HIE CITIZEN, VlUDAY, AUGUST 10, 1010. THE CITIZEN rOBLISHKD EVERY WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY BY THE CITIZEN rCBUSIIlNO COMrANY. Entered as second-class mntter. at the post ntflce. Honesdale. l'a. SUBSCRIPTION S, il. HAItDKNllKItnil. PKKSIDKNT W. W. WOOD. MANAGKIt AND SKC'Y HILLIAKD lJltUCK - EDITOH directors: c. ii. dorrunqeii. m. r. allen, bknby wilbo.n. e. b. 1iahdenberqi1. W. W. MTOOD, KIM DAY. AUG. 10, 1010. KEPIMILICAX TICKET. For Governor JOHN K. TENER. For Lieutenant Governor JOHN M. REYNOLDS. Secretary of Internal Affairs HENRY HOUCK. State Treasurer CHAS. F. WRIGHT. For Congress, C. C. PRATT. For State Senator, W1NPUED D. LEWIS. COUNTY. Representative, H. C. JACKSON. Champ Clark says he can almost see himself In the Speaker's chair. It is a mirage. Omaha Bee. After that do you blame 'em for calling the Missouri statesman "Chump" CLARK? Brother HAINES needs to read up on the finances of Pennsylvania. He says Pennsylvania might have Imi tated Minnesota. He should have said that Minnesota has Imitated Pennsylvania and in so doing has become a taxless state. Pennsylva nia levies no state tax on individu " als, and she has a surplus In the treasury of ?8, 000, 000. She spends twice as much for education and roads as Minnesota does. Indeed, Pennsylvania stands at the head of all the states in financial soundness. Corporations and men with money at interest pay all the state taxes. It is said that JOHNSON, the col ored pugilist, has almost closed ne gotiations for a handsome residence In one of the most exclusive and aristocratic sections of Brooklyn. Moving pictures of the expressions of the social elect who will be his neighbors would be even more Inter esting than the fight ones. Balti more American. Having thus far failed in our long and heartfelt effort to have a law prescribing capital punishment for snobs placed on the statute books of any state, we are willing to 'ac cept provision of the next best pen alty for folks who try to look down on their neighbors and this pen alty may well be the proximity of JACK JOHNSON, the Texas nigger with the J180.000 wallop that put JIM JEFFRIES to sleep. White Mills did well to organize that protection fire company. It was and Is badly needed. We are glad to be able to chronicle the fact that CO White Mills business men, many of them prominent in the life of the village, joined It without de lay and that for Its officers there were chosen some of the most solid citizens in that corner of Wayne county. The next time a house right In the heart of the village com mences to smoke at 4.15 In the morning there will be a trained and systematic effort made to reduce the flames, with the probable result that tho property will not be converted into a heap of ashes. Success to the White Mills fire company, nnd con gratulations to the men that have started this very necessary organiza tion on Its way! They are desirable citizens in the most genuine signif icance of a term which has been somewhat overworked and abused during recent months. Mr. SWALLOW of the Prohibi tionists pronounces WILLIAM II. BERRY a blackberry, the Democrats declare that in his hopelessness ho Is nothing but a blueberry. And tho Republicans declare it will bo the easiest thing in the world to dew berry. Now, what kind of a berry Is he? Philadelphia Evening Call. We dew bollovo Mr. BERRY will be even more of a blue BERRY af ter that llttlo affair in November, and wo claim priority up horo In Wayno for coining the "blue" pre fix for tho Keystone gubernatorial candidate. Let The Citizen blow and brag for onco In tho wholo 07 years It has boon preaching the G. O. P. gospel In northeastern Penn sylvania. Wo took pains to call him a blue BERRY as long ago as the tenth day of July. Tho Phllllo Call waited until Aug. 10, Dr. SWALLOW came out with his black BERRY In tho interim, and as for tho Repub lican faithful, why, bless your heart and soul, they knew they could do BERRY Just tho moment tho Phila delphia convention put him on the ticket! The man who now wears n duck suit need have no fears of drowning. Paragrapher. The man who calls that good hot weather humor ought to be ducked In the nearest frogpond! -A GINGERSNAPS. Aviators are great disciples of cheerfulness. They arp averse to be ing cast down. President Diaz wishes it distinct ly understood that he Is the Mexican republic. Here's hoping the Honesdale hit ters send the Tnylor Reds home feel ing very blue. Insurance companies are retrench ing on nccount of the high cost of dy ing. Where's this thing going to end? A lot of people are planning per fectly grand summer vacations they know very well they are not going to take. Miss Democracy feels nervous when she thinks of the come-back