HIE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, At'O. 10, 1010. THE CITIZEN, published evert Wednesday and Friday by I the citizen publishing company. I Entered as second-class matter, at the post olUce. Honesdnle. l'a. (SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 K. B. IIAKDENHEKOH. - PRESIDENT W. W. WOOD. MANAGER AND SKC'Y BILLIARD URUCE EDITOR directors: 0. h. dorflinoer. m. ii. allen. dekry wilson. e. v. iiardenbergi1. W. W. HOOD. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10, 1010. HEPUBMCAN TICKET. For Governor JOHN K. TENEK. For Lleutennnt Governor JOHN M. REYNOLDS. Secretary of Internal Affairs HENRY HOUCK. State Treasurer CHAS. P. WRIGHT. For Congress, C. C. PRATT. For State Senator, WINFRED D. LEWIS. COUNTY. Representative, H. C. JACKSON. ANYTHING TO TOP A TICKET! Like WILLIAM J. BRYAN, who, It is freely conceded, had something to do with making the top of the Keystone ticket at Philadelphia, AVILLIAM H. BERRY'S motto seems to be, "If at tlrst you don't get votes, run, run again." It is mani fest enough that the Chester brick maker was determined to make the gubernatorial race on some ticket in this 1910 campaign. BERRY was more than a recep tive candidate for the nomination the Allentown convention had to be stow. He was an active candidate. When WEBSTER GRIM carried off the plum, the Chester man, inwardly though not at once outwardly, got sore. He went through the dry, perfunctory motions of saying the will of the party should be his law; that the Democrats of the state, In convention at Allentown assembled, had seen fit to give the place to GRIM and that GRIM should have the most cordial and constant sup port of which Mr. BERRY and Mr. BERRY'S friends were capable. It was EUGENE BONNIWELL, the captain and custodian of the BERRY boom, that moved to make the GRIM nomination unanimous, and Mr. BERRY then and there pledged his best efforts to the Allentown ticket. But the moral strength of the Chester brlckmaker was not what Mr. BERRY and Mr. BERRY'S fol lowers believed it to be. He de cided, in less than a fortnight's time, to break his convention promise and run independently If he could get any convention to nnme him. Such a convention it was not difficult to congregate from the soreheads on both sides of the party fence, and j today WILLIAM H. BERRY, the i man who declared in the hour of i the GRIM triumph that he was a "regular" Democrat and should ' work for the regular ticket, Is chew ing his words at Allentown and striving to make as small as possi ble the vote of the man that over-1 threw him in the state convention. For BERRY is not running against i TENER, the Republican nominee; he is running against GRIM, tho) Democratic nominee. BERRY was nominated by bolting Demo crats and It Is really another Demo cratic ticket that is in the field the BRYAN Democratic wing's nom inee, with local option on the side. Tho most logical summing up of the situation, particularly as It touches the bitter BRYAN opposi tion to tho naming of GIBBONEY, is that giveu by the Philadelphia Star, which editorially says: There was a determined effort made to prevent tho nomination of! D. CLARENCE GIBBONEY. The1 bosses, who selected tho delegates I admitted to this unbosscd convention, took good care to see that GIB BONEY delegates were thrown out. ! GIBBONEY was glvon no chance to i win tho nomination. Yet the con-1 vcntlon admitted the need of his name and inlluence, since it nomi nated him against Ills will for the second place on tho mongrel non descript ticket. It is astonishing to find thnt theso people havo tho effrontery to decry bossos and bossism in the faco of tho facts. By tho most unheard-of uso of bossism they prevented GIB BONEY delegates from being seated, utaved off tho nomination of GIB BONEY, which, hnd the convention been untrammelled, would havo been Inevitable, gave tho noralnntlon to a Democrat who tried his host to get tho nomination of his own party only to bo dofented, and then threw a sop to GIBBONEY by naming him for second place. Whatever else may be said of GIBBONEY, It cannot bo denied that ho has n certain following and that he stands for Republican prin ciples. Can tho peoplo of Pennsyl vania bo expected to vote a Demo crat Into the office of governor, and a RRYAN Democrat at that, in theso times, when the issue of the tariff is being so clearly drawn? The an swer is so clear that the action of the PLINN-Van VALKENBURQ convention in nominating this stand nrd-bearer of tho DRYAN Democratic-local option brand must appear as foolishness. phester man, dead at S3, Is1 re ported to have never smiled. Ho evidently never heard of tho third party. Harrisburg Telegraph. Or of some of tho misguided gen tlemen that think Mr. DERRY is to get Wayne by 1,000 and the state, by 50,000. Angelic Allentown has more sweet summer girls than Sinful Scranton, Woebegone Wilkes-Darre, Jiggered Johnstown, Plpedreamlng Pottsville and Ridiculous Reading combined. Allentown