The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 22, 1910, Image 7

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Belief That Dr. Crippen Is
Aboard Kroonland.
Evon Though Fugitive Suspect In El
more Mystery Is Disguised as Fe
male, It Is Believed He Can
not Escape Detection.
New York, July 10.-That Dr. II. II.
Crippen, alleged slayer of Ills wife.
Belle Elmore, Is on the lied Stnr liuer
Kroonland, duo here tomorrow, Is the
belief of the London police. They feel
convinced that the fugitive and his
companion, Ethel Leueve, boarded tile
steamship at Dover on July 0, together
with a number of other passengers
from London.
Crippen and the woman are supposed
to have left London on the afternoon
of July 0. lie was last seen going from
his office at 1 o'clock. They had ample
time to catch the Huer nt Dover.
All the women friends of Sirs. Crip
pen who have been aiding the police
in the search for the fugitive will be
nt the pier when the Kroonland docks,
nnd there is little chanco that Dr.
Crippen and Miss Leneve, if they are
aboard, will be able to slip ashore un
observed, even though Dr. Crippen is
disguised as n woman, as Is now sup
posed. Detectives will bo sent down to meet
the ship when she arrives at Quaran
tine tonight or early tomorrow morn
lug. Yesterday Detectives Leeson nnd
Moody looked for Dr. Crippen and the
Lenevo girl on two vessels, the Atlan
tic Transport liner Mlnnetonka and
the French steamship Chicago. They
searched both vessels thoroughly.
Mme. Ginnetr, who was Belle El
more's friend; Mrs. R. H. Mills. Belle
Elmore's half sister, and Mrs. B. Ilyde,
a London friend of Mrs. GInnett's,
were on the piers when the boats
docked and also scrutinized the pas
sengers. Moody and Leeson had instructions
to look for Crippen among the women
passengers. Scotland Yard had an idea
that he might be disguised as a woman.
Inquest Begun In London.
London, July 19. Dr. Danford
Thomas of Loudon, coroner, began nn
Inquest over what was left of the body
of Belle Elmore, the music hall singer,
which was found last Wednesday in
the cellar of the house which she oc
cupied with her husband, Dr. Ilawley
Harvey Crippen, on Hllldrop Crescent,
North London.
Dr. Thomas told the Jury that the
remains were supposedly those of Mrs
Crippen. There was not, ho said, a
great deal of evidence to place before
the Jury and it would be necessary to
ndjonrn tho inquiry, as nn analysis of
the organs was being made in order to
find out if iwlson had been admin
istered to the dead woman.
Mrs. Walter Neave, the mother of
the Leneve girl, who is supposed to
have lied with Dr. Crippen, and sev
eral oincers of the Ladles' Music Hall
guild were present at the Inquest.
The naive appeal of the detectives
to tho Lenevo woman, supported by
the pathetic letter of her father,
Walter Neavo, to disclose here where
abouts have been without effect. Tho
woman's real name is Neave, but for
some reason of her own she called her
self Leneve. a name by which she
was possibly known while n Rtudent nt
a Trench convent.
Scotland Yard has started out on
another lead. Tho olilcers notified nil
pawnbrokers in tho United Kingdom
to be vigilant In accepting pledges
from a man or n woman answering the
description of Dr. Crippen or his com
panion. The police say they have rea
son to suspect that Dr. Crlpjen had
not more than 100 in his possession
when ho lied, and they argue that he
will shortly be compelled to pawn
some of Belle Elmore's Jewelry, which
cannot bo found. It Is known that
she possessed Jewels of considerable
Parachute Failed to Open as He
Dropped From Balloon.
Cleveland, July 10. J. W. Dale,
aeronaut, is lying seriously injured In
n hospital, the victim of a trial flight
in a dirigible balloon. Unable to con
trol the balloon when ho attained the
height of 3,000 feet, Dale sought
safety In a parachute drop. The para
chute failed to open suiflclently to
bring him safely to tho earth, yet pre
vented ills falling to instant death.
Special Grand Jury Commences Inves
tigation Into Hearst Charges.
