The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 19, 1910, Image 2

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    THE CITIZEN, Fill DA V, AUGUST 10, 1010.
Are You Doing All You Can lo
Improve Your Bus.ness ?
Taka Your Mental Scales and Weigh
Matters Thoroughly From the View
point of an Outsider Keep on the
Main Street of Success, Not the Side
Alleys of Failure.
The science of merchandising has
risen rapidly In the past half decade,
but there nrc still merchants who sell
only trash and who care more for to
day's proflts than for future patron
age. Such merchants nro no longer
important. They nro has bcens. They
are too weak, mentally and financially,
to withstand the rising standard of
modern business. They are gradually
finding their way to the side streets,
where they can dry up without any
body's knowing it.
The time to tone up our business Is
now. Tomorrow begins with every
tick of the watch. Every good busi
ness man knows the necessity of plan
ning for the next minute and the next
hour and the next day.
Take your mental scales and weigh
your business thoroughly, from the
standpoint of nn outsider. Would you
couslder it a high class business if
some one else owned it? That's the
What are you doing to raise the tone
of your store?
Are you steadily improving the qual
ity of the goods, to give your custom
ers a maximum value for the price?
Your competitor probably is.
Do your methods conform to the
golden rule? Are they as liberal as
your competitors?
Do you run your business with as
much dignity as your banker conducts
his? You should.
Do you try to sell each customer
what Is really best for him, or merely
try to pick his pocket as soon as pos
sible? Do you He or juggle words in yen;,
advertising? Exaggeration does mort'
barm than good.
Do you use big box car black cap
ital letters In your advertising? Cir
cuses do, but they appeal to a different
kind of crowd.
Do you print your entire catalogue
in each advertisement? You should
not. Nobody wants to read your In
voice. Do you always state the price In
each advertisement? That's the prln
clpal point the reader wants to know.
Do you put glaring printed signs on
packages? No customer wants to be
n walking signboard for your store.
Do you pay enough attention to the
appearance of your store? Is it mod
ern and attractive? Take n look at
It now, from the standpoint of the
man on the street. .
Do you notice whether every cornet
is thoroughly clean and every artlclt
ready for a customer to see or handle':
Do you use enough light for a close
inspection of the goods? If you don't
customers will distrust you. I'rogres
slve Retailer.
Busy, but No Account.
The generally accepted belief that
n person is useful In proportion as m
is busy is controverted by a writer
who says: "I have a dog who is load
ed up with fleas. In the summer time
when fleas are plenty that is the busi
est dog I ever saw; when he Isn't bit
ing tit the fleas he's snapping at ths
flies. lie never has a minute to spare,
but when he Is the busiest he is the
least account for practical purposes.
And there is n young fellow In my
neighborhood who has a Wnterfoury
watch nnd smokes cigarettes. When
he isn't winding his watch ho is light
ing u cigarette. lie is n mighty busv
young man. but he Isn't worth two
hoops in n water barrel." Ell Grocer.
Fcr the Business Man's Benefit. '
Some ads. are tiny tinkle.-.
when they ought to be dynamite
explosions. X
. .
The man who starts in to
knock his competitor knocks
himself hardest.
The man who doubts himself
is llko the chap who rowed all
night with bis boat tied to a
A human yeast cake or two is
needed in every community to
leaven the lump and start the
think bubbles. Bo one yourself.
No small minded man can be
come a great succoss as a mer
chant The man who would
achieve u big success must have
a brain to grasp largo things In
tbelr entirety and in their detail
ao well.
J Merchants In the south have
awakened to the value- of rural
J telephone lines and are Becking
a to dorelop them with a view to
? Increasing their trodo among tho
rural population. In certain eec-
itiona they ham modo large con
tributions to aid tho farmers In
building tbelr lines.
Most Feminine of Implements Cornea
Into Fashion Again.
"Those who aro quick to obscrvo
changes In tho moods and tastes of
society will tell you," says a writer
In tho Lady's I'lctorlal, "that the do
ing of line needlework Is growing
into great favor with etn tho most
fashionable of our momlnlnes, whoso
own lingers nre producing work thnt
Is fully equal o the best specimens of
their much; and perhaps over
lauded grandma-hors.
"A lady who ha3 had the honor to
bo tho Instructres- of royalty In this
craft saye that hundreds come to her
for counsel whore tens came but a
few years, ago. The cause of this re
version to tho pursuits of a moro
placid age is not difficult to discover.
Such an occupation becomes virtually
a 'rest euro' In this epoch of rush and
motor cars, and that Is why many of
those who have been the most Inde
fatigable seekers after novelty and
excitement are now nmong the most
industrious Penelopes of society.
"The rhythmic movement that ac
companies the plying of the needle Is
peculiarly soothing to tho nerves, and
produces much tho same effect as the
prayers of the Orientals, with their
swayings to and fro and their appar
ently vain repetitions. It Is a mistake
to suppose that needlework is injuri
ous to the eyesight Old needlewomen
raroly wear glasses."
The Earth as a Bell.
Studios of the violent earthquake
which occurred In the Dalkan penin
sula April 4, 1904, made by Dr. Emllio
Oddone, professor in the University
of Pavla, show that the shocks were
transmitted through the entire body of
the earth, and were reflected from the
antipodes back to their place of ori
gin in about 33 minutes. Comparing
the records of other great earth
quakes, Doctor Oddone concludes that
the average time required for a vibra
tion to traverse the globe and return
by reflection is from 32 to 33 minutes.
The earth thus appears to be not al
together unlike a great bell suspended
in space and vibrating throughout its
whole mass under strokes, which,
comparatively speaking, aro no more
than the tapping of a finger-nail. Doc
tor Oddone calls attention to the In
teresting coincidence between the
time taken for a vibration to traverse
the globe and that requirod for light
to cross the diameter of the earth's
Microscopical Tests of Metals.
More and more attention is paid to
the results of microscopical examina
tion of iron, steel and ether metals,
to detect faults and structural pecu
liarities. Special microscopes have
been devised for such purposes. Mr.
Thomas Andrews, an English metal
lurglc engineer, reports the results of
such an examination cf a fractured
boiler stay-bolt from a British war
ship, and draws Important conclu
sions. The examination revealed
many minute flaws, chiefly composed
of microscopic segregations of suphld
of manganese or sulphid of Iron. The
bolt had been subjected to a great
strain, and Mr. Andrews believes that
a line of weaknesj In the metal, ori
ginating at one or more of the micro
flaws, promoted the final fracture.
But the bolt was a fidr specimen of
normal mild Siemens steel, and the
opinion is expressed that steel is not
as good a material as the best wrought
Iron for boiler stay-bolts.
Self-Defendlnu Wheat.
A Belgian agriculturist, Monsieur
Le Breton, has recently made some
experiments with barbed wheat to
determine the effectiveness 'of the de
fense which Its barbs afford against
the ravages of graminlferous birds.
In the same field, near Antwerp, he
Bowed some barked wheat and some
Japhet wheat, which is without barbs.
The Japhet variety grey rapidly, but
every head was detipolled by the
blrdB before the grain could ripen, but
the barbed variety was'so well guard
ed by its array of miniature spears
that the attacks of the same birds
were completely defeated, and the
grain ripened in security. At the same
time It was observed that the insec
tivorous birds were as busy capturing
their prey among the barbed heads as
among those that possessed no natu
ral defenses.
The Making of Automobiles.
It appears that France, which a few
years ago led the world in the manu
facture of automobiles, Is relatively
dropping back, at least In the number
of machines produced. For Instance,
In 1900 France manufactured 10,039
automobiles, England 2,481, and Ger
many 2,312. In 1906 the figures for
the same countries were respectively
66.000, 27,000 and 22,000. In the same
year the United States, beginning with
a few hundred In 1902, leaped to the
front, producing 68,000 machines, 3,
000 more than France. Italy and
Belgium have also made enormous
strides in the last two or three years,
tho figures for thoso countries In 190G
boing respectively 18.000 and 12,000.
