THE CITIZEN, FIUDAY, JUIA" 20, 1010. THE CITIZEN rOBUBIIKD EVERT WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY BY THE CITIZEN rUBLISUIKO COMPANY. Kntered ns second-class matter, at the post nOlce. Honesdale. l'n. SUBSCRIPTION 11.50 E, B. JIAKDKXIiEItOH, PltKSIDKNT W. W. WOOD. MANAGKK AND SKC'Y HILUAK1) IlItUCE - - EDITOR directors: c. h. dorrlinoer. m b. alien. OINItT WILSON. t. B. lMRDEXBERCllf. W. W. WOOD. KUI DAY, JULY 20, 1010. KEPUIILICAX TICKET. For Governor JOHN K. TENEIt. For Lieutenant Governor JOHN M. REYNOLDS. Secretary of Internal Affairs HENRY HOUCK. State Treasurer CHAS. F. WRIGHT. For Congress, C. C. PRATT. For State Senator, WINFRED D. LEWIS. COUNTY. Representative, H. C. JACKSON. Nebraska Democracy Is trying aw fully hard to loose BRYAN and Bryanism. There's low, base In gratitude for you! Just stop a mo ment to realize that If It hadn't been for BRYAN since 1S9C nobody would know there vns a Democrat in Nebraska any more than sane citi zens believe there is a Democratic majority, or the possibility of one, in the Fourteenth Congressional dis trict of Pennsylvania. At Kansas City a league has been formed to "perpetuate Roosevelt policies." Leagues rush in where angels fear to tread. What, just i now, are Mr. Roosevelt's policies? Louisville Courier-Journal. Well, one of the present ROOSE VELT policies, Col. WATTERSON, 1 or more strictly one of the present ROOSEVELT efforts, is to help the leaders of his party determine the strongest man to run for governor of New York in a probable contest with an extra sagacious city Demo crat whose friends are gradually compelling him to believe he must try for Albany first and for Wash Ington afterward. Other R00SE-. VELT policies can wait on the straightening out of the state ticket for the November campaign. i . ' ------ . HOARD OF TRADE MEETING!. This paper goes to press on Tues days and Thursdays and the news stories appearing in its columns are always written with the word "to day" applying to Tuesday or Thurs day, as the case may be. The date of the paper, whether Wednesday or Friday, is, quite naturally and prop erly, subordinate to the date on which the news was actually made. When, therefore, we say that the Greater Honesdale Board of Trade's public meeting will be held Friday night in town hall, we mean tomor row night, not Thursday night. Friday, July 20, to be exceed ingly explicit, is tile time. The town hull is the place. Be there by 8 o'clock. The meeting is Kin; to be called to order promptly. The main thing at this meeting, as we understand It, is to be the talks by three prominent lawyers on subjects that will bear a vital part in the inception and subsequent his tory of Greater Honesdale if we have it. Taxation, lire protection, school privileges on the part of the suburban districts that would come into the enlarged borough there are topics for you that must be big with interest for every man who wants to see Honesdale have more area, more people, more business, more money. This meeting will give tho citi zens of Honesdale a clearer, more comprehensive and more tangibla understanding of tho scope and pro jects of the Board than they have thus far been enabled to glean from newspaper reports. Tho objects of thla new business body will be giv en ample explanation by its officers, and any man in the hall who wants to ask questions will be at perfect liberty to stand up and ask them. There will bo Board members pres ent who can answer any rational question. Tho Board wants you to attend that meeting Friday night. Tho Board wants you to hear what the men promoting it have to offer in the way of suggestions for a busier and richer Honesdalo. The Board wants you to mako personal exami nation of its plans and purposes and you can't conduct an examina tion like that by absent treatment. Friday night, 8 o'clock, In the town hall. HOME WEEK IS DEMOCRATIC. This Is from the Tltusvllle Herald: What an Old Home week Tltusvllle might have! No town of the oil country has sent out Into the world more men of ability. If all of them could bo brought back with their wives and children to spend a week here it would be worth some hard work and sacrifice and expense. We ought to plan for something of that kind between June and September of next year. Aye; and the Old Home week's worth while, even to towns that never sent out any high nnd mighty men to help this nation keep Its place in the hemisphere. Old Home week is essentially a democratic in stitution. While it brings back to the old spots men, nnd likewise women, that have earned a reputa tion in a larger field of activity, it also calls home hundreds, yes thous ands, that never have done anything worth bragging about but who, nevertheless, keep n little cosy corner In their hearts for the, home of their childhood and who are made better and brighter by this reunion contact with the scenes and the people of yesterday. No town should hesitate about starting an Old Home week move ment just because It feels It never has sent any big bugs out Into the world to take a limelight part in the making of contemporary history. Quiet, humble sons and daughters are delighted and beneiltted by such a gathering quite as much as their more important brothers and sisters that have been to Congress or to California. Titusville, the core of the Pennsylvania oil country and a city that holds a great many aggressive and successful people as well as a clean-cut and profitable newspaper, ought, as the Herald very fittingly suggests, to arrange a reunion gath ering another year if she cannot get one in shape for this year. GINGERSNAPS. 