JUTS CI11ZEN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1010. Saturday Qight iJalkc B ReT-F- DAVISON QllaJ Rutland, Vt THE KING, AND OFFICE-SEEKERS. International Bible Lesson for Aug. 21, '10 (Matt. 20: 17-34). That ofllco seeking Is not n modern characteristic is seen in the fact, that even among the apostles of Jesus Christ thero was an unseemly squab ble at one time over the question of eligibility for the highest positions. Deluded with the common notion that tho Messiah was about to establish an earthly kingdom they disputed with ench other as to who should bo great est In the kingdom. No doubt each one presented his claims with earn estness and conviction for the record Bays that they reasoned and disputed over the subject along tho way. But the Master of the new kingdom gave thorn n rebuko that they nover forgot and that changed their viows completely as to what true greatness Is. He took a llttlo child, and sot him In tho midst, and said In effect: This Is a sample of my kingdom, and he who comes tho nearest to being like this little child, In love. In trust fulness. In humility, In teachableness, In faith, in purity, In contentment, in obedience, and In other chlldllko characteristics will be the greatest In the kingdom of heaven. That was an . important lesson for all men, In all lands and In all ages. Popular Ideas Upset. But how that revolutionizes popu lar Ideas. Our idea of greatness is that men are born great and come to their place by divine right. Their blood is different from other blood, they belong to a superior grade. Hence it is our duty to allow them to occupy the seats of the mighty. And then there are others who Imagine that possession of money makes them great. Thero Is nothing more sick ening than to see those who have sud denly acquired wealth aping tho ways of the nobility and lording It over the common herd with arrogant demeanor. A family name docs not always stand for greatness. Royal blood Is often weak and watery, not to say poison ous. True greatness never swaggers. It does not tread upon the mudsills with Iron shod shoes. It does not draw aside Its garments with a "hol ler than thou" air. It does not recline upon a throne Indifferent to the sor rows of Its fellow men. True greatness Is humble, unas suming, free from self-conceit and self-consciousness. When a man Is great and knows It, that moment he becomes contemptible. The greatest men that have ever lived have been characterized by childlike qualities. No greater man ever lived than Moses, yet he is known as the meekest man. The mightiest preacher of the nges was Paul yet he was as approachable nnd tender-hearted as a child. Jesus Christ Himself stands at tho head of all the Wise Men of the ages, yet he was so free from that aloofness, popu larly supposed to be a part of great ness, that whenever he paused by tho wayside the children swarmed about Him and climbed Into His lap with the utmost familiarity. Children are fine Judges of character. They know Instinctively whom to trust Office No Evidence of Greatness. Evidently we shall have to revise our ideas of getting up in the world. Wo havo thought that It was by look ing out for Number One. Wo havo supposed that It was by making every body and everything come our way, and assist In boosting us. Wo have imagined that greatness was only an other word for thrones, scepters, es tates, money, office, castles, gold laco, diplomas, stars and garters. Oh, no I There are little men In office and big men out; small men wearing epaulets and large men who never wore a uni form more brilliant than a black smith's apron; mean men greeted with tho huzzas of thronging thous sands and noble men who never had a hand clap, pusillanimous men, who are clothed In purple and fine linen and fore sumptuously every day, and obscure men the latchet of whoso shoes many so-called noblemen are not worthy to stoop down and untie. Not that greatness may not bo found In high places and In places of loftiest dignity, but there is nothing in the office itself to confer greatness on any man. If he Is great he is so be cause of what ho Is and not because what he has. Wa E. Gladstono was just as great before he became Prime Minister of England as he was after ward, and Cardinal Woolsey was a disgrace to his office long before he put off the robes of power. Greatness la a Quality of soul, and true greatness manifests Itself In ft life of sacrifice for other's. Call the roll of tho world's neroea and hero ines and It will bo found that they are the philanthropists, the discoverers, the inventors, the martyrs, tho pio neers of the world's progress and im provement. Tbey have not counted their Uvea dear unto themselves that they might bear the world's burdens, and share the world's sorrows. Alexander Pope, In his Essay on Man says: Honor and shame from no condition rise Act wel your part, there all the hon or Ilea, Who noble ends by noble means ob tains, Or, falling, smiles in exile or In chains, Like good Aurellus, let him reign, or bleed With Socrates, that taw U great Indeed. ( JUDGE 0. N. BROWN. 