Saturday. shoes. His favorite present to a parent is a coffin. He says sixty-four instead of foui sixths. He keeps out of step ln wauln with others. He shakes his own hands Instead "Mother" Miller Gives Up Post Mrs. Nellie Miller, who has been "Mother" Miller to the boys of Troop nf his friends. B. state nolice. Wyoming, has re- He nuts on his hat ln snlutatior. I signed as overseer at the barracks, when he takes It off, Not a man in the troop but felt a He rides with his heels instead ol heart nang and realized a sense of his toes in the stirrups. loss when she left. A substantial He deems it polite to ask a casual nurse was nrrsented her by Trooper caller's ago and Income Gallagher in behalf of the members His long nails are not a sign of of Troon B. dirtiness but respectability Mrs. Miller had for nearly four His visiting card is eight and some vuars been in charce of the culinary times thirty inches long, department and general household He often throws away the fruit of work at the barracks. She not only the melon and eats the seed, efficiently directed the duties, but His merlta often bring a title not was actively concerned in tho wel- to himself but to his ancestors. fare of all "tho boys." It was not His women folk are often seen ln lnnt nftnr XI ra Mlllnr pnmo Mm horl trniiapr ncoomnanled by men In kindly Interest won her the title of gowns. "Mother," by which "the boys" A Chinaman's given name comes sought to show the honor and esteem after, not before, "his honored family In wlilnh Minv linlrt linr. I name. Tho resignation of Mrs. Miller was His compass polnta south and he obligatory because of physical dls- speaks of westnorth Instead or norm nhllltv. SIih rnMirnorl tn PlttRton to 1 West. make her home. Mrs. Blake and He'does not consider It clumsy, but Mrs. Collins, both of Wllkes-Barro, courteous, to take both hands to offor Went the Limit. His wife had been doing n shopping stunt. "How much did you spend today?" asked her husband. "Fifty-four dollars and nineteen cents," she replied. "Oh, was that nil?" ho queried some what Ironically. "Yes," nnswered the other half of the matrimonial combine with nn In jured nlr; "that was all I had." Chi cago News. "Break, Break, Break." They were sitting on the beach, and he had been strnugely silent. I wonder what rnakea the sen waves sad?" said Cholly languidly. Probably the harrowing thought of going broke on the beach," giggled Dolly Insinuatingly. Illustrated Sun day Magazine. Misplaced Reticence. "It was n great mistake," sighed the man who was sueu lor ureacu oi promise. "What do you mean?" "I used a nom de plume ln my lit erary work Instead of disguising my Identity ln ray love letters." Washing ton Star. Dally GIH Friend Joke. Maudlo That horrid old cut told Claudlo that I was forty years old! Mamie Tho in thing. But she might have done worse. Maudle How? Mamie Well, she might havo told some Ho about you. Cleveland Leader. succeed Mrs. Miller. cap of tea. Perfumes In Ancient Days. Old aa the history of the world itselt Is that of tho ouecn of flowers. The ancient Greeks and Romans rereled ln roses. They were used lavishly at their If v,u of people we VorUe tt kind of ca w W. voald tw Chm P A contented be&rt Is a email ngU feasts. In the time of the republic the Ur fall of gold coin. people bad their cups of Falernlan ..... ,,. ln .wlmmlni. urttb. bloomff. and the California's Ostriches. BDartan soldiers after the battle or Tho ostnen larming inanswy oi CUrh refused to drink any wine that Bouthorn California represents an was not perfumed with roses, 'while ftt I Investment of three-quarters of a the regatta of Bales the whole surrace million uouars, sna ia unuuni ouv of the merino l&ks was etrrtra wxta put of reamers is worm aooui iuv. Haiim 000. Riddle. Dick What Is It that can't bo seen. can't bo felt and yet thrills you when you receive It? Dolly Give It up. Dick A kiss by wireless. Chicago News. Defined. "Pop, what do men mean by circum stances over which they have no con troir "Wives, my son." Philadelphia Ledger. Our. Language. "nurraht I am going to hero my inning now! -nowr "I'm going on an cmtlng-." New York Journal. Aurioular Evidence. "My daughter, Gladys Mae, has be come quite an elocutionist" "Yes," peevishly replied tho next door neighbor, "so I bear!" Puck. How to Prevent Swarming. There aro several conditions upon which the Issuing of swarms hinge. The first nnd most Important factor Is a present honey flow; another Is a multitude of bees. Excessive heat and a crowded hive are also Incentives to Induce swarming, and will hasten the exodus. Now, ln order to retard or discourage swarming we must meet these conditions. The method that I have been practicing Is to furnish i . . i . 