record of the Republican party. It Is surely a great race when only n paltry nine games separate the first and sixth clubs in the York state league. We have a premonition that Wayne county will contain a dead sheriff and a dead editor very soon after the curbstone horse trader reads this issue of The Citizen. Col. Roosevelt will not talk poli tics for two months. The nation will therefore be compelled to depend solely upon the mlndreadlng Wash ington correspondents, who will not be at all backward about Interpret ing his thoughts. Yes, it's entirely true that all the newspaper scribblers In this bor ough. Including the man who writes this column as well as "Off the Bat," would dearly love to see Sam Reed's scrapbook of newspaper clippings and hear the little watch tinker from Equinunk tell what he thinks about the journalistic limelight which sur rounds his case. Even the sky pilots have their I discounts and reductions. At first Wright and Curtiss wanted ?10,000 to fly at Allentown fair. The direc tors wouldn't pay it and In refusing so big a check to the aerial naviga tors they intimated that Wright and Curtiss and all that colony were sky pirates Instead of the other thing. The usual vaudeville show was then signed up. Now the sky pilots, or sky pirates, or whatever you choose to style them, have offered to knock off f.4,000 but It's too late. The slack wire man and the contortionist and the juggler and the clown and the ragtime vocalist will hold the boards, as usual. Scranton's population is a shade under 130,000. Some Electric City optimists thought their town would go to the 150,000 mark, but no real ly conservative Scrantonlan looked for more than 130,000 or 135,000. But Scranton's growth Is by no 1 means ended. She has Jumped from 102,000 to 129,000 odd between i 1000 and 1910; she will make the 150,000 class, beyond doubt, when Uncle Sam's 1920 nose-counting Is in order. Scranton has an eligible . location, both commercially and iu I dustrially, and Scranton has lots and I lots of pushful citizens men who do not propose to take more tnan an hour for dinner until they make their city the third In Pennsylvania In point of population. X KEYSTONE PRESS. 1 X Two swains are In Philadelphia hospital as a result of a vote for the prettiest girl at a Polish picnic. Who said the days of knight errantry are over? Harrisburg Patriot. In order that her dog wouldn't have to ride in the haggago car a San Francisco woman made her hus band pay $2,000 for a private car. And yet they want to vote! Harris burg Telegraph. The news that the Texas Demo cratic state convention has endorsed Senator Josoph Woldon Bailey for president of tho United States is more curious than important. Har risburg Patriot. At a party In tho couutry lately kissing games were played, relates tho Atchison Globe. A young man who was present says tho girls fight now, as they used to. But wo'd rath er kiss a lighting country girl than a fighting town girl. When a girl re gists, a man usually kisses her hair, nnd thoro's a sort of dond taste to jute that you don't notice In real hair. Peckvlllo Journal. Jack Johnson, champion pug of tho world, Is autolng about tho exclusive suburbs of tho eastern cities, picking out sites for lino homes ho never Intends to build. Johnson has a bug on this thing, but tho whlto owners of homes in tho sections ho has visited don't seem to realize it and are fast going to tho bug themselves for fear ho and his bug alights among them. Bellefonte Watchman. We agree with Upton Sinclair on the general proposition that young authors ought to be endowed. Our disagreement with him, however, lies in the fnct that we think they ought to be endowed with brains. That particular phase of It doesn't seem to have occurred to Up. Philadel phia Inquirer. "Drafted by the peoplo" Clarence Glbboney will run on the Keystone ticket. What rotl Glbboney knows full well that the Keystone conven tion was as badly bossed an nffalr as any political convention In recent years. With but few Instances the delegates to the convention were either self-chosen or picked out by the lenders of the third party move ment. The nominee for governor wns "slated" and his nomination brutally forced upon the delegates. As a sample take the Bucks county delegates: Who authorized their se lection? Was any meeting held at which they were chosen to represent those In attendance? We haven't heard of any. And Bucks county Is only one of many others throughout the stnte. "Drafted by the people?" Bah! The people had no say at all! In fact, the general public takes so little Interest In the doings of tho Fllnn-Van Valkenberg crowd that little Is heard of the movement In this locality. Bristol Courier. RIGHT OFF THE BAT. What will