4- The best area is again central over Oyster Bay. For an aeronautist to commit sui cide seems unpecessary. The next berry to be introduced to the people Of this commonwealth js the blu Berry. , v,i ?- r '"MV'fT There seem to be more reasons ,why Jeffries didn't win than why he was going to win. . When a man begins to say he feels as young as he ever did, that is an other sign he is getting old. Mr. Johnson's memories of Reno will always be as happy as if he had secured a divorce there once. Jeffries will doubtless forego his plan to go to Africa in search of big game. The Afro-American game was big enough. The garage is fast taking the place of the old-time stable. How long will it be before the aerodrome supersedes the garage? Mr. Sulzer has secured the back ing of Mr. Hearst for governor "on either the Democratic or independ ent ticket." All tickets look alike to Willie. Mr. Tener Ignores the base Insinu ations of his opponents. That shows the next governor of Pennsylvania is mentally as well as physically sizeable. The wife of the gaekwar of Bar oda says that Colonel Roosevelt doesn't know what he is talking about. A ladies' annex for the An anias club at once, please. Expected arrival of seventeen-year locusts in New Jersey next year, causes prediction of war in that i state. Warning comes In ample time j to raisa an army of mosquitoes. The wireless is in politics. The president, on Ills yacht off tho cool coast of Maine, used It to keep in touch with the Ohio convention In Columbus, which means so much to him. It does seem from newspaper re ports as though tho stairs to tho editorial rooms of Dr. Lyman Ab bott's Outlook would have to bo re inforced by some steel beams beforo long. The four Bills are still In tho race for a gubernatorial nomination in Now York, but Bill Loob, it is said, must wait a term. Tho departure of Bill Loob may mako tho chances easier for Bill Bennett. Old man Jadwin doubtless thinks It's easier for tho boys and girls to spark by tho light of tho silvery moon than It will be under tho mod ern nre light at a prominent street corner for which ho Is petitioning. The chances of tho Hon. William Jennings Bryan to bo senator from Nebraska are growing beautifully fewer It one is to figure them after consultation of some recent primary figures in tho Peerless Pleader's state. Tho most popular style of presl-l dential stepping stone this yenr Is i a governorship. ' "Cool Carbondale," did you say, Brother Lathrop? Not when there's a Honesdnle ball game on deck! It Is perfectly good form to dio from the effects of the weather, but execrable taste to discuss it if you survive. Chewing and smoking nre to come higher on account of the increased internal revenue. The planter, the manufacturer, tho Jobber and the re tailer will all mark up their prices to cover the same. The Ohio Republicans nre not go ing to put up that poor little Joke of a Nick Longworth Just to be knock ed Into a cocked hat by Gov. Judson Harmon of Ohio. Praise God from whom all blessing flow for that! But since Senator Beverldge gave Indiana to the Republicans by 50, 000 arrangements have been made to have Mr. Roosevelt add 10,000 votes to the total, making 60,000 up to date. Will any other gent raise the blind? Tom Taggart may be a senator of the United States some day, but we really feel as though Tom ought to be satisfied with his present Job as the best-advertised hotel man in In diana and the foremost citizen of French Lick Springs. Tho Doylestown Intelligencer that's a rare good paper down In Candidnte Grlm's own Bucks coun ty wants to know if there's any such thing ns a normal man. Not in the abnormal weather we've had here in Pennsylvania during a large share of July! t KEYSTONE PRESS. J Crops are great, factories are busy, the weather is tolerable, and everybody is happy except the third party man. Nothing can cheer him, poor fellow. Harrisburg Telegraph. The man who works, appreciative of life and thankful for his task, lives most usefully. To him toil Is not merely weary muscles, the fruits of toil not merely food and shelter and raiment. The nobility of his la bor inspires ideals and creates man sions beyond the drift of his hori zon. We work not that we may live, but In the larger sense that we may have Ufe, Titusville Herald. If the newspaper reports are true that George W. Kipp, the Demo cratic candidate for congress, has de serted the Democratic ticket and joined the Independent party in this state, the Democrats in this section say it will be the means of many Democrats joining with the Repub lican party and re-electing Congress man C. C. Pratt of New Mllford. New Mllford Advertiser. -'" The dispute over the wage scale of the Pennsylvania railroad train men ended as it was plain that it must in a reasonable and satisfac tory agreement. The public was really not so much alarmed at the thieat of a strike as it was dis tressed at the signs of dissension in a service It had learned to regard with peculiar confidence. Both the position of the company