Aibuny, July 10. Charges by Wil
liam It. Hearst against Frederick E.
Bkene, state onglneer and surveyor
during 1007-08, were taken up by n
special grand Jury sworn In at an ex
traordinary tenn of the supremo court
Tho charges allego irregularities in
awarding good road contracts.
Two Lost In Swiss Flood.
Berne, Switzerland, July 10. The
Gryonnc river, which rises In the
southeast part of tho canton of Vuud
and flows westerly Into tho Rhone,
broke its diks for a distance of two
miles. Two firemen lost their lives in
rescuing two girls from tho flood.
U" Rutland, Vt
International Bible Lesson for July 24,
10 (Matt. 17: 1-8, 14-20).
Life, to most people, has a remark'
able rosoniblance to the geography ot
the planet. It Is characterized by
stormy scos, and verdant fields, by
peaceful valleys and vast prairies, by
Saharas of barronnoss and oases of
plenty, by monotonous plains and
mountain ranges. But, while In tho
natural world, millions are shut in by
their environment, and arc compelled
to remain within tho "bounds of their
habitation," in the mental and splri
tual world no such barriors exist. Tho
mind is Independent of locality. Tho
body may be chained to tho dull,
treadmill cxlstenco that knows no
change from year's end to year's end,
but tho spirit, on the wings of In
spiration may fly nway from corrod
ing caro to revel in Inspiring scenes
and to drink at life's oternnl fountains,
Such an exalted experience was
that of Christ at his Transfiguration
It was a mountain top incident It
was a luminous moment Taking with
him tho three mighty ones, Peter,
James nnd John, tho triumvirate upon
whoso shoulders was to rest the bur
den of his church In after years moat
largely, ho left the dreary plain and
climbed tho rugged sides of snow-capped
Mt Hermon, lifting its mighty
bulk 10,000 feet above the sea, and
the portals of eternity opened. Thero,
surrounded wltli supernatural beings,
"His face did shine as the sun, and
his garments wero white as tho light"
It was a foregleam of what shall be.
Wrapped in a glorious cloud, in an
ecstacy unutternble, shaking off tho
weight of care and trouble the soul of
the Perfect Man claimed Its rightful
heritage and revelled in conscious vic
tory. Exalted Experiences.
Such luminous moments have been
often experienced by men. There are
long years of dreary service and
drudgery. Tho burdens of life gall
the bending shoulders, and tho feet
are blistered as they tread their way
ov"r the burning sands. And then,
suddenly, we find ourselves tolling up
th" slopes of our Mount of Transfig
uration on whose heaven-kissing sum
mit we see visions and hear voices
whoso glory and powor can never be
told, and in the memory of which we
move for years thereafter.
AH the great things of earth have
come to men In those moments of ex
altation, when the soul is flooded with
the light "such as never was on sea
or land." The musician produces his
compositions, good but unsatisfactory;
and then all at once In a moment of
inspiration gives the world an immor
tal oratorio. Tho artesan laboriously
tolls in his workshop, and suddenly
startles tho world with an lndlspensl
ble Invention. Tho artist paints a plo
ture that crowns all his achievements.
Tl'o sculptor carves an image that Is
the admiration of tho ages. The poet
sings a song that throbs through the
centuries. The statesman produces a
system of government that emanci
pates a race. They are tho results of
mountain top visions, of the luminous
moments of life.
Wo estimate men in this world,
not by what they may bo doing at any
specified timo, but by what they have
dono in their highest moods, what
they have dono at their best We do
not expect Demosthenes to make
evory speech an "Oration for tho
Crown." We do not look for Shakes
peare to be always writing a "Ham
let" Ono "In Memoriam" satisfies us
a8 to the ability of Tennyson. We
measure their callbro by what they
have done, and can do, in the full
swell of their powors.
Raphael's Masterpiece.
Perhaps the noblest, the most beau
tiful picture in the world Is Raphael's
last masterpiece, his last painting, tho
Tranafluratlon, now in the Vatican at
Rome. He spent years of study upon
it: It was scarcely finished when ho
died. While he was sick, ho bad the
plcturo hung In his sight, that his con
stant thoughts might rest upon it
And when ho was dead, tho plcturo
was hung above his lifeless body,
where for days crowds came to honor
his wonderful genius, ns they looked
with reverence at tho dead artist and
hla matchless conception.
