t TOE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUIjY 27, 1010. - ft COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE. HAWLEY. Big Pond's Oay, Busy Season Chl rKi Looks at IImwIcj'n Cut (tints. An unusually gay season nt Iilg pond brings n dally increase In tlie number of its visitors. Miss .lulla Compton finds bcr business of ice cream, confections, home-made bread, etc., Increasing to such an extent that she requires several assistants. Her niece, Miss Brock of White Mills, ar rived Wednesday. The most lavUh entertainment furnished thus far was by Dr. George T. Rodmnn, who had as his guests the doctors belong ing to the Wayne County Medical as sociation. Prances Robinson, the obliging saleswoman in 13. L. Schlagcr's store and telephone operator part of each day, Is enjoying a rest at the pond this week. Mrs. Powell Klllam passed Thurs day at Wilsonville with Mrs. Frank Boa. Mrs. BIgelow of Waymart Is nt the home of her mother, Mrs. Mnry Pennell, helping care for her sister, Marilla, who Is sick. Wedding bells were ringing Sat urday afternoon. "Particulars la ter." Myra Miller of Avoy was shopping in town Thursday and calling on Mrs. Joseph Pennell. Mr. Slater of Honesdale, who has an agreeable voice, is Dreamland's new vocalist. D. J. Brauning, whose admiration for line horses continues, despite the attractions of the auto, returned Wednesday from the northern part of Wayne with a beautiful animal whose record for speed Is A No. 1 Rev. and Mrs. S. C. Slmpklns are I entertaining his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John SIrapkins of Terre Haute, Ind., and their daugh ter, Mrs. Reba Foster of Scranton. Mrs. Richard Krelnberg of Berlin, Conn., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Skinner, and friends In town. The greater part of the week was spent with her brother at Cherry Ridge. Mrs. Kreinberg has sold her house nnd lot at Wilsonville, now occupied by John Anderson and family. Mrs. Jane Sampson is making an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. Mollle Blake. Judson Bingham of Newark, N. J., is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Bingham Marguerite Courtway of New York Is enjoying her summer vacation at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Frank Bea, at Wilsonville. Harry Shook has moved his fam ily to Tafton Corners, where he Is employed by William Keesler. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Heichelbeck entertained during the past week his sister, Mrs. Mallln, and two small daughters of Wllkes-Barre, who re turned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eck and three children of Tafton motored to Mos cow Saturday to visit relatives, re turning Sunday. Mrs. Dempster, wife of a promi nent glove manufacturer of Glovers ville. N. Y., her niece and Mrs. Liz zie Mains, with their chauffeur, are the guests of Mrs. Miles Wilds of School street. The trip from Glov ersville was made in their auto. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. WildB enjoyed a motor ride with their guests to Honesdale. A young woman from Marshall Fields' big store in Chicago was In town Friday Inspecting the new pat terns in cut glass produced by the local industries. Dr. Cook Is having a garage built of brick at the rear of his house. R. W. Murphy and son, George, will make a business trip to Scran ton this week. Lafayette Rolllson of Notch, Pike county, has purchased of H. J. At kinson a plot of ground on Erie avenue, near tho John Everding property. It is rumored he intends to build a hotel thereon and that work clearing the ground for the foundation has already begun. Mrs. Ray Ammerman of Wllkes Barre Is visiting relatives here. Dr. and Mru. Evans of Taylor are visiting the latter's father, Erie Agent S. T. Palmer. BEACH LAKE. A letter rrom a friend asked If tho correspondent of Tho Citizen wns sick. Yes, somewhat, but still onsthe actlvo side of life, and will try to let the readers of Tho Citizen know Beach Lake Is a very busy place and there Is not much time to be laid up at tills time of tho year. August promises to be a very full month for boarders, as all private houses will also keep lodgers, as,tho hoarding houses are more than full. About 30 people are camping near their old homestead and taking their meals at W. J. Barnes'. They are tho lato Dr. Baldwin's family, with their husbands, wives and children, nnd thoy