THE WEATHER Friday partly cloudy weather and slowly rising temperatures will prevail, nnd on Saturday, overcast to portly cloudy. r tc tr jc t? io f t? t? tr K K jo t? tc tc to Scml-VVcckly Founded 3 k 1908 Weekly Founded, 1844, M it Ot tt M 0 0S ttiicit. tf" i" jo K" K if" K ' K to j jfj Wayne County Orgar k of the REPUBLICAN PA1 67th YEAB. HONE SD ALB, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1910. NO 06 KILLED BY A WIRE TOO MUCH UMPIRE JAMES WILSON. C RAY IIAIjIj MEETS TRAGIC DEATH OX TELEPHONE POLK IN SUS QUEHANNA BURIAL WILL 1113 IX HONESDALE, OLD HOME OK LAD'S MOTHER 1X)CAL FRIENDS MOUItX. Ray Ball, son of Engineer George Ball of Westfall avenue, Susquehan na, was almost Instantly killed short ly before noon Tuesday whllo work-1 Ing on an electric light pole at the In tersection of Franklin avenue nnd Prospect street There was trouble on the power line and In company with Randolph Harris young Ball was making the necessary repairs. The trouble, It Is said, was caused by a Bell tele phone wire falling across a live j power wire. When the trouble was , discovered Ball was sent up the pole J to remove the dead wire. i He had reached the top cross beam 1 and grabbed the telephone wire when j those standing near saw a Hash and Ball threw up his arms and tumbled neauiong 10 tne ground, siriKing on his shoulder and head. Bystanders rushed to his assistance, while hurry up calls were sent for medical as sistance and in few moments Drs. Washburn, Condon and Peck were on the scene. They did all In their power, but pronounced the case hope less from the first. Several times within a half hour signs of life were detected and the physicians worked diligently to re suscitate the boy, but found their task hopeless and within a half hour pronounced the boy dead and order ed him taken to Perrine's undertak ing establishment. William Wilcox, a farmer living in West Jackson, who was there when the boy was pro nounced dead, volunteered to take him. He was accompanied by sever al men.. In the opinion of the physjclans, Ball was dead before he strucktho ground, as the current that went through Mm was said to be 2300 volts, or the full force of the power that Is on during he day. Just beforejie threw up his hands and tJttaWedMpwnRandolph Harris called to Ball to look but for" he power wire, but he either did not hear him or else was paying atten tion to something else; at any rate, , he paid no attention to the warning! and less than a minute he was on the ground. Ball was about 17 years old and! had only been working for the com pany a few months. When It was seen Ball was dead, Randolph Harris collapsed and had to be given medical attention. He was taken to his home on Broad avenue by Dr. Peck. The body of young Ball was brought to Honesdale on the 1.50 Erie train today and was taken In charge by J. Sam Brown. Burial will be In Glen Dyberry, where the family owns a lot. Mr. and Mrs. George Ball, the parent; of the un fortunte young man, are well known here, Mrs. Ball having been a Hones dale woman. He leaves three broth ers, Charles in the west and James and Frank in Susquehanna. He was born in Hawley and moved to Sus quehanna when he was a boy and his education was acquired In the schools of that place. When his studies end ed In June he went to work for the telephone people and was proving himself a faithful and competent em ploye when the fatal accident came. Mr. and Mrs. William Ball of Hones dale, the former an uncle of the young man, were in Susquehanna to pass the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. George Ball and their family. At that time Ray had just secured his Job and was very happy at the prospect of devoting all his time to a calling In which he had always been Interested. Mrs. Ball said today that the tragic death of her husband's nephew was a shock to herself and to Mr. Ball. Ik-atli of Mrs. Bur barn Smith. Mrs. Barbara Smith ot Scranton, nged 73 years, died of convulsions at the home of her niece, Mrs. Jacob Deraer, on River street Wednesday. Mrs. Smith had been here on a visit about a week and was taken sick Monday. She Is survived by the fol lowing children: Mrs. Peter Clark of Susquehanna, Charles Smith of Prlce burg and John Smith of Scranton. Her body waa taken to Bcranton on the 12.25 train Thursday for burial Friday. Mrs. Jacob Demer and daughter, Miss Molllo, accompanied the body to Scranton. t Hoy Pleads Guilty to Stoning Trains. In the Juvenile court at Montrose, Maurice Lleblg ot Lanesboro, charged with malicious mischief, pleaded guilty. Young Lleblg waa arrested several weeks ago. charged with throwing a lump of coal from an on glne on which bo waa riding on the Erie