Sheet Silver.
Tho cheapening of the price of
sterling silver articles within a gen
eration past, says a writer In tho
Journal of tho Franklin Institute, has
been due partly to the Invention of
methods of rolling silver Into sheets,
from which the articles are stamped
oat by manufacturers. Instead of be
ing laboriously hammered out from
rods of silver, which are the old pro
cess. Nearly all manufacturers of
sterling silver articles purchase tho
silver sheets from mills that make a
specialty of rolling them. Sterling
silver contains 976 parts of pure sil
ver to 26 parts of copper. The cop
per gives it the requisite hardness.
New York's Acting Mayor Prevents
Lang-Kaufman Battle.
New Yorlc, Aug. 1". The wave of
popular protests against prizefights
and prizefight pictures that manifested
Itself after the Johnson-Jeffries affair
at Iteuo had its echo last night when
the police, under orders from Acting
Mayor Joint Purroy Mltchel, prevented
tho Kaufman-Lang bout' at tho Pair
mount Athletic club.
The club held a throng of nbout 3,000
persons. There were other thousands
In front of the club.
Tho match had attracted wide atten
tion nmong those Interested In boxing,
for It was considered that tho winner
might be considered n logical candi
date to combat with Jack Johnson, the
present world's champion, for the
heavyweight title.
Just before time for the bout last
night Police Inspector Hussey heard
that tho acting mayor had hired fot
$1 n room across the street from the
Falrmount club. Hussey went at once
to the roam, and what Mr. Mltchel
said to him caused the Inspector to call
the reserves from three police stations
in a hurry.
Hussey, Captain Post nnd tho club's
manager. Hilly Gibson, had a confer
ence in the clubhouse. "There will be
no light," said Hussey.
"There will be n fight," said Gibson.
That ended it.
Steamer Martos Founders After Col
lision Off Tarifa.
Ollbraltar, Aug. 17. The Spanish
steamer Murtos foundered off Tnrifa,
at the entrance to the straits of Gib
raltar, after a collision in a dense fog
with the German steamer Elsn.
Thirty-nine iersons were drowned,
of whom thirty-two were passengers.
The survivors were landed here.
Nine of the victims were first cabin
passengers. Tho other twenty-three
were in the steerage.
The bow of the Elsn wns stove In
and her forepenk filled quickly with
water. She, however, managed to
keep afloat.
The Martos was a small steamer of
1.010 tons net, engnged In the coasting
traillc. She wns built at Dundee in
18S3 nnd was 231 feet long. Her port
of registry was Valencia, Spain.
Tho Elsa, a German tramp steamer,
Is even smaller, registering only 401
She sailed from Abo, a port on the
Niger, In Africa, on July 20 for Valen
cia, nnd was last reported passing
Gibraltar on Aug. 3.
Great Family Gathering to Celebrate
the Occasion Tomorrow at Ischi.
Vienna, Aug. 17. The Emperor Fran'
els Joseph of Austria will celebrate hli
eightieth birthday tomorrow, ne has
expressly stipulated that there shall be
only a family festival, but all the nu
merous archdukes, archduchesses and
other relatives who will pay their re
spects to the head of the napsburj
family will make the celebration a
memorable affair.
It is expected that over a hundred
members of the family will bo present
at Ischi, where a hotel has been takec
for their accommodation. Thoso tak
ing part will Include several who are
older than the emperor, as the Arch
duke Haltier, who Is eighty-three; th
Archduchess Marie, eighty-five, nnd
the Duchess Adelgunde of Modena
100,000 Destitute In Tokyo.
Washington, AMg. 17. According to
dispatches received from Ambassador
O'Brien at Tokyo 100,000 refugees from
the floods are being cared for by the
Japanese government in the capital.
It will be several days before the
amount of actual damage done li
known, but It is already estimated nl
9,(.K),000 yen, or $4,500,000.
