The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 05, 1910, Image 4

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    TllB C1TIZEX, FRIDAY, AUGUST 0, 1010.
Kntered bs second-class matter, nt the post
olllcc. Ilonesdale. Pa.
KItlDAY, AUG. n, 1010.
For Governor
For Lieutenant Governor
Secretary of Internal Affairs
State Treasurer
For Congress,
For State Senator,
Can BRYAN come back? asks a
... ...
Wnstpm nnner. Silly question: now
run nnv man come back who never
was here?
Even G1BBONEY is out of joint
with the "Keystoners." He doesn't
like the model and Isn't pleased
with the Democratic annex to the
new party.
The optimistic view taken by
Chairman WALTON of the Repub
lican state committee concerning
the prospect of the party in the
coming campaign and the result of
the election in November is fully
Justified by facts and existing con
ditions. For some years it has been cus
tomary Immediately after the Re-i Mrg Rkker ,s runnlng for gov
publlcan state convention had plac- ernor 0f j;ew Hampshire. A more
ed Its candidates In the field for the effective way to run the state would
chairman of the state committee to be to marry some man and then
call on the chairmen of the various j get him elected governor,
county committees to have canvasses j ..Wnat became of ten million dol
made of their counties and send ars Wabash stock" demands a
preliminary reports to headquarters ! headline. Without knowing any
showing the actual conditions, to-! thing about it. we are willing to
snowmt iuc av.t . I make the assertion that no news-
gether witn suggestions u LU ,... ,
at which the party lines niuy ueeu
strengthening, factional difficulties
to be smoothed out, and any other
means that should be adopted for
starting the campaign on a business
like basis.
These reports have been received
from nearly all of the C7 counties
and in none of them appears the
slightest cause for apprehension on
the part of the Republicans. On
the other hand, the chairmen of the
various county committees describe
conditions as better than they have
ever been before; in fact, the re-
ports indicate that the Republicans I
of the Keystone commonwealth are
lined up in force, ready to score an vehement exI)ect0ratIons?
old-fashioned victory In November.
When it is taken Into consldera-. Now, what an unpardonable over
tlon that the ticket named by the ; sight it was when the Carbondale
state convention at Harrlsburg June
22 Is made up of strong and sturdy
stalwarts of men whose political
and personal standing are of the
highest and that these candidates
are known and properly appreciat
ed not only In the communities in
which they live but throughout the
state, there is no reason for sur
prise at the fact that the party vo
ters are enthusiastic.
Chairman WALTON was afforded
opportunity to come in contact with
some of the enthusiasm when lie
went to Pittsburg for the notifica
tion of TENER and his associates,
and ho correctly sized it up when
he said:
"There is reason for general con
gratulations over the enthusiasm
evinced at the notification of the
state candidates of the Republican
party and the large number of active
Republicans from every section of
the state in attendanco at the cere
monies. "From personal contact with some
of the best informed men in the
state, I am safe in predicting that
there will bo an unprecedontly largo
vote polled for the Republican state
ticket this fall.
"Tho party is harmonious and
the candidates are men who will
appeal to tho voters of every class.
Mr. TENER has niado for himself
a platform such aB any business man
with patriotism and public spirit
would favor, and lipon every hand
It is manifost that tho people have
confidence in his sincerity and abil
ity to do what ho purposes."
To put the sltuatlo'n In a nut
shell, tho Republicans of Pennsyl
vania lmvo a splendid state ticket
and they propose to lino up and sup
port It In vigorous fashion, to the
end that It shall be triumphantly
rt fmninnn ctitatjt mill
jk wi,iou VJ v i vi 11UI kj Uikiti mil
take the, stump for the Republican
ticket. He Is one of those true-blue
Republicans who believe In aggres
sive work and in standing by the
party colors.
We submit that Chapman lake Is
one of the loveliest sheets of water
In northeastern Pennsylvania, that It
Is patronized In large measure by
people with sense enough to ap
preciate Its uncommon beauty, and
that the name "Camp Bllllken" is the
most outrageous Insult that ever was
sprung upon an ordinarily calm,
peaceful and unsophisticated com
munity. Do you remember the ori
ginal Bllllken and the horrible
grimaces ho cast about him that
would make even the town clock
have a nightmare? Such things as
he was, and is, have no place In
such a beauty spot as Chapman's
lake. The ooner that camp gets a
more appropriate and a more eu
phonious title the better it will be
for the ears of the people that have
elected to spend the hot weather j
..., i !, .i,r,l.ic ,ioioMniiiP
4A -
Q -
The Delaware continues to yield
up some of the biggest bass lies that
ever were sprung on tins comment.
It is delightfully refreshing, dur
ing the enervating August days, to
know the one real pious penpusher
of the Wayne county press admits
people read The Citizen.
Army authorities are trying to
find out whether blondes or bru
nettes make the best lighters. One
glance at Jack Johnson ought to
convince them.
Hawley has trotted out the best
snake story so far this summer.
Altoona Mirror, which bemoans the
shortage in real good snake stor
ies, please copy.
paper man gQt Ule money,
Boston, It Is said, will make an
attempt to revive the curfew. A
very sensible Idea for Boston.
Anyone who wishes to stay up later
than 9 o'clock in Boston is daffy
and should be sent to bed.
Certain lawyers In this town were
dee-lighted today, when the order
went forth that the attaches of the
Fourth Estate were not to hear one
syllable of Mrs. Lord's effort to get
out of jail on habeas corpus.
You can't spit on the sidewalk In
PIttston now any more than you can
in WIlkes-Barre. The fine Is $1.
Why Is anybody permitted to make
tlii; . .who v..."v.w, .... ...
linn 11 Hfnl inn tlm tnrunt. fnr their
uusiness men, reu not iu nuiuc ui
a singing match with Honesdale vo
cal talent, failed to ask the distin
guished federal practitioner now "in
our midst" to render his jovial bass
stanzas "Locked in the Stable with
the Sheep!"
The straw hat has finally reached
tho divorce court. But it is a man's
straw hat. Tho wife of a Chester
resident left homo last summer
when her husband bought a new
hat. The hat led to a quarrel, and
the husband was granted a divorce.
It was "tho last straw" that broke
the back of a hitherto happy home.
Gov. Claude Swanson of Vir
ginia, who succeeds John W. Dan
iel, tho "Lame Lion," in tho United
States senate, never has had any
Washington experience, but his wife
Is accounted the most beautiful
woman In the Old Dominion. Tho
family argument will help Senator
Swanson just as It helped Gov.
Carbondale, wo give you ono more
chanco to bo decent. Play clean
ball this time and tho past though
It's a moan ono can bo forgotten
as It already has been forgiven.
Throw balls, not atones, next Sun
day. Knock tho 5-ounco sphero, not
tho opposing players, this time.
Wo should hato to cut you out of
our basoball future forover.
Wo lost four games over In Sul
livan county, just out of gallantry
to tho protty girls from tho city
who'd feel awfully about it if thoir
Jlmtnyboys should get larruped by
a team from tho glass shops and
hayllelds of Wayno county; but wo
made up for lost tlmo by taking tho
Millers Into camp twice, onco on
their grounds and onco on our own.
And wo'vo got tho championship of
Wayne for a whole year, if we
couldn't get tho summer champion
ship of Sullivan. Oh, yi, yl, yi,
yi. yi!
,',,' , , , , ,
, -f i
When state Inspectors of meat
markets and dairies do their Work
so publicly that notice Is given to
all proprietors that they arc about
to begin In n district they cannot
expcc't 0 accomplish very much.
Wllkes-Uarre Record.
Joyful Johnstown wants Somer
set county milk at 13 cents per gal
lon and Somerset county water for
nothing. Sulky Somerset kicks;
and righteously, too. How can the
honest farmer sell his milk at cut
rates without plenty of water?
Connellsvllle Courier.
The printing of the assessment
list of properties should not bo
abandoned. The cost is very small
In comparison with the value of the
publicity. When every taxpayer
knows how his neighbor's property
is nssessed, It will not be long un
til the remaining inequalities will
be straightened out. Wllkes-Darre
There is no harm In thinking long
thoughts, even If they never come
true. The dreams of life are so
frequently better than the realities
anyway that they are worth more
as nn Incentive to high endeavor.
If a man were goaded to his best
only by what he has accomplished
his Ideals would be as low as his
work. What we ought to be or long
to be Is a bit higher than what we
are Woe betI(le ntm wno disturbs
our vision! Titusvllle Herald.
For ten thousand of the aches,
and pains, and irritations of mdn
and women there Is nothing equal
to sunshine. It is more soothing
than opiates and more stimulating
than wine. This sunshine Includes
not merely that which beams from
the sky but the sunshine of cheer
ful speech and action. The Good
Samaritan did more than pour oil
and wine into the gaping wounds of
the traveler he gave the sunshine
of life, courage and love. Bristol
The Republican state candidates
were notified formally of their selec
tlon as the standard bearers of the
party at Pittsburg. The notification
address was made by Senator W. S
Vare of Philadelphia, John K. Tener,
the gubernatorial candidate, planted
himself squarely on the platform
adopted by the state convention and
pledged himself to follow in the foot
steps of Gov. Stuart. No reference
was made by any of the speakers to
the third party movement, none of
them obviously thinking it deserving
of attention. Somerset Herald.
The New York World suggests
former President Roosevelt for gov
ernor of New York, instead of tak
ing some proxy. It declares that If
Roosevelt is to boss the Republican
party In New York he can surely do
so more easily from the executive of
fice of the stato capltol than from
Sagamore Hill or the Outlook office.
Although Roosevelt has said It would
be "an absolute Impossibility" for
him to accept the governorship, It
must not be forgotten that he once
said It would be an absolute Im
possibility for him to accept the vice
presidency. But the Impossible was
made possible, and he became the
chief executive of the nation..
Doylestown Intelligencer.
Kick one of the miserable curs that
block your passage on the street and
see how quickly the owner, if he be
about, will come to the aid of his
canine friend. But with the aid of
all the eyes that searched tho heav
en for a view of our late visitor,
the comet, seeking them out, the as
sessors would bo unable to locato
an owner. Likewise, the tax collec
tor has trouble In collecting when
an owner has been assessed. Few of
the dogs are muzzled, notwithstand
ing a borough ordinance forbids they
shall run at largo during tho hot
weather without that precatlon
against the danger, lis pity we
ever lost the services of our friend
Jim Eagan. who exterminated so
many of them a few years ago. Tho
law Is a meaningless thing that Is
not enforced and officials fall in their
duties who neglect making an " ef
fort to enforce tho law. Wo will
watch tho coming assessment for re,
suits. Forest City News.
It would appear that J. Arthur
Johnson, Esq., who recently figured
quite extonslvely nt Reno, Nev., to
his own Ilnnncial advantage and the
confusion of ono Jeffries, has con
siderable of tho rnro quality of
common senso In his bronzo anatomy.
Talking to a Now York reporter of
his affairs, ho is quoted as saying:
"If I had kept my Interest in tho
moving pictures I should havo had
to employ a large number of men
to look out for my Interests. After
wo had got through cheating each
other I doubt If thero would have
been much left for me." So Mr.
Johnson took his llttlo ?1GS,000 and
Investod It, according to tho report,
In government bonds, for although
thoy "do not pay so much Interest
ns somo stocks, they aro suro pay."
It looks as If tho latest fistic champ
ion would set nn examplo In more
than ono respect. John L. Sullivan,
who has "blown In" a million, will
bo raoro disgusted than over when
ho fully appreciates the fact that
his successor is not only a negro
but a man who can save his money
for the day when his popularity lias
waned. Lancaster New Era.
In tiiRtlrn to thn noftn It mnv 1)P
'well to assert that the rhyme
"Sheridan Twenty Miles Awny" did
more to mnkc the hero of Winches
ter celebrated than ell the newB-
paper reports of the affair.
ton Tribune-Republican.
Every growing, ambitious town
Is composed of three elements:
Those who work patriotically, vig
orously and Intelligently for Its ad
vancement; those who are In a state
of apathy or Indifference; and those
who take n curious delight In dis
couraging the efforts of others by
ridicule, and by n persistent denial
that any progress can or has been
accomplished, and by boasts of every
other town besides their own. The
last class are called croakers, but
tliey are really something worse,
for their opposition does not arise
simply from despondency, but from
that unenviable spirit that will
neither net Itself nor suffer others
to net. Bellefonte Watchman.
The Cnmbrln county Democratic
committee Monday adopted a resolu
tion, by an nlmost unanimous vote,
declaring "That It is the sense of
this convention of the Democrats
of Cambria county that Mr. Guf
fey's leadership of tho Pennsylvania
state Democracy should cease by his
resignation ns national committee
man." The resolution was offered by
Edward H. Bailey, associate editor of
the Johnstown Democrat. Col.
Guffey's retirement from "leader
ship," accompanied by that of Sen
ator J. K. P. Hall and one or two
others of similar stripe, would be
welcomed by the Democratic masses.
If these gentlemen will act upon the
Cambria county committee's hint, It
may save them the unpleasantness,
In the near future, of being kicked
out. Titusvllle Courier.
There are more clams eaten in
Honesdale every Saturday night
than there are people In Honesdale.
William H. Krantz.
The paper in which I am inter
ested (Honesdale Herald) we regard
as one of the best Sunday school
papers In the country. John Kuh
bach. The benefit baseball game at the
new park on Saturday will probably
be witnessed by the largest crowd
of the season. Nicholas Murtaugh,
manager Carbondale baseball team.
I do hope the asylum "on the
hill" will be ready for occupancy
before 1911 election, as we will
have nbout two carloads of ellglbles
to that Institution then. Dr. H. B.
There Is plenty of objection de
veloping against William H. Berry,
the bolting Democrat, In his own
home town of Chester.
There are in that vicinity many
prominent Democrats other than
uerry, and many of these do not
hesitate to say what they think of
Berry's attitude In bolting his party's
convention and in doing all he can
to bring about the defeat of the
candidates he said he would support,
Among these loyal Democrats are
John Cavenaugh, former chairman
of tho Chester county committee. He
is a stalwart for the party's nomi
nee, Webster Grim, and he does
not hesitate to say what he thinks
of Berry's bolting. He declares that
he is perfectly familiar with all the
details of the Allentown convention
and that there Is not the slightest
reason for any real Democrat op
posing the man that that convenlon
Georgo Dale, ono of the foremost
Democrats of tho county, minces no
words In calling Berry an ingrate,
and in saying that no real Demo
crat would do anything but support
tho Allentown ticket. Ho says that
Berry is an Ingrate Because Col
Guffey not only had him nominated
four years ago for stato treasurer,
but that, after Berry's election, Guf
fey went down Into his own pocket
and provided salary largo enough
to get a cashier for Berry who would
bo extra competent.
For Berry to turn his back on his
party and upon Col .Guffey, its lead
er, Just because ho did not get tho
nomination at tho head of tho ticket
owing to tho unwillingness of tho
duly elected delegates to give It to
him, Is too much for Dalo, and ho
comes out and says so in strong
language. Editorial In Philadelphia
thoy cannot reach tho seat of tho
dlscaso. Catarrh Is a blood or con
stltutlonnl disease, and In order to
euro It you must tnko Internal rcme-
dies. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken
intornnlly, and nets directly on tho
blood und mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medi
cine It was prescribed by ono of
the best physicians In this country
for years nnd Is a regular prescrlp
tlon. It Is composed of tho best
tonics known, combined with tho
best blood purifiers, acting directly
on tho mucous surfaces. Tho per
feet combination of tho two ingred
lonts Is what produces such won
dorful results In curing Catarrh
Send for testimonials free.
Toledo, O,
Sold by Druggists, prlco 7Gc.
Take Hall's Family pills for con
Democratic Dclcrlntn.
With Guffey gone Into bankruptcy
nnd his I. O. U. friend Berry
"knocking" the regular nominee of
tho Democratic convention, and the
regular nominee for lieutenant-governor
refusing to accept tho nomi
nation, the program for a fall cam
paign seems to be in a chaotic con
dition. Probably the severest blow to the
Democrats is the losing of the sup
port of the Philadelphia Record,
which has been forced over to the
Van Vnlkenburg-Fllnn-Sheatz-Glb-boney
The rank and file of the Demo
cratic party are In a stunned con
dition nt the loss of the Record's
support, and good old-time Demo
crats can hardly believe it.
But with all this factional fight
ing the Republican stato ticket Is
gaining strength nnd the Democratic
wrangle keeps up. The Republican
state ticket will profit to a large
The hopelessness of organizing nn
independent ticket out of the fac
tions that arc at war among them
selves on the Democratic side of tho
fence . are very remote, and If the
present controversy keeps up the
position of the "peace and harmony"
will be ridiculous, and the result
In November laughable.
The Republican forces, with John
KInley Tener at the head of the
procession, are taking an easy
march to an assured victory. Not
only will the Republicans elect the
entire state ticket, but In many of
the rural districts heretofore strong
ly Democratic, the Republican nom
inees will also bo elected. Editor
ial In Monroe Jeffersonlan.
Uniform Rato $1.50 Beginning Aug.
1 Extra Pay Sunday.
Foremen of trackmen along the
Erie have received word that begin
ning Monday. Aug. 1. the pay of
trackmen was Increased from $1.35
and $1.40 to a uniform rate of fl.50
a day. Pay and a half will be al
lowed for Sunday. The men at
present work 10 hours a day, so
the new rate will be equivalent to
15 cents an hour.
It has also been Intimated that
the wage sheets will be made up in
a different way from that followed
heretofore. Most of the trackmen
are Italians and numbers were used
on the payrolls to denote their
identity. Each man had a check
with a number which he presented
paydays and received his money.
The name of each man will
henceforth be regularly entered on
the payrolls. It cannot be ascer
tained what has been found wrong
with the old system, as It appeared
to work well enough, proving con
venient for the timekeepers and pay
masters. The latter will now have
to spell out the names of all the
The old reliable school, the Scran-
ton Business College, Court House
Square, Scranton, Pa., will begin Its
seventeenth year on Tuesday, Sept.
Cth. Monday, Labor Day, will be
Enrollment Day. Write for litera
H. D. Buck, Principal.
Sour Stomach
Mi-o-ua Puts the Stomach in Fine
Shape In Five Minutes.
If your stomach Is continually
kicking up a disturbance; If you feel
bloated and distressed; if you belch
gas and sour food Into the mouth,
then you need Ml-o-na Stomach
Ml-o-na stomach tablets give In
stant relief, of course, but they do
more; they drlvo out the poisonous
gases that cause ferinentntlon of
food and thoroughly clean, renovate
and strengthen the stomach so that
It can readily digest food without
artificial aid.
Ml-o-na stomach tablets are guar
anteed to curo Indigestion, ncuto or
chronic, or money back. This means
that nervousness, dizziness and bili
ousness -will disappear. Druggists
everywhere and G. W. Pell sell Ml-o-na
for 50c.
"I was under tho care of four dif
ferent doctors during nine months
nnd was cured of dyspepsia by Ml-o-no."
Mr. Joseph Grondlne, 197
Fountain street. Fall RLver, Mass.
Booth's Pills for constipation 25c.
W II n 1 1
VI I l
2 1-2 " " 100
3 1-2 " " 125
4 1-2 " " 175
6 " " 230
We keep a full line of repairs for all Gilson
Engines and our engine expert Instructs all pur
chasers how to operate engine to secure best re
sults. There Is no better engine, so why pay more
money? Come in and see them run.
MURRAY CO., Honesdale
Aviation Not Dangerous, Snys Capt.
Capt. Thomas S. Baldwin, who Is
to follow the main line of tho Erie
from New York to Buffalo In tho
New York-St. Louis airship race for
tho Pultzer prize of $50,000, says:
"Thero is something deeper and
greater in aviation than amusement
or sport," he said. "It Is a great
science and one that will grow
greater every day. It Is still In the
field of experimentation. It Is
hnrdly yet a sport. It Is destined to
become of great commercial value.
I believe there Is no limit to Its pos
sibilities. 1 believe the day is com
ing when men will fly from city to
city ns they now make those Jour
neys by rail.
"The altitude of flight Is not an
Important matter after we have
reached such a height as to make
flying safe and free from the ordi
nary obstacles the earth may of
fer. "Rapidity of flight, distance of
flight and safety are the great prob
lems. With the solution of those
problems will also come the carry
ing cnpaclty of the acroplano for
either passengers or freight. As to
the value of the aeroplane in war,
certainly If the aeroplane Is de
veloped to a commercially practical
point It must become a practical
engine of war.
"I do not feel that the accidents,
fatal and otherwise, which are be
ing charged up to aviation are show
ing nny great danger In man at
tempting to fly."
Hero worship has increased won
derfully among the people of tho
Lackawa'nnn valley during the last
week. It Is due to a mental dis
order which is akin to what Is call
ed brainstorms. There is many an
old miner who performs his allotted
part In life who Is entitled to Just
as much of that unnecessary and
foolish homage as some people are
thrusting upon Theodore Roosevelt
and, strange to say, many of these
people are occupying positions in
the religious, political and business
world, where we expect a rational
display of good common sense.
When the time comes for-the man
made heroes and the plain, ordinary
every-day man to throw off their
mortal bodies and be weighed on the
scnles of divine justice and worth,
and under conditions where the sugar
trust methods will not be permitted,
the result will, no doubt, show the
honest plodder In life had a value
greater than many of the highly
Illuminated characters who are ever
lastingly getting in front of the
Read the Citizen. It pays.
The jar for large (ruit3
is the wide mouth
at the one shown above
and see how great peaches
go into it whole. This jar
is of extra quality glass,
smooth on the top and
an instant sealer.
To have the best success
preserving, you need this jar.
There is a dealer in your town
who sens inein asK nun tc
r a