they do with the third ticket? Why, they'll bury it, of course! Judge Henry Wilson. Who started that statement that I was the mayor of Lake Lodore all day Wednesday? Fred G. Tolley. I find It takes time to make over a drugstore and get it fixed up the way you want It, but I expect to have a good one when I get open. Percy L. Cole. I was in Snohomish, Washington, last week. This is the greatest cherry country in the world. One tree has a record of two tons of cherries In one season. W. W. Wood, Jr. I stopped a runaway Tuesday af ternoon when W. F. Wood's team from Beach lake started to run from in front of the Jadwin building. I do not lay claim to a Carnegie hero medal, but I feel I ought to have honorable mention. Peter H. Iloff. I deeply regret that the little al tercation between George Keller and another friend of mine should have taken place at my establishment. They have made it all up now, but If they start another row there I shall lock them both up for disor derly conduct. Sheriff M. L. Bra man. , T I don't ask any odds of any Yankee from Connecticut, though in this, case I've offered to put ?100 against $100 that the alleged "Yankee" is really a Johnny Bull. If he sits down on my bag again, In Braman's barn or any other place, there will be a funeral and it won't be my funeral, either. George Keller. The proper solution of the liquor question is to license the drinker. Make it a penal offense to sell or give liquor to any person not licensed. Revoke the license of any person who drinks beyond moderation. Re strict the granting of licenses to those who, beside Jjeing 21 years of age and law-abiding citizens, shall have their petition signed by those who are dependent upon them for sup port. W. W. Wood. I went to my office Tuesday night, and the door was locked, and yours truly didn't happen to have his key. There was nothing to do but to try to crawl through tho offico window by going over the roof of tho shed The roof is low and I got up there In the shake of a lamb's tall, but the roof, I had forgotten to remember, was covered with fresh tar. I lauded on one knee and went right Into a pool of tar that I could feel. It soaked right through, and after I'd found what I wanted in my desk I had to spend half an hour with naptha to get the stuff out. Other wise my ?27 suit would have been put out of commission. Wyman W. Kimble. Sour Stomach .Ml-o-mi Puts the Stomnch In Fine Slmpo in Five Minutes. If your stomach is continually kicking up a disturbance; if you feel bloated and distressed; if you belch gas and sour food Into tho mouth, then you need Ml-o-na Stomach Tablets. Ml-o-na stomach tablets glvo In stant relief, of courso, but thoy do moro; they drlvo out the poisonous gases that causo formentntlon of food nnd thoroughly clean, renovato and strengthen tho stomach so that It can readily digest food without artificial aid. Ml-o-na stomach tablets are guar anteed to cure Indigestion, acuto or chronic, or money back. This means that nervousness, dizziness and bili ousness will disappear. Druggists everywhere and G. W. Pell soli Ml-o-na for COc. "I was under tho caro of four dif ferent doctors during nine months and was cured of dyspepsia by MI-o-no." Mr. Joseph Grondino, 197 Fountain street, Fall River, Mass. Booth's Pills for constipation 25c. LEARN HOADMAKIXG LESSONS. Americans certainly learned some practical and useful lessons in road building at the international road conference which has Just adjourned Its sessions at Brussels, and whose deliberations ought to be spread broadcast throughout the United States. Hero in Monroe, where great Interest attends the roadmaklng sub ject, not only ns an Idea but as a concern relating to the need of mak ing It a still more thorough subject for Monrocltes to be familiar with, there should not be required even a suggestion to look up details of this conference's findings. Thd American delegates nil say that the great lesson of the congress for America Is the showing of the absolute necessity for tho Introduc tion of a uniform system of road building In the United States. Josoph W. Jones of New York, one of the representatives of the Automobile Touring club of America, says that chaos is bound to prevail so long as the idea that local engineers should have full control of road building, governs in America. "We need," said Mr. Jones, "a system like that In Frnnco, of na tional, state and county roads, de creasing In width according to the Importance of the tralllc nnd built nt the expense of the national gov ernment and the states." Editorial in Stroudsburg Times. CORN CROP CONDITION POOR. Hut Givnter Acreage Means 80, (1(10,0(10 Increase in Yield. The average condition of the corn crop Aug. 1, as estimated by the crop reporting board of the depart ment of agriculture, made public with the general monthly crop re port sent out of Washington, was 79.31 as compared with 85. 