Newfoundland Premier, Impressed by
Hague Tribunal, Hopes to Win.
London, Aug. 17. There seems to be
reason to expect that the Hague tribu
nal of arbitration will Issue its nwnrd
In the matter of the Newfoundland
fisheries dispute between Great Britain
and the United States nbout Sept 0.
Sir Edward Morris, premier of New
foundland, who nttended sessions ol
the tribunal, will sail on the steamer
Royal George for St, John's tomorrow.
Ho says he was greatly Impressed by
tho tribunal's earnestness nnd evldenl
desire to get at all the facts.
Census Shows 1347,465 Inhabitants, an of 101,399.
Washington, Aug. 17. Census fig
ures show that the population of New
ark, N. J., is 347,405, an Increase ol
101,890, as compared with 240,072 In
Schenectady, N. Y has 72,820 resi
dents, on Increase of 41,144, as com
pared with 31,082 in 1000.
The population of Scrunton, Pa., Is
129,807, an Increase of 27,841 as com
pared with 102,020 ten years ago.
Pyramid of Cheops.
Vast; as modern skyscrapers are, not
one has yet equaled the weight and
masalveness of the pile of great etonea
which tho swarming human ants of
the Nllo valley laboriously drugged to
gether thousands of years ago until
they bad built the pyramid of Cheops.
It would make a solid block 000 feet
square and ."W0 feet high.
jacklitscli Says Catcher Is
Hardest Worker on Team,
Owing to Dangers Attached to Posi
tion, Many Pass It Up Headwork
Behind the Bat Essential Some
Backstops Are Superstitious.
No. XIX.
(Copyright, 1010, by American Press Asso
ciation. Do I consider the catcher tho hard
est worker on a baseball team? My
answer Is yes. A major league back
stop, particularly under the present
system, which in most cases requires
the first string catcher to work In five
out of seven games, has tho hardest
job In baseball aside from the mana
ger. Furthermore, It is safe to say
most of tho present day catchers nre
assistant managers and do more think
ing than perhaps the men who are
earning their managerial salaries.
There are times when the real mana
ger Is idle on the field. He may be
working with his brains, but not with
his hands, or vice versa.
There is no time when a good
catcher is not umployed busily, men
tally or physically. Tho ball is in his
hands ofteuer than any one else's save
tho pitchers, and he is forced to keep
his mind working nil the time, what
ever the status of the game. In these
days of spltball pitching a catcher has
enough to do with his mitt and hand,
let alone his brains.
Crack twirlers are all right. A base
ball team has to have them to win a
pennant So also are strong batters
handy to have around. A pennant win
ner needs them In its business as well
as the players who think. Speedy base
runners, clever team play and skilled
fielders all of these go to make cham
pionship combinations on the diamond.
Nevertheless teams that have won pen
nants and have not had capable catch
ers, brainy catchers, are very few.
Tho backstop stands there inning
after Inning and game after game,
taking a pounding and n filling, a less
spectacular figure than any other player
on tho team. His work is not showy.
Superficially viewed, he is more of a
dray horse than any one of his fellows,
but in reality he is a great power in
a team's success, though often he
doesn't come In for as much credit as
the players who work more In the
open, so to speak.
Catchers of the first class are
scarcer than occupants of any other
position, and the records show that
the teams that have had heady back
stops to coach and steady the pitchers,
to study the weakness of batters, to
stop plays on the bases and to keep a
supervising eye on the adjustment of
the infield and outfield as the batting
peculiarities of the different opponents
require nre the teams that have won
Of tho long list of pennant winning
teams dating back into tho seventies
hardly one has not had a first class
catcher who backs up mechanically,
with an alert mind that takes in all
that Is going on, and in a measure over
sees and maneuvers the plan of battle.
Although there are many catchers
In the big leagues today, no two work
alike. That's undoubtedly tho reason
catchers who go through game after
game without hurting their hands
usually suffer tho most punishment
around their legs or shoulders.
There nro a number of catchers who
are superstitious. Some won't permit
tbe others to touch his glove lest some
hoodoo might follow. Nearly every
catcher has his own model, the same
as batters have their favorite stick.
Tho gloves aro made to order, and I'll
bet there arc more than a hundred
different designs, which proves that
backstops have their little eccentrici
Jennings Said to Have Turned Down
Offer For Four Men.
It leaked out recently that Manager
Hugh Jennings of tho Tigers had
turned down an offer for Ty Cobb,
which, If It had gone through, would
have completed one of tho greatest
deals of baseball history. Manager
McAlecr of Washington offered to give
In trado for Cobb, Johnson and Street,
his star battery; Gray, another pitcher,
and Milan, his star outfielder.
At tho tlmo tho trade was contem
plated Jennings was In a bad way for
pitchers and was tempted to dispose
of tho great American league outfielder
at such terms, but be finally thought
Cobb was greater than all four men
pat together and two big n drawing
card to let go under any circumstances.
Jack 8heridan's New Job.
Jack Sheridan, the veteran umpire,
who recently retired from active aerv
ico on the American lesfno staff, has
received Instructions for Are now du
ties which devolve upon his shoulders.
Sheridan If to hold forth In a new
role. In a way tho veteran will serve
as chief of umpires and at tbe same
tlmo will travel around the country In
q"cst of promising talent for umpires.
Consistent Theory.
"Don't you bellevo tho husband Is
tho head of the house and should have
tho final say?"
"Certainly I do."
"Then why don't you como out In
tho open and say bo?"
"Bocauso my wife won't let me,"
Woll Trained.
Mrs. Boggs Mr. Meekman Is n
splondld cxamplo of what a man ought
to be. Mr. Boggs Not at nlL He's a
splendid examplo of what a wife, two
sisters, a grownup daughter and n
mother-in-law think n man ought to be.
Not So Absurd.
"How absurd I"
"What's absurd?"
"Five years are supposed to have
elapsed since the last act, and that
man Is wearing the samo overcoat"
"Nothln' absurd about that He's
takln' the part of a married man. Isn't
-Read the Citizen. It pay3.
Healthful conditions, pure spring wa
ter. Inkc frontage, extensive campus.
New modern gymnasium. Pre
pares for nil colleges nnd technical
courses. Strong Music and Com
mercial courses. Fall term begins
Sept. O. Cntnlog upon request.
Fnctoryville, Pa.
Water Bonds
From 5 to 6 per cent.
In denominations of
100, 500 and 1,000
If Interested
call on or address
303-I4th St.,
Honesdale, Pa.
in your family you of course call
a reliable physician. Don't stop
at that; nave his prescriptions
put up at a reliable pharmacy,
even if it is a little farther from
your home than some other store.
You can find no more reliable
store than ours. It would be im
possible for more care to be taken
in the selection of drugs, etc., or
in the compounding. Prescrip
tions brought here, either night
or day, will be promptly and
accurately compounded 'by a
competent registered pharmacist
and the prices will be most rea
sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS,
Opp. D. A II. Station. Honesdale. Pa.
D. & li. CO. TiriE TABLE
A..M.A..M A.M. A.M. P.M. stations 1. M . A.M P.. lA.M.
SUN SUN stations 1 SUN
8 30 10 00 4 30 Albany 2 00 10 501 10 50
10 00 10 00 6,05 .... mnghamton 12 10 8 15 8 45
woo 215;;;;;; 1230 830215. ...Philadelphia.... 3 si 7 31 "fsi ;;;;;; -3i!-732
A.M P.M 1
1 20 7 25 4 40 1 20 7 10 ....Wilkes-Barre. ... 10 20 4 05 7 15 2 25'P.M.
