THE CITIZKX, KIM DAY, .IU1A 20, 1010. CENT A WORD COLUMN! SioioiaeieieiGiaQioB FOR KAIiK Two shares Itenlty Co's. stock; two 8hnres Auto Trans portation Co.; one shnro Honcsdnle Footwear Co. What will you give for It? No reasonable offer refused. Need the money. DORIN. SHOW CASKS AND COUNTERS for sale cheap. Inquire of Percy L. Cole, pharmacist, Honesdale, Pn. 2t. I'XIH SALE My residence on Wood nvenue, house containing eight sleeping rooms, five living rooms, three sun parlors, billiard and bath rooms. Everything In first class condition. M. J. Kelly. 57tf. KOIt SALE Kelly & Steinman brick factory building, Including en gine, boiler and shafting. Inquire of J. 13. Robinson. oOtf. IIIDS FOR STEAM HEATING The County Commissioners will re ceive bids for steam heating court house, Jail and sheriff's house, ele vated pipes, Spencer system prefer able, no others borred. Dids to be on file In Commissioners' office not later than 10 a. m. Tuesday, August 2, 1910. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. Call at the office for further information. 57t2 ALL KINDS of legal blanks, notes, 'eases, deeds, warrants, bonds, sum monses, constable bonds, etc., Citizen office. FOR SALE A walnut upholster ed, parlor set of furniture consist ing of sofa and two large cnairs. In quire Citizen Office. tf LOCAL MENTION. Don't forget the Hoard of Trade meeting Friday night nt 8 in town hull. Myron E. Dodge sits up every day and Is doing nicely. He had a hard tussle the first 4S hours after his operation for appendicitis. The Enterprise Grange at Tor- rey will hold their annual picnic in George W. Taylor's grove Wednes day, Aug. 10. A good dinner will be served at noon and addresses will be made by several county speakers. Mrs. Frank Orchard, who Is summering at Orson, was thrown from a bicycle Friday and broke her collarbone. Her condition has been too serious to admit of her removal to her home in Carbondale, but she is improving and will probably be taken there this week. At Grace Episcopal church Sun day there will be morning prayer and sermon at 10.30, Sunday school at 12 M, 40-minute service consist ing of shortened form of evening prayer and brief address at 7.30. As church and Sunday school will be closed during August, It Is desired that all' members of both be present Sunday. Congressman Wllllnm S. Bennet visited Port Jervis, N. Y., Friday In an auto, the guest of Mr. Bryan, a prominent printer of New York whose family is summering at the Bluff house, Mllford. They rode in Mr. Bryan's big French touring car, leaving the city at 12 o'clock, noon, and stopped at the Mahwah inn for lunch, arriving at Port Jervis at 6 30 p. m after a delightful ride. Congressman Bennet returned to New York by train Saturday. Mike Bregstein is bemoaning the loss of a watch chain, more or less valuable, that disappeared from the young's man's vest not many days, or nights, ago. He hates to be lieve some unprincipled person de liberately appropriated his proper ty, but he swears he did not care lessly misplace the chain, either in his store or when he went out to Beach Lake to take a swim. He thinks the chain may yet show up and thus far ho has not reported his loss to any officer, but Just the same he would like to see that chain back Lively times are predicted In the next legislature over a proposed bill to provide that every man must se cure a gun license as required In New Jersey. The bill Is understood to have been outlined by the state game commissioners at their recent meeting in Harrisburg nnd steps are bolng taken to have local shooting associations take up the work of treating sentiment In behalf of the measure. It is pointed out that the bill would raise a sura largo enough to enablo the state game commission to increase its work, ns well as to provide additional game preserves. It is expected considerable opposition will develop. - James G. Shopherd, president of the People's Coal company, and At torney Koswell H. Patterson left Seranton last week for Vancouver Island, off the southwest coast of Canada, where they will Inspect a large tract of lumber they have ac quired. They will spend about four weeks along tho Pacific coast. Mr. Shepherd, Mr. Patterson and John G, Hayes, superintendent of tho Peo ple's Coal company, some tirao ago Invested hoavlly in tho tract, which tnkes up about 12 miles of practical ly solid timber. Tho wood Is gigan tic hemjock treos. Mr. Hayes re turned recently from tho island and made so favorable a report on the Investment that Mr. Shepherd and Mr. Patterson will visit the tract. Tho Shepherd purse of ?B,000 for nn airship race from New York to Seranton Is still open, but llttlo has been