We cannot all be Raphaels, but wo
can all have our Transfiguration, a
great crisis in our career when wo
are lifted above and out of our en
vironment as Paul was, caught up Into
invisible spaces to hear and see
things unutterable. Tho busy mer
chant may have it the tolling day
laborer may experience It tho care
worn mother may enjoy it Such a
luminous moment will broaden our
outlook, increase our faith, make life's
burdens easier to carry, send us forth
with now inspiration to tako our place
in the toll of llfo at the foot of the
mount We may not say much about
it in after years, but all llfo will tako
on a different moaning thereafter, and
we shall move among men as thoao
who have been where the gates of
heaven wero ajar.
Such moments are not tho every
day experiences of men. Christ bad
but ono transfiguration in his 33 years
of life. It was not tho day dream of
youthful enthusiasm, a mora castlo In
tho air of a visionary. It wrb the
revelation of God to a soul prepared
for it by years of patient discipline.
Service in tho valley and on the plain
Is tho preparation for the vision.
Woman Who Has Turned Do-
tectlve to Catch Dr. Crippen. )
Photo by American Press Association.
New York, July 10. Backed by a
clique which Is rejwrted to be directed
by Mr. Frank Hayno of New Orleans,
the 'cotton exchange was thrown Into
a state of wild excitement nnd prices
soared in ncroplanic style to record
It was reported that Mr. Hayue und
his following, as a result of the move
ment, hud cleaned up a fortune of nt
least $7,500,000. They succeeded de
spite the most strenuous opposition it,
cornering the July market nnd then
started out nftcr the August market
and the Indications at a late hour were
that they would bo victorious in this
Tho excitement In the pit was great
er than ever before, and the brokers
fought with each other in n mnddened
attempt to save themselves. Having
gotten away with July tho bulls cen
tered their attack on August options.
Prices Jumped to 15.07. This was an
advance of 33 points over tho closing
on Saturday, which was 15.34.
Former York Railway Man Names
Newark Broker In Complaint.
Newark, N. J., July 10. Howard E.
Grimes, formerly a resident" of East
Orange, but now living in Jersey City,
began a suit for divorce against Jennie
S. Grimes, naming David Young, Jr.,
a Newark broker, ns corespondent
Both families arc well known in
Newark, the Oranges and In Philadel
The Grlmeses were married on feept.
10, 1001, nnd there are two children
Dorothy and Jeannette. Mr. Grimes
dates his marital troubles from Jnim
ary, 1008, when he was living In York,
Pa. David Young, Jr., nnd his wife
were living in York at the time, and
the two families were very intimate.
Grimes was superintendent of the
street railway service in York nnd
Young general manager. Young Is n
son of David Young, tho traction ex
pert of Brown Bros., bankers, of this
In his complaint Grimes nsUs for the
custody of only one of the children, tho
elder daughter.
Friends of Former President Hope to
See Him Head Peace Commission.
Washington, July 10. The personnel
of the universal peace commission pro
vided for In tho closing days of the
last session of congress will be named
In the near future. Friends of the
project still are hopeful that former
President Roosevelt will accept the
Five members will constitute the
commission, all to bo appointed by the
Professor Henning Matzen Passes
Away at Copenhagen.
Copenhagen, July 10. Professor ncn-
nlng Matzoii, professor of the Univer
sity of Copenhagen, counselor extraor
dinary of tho supremo court and u
member of tho permanent arbitration
court nt Tho Hague, died yesterday.
The Maid's Reply.
As William bent over her fair face
he whispered:
"Darling. If I should ask you In
French if I might kiss you what would
you answer?"
She, calling up her scanty knowledge
of tho French language, exclaimed,
Billet dour!" Exchange.
Tho Proper Tree.
Curious Charley Do nuts grow on
trees, father? Father Thoy do, my
eon. Curious Charley Then what tree
does tho doughnut grow on? Father
Tho "pantrtw," my son. Purple Cow.