5 C Defeated Ohlc Gubernatorial J Candidate Praises Opponent. ) New York, Aug. lO.Judge Oren Britt Brown of Dayton, O., who In the recent Ilepubllcnn state convention In Ohio got 413 votes for tho noruluntion for the governorship on the tlrst bal lot, Is nt the Waldorf. With htm is C. J. Mnttern, who was on the commit tee on resolutions nnd who helpcu to draft the platform. Judge Brown did not seem to cherish any resentmont over the fact that he was thrown overboard by George B. Cox, the Ilepubllcnn boss of Cincin nati, to defeat Representative Nicho las Longworth, and had much to say In praise of Wnrren G. Harding, the Marion editor, who got tho nomina tion. Judge Brown is on his wny to Blue BIdge Summit, Md., to spend his vncntion. "Out in Ohio the Republicans are in clined to bo progressive," said Judge Brown. "There is not so much of tho stand pat Idea there as some are apt to think. Its location, between tho east and the middle west, makes it some what conservative, but while the plat form adopted by the recent conven tion supports the tariff nnd President Taft, there are nt the same time some progressive planks. You have got to go to Ohio to see how that sort of thing is managed. Out there we are never extremists, but wo favor fair treatment for everybody, nnd we be lieve that Innovations should come in gradually, by a course of evolution, ns it were." WHY B0NI1LA SURRENDERED. Head of Honduras Revolution Found His Plans Disarranged. New Orleans, Aug. 10. A special from Port Bnrrios. Guatemala. di- clares that General Manuel Bonllla, ex-prcsldent of Honduras, and General Lee Christmas, the Americnn soldier of fortune, were not taken prisoners as reported, but surrendered volun tarily to the otllcers at Port Bnrrios. From there they were taken to Gua temala six dnys ago. It Is asserted that they surreiMlcred because of disarrangement of their plans, misfortune to one of Bonilln's boats nnd tho action of the British cruiser Scylln in giving pursuit to the isonuia expedition. Bonllla is said to havo given the governor of British Honduras nssuranees when ho left Be lize that he would not carry an armed expedition from there against Spanish Honduras, nnd tho governor Is declar ed to havo been deeply aroused by subsequent developments in Spanish Honduras. The reason erven for tho Hiirremlnr of tho revolutionists to the authorities at Tort Barrio3 Is that they felt Gua temala would give them friendly pro tection. DON JAIME ATTACKS FRANCE. Says She Is Blanketing Spain Out of Morocco He Isn't Agitating. Vienna, Aug. 1C Don Jaime, the Carlist pretender to the Spanish throne, bus written to tho Neue Frele Presse here denying tho report thut he is uctively participating In the pres ent movement In Spnln He asserts that the Carllsts aro numerous In ev ery province in Spain and are ready for tho chosen moment for the sacrifice of blood and treasure. He points out that while Spain Is engrossed In Internal religious strife France is marching, unobserved by nil, toward Fez, tho capital of Morocco. Ho asserts thut Franco is working to abolish and cut off from Spain all commercial connections lu Morocco. WOMAN SMOTHERED IN VAULT Wife of Former Richmond County Sheriff Falls Through Decayed Roof. New York, Aug. 10. Mrs. Benjumln Brown, wife of ex-Sheriff Brown of Richmond county, was smothered to death in a vault at her home in Sta pleton. Mrs. Brown's home la at Sand street In the rear of the health de partment building. Back of tho houso is a disused vault which has been boarded over. While out In the rear of tho prem ises Mrs. Brown stepped on the old boards that bud been laid over the ton of tho vault nnd sho went through, f w- was dead when taken out F Kills Girt Mistaken For Burglar. Dcniaon, Tex., Aug, lQ.