THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1010. THE CITIZEN rcBuenKD kvkrt wkhhibday ard miDAT by THE C1TIZKN rCBLISHIKO COMfANY. Entered ns second-clnps ninttor, nt the post oltlce. Honesdale. I'n. SUBSCRIPTION K. B. IIAKDKNUKHOH. PHKSIDKNT W. W. WOOD. - MANAGEK AND SKC'Y HILLIAKD HllUCK - EDITOR DIRECTORS: C. H. DORFMNflER. M. B. ALLEN. HKNRY WILSON. E. B. IIARIIESBEROH. W. W. WOOD. AVEDNESDAY, AUGUST , 1010. KEI'UHLICAN TICKET. Kor Governor JOHN K. TENER. For Lieutenant Governor JOHN M. REYNOLDS. Secretary of lnternnl Affairs HENRY HOUCK. State Treasurer CHAS. F. WRIGHT. For Congress, C. C. PRATT. For State Senator, WINFRED D. LEWIS. confront the first citizen of Ohio.! It la our Impression that tho Sac- -M-f-f f -f-f-t-f-t-t-f -f-t-M-t-t-f-f-t-t-f-H-f Ho was lleutennnt-governor when nmoro Hill hay crop wbb up to snuft ASA S. BUSHNELL was governor! 1,1,8 ycan and MARK IIANNA was national chairman and a senator. His ac quaintance with able Ohio men, not excluding WILLIAM McKINLEY, has been Intimate; his knowledge of There will be a prlso for the big gest family at Lake Lodore Aug. 3. Col. Roosevelt going to bo there to award It? Though Brvan lost In Nebraska ho Ohio affairs has been extensive and i won jn Pennsylvania that Is, his me I men dominated the third ticket con 1)C ! ventlon in Philadelphia. The Bryan i finger In the third ticket pie will not help Mr. Berry nnd his col leagues n whole lot, either. RIGHT OFF THE BAT, M-f M-4-M--f The only man that ever paid mo a weather bet was Emmerson Gam- met. He brought me a bag of peanuts when he lost. That's more than any man ever did before for 'Squlro Smith. COUNTY. Representative, H. C. JACKSON. THE MISTAKE OF MR. BERRY. The third party men put up the strongest gubernatorial timber they had when they took WILLIAM H. BERRY to top their ticket, and our principal regret at the nomination is that a really able and vigorous man should permit himself to be boosted for the great ofllce of gov ernor of Pennsylvania by a com bination of Democratic and Repub Hnnn soreheads. He knows, of course, that he cannot hope for any thing more than a very nominal percentage of the votes he would need to be elected, but he evident ly does not realize that by lending his name to this bilious movement to cut the vote of Mr. TENER and Mr. GRIM, the regular nominees of their resnectlve parties, he is courting the contempt of every cltl zen who hates to listen to the whine of the political welcher. Independent Democrats, It ap pears, think Mr. BRYAN, the man so thoroughly licked and lambasted in his own state of Nebraska, had too much representation at Phila delphia, and the GUFFEY loan in cident, a feature of the campaign that cannot be wiped out by any amount of sweet talk about the necessity of Mr. BERRY'S borrow ing money to expose the so-styled capltol graft, must cost the third ticket candidate hundreds, perhaps thousands of votes. A few cold wa ter men, we fancy, may vote for Mr. BERRY in preference to their own nominee, but the bulk of the ballots he receives will come from men that are knifing Mr. TENER and Mr. GRIM out of sheer per sonal disappointment and cussed ness, and such support as theirs is not of the kind that swells the chests of honest men with the pride that won't lie down. Mr. BERRY may In some ways be better than the element that has put his name at the head of the third ticket which is bound to fin ish third, but we are forced to re cord our conviction that a man ordinarily sensible has made a po litical blunder that Is bound to send him back to his brickyards for the balance of his days. thorough. Mr. HARDING deserves to elected. We believe that If he keeps out of the BALLINGER-PINCHOT shindy, which wo happen to know has done Mr. TAFT moro harm than good in Ohio, ho will be tho next governor of the Buckeye state. But he should keep Mr. GARFIELD and Mr. FORAKER off the stump In every one of tho 88 counties. Neith er of them can do him nny good. Either of them would be likely to do his candidacy appreciable harm. JIM GARFIELD has his friends and FIRE ALARM JOE, the Inde fatigable champion of tho discharged black battalion of Brownsville, has his friends; but GARFIELD or FORAKER on the