THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, Jl'IA 27, J 010. THE CITIZEN rOBLIBHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY BY THE CITIZEN rCtlLISIIINO COMTAKT. Entered ns srroml-clnss mntter, fit the post olllce. Honesdnle, 1'n. BUBSCniPTION 1.50 X. B. HARDKNI1KHOH. PRESIDENT W. W. WOOD. MANAGER AND SKC'Y MILLIARD 1JRUCE - - KDITOK directors: C. n. DORFLINGER, M. R. ALLEN. HKNRY WILSON. E. R. II ARDENFIEROII. W. W, WOOD. AVEDNESDAY, JUIA 27, 1IH0. ItEl'UBLICAN TICKET. For Governor JOHN K. TENER. For Lieutenant Governor JOHN M. REYNOLDS. Secretary of Internal Affairs HENRY HOUCK. Stnto Treasurer CHAS. F. WRIGHT. For Congress, C. C. PRATT. For State Senator, " WINFRED D. LEWIS. COUNTY. Representative, H. C. JACKSON. AIJOUT THE THIRD PARTY. The gathering of the clans of po litical derelicts Is now taking place through the state to devise ways and means to defeat the regular nomi nees of the Republican and Demo cratic state tickets. LEWIS EMERY, Jr., JERE S. BLACK, FLINN, late boss of Pitts burg, VAN VALKENBURG, would be boss of Philadelphia, GIBBONY, BERRY and N1LES, led by SHEATZ, are using every means in their power to disorganize the two old parties and defeat JOHN K. TENER and WEB STER GRIM, the regular nominees of the state conventions of their re spective parties for governor. Most of the men, it appears, agi tating this third party movement, are men who at some time or other have failed to muster sufficient sup port to land nominations for high offlces and, being defeated, are now arrayed against those of whom they asked support. The Republican party, however, has little to worry over In this vin dictive array of would-be officehold ers1. -. Theyare hungry, and, not hav ln&.rthe; -patronage of their party handed, to them through their regu Jar party delegates, now attempt to lead, the rank and file of their par ties astray. ' The Republicans of Pennsylvania .have heard this "big noise" before; they know the more noise these -malcontents make the "greater the majority will be for the nominees on the Republican ticket when the votes are counted. Mr. TENER and the men whose names follow his on the Republican ticket honorably nominated at Harrlsburg Jiave no cause for loss of sleep. They will bej elected by an approxi mate majority "of 100,000, and the third ticket soreheads will then stand lower , In' the estimation of their nelgVbo'rs than they ever stood .before. Ever stop to think how few men there are who can stand being boost ed above the shoulders of their fel lows without the personal ego crop ping out? Forest City News. Yes sirreei ' sir! Tho swelled Jiead, not the Impending Jap war fare of the Hon. (no longer cap tain) RICHMOND PEARSON HOB SON nnd the Hon. LESLIE M. PSHAWj Is ..the national peril. JuBt think how it has knocked out tho once unconquerable JAMES JERE MIAH JEFFRIES, not to memtion a few score hundred of lesser lights that were needed for the Intellectual andmoral advancement of tho na- Now Bellefonto wants an Old Homo week and the aggressive Bolle fonte Watchman is boosting It with tho samo vigor that Journal display ed when clean-up day was first pro posed for Bellefonto. The town Is In good shape for such a celebration now tho litter has been cleared from the streets) and yards, and with a little local pus'hlng arid a sufficient amount of cash to supplement the efforts already pade by printer's ink tho success of tho roiinion should Uo assured. Honesdalo, which had a model' bid Hpmo'wcek last year, and Stroudsburg, 'which has Just wound up;gnp bat was nrptty good, will extend their best wishes to Bolle- PVfah.WMf ?J)9 WJttB any practl cal Ideas fromw.jtcjyvns that have been over tho. road themselves, let ifleJJeonttfB QldlHqmfonxeefcflomjjrit.- teo come aver.ftolthiBferid.of tho Btato WHERE ARE THE SNAKES? , this fall for governor of Now Jer So far this season there has been , Bey. Supposing the B1LL.Y SULZEft nn nltnost unprecedented dearth of real good snnke stories squirming their way through tho columns of the Pennsylvania press. While men from the hitherto prolific snake zones of the Delaware river as well as the mountain counties hnstcn to assure us the visible supply of the reptiles Is fully up to the average, If not a little bit beyond It, there are not many harrowing tales com ing In of exciting chases after blackB and copperheads, with an occasional rattler or two, that In years agone i used to show up with much regu larlty in this as well as the central part of the state before hay time cot nicely In operation. The New York Sun correspondent