Never Good.
Fogg That's a bad cold you hare.
old man. Fendcrson Did you ever
bear of a good cold, you Idiot? Bos
ton Transcript
asked tb ma
Demand For Immediate Re
tlrement of Judge Rowe.
United States Commissioner In Jersey
City Accused of Irregularities In
Connection With Bucket Shop
Man's Cash Bail Bond.
Jersey City, N. J., July 10. Judge
Llnsy Rowe, who for more than thirty
yenrs has been n United States com
mlssloner in Jersey City, has been re
quested to resign the olllce Immediate
ly on account of alleged Irregularities
in connection with n cash bail bond of
$2,500 deposited wltli him in May by
Joseph Becker, one of the leading
bucket shop men of the country, who
wns caught In the raids made by the
government three months ngo. Tho
request wnB communicated to Judge
Rowe yesterday by United States Dis
trict Attorney John B. Vreclnnd, who
received Instructions from tho depart
ment of Justice nt Washington to pro
ceed against the commissioner.
Government Has Subpoenas For Fifty
Chicago, July 10. Fifty olilcers and
employees of the big packing firms are
being sought with subpoenas by
deputy United States marshals. Some
of those sought. It wns declared, would
bo taken before tho federal grand Jury
Investigating the alleged beef trust.
Those whom the government officers
were nnxious to examine first are of
ficers and employees of tho National
Packing company. Among them ane
said to Iks Vice President Lemuel B.
Patterson, Director Alonzo N. Benn,
General Counsel Rnlph Crown, Secre
tary C G. Snow, General Auditor
William E. Webber, Assistant Treas
urer Arthur Colby and Assistant Gen
eral Manager J. J. Rlsch.
Wife of Steel Millionaire Plans Build
ing Plant at Old Home.
South Bethlehem, Pa., July 10. Mrs
Charles M. Schwab, wife of the presi
dent of the Bethlehem Steel company,
purposes to go Into business. By es
tablishing a paint mill in Bowmnns-
town. Pa., she hopes to aid tlio town
In which she spent her youth. Sur
veys have been made for the plant
nnd work on it will bo pushed. Mrs,
Schwab has already built a school fot
the town of Wentherey, where she re
sided for some years.
New York Man Mado President ot
Board of General Appraisers.
Washington. July 10. I'residoiU Taft
has appointed Henderson H. Somer
vllle of New York to lie president ot
the board of United States general ap
praisers. He has been a general ap
praiser of merchandise at New York
for many years.
Five Firemen Injured by Fall of Fac
tory Roof.
Pittsburg, July 10. The plant of tho
Pittsburg Manufacturing company was
almost destroyed by fire this morning,
entailing a loss of between $00,000 ami
$75,000, fully covered by insurance.
While fighting the fianies five flremeu
were Injured.
Why Not Pass the Plate?
They ought to pass tho plato at
church weddings. It comes natural to
do It In church, and to do so would
add a pretty and useful employment to
tho duties of tho ushers, who always
have a littlo spare timo before the
brido arrives. And, really, getting
married Is moro expensive than over,
and, though wedding presents are ex
cellent in their way, what tho young
people usually need tho most is cash.
Instead of tho list of gifts which tho
newspapers sometimes print wo should
read, "The collection yielded $4,000,
000." That would bo nice. It is much
easier to storo and caro for money
than plate and glass! And money al
ways fits and there is no such thing as
an embarrassing duplication of dollars.
He Saved the Patent Offioe.
When in tho wnr of 1812 tho British,
who bad taken Washington, trained
their guns upon tho patent office, Dr.
Thornton, throwing himself directly
before tho guns, cried:
"Aro you Englishmen or Goths and
Vandals? This is tho patent offlco a
depository of tho ingenuity and Inven
tions of tho American nation, In which
tho wholo civilized world is interested.
Would you destroy It? Then let the
charge pass through my body."
And tho building was spared. Twenty-four
years afterward, however, It
was destroyed by Are, together with
everything in it
Why He Applauded.
"Aro you fond of music?" asked a
stranger of tho young man at tho con
cert who was applauding vigorously
after a pretty girl bad sung a song in
a very painful way.