-rMlstaklng his niece, Mtnnlo Beck, aged thirteen, for a burglar when she went into the yard for a drink of water, a man named Jackson shot and killed the child. RECALLSjaOOPS. Soldiers Return to Oo'o bus to Quell Rioting. POLICE FORCE DEMORALIZED. Governor Harmon, Finding City Au thorities Powerless to Preserve Or der, Orders National Guard to Return Business Paralyzed. Columbus, O., Aug. 10. Fresh riot ing among tho striking street railway employees caused Governor Harmon to Issue a call for 1,000 members of the militia to come back here to quell the disturbance. It is reported thnt at least 8,000 mili tiamen will be stationed hero by to night nnd thnt they will be kept on duty until Christmas, If necessary, as the governor Is determined thnt tho lawlessness must end. The governor was forced to order out the mllltln because of rioting on the east side. Mayor Marshall refused to make an appeal to the governor to cnll out the troops. The Ohio Electric Rail way company Is operating its enre ir regularly, sending clerks nnfl stenog raphers to do duty na motormcn nnd conductors on tho cars. The manage ment of the railway company refused to listen to the appeal of Marshall and keep the cars In the barns nfter dnrk. Yesterday afternoon 2,000 men collect ed lu Long street and threatened the crews on the cars. There was n hur ried call for the police, but the blue- coat force has become almost demoral ized by the rioting, shooting nnd dis order. It seems to have lost Its grip on the situation. There was a controversy between Governor Harmon and Mayor Marshall on the advisability of calling out tho troops. In a statement Governor Har mon says: "I have ordered a part of the na tional guard to report for duty In Co lumbus forthwith. I have done this of my own motion under my authority as governor. "The police force of tho city, which Is entirely too small at best, has been reduced nnd demoralized by the open mutiny of many of the members. It has shown itself incapable, without help, of maintaining order. A continu ation of this condition would disgrace the state nnd Inflict grievous injury on its city. "I am unwilling to let lawless vio lence run unchecked for lack of force to cut it down, while the police force of the city Is being recruited and re organized and the sheriff is summon ing tho men of the country to uphold the public authority. It does not mend matters to say the local authorities shonld have taken these steps sooner, although this is true. Let them bo taken now without delay." With Mayor Marshall admitting that the police force nnd the few deputies sworn In nre unable to cope with the mobs in the street car strike here, nnd with the situation complicated by seri ous daylight rioting, assaults, bomb throwing, the hurling of stones and promiscuous shooting, insistent de mauds were made upon Governor Har mon to ngnln cnll out tho national guard. Business In the city Is para lyzed, one merchant who pays 20 n day rent admitting that he took In Sat urday but S3. Another did not sell enough to pay his clerks' hire. WAIL OF DAM FALLS. Five Men Rescued of Nine Buried In Mass of Cement and Clay. Ogdensburg, N. Y Aug. 10. Nlue men were engulfed under 100 tons of cement and clay at the power dam being constructed nt Mnsscun, N. Y. Five were rescued. Two were dead when taken out, and two others are still hurled In the ruins. Three of the injured men were taken ncross the St. Lawrence river to Cornwall, and put In the hospital. Two of them huve broken legs and the third a fractured skull. One of the dead men whose body wns recovered had $1,800 In money sowed in his underclothing. The men were Italians. A section of the dam forty feet In length, thirty feet In height and filled with clay gave way burying tho work men under It. The theory of quick sand is advanced by some and a weak foundation by others. UMPIRE EVANS BADLY CUT. Foul Tip Hit Results In Breaking of Mask. Chicago, Aug, 10. Umpire Billy Evans was hurt during the ninth inn ing of the tlrst Hilltop-White Sox game and will be out of commission for sev eral days. A foul tip hit him oo the mask, and one of the wires U tho mask broke and cut his face s bad that it required two stitches. TJtoplre Cotllflower worked alone in the second game, and did good work cons Kit) ring that ho la new In tho American league. ARMY ADVISER TO CANADA. Major General Cofin Mackrmlo to Be Chief of General Staff. London, Aug. 10. Mnjor General J. Colin Mackenzie, O. B., has been ap pointed chief of the general staff -and first military adviser to Canada, He Is now- in command of tho BUcUt infantry brigade at Aldershot Nebraska Primaries Result In Peculiar Situation. BRYAN'S MAN MEETS DEFEAT. Both Political Parties Choose Liberal Candidates While Adopting Anti saloon Platforms Shallenbergor Dahlman Fight Still Doubtful. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 17. Returns from the Nebraska state primaries lndlcnte a stand pat victory for the Repub licans and n "wet" victory in both parties so far ns candidates ore con cerned, but n dry victory on platform. Further indentions nro that William J. Bryan's preferred candidate for the United States seunte Is defeated at least two to one. In the Republican ranks stand pat ters have probably won In nil na tional contests, but havo lost the gov ernorship, which will probably go to Chester R. Aldrlch, Insurgent. Morris, Insurgent lender In the nttnek on Can non in the house, wns unopposed. At the Democratic primaries Hitch cock for senntor probably has two to one vote over Metcnlf, editor of Bryan's paper and Bryan's right hand man. Governor Schellenberger, up for renomlnatlon, Is running nhend of Mayor Dahlman of Omaha, but the latter made surprising gains In many districts nnd may overtake tho leader when the returns nre all In. The race between Schallenbcrger nnd Dahlman was tho hottest of tho elec tion. Shallcnberger stands ngalnst a county option bill, but will sign a county option bill If the legislature pas one. Dahlman Is an out nnd out wet candidate and refuses to sign nny prohibition bills which may come before him. Believe Johnson Winner. San Francisco, Aug. 17. Judging from returns so far received Hiram Johnson, insurgent Republican, has been nomlnnted by direct primary for governor of California. From central and southern Califor nia returns show that Johnson is get ting a very heavy vote, practically as much as Curry and Anderson com bined. If the returns continue the opinion is thnt Johnson will win. HI? supporters didn't dream he would poll so heavy n vote in Frisco. Reports from Los Angeles show that Johnson is polling ns heavy n vote as all others combined. Tho returns from Los Angeles practically show tljat Johnson has carried the state by a very heavy plurality. Good Judges here nre preparing to concede John son's victory. WHAT BALLINGER SAID. Secretary of Interior Declared He Would Resign if President Asked. Washington, Aug. 17. Secretin? Balllnger of the Interior department has sent word to Beverly that he wli: resign any time he Is asked to do sc by the president, but not until then. This Is tho burden of n report that Is current here. According to this storj the secretary made plain this attitude to Senator Crane in Minneapolis a fort night ago nnd the senator has conv munlcntcd it to the president. This report adds color to the grow ing Impression that the effort to get rid of Balllnger, Cannon and Aldrlch without soiling the hands of the presi dent has come to grief. Secretary Balllnger, it Is snld, flatly refused tc be put out of the way by nnybody but tho president himself. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call today was 1H Per cent time money and mercantile paper un changed In rates. Closing stock quota tions on tho Now York exchange) Aug. 1( were: Amal. Copper... CS Norf, & West... 9W4 Atchison 100 Northwestern ..145 I). & 0 10SH Penn. R. R. 130 Brooklyn R. T... 77 Reading 146 Ches. & Ohio.... 75H Rock Island 314 C..C.,C.&St.t... 71 8t. Paul 127M D. & II 1C2T4 Southern Pac.US Erie 26 Southern Ry.... 24Vs Gen. Electric... 145 South. Ry. pf... KM 111. Central 13Ui Sugar UMVi Int.-Met 17 Texas Pacific... 27M Louis. & Nash. .1434 Union Pacific. ..UW Manhattan 13H4 U. S. Steel 72M Missouri Pac... Utt U. B. Steel pf.,.117 N. Y. Central.. ..115 West. Union B4 Market Reports. OUTTER Receipts, 16,063 packages creamery, specials, per lb., 30c; extras 23c: thirds to firsts, 24a2Sc; state dairy finest, 2$c; common to prime, 22ttaSf7Hc process, specials, 2Ca26Kc.; seconds to ex tras, 22a2SKc: factory, current make, sec onds to firsts, 22a23c; imitation creamery 2Ja2Sc. CHEESE Firm; receipts, 7,632 boxes. state, whole milk, specials, UHalic.; aver age fancy, small, white, tfc: largo, ISc small, colored, 15c.; large, 16c; prime. ltaliKo.: fair to good, UttaltUc.; com mon, 104al2Uc: skims, specials, lic fine, UHaUKa.: fair to good, SttalOKc. common. ta7c.; full skims, IHaic. EGGS Firmer: receipts. 14.974 cases, state, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery, wmte, saszo-i gauieroa, wane, sazsc hennery, brown, 25a27c; gathered, brown. Z2ac; fresh gathered., extra firsts; UKa 23c.; firsts, tOoac.; seconds, ITHaISc HAY AND STRAW Firm: 'timothy, old. per hundred, SLUal.23: new, tUfisXCS; shipping, old. tLOCoXIO; clover, mired, old. SSc.a41.20; clover, old. 80c.s41 straw, long rye. G0c oat and wheat, 45c J holt bales, 2Ha5c leac POTATOES Weak; Long Island, pej bbL, 2a2.2S; Jersey, fl.ffio2.20l southern. SL&Oat; sweets, fltOoS. LIVE POULTRY Bteadyt broilers, nearby, per Ux. UalfHc-; westsm, lBo.; southern. ISc; fowls, nearby, l&tteUa; western and southern, 15c. j old rooiters, lie; turkeys, tool 4c.; ducks, 14a; geese, 12c PPOPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION SUBMIT TED TO THE CITIZENS OP THIS COMMONWEALTH FOB THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION, BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN SYLVANIA. AND PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH, IN PUR SUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITUTION. Number One. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to section twenty-six or nrticle live of the Constitution of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Resolved, (If the Senate concur), That the following nmendment to section twenty-six of nrtlclo flvo of the Constitution of Pennsylvania be, and the same Is hereby, proposed, In accordance with the eighteenth arti cle thereof: That section 20 of Article V., which rends as follows: "Section 20. All laws relating to courts shall bo gen eral and of uniform operation, nnd the organization, Jurisdiction, and powers of all courts of the same class or grade, so far as regulated by law, and the force and effect of the process nnd Judgments of such courts, shall be uniform; and tho General Assembly Is hereby prohibit ed from creating other courts to ex ercise tho powers vested by this Con stitution in tho judges of the Courts of Common Pleas and Orphans' Courts," be amended so that the same shall read as follows: Section 2G. All laws relating to courts shall be general and of uni form operation, and the organization, jurisdiction, and powers of all courts of the same class or grnde, so far as regulated by law, and the force and effect of the process and judgments of such courts, shall be uniform; but, notwithstanding any provisions of this Constitution, the General As sembly shall have full power to es tablish new courts, from time to time, as the same may be needed in any city or county, and to prescribe the powers and Jurisdiction thereof, and to Increase the number of Judges tn any courts now existing or hereafter created, or to reorganize the same, or to vest In other courts the Juris diction theretofore exercised by courts not of record, and to abolish the same wherever It may be deemed necessary for the orderly and efficient administration of Justice. A true copy of Resolution No. 1. ROBERT McAFEE, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Number Two. RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, so as to eliminate the requirement of pay ment of taxes as a qualification of the right to vote. Resolved (If the House of Repre sentatives concur), That the follow ing amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia be, and the same Is hereby, pro posed, in accordance with the eigh teenth article thereof: That section one of article eight be amended, by striking out the fourth numbered paragraph thereof, so that the said section shall read as fol lows: Section 1. Every male citizen twenty-one years of age, possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote nt all elections, sub ject however to such laws requiring and regulating the registration of electors as the General Assembly may enact. First. He shall have been a citizen of the United States at least one month. Second. He shall have resided In the State one year (or If, having pre viously been n qualified elector or native-born citizen of the Stnte, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months), Immedi ately preceding the election. Third. He shall have resided in the election district where he shall offer to vote at least two months Immedi ately preceding the election. A true copy of Resolution No. 2. ROBERT McAFEE, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Number Three. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Con stltutlon of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, so as to consolidate tho courts of common pleas of Al legheny County. Section 1. Bo It resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia In General Assembly met, That the following amendment to the Con stitution of Pennsylvania be, and the same is hereby, proposed, in accord ance with tho eighteenth article thereof: That section six of article five be amended, by striking out the said section, and Inserting In place there' of the following: Section 0. In the county of Phila delphia all the Jurisdiction and pow ers now vested In the district courts and courts of common pleas, subject to such changes as may be made by this Constitution or by law, shall be In Philadelphia vested in five dis tinct and separate courts of equal and co-ordinate jurisdiction, com posed of three judges each. The said courts In Philadelphia shall be designated respectively as tho court of common pleas number one, num ber two, numbor three, number four, and number five, but the number of said courts may be by law Increased, from time to time, and shall be in like manner designated by successive numbers. The number of judges In any of said courts, or In any county wbero the establishment of an addi tional court may be authorized by law, may be Increased, from time to time, and whenever such Increase shall amount In the whole to three, such three Judges shall compose a distinct and separate court as afore said, which shall be numbered as aforesaid. In Philadelphia all suits shall bo Instituted In the said courts