Jefforson branch through the window of the station at Starrucca, knocking the operator unconscious. BUFFALO BILL CODY. ) ( Famous Scout Is at Last 3 S Reconciled With Wife. ) North Platte, Neb., Aug. 17. Colonel William It Cody, Buffalo Bill, nnd hl3 wife have become reconciled. The Codys have been estranged for n num ber of years. At Scout's Rest ranch, the Cody homo near North Platte, It Is said that when the show season Is over this year, Colonel Cody will join his wife and spend the winter with her In the old home. CLIFF PARTY IS INSULTED. Lutheran People Nagged By Hood lunis With Deer Dottles and Re volvers. Rev. C. C. Miller of the Lutheran church and County School Superin tendent J. J. Koehler are very In dignant today at the treatment a party sqf that church's young people received at a cliff party Wednesday afternoon and evening. The church people, numbering about 30, were as saulted with beer bottles, besides be ing subjected to a great deal of ugly and Insulting language from a crowd ot young rowdies that pllmbed the cliff and at once set out to make things hot for the party., One of the women, Mr. Miller snld today, was struck In the back by a bottle, half filled, the contents of which ruined her waist. A few of the toughs tired pistols in the air and scared the women of the party pretty badly. "I was angry enough last night to have gone before the 'Squire and made a complaint," said Mr. Miller today, "though I didn't know the names of anybody In the crowd. Mr. Koehler has some of the names and lie, like myself, was angry enough last night to have done something to give those young men a lesson In de cency that they need." Mr. Koehler may make a com plaint to Justice Smith today. Not content with their antics on the cliff, the assailing party lined up on the bridge by the brewery and put empty kegs In the path of the Lutherans. When the latter reached the bridge the hoodlums formed In two companies, one In front and one behind, and walked up Park street to Main, where their molestations ended. Mr. Miller says he thinks it was a River street crowd for the most part. PICTURES OK THE FIGHT. Scranton Has 'Em und They Show How Jack Licked Jeff. More than ordinary interest Is at tached to the genuine JeffrleB and Johnson fight pictures being exhibit ed In Music ball, Scranton, as the films show the white gladiator in his every ring move, clearing many of the stories about his condition, the knockout, Rickard's Interference and Johnson's real ability as a fighter. The pictures are very clear and the individual can follow every blow of the fighters with perfect ease. Johnson is the aggressor In nearly every round, displaying dash and confidence. Jeff seems to hesitate where to land his blows and fallB to make an apparent effect on his op ponent. "Lanky Bob" Armstrong, JeffrleB' big colored trainer, at pres ent In Scranton, la easily discernible In the pictures, holding a largo cov ering over the white fighter between the rounds. The pictures not only present clearly the blows of every round, but also give the spectators Interesting vlowa of the trainers, men known from country to country In the fight game, Dig Tim Sullivan, the governor of Colorado and other notables. Sullivan County Fair This Week. The 31st annual exhibition of the Sullivan County Agricultural society opened Tuesday at tho fairgrounds in Montlcello and Indications pointed to the largest and most successful fair the society has had in many years. The racing entries are larg er than ever before. PARTI'S NAME WRITTEN IN AFTERWARD And Because of That Pre-emption Trick Persons Who Got Signatures of Five Foreigners are Likely To Be Prosecuted in Schuylkill County. A dispatch from Pottsvllle says: The Keystone party of Schuylkill county has nominated live candidates for olllce, three of these being Dem ocrats and two Republicans. Robert E. Lee, Democratic Con gressional candidate, was unanimous ly nominated for the same office on the Keystone ticket. James Bren nan of Mahanoy township and Wil fred Donahue of Ashland were nom inated for the legislature. They are on the Democratic ticket for the same offices. E. W. Kllngerman of Mc Adoo and John Robert Jones of iMAV HE HEADED THIS WAY. Burglars Travel In Auto nnd Raid Many Places. A gang of burglars which, it is be lieved, Is traveling through the coun try by automobile, operated In three villages in Sullivan county, N. V., in two nights. Thursday night the bur lars visited Liberty, where they ran sacked the hardware store of Pier son & Weber. They secured seven revolvers, two rifles and several hundred rounds of ammunition and j other articles, Friday night the gang descended upon Ellenville, Ulster