Democrat. Since you are determined to allit erate, permit us to say that Heav enly Honesdnle and Its immediate vicinity can show a few thnt will pass in something smaller than the average station crowd. Mr. Foraker combines the two qualities that endear a man to the public in ths country. He is a good winner and a good loser. It will make n difference if he takes tho stump In Ohio this year. Washing ton Star. It will mnke a difference in Gov. HARMON'S favor, and for that rea son the Republicans in the state to the west of us, who have a reason ably strong gubernatorial candidate in WARREN G. HARDING, should keep FIRE ALARM JOE off the stump. Time was when FORAKER support was a tower of strength to any ofllceseeker In the Buckeye state. Time is when Mr. FORAKER, effectually queered by his vehement championship of the discharged black battalion of Brownsville, hurts more than he helps any candidate in whose behalf his stentorian tones are elevated. Keep FORAKER in his Cincinnati law office and HARD ING may be elected. Let FORAKER stump the state and Gov. HARMON will stay In Columbus. Be sure of that! GINGERSNAPS. The fool that rocks the boat has reached Oneonta, N. Y. Let's hang the first one that gets loose in Wayne county! The Teddy Bears lost a game of ball at Millersburg. We haven't heard yet of the Alice Rabbits on the diamond. Miss Jennings ana Mr. Custard were married in Monroe county the other day. Are all men In Monroe so soft as that? Even the saintly Berry of the Brickyards has some Chester neigh bors that rise up and call the Key stone candidate a hypocrite. Sunday school picnics are about the customary crop this year. And young and old have taken their fill of lemonade and boats and swings and frosted cake this year. Be sure of that! Woodrow Wilson as Democratic candidate for governor of Jersey would be almost as colorless and perfunctory as Alton B. Parker as Democratic candidate for president. Why add another word to that! It's a safe gamble that by this time one of Mr. Berry's ardent friends from Wayne county has dropped into the Chester candidate's parlor to tell him ho ought to be elected and probably can not be! Only four weeks to the Septem ber schoolbell now. Tho barefoot boy in the country and the boy in tho city with shoes on dislike tho Idea of It, but the average parent Is found to be as happy at 'that kid's return as some men aro when their wives go to the country. Five miles is generally tho longest Marathon in this state and raore's tho benefit to the boys that "Mara thon." Tho full-fledged Marathon, a matter of 20 miles and somo odd yards, is likely to leave tho man who tries it weak, stale and mlser ahlo for at least 2G weeks and then some. Only a half of an apple crop In tho 07 counties this fall, says the able Prof. Surface, who knows. But Pennsylvania is not bo badly off as Jersey when ono of theso distressing years of apple shortage rolls around. God only knows wo don't draw nil our strenuosity from tho consump tion of applejack on tills side of tho Dolawaro! A Philadelphia girl hugged and kissed a boy sho mistook for her Jim and in tho strenuosity of her display of affection for ono that turned out to bo tho wrong man sho broko her jaw. Now If that Quaker City lasslo had only given heed to tho ndvlco of Dr. Wiley sho might havo been spared tho mortification and disappointment of embracing and osculating the wrong fellow and all the pain and expense of tho broken Jaw into the bargain! If you don't think tho days are growing shorter, Just listen any night for tho sharp, mournful endence of tho katydid. He's on the Job I The number of well-heeled Amer-i lenns who sklddoo to Europe with out first having gazed upon the glories of Niagara FallB and Wayne ' county grows grenter rather than i smaller. The preachers tell up the ' world Is growing better, but nobody! who keeps track of the newly-rich ! American travelers will tell you It 1 is growing wiser vacatlonwlse. Jack the Hugger is actlvo in Car bondnle. If the temptation Is as strong up there In the way of pretty! girls as It is in n certain hamlet! not more than eight and 20 miles from the famous ballslugglng town I of northeastern Pennsylvania, we"! can't really blame Jack for his ac-1 tlvltles. And If he came here he'd i wnnt to keep busy all the time! Mr. Senator Grim of Bucks coun ty has at last been "notified" that he Is the 1910 standbearer of the Guffeylzed Pennsylvania Democrncy. With the awful logs of suspense at length off the little senator's mind, It's now presumable that ho enn eat his victuals three times a day with a relish and sleep seven or eight hours every night without any dls1 mal forebodings so far as the valid ity of the nomination is concern ed to break his slumbers. Montrose Is timid about this Old j Home business; she doesn't dare to ' try a full week. Montrose will have ! an Old Home day set apart from , the four days of the regular fair. But let the Old Home advocates live! in the hope