"Not particularly," replied tho young
man frankly, "but I am extremely
fond of the musician."
choice cullinss
Ingenious Beggars.
Tho orleDt bus the grume?' number
nnd probably the most persistent ot
beggars, but Paris has the most In
genious members of tho alms extrud
ing fraternity, nccordlng to a letter
from that city. The Intest claimant to
first pince among tho orlginnl beggars
Is tho man who paraded a boulevard
a few days ago mounted on n camel.
Tho animal was decorated with rags
of many colors, and in tho snddle. an
exceedingly shabby affair, which look
ed as though it had seen many years
of service, sat tlio well dressed beggar.
A pnlr of crutches were fastened to
tiro saddle, nnd tho tiny dog which Is
tho necessary companion of every Pnr
is mendicant sat before him. Tho ship
of tho desert sailed majestically with
the boulevard tide until the police
brought it to anchor. The man knew
well that tho peoplo of Paris appre
ciate a novelty, and he probably mado
money on his camel investment before
his business was shut off. "I doubt
whether any one in Paris would bo
much surprised to see a beggar in nn
automobile. As to tho beggar on horse
back, ho has ceased to bo n novelty,"
says the correspondent
How Knob Noster Was Named.
J. M. Shepherd of Knob Noster writes
concerning the origin of his town's
name: "Knob Noster is situated at
tho foot of two beautiful hills or
'knobs,' in the western vernacular.
These knobs nre green and grass grown
to their summits and rise out of a flat
prairie from which they can be seen
for many miles. When tho village was
founded In tho early fifties a school
house was built nnd nn eastern school
master was employed to teach a pay
school. When he arrived at his place
of omploympnt ho was struck with the
beauty of tho knob and, being exceed
ingly proud of bis knowlodgo of Latin,
dubbed them 'Knobs Noster, or 'Our
Knobs.' The villagers wero struck
with the name and named their town
after the designation of their Latin
loving schoolmaster. Tho process of
time seems to havo worn tho V from
'Knobs.' "Kansas City Star.
A Russian Prison Story. I
This grewsoino story conies from
Moscow: In tho prison at Tschernigow I
thero wero confined recently throe men
convictod of murder awaiting execu-
Hon. Ono morning a few days before
the day of elocution tho Jailer found
in u oi meiu sirangieu ana uio Uliru
lying unconscious near the bodloa of
bis cell mates. Investigation showed
that tho three men had resolved to
cheat the gallowu if possible and bad
thrown dice to determine which one
should strangle tho other two. The
man who had lost made a cord from
the bedclothes and carried oat the
fatal decree. It had been farther
agreed that tho survivor should com
mit suicide, but tho strangler lost cour
ago nt the last moment.
First Aid For Ivy Poisoning.
Tho remedies prescribed for poison
Ivy aro various, but are of such a na
ture that their uso without the advice
of a physician Is risky. If ono realizes
at tho time that ho baa come into con
tact with poison ivy ho should rub the
bauds at once with fresh, moist, tine
soil, and this may remove Uio Irritat
ing oil before it becomes absorbed, but
the work must bo dono very quickly.
If the first sign of tho discuso is tho
itching which heralds tho comlug of
tho pustules, a physician should be con
sulted ot once, but If none be nt hand
got from a druggist a weak solution
of "lead water" and apply it with ab
sorbent cottou, but get a doctor as
quickly as possible. Designer.
Cost of Celebrating.
Colonel n. N. Itenouf nt the old
guard banquet nt Deltnonlco's, in New
York, told an Instructive story about
summer vacations.
'I said to a man tho other day," he
began, 'Well, are you going to send
your wlfo to tho seashore again this
"No, sir; I'm not,' said he. I can't
afford it.' "
"nut your wife's so economical.' I
objected. 'You told mo that she spent
very little at tho shore Inst year.'
" 'Yes, I know,' said he, 'but home
alono I spent over n hundred a week.' "
Washington Post.
Naming the Hotel Clerk.
Ono hotel extends an unusunl cour
tesy If it bo n courtesy to Its guests.