county, and terrorized the place. They broke in to the homes of Louis Engbergmen, Patrick Honan, James McCartney, D. C. Hardenburgh, Andrew Brown, John Alford, Jacob M. Hornbeck, David Schupp and William Denman, and. attempted to, get Into other places, j The village Is thoroughly aroused and everyone is arming In prepara tion for another visit from the gang. After leaving Ellenville the gang went to Wurtsboro, Sullivan county, 15 miles away, and ransacked the general store of Pulton & Holmes, securing a large quantity of goods. A New Problem In Mathematics. M. E. Simons and Peter H. Iloff, two bright members of the Wayne county bar who are on opposite sides of the political fence, had a vigorous argument of a mathematical char acter Wednesday morning while waiting for the 10.30 mail. "Mr. ." said Mr. Iloff, "has more practice than any two lawyers In this town." "How so?" queried the district at torney, who taught school quite a spell before he studied law and has a head for figures. "How can a man have twice as much business as he has himself? You should have said, 'More practice than any two outside his office!' " Mr. Iloff said he wouldn't stand corrected. The layman close to the elbows of both men said the problem was an Impossible problem that you might Just as well try to deter mine the age of Ann. Ann, accord ing to the originator of that famous mathematical nightmare of 1904, was either 12 years old or 10G her creator confessed he couldn't tell exactly which. Just then the mall was up and the SImons-lloff argument was adjourn ed sine die. Scrantou's Population Is 120,807. Tho censuB figures for Scranton confirm tho previous estimates and It Is now a city of 129,867 popula tion. All over the country cities are eagerly watching tho federal census ofilco at Washington. When Bridge port, Conn., got word that it had crossed the 100,000 mark and had become the second city In the Nut meg state the citizens got out can non and celebrated with terrific sa lutes. Syracuse Is rejoicing over a popu lation of 137,000, which, counting Dunmore a part of the city, leaves It still 10,000 behind Scranton, Pittsburg has had a phenomenal growth In recent years, and yet Its percentage of Increase Is but 18, while Scranton's Is nearly 28, Bt. Bernard Monastery. At prweat the monastery of St. Bernard coats about 1900 a year to kep op. Tala money la partly col beted in BwlUarisad and partly do rtowd . from rwreatm at the xnon atlo ordsr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Richmond go to Bethlehem, N. H., in the White Mountains, soon. Schulyklll Haven, Republican nomi nees for the Legislature, were in dorsed. One legislative nomination In the Fourth district was left open. Lawyer William Wllhelm has been authorized to bring criminal prosecu tions against the persons who got live foreigners to try to pre-empt the name of the Keystone party In this county. It Is charged that the signa tures were secured in blank in ad vance of the Keystone state conven tion and the name of the party writ ten In afterwards by politicians, who hurried the papers to Harrisburg. Keystone Crowd Uses Caution About Congressional Candidates. The endorsement of congressional candidates by the Keystone party is to be handled with the same motions as a two-edged sword. A conference was held between William H. Berry, candidate for governor, and Eugene C. Bonniwell, who Is to him as Da mon to Pythias, in Philadelphia, and they agreed it is a hazardous under taking to handle the problem. What they fear Is the tariff may be injected into the state campaign if congressional candidates are en- dorsed without careful dlscrlmlna- tlon. In Bradford county George W. Klpp, the Democratic candidate for congress, has been endorsed, but there the fight Is on Candidate Charles C. Pratt of the Republicans personally. Dlmock Canipmecting Ojicned Wed - " iicsday. The Dlmock campmeetlng opened Wednesday for a week. The open ing sermon was by the district super intendent. Dr. H. C. McDermott of West Plttston. Rev. Ward Piatt, D. D., of Philadelphia will be the speaker today. Dr. Piatt Is one of the leaders of Methodism and a mag netic and eloquent speaker. The rate for board at the board ing house on the campground will be $5 for the eight days the camp meeting is In progress, thus making It a very attractive place for an out ing. Dlmock campground, which is in Susquehanna county, is now in the Wllkes-Barre district of Wyo ming conference and the meetings come under the direction of the dis trict superintendent, Dr. McDer mott. May Do n Strike of Jermyn Glass Cutters. Another glass cutter's strike Is threatened. The members of that craft employed by the Laurel Cut , Glass company of Jermyn met Tues day In Edwards' hall to frame up a . .. . 1. .. .1 . . I ....... . .. 1 . . 1. .. l.nn . ue m.-ucuuie " "r,T. which they clnlm they have been do ing at too small a nrlce. They will send In tholr demands for the price on the new pattern, which if not granted will probably re sult In the men walking out. Noth ing was given out as the result of the meeting. Mayllehl Police Chief Arrested. Chief of Police John Brady of May field was arrested Tuesday by State Troopers Emmet and O'Malley on a charge of Intent to kill. Brady and Morgan were quarreling In front of Tampany's hotel when Brady pulled a revolver and pointed it at Morgan. Morgan grabbed the gun and gave It a shove, and the gun went off. A bullet struck his thumb and deflected through the top part of his left ear. Brady was taken before 'Squire Men delson and furnished ball for a hear ing. Rector Robbing Has Sense of Humor. This from the Carbondale Parish Leaflet shows Editor II. E. Robblns knows how to wield the editorial shears and the gum-stlckum and has a well developed sense of humor: "We clip the following for the ben efit ot those who doubt the power of the press: 'Owing to the overcrowd ed condition of our columns, a num ber ot births and deaths are un avoidably postponed this week.' " Rev. Mr. Robblns has some Hones dale friends who will appreciate the rector's humor. Superintendent of County- Schools J. J. Koehler and family are at home. Part of their outing was passed la Scott township. Secretary of Agriculture Cele brates Seventy-fifth Birthday. Washington, Aug. 17. James Wil son, secretary of agriculture, the long distance record holder in point of serv ice In a presidential cnbinct nnd tho eldest cabinet olllcer In the present administration, Is celebrating the seventy-fifth anniversary of his birth on his farm ot Trner, la. Officials In tho department of agriculture Joined In n telegram to the nged but active cabi net olllcer congratulating him on his record breaking achievements nnd ex pressing the hope that he would con tinue to break records Indefinitely. DEATH OF DANIEL OLVER. Long-Time Resident of Beach Lake Has Answered Final Call. Daniel Olver, one ot the best known men In this part of Wayne county, died Tuesday afternoon at the home of his son, J. Owen Olver, at Beach lake. Mr. Olver, who was 81 years old, had been poorly for a couple of years, his trouble being heart dis ease, and during the last two months of his life he failed steadily and suf fered severely, though he bore the pain stoically' and made little com plaint. Mr.' Olver was born In England. His father, John Olver, was located In Cornwall up to the time of his de cision to sail for America with his wife and 11 little children. On this side of the water Mr. and Mrs. John Olver had three more children, mak ing a real Roosevelt family of 14. Mrs. John Olver was Sarah Aunger, like her husband a native of Eng land. Tho Olvers moved to Beach Lake I about 75 years ago. John Olver was a farmer and lumberman, about CO years ago. He died Daniel Olver, who sometimes wrote his name Daniel N. Olver, though his parents gavo him no middle nnme, was a farmer and lumberman for years and made both callings profit-'. sphere shot out Into deep left and able. He was married 55 years ago -wo runs came in, while Shaffer to Elizabeth Spry, daughter of Wil- sprinted around to third and held Ham Spry, a well known resident of the bag. Then the umpire, who had Beach lake. She died in 1905 and j called the hit fair, changed his de Mr. Olver then went to live with his cislon and called Shaffer's hit a foul son Owen. ual1, A wrangle ensued and White About 20 years ago Mr. Olver dls-i Ms, completely disgusted, left the posed of his lumbering Interests and Held. devoted all his time to his farm. Supremo Archon Morris G. Co Ho was a worker and provided gen erously for the .good-sized family he retary Frank E. Plaltner of Baltl reared at Beach lake. He leaves i more were on the grounds all day. threo sons and four daughters. Tho sons are J. Owen Olver of Beach lake and Francis J. Olver and Thomas H. Olver of Scranton. The daughters are Anna, wife of Robert Davis of Beach lake; Minnie, wife of Jacob Reining of Beach lake; Eva, wife of Albert Pierce of Pittsburg, and Ger trude, wlfo of Jacob A. Hiller of Honesdale. Mr. Olver was burled Wednesday from tho F. M. church In Beach lake. The pastor, Rev. S. V. McVey, con ducted the services and commended the upright life of Mr. Olver. Inter ment was In Beach lake cemetery, beside his wife and children. Wil liam Olver, son of Daniel, died 17 years ago at Beach lake and was burled there. He left a widow but no children. Daniel, named for