that Montrose may be so favorably Impressed with one re-1 union day that another year she , won't be satisfied with less than six of 'em. Of course, if Honesdale can give Montrose any practical point ers about the operation of this Old Home week business Montrose need apply but once for the assistance. KEYSTONE PRESS, t tHfft t H M The Johnstown light, heat and power combine hns been cited to show cause in court why it so sad ly disturbs the equanimity of the Joyful Johnnies. But Editor Bailey is happy. He is face to face with one of the tribe of Trusts. Con nellsville Courier. "Have you a pocketbook?" eager ly inquires the Johnstown Demo crat. We have. But strictly be tween us, Just at the present writ ing, there is nothing in it but two postage stamps, a strip of court plaster, and a tax receipt. Punxsut awney Spirit. While Chicago is contemplating its magnificent scheme of annexa tion which Is to realize that dream of the Three Million club to bring its population up to the figure nam ed, it might just as well put on a little extra steam and reach out and grab New York. If Chicago doesn't watch out It will be surprising the rest of the country by Its modera tion. Lancaster New Era. Editor Bailey of the Johnstown Democrat and the Democratic coun ty committee of Cambria adopted a resolution calling upon Col. Guf fey to resign as Democratic nation al committeeman and remove him self from state and national poll tics. The colonel refuses to do so and declares that Editor Bailey Is not a Democrat. That will surprise the editor and his friends, as he has always thought, talked, looked and acted like a Democrat. Unlontown News-Standard. One of our chlefest troubles arises from placing a wrongful estimate upon the ills of our times. The in dividual life is lived better now than ever before and collective righteous ness surpasses that of any other epoch In history. The river of life carries less waste and refuse than formerly. It Is right to observe and attack wrong living; but it Is un necessary to despoil the whole be cause some portion of It Is bad. We need a realizing senso of pro portions In judging tho world. Tltusvllle Herald. Sheriff Draman of Wayne county told a Scranton newspaper man who wanted to bo admitted to tho county Jail to photograph Sam Reed and Leona Lord In their colls: "No pict ures of Sam Reed will be taken while I am running this jail. Supposo you wero Sam Reed or supposo you were Leona Lord? Would you wnnt your picture scarehcaded all over tho country In connection with a mur der charge?" Tho sheriff shows a kind heart and good sense. Under tho law a man Is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty, but in reading tho papers ono is forced to bollovo the modorn tendency Is to bellevo him guilty until ho prove his innoceuce. Forest City News. William J. Bryan appears destin ed to bo tho pilot to throw tho Dem ocratic craft on tho rocks, In 1890 ho was tho exponent of tho freo sil ver doctrine, nnd in 1900 ngaln in sisted upon tho endorsement of tho silver issuo. In 1901 ha success fully resisted tho adoption of a res olution recognizing tho gold stand ard as nn accomplished fact. In 190G ho mndo an eloquent plea for government ownership and operation of railroads. In 1908 ho committed the party to tho Oklahoma school of political economy, Including gov ernment guarantees of bank de posits, and In 1910 ran amuck in lils own state on county option. Now the Democrnts aro wondering what issuo to wreck tho party he will take up next. Doylestown Intelligencer. f-f-f-f-ft-f-f-t-t-f-M-f-t-t-t-f-t-f-f-f-f-f-f RIGHT OFF THE BAT --M--M-M-4 Huckleberry pie is all right to look nt, but you never can tell whether you're eating huckleber ries or files. Julius Bussa. My Impression Is that the third or Keystone ticket will make a lot of noise for a time, but thnt as election draws close It will fall as fiat as a pancake. Chester A. Gar ratt. If Berry gets Wayne county by 1,000, as some Berry men say ho will, he ill carry the state. But I don't (?xpect to see him get Wayne county by 1,000. John E. Rich mond. ' I've been out to the old haunts at Bench lake, where I passed my vacation a couple of summers ago. While I see tho same old scenes, I miss some of the old, familiar faces. William J. McKenna. "SKINS 1JEKUY WITH A SAW." There are signs that Wllllnm H. Berry, In planning to reap advant age to his candidacy for governor at the hands of Pennsylvania Pro hibitionists, has reckoned without his host. Mr. Berry had not been 24 hours In the field with his Key stone party nomination until the eminent Dr. Silas C. Swallow of Harrisburg denounced him as a po litical turncoat. Brother Swallow only skimmed over the surface, however. He left it to the Ven ango Herald of Franklin, Pa., of which David B. McCalmont is edi tor, to skin Mr. Berry with a saw. The Herald is a Prohibition paper and talks from the record. As to Mr. Berry this record is: Originally a Democrat. Became converted to Prohibition and was the party's nominee for state treasurer in 1889. Defeated. In 189G "lost his head over free silver and returned to the Demo cratic wallow." In 1905 elected mayor of Chester. In 1905, Ignoring his obligations to the people of Chester, jumped at Democratic nomination for state treasurer. Then he got the Lincoln party endorsement and the Prohibi tion nomination. Elected. In 190G wanted to abandon the treasury for governorship nnd In duced Prohibitionists to nominate him. Promised to campaign against Democratic nominee if latter was "a rummy," but hoped to get nomi nation for himself. Failing in this, he withdrew from Prohibition ticket and campaigned for Democratic nominee. Broke his word two ways. In 1910 sought the Democratic nomination for governor, failed to get It, promised to support the nom inee, went back on his promise, and procured Keystone party nomina tion. Evidently he Is a man of some "eloquence, of boundless vanity and presumption, who has belonged to every party and cared for none." It will be noted that for many years Mr. Berry has played the Pro hibition party as a pawn to further his own ends. Whenever It has suit ed ills purpose ho has gone back on his friends. He changes his poli tics to fit every exigency of personal ambition. He Is without fixed prin ciples, does not value his word, and will not keep faith with any party. That is why tho Herald dismisses him with the remark: "It is our belief that if Mr. Berry makes an active campaign ho may possibly poll as many votes as the Socialist nominee." Editorial In Pittsburg Gazette-Times. JOHN MITCIIEIih IS SILENT. Shakes His Head at Surest ion That Ho May Itulo New York. John Mitchell, ex-president of the United Mine Workers, came to Honesdnle by way of Lake Ariel Saturday In an nuto, In company with John J. Loftus, Alex. Connell, P. H. Durkln and John Gibbons, Jr., of Scranton. They rodo up Main street and took In tho town. Edward A. Pennlman shook hands with Mr. Mitchell, remarking that ho suppos ed ho was shaking hands with tho next governor of New York. Mr. Mitchell smiled slightly nnd shook 111 b head. It Is known, however, thnt Mr. Mitchell, who lives In Mt. Vernon, a Westchester county city IS miles from Now York, hns been sounded on tho governorship by National Committeeman William L. Ward, whoso homo is in tho neighboring city of Now Rocholle. Mr. Mitchell Is now classed as ft Roosovolt man if not ns a dyed-ln-tho-wool Repub lican. In 1908 ho was mentioned by tho Democrats of Illinois as n posslblo nominee for governor. IIo lived In Chicago then. "I don't know a thing about it, and I don't expect to know," ho says when asked about tho report that tho man nt Sngamoro Hill might favor him for tho Job in Albany. Avoid fear In nil its varied forms of expression. Simply refuse to grow old by counting your years or anticipating old age. ERIE'S NEW SIGNAL- SYSTEM. Hnll Automatic Mock Signal Now Being Installed. The work of Installing tho new Hall system of automntlc block sig nals along the Erie road has been progressing rapidly and Is fast near lng completion. Wednesday the officials of the Erlo wero testing 18 miles of the signal system between Wellsburg and Big Pints on the Tioga division. Several thorough tests will bo inada before the system Is put Into active use. A favorable result Is expected from the tests, as the slgnnl system hns been In use on a number of other railroads some time and Is working admirably. Wlint Does Berry Stand For? The first thought that will natur ally occur to the mind of tho aver age observer of things political In Pennsylvania in connection with the nomination by the newly-born Key stone party of Wllllnm H. Berry for governor Is the question: "What does Berry stand for?" Does he stand for the Democrats who bolted from the state conven tion of their pnrty at Allentown be cause ex-State Treasurer Wllllnm II. Berry was not nomlnnted by that body for governor? Does he stand for the Flinn-Van Valkenburg gang that has been en deavoring to gain political ascend ancy In the state for some years past in order to control the gov ernmental affairs of the common wealth? Does he stand for the recalcit rant Republicans who shout for the G. O. P. In presidential years and when the tariff Is In dnnger, and vote against it after their own sel fish interests have been protected? Does he stand for the disgruntled ex-ofllceholders who are passionately longing to get back to the official crib? Does he stand for the disappoint ed ofilceseekers, whose yearning for the flesh pots he will bo expected to satisfy In the very Improbable event of his election? Does he stand for the hungry horde of political outcasts who, un able to earn a living in the ordi nary walks of life, feel that they must httve a public office or a pub lic job? What does Berry stand for, any way? Editorial In Philadelphia Star. Hold your thoughts persistently. Don't allow yourself to think on your birthday that you are a year older. Refrain from all kinds of stimu lants and sedatives; they will short en your life. Avoid danger, discard hurry or anything else that exhausts vitality or overstimulates; whatever frets, worries or robs you of peace or sleep will make you prematurely old. CATARRH CANNOT HE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh ic a blood or con stitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal reme dies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medi cine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians In this country for years and Is a regular prescrlp tlon. It Is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. The per fect combination of tho two ingred ients is what produces such won derful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Take Hall's Family pills for constipation. ESTABLISHED 1830 THE OLDEST BANK INJWAYNG COUNTY THE HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, $ 150,000.00 X SURPLUS 241,711.00 $ TOTAL ASSETS 1,902,000.00 X WE ARE AFTER YOU ! I You havo more or less banking business. Possibly it X is with us, such being tho caso you know something of our X service, but if not a patron would it not bo well for you to t become one ? OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT will help you start. It is calculated to servo all classes, tho X old and tho young, tho rich and tho poor, f MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN t IT RECEIVES DEPOSITS OF $1.00 AND UP and allows three per cent, interest annually. Interest will beTpaid from tho first of nny month on nil deposits made on or before the 10th of the month provided such depoeits remain tiiree calendar mouths or longer. HENRY Z. RUSSELL. PRESIDENT. ANDltKW THOMPSON VICE PRESIDENT. WHAT UNCLE DUDLEY SAYS. Old Gentleman, According To Cnr tiondnlc Pncr, Snys Nick Wiw nt Sunday Game. "But 1 can say that I never had anything to do with Sunday games. Tho Sunday game has never appeal ed to me. I got enough sport out of tho game week days to last me over Sunday. Leave that to your Uncle Dudley." Nick Spencer. Being a trifle curious over tho nbove statement, one of the local fans made Inquiries from Undo Dud ley as to whether or not "Nick" really meant what he said in regard to Sunday games. Nick, Dudley says that if his memory serves him right he was sitting on the grandstand one Sunday afternoon when you dis played your fancy supporters to the spectators as the result of feeling animated over tho game. This may or may not be true, but you left It to Dudley and ho was consulted. Carbondale Leader. HAD WORK OK THE STORM. Fine Banm of Mr. Blake and Mrs. Kennedy Burned Pour Cows Killed. Edwin H. Blake of Beech Grove, who owns the Starbuck place, had a close call In Thursday's thunder storm, when lightning hit his barn and burned it up. Mr. Blake, with Frank Adams and Murl Cross, was driven from a hayload to the shel ter of the barn by the storm. When the rain cased up there were three loud reports, like those of a cannon, and the barn rocked, stunning Adams and Cross momentarily, though Blake, sitting on the main beam of the mow, escaped the shock. He roused the other two and the three men led the horses out and removed all the stuff that was on the main floor of the barn, but seven tons of hay went up in flames and a few chickens belonging to William Conklln were cremated. The barn was 50x30 and had a 50-foot shed. It was not Insured and Mr. Blake figures his loss at I COO or more. He was Just on the point of insuring this barn. During the same storm a barn at Coldspring belonging to Mrs. Re becca Kennedy was struck. Mrs. Kennedy lost her lumber wagon, hay rig and fanning mill along with the barn, 40x40, full of hay. Her in surance Is $600. Edgar Yale lost four cows that were lying under an apple tree. TWELVE muslin trespass notices for $1.00; six for seventy-five cents. Name of owner, township and law regarding trespassing printed there on. CITIZEN office. CATARRHAL GO Relief in Two Minutes, Complete Cure Soon. Don't go on hawking yourself sick every morning; It's cruel, it's harm ful and It's unnecessary. If after breathing Hyomei, the wonder-worker, you are not rid of vile catarrh, you can have your mon ey back. No stomach dosing just take the little hard rubber pocket inhaler that comes with each outfit, and pour In to it a few drops of Hyomei. Breathe it according to directions. In two minutes it will relieve you of that stuffed up feeling. Use it a few minutes every day, and in a few weeks you will be entirely free from catarrh. Get an outfit today; it only costs $1.00; It's worth $1,000 to any ca tarrh sufferer. For sale by drug gists everywhere and by G. W. Pell, who guarantees it to cure catarrh, croup, coughs, colds, sore throat and bronchitis. An extra bottle of Hyo mei liquid if needed costs but 50c. The little hard rubber pocket Inhaler you get with outfit will last a life time. X EDWIN F.TOUHEY CASHIER. ALBERT C.I.INDSAV AS8IBTAKTCAB1I1KU r-H-H-f-r-M-