are really enjoying their youthful days again. There are also several visitors being entertained In tho various homes. Jeff Brown, who Is visiting his mother, Is contemplating a trip to Florida, with a view to making a homo there if ho llnds a satisfactory location. Georgo Dunn of Hawley Is visiting relatives hero. His health Is some what better at present. Mrs. Dunn's niece and nephew are visiting her. Lottie Davey'B sister, Vernle, and husband aro making her a visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Budd spent - Sunday with their daughter, Julia ' Decker, In Calkins. The creamery operated by Mervln Gavltt Bcems to be doing a nlco lit- i tie business. Quite n number are j tired of selling all their milk and raising nothing on tho farm. Ho 1 has gained the confidence of his pat- i trons by prompt pnvments. It is tho ' homo Imlnstrlpa Mint nlinnlrl Im tint- rontzed. Delbcrt Mclntyrc has been laid up all summer with rheumntism. Mrs. Seymour has been so Blck thnt she went to consult her former physlclnn. The sad news of Mrs. Judson Wlck hnm's death has reached us. She was a resident of Bench Lake 20 or 30 years and was a consistent mem ber of the M. E. church here. Sho wns n good neighbor and a kind friend. Her memory Is cherished by a host of friends and relntlves here and In this vicinity. Mr. Wlckham's loss must be very grent, as they seem to be much attached to one another. BETHANY. A. O. Blake -ecently purchased the Weston plate, which he" has been occupying from Wesley Payn ter of Carbondait Charles Pethick and assistant are painting Emerson W. Gammcll's house. Florence Blake came home Thurs day to spend her vacation with her father, A. O. Blake. She is taking a training course in Kensington hos pital In Philadelphia. Mr. and .Mrs. Allan Lawrence enme over from Scranton In their auto Thursday to visit relatives. Two of their children are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Manning. Mrs. McKee and children of Phil adelphia are visiting the former's i mother, Mrs. George Hause. Miss Baker of Honesdale has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Peth ick, who returned with her to spend Sunday there. Reginald Maddeford returned Sat urday fom the Scranton hospital. He Hasn't fully regained his strength after his operation for appendicitis performed three weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hauser and Mr. and Mrs. Hottendorf of Brook lyn, N. V., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Hauser. There will be communion service In the Presbyterian church on Sun day morning. Rev. W. B. Cody will exchange pulpits with Rev. William Seymour of Beach Lake Sunday morning and evening. Marjorle Hauser is visiting rela tives in Montclalr and Morrlstown, N. J., Long Island city and White Plains, N. Y. INDIAN ORCHARD. Crop of School Matters Summer Boarders Are Plentiful. Most of the farmers in this vicin ity have finished haying and rye har vesting. Both crops were good. Fruit in this vicinity will be a small crop. This is due to late frost during the spring and the recent unfavorable weather. At a recent meeting of the Berlin school board It was voted to close three schools Berlin Valley, Chest nut Lake and Vine Hill. The pa trons of the latter objected and Mon day they presented a petition to the board, signed by nearly every patron of that district, asking to have their school re-opened. It wns decided favorably and O. D. Henshaw of In dian Orchard was elected teacher. Much has been said the past three years about building a high school at Beach Lake. It has been proven that a high school would bo too expensive, hence the directors have decided to erect a building suitable for a grammar school and have It completed and In readiness for 1311. Some favor adding a wing to the presont school building and others want a new two-story, up-to-date building. If the latter should bo built, we believe It should be lo cated a little west of Ellery Crosby's. It is the prettiest place In or near the town for a public school build ing. W. C. Spry, accompanied by sev eral city guests, drove to Lake Hunt ington Saturday. He says they had a severe rain storm nlong the Dela ware that day. Several aro advocating oiling the roads in Wayne county. Why not oil tho road between Old Red Rock farm and Charles Dorllinger's farm? This is tho best piece of road in Berlin. The boarding houses hero