seeking snake yarns at $16 to the solid col umn for the Sun, even back before Dana's day, did denrly dote on snake copy and always has paid double for it is not going to get rich this year of grace 1910 on the stuff he can mall bis Journal about the fer ocious racer with 11 rattles that chased farmer Jenkins up the first shagbark walnut tree that came within hailing distance. The Altoona Mirror, which worries over this paucity of snake tales a whole lot more than we intend to stew over any subject other than a possible huckleberry pie famine be tween July 20 and Aug. 15, tries to solve the problem, if a problem It is, about like this: Whether this is due to a lack of vivid imagination on the part of the correspondents or merely signifies that the correspondents are not. on the job, we cannot say, but there are certainly enough newsgatherers roam ing Blair county to cover every snake yarn that turns up. But we do not seem to be worse off in this respect than other locali ties in Pennsylvania. Very few of the numerous exchanges which reach this office are long on reptilian re ports; in fact, in not one of them have we seen a narrative that appear ed worthy of reproduction. This In the face of the demand for Informa tion upon the part of State Zoolo gist Surface as to whether a rattle snake can climb Perhaps we are a trifle early In this matter. The picnic season is not yet in full swing, the harvest time is late, and the camping-outers are only just hiking for the woods and the mossy banks. Maybe, when the returns begin to come in, we will find that this has been a banner year. Come to think of it, the only real hot snake yarns that have come this way were from Pike county, where a Matamoras constable and a Mata moras hotel man went over Into Ding man township and swatted to death a five-foot rattler that Is solemnly declared to have turned out 16 rat tles. Thus far Wayne has not been able to cope with Pike for length of Rnnke or number of rattles. The best we can do is refer our Altoona j rontemnorary to a certain robust ! farmer In Texas No. 4 who has sent four rattlers Into the snake's eter nity thus far this summer. And the whole four, by the way, were taken from one field a Held, we may add, than which there are several larger In that particular township. WHO CAN HEARST SUPPORT? What candidate will the HEARST papers support for the Democratic nomination In 1012? Tho inde pendence league Is deader than the proverbial doornail. Having failed In its outrageous purpose, which was to make Mr. HEARST mayor of New York city, to make Mr. HEARST governor of New York state, to make Mr. HEARST president of the United States, to get a great office some where and somehow for one of the least competent and least deserving men on God's green earth, the or 0f ganization that the paymaster yellow Journalism founded and fi nanced has discharged Its clerical help, sold off Its furniture, burned up its tracts and pamphlets, and gone out of business as completely as a champion prizefighter goes when younger blood sends him to his final corner. Tho HEARST pa pers cannot support Mayor Gaynor, agnlnst whom they waged a most vehement and vitriolic warfaro for weeks before his November land slide. They cannot support Gov. HARMON, who, although an essen tially democratic Democrat of tho typo Mr. HEARST loves to smirk and fawn upon, was tho president of a railroad and a director in banks and an assoclato of corporationists be fore he got to tho executive chair In Columbus. They would find It tough rations to simulate even a poor show of affection for GEORGE GRAY, tho perennial possibility from Delaware. Wo see no man at. tlIs Jtl,raq thqti Jho HEARST papers can tig toin W - fc.V VW-U.. less ',... r " very scholarly and very colorless educator wliS is ifluptd ATI will ijiK Io test his popularity by running it l.n wonDnoiLs'ovythifLQBPOdMnarjawful money of the boom for governor shall prove pow erful enough to land tho arch ex ponent of the standing broad Jump In tho capltol at Albany a possi bility about as remote as the hope of parlor cars on an airship lino be tween a Delaware bass and tho union station In Mars or Saturn the Jour nals that draw their editorial Inspira tion from the personal likes and dis likes of WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST face a sorry Job two years from now. For once lining up with thousands of halfway clean and wholesome Democrats that had nourished their hopes upon the rise of new political star in the north- west, the HEARST papers must be moan the fact that Minnesota's JOHN A. JOHNSON, an eminently selfmade and nn exceedingly likeable gentle man, was called away before his time. Carbondale Is advocating a one mill tax' for permanent street lm provement, says a news Item. Good And everybody who strikes Carbon dale will ngree that a good slice of the money raised thereby ought to be expended on Trinity place, close by the railroad station a spot where decent footing is needed about as much as in any civilized part of North America. GINGERSNAPS. Good Guffey Democrats, in Lack awanna and elsewhere, still hope they may be able to get the Price. Honesdale's ball team, with six games this week, is going to be a regular Roosevelt aggregation for strenuoslty. Why all this hullabaloo about Mr. Taft going Into Canadian water for about an hour? A Democratic pres ident would be at sea the whole of the time! An Ohio judge who fasted six days lost 16 pounds and says he feels fine. Another case where Justice is weighed in the balance and found wanting! We are informed and believe that some of Wayne county's solid cltt zens explored the streets of Strouds- burg on wheels and savedT their shoe leather. One of them was caught right on the job. Instead of reducing the number of cigarettes In a box, It is difficult to understand why manufacturers don't devise some way of saving on the smell. There is a whole- lot of that which could be eliminated. Preaching in the dark is popular out west, where the congregations are laree and solely composed of young people. A good deal of light could be thrown on the services, but they are not for publication. Chief Justice Fuller left not cent to public Institutions. His charity began at home and ended there. "If any man neglect to pro vide for his own ." Can you finish that sentence from a sacred writer whose words show good sense as well as good literature? Here is another women leaving $6000 to a man who spoke a few kind words to her. It always hap pens somewhere else and to some- one else. Whoever heard of one o these luckless newspaper galoots get ting a dollar for which he dldn have to sweat blood as well as ink in return? It is going to cost rich people $5, 000.000 to die in New York this year, according to the new Inherit ance tax law. If rich men do not die in this proportion tHo state will send a fool-killer around to mnke business. Philadelphia Inquirer. Or ' else run Jack Johnson's autoraobllo 101 miles an nour turougn jvmn avenue and tho contiguous silk stocking district. After all her whoop and holler and In spite of all the newspaper space she so lavishly employed, at homo and abroad, to extol her Old Homo week arrangements, tho completed article, while good, went a long way to show that tho Water Gap settle ment has nothing on Honesdalo when It comes to this Old Homo weok business. One Honesdallan who went to Stroudsburg says tho Water Gap women are healthy-looking heifers hut that they weigh too much by GO pounds to look good to him. Ho announces with tho solemnity of posltlvo knowledge of tho subjec that tho average of 'em will pull down a couple of hundred by tho scales. Wonder how ho comes know so much about it! to Tho James G. Shepard airship test from New York across the mountains to Scranton does not seom likely. 4hOUsl.,the.Elect1rlS,t.pitj' Tnllllnnnlrn Is reailv to nut tin S5J- I ...... . , . ' I rufilWil"Sta(eS,-r his part of tho per (qrjuaaneos No. g ttWStter! Cap TQinmMf CSoldKln! f tho man who makes a specialty of spinning his Red Dovll" over falrgroundB, is going to follow tho Erie when ho Joins tho New York-St. Louis sky pilots that compete for tho Pulitzer rlzo of $G0,000. Wayno and tho northeastern Pennsylvania counties may yet get a glimpse of an engine on wings choo-choolng through tho sky. Tho Pittsburg scandal factory Is running on regular time again, after a short hot-weather shutdown for re pairs. Because his 30-year-old son- n-lnw was out until 7.30 at night, a Smoky City pnpa-ln-law took the young man across the parental knee and gave him sundry cuffs and smashes in ft convenient portion of his anatomy. Harry Thaw is still In Matteawan, nnd William Ellis Corey is off somewhere with Mrs. Mabelle Gllman Corey, and the Hartje divorce case Is settled nnd out of the courts at last, and some of the boodllng councllmen that mado Undo Andy Carnegie weep have been handed their medicine but Pitts burg cannot let tho newspapers sleep. Wo suggest, by way of mild and harmless summer variety, that a curfew law for erring sons-in-law be tried out In the home of Thaw and Hartje and Corey and Carnegie Some sort of a street-clearing meas ure Is needed there far more than It's needed In Scranton, where some of the women folks think they want It, or in Trenton, where the city coun cil Is actually trying It. X KEYSTONE PRESS. -H-f-f -f -M-t-M- For want of something better to cool us off, we wish to remind you to do your Christmas shopping early. Wllkes-Barre Times-Record. The people who suffered most from the hot wave were those who were caught traveling off long dls- tances to get cool. Allentown Chron icle. Roosevelt admits that be has giv en up prizefighting. Still, no one will dare say It was because he couldn't "come back." Johnstown Tribune. Possibly, It Is but a coincidence, that every prominent advocate of a third party Is either an ex-office holder or an often-defeated candi date. Altoona Gazette. John Mitchell, the great labor leader, seems to think that Con gressman Tener will make a good governor of Pennsylvania. Pretty good authority. Erie Times. Senator Penrose must be doing considerable smiling " these days. Each faction of the divided and dis integrating Democratic party is charging the other with working for the benefit of the senator and the Republican State ticket. They do him much honor. Altoona Tribune.- Age should not be measured in terms of yenrs. So long as the heart responds to the appeal of the flow ers and the sunshine and the little children, one Is not old. But when within there Is no chord that thrills to the best In life; when there Is no Joy In nature and no happiness In companionships, then the sooner the neighborhood has a funeral the bet ter it will be. And It makes no dif ference about the age of the candi date. Titusville Herald. "Should It appear that the new agreement seriously Infringes upon Chinese nominal sovereignty, or ma terially conflicts with tho principle of the 'open door,' to which one at least of the late combatants Is com mitted, it may bo taken for granted that there will be a firm diplomatic protest. It Is altogether gratuitous to assume, as some of the corres pondents seem to have done, that tho new treaty is aimed especially at the pretensions and Interests of the United States, and that Japan has by this treaty, secured in Russia an ally against us. Philadelphia Pub lic Ledger. Mr. William Randolph Hearst in his New York American is very loud In denunciation of the Johnson-Jeffries prizefight films to bo presented at public shows, and intimates that if Mayor Gaynor can find no law against tho showing of tho pictures In New York the American can and will en force them. Mr. Hearst's newspa pers havo been full of pictures of tho prizefight and nil tho most doplor ablo and vilest of tho sot-to, and tho pictures were Infinitely worse nnd much poorer than tho "true-to-llfo" pictures tho films may present. Aro tho films any more demoralizing than some of tho fakes printed in the nowspapors? Scranton Times. Tho chronic faultfinder is usually a person who has mndo moro or less of a failure of living. This is tho time of year when tho city dwel ler is especially interested In his country relatives. The only living cx-presWent is ablo to tako caro of himself nnd tho problem what to do with our ex-presidents has dissipated Into thin air. Tho things tho doctors toll us to avoid during tho heated season ap pear to bo tho most attractlvo for some reason. Colonel Rooso- volt sets his admirers a good example by going to church on Sifnday, whether ho feels like it pr not. Nicholson Record. ' 1 ;RI?iPBlln'd' .grain, cradles, at TTTtTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 4 t RIGHT OFF THE BAT, We always get licked when we piny ball on Sunday. E. B. Calln way. After Honesdale's Old Home week the one at Stroudsburg was mild as an Ice cream soda. E. H. Cortrlght. I got to the postofllce and found at tho last minute that I had no penny stnmp to put on a paper I wanted to send nwny. I had a two center In my pocket and I used that. This Is one of the things that will get a man going. William Schloss. Our team ought to have a pretty good time over there among the summer resorts of Sullivan county. For once, at least, the Honesdalo balltossers arc going to be entertain ed by the New York Four Hundred. All I'm afraid of Is the high living, tho late hours and the good times that sometimes put a ballplayer out of condition. Duffer Weaver. Speaking about killing people, there should, to my mind, be no question about the penalty for a man who takes the life of another knowing Just what he Is doing. Any killing that has time for the man guilty of the crime to know what he Is doing nnd to realize tho prob able outcome of his act is a clear case of murder, from my viewpoint. In New York, where I belong, a man whoso victim lingers three days or more cannot be held for murder In tho first degree. According to that law, of course, Leon Csolgosz, who shot down President McKInley at Buffalo in 1901, was not guilty of first degree murder, for McKinley lingered from Sept. 6 to Sept. 14, a matter of eight days; but the case State of Ohio, City ot Toledo, Lucas County, SS.: Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. L. Cheney & Co., doing business In tho City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said flrr will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case o Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before, me and subscrib ed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. WMMMMMHMHIIltMmmtHHMMMMHM, t ESTABLISHED 1830 t THE OLDEST BANK IS WAYNE COUNTY ;the- HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, SURPLUS TOTAL ASSETS WE ARE AFTER YOU ! You have more or less banking business. Possibly it X 113 with nc cnnli liohirr t.lio enco vnn Vnnn' crtmof.Vnnrr nf miv T u .... vlf WV. - W I ..v service, but if not a patron become one ? OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT will liolp you start. It is calculated to serve all classes, tho old and the young, the rich and tho poor, MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN IT RECEIVES DEPOSITS OF $1.00 AND UP and allows three per cent, interest annually. Interest will be'paid from tho first of any month on all deposits made on or before the 10th of tho month provided such deposits remain three calendar months or longer. HENRY Z. RUSSELL. I'HESIDENT. ANDREW THOMPSON VICE PltEfelDKNT. GILSON GASOLINE ENGINES 1 Horse Power $ 60 2 1-2 " " 100 3 1-2 " " 125 4 1-2 " " 175 6 " " 230 We kqep a full Une of repairs for all Gilson Engines and our engine expert Instructs all pur chasers how to operate engine to secure best re sults. There Is no better engine, so why pay more money? ,' .Cpine In and see them run. MURRAY CO., Honesdale I of Csolgosz was an exceptional case. It wouldn't do to let tho man that killed a president of tho United States go to Sing Sing Instead of to tho electric chair. A. J. Huyck, De posit, N. Y. Better Approach to Cnrbondnlo's 1). & H. Station, Somo time ago Mayor A. L. Sahra of Carbondale communicated with tho officials of the Delaware nnd Hudson with reference to Improving tho sidewalk and roadway leading from River street to tho station, known ob Trinity place. The condition of the approach In sloppy weather Is almost Impassable and, nctlng on the suggestion of tho mayor, a force of men commenced work Thursday tearing out tho old wooden sidewalk, which will be re placed with concrete. It Is also be lieved a macadam road will be built leading to the station, which will add materially to the appearance of that locality. Let wonderful WASHWAX, do your family washing; saves rubbing and saves the clothes; makes them clean, sweet and snowy white. WASHWAX is a new scientific com pound that washes In hot or cold water without the use of soap. It Is entirely harmless and different from anything you have ever used. Send ten cents stamps today for reg ular slzo by mall. You will be glad you tried It. Agents wanted to In troduce WASHWAX everywhere. Address Washwax Co., St. Louis, Mo. Q9tf ABOUT HYOMEI A Bottle Costs Only .10 Cents A Complete Outfit Including In haler 31.00. When G. W. Peil will guarantee Hyomel to cure catarrh or give you your money back, what Is your an swer? Are you satisfied with your condi tion or do you want to rid yourself forever of vile catarrh, with Its hu miliating symptoms, such as hawk ing, spitting, blowing and bad breath? Hyomel Is a simple, antiseptic med icine, that you breathe through a small pocket Inhaler over the parts affected. It is made of Australian eucalyp tus mixed with other germ killing and membrane soothing antiseptics. Get a complete outfit to-day. It only costs $1.00, and contains every thing necessary to cure any ordinary case of catarrh. Extra bottles, If needed, 50c. Hyomel is the best remedy in the world for sore throat, coughs and colds, croup and bronchitis. It gives wonderful relief In two minutes. For sale by druggists everywhere and by G. W. Peil, druggist. $ 150,000.00 241,711.00 1,902,000.00 t t X . J J V. AkAAV ' ' W... k ..... X. J LA A would it not be well for you to EDWIN F, TORRE Y T CASHIER. J ALBERT C.LINDSAY I AfcISTAXT CASHIER X X X X X 4- X f- 4- X f X
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers