The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 19, 1910, Image 6

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    IKE CITIZEN, Fill DAY, AUGUST 10, 1010.
California Murderer Hides
Breathing Victim In Sand.
Mme. Castine, After Having Drawn
$6,000 From Bank, Is Killed Har
Her Brother-in-law Has Con
fessed to Brutal Crime.
Ios Angeles, Cnl., Aug. 10. Otto
Bchultz, young brother-in-law of Mine.
Frieda Schultz Cnstlnc, who was
torntally murdered on her ranch nt
Lancaster, has boon nrrested nnd hns
confessed that ho committed the
crime. When captured ho was trying
to get out of the city.
"I killed her because she called me
a dirty bum," said Schultz.
Mine. Castlue's body was found In
the front yard of her ranch, where a
shallow grave hnd been dug. A dog
unearthed the body, and an examina
tion showed that tho murderer, who
hit tho woman In the back of the head
with an ax, had crowded tho body Into
the grave while his victim was still
Mme. Castlne's young son found his
mother's body. The woman hadn't
been seen since last Friday, when she
wont to Los Angeles to draw ?0,000.
which was n legacy from relatives in
Germany. Schultz disappeared the
same day.
Otto Schultz came to California re
cently to talso charge of tho ranch.
From facts obtained by olllccrs nnd
surgeons It Is believed tho murderer
lay In wnlt for Mme. Castlno and
struck her down as she alighted from
bcr carriage. The soil of the ranch
In tho vicinity of tho house Is sandy,
making It nn easy matter to dig a
grave, but the slayer was in such hasto
that ho not only did not wait for tho
death of his victim before Interring
her, but covered tho body with only a
scant six inches of sand and loam.
Young Castine did not discover tho
ghastly work of tho murderer until he
hnd gone to neighlwrs in search of his
mother. When he returned from his
fruitless quest he entered by tho front
yard and came upon tho body sudden
ly, the dog having scratched away the
sand and exposed the remains.
Mme. Castlno was formerly a prom
inent figure nt tho lmpcrlnl court of
Her son, Lieutenant Emll Schultz, n
protege of the crown prince of Ger
many nnd formerly In the Gcrmnn
nnny, Is In n precarious condition nt n
hospital from tho shock of tho discov
ery and from blood poisoning contract
ed through kissing his mother's remains.
Police Think They Have the Leader of
a New Jersey Gang,
l'nterson, . J.. Aug. 10. Detective
Sergeant William Lord nrrested Mi
chael L. Tooling ns the leader of a
gang of safe blowers who have been
successfully operating In this part of
the country for more than n year, nnd
In that time hnvo cracked, the police
K'iv. not less than a score of snfes.
Lancashire Humor.
There was n Lancashire collier who
went out on Sunday with his wheel
barrow because, ns ho said. "I'vo lost
ml dog, nn' a felly looks slch a foo'
gooln' n-walkln bl uissclf."
Then there was tho worklngmcn's
club committee which wanted to In
dorse tho accounts "audited nnd found
correct nnd tuppenco over" nnd tho
customer who, on being told that tho
price of candles had gono up owing to
tho war, nsked whether they wore
"feightln' bl candlo loot"
Also ono recalls tho laggard Lan
cnshlro lover who, when nsked for n
kiss, said ho was "gooln' to do It In a
bit," nnd tho old ladles who praised a
certain Darwin clergyman as "a grand
burlcr," nnd of tho orator who trans
lated "Dieu et mon droit" Into "Evil bo
, to him what evil thinks!" "Lancashire
j LIfo nnd Character," by Frank Ormc
i rod.
Making a Lawn.
On his English tour nn American
was admiring tho velvety bmoothncss
of a certain swnrd. and, being pos
sessed of land and an overpowering
confidence that with money all things
aro possible, ho asked tho head gar
dener how to produce such a lawn.
And tho gardener said: "It's easy
enough, sir. All you need do Is to
remove all tho stone3, plow up the
ground, plant it with gras3 seed and
roll It for 300 years."
Tho Adirondack Plateau.
The average height of the Adiron
dack plateau is about 2,000 feet, al
though there are many peaks that nro
I over n mile high, .
Mayor Qaynor's Son Predicts His De
parture Within Ten Days.
Now York, Aug. 10. Surgeons at
tending Mayor Gaynor confessed to a
fenr of Just ono thing, n secondary
hemorrhage that might occur along
tho path torn by tho bullet. A sec
ondary hemorrhage Is bleeding twenty-four
or more hours after n wound
hns been indicted. In Mayor Gnynor's
case It would mean that tho bullet hnd
so abrnldcd tho wall of some nrtery
that the pulsing blood hnd broken
through. Such n hemorrhago must bo
cheeked within a couplo of minutes if
death Is to be nverted.