his father, died at Beach lake seven years ago, leaving a widow and two chil dren. The bearers were Norman Ol ver of Carbondale, David, Daniel, William and Otto Olver of Beach lake, and Herbert Hiller of Hones dale, all grandsons. There are 33 grandchildren altogether. J. J. Casey Agrees to Stand. John J. Casey of Wllkes-Barre has accepted tho nomination of the Key stone party for secretary of internal affairs. In a letter addressed to tho officers ot the convention, Mr. Casey says that he is not financially pre pared to enter upon a campaign, but Is In hearty accord with, the, move ment and willing to go along. Tho candidate finally accepts, with tho remark that the nomination was a call to arms that no patriot could shirk. CAUSES WHITE MILLS-AHCIIRALD GAME TO COME TO SUMMARY CLOSE IN SEVENTH ASIDE FROM THIS INCIDENT, HEPTA SOPH PICNIC AT LAKE LODOIIE MAKES OUT NICELY. Tho Heptasophs of northeastern Pennsylvania flocked to Lake Lodore 1100 strong Wednesday for their an nual outing. They had a perfect day nnd the crowd was very nearly If not quite up to the expectations of tho lodgemen. About COO came from the valley, principally Wllkes-Barre and Scranton, on a special train that pulled up at the lake station at 10.30. From White Mills, Hawley and Honesdale the attendance was not such a great deal smaller. At the Mills 378 tickets were sold, at Haw ley 52. Not so many got on the spec ial train from Hawley when It got to Honesdale at 9. 45. It must be borne In mind that Honesdale lias had to patronize the Merchants' day picnic and the picnic of the Shoe makers, botli big outpourings of peo ple, ar well as contribute her mite toward the throng at smaller outings. Still, Honesdale was represented. One of the first men to get on at this station was a popular county of ficial, a man fully as much at home in White Mills as In Honesdale. He was on a committee and he wore a red and gold badge at least 12 Inches long. The White Mills lodge has 151 members and is a strong organiza tion for so small a place. The glass factory village was pretty well de populated Wednesday. Most every body went with the Heptasophs to the lake. Their band was in the first car of the special, and both go ing up and coming back it played the right kind of music and made all the brothers and their wives, daughters and sweethearts believe It's one ot the finest things on God's green earth to be a Heptasoph. At the lake there was plenty to eat, plenty to see, and plenty to do. The chutes hnd the aerial railway did a steady business. The dancing pavilion had all it could swing to from 12 o'clock until 6. Tlie only fizzle was the ball game. The game would have been all right If It hadn't been for the um pire. He was virtually a player for I Arcnuaiu. Heravorea the team ifrom ovep tlle mountains every chance he got, but in spite of all his efforts White Mills held the opposing team nicely and at the seventh inning the score was a tie, neithor having sent a runner across the plate. Then, with a man on third and a man on first, Shaffer, the White Mills catch er, the man who put the ball away over on the Erie tracks for a home run in the last Honesdale game, came to bat. The second ball was just over the plate, between the knee and shoulder, and Shaffer pelted it. The hen of Pittsburg and Supreme Sec- but thero was no speechmaklng. They mixed with the crowd and had cor dial words for everybody. District Deputy W. L. Allen of Peckvllle had charge of the games and had ar ranged contests for men, women and children. Lynott's orchestra of Car bondnle furnished music for danc ing. The ball game was advertised to bo for $50. It Is not quite clear to day which team, If either, is to get the money. It may be divided equally. Tho White Mills men on the com mittee of arrangements were James Edsall, Fred Hertel and Fred Mlttan. Don't Dodge In Front of Trains. The Sullivan county Democrat has the following to say about a bad practice by no means confined to Calllcoon or Sullivan county: There are several men In town who make a practice of crawling under the passenger trains while they areistandlng at the station. Some day one ot these trains la going to moye at the inopportune moment and then the obsequies will be read over the unfortunate. Another prac tice which is equally aa foolhardy is that ot crossing the track ahead ot trains. One man In particular gen erally walta at the Western hotel until tho passenger trains get within a hundred feet or so ot the crossing and then runs across ahead ot them, usually having fifteen or twenty feet leeway. Wo are going to write the obituaries ot all these people and hare thorn ready for publication when the "sad event" occurs. t