1. 1 eacu colony oi uwa uu e&uu unc m empty combs that is, at the approach of swarming time, or a week or two after the section boxes have been placed on top of the hive proper, I slip an extra hive bony oi empty combs under each hive and close tho upper entrance, compelling the bees to take possession of the extra set of combs. This gives a double hrood nest for the queen to supply with eggs. This hnB proved with me to bo only a partial succesB. About one half of the colonies swarm notwith standing. But nevertheless the plan Is a good one, my average yield ex ceeding that by any previously tried method. I might say that the col onies which had no thought of swarm ing stored tho most surplus honey, ono colony reaching 180 pounds; but with regard to those which did swarm, the Bwaruis were necessarily extra large ones on account of the double brood nest, and, of courso, Issued a few weeks later, but gave excellent results. "CIiAD TO SEE YOU PIiATrNO TO 8CCII A rur.1, nocsE." ordinary white wine was our only drink. The whole thing was an "ar rangement" Just a color scheme it. yellows to match his "blue and white" old porcelain nnd his blue nnd yellow dining room. His furniture was limited to the bar est necessaries, nnd frequently too few of those. Indeed, some wit made what he called his standing joke about ixjor Jimmy's dearth of seats, and once I heard Dick (Corney) Grain say, when shaking bands before n Sunday luncheon, "Ah, Jimmy, glnd to see you playing to such n full house!" glaring nround the studio with his lnrge, protruding eyes ln search of something to sit on. "What do you mean?" said Whistler. "Standing room only." replied the aetor. INTERPRETER BADLY NEEDED. The Ancient Brahmins. The Brahmins wore the lawyers, priests, professors, the sole Instructed class, the solo authorities on taste, morality, the sole depositaries of what ever stood ln the place of science. Everybody was to minister unto them, everybody to give way to them. The Brahmin was above the law. He was "not to bo subjected to corporal pun ishment, must not bo Imprisoned, or fined, or exiled, or reviled." In tho law of the Vishnu It was written "The Brahmins sustain the world. It Is by the favor of the Brahmins that the gods reside ln heaven." Under English rule and Ideas the ancient cast has lost some of Its prestige, but Is still a forcible reminder of its form er grandeur. Japanese Customs. A writer, describing scenes on Jap anese railways, says when a native lady enters the carriage Bhe slips her feet from her tiny shoes, stands upon the seat, and then sits demurely with her feet doubled beneath her. A mo ment later she lights a cigarette, or her little pipe, which holds Just enough to produce two good whiffs of smoko. All Japanese people sit with their feet upon the seat of the car, and not as Europeans do. When the ticket collector attired ln a blue uniform enters the carriage he removes his cap, and twice bows politely. He re peats the bow as he comes to each passenger to collect the tickets from them. Nlebuhr's Discovery. The great historian Nlebuhr found at Verona a manuscript of the Fathers, beneath the letters of which an an cient writing appeared. This, upon being deciphered, proved to be nearly a perfect copy of our era for young Roman students of the law by one of the most famous of the Roman law yers, Galus. From this treatise It be came possible to reconstruct the whole past history of Roman law with tome degree of completeness. Punctuation and lls Misuse by a Youthful Student. The 8econd Swarm. When a prime swarm Issues, If the colony Is strong and circumstances are favorable a second swarm may bo nnwsctod a week or ten days after. If the queen cannot accompany the swarm the bees will continue the at tempt to swnrm, sometimes every day, sometimes not so often. But when a young queen emerges then the old one Is disposed of. Profit from a Hive. One year with an other, a man or woman, (there are a great many lady beekeepers now tn this country) ought to realise from 7 to 1S each from a hive of bees and perhaps double the number of hires. This is a ccn ervatlre estimate. Bees By Express. Bees can be expressed ln the latest up-to-date standard I ngstroth, hrree. Merer buy patent hires with lrreg lar fixtures. Many photographs Showed thai be crop of gooseberries, currants, & Dies, and pears Is tnaea more depead ent on the bees tbea oa the weeQier, except so far as the wesfber preve ts the bees from worelns. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, chief of tho bureau of chemistry In tho department of agriculture, has Interpreted many aws affecting pure foods and drugs and lias bad some of his opinions re versed by the department of Justice and the president. Ho was discussing this one day when ho said: "The matter of Interpreting laws Is much like the story of the little boy who wns told by his teacher to read something from n primer. The boy read us follows: "'This Is a warm doughnut. Step on It.' '"Why, Johnny,' said the teacher, 'that can't bo right. Let me see your book.' This Is the sentence she found: "This Is n worm. Do not step on It.' "That's very much like tho Interpre tation of tho laws of nowadays. You can Interpret the statutes ln several ways, according to tho angle from which you view them. As for me, I believe ln construing them always so that tho masses of tho peop'o shall benefit by them." Philadelphia Record. The Infallible Lady. John Cort'ln, author and play wright, said recently that he had re signed the post of literary director of tho New theater because he disliked the superior nlr that such offices carry with them. "You decllno play after play," he said. "You make enemy after enemy You pretend to be Infallible, and the pose of Infallibility Is an ugly end un popular one. "Nobody, too know, wants to be tike Blynn's wife. " That wife of yours,' said a friend et Blynn's sympathetically, neroC ad mits manng a mmaae, uocs ana r lOv' sold Blynn, with a 'bitter aoatie. Bhe occasionally allows that she made one mistake when she married me, but Bhe dcesnt admit even that eutslde of the family circle. " ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALU ABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Or phans' Court of Wayne county, Pa., the undersigned, administratrix of C H. Woodward, late of Hawley bor ough, deceased, will sell at public outcry at the courthouse In Hones dale borough, on FRIDAY, SKIT. 0, 1010, a P. M., the following property, viz: All that lot or parcel of land, to gether with the Improvements there on, situate ln the borough of Haw ley, county of Wayne aud state of Pennsylvania, being lot No. 29 on Fourteenth street. In said village as per map In the Pennsylvania Coal company's office. Said lot No. 29 be ing eighty feet ln front on Four teenth street and extending at right angles to said street forty-four feet on the northeast side and fifty feet on the southwest side, or an average depth of forty-six feet. Containing three thousand six hundred nnd eighty square feet of land. Being the same laud which the Pennsylvania Coal company by deed dnted Jnnuary 10. 1S83, and record ed ln Wayne County Deed Book No. CO at page IS, granted and conveyed to C. H. Woodward. Upon said land Is a frame dwell ing. Terms of sale, cash. NELLIE WOODWARD. Administratrix. Searle & Salmon, Attorneys. CCeol3. NOTICE Is hereby given that an ap plication will bo made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on Tues day, November 15, A. D. 1910, by Lorenzo R. Foster, John R. Jones, Thomas J. Burke and others, under the Act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An Act for the incorporation and regulation of banks of discount and deposit," approved May 13, A. D. 187C, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended cor poration to be called "The Hawley Bank." to bo located In Hawley, couuty of Wayne, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which said propos ed corporation Is organized for the specific purpose of receiving deposits, making loans and discounts, and do ing a general banking business, un der the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Capital stock Is fixed at fifty thousand dollars (?50, 000), divided Into one thousand (1, 000) shares of tho par value of fifty dollars ($50.00) each, with ten dollars ($10.00) on each share for surplus, the total capital and surplus being sixty thousand dollars ($60. 000). Said proposed corporation, for the purposes abore stated, shall have, posBoss and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said net of assembly and Its supple ments. JOHN It. JONES, Attorney for Incorporators. 63eol 13.