2 08 8 15 6 30 2 OS 7 55 ScrailtOIl 9 37 3 15 6 20 1 35 10 03
p.m. a.m. ;;;;:: p.m. pTm! a.m. Ev at a.m. pTm". p.m. :;:::: p.m. pIl
aio 9 03 ;;.'.;; 620 203 845 carbomiaie 8 03i 35 540;;;;;; 121- 829
5 50 9 15 6 30 2 15 8 53 ...Lincoln Avenue.. 7 54 1 25 5 30 12 07 8 17
5 51 9 19 B 31 2 19 8 59 Whites 7 50 1 21 5 21 12 03 8 13
6 11 9 36 6 52 2 37 9 18 Karview 7 33 1 03 5 V 1111 ; 51
6 17 9 42 6 58 2 43 9 21 Canaan 7 25 12 SB 5 01 11 37 i 17
6 23 9 4S 7 01 2 49 9 29 .... Lake Lodore .... 7 19 12 51 5 56 11 31 7 41
6 26 9 51 7 07 2 52 9 32 ... . Waymart 7 17 12 49 4 54 11 29 7 39
6 32 9 57 7 13 2 57 9 37 Keene 7 12 12 43 4 43 11 23 7 32
6 35 10 00 7 16 2 69 9 39 Steene 7 Ul 12 40 4 15 11 20 7 30
6 39 10 01 7 20 3 03 9 43 Prompton 7 05 12 36 4 41 11 16 7 26
6 13 10 OS 7 21 3 07 9 47 Fortenla 7 01 12 32 4 37 11 12 7 22
H 46 10 11 7 27 3 10 60 Seelyvllle 6 58 12 29 4 31 11 09 7 19
6 ao 10 15 7 31 3 15 9 65 Honesdale 6 65 12 25 4 30 11 03 7 15
p.m. a.m. ;;;;;; p.m. p.m. aTm". Ar lv a.m. ?3l p.m. ;;;;;; a.m. pmT
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year opona witn a deluge of new mixed paints. A con
dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get 6omekind
of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised,
may find a sale with the unwary.
There are reasons for the pre-minence of CHILTON PAINTS
1st No one can mix a better mixed paint.
2d The painters declare that it works easily and has won
derful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his
owu oxpense.overy surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective.
4th Those who have used it are perfectly satisfied with it
and recommend its use to others.
Bowel poison means blood tainted by
foul secretions absorbed from the boweb.
Here are tho symytoms i
If your skin Is disfigured by eruptions,
humors, pimples, blotches, sores or eczema;
If you Itch and burn and your skin Is scaljr
and rough ; If you feel tired and worn out,
your nerves weak, constipated, cross and
depressed; If your head feels heavy an4
aching, your eyes blur and specks float
across your vision ; If you have cold feet
and your hands get sweaty and sticky if
you have these danger signals they point
unerringly to bowel poison, Impure blood,
and show that your stomach, liver and
bowels are not working right.
Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Rib
quickly drive the Bowel Poison out of yoor
system, will regulate your bowels, purify
your blood, and invigorate your whole body.
They aro a sure and unfailing cure far
bowel poison in young or old. Physicians
use and recommend. They form no habit.
You should always keep them on hand.
These little Vegetable Pills will ward oX
many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
Bitiousnv lr-"
Indlgenton. ISt:" I
Ha3achand 9:rx0i
Diseases of
IfvmrtdonJj. I I
CO PUls In Glass Tlal 28c All Dealers.
For Sick Kidneys
Bladder Dlaeaua, RbemnitKm,
tbe one twit rttnedr. Reliable,,
endoned by leading pnieleUnt jJ
Me. eSectnal. Keum luting.
On the market IS yean. Hart,
cared thousands. 100 pUll la
original glut package, to centi.
Trial boiea, CO ptltl, iS centi. All
drugglita tell and recommend.
Roll of
Attention ia called totne STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
Citv has published a ROLL Ol
HO'NOR of the 11,470 State Banks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wavr.e County.
i Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00
Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00
I Honesdaic. Pa.. May 29. 190S.
You will make money j
by having me. 5S
BELL PHONE 9-U Ml, ?B. g