4 last month, 84. 4 a year ago and 82.1, the average on August 1 for tho last ten years. The average condition of spring wheat on Aug. 1 was C1.0, as com pared with 61.6 last month, 91.6 last year and 81.9, the ten-year av erage of that date. The average condition of the oat crop on Aug. 1 was 81.5, as compared with 82.2 last month, 85.5 a year ago, 76.8 In 1908 and S2.C the ten-year average on that date. In spite of the lower condition of the corn crop, the Increased acreage devoted to that cereal probably will increase the crop of the present year about 80,000,000 bushels over the crop of last year, according to the view of expert statisticians In this city. State Grange For Systematic Crop Reports. At a meeting of the executive and legislative committees of the state grange in Harrisburg Tuesday plans were discussed for a systematic gath ering of crop reports and statistics from all parts of Pennsylvania. It is proposed to launch such a project next season. The executive committee adopted resolutions urging the dairy and food commissioner to revoke the licenses of dealers convicted of illegal sales of oleomargarine, notwithstanding the fact that the attorney-general's department In an official opinion has informed the commissioner that he has no authority to revoke li censes. Health Hints for Late Summer. Although diseases incident to ex cessive solar heat may soon be ex pected to decrease, a word of caution Is needed to guard against those which are so frequent and severe In late summer. It is notable that the number of prostrations in cities which are so frequent last month have been comparatively few since the season became less torrid. But the danger of being overcome by the heat during prlods of great humid ity continues throughout August, es pecially In our eastern seaboard dis tricts. As tho summer days shorten and the fall of temperature Is frequently rapid at night, on aggravation of acute intestinnl diseases (which aro rife in all the warm months) is of common occurrence, and such disor ders become very serious when hot spells are suddenly broken by chilling winds. Malnrla, too, is doubtless now on tho increase in all low ly ing, damp nnd mosquito Infested districts. But in the last half of August and during September it is exceedingly important to guard against typhoid fever, which has been recently reported as unusually prevalent, possibly as a result of the dry season, in which tho water sup ply Is apt to become Impure. West Chester Local News. CATARRH CANNOT HE CURED i with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, ns they cannot reach the seat of tho disease. Catarrh Is a blood or con stitutional disease, nud In orKer to ' cure It you must tnko Internal reme-1 dies. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken j Internally, and acts directly on the blood and raucous surfaces. Hall's) Catarrh Curo is not a quack medi-1 cine. It was prescribed by one of I tho best physicians In this country! for years and is a regular prescrlp-1 tlon. It Is composed of tho best tonics known, combined with tho best blood purifiers, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. Tho per fect combination of tho two Ingred ients Is what produces such won derful results In curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 7Cc. Take Hall's Family pills for constipation. BOY BUILT HIS OWN AUTO. It Ha Made 30 Mile an Hour Can Carry Three Passengers. Brlco Cowen, a Los Angeles boy; 16 years of age, has Just completed tba construction of a real automobile, He calls It the Callfornlu Mid got. It la built upon principles similar to those of the factory made cars and is capable, demonstrated by actual tests, of skimming over tho road at twonty-flvo to thirty miles nn hour. It has also climbed hills of 30 per cent, grade, according to tho Techni cal World, and has carried threo pas sengers over ordinary roads. Tho car Is six feet In length and weighs about 300 pounds. It la pro vided with a 3 horse-power engine, has a friction transmission and a double chain drive. It has a throe foot tread, with nine speeds forward and throo on tho reverse. The machine is air cooled, the bat' tery control Is through an oloctrlo light switch and the differential oper ates successfully. There are exter nal brakes on the rear whoels. and tho machine Is otherwise fully equip ped throughout. Aside from the engine, the ma chine was built entirely by too boy and even the engine had to bo re built to conform with none of tho pe culiarities of tho automobile's make up. His other purchases consisted only of rods, wire, nails, pine