heard about the matter lately, The Baptist Sundoy school will picnic In Olver's grove Friday nfter noon. All members of the church. school and congregation will bo wel-j' . Herman Herbst wns operated! Upon, nt his home on River street this morning for hernia. The1 W Smith f l 1, Du n"Bt the Derlln Bnl,tlBt hrch Sunday . Smith of Seranton and Dr. H. B. nfternoon nt 2f30t Wllllnm B. Holmes conducted the mid-week meeting at the Pros- byterlan chnpel Wednesdny evening. His remarks were based upon the International Sunday school lesson for Sunday, July 31 R ? h!m ' in a f l. le Herald, will conduct tho' Honesdale mid-week meeting nt the Presbyter Ian church Wednesday evening, Aug. 3. His subject will be "Jesus on his way to Jerusalem." County Treasurer Fred Saund ers gets to his office in the court house for a little while each day. He got out Tuesday' for nn hour or two nnd Wednesdny and today for a longer period. His strength Is com- Ing back gradually. His fellow of- llclnls in the courthouse gavo him the glad hand Tuesday and told him they were pleased to see him at his desk again. Loud protest having been voic- ed in Washington against what was he needs to make him contented and rumored to be a wholesale vivlsec- happy. tion of dogs by the department of state Zoologist H. A. Surface agriculture, the nnlmnls to be secur- hns ordered the mid-summer inspec ed from the district pound. Acting tion of orchards throughout the Secretary Hayes of the Agricultural state, to see to what extent fruit department declares the dogs were to tree ,)csta are I)r0Valent. The In be experimented on in the effort to , secton wlu inclu(lo alI orchnrds find a remedy for the disease among , not COVered In the spring inspection, sheep known as "gid," and that the dogs would come out of the expert-1 Local Elks were notified Wed ments "In better health than they 1 nesdny that James Stetzman, a mem went in." ! er of the Seranton lodge, died Tues- United States Forestry Inspec- i f'Y thl c,,tjr a,n, wo",d be !ur tor J. F. Collins arrived at Delaware ,l't0,I"y, (Thursday), all members Water Gap Monday. Mr. Collins said f tho tlod?? so ns, Ps turn that within 33 miles of New York1!?011' withwhlte g,oves t0 cgcort every chestnut tree has been killed I the body to tlle grave- by some disease, the forestry denart- I ment up to this time having been un able to explain. The government has established two stations, one nt Long Island and another in southern Penn sylvania, to cope with the blight. On making an inspection at Dela ware Water Gap, Mr. Collins llnds many of the trees affected. The committee in charge of the Honesdnle-Carbondale Merchants' dny at Lake Lodore, Wednesday, Aug. 3, Is making elaborate prepara tions for the entertainment and amusement of all. A fine program of athletic events Is being arranged nnd good music will be furnished for dancing. What promises to be a ! sign of Reichenbacker used to be. unique and prominent feature will , statJ F,gh Commlssioner w be a special singing contest for men ,am E. Meehan hM announced that and women. One of he '.'""tf he proposes to make a number of tTh tZ- lrmWn bY Ann 6 crests of owners of mills for pollu contest's. sol tion of streams. He stated that i notices to stop discharges of cheml- Travelers on the O. & W. be- ca)s and material harmful to fish had tween Orson and Poyntelle have any- I ueen ignored. Three arrests have thing but an enjoyable time when been mado In the ast week ln the the train strikes that piece of road eastern section of the state, bed where ashes are dumped or where the bed is constructed of soft Wilkes-Barre's councils Tues whlte ashes, says a correspondent of dav nISht passed a resolution dl the Carbondale Leader. In passing recting the city solicitor to begin over this spot dense clouds of ashes efiulty suits against the Spring Brook fly up and not only envelop the cars Water company to compel that cor but it drives in the windows, doors, I Pration to furnish an ample supply and other openings until everything , of Pure water. The people of is covered with white dust. The Wilkes-Barre are much excited over best thing the company can do is 1 threatening conditions which point to haul a load or two of crushed110 a typhoid epidemic. Honesdale stone and spread it on the annoying , People who go to Wilkes-Barre spot. Of if they cannot do this, let would do well to do their water the trainmen close the windows be- drinking before they start and nfter fore this place is reached. Last they Bet back. Sunday a great number of people of this city were on the train and can , near witness to tne uiscomrort. , The Elcht Countv Vfitprnn nKBn-i elation will meet at Fernbrook