and the general reputation of its men im posed a mutual obligation to reason and good sense, and it was impossi ble to believe that unessential dis agreements or misunderstandings would bo allowed to separate men whose interest was equally in har mony. In this the public has not been disappointed. The terms of agreement are not important; it is the fact of agreement that will be received with universal satisfaction. Philadelphia Public Ledger. X RIGHT OFF THE BAT. $ I have a sprained ankle, but I'm working at my business just tho same. Not every man Is so game as 1 am. Jeff Freeman. You may quote me as saying that Landlord Bleck, up there in tho lit tlo hotel at Equlnunk, is running ono of the finest country houses in the state. Tho Honesdale party that went up there tho other day to tho inquest were 'all finely entertained. I havo seen n great many hotels in small country places that could not compare with Block's. Coroner II. B. Searles. This is my mouth for hard luck. I wanted to go to Stroudsburg with tho auto party that took tho trip Old Homo week, but I couldn't get away. Next day a party talked about hir ing an auto to go down thoro, but tho auto couldn't bo had for that day. Then they agreed to go to Stroudsburg on tho train and I hustled into my Sunday clothes and got on the train, only to llnd tho rest of tho boys had renigged, so I had to go alone. When' they won't go with you,, go yourself. Then I got a man to paint tho words "dining room" on my door and ho spelled it with two N's, so that I am now tho proprietor of a "dinning" room. That's n fine sendoff for a man who aims to run a quiet and orderly es tablishment! Fred Michael. AUGUST. Last year, Alack and alas! Beverly, Mass., And Bill on the Hat Of his back In the grass Sounding the depths Of the opaline sky And watching the clouds Floating dreamily by. Last year, Alack and alas! Beverly, Mass. This year, Sagamore Hill, Strenuous still, And no one complaining For want of a thrill, Shindy and sass Just as certain ns fate Beverly, Mass., Can dream early or late, Snore as it pleases And snooze as it will This year, Sagamore Hill. Of August it may be said its name is from Augustus, whom men have likened unto Ted, perhaps with out injustice. He made the world go round about as many times a min ute, and the news was always dull without the great Augustus in it. He had his Ananias club for liars and for fakers, and he loved to sail his little tub among the Roman breakers. He counted peace a sort of plague, and never did pursue It, but let it rally at The Hague, and you couldn't beat him to it. He preached about the same old'i things that Teddy has been preach ing, and most of Rome's awakenings resulted from his teaching. He bat tled hotly for the right, and valiant ly Imbued it, and the stork could not attempt to light but what he up and shoed it. There was, however, one affair to tell which is to tattle, and that was where this Roman bear was coming In from battle. He had, of course, put everything opposing him to slumber, and Rome awaited him to sing some laudatory number. But here the parallel desists. Au gustus said them, No, sir! and when he entered with his lists It might have been the grocer for all the greeting that he got from that ad miring chorus, the which desire, of course, was not a bit like Theodo rus. But howsoever, when he died the month that loves to grill us was' being written far and wide the sea son of Sextilus. They wanted to commemorate the hot time he pre sented the nation with, at any rate, so August was Invented. The dog days will resume again, And the man who voted water With the weather down to eight or ten Below will grow the hotter' With wishing that ho had foreseen The season hot nnd stewing, And nothing but a choice between Pink lemonade and bluing. It will not strike him, we're afraid, as when the cold was sting ing, and up and down the wild swept street the Icicles were cling ing. There's nothing like a dry par ado, the shouts of Hallelujah, and the children skillfully arrayed for what you want to fool you. It's very easy to forget there's such a thing as summer, or such a quantity as sweat, what time the busy drummer is rub-a-dubblng up the street a million bumps a min ute, and the line sweeps by with rhythmic feet and the little shavers In It. At any rate, the world will spin With very small pretens'ion, And the Fall elections will begin To clamor for attention. The next few weeks will lire the gun Repeatedly and oftly, And a lot of folks begin to run For olllce very softly. The bold insurgent will have poll ed tho principal chautsuquas, and will by that time havo been told how far discreet his balk was, or If to fol low his attack with further demon stration, or quietly to tip-toe back upon tho reservation. Tho hopeful Democrat will tool this way and that way training, and hope to havo us ns a rule havo none of their explaining. He'll carefully trim up his wicks and get his pump pulsating, and pass tho grandstand every six or seven seconds waiting. There'll bo some dust put up, It seems, when this event gets going, nnd some things starting at tho seams that wanted proper sewing. No wonder Roosevelt came back, nnd nowndays his gun is rusting in tho shooting rack, when he is where tho fun is. Tho time of green and growing things will near its