Every other contingency conceivable
to the alert surgical mind has been
provided for. The mnyor has received
injections of antitoxin to ward off te
tanus, tho bullet hns been viewed ns
It lies embedded in bony tissue In the
roof of tho pharynx, the wound hns
been dressed and nsceptlclzed and the
mayor's blood tested twice a day for
the germs of septicaemia, or blood
poisoning. Of course, such vrecnutlons
as may Imj hnvo been taken to guard
ngalnst a secondary hemorrhngo, but
wholly to guard ngalnst that Is Impos
That Is why there is nlwnys at least
one ablcbodled doctor on duty with
tho mnyor night and day. If a secon
dary hemorrhage were to come the
doctor in the room would simply have
to stanch tho How of blood with his
fingers for n moment or two until
ligatures could be applied.
But Hufus Gaynor, son of the mayor,
has no fear that there will be a sec
ondary hemorrhago resulting from tho
wound Inflicted by Jnmcs J. Gallagher,
the would be assassin.
"Ten days Is n long time In the esti
mate when father will bo allowed by
tho surgeons to leave St. Mnry's," ho
said. "Wo have strong hopes that as
a matter of fact ho may be strong
enough to walk out of tho hospital in
side of tho estimated ten days. We
would not bo at all surprised were the
physicians to release him within a
"It Is father's wish now that he go
to the Adlromlacks to recuperate,
either to Loon, Placid or Schoon lake.
Many desirable camps have been al
ready offered him by prominent per
sons for the period of convalescence,
but none of these Invitations hns been
accepted. We have already planned,
with father's acquiescence, his going
to the Adlrondncks.
"After leaving the hospital father
can be carried to the railroad station,
three blocks from the hospital, and
started on his way to tho mountains
with rV
Assassin Attempts Life of
Georgia Reform Mayor.
Blakely Official Awakened From Sleep
by Armed Prowler Who Attempts
His Life Attack Follows
Threatening Letter.
Blakely, On., Aug. 10. Mnyor C. B.
Chlpstead was shot and dangerously
wounded while in bed by a would be
The mayor was aroused from sleep
to find a mm standing over him with
pistol leveled nt his heart and about to
pull the trigger. Mnyor Chlpstead
knocked up the pistol nnd grappled
with the Intruder. In the struggle
Mnyor Chlpstead was shot In the
shoulder nnd fell to tho lloor. Ills as
sailant, evidently thinking the mayor
was dead, fled.
Tho mnyor says his assailant was a
white man' wearing a mask. Mayor
Chlpstead has Incurred tho enmity of
the lawless element by rigid enforce
ment of law, nnd recently received
several anonymous letters threatening
his life If ho continued to enforce the
Tho mayor denounced tho letter writ
ers, and tho nttempt at assassination
followed. A large reward has been of
fered for tho arrest of tho would be
"Aw, como on I" tho UtUo boy was
heard to remark. "Bo a sport. I'll bot
ycr any amount o money up to 5
cents." Harper's.
True Happiness.
About tho happiest man In tho world
should bo ho that, having a fad, Is nblo
to mako a living at It Chicago Itcc
Tho arrow that pierces the Ragle's
breast Is often mado of 'his own feathers.
Chinese Insults.
Tho Chlnoso aro curious folk. An
educated Chinaman will take dalleht
In using in conversation with a West
ern barbarian tho adjective which la
used only to qualify animals, though
only his Interpreter will discover tho
insult of which tho person for whom
It is intended romalns supremely Igno
rant. A China "boy" will enter your pres
ence with hie pigtail rolled round hta
head a most lntolerablo rudeness
If ho thinks tho now nrrlval does not
understand tho Insult Intended.
EiOK1 ft "'" ' i'ii in ii
A Chance He Couldn't Afford to Waste.
"But I should think." she said, "you
would wish, now that you nro free
again, to remain single."
"No," ho replied. "I am determined
to marry. If you won't hnvo me I
shall nsk some other woman to bo my
"Why are you so anxious?"
"I know where I can get a cook who
will bo willing to remain with us year
after year." Chicago necord-IIerald.
Bo if I
Vtifi ii
Raw Potatoes For Cows.
Raw potatoes can be fed to cows In
moderate amounts. As a rule we
should not feed more than twenty to
twenty-five pounds daily to each nni-
Uic Stomachs ondBmds of
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Promotes DigcslionChccrful
ness and Rest.Contalns neither
OpiunuMorphine norMiueral.
Not Narcotic. ;
JimpJtii SfeJ"
jUxSana r
Aperfecl Remedy forConsHja-
lion , oour aiuiudiiiiuiaiiw
ncss anilLOSS OF&LEEP.
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