and at the lake are filled with city board ers, thus making It one of the busi est seasons of tho year. Everybody Is on tho move. Earl Ham has finished Charles Jay's haying and, ns usual, Mr. Jay had a largo crop. Paul Wegst of Beach Lake was a recent business caller nt Altoonn farm. Tho milk producers say tho supply is falling off, this being duo to short pasturo and the tormenting flies. Tho L. A. S. anticipate a good time at Mrs. Charles Wagner's Wed nesday. A. J. Williams of Genungtown, who has ono of the finest summer resortB In this county, Is entertain ing several boarders. During tho past two weeks there has been considerable sickness at this placo. It Is called the grip. John Reining was a business call er In Honesdale Saturday. Several from horo attended tho dance at Ahrens' hall at Swamp Brook Saturday night. All report a good time. THE THIRD TICKET (Continued from Page One.) tur' wns rator expected to make n speech the samo speech he had mnde to a good many men about town during tho day declaring Wil liam H. Berry to be a second Abra ham Lincoln. Ho did not, however, mnke any address. Ho simply stnt ed tho business of tho meeting and called for nominations for dolegntes. The call for the nomination of dolegntes wns followed by a pause. Col. Dlmmlck waited a couple of min utes and then suggested that Mr. Hanlnn nnd Judge Blrdsall might he good men to send to Philadel phia. Thereupon Mr. Whlttnker nomi nated them. Dr. Swift could have been chairman of the meeting. Col. Dlmmlck wnnted him in the chnlr, but the dominie felt he could be more useful on the floor. Rev. George S. Wendell did not make a Berry speech, though he lets everybody know he considers Berry the strongest man the third ticket could command. "My name went on that handbill without my knowing It," said the Baptist dominie ns he mowed his yard Monday morning. "Tolley came to me Thursday with what seemed to bo a petition for such a meeting and I signed It. Swift was here on tho porch with me and he signed it, too. He thought It was a petition, the same as I did. When I saw that dodger I got sore. "I know Berry very Intimately. He was a West Chester neighbor of mine. He knows the political ropes, knows where to get the votes, has a big acquaintance all over the state, and would get out and hustle. "On prohibition he says that If the people want local option they ought to have It, but that he would veto a local option bill if he thought the people didn't want It." One man who signed the hand' bill to which Mr. Wendell took ex ceptlons said Monday that only 10 men were at the meeting. He says he counted and ho knows. The meeting did not occupy more than 10 minutes. The delegates go to Philadelphia uninstructed. Col. Dlmmlck seems to think Berry and Blakely would be the best com bination for the third ticket. Blake ly is district attorney of Pittsburg. IX .VUTO. SMASHUP BETWEEN CALLICOOX AND FREMONT CENTRE FRIDAY SENATOR ROWLAND IN PARTY THAT GOES OVER BANK CIIAU1 FEUIt BADLY OFF. A serious automobile accident took place Friday afternoon between Calllcoon and Fremont Centre, Sul llvan county, In which five men were Injured, one very seriously. The party consisted of Wlnslow M Meade, deputy superintendent o pifblic works of the state of New York; Clarence J. Buekman, Sena tor M. C. Rowland and Alfred U Marvin, representing the state bridge commission of Pennsylvania and Philip Maurer, the chauffeur The party had been nt Calllcoon inspecting the bridge over the Dola ware. They left Calllcoon at o'clock to go to Fremont Centre and thence to Hancock, and occupied large white car. The car had climb ed a very steep hill near Fremon Centre and was nearly to the top when tho steam gave out and the machine began to run backward down the hill. Chauffeur Maurer applied the brakes, but the rod broke and the car with added momentum continued to run backward. The only hope of averting a serious accident was to turn the car Into the bank at the side of the road and Chauf' four Maurer took this course. The car was going at such speed, how' ever, that when it struck tho bank It turned completely over, pinning nil the occupants underneath it. A number of people in tho vicin Ity went to the assistance of th wrecked parties and raised the ma chine off them. The four members of the bridge commission were se verely cut nnd bruised, and Chauf feur Maurer seemed to bo badly in jured. Another