park Wednesday, Aug. 10. At 11 there ! will be a business meetlnc and at , that time officers for tho ensuing ! year will be chosen and the place of the 1911 meeting determined. At 1 the campflre will be stnrted. It will end when tho old soldiers get ready for it to end. Every 40 min utes the cars leave Wilkes-Barre for the park. President Morris Sullivan nnd Secretary James A. Fleming have given their personnl assurance that there will be plenty for the Grand Army men, Sons of Veterans, i Women's Relfef corps and Ladies of i tho G. A. R. to eat, and good music hns been engaged. Some speakers i of note are expected to bo thero. I Judge Wilson, commnnder of Ham j post, who had a pocketfull of the : enormous red posters Tuesdny nnd Wednesday, says Honesdalo will bo represented. The glee club from Newfoundland Is to sing. Tho heart of William Schloss, the longtime salesman for Katz Bros., wns mado glad tho other day when ho received a llttlo check from 1 ot lak'"B the changes was com tho L'oneral nasseneor nirnnt of tho i l'leted nnd nothing further remains ir cni.wu went to Reading to tho Red Men's convention in June ns a delegate from the local tribe and when It tamo time to come homo ho board ed a Central of Jersey train by mis take nnd wasktakon around by wny of Seranton. Ho put In his claim for $2.3C, tho price of the unused por tion of ticket, nnd that claim has Just been honored. Tho trip tho Hones dale Red Man took to tho campflro that tho state brethoren hod kindled in Rending was a pleasurablo exper ience In many ways to him, but ono feature of tho start Mr. Schloss re mombered disagreeably for somo days. Tho fellow boarder at the Wayno hotel who had agreed to cajl Mr. Schloss at C mado n mistake, lils watch being out of kilter, nnd rapped on tho delegate's door a full hour earlier than that. The session of Sunday . school will be held at the Baptist church at 11. 4G n. m. Sunday. Rev. A. L. Whtttaker will hold services nt Wnymnrt In (ho Prcsby- terlhn cliurch Sunday nt 3 p. m', -Rev. Georgo iS. Wendell will conduct public worship and preach I Countv Detective Nick Spencer roturcl today from Lake Ariel, where he went Friday to Join Mrs. Snencer anA the children nt their cottnBe- Miss Antoinette Durlnnd gave a tfl.tnt tinit, " .. I f 1 . blends at the golf club Wednesday , ,,., had by nil. The kissing b:ig which wns n pest throughout the northeastern section of the state several years ago, has made Its appearance In the Allentown region. There will be union services In the Presbyterian church Sunday, Rov- George S. Wendell of the Bnp- tlst will preach. The church will then be closed until Sept. 4. ' Adnm Pride Is comfortnble nnd hS two attendants are taking good cnro of ,,,, Hnln post wn not ,et the blind comrade want for anvthine Michael Welch put 15 gallons of kerosene on Main street in front of the Jadwin building yesterday nnd the dust nt once ceased to be offensive to people passing that way. It is reported that a few Main street business men are going to try oiling the street in front of their places. Percy L. Cole says he is in no hurry to open up his new purchase, the F. C. Reichenbacker drugstore. He has carpenters and painters on the Job, and to make the store Into the kind of place Mr. Cole wants is something that takes time. Some time In August, however, he expects to have the sign of Cole where the Many people are spending their summer vacations at the new Canaan Corners hotel, a short distance from Lake Lodore, and that it is an ideal P,ace for recreation seekers was evi- uenceu msr. summer wnen people from a11 over the valley Journeyed ovcr the Mscs to spend a week or two' The Canaan Corners hotel is situated In a very convenient and quiet spot and the service that Is provided for the patrons Is a fent- ure that has made the hotel ex tremely popular. Carbondale Lead er, Quietly negotiating with its men for several weeks without anything hut the slightest hints being made public, the Philadelphia & Reading Railway compnny has completed tho adjustment of its wage scale on a similar basis in that used by tho New York Central. Not only have changes been mnde in unsatisfactory schedules, but, according to A. T. Dice, general mnnager, increases have been mado in ndditlon to tho C per cent, increase. He said: "We havo met all those who camo to us In n fnlr spirit and ln addition to the C per cent, increase have made other increases." Mr. Dice said tho work to bo done. Georgo Miller, tho venerable un dertaker, says tho scheme on tho pnrt of tho undertakers of nlno counties to cut out tho Sunday fun erals hns been tnlked up every year for four or five years, has never won out ln tho