boards, a few casings and such material, ovon tho wheels representing his workman ship. The latter are equipped with motorcycle tires. Wild Flowers of the Tropica. Between Tonala nnd the Guatemala border exists one of the greatest flor al bowers in the republic. This Is tho time of year when all of the morn ing glories and many other wild flow ers of the tropics are beginning to bloom, and railroad men who ore fa miliar with all the roads of the re public say that the grandest sight of nil Is to be seen hero. Tho maoslvu trees In the forest which line for miles the railroad are covered to the tops with vines and blossoms, and the tclo gTaph poles and wires present a simi larly beautiful sight Along the line nre hundreds of cornfiolds, and it seems that each stalk of corn forms a pole upon which Is growing a morning glory vine. This does not In the least hinder the crop, for the corn of tho particular season has been topped ready for harvest Near Mepastepec, below here, there Is a lane some six kilometers in length where the tops of the trees on either side of the track almost meet, forming a most strikingly beautiful floral arch. These trees are all covered with vines with the millions of blossoms, and the Bight Is one rarely, If ever, seen In other parts of Mexico. FOUIt SHORT APPLE CROPS. And Moro Dry "Weather Will Slake 1010 Fearful Year. Another short apple crop, the fourth In succession, seems likely from present indications. It will be still shorter and poorer if we get much more dry weather. In gener al it will be about half a crop, but differently distributed from last year; more apples on tho Pacific coast and rather more In the New England and W. B. HOLMES, President. A. T. SEARLE, Vice Pres. We want yon to understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECUK1TY of thin Bank. WAYNE COUNTY- SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PA., HAS A CAPITAL OF - - - $100,000.00 AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OF - 407,000.00 MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 507,000.00 EVERY DOLLAR ol which must be lost before anyjdepositor can lose a PENNY. It has conducted a growing and successful business for over M5 years, serving an increasing number of customers with fideelitv and satisfaction. Its cash funds are protected by MODERN STEEL,. VAULTS. All of these thni'-s. coupled with conservative management, insured by the CAUKFUL I'KlitiONAI. ATTENTION constantly clen the Hank's affairs by a notably able Hoard ot Directors assures the patrons ol that sUl'ltK.MK SAFKTY which Is the .prime essential of a eood 1KIUK. MAY Total Assets, 03f DEPOSITS MAY RE MADE BY MAIL. DIRECTORS W. II. HOLMKS A. T. SEAKI.K T. H. CLARK CHAS. J. SMITH. H.J.COXfiKK. W. V. SUYDAM. I Sunday Excursions - - To - - . LAKE LODORE . EVERY SUNDAY DURING AUGUST Attractions at the Lake will be in full operation. REFRESHMENTS on GROUNDS Middle states, but not so many In tho central west and Canada. As for prices, thnt will depend somewhat on general business con ditions, ns well as on the shortage of tho crop. Growers have not for gotten how in 1907 tho prospect of high prices was spoiled by tho panic and business depression. Just now tho outlook seems nono to6' good In that direction, and for any reason, so far as It goes, grow ers should not try to force prices too high before accepting a fair of fer. Also, remembering the numer ous failures of that year, it will be well to use a little extra caro in se lecting a reliable dealer when making a salo contract. Chicago milk producers have been suffering from dry weather, in com mon with most dairy sections of the country. Thoy are hoping the drouth will prove a blessing in disguise by bringing about a shortage and ad vance in tho retail price of milk. They believe they are well organized enough to secure a part of tho bene fit In case the dealers put up the price to consumers. Many of tho small dealers have been selling milk at seven cents. A uniform eight cent price Is wanted in order to es tablish a standard which would en able tho producers to name a larger price for coming bidders of price settlement. Chicago producers re ceived $1.10 for a 32-quart can in July. It is expected the August price will bo $1.15, and tho Septem ber and October price $1.25. vivv, The ATUS E-Z SEAL Wide Mouth Jar holds large fruits nuhole and brings ivkole fruiu large, handsome, natural in ap pearance, to the table for, your family and friends to enjoy. Don't attempt to "can" peaches, pears and plums in any other than ATLAS E-Z SEAL Jars. Youi dealer has them ask him. HAZEL-ATLAS GLASS CO., Wheeling, W. Va. II. S. SALMON, Cashier W. J. WARD, Ass't Cashier 10, 1910 $2,870,366.92 V V. KIMDI.K II. S. SALMON 65eH