automobile was se cured and the whole party were driv en to Hancock as quickly as possi ble, where their injuries were at tended to. It wns believed Unit the chauffeur would die. FIRE IN FACTORY. (Continued From Page Ono.) stroyed. Tho neighbors and em ployees were a very essentlnl factor In staying the destruction. The loss will not bo more than ?300. Tho Rleilers are very thank ful that the Hro did not occur nt night, and thoy extend tholr thanks for the vigorous and quick services of their employes and tho neigh bors. THE LORD FRACAS. (Continued From Pago Ono). prime, but of lato years ho lost flesh and at the time of his last visit hero he was down to about 140. Last January he prosecuted Leona for assault and battery and she was ac quitted, tho costs being divided equally between Slke and Leona. After that bad blood was thicker than ever between the two Lord families. OFFICIALS HURT COUNT! DOCTORS ABLE PAPER ON "CANCER" BY DR. WAIXWRIGI1T IS FOLLOW- El) BY PROFITABLE DISCUS- i SION-NE.YT MEETINO COMES t imvpuiitii.' iv miTi,'i AT HOM. SHALL I.N SI.PTI.M- BER, WITH DR. MINER AS , TALKER. The quarterly meeting of the Wayne County 'Medlcnl society was held Thursday, at the summer homo 1 of Dr. George T. Rodman, nt Fair-' view Lake, Pike county. The fol lowing members wero In attendance: Doctors W. A. Stevens, A. B. Stev ens, E. O. Bang, S. A. Bang, F. W. Corson, A. J. Simons, O. J. Mullen, T. Rodman, R. W. Brndy, P. F. Griffin, W. T. McConvlll and L. B. Nielsen. Also the following visitors: Doctors J. M. Walnwright, A. W. Smith, D. A. Webb, J. D. Wilson, H. F. Smith and R. G. Perkins of Scran ton; D. B. Hand of Dalton; R. H. Ely and R. T. Wall of Hawley. About half the doctors were accom panied by their wives. At 10.30 a. m. President W. A. Stevens called the meeting to order. After routine business had been dis posed of, Doctors John E. Bennett of Starrucca, Wayne county, and Frank O. Smith of Shohola, Pike county, were unanimously elected to membership, making a total active membership of 32. Dr. G. T. Rod man of Hawley was elected delegate to the annual convention of the med ical society of the state of Pennsyl vania to be held at Pittsburg Oct. 3 to Oct. G. The subject for the consideration of the meeting was "Cancer." 'How we can help check the mor tality from cancer," was the subject of a very able paper by Jonathan M. Walnwright, M. D., surgeon-ln-chlef to the D., L, and W. railroad and chairman of the cancer committee of i the state medical society. A general ' discussion followed. This meeting was part of a move ment going on all over the state to try to check the present very high mortality of cancer. The paper and discussion showed that the present mortality Is due very largely to the fact that a great part of the general public hold very erroneous Ideas concerning cancerous growths and It Is believed that general Instruction of the public concerning cancer will be as useful in saviug lives as a sim ilar instruction has already proved In the case of tuberculosis. It was shown first of all at the meeting that cancer is a very pre valent disease, some four or five thousand people dying of it every year In Pennsylvania, and In a num ber of districts in Pennsylvania the death rate from cancer Is as high as that from tuberculosis. The most harmful Idea that Is held by the people Is that cancer is neces sarily a hopeless disease and that when an Individual Is afflicted with it, there is no use for any treatment whatever. This idea was strongly combated by all physicians present and It was shown that if proper treatment Is begun early, cancer Is one of the most easily curable chronic diseases that there is. It is never a constitutional disease affect ing the whole body, but In Its early- stages it Is always entirely local and confined to a few cells, and If these diseased cells are removed surgically the patient, in a vast majority of cases, will be permanently cured Of course, if the patient delays seek ing medfcal aid, the disease will after a time spread and finally reach an incurable stage, and the principal reason now why so many people die of cancer is because they are so prone to wait until these lat ter incurable stages are reached. If these people had applied to medical men for treatment early, while their disease was still local and entirely curable, their lives could probably have been saved. In nearly all