of common pleas without designating tho number of the said court, and the several courts shall distribute and apportion the business among them in such manner as shall be provided by rules ot court, and each court, to which any suit snail bo thus as signed, shall have cxclustvo juris diction thereof, subject to chango of venue, ns shall bo provided by law. In the county of Allegheny all the jurisdiction and powers now vested in the sovernl numbered courts ot common pleas shnll be vested In one court of common pleas, composed of all the Judges In commission In said courts. Such jurisdiction and pow ers shall extend to alt proceedings at law and In equity which shall havo been instituted in the several num bered courts, and shall bo subject to such changes as may be made by taw, and subject to change of venue as provided by law. Tho president Judge of said court shnll be selected as provided by law. The number of Judges In said court may be by law increased from time to time. This amendment shall take effect on the first dny of January succeeding Its adoption. A true copy of Resolution No. 3. ROBERT McAFEE, Secretary of the Commonwealth. A JOINT RESOLUTION Number Four. Proposing nn amendment to section eight, article nine, of the Consti tution of Pennsylvania. Section 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia In General Assembly met, That the following is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, tn accordance with the provisions of the eighteenth nrticle thereof: Amendment to Article Nine, Sec tion Eight. Section 2. Amend section eight. article nine, of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, which reads as fol lows: "Section 8. The debt of any coun ty, city, borough, township, school district, or other municipality or in corporated district, except as herein provided, shall never exceed seven per centum upon the assessed value of the taxable property therein, nor shall any such municipality or dis trict Incur any new debt, or Increase Its indebtedness to nn amount ex ceeding two per centum upon such assessed valuation of property, with out the assent of the electors thereof at a public election In such manner as shall be provided by law; but any city, the debt of which now exceeds seven per centum of such assessed valuatlonJinny be authorized by law to Increase the same three per cen tum, in the aggregate, at any one time, upon such valuation," so as to read as follows: Section 8. The debt of any county. city, borough, township, school dis trict, or other municipality or incor porated district, except as herein provided, shall never exceed seven per centum upon the assessed value of the taxable property therein, nor shall any such municipality or dis trict incur any new debt, or Increase Its Indebtedness to an amount ex ceeding two per centum upon such assessed valuation of property, with out the assent of the electors thereof at a public election In such manner as shall be provided by law; but any city, the debt of which now exceeds seven per centum of such assessed valuation, may be authorized by law to Increase tho same three per cen tum, In the aggregate, at any one time, upon such valuation, except that any debt or debts hereinafter incurred by the city and county of Philadelphia for the construction and development of subways for tran sit purposes, or for the construction of wharves and docks, or the re clamation of land to be used in the construction of a system of wharves and docks, as public improvements, owned or to be owned by said city and county of Philadelphia, and which shall yield to the city and county of Philadelphia current net revenue in excess of the interest on said debt or debts and of the annual Installments necessary for the can cellation of said debt or debts, may be excluded in ascertaining the pow er of the city and county of Philadel phia to become otherwise Indebted: Provided, That a sinking fund for their cancelation shall be established and maintained. A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 4. ROBERT McAFEE, Secretary of the Commonwealth. TWELVE muslin trespass notices for 51.00; six for seventy-five cents. Name of owner, township and law regarding trespassing printed there on. CITIZEN office. T t t The Jeweler t would like to see you If X you are In the marketi for t JEWELRY, SILVER- WARE, WATCHES CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, AND NOVELTIES 'Guaranteed articles only sold." '. tlHUIItltllHIItlllllllt ARRIVAL AWD Dlil'AKTURE OP ERIE TRAINS. Trains leave Union depot at 7.20 a. m. and 2.48 p. m., week days. Trains arrive Union depot at 1.50 and 6.4 S p. m. week days. Saturday only, Erie and Wyomln arrives at 3.45 p. m. and leaves at 5.50 p. m. Sunday trains leave 2.48 and ar rive at 7.02.