past, and Is not like ly to win out when the funeral men meet next month In Wilkes-Bnrro. Mr. Miller, who has been at the call ing 00 years nnd is a philosopher ns well ns nn undertaker, puts his views on tho subject of Sunday funerals ln a small nutshell as follows: "Tho only wny to get them to stop de manding Sunday funerals Is to get tho liverymen to double their charges for Sunday carriages ond tho sextons to double theirs for Sun day work at tho cemetery. Then tho Sunday funerals will fall off. They won't until then." Don't forget tlio Hoard of Trndc meeting Friday night nt 8 in town Imll. PERSONAL MENTION Joseph Bell of Seranton Is the guest of Honesdale relatives. R. M. Salmon is on n 10-dnys' visit to friends in tho metropolis. Percy Lymnn of Mllford Is spend ing a few days with friends In town. Austin Lynch of Seranton was a business caller In town Thursday. Miss Elizabeth Grossman Is home: nfter a visit with Carbondnle friends, j Miss Minnie Mohrs of Carbondnlol hnB been a visitor In Honesdale tills week. ! Miss Alta Sprunks has returned from a brief visit with Philadelphia relatives. I Homer Sandcrcock hns returned i to his home ln Ariel nfter a week's! visit here. ' Miss Margaret Wulff of New York I Is visiting Mrs. Hnnnnh Pohlo on . Cliff street. Jonas and Joseph Katz left Wed nesday for a few days' stay at Lake 1 Huntington. Judge A. T. Senrle returned Wed-' nesday evening from holding court at Montrose. Mrs. John Thomas Is on an ex-j tended visit to relatives' in Carbon- . dale and Seranton. Weston Parker has returned from his vacation, which wns spent at his home in Pntcrson, N. J. Joseph Grazlano leaves Saturday for Buffalo, N. Y where he has se cured employment In an automobile factory. Charles Truscott and Edward D. Katz have returned from a week's vacation In New York and Atlantic City. Daniel C. Coleman and Austin Ly ons are placing advertising through out Wayne county for the Honesdale merchants. Mrs. E. C. Mumford returns Fri day from a six weeks' visit with rel atives and friends in Minnesota nnd Wisconsin. .Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Babbitt and daughter, Lillian, returned Monday from a two weeks' visit with friends at Greensboro, Vt, Miss Marlon Romnln of East street left Wednesday for a two weeks' visit with relatives and friends at Port Jervis and Newburgh, N. Y Mrs. Israel Crane and her broth er, W. W. Lathrop, the former from Carbondale, the lntter from Seran ton, are at Waymart for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. James Ammerman and two children of Gas City, Ind., are visiting at the home of Mrs. Ammerman's mother, Mrs. Nina P. Pflume. Dr. and Mrs, Alfred E. Ullman have returned to their home in Bal timore after a pleasant visit with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Katz of Church street. J. M. Hale, the state Inspector on the Dyberry road, has returned from a visit to his home at Jenkintown. He has brought Mrs. Hale with him to remain during the balance of tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kimble and John Kimble of Honesdale are visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Skinner. Middletown (N. Y.) Mercury. Mrs. William A. Slumnn is home from Philadelnhla. Sir. Slumnn has not taken a vacation this year. He Is toting a tax book, and he says the money does not come with a rush strong enough to inundate the col lector. Michael Murtha and bride passed through Honesdale Wednesday, en xouto to Cincinnati, O., on their honeymoon. Miss Mnry Murtha ac companied the bridal couple to Cin cinnati, where she will make an ex tended visit with- friends. Mrs. Albert L. Whittaker and daughter, Helen, left Wednesdny for a week's visit in Fitchburg, Mass. Mr. Whittaker and Master Ford Whittaker will leave Honesdalo Aug. 4, to Join them in Harwichport, Mass., a place on Cape Cod, for the month of August. stomach Misery Get Hid of That Sourness, Gas and Imligchtion. When your Btoraach Is out of or der or run down, your food doesn't dlgost. It ferments ln your stom ach and forms gas which cnuses1 sourness, hearthurn, foul hreath, j pain nt pit of stomach and mnny other mlsernhle symptoms. Ml-o-na stomnch tahlets will give! Joyful relief in five minutes; if taken regularly for two weeks thoj will ' turn your llauby, sour, tired out stomach Into n sweet, energetic, por fect working one. You can't ho very strong and vig orous if your food ouly half digests. Your appotlto will go and nausea, dizziness, biliousness, nervousness, sick headache and constipation will follow. Ml-o-na stomach tablets nro small and easy to swallow and are guaran teed to banish Indigestion and any or all of tho above symptoms or