cases, cancer shows itself In nmplo time for complete cure. Tho ways in which it shows itself, of course, differ in different portions of the body. One of tho most frequent situations of cancer Is In the breast. The trouble here first appears In tho form of a small, hard lump. Any person who notices such a lump should seek medical advice at once, because if it Is a cancer It Is very simple to remove It whllo It Is still small and it will almost surely never corao hack. Cancer Is also common In the stomach. Hero it shows Itself In some form of Indigestion or dyspep tic symptoms which aro obstinate and do not yield to medicines. So that anyone who hns prolonged symptoms of indigestion should Immediately havo their cause deter mined without waiting until tho troublo has become too serious to bo relieved. Cancer also appears sometimes on the skin or superficial mucous mem branes, as tho Hp. Hero It appears as a little ulcer or wart-llke swell ing which will not heal up. Ono of tho most frequent sites of cancer Is tho womb. Any bleeding, oven If but a single or occasional stain on the underclothing, occurlng nfter tho menopouso or tho develop ment of a discharge at this time, or an alteration in tho previous long existing discharge, is many times a danger signal of cancer. To wait for severe bleeding, pain, and loss of health Is to allow tho disease to pass tho curable stage. In nil situations, cancer Is much more frequent In people over forty, so that If any of the above condi tions appear In peoplo beyond this age, they are especially dangerous, ' and thoy especially call for early ' treatment. j Tho members of the medical so ciety bellove that if people would only learn to heed danger signals ns Indicated that deaths from cancer would ho comparatively rare. The great difficulty heretofore hns been fi n X Vt,, i nrnnrnf m, Ltnnnn nf iBiioranco of Importance of tro!,tmmlt nnn1 ,,.. ,,in.. or their early treatment, people have delayed un til a condition, which nt first was quite simple and easily curable, has become too advanced for any treat- ment whatover. No one should have any undue dread of cancer, provided that they recognize Its presence and seek Immediate treat ment. At about 1 p. m. the scientific session gave place to the chicken dinner which had been prepared un der Mrs. Rodman's skilled super vision, nnd which was served the doctors by fantastically dressed waiters at a long table out under the trees near the lake. During dinner nnd throughout the after noon, a five-piece orchestra added to the enjoyment of the occasion. Mr. Henzel was on hand to photograph the party for souvenirs. When the last of the tempting dishes had been disposed of, Toastmaster Brady re quired all present to contribute their share to the afternoon's entertain ment. Later many further Invest! gated the beauties of the lake by motor launch and rowboat, and when finally tho late afternoon brought the day's outing to a close, all present were agreed that never had they had a more delightful day than that made possible by the generous hospitality of Dr. and Mrs. Rodman The society next meets at Hones dale on Sept. 15, at which time Dr. Charles H. Miner of Wllkes-Barre, a member of the medical staff at White Haven sanitarium, will ad dress tho society upon the subject of "Tuberculosis." LEONALORDINCELL (Continued from Page One.) upon tne Wayne district attorney In a body, either. They were the three borough editors. Lawyer Stocker was there. The large man in the linen suit was there. The Citizen man was about three minutes be hind the lawyers and the linen suit. He got the same talk about evidence his compatriots had Just received from Mr. Simons. Coroner Searles, too, could not be gotten to talk evidence. "My Instructions," said Dr. Searles, "are very explicit. Mr. Simons has the evidence. Every scrap of It was turned over to him. The autopsy I am going to keep se cret and for that action I have a good reason of my own. I could give you boys a peach of a story, but I am not going to do it." Dr. Frlsbie, the coroner said, per formed the autopsy. As the coroner only drew JG.20, he thought he ought not to have the autopsy Job put on top of all the rest. He ask ed the district attorney as the party passed the house of Dr. Frlsbie on the way to the hotel If he objected t'o having the Equlnunk doctor per form the autopsy. "None at all," said Mr. Simons, and thereupon