termination, and tho song tho thrasher sweetly Bings will come with moderation. Wo'H sort o' think of autumn tlmo, tho hunter nnd tho nutter, nnd tho fish ing hole will wear a sllmo as thick as applo butter. And then Septomber will return In good autumnal fashion, And the poet fall upon his harp In something of a passion. THE SAME OLD FIOHT. Things In this congressional dis trict begin to look very much like they did two years ago. The Repub lican forces will light tho straight out battle for Republican principles nnd party supremacy, and there- will be no cant or hypocrisy In the con duct W the campaign. A true Re publican and a tried representative, Hon. Charles C. Pratt, will lead the light, and he will have at his back the loyal electorates of this strong Republican district. There will be no evasion or deceit, and the ends desired and striven for will be tho continued ascendency of the Repub lican party and principles In the old Wlimot-Crow district, nnd the con tinued support of President Tnft in congress in his glorious fight for true reform nnd progress In national af fairs. The line of battle on the Demo cratic side will be unchanged, but events of the past few days show that there will be unfurled a new banner that of a party. The con bined enemy's forces will be no more numerous tharf they were two years ago, and probably not so numerous, but they will have one more flag, and Reform and Kipp will be in scribed on them both. We are not yet fully advised, but Philadelphia dispatches seem to indicate that one "Honest BOB," a statesman from Milan, who easily adjusts himself to circumstances and who a few weeks ago wanted to run for congress from this district on the regular Republi can ticket, with a more equitable distribution of the postofflees for a platform, will be constantly on the firing line of the allied forces, riding a well-lathered horse, and will strain every nerve to get hit and probably will succeed. It will be the same old fight for the same old ends. Same candidates, X "Pat Up" Fruits In Wide Month Jars it's far more satisfactory than to spoil the beauty of great, luscious peaches and pears by cutting them. The Atlas E-Z Seal Tar is ideal for all kinds of pre serving it holds large fruits whole it seals with a touch it is made of better quality glass than other jars and is perfectly smooth at top. Ask your dealer to show you the ATLAS E-Z Seal Jar (Lightning Trimmings) Use them when preserving time comes round and you will have the finest lot of canned fruits imaginable. HAZEL-ATLAS GLASS CO., Wheeling, W. Va. W. R. HOLMES, President. A. T. SEARLE, Vice Pres. We want you to understand the reasons of this WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PA., HAS A CAPITAL OF - - - AND SVRPLUS AND PROFITS OF - . 407.nuO.Oi MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 507.000.00 BVEKY DOLLAR ot which must be lost before any depositor can lose a PENNY. It has conducted a growing and successful business for over JI5 years, serving an increasing numtier of customers with fideelity and satisfaction. Its cash funds are protected by MODERN STEEL VAULTS. All ot thee thinps, coupled with conservative management, insured by the. CAKKFITI. PEKSONAIv ATTENTION constantly sWen the Hunk's, atfalrsi by a notably able Hoard ot Directors assures the patrons 'if that sri'ltKMK SAFETY which is tho prime essential of a food Hank. MAY 10, 1910 Total Assets, CST DEPOSITS MAY HE MADE BY MAIL. 'I DIRECTORS V II. HOLMES A. T. SKAHLE T. H.r"UAl!K GILSON GASOLINE ENGINES 1 Horse Power 2 1-2 " " 3 1-2 " " 4 1-2 " " 6 " " We keep a full line of repairs for all GHson Engines and our engine expert Instructs all pur chasers how to operate engine to secure best re sults. There Is no better engine, so why pay more money? Come In and see them run. MURRAY CO.. Honesdale same Issues, nnd same result In No vember. We are confident the Republicans of tho Fourteenth district will not bo slow In sizing up the situation and conditions. The broken and divid ed Democracy and the third party will do their best to mako Republi cans believe that their interests will be best served by deserting their pnrty and voting for a Democrat who if sent to Washington will do' all In his power to cripple the ad ministration of President Taft and defeat Republican policies and prin ciples. It is an easy game to see through and It won't succeed. Edi torial in Towanda Reporter-Journal. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, S3.: Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that be Is senior partner of tho firm of F. L. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said flrr will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case o Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before ine and subscrib ed In my presence, this Gth day of December, A. D. 18SC. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. - F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. TWELVE muslin trespass notices for J1.00; six for seventy-five cents. Name of owner, township and law regarding trespassing printed there on. CITIZEN office. II. W. S. SALMON, Casiiiek J. WARD, Ass't Cashier for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY Bank. $2,870,366.92 CHAS. J.SMITH. H.J.CONCiKK, F V. F. SUYDAM. H P. KIMI1LK S. SALMON 100 125 175 230