I money back. Fifty cents n largo box. Solil druggists everywhere nnd by O Pell. for constipntlon thero Is no riJm- edy so satisfying ns Dooth's Pills 25 cents. Captain Doudlcan nnd Outfielder Rosier of the Carbondale team are playing with tho Honesdale team on Its trip through Sullivan county. They expect to be nbsent five dnys. The two players will return homo Saturdny. Tho game scheduled for Saturdny between the Forest City nnd the Cnrbondnle teamB for tho benefit of Emergency hospltnl has been postponed until Aug. C. Herbert Bassett, the Jovlnl local newsgntherer of the Wayne Independ ent, took a day off Tuesday and trcnted himself to nn outing In the wny of a run up to Equlnunk. He did no newspaper business that day nnd his trip to that part of the coun ty was not to gather datn for more Lord stories, but Landlord Bleck of the hotel took him out to see the ditch which mnde so much trouble nnd gave the Honesdnle scribbler a glimpse of Bomo of the finest scenery nlong the Delaware nt that point. Rov. W. 11. Hlller Is on his vaca tion, yet he is in Honesdale about all the time. He has some private busi ness to look nfter nnd this brings him down street every day, but he Is not prenchlng. He says he hardly expects to get away from Honesdale before September, but ln that month he will slip out for a week or so. All through August, when Dr. Swift and Mr. Wendell are both out of the county, tho .Methodist pastor will be in Honesdale to marry and bury people. When they get home Sept. 1 he will commence his real vaca tion. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. William Swingle and family of Lake Ariel wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the help given and the sympathy shown them during their recent bereave-1 ment. 1 Don't forget (lie Hoard of Trade, meeting Friday nislit at 8 in town i hall. I EVER INCREASING. I .. . . . - 4- I I - o 8 Ci 3 A bank account is like a snowball roil it gently 8 along and it will get larger (almost without your t noticing it) as the days go by. Like the snowball, too, the hardest work is making the first deposit, giv- t ing it the first push, after which the Initial impetus g gains as the bail runs down, the bank account rolls O X up. We want to help you with your financial snow- X I FARMERS and MECHANICS BANK. Walk on Hardwood Floors Don't have your floors covered with Eerm-laden carpets. Hardwood floors re quire no carpets and are more healthful and easier to care for, and also look much better. Our select Oak and Maple Flooring Is economical in the end. Come In and let us talk It over with you M us show you how little it really costs to have good hardwood floors in your home. MARTIN HERMANN, Callicoon, N. Y. Lumber Lath Posts Shingles I A Small Investment which repays the investor more than a hundred fold is Bell Telephone Service Rates are reasonable. The service and equipment in Honesdale are of the best. To be without telephone ser vice is akin to locking your business door. Call the Local Agent and arrange for service to-day. The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania Honeidale. P&. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. AlwHt Those Tlglitlcs Bathers. Editor of The Citizen: Let me commend you on your edi torial in n late Issue of The Citi zen on the bathing nuisance nlong the shores of our rivers. Also, the (8hores of the Lnckawaxen arc In vaded by hordes of naked savages most any wnrm summer day. These men nnd boys nlways succeed in at tracting attention to their presence by shouting to ench other In lan guage betraying n vile mind In their naked bodies. What Influenco of church, school nnd parental education do these boys reveal? Do they not prove that wo are rather arrogant In sending large sums of our money to foreign missions for the uplift of savages of other races, with so much to do nt home? Is thero no remedy? It Is certain that to plead publicly through tho press for the cessation of bathing nakedly in public will remnln with out effect on such minds ns are betrayed by their possessors' ac tions and utterances. It seems that we get scant police protection for the taxes wo pay. Has It never occurred to any en terprising citizen of our town that It might be profitable to establish bathing pavilions on the spots most tempting on the shores of the Dy berry and Lackawaxen rivers and extend thereby the pleasure of open air bathing to many now deprived of it? A SUBSCRIBER. It has been suggested by a think ing citizen that It would bo well to print some day the names of these skin-tight bathers, also the names of some of the woman that watch them. Ed. -The Citizen Is improving. Plaster Lime Cement Roofing