The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 27, 1910, Image 7

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When one talks of n nagging wife
It Is goucrally to refer In pitying terms
to tbo man whom sho has married.
Much more to bo pitied, however, nro
tho children of tho marriage. A man
con enduro much and And a remedy In
retaliation. But sonsltlvo children
shrink from the continual fault end
ing and suffer in silence
What makes matters worse for the
little ones Is that there are many wo
men who aro regarded by their hus
bands as model wires, but who on ac
count of their thoughtlessness toward
their children aro really not at all
good mothers.
In fairness to many mothers It must
bo said that they unwittingly fall into
the habit of nagging their children.
Tho tiresome ways of the latter seem
moro than they can bear at times,
and tho result Is that they are apt to
forgot thomselrcs.
"Don't do this" and "Don't do that."
"Why can't you let things alone?"
"I never saw such a child." "You
aro a perfect worry, but what can one
expect from such a child? You are
exactly like your father," etc.. ad nau
seam, through all tho nerve racking
catalogue of nag.
And then these mothers honestly
wonder why their children aro reduc
ed to a state of sulky Irritability. Such
mothers never seem to take into con
sideration tho fact that children are
tho most sensitive beings in tho world
and that their wholo experience is
made up of small Joys and small sor
rows that can make life a misery to
The Children' Playmates.
No one, of course, thinks that a
child's manners should be neglected,
but there nro ways of turning out well
mannered children who are not at the
same time hopeless snobs. The way
to do this Is to choose their playmates
for their intrinsic worth as well as
their culture.
Homo after all Is the place where
children get their polish, and by an
afternoon's association with other
children they will neither acquire nor
lose It
Of course a child's lntercourso with
his fellows of whatever grade should
bo closely supervised by a wise parent
or unfortunate results may follow.
Even If Charlie's father Is a coachman
it Is much better for a mother to say
after his departure, "I notice that
Charlie was the only ono who was
willing to give up his place at the
microscope; I hope the next time he
comes you can all do as well," than to
remark. "I am sorry to seo that Char
lie doesn't wipe his feet on the mat
before he comes in."
Moreover, if tho next time John Is
caught omitting tho service at the door
mat he remonstrates, "Charlie didn't,
do It," the mother needn't feel that tho
coachmau's son has led her children
astray. It Is a slmplo matter to say:
"That has nothing to do with it;
Charlie is not my little boy, but you
are, and I expect you to obey me. Ills
mother probably has him clean bis
feet In another way, and I haven't a
doubt be obeys her perfectly."
Word Values.
If the parent in general realized that
as a child first learns to connect a cer
tain Idea with a certain word so be
goes through Ufo hampered or helped
by that word, more care would be
used when explanations of these must
be given.
Wo are all of us walking diction
aries, teaching the young idea how to
Ehoot, and when in after life he shoots
wrong wo aro apt to blame every one
but ourselves, forgetting that long,
long ago, when the hopeful in question
was considered moro as a wonderful
toy than a thinking machine, wo bad
given some hurried, forced definition
that was gospel to tho loyal little ears
that took It In.
Caro in deflnlug a new word to a
child often opens up a wholo new field
of observation, and it should bo done
as conscientiously as possible. A
straight "I don't know" is preferable
to a 'careless or slipshod definition.
Look It up In a dictionary or encyclo
pedia and tako blm with you when
you do. Ho will gain confidence In
you each time and will soon learn to
save you tho trouble.
In the Nursery.
If tho nursery window Is not pro
tected by outsldo bars hammer a large
screw or nail into tho groove of the
lower sash so that the window cannot
be raised moro than six Inches.
If the top sash Is drawn down this Is
quite enough for ventilation, and, no
matter how Ingenious or venturesome
the little ones may be, they cannot
wrlgglo throughout) small lower open
Provido each little one la the nurs
ery with Its own towel, sponge, hair
brush and toothbrush and teach the
children that It Is not right to use each
other's things.
Hairbrushes should bo kept perfectly
clean and frequently washed In soda
Mayo Kept His Word.
Tho Integrity of actors was the sub
ject of n discussion one night at n club
which players frequent when James
O'Neill told this story of tho lato Frank
Mayo, says tho Now York World. It
seemed that tho actor had needed $100
in tho morning nnd had borrowed It
from a friend, promising to pay It back
before he (Mayo) went to bed that
"Mayo and I were having a lato sup
per nfter tho performance, talking of
the day's work." Bald Mr. O'Neill,
"when he suddenly clapped his hand
in his pocket and Jumped to his feet.
'By Jove, I've got to pay a man a hun
dred before I go to bed,' ho said.
"'Where docs your friend live?' 1
asked as wc boarded a Broadway car,
and you can imagine my astonishment
when Mayo answered, 'I don't know.'
" 'You don't know!' I echoed.
''No. Somewhere In Thirty-eighth
street, though, between Broadway and
Seventh avenue.'
"By that time we had reached tho
corner and alighted from the car, when,
what the dickeks do too want of
as I was going to put another question,
Mayo suddenly stepped out into tho
middle of the street and with a voice
that filled the midnight echoes began
to shout: 'Henry Ford! Henry Ford!"
"All along the street windows were
thrown up and heads were stuck out
to gaze at two lone men standing in
tho street, one calling, 'Henry Ford.
come down and get your money.'
'A policeman came by and recog
nized Mayo, who explained to him that
he had $100 that had to be paid that
night and continued to call.
"We walked nearly tho entire block.
when a window on the top floor of n
house wns thrown open and a man's
voice exclaimed, 'What the dickens do
you want of me?'
" 'Thank heavens it's you, Ford, call
ed back Mayo. 'Here's your $100.
Come down and get It.'
" 'Yes,' echoed tho walls all about,
Henry Ford, for goodness' sake do
come down and get your money.' "
Ruler of the Russias Interviewed
by a True Parisian,
On one of tils visits to Paris Nicholas
II. was left alone ft a moment in his
carriage. The czur was delighted at
the feeling of freedom and ease. Look
ing out of tho window with all tho
rest of a schoolboy playing truant,
he saw before him ono of those pic
turesque street urabs who seem to
sprout between the paving stones of
Paris. This particular specimen, seat
ed against the railings, with his noso
in tho nlr, was whistling tho refrain of
tho Russian national hymn. Suddenly
their eyes met. Tho street boy sprang
to his feet. He had never seen tho em
peror, but ho had seen his photograph,
and the likeness wus striking.
"Suppose it Is Nicholas?" he said to
himself, greatly puzzled.
He resolved to make sure without do
lay. Walking up to within a yard of
the carriage and bobbing his bead, be
houtod In a hoarso voice to tho un
known foreigner:
"How's tho empress?"
Picture his stupefaction for, in fact,
be thought that It was only a good
Joke when tho stranger replied, with
a smile:
Thank you, the empress Is very
well and Is delighted with her Jour
ney." The boy lost bis tongue. He stared
at tho speaker in dismay and then,
raising bis cap, etalked away slowly,
vpry slowly, to mark his dignity.
Nicholas II. afterward often amused
himself by scandalizing tho formal sot
around him with the story of this prt
vato Interview with a true Parisian.
McGlure's Magazine.
There arc probably C00.000.000 rats
In the United States.
naif n million pound are spent year
ly on bunting In Ireland.
More than one-third of Turkey's total
trading is dono through Constantino
ple. Great Britain Is the largest foreign
mnrkct in the world for American
products of horticulture.
An English factory recently turned j
out a hat which was mado to fit a
mythical man fifty feet tall.
According to Bishop Anderson of
Chicago, forty Illinois towns with pop
ulations ranging between 200 nnd 800
aro unprovided with churches.
At the Hindu demonstration In mem
ory of King Edward nearly 20,000
poor wero fed, seated on cither side of
tho streets of Calcutta for over n mile.
A French chemist has Invented n se
cret process for removing an unfash
ionable color from silk and rcdyclng
It n moro desirable huo without injur
ing the fabric.
Tho wholo history of hyglne from tho
earliest ages and In nil the great coun
tries Is to be illustrated at tho hy
giene exhibition to bo held at Dresden
next year.
Mrs. Pankhurst's society of English
suffragists has Just cleared $8,500 at
a suffrage bazaar held In Glasgow. Tho
members made about half as much by
their recent self denial work.
A witness of the entrance of Napo
leon I. Into Moscow In 1812, a man
named Knlazkoff, who Is 110 years
old, has been taken to St. Petersburg
to relnto bis experiences to the general
Charles Clinton Gladwin, Jr., six
years old. recently arrived at New York
on tho American line steamship Now
York, this belug the fourth trip tho
boy has mado across the Atlantic
A 140 foot ferryboat built In Liver
pool for use In Havana harbor mado
the perilous transatlantic voyage un
der ber own steam, the sides being
boarded up to protect tho ressel from
rough seas.
About $1,000,000 worth of diamonds
are smuggled Into tho United States
annually, nccordlng to a statement is
sued by tho Importers' Protective un
ion, which has offered to pay rewards
of $2,500 and up for information lead
ing to tho arrest of offenders.
Another link which bound tho New
York of today with the city 100 years
ago was broken In the death of Alex
ander Ducr Irving, grandnephew of
"Father Knickerbocker" nnd owner
and occupant of the home made fa
mous by the Immortal author.
nis imperial highness Prince Tsai
Too of China, now in Europe, has sent
his check for $200 "for the police of
New York." The check was received
in a letter to Mayor Gaynor thanking
him for courtesies extended during the
prince's recent visit to tho city.
Tho largest doll party tho world has
ever seen was given recently in Chi
cago. The management of an exhibi
tion in that city Invited every little
111 111 jlillUfcU I" tUUlC IU lU JULIJ
with ber dollle. and nearly 2,000 little
girls and ns many dolls responded. I
A school for tho instruction of sales-1
girls in the treatment of customers has
been opened in Berlin. The school is
fluanced by tho Association of Retail
Shops, but the city has shown Its in
terest In tho matter by granting the
use of one of tho city halls for the
The muskrat Is at tho present time
the most Important fur bearing animal
of North America. Last year musk
rat skins put upon tho market realized
to tho trappers nearly $1,700,000. A
largo percentngo ot the catch is fur
nished by tho tidewater region of
Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey.
It is reported from Aldcrshot, Eng
land, that the commander of tho York
nnd Lancaster regiments has ordered
that no married couples keep cats In
their quarters without special permis
sion, no has nlso mado a rule that in
the future no noncommissioned officer
or prlvuto may wax his mustache.
Ono of the Interesting things about
the approaching Mexican centennial
will be the parade In the City of Mexi
co, Sept. ID, of allegorical floats to bo
furnished by the different states of
the republic to represent the most
notable historical events which havo
occurred within their several territo
ries. Nearly every native bird of Now Zea
land will bo absolutely protected by
law this year. Tho animals protection
act provides that 1010 and every
third year after that may at tho dis
cretion of tho governor In council be
declared n close season for native
game. Tho absence of bird life In New
Zealand Is already most noticeable.
A man living near Tromso, In Nor
way, la a great lover of wild birds, sev
eral of which he has trained so as to
become quite tame, among them wild
geeso and loons. Eagles, however, are
his special favorites, and he has suc
ceeded in taming three. Ho took them
on the mountain sldo while they wero
young and kept them a couplo of years
In captivity. They aro free now, but
stay near his home.
It Is proposed to establish a wireless
telegraph station at tho meteorological
observatory on Mount Mlrador, In tho
Philippines, to give warning of ty
phoons to vessels In the China sea and
points along tbo China coast A simi
lar station will probably be established
later at Santo Domingo de Basco, on
the Island of Batan, for communicat
ing Information of the presence of ty
phoons In that vicinity to tbo head
quarter of tho Philippine weather bu-sMatMaatl.
Tit For Tat.
When mimy fiction writer try
Their thoughts to give us hot
We got o-rot-lo novels, with
The accent on tho rot.
When some hairdressers seek to Blve
Us hair to (It the hat
Wo get cr-rrtt-lc coiffures, with
The accent on the rnt.
Boston Traveler.
And when tho fisher leaves the pool
And gladly homo docs lilo
We get somo ll-kely stories, with
Tho accent on tho He.
Topeka Capital.
And when some fellows go downtown
At night they make tho hull
Of coming homo quite boautl-ful,
With the accent on tho ful.
Denver Post.
Now, hore wo havo tho dally rhyme,
Though not as fierce as some,
Penned by the office hum-pkln, with
Tho accent on the bum.
Atlanta Georgian.
Still There.
"I suppose," began tho Inquiring
summer visitor engagingly, "that tho
wealth In tills part of New Hampshire
Is In tho soil?"
Thp native regarded tho shining
blade of his scythe reflectively.
"I reckon It Is," he mildly assented.
"I don't know anybody hereabouts
that ever got any out of It." Youth's
His Preference.
Tho skimpy novel I abhor,
For I am thrifty
And want a lot ot reading for
My dollar fifty.
Loulsvllto Courier-Journal.
And when that bulky book you'vo got.
With careful spending,
Tho tale will have, as Uko as not,
A tragic ending.
Chicago Tribune.
"But those extremely violent women
lunatics how do you manage to keep
them so quiet?"
"That's an Idea of tho new superin
tendent's." "Yes?"
"Yes. He had the straltjackets made
up In the peekaboo stylo." Puck.
A woman calls and leaves her best re
gards, And when she calls she also leaves her
But when man calls formality he skips;
Ho doesn't leave his cards he leaves his
New York Times.
Tragedy In Dry Town.
"Yes, sir, tho fish was so big It
pulled him In the river."
"And ho wns drowned?"
"No, but ho might's well havo been,
for he lost his grip on his gallon Jug
and It floated down stream, and he
lives In n dry county!" Atlnnta Con
stitution. That Strange Feeling.
Ho didn't know he was In love.
We really must confess
Ho thought the feeling
Upon him stealing
Was merely biliousness.
Kansas City Journal.
Wanted Latest Ailment.
' "Well, here I am," announced the
' fashionable physician in his breezy
way. "And now what do you think
I Is the matter with you?"
"Doctor, I hardly know," murmured
tho fashionable patient. "What Is
now?" Louisville Courier-Journal.
Lot's wife looked back, but wEy shoald
Have suffered as sho did? Alas,
Sho piobably looked back to seo
If Lot had turned off all tho sas!
Chicago Record-Herald.
She Was So Particular.
Ella was seen ouo day before the
mirror on a chair scrutinizing her faco
In the glass. With n deep sigh sho re
marked: "I don't seo how God could havo giv
en mo such u uose when he knows how
particular I am." Harper's Weekly.
Reading Them.
Though tho world may have a lover,
How we snort
When they paw his letters over
In u court!
Pittsburg Post.
With or. Without?
"It's bnrd for a man to got along
without a woman."
"There's only one thing harder."
"To get along with one." Cleveland
When a woman answers "N-no!"
It Is tjuito easy to guess
The little hyphen Is to Bhow
Her answer should be "Yes."
Chicago Nows.
Notice to Girls,
"now the girls lovo to sit out on the
"They should tako turns,
will Invito the whole bunch
Ice cream." Buffalo Express.
No one
to havo
We Envy Adam.
Whatever trouble Adam had.
No man could make him sore
By saying when ho told a jest,
"I've heard that Joke before."
Success Magazine.
His Speoialty.
"What's become of Bill Bumpr
"Ho's out west doing time."
"That fellow always wus doing some
thing or somelwdy." Baltimore Amer
ican. Silent Efficiency,
"TIs not the noisy man who scores
A record worth the telling.
The dentist oolmly tills and bores
While others do the yelllnir.
Washington Star.
"I don't Uko to seo a woman play for
money," said the bridge whist fiend.
"You don't! Why do you go to tha
theater then?' Yonkers Statesman.
Nswest Fad of the Modish Deautiea of
the French Capital.
Tho sand bulb I iiiiitintly one of
tho newest crazes or tin modish beau
ty of Paris The sanu bath 1h sup
posed to promote good looks, mid of
course It l Honiowhut expensive.
The sand must be brought straight
from the fwasboro after InTvIng been
freed from nil Impurities In the shape
of shells, seaweed, etc. It must then
be thoroughly heated and poured In a
great pile on to n large, thick blanket
placed on the floor.
In the hot sand madam moves to nnd
fro nnd Is vigorously rubbed with
hnndfuls of sand by a skilled mas
seuse, tho treatment proceeding until
a rosy glow Is produced. Rolling In
tbo sand Is particularly encournged. ns
this exercise Is said to reduce the hips.
After this tiring process the sand
bather lies in the sand covered with
a warm blanket nnd rests while her
attendnnt prepares tho second part of
the bath.
This at first Is rather painful, for
the bather stands wbllo the sand Is
blown from a sprayer against the
body. Then a soft brush Is used to
remove tho sand, a soothing cream la
well massaged Into the skin, and the
bather Is left to sleep off the fatigue
of her bath.
Should the satin-like skin of her face
suffer from the unwonted friction she
dons a mask made of chamois leather
at night, first thoroughly cleansing the
skin and covering it with a specially
prepared cream. Great attention Is
paid to diet, and several hours a day
must be devoted to walking, which Is
most healthful. Paris Letter In Phil
adelphia Record.
An English View of Your Uncle Sam's
"Paralyzing Solitudes."
People who are acquainted with the
"paralyzing solitudes" of Iowa nnd
Nebraska, says tho Chicago News,
may bo Interested In tho St. James'
Budget's description of Weston's last
long walk. The Budget Is published
In London. It says: "Imagine the i
awful, soul depressing solitudes ;
through which ho has passed. In vast i
tract3 of Nevada no bird sings, no i
plant grows. For hundreds of miles
thero Is not a tree or a house. The
walker's only companions aro skele- j
tons of animals devoured by Jackals !
and coyotes: 'simple Immensity of red-,
dish sand,' as Senor Scarfogllo dcscrlb-1
ed It. The crossing of tho Rockies ,
provides more variety, but scarcely i
moro exhilarating conditions for the
pedestrian. Tho road too often is a
mere mule path, rough backed and sub
ject to cataracts of stones.
"From the Rockies Weston would
descend into Nebraska and its colossal
sea of grass, hypnotizing In Its Im
mensity. By and by tho terrific wastes
aro sparsely sprinkled with windmills
and herds of horses as Iowa Is enter
ed, but still there are endless, hopeless
ly flat, barren fields, most melancholy
most miserable.
"Such aro the concomitants of a walk
through the western states of Ameri
ca. Through these paralyzing soli
tudes Weston kept up forty-five miles
a day."
Public Opinion In China.
At the present moment there Is hard
ly a newspaper worthy of tho name
In China which Is not owned or subsi
dized by tho mandarins, and the result,
ns shown In their columns. Is that out
spoken criticism of two years ago Is
generally replaced by n spirit of com
fortable acquiescence In the establish
ed order of things. This change, slow
ly and secretly brought about by meth
ods which testify to a considerable
amount of intelligent organization In
the olliclal class, would not have been
so readily possible were It not for the
arbitrary postal and registration regu
lations introduced under tho nuthorlty
of tho central government. Loudon
Causes of Appendicitis.
An unusual number of deaths of
prominent persons in England from
appendicitis recently has sot tho Lou
don papers to discussing tho causes of
tbo disease. Ono surgeon, quoted by
tbo Chronicle, says
"It has boon said
that appendicitis is often brought on
by the use of toothbrushes, hairs from
tho brush lodging lu the system. In
the samo way tho pits of fruit have
been spoken of as a cause of the
disease. All I can say Is that It Is very
raro to find any of these things In the
appendix, and the most Important fac
tor In bringing on appendicitis Is un
doubtedly Indigestion and certain other
familiar disorders."
Big Libraries.
In tho matter of numbers the Dlbllo
tboquo Katlonalo of Paris Is generally
accounted tbo first library In the
world, with over 3,000,000 volumes.
The British museum stands second
with 2,000,000, and the Imperial libra
ry of St. Petersburg has about 1,500,
000, which also aro tho figures to bo
assigned to tbo library of congress at
Washington. Tho Now York Public
library, according to somo authorities,
Is In tho samo class as tho big library
at tho national capital, and thero are
several libraries in tho United States
that display on their shelves more
than 600,000 volumes. Harper's.
An Inhuman Command.
An Albanian noblo in tho Turkish
army recently went over to tho rebels,
but was mado prisoner and was con
demned to be shot Ills eon was told
off as ono of the firing party, and, al
though ho appealed against the order,
he was forced to fire with tho others.
It was noticed that he shot into the
sir, and, being arreateJ, he banged him
self In his ceil.
"So your wife Is a suflragetto7"
"Yes," answered Mr. Meokton.
"Why does she want to vote?"
-I don't think Henrietta really de
sires to vote. She's merely tired of
talking to me. Sho wants a larger
an" moro Intelligent audience."
Not the Same.
Mrs. Riverside Do you like Nazi
movn? Nuurlch Well, ma'am, I never oat
any of theso now-fang!ed breakfast
foods, so I can't say.
Sham Campaigns Ahead.
If nations want to do great army
manoeuvres In the right way, why do
they not conduct sham campaigns and
battles Into each other's territory?
Thus Germany could Invade France;
France, Russia; United States, Can
ada. "But what If such an Invader
forgot to leave?" said M. Vautel.
Madam, Would You
Like a Healthy
Complexion ?
The rosy cheeks, red lips, and bright
sparkling eye3 of natural healthy beauty
is the only kind that charms. Lotions,
washes, paints and powders deceive no one.
The real Beauty of Health comes only
with pure rich blood. What makes pure
red blood ? Why, your stomach, liver and
bowels all working right. Dyspepsia, in
digestion, constipation and biliousness will
ruin any complexion. To get rid of these
and have the Beauty of Health, the only
real Beauty, take Smith's Pineapple and
Butternut Pills. They invigorate the
blood, strengthen the nerves, and the skin
becomes rosy and red, showing the circu
lation is normal and active as Nature in
tended it should be. Physicians use and
recommend. They fdrm no habit. You
should always keep them on hand. These
little Vegetable Pills will ward off many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
BUITLIC tfMl X . as. 1 I 1
rieaaacritand l2x 1
Diseases of 12ZI
the Stomach H-T-I
60 rills In Glass Vial 25c All Dealers.
For Sick Kidneys
Bladder Dise&s, Rheumatism,
the one best remedy. Reliable,
endorsed by leading ph;tlcian;
lafe, effectual. Results Ustlng.
On the market IS yean. Hare
cured thousand, loo pllli In
original glass package. SO cents.
Trial boxes, BO pills, 25 cents. All
drngglsti sell and recommend.
Water Bonds 1
IU lll-.i.U
From 5 to 6 per cent.
In denominations of
100, 500 and 1,000
If interested
call on or address
303-14th St.,
Honcsdale, Pa.
Trains leave Union depot at 7.20
a. m. and 2.48 p. in., week days.
Trains arrive Union depot at 1.50
and 6.45 p. m. week days.
Saturday only, Erie and Wyoming
nrrlves at 3.45 p. m. and leaves at
5,50 p. in.
Sunday trains leave 2.4 S and ar
rive at 7.02.
Late of lioroush of Ilonesdule. deceased.
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed to
report distribution of said estate, will attend
to me unties oi ins appointment, on
, olu ro h
of ilonesdule. at which time and place the
claims usamsi sum estate must do prcsemeu.
or recourse to the fund for distribution will
be lost M. K. SIMONS. Auditor.
Honcsdale. July.M, 11)10.
Time Card In Effect June 19th, 1910.
J lio
8 11
HIS, lMAr....cadosla I.ti
X 10, I It.
11 11 It Wi" ...Hanqocs:.... -n
noai4.i' ",...
10 44 111 89 " Preston Par "
104 It l. " Wlnwood.
4 19
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8 30
10 jqia 03 " ..rornieue.,
10 0flll Ml
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8 011
V 60111 U
S 43 11 34
14411 SO
" Pleasant Mt
" .. Untondale.. "
" .Forest city.
OTh'nrtAla Yd
I 15
8 IS
(4 04
l!llOi'" .Carrjondale. "
4 411
. .. " vvnite urmre
id 84, " Jiayfleld Yd.
'8 83
8 5S
05h0 4S " ....Jerrajn....
8 esllO 41 " ..Archibald.. -s
ssho 40, " .... Wlnton... "
4 83
4 30)
4 II
4 49
4 45
8 4TU0 s:
.t)ijpoatn. -..
.Diction... "
T 141
8 4X10
10 39
8 STiio rn - . PrortdenM
iii ia it x ..Park Place-
4 SI
8 laiO 1WLT... Bcranton .Arl 4 tl
A lU l 'P U
Additional trains leare Caroondils (or Han
(id Yard at 8.80 a. m. dally, and 8.M p m duly
Ixcept Sunday. Additional trains T War.
l.ld Yard tor Oarbonoals 8 38 a m dally and 8 M
f. m. dally sieopt Sunday.
I. O. Akbimo. J. K. Wiut,
Trafflo Manser, Trotting irni
U OeaTtr at. Nor York, Bcrutoa, fa,