Over tho desk whoro most of tho busi
ness of tho hotel is dono hangs a sign
which says, "Tho clerk now on duty is
Mr. Smith," or Mr. Jones, as tho case
may bo. Whether tho sign is intended
to Bavo tho feelings of guests or clerks
isn't qulto plain. It saves the clerks
from being addressed as "Hey, you,"
nnd tho guests from bnving to say,
"Oh. Mr. Eh-h-h."-Now York Sun.
The Boy's Business.
'Wo wero waiting for tho elevator
to como down," said a commercial
traveler, "after discussing tho prob
ability of nn aeroplane's crossing the.
Atlantic within a year, when Just as
tho cage was about to ascend, ono of
tho party ealfl, 'I'll bet $10,000 that it
won't bo done,' nnd tho clovator boy
took him up." Everybody's Magazln.
Boston Hotel Comforts.
"I havo put up at many a hotel in
Now York," eaid a dyed In tho wool
Dostonlan, "But nowhere havo I found
tho concrete comforts you may have
ot any of too better class hostclrlcs in
Boston. For example, thero you will
find in every room a Biblo nnd a
clothes stretcher."
Would You Enjoy
Healthy Old Age?
Advancing years bring a tendency to
coldness of the hands and feet, resulting
from sluggish circulation, a torpid liver and
constipation. This is a condition, not a
disease, and can best be remedied by taking
Smith's I'incappleand Butternut Tills which
invigorate the liver, cleanse and revitalize
the blood and tone up the whole system.
They are of inestimable value, not only in
advanced age, but also for people of all
ages. They prevent premature wrinkles,
give a health glow to the skin, and under
their antiseptic and blood cleansing influ
ences the complexion retains its freshness
while sallowncss permanently disappears.
Hundreds of grateful old ladies in their
letters write i " Your pills make me look
and feel ten years younger." Smith's Pine
apple and Butternut Pills always make old
age comfortable, and promote digestion and
nutrition by their specific action on the
stomach, liver and bowels. Physicians use
and recommend. They form no habit.
You should always keep them on hand.
These little Vegetable Pills will ward off
many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
OQ I'llls In QIom Vial 25c All Dealers.
For Sick Kidneys
Bladder Diieaita. RhtnmnHftm.
tho one beat remedy. Rellabl.
endorted by leading (hyilclana:
safe, effectual. Renin luting.
On tee market is jeari. Hare
enred thooaanda, loo tUl In
original glaii package, CO centa.
Trial boiei,MpUU,lScenta. All
flnugliti lell and recommend.
;For .New Late Novelties
arCINOCn, flB J8WB G
"Guaranteed articles only sold."
NOTICE is hereby given that an ap
plication will be made to the
' Governor of Pennsylvania on the
21st day of July, 1910, by John E.
i Krantz, G. Wm. Sell and William
H. Gibbs under the Act of Assembly
approved April 29, 1S7-1, entitled'
I "An act to provide for the incorpor
ation and regulation of certain cor
porations" and the supplements
thereto, for the charter of an Intend
ed corporation to be called the
William H. Gibbs & Co., Incorporat
ed, tho character and object of which
are the manufacture of glass, glass
ware and supplies used in making
glass, and for these purposes to
have, posress and enjoy all tho
rights, benefits and privileges of said
Act and tho supplements thereto.
M. E. SIMONS, Solicitor.
e have the sort of tooth brushes that ar
made to thoroughly clpaiise and save the
They nre the kind that dean teeth wtthou
eavlns vour mouth full of bristles.
We recommend those costltis 25 cents or
more, as wo can guarantee them and will re
place, tree, any that show defects ot manu
facture within three months.
Opp. U. & II. Station HONBSDALE, PA
Time Card In Effect .'yne 19th, 1910.
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loept Buodar. Additional trains lea re Mart
eld Tard lor Carbondale 0 M a m daur and I M
f. m. dally except Sunday.
I. O. AsDsaaos, J, E. Wilis,
Trafflo Manager, TraTtUn? A rent,
U Dearer St., Heir Tore, Scrantoa, rs.