stump would kindle again the fierce fires of 1908. when TAFT and FORAKER nnd AR THUR VORYS and CHARLIE DICK fought hard enough to make possi ble the election of JUDSON HAR MON as governor. Gov. HARMON, the best Democratic governor a Mid dle Western state has ever had, will he a hard man to defeat, especially In view of the fnct that another term at Columbus would mean a White House nomination in 1912, and no such breaks as GARFIELD and FORAKER endorsement would be should bo permitted to jeopardize Mr. HARDING'S chances In this un commonly Important state election. What a fool Is that Chicago preacher who says moro kisses would mean fewer divorces! Doesn't the clerical chump know that lots of di vorce fires aro lighted when one man finds his should-bc better halfj has been Hobsonized by some other man? The best way to stop the naked bathing nuisance In the two rivers would bo to print the names of tho tightlcss bathers nnd tho shameless women onlookers. That would put tho lid on this disgusting practice In short order. Buel Dodge. I Can endorse all that Dr. Searles has said about the charms of Billy Block's little hotel In Equlnunk. It Is n fine, clean little house, where visitors from Honcsdalo nnd elsewhere are always suro of fine food nnd fine treatment. I was up that wny within a week and I know. Herbert Bassett. The Greater Honcsdalo Board of Trade has an ambitious title and an extending field. And the men thnt have the most to say about the conduct of its affairs are tho boys "e in a long laugh. The that are colnc to make the Board's new man on tne uiuzen Heard me Influence forcefully felt from this caned uonen oy me uoys ana ne time out. Remember that! tnougnt uonen was my rigm name. He told me no was about to put it You can call mo the Eric kid If "i the paper mat .Mr. uonen, a vou want to. for I shall follow the traveling salesman from Easton, main line of the Er e from Now wns nere 10 see uie irnue wnen York to Buffnlo," says Capt. Tommy somebody tipped him off and told TinliUvln Into nf HpmtiRtnnil PlninH him my real and a hundred county fairgrounds O'Connell. beside. Would he get sore If a brass band should send aloft the old-time strain "For I'm the Bully of the Erie Dike" as his "Red Devil" goes by on Its wny to St. Louis? Very Short Court Session Monday. There was not much doing In court Mondny. All the business was transacted in a few hours. Rule granted Fred Parrish on petition of Lena Parrish to show cause why he should not give bond to Insure payment of alimony of J5 a week, ns directed by Judge Purdy. Mnrgarctha B. Stcgncr appointed guardian of Jacob Stcgncr, n person adjudged to be of weak mind. R. W. Murphy appointed burgess of Hawley to fill the unexpired term of William C. Ames, deceased. Petition of Cnrollno DeGroat for appointment of guardian for Roscna Vogel, a person of feeble mind. After hearing, L. B. Guckcnbergor appointed guardian. James M. Flnnaghan vs. Mary Mc Dermott. It nppcarlng thnt James Flnnaghan nnd Pntrlck Flanaghnn cannot be found, publication Is ordered. Ordered by tho court that when the revision of the rules of court Is rompleted by the committee having the same In charge, the rules as re vised ho transcribed in duplicate for filing for tho chnlrman and for the printer, to bo paid for by the county. Bond of Christine Bauman guar dian of Join Bauman, a person of weak mind, approved. OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED WEDNESDAY NOON, AUG. SI, ON ACCOUNT OF MERCHANTS' DAY AT LAKE liODOHE. name Robert J. Bradford isn't the only county In which rural mail carriers are having supervisors picked up for not obey ing the road law. Brookfleld, Tioga county, supervisors have just paid a fine of flC.CO for not removing the loose stones from the road, and there are said to be more to follow. Let the good work hustle! Lnke Ariel is a fine place to stop in the summer time. The scenery is beautiful and the nights and mornings, no matter how much you swelter In town, are delightfully The time Trenton needed the cur- cool. When I nm at my cottage at few law was the night the last legis- the lake I can forget all about lature went out of business the those knocks I get in the Carbon- night when booze Mowed down the dale Leader about my baseball days aisles like tho water of the Delaware In Honesdale a few years ago. But river and fast women In the gallery I can say that I never had anything executed high kicks and sang "I'd to do with Sunday games. The Leave My Happy Home for You." Sunday game has never appealed to The Jersey capital Is tame now the me. I got enough sport out of the lawmakers of the state of trusts and game week days to last me over Tho state department of agri culture has ordered a dozen actions brought against dealers and makers of patented cattle feeds which have failed to show tho required amounts of nutritive properties required by the state law. The action will he brought In Lancaster, York, Jeffer son and other counties. GINGERSNAPS. The best way to judge a girl Is by the company she refuses to keep. Now, after all, was the Allentown convention any more of a joke than the Philadelphia convention? large mosquitoes have gone home. It is 48 hours, more or less, since the Pittsburg dateline has led a sen sational story across the threshold of publicity. We suggest that Wil Ham Ellis Corey and his dear Ma belle come home, or that Harry Thaw be given a vacation from Matteawan to visit boyhood scenes, or that the Andy Hartje divorce case be re opened, or that Andy Carnegie be chased around the block a couple of times by another clever she-devil of Sunday. Leave that to your uncle Dudley. Nick Spencer. DEXTER'S IN JAIL ennui- even in the hot days of mid summer. And it appears that the "skin-' tight" bather Is known In the Lacka waxen as well as In the Dyberry. The third party will come in third unless tho cold water ticket should happen to slip into that place. The statement is hazarded that Mr. Tener, a diamond star of note once on a time, has got the opposi tion all balled up. It's a tough job for the political writers of the city dailies to ask Col. Guffey and Mr. Berry about those loans of not so very long ago. We reckon Alico can live without taking in washing for awhile. An other legacy to Nick Longworth's wife will yield an Income of ?5,300 a year. iHHHMHMHHttHMtt KEYSTONE PRESS. LADIES' WAISTS and Summer Gowns You'll be amplyable to dress as you want to, if you take advantage of buying Summer Suits. Sore Throat Dresses and Waists at Our Store at Mid-Summer Clearing Prices. One of tho four days of Montrose fair will bo Old Home day. Of course, Old Homo week would bo better, but the sample this year may be so good that another year tho whole article will bo demanded. Tho Wayne county huckleberry pie of August is easy to describe. It looks like tho kind mother used to make, and it tastes like more of the kind any good cook can furnish. The Honesdale bail team sported four days among the toney summer trade across the river In Sullivan county and lived to tell tho tale. No wonder tho rocks and brickbats and cusswords of our Carbondale cousins fall to fenze 'em! THE FIGHT ON IN OHIO. Tho Ohio Republicans were wise when they put up the Hon. WAR REN G. HARDING for governor of tho Buckeye stato. He Is a strong, clean, Intelligent and progressive man. He knows moro In five mln utos than silly little NICK LONG WORTH, the most notable son-in-law In this country, has been able to learn In tho whole nlne-nnd-thlrty years the Hon. NICK has been mean dering through this complicated and contradictory world. He Is quite as popular as JAMES R. GARFIELD and quite as strenuous as THEO DORE E. BURTON, tho man TOM JOHNSON gavo such a fearful and wonderful Waterloo when tho rivers and harbors advocato tried to bo elected mayor of Cleveland. Ho Is at tho head of an Influential Repub lican newspaper tho Marlon Star Is ono of tho best journals, viewed from tho standpoint of an editorial page, that can bo found in any small city of tho Mlddlo west and ho has long been In touch with tho most important and touchy problems that I Mr. Bryan, the crops on that for I tilo farm at Fairview are calling for you. Thnt C,500 buzz wagon which can skim the clay roads of tho Platto country Is Itching for exercise. Tho duckshooting is not yet over down there at Lake Surprise. It Is possi ble there aro articles for tho Com moner to bo written and proofs from tho ofllce of tho Saturday Evening Post for you to revlso. Cut out tho politics and settlo down to some Job In which you have somo small lota of a chanco to succeed. CHARGED WITH BEING ONE OF SEVEN THAT BROKE CAR AT HAWLEY AND GOT LOT OF BEER ONE JULY NIGHT. Attorney Herman Harmes of Haw the Cassle Chadwlck proportions. It ley, who procured two out of Chaun won t do to have the great Amen- cey Tyler s four confessions as can scandal factory droop with to the car-breaking and beer-steal ing In the West Hawley yards the night of Friday, July 1, came to Honesdale Friday bearing a release from the bondsman of Lewis Dex ter, another of the young men held by Justice Ammerman of Hawley Mrs. Smith, a friend of the accused man's family, went his bail at the The corn crop is safe and the time of the hearing, but later she Delaware peach crop is to oe tre- decided to take no chances. menuous. wurran. ine umes. Justice Smith ssued a warrant and County Detective Snencer went Bacon is now selling up around to Hawley on the 2.50 train and got 28 cents a pound. Mr. Johnson was Dexter, who was brought to Hones indeed a lucky chap to be able to dale ia a team that night. He was bring that piece home from neno. put in jail. Johnstown Tribune. Lieut. Guy Ralph of tho Erie no lice, whom Detective Snencer We may be unduly excited, but I)ected Saturday, got to Honesdale this weather reminds us of the place jionday on the 9.50 Delaware & to which the Democratic party has Hudson trnln from Dunmore, where gone, according to David U. Hill. he makes his headquarters. He is Philadelphia inquirer. still looking up the Hawley cases and will be in that place, he says, Miss Helen Daram graduated at not later than Wednesday. He tel Ottawa last week. Charles F. Na- ephoned from the courthouse to Sta tion of Greensfleld, Neb., offers to tion Agent Palmer to have the marry the right sort of a girl. We freight clerk get a bill of the stolen share the opinion of most married beer, which was shipped from Scran men that here's a flno chance for an ton. This will have to go before ominous un'on! Harrlsburg Tele- the grand Jury, which meets Oct graph. 10. Tho third man to hear the Ty ler confession made In the cell at Women who feel regret that their Hawley to Dectectlve Snencer and means will not permit them to Join "Long" Kelly, the Erie olllcer, was the army of travelers now on the At- sent for to tell Lieut. Ralph what lantlc highway and heading for Paris he heard. Detective Spencer sat and London, where they expect to through this interview. replenish their wardrobes, may bo Lieut. Ralph took the 12.25 train comforted iu tho fact, well known to for Scranton those who cross often, that tho most "Wo shall eventually got all that fascinating shops In tho world are to ininch," he said. be found right hero at home, and tho Out of the seven, Tyler and Dex things for sale in them aro not only tor aro In Jail and Bill Riley, Joo Just as handsome and as stylish as Kelly and Olllo Wright aro out on those found In shops nbroad, but ball. C. W. Wright, father of they are to be bought for less mon- Ollie, went ball for the latter, who, ey. With every year of American according to Tyler's confessions Nos Invasion into foreign countries the y and -I, wasn't in tho Job nt all prices have soared a trillo higher, Wright Is also charged with highway until now, unless ono crosses out of robbery season during tho winter, between Colds, CoiirIis, Croup nnd Catarrh Relieved in Two Minutes. Is your throat sore? Breathe Hyomel. Have yoii catarrh? Breathe Hyomel. Have you a cough? Have you a cold? Breathe Hyomei. Hyomel is the best remedy for all nose, throat and lung troubles. It does not contain any cocaine or mor phine and all that Is necessary Is to breathe It through the little black pocket Inhaler that comes with each outfit. A complete outfit costs only $1.00 at druggists everywhere and at G. W. Pell's and Hyomel Is guaranteed to cure catarrh, croup, coughs, colds, sore throat and bronchitis or money back. A Hyomel Inhaler lasts a lifetime and extra bottles of Hyomel can be obtained from druggists for only 50 cents. Sample of Hyomel and booklet, fee. Address Booth's Hyomel Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sun Umbrellas and Parasols will be very much needed during the hot weather. Our entire stock to go at great reduction. Jabots and Collars Also come in for such attract ions. "We are showing an im mense line from 10c. upwards. KATZ BROS. ESTABLISHED 1830 THE OLDEST BANK INWAYNE COUNTY THE HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, SURPLUS TOTAL ASSETS $ 150,000.00 241,711.00 1,902,000.00 Once more wo invito Bellefonto nnd Tltusvlllo and other places that contemplato Old Homo week celebra tions to call around and talk with the men and women that mado Honesdale's 1909 colebratlon such a rousing pralso winner. You may safely gnmhlo your last solitary sou no small Pennsylvania town is going to handle an Old Homo week nny moro smoothly and successfully than wo did. Why go to Stroudsburg to get ideas? Why, bless tho good If not great soul of any Doubting Thomas who chances to ask you nbout it, thoy haven't learned tho A B C of this Old Homo week busi ness down there In tho Water Gap village. Thoy didn't oven know enough to tlo up tho pretty girls at ter tho fashion so popularized by the Old Homo of these diggings. October and May, when goods fall to rational prices again, It does not pay to shop at all except for tho fow articles which cannot bo found at home. Allentown Cnll. Mrs. Clarence Wright is visiting C'arbondnlo relatives. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach tho seat of tho Catarrh Is a blood or con- WE ARE AFTER YOU ! You have more or less banking business. Possibly it is with us, such being the case you know something of our service, but if not a patron would it not be well for you to become one ? I OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT will help you start. It is calculated to serve all classes, the old nnd the young, the rich and the poor, MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN IT RECEIVES DEPOSITS OF $1.00 AND UP and allows three per cent, interest annually. Interest will bejpnid from the first of any month on all deposits made on or before the 10th of the month provided buch deposits remain three calendar months or longer. HENRY Z. ltl'SSKLI,. I'RESIPENT. r ANDKKW THOMPSON f VICE I'REBIDENT. i- KDYVIN F. TOUREY CASHIER. AMSKKT C. LINDSAY AfcMSTAST CASHIER Wilkes-Barro is bound to get even with Scranton somo day and keeps disease at it all tho time. Hero's what ono stitutional disease, and In order to of tho Wllkes-Barro papers said: cure it you must toko lnternnl reme- "Scrantonlnns who think thoy can dies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken come to tho Diamond City and ex- Internally, nnd acts directly on tho nnrtnrato unon our sidewalks aro blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's badlv mistaken nnd a violation of the Catarrh Curo is not a quack medl nntl-expectoratlng act, if Special Of- cine. It was prescribed by ono of fleer Mills is around, may prove rath- tho best physicians in this country er costly. On Tuesday Frank Brnn- for years and Is a regular prescrlp ning of Scranton camo to this city tlori. It is composed of tho best nnd oxnectorated directly in front of tonics known, combined with tho Officer Mills. It took tho latter but best blood purifiers, nctlng directly a fow minutes to escort Brnnnlng to on tho mucous surfnees. Tho per tho ofllco of Aldorman Pollock nnd feet combination of tho two ingred after a hearing tho Scrnntonlan wbb ionts is what produces such won- pnmnnllod to nav a flno of $1 and derfui results in curing catarrii costs." Wo don't want Wllkes-Barro Send for testimonials freo, to Blieht us. and if our splttors visit F. J. CHENEY & CO., thnt town wo bono tho polico will Toledo, O, show no partiality but will fix them Sold by Druggists, price 75c. tho same as they did tho Scranton Take Hall's Family pills for con- man. Carbondalo Leader. stlpatlon GILSON GASOLINE ENGINES 1 Horse Power $ 60 2 1-2 3 1-2 4 1-2 6 CC GC CC CC CC CC CC CC 100 125 175 230 We keep a full line of repairs for all Gllson Engines and our engine expert Instructs all pur chasers how to operate engine to secure best re sults. There Is no better engine, so why pay more money? Come In and see them run. MURRAY CO., Honesdale t -t- i