the team was pulled up at Dr. Frlsble's door and Dr. Searles asked Dr. Frlsbie If he would act. He said ho would. "And I want to add," said the coroner, "that I never In all my ex perience havo seen a man work more skillfully or cleverly, or use such promptness and excellent language In dictating notes as Frlsbie did. He worked and talked right along and put the whole story in good shape, nnd it was a- treat to a doctor like me to see the way ho handled It." "How many pictures of the wounds did Mr. Bodle take?" was asked. "He must have taken 20 or 25, I should say, altogether. Ho follow ed Dr. Frlsbie right along and snnppetl everything that will bo needed." Is Committed Without Bail. Mrs. Lord was arrested before the Inquest started. Mr. Simons asked Coroner Searles to commit tho woman without bail, the samo way Sam Reed had been committed 10 days earlier by Justice C. A. Kord man, but the coroner preferred to havo tho committal made by n local justice and Mr. Kordman, who was close by, was summoned and made out tho papers. Constablo Harford, tho olllcer who brought Sam Reed to Jail after catching him In n hencoop on tho farm of Leona Lord, wns given tho warrant and It didn't take Harford many mlnuteB to got Leona. Tho constable and his prisoner wero In Honesdale about an hour after the sheriff's speedy team landed tho coroner, tho district attorney, tho sheriff and tho photographer In Honesdale. Sam Reed knows that Slke Lord is dead. Ho was told that Sunday night In Jail. The district attorney directed the sheriff to tell Sam about Slko's death and then lock him In tho cell. Previously Sam hnd been about the corridor. "Slke Lord is dead, Sam," said Sheriff Braman. "He died at 3 this afternoon." Sam was considerably affected and said he would like to see his coun sel. Ho sees nobody else and has not since his first day In Jail. Then the sheriff locked Sam up. The supposition is that William Lord at Monday's Inquest told the story he has told twice before about the digging of tho ditch by Millard Lord and Sam Reed that morning of July 12, when words led to blow3 nud his father, Slke, got the whacks with the hoe and the pick; that Elizabeth Lord told about her hus band's condition and of her caring for him during his delirium; that Dr. Frlsbie repeated his previous statements as to the seven cuts on the head of Slke, one of which, a 5-Inch gash, Is the one believed to have been mnde by the pick in the hands of Leona; and that Mrs. Denlo again told about seeing Leona Lord with the pick raised above her head to strike, though Mrs. Denlo, accord ing to the understanding of the case In Honesdale, turned her face and didn't see the pick descend. But nothing Is certain. The dis trict attorney knows and he will not tell. The coroner and the sheriff and the photographer know, and the district attorney has told them not to tell. Will Try To Get Leona Lord Out. W. H. Lee, counsel for Sam and Leona, said this afternoon that just as soon as Judge Searle gets back from Montrose, where he went Mon day to hold court, an effort will be made to get the woman out of jail on a writ of habeas corpus. "We will try to get her admitted to bail or discharged," said Mr. Lee. "Slke was looking for a fight and he got it." Sam Reed, Mr. Lee said, Is bearing up pretty well in jail and his health is good. Mlllnrd Says Tyner Tipped Off Siko. Millard Lord called at the Citizen office this afternoon to say that the presence of Slke and William on his mother's land was premeditated. Oakley Tyner, he said, had all along agreed to telephone Slke and his son as soon as the digging of the ditch began, and this Tyner did on the day of the fight. He says, too, that Ethel Lord said to her brother, "Will, don't strike him first." HARDER SILOS will pay for themselves each year. Every dairy man should have one. Come In and we will talk it over. Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa. 57t3 LADIES' WAISTS and Summer Gowns You'll be amply'ableto dress as you want to, if you take advantage of buying Summer Suits. Dresses and Waists at Our Store at Mid-Summer Clearing Prices. Sun Umbrellas and Parasols will bo very much needed during tho hot weather., Our entire stock to go at great reduction. Jabots and Collars Also como in for such attract ions. Wo aro showing an im mense lino from 10c. upwards. KATZBROS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers