The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 22, 1910, Image 3

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    T1IE CITIZEN, FK1DAY, JUIA 22, 1010.
call fok thihd iaiiti
Document la Out, With 81 Signa
tures Conrcntlon July 28. ,
Tho offlcial call for tho lndepend
dent party state convention to bo
held In Philadelphia Thursday,
July 28, was Issued Sunday nnd at
tached to It arc tho names of SI
After the great heralding of tho
alleged strength and popularity of
this movement, a glance over tho
list of names appended to the docu
ment made public Sunday must
prove disappointing to those who ex
pected to find an imposing array of
prominent and Influential Pennsyl
vanlans Identified with tho cause.
Such an aggregation of profession
al political agitators, former office
holders, rejected or disappointed
place hunters, and habitual notoriety
seekers with a few well meaning,
easy-going cash producers for any
old thing that is labeled "reform"
has raroly been presented to tho
voters of tho commonwealth.
Familiar high-sounding platitudes,
such as have been employed in the
various anti-Republican campnlgns
In Philadelphia and this state during
the last twenty-five years, ring
throughout the address to "the Free
men of Pennsylvania" nnd recall
many previous efforts in the same
direction with which not a few of
tho gentlemen whose names are now
exploited were conspicuously Identi
fied. Behind this stage setting of the
leaders in tho movement will be
found the same old tactics, the same
old methods and tho samo old ma
chinery of political adventurers, who
will frame up tho slate of candidates
for tho convention nnd put it
through, If possible, with -characteristic
disregard for criticism of boss
ism or "gang rule," which they so
vehemently and persistently employ
In condemning the men who domi
nate the affairs of other party or
ganizations. There Is not a syllable In the ad
dress giving sincere men who are
looking to the new party to accom
plish reform of real or Imagined
evil an Inkling as to how they can
figure in the convention or as to the
Ism or "gang rule" which they so
em tho election of delegates to the
proposed gathering.
'Who'll Hun For Governor of Jfcw
York State?
Despite the fact that the state
conventions of the big political par
ties will not be held until late Sep
tember, 1C candidates for the gub
ernatorial nomination In the Demo
cratic and Republican parties are
either In the field personally or their
friends are active in their behalf.
Col. Roosevelt at Sagamore Hill has
been asked to "O. K." the eligibles
in his party, but so far is under
stood to have refrained from ex
pressing a preference. The names
submitted to hltn include William
Loeb, Jr., collector of the port of
New York; James Wadsworth, Jr.,
speaker of the state assembly; Wil
liam S. Bonnet, member of congress;
Henry L. Stimson, attorney and pros
ecutor of the sugar trust; Horace
White, lieutenant-governor, who will
succeed Gov. Hughes when he re
signs in September; William Hotch
kiss, state superintendent of Insur
ance; Clark Williams, state comp
troller, and William R. Willcox, pub
lic service commissioner.
The Democratic eligibles now seek
ing support upstate and from Tam
many include William Sulzer, con
gressman and runner-up for the nom
ination at tho last two state con
ventions; Thomas M. Osborne, for
mer public service commissioner and
gold Democrat In 189C; Edward
Morse Shepard of Brooklyn, attor
ney and Democratic candidate for
mayor against Seth Low In 1901;
James S. Havens, a Rochester Con
gressman, who defeated George W.
Aldrldge In a supposedly solid Re
publican district; Martin H. Glynn,
former state controller and news
paper editor; John S. Whalen, for
mer secretary of state; L. P. Fuhr
raann, mayor of Buffalo, and Wil
liam J. Gaynor, mayor of New York.
Delaware River Jersey Town Wants
Postal Savings Hunk.
Postmaster John W. Davis of Bur
lington, N. J., doesn't believe In put
ting off important business until tho
eleventh hour. Tho fact that he
was one of the llrst men In the
country to apply to the government
to have his postolllco selected as a
postal saving bank, under tho new
law enacted by Congress, is evidence
of his adopted policy of "striking
while the Iron's hot."
Long ago ho noticed that foreign
laborers employed In tho town and
vicinity wore sending back to the old
country hundreds und thousands of
perfectly good American dollars an
nually. And as a rulo, tho foreign
money orders out of Burlington
alono would net $1000 a week.
Farmers, many of them, he ob
served, were still dubious about
placing their hard-earned cash in
local banking Institutions, and wero
resorting to tho family money chest
or to the antiquated idea of burying
the dollars somowhero they Imagined
would bo "safe." They had heard
too much about the banks being
looted by trusted clerks nnd em
ployes, who had proved thomselves
The postal savings bank met these
two propositions, In tho estimation
of Postmaster Davis. And when
tho law was passed ho said ho waB
of the opinion that much of tho mon
ey that had been going across tho
Atlantic at regular intervals and in
increasing largo amounts could bo
kept hero In tho United States. Tho
farmers, too, ho suggested, might
put moro confidence In Undo Sam,
and patrontzo tho postal savings
bank. Burlington letter to Doylcs
town Intelligencer.
Expcnso of Repair nnd Maintenance
to bo Borne by State.
A story Is being circulated In this
county, probably for political effect,
that In tho event of the state buying
tho bridges and mnklng them free
tho burden of their repnlr and main
tenance will bo placed on tho coun
ties In which they nre, says tho Mll
ford Press.
Mr. Mnrvin, who Is chairman of
the commission in Pennsylvania,
says there is absolutely no truth In
the story, that the bill which he Is
preparing will provide for nil ex
pense In connection with free bridges
being borno by the states. With
some few exceptions nlong tho Del
aware tho bridges pay small divid
ends to stockholders, and they aro
at best risky property.
In tho case of Mllford bridge, af
ter the one wns carried away In
8S8 it became a grave question
whether a new bridge could be built,
but the great inconvenience and ser
ious loss of trade was incentivo to a
number to rebuild. A debt was in
curred and the stockholders waited
for 10 years, while the receipts
were being used to pay oft the debt,
before they received a dividend.
There was more sentiment than
prolit In the venture, but It was real
ized that the town and citizens of
New Jersey wero suffering loss In
business because of its absence. It
benefits the whole county, as does
the one at DIngmans, which Is also
financially unproductive, nnd even If
the adjoining counties had to bear
some share of the cost of maintain
ing them the people could well af
ford to do so for the sake of the
accommodation they afford.
SUite Zoologist Examines Apple
Twigs From Mercer and Reports.
A Mercer county fruit grower has
-written State Zoologist H. A. Sur
face that there appears to be some
thing wrong with his 100 12-year
old apple trees and encloses speci
mens for examination and informa
tion as to the trouble and remedy.
The professor replied: "The apple
twigs sent are infested with the fall
canker worm. The eggs aro just
hatching. This is tho fellow that,
as it becomes larger, is known as the
looper, span worm and measuring
worm. There is only one thing to
do now, and that is to spray all the
infested trees with an arsenical pois
on. Use either one-third pound of
parls green or two or three pounds
of arsenate of lead In fifty gallons
of water. As this is about the right
time for one of the sprayings (or the
codling moth, you will not lose any
thing by making the application of
the poison at this time. It will In
sure the destruction of this pest,
which otherwise might destroy your
leaves and fruit crop for this year,
and will also help to Insure fruits
free from the 'worm,' commonly
known as tho codling moth.
"It is also advisable to make up
tho Bordeaux mixture by using three
pounds of copper sulphate and four
pounds of lime In fifty gallons of wa
ter, and add your arsenical poison
to this the same as though you were
going to use it alone. TIiub you will
have a spray that will not only kill
the young canker worm and the
codling moth larva, but will also
prevent plant diseases which might
otherwise attack leaves and fruits
of your trees.
"It is very Important that your
spraying for this pest bo done soon.
I would advise you to prepare to
mako the application Just as soon
as possible, as this will help you to
prevent the severe destruction of
leaves, which will mean a loss of
fruit for this year, and a drainage
upon the vitality of tho tree, so that
it will not set good fruit buds for
next year. Prompt action Is one of
tho most Important points in the de
struction of the canker worm."
Carving the Grand Canon.
The popular idea that earthquake
and volcanic explosions plnyed a part
in farming tho Grand Canon of the
Colorado River is thougbt'by Uio host
Authorities to bo without foundation.
W aro now told tliat tho canon
was cut out entirely by tho water ot
tho river, and that the moat effective
tool employed was tho quartz sand
brought down from the HourcoB of tho
river in tho mountains. This Bond Is
harder than any of tho constituents of
tho rock strata in which the canon
has boon carved. Ilarlod by tho swift
water against Uw sides and tho bed
of the stream, it cuts the rod as eas
ily as a flia cuts do ft iron.
The Electrio Railway.
Perhaps tho earliest hint of tho
electric railway waa that given by tho
Veianont blacksmith, Thomas Daven
port, who In 1835 exhlbltod in Spring
field. Masa, tho model of a circular
railway and an electro-magnetic loco
motive. Tho first practical trip made
by a motor car In this country waa
that given by Dr. Charles Grafton
Pago in 1851. Aidod by an appropri
ation from Cangrcea, he constructed
an electric locomotive with which a
trip was made from Washington to
Bladonsburg. on tho Washington
branch of tho Baltimore & Ohio Rail
road, on April 29, 1851, on which oc
casion a rote of speed was attained,
on a noorly level plane, of somo nine
teen miles an hour.
Difference Between Savages and
Races Long Civilized.
Prof. Frederick W. Mott, lecturing
before tho Royal Institution of Great
Britain on "The Brain," said that al
though In 88 per cent, of the cases In
which the brains of great men had
been weighed the weight was above
tho average, brain weight itself did
uot always mean brain qunllty.
When thero was lack of tho func
tionating tissue, the lecturer explain
ed, tho structural material might re
ceive moro than Its normal sharo of
nourishment nnd the extra weight bo
due to overgrowth of "brain scaffold
ing." This accounted for tho very
large and heavy brains sometimes
found In congenital idiots. Pointing
out that tho brain weight of a raco
long civilized surpassed that of
aborigines, the lecturer stated that
whereas tho ordinary European hospi
tal patient had n heavier brain thnn
a savage, tho Chlneso coolie laborer's
brain, developed by centuries of Use,
weighed 1 1-2 ounces more than of the
European hospital patient.
Referring to the relatlvo brain
weights of Caucaslon men and wom
en, Prof. Mott said that the female
brain had a good start, weighing near
ly 1 1-2 ounces more than the malo
brain at blrtli. In adult lift however,
the average man's brain weighed
about 5 1-2 ounces more than tho
Tho average weight of tho Euro
pean male brain was 2 pounds 15
ounces 9 drams to 2 pounds 10 ounces
9 drams and of tlio female brain 2
pounds 10 ouncea 11 drams to 2
pounds 10 ounces 14 drams. Among
savages there wns not this difference,
since In the struggle for existence tho
female had to apply her brain as fully
as the male, henee It has developed
at practically the same rate.
Utilizing Volcanic Steam.
An Italian engineer, Signor Glnorl
Contl, has put Into practice the curi
ous idea of utilizing the steamjets
from the natural vents called sufllonl
for driving motors. Sufllonl abound
In certain parts of Tuscany, and In
other ancient seats of volcanic energy.
Jets of water vapor, at a high temper
ature, are discharged from them with
great regularity. Some of the sufll
onl In Tuscany, according to Signor
Glnori-Contl, have remained Invaria
ble In their discharges during 15
years that they have been under ob
servation. He thinks that a consider
able amount of mechanical energy can
be derived from these Eources. One
of the principal difficulties In the
utilization of this natural steam arises
from tho corroding acids that abound
in it
The Useful Rat.
From letters received It would
seem posstble to make out quite a
good case for the rat. Not only has he
served as food Dr. Kane on his
Polar expedition attributed his com
parative Immunity from scurvy to tho
soup made from the rats which his
servant shot with a bow and arrow
but Mr. Frank Buckland has suggest
ed that their skins are eminently suit
able for glove-making. At any rate,
rat-skins have sometimes been ueed
as clothing, for we read of a lady at
Glasgow who had a pair of shoes from
rat-skins, which were as soft as the
finest kid, while by way of a freak a
complete suit of rat-skin was once
made by a Cornish miner.
The Jamaica Firefly.
The Jamaica firefly, a species over
an Inch In length, emits a very bril
liant light, which comes from the sides
of tho head and beneath the thorax.
The light Is a fluctuating one and not
the steady glow of the glowworm. A
very remarkable fact Is that this fluc
tuating or pulsating light may con
tinue after the death of the animal.
If we Buppose that tho light of the liv
ing Insect Is due to oxygen supplied
under Us control to the luminous mat
ter wo may conclude that after death
the oxygen of tho air might obtain ac
cess to It and produoe a like effect It
is difficult, however, to account for the
pulsations In the light of the dead
Camels for America.
Plans are being made to import a
herd of camels for use In the mining
regions of Nevada, and the Death
Valley region of California. They
will be used to transport tho ore
through the desert region to the
smelting mills. It Is believed the
camels will thrive In the rugion nnd
their usefulness to the mining people
will bo best understood when it is
considered the average camel will
shamble off at a forty-mlks a day gait
with 600 pounds on his hump, ent
sago bush for his supper, and go with
out a drink for seventeen days.
The Doctor's Data.
A Howard (Kans.) girl who was
uncertain as to her exact ago, as her
father and mother were not agreed
on tho year of her birth, decided to
go to the physician who "attended
ilvo caso." He said: "Why, certainly,
my dear girl. I'll go and oxamlno my
old books." When he camo back to
report he said: "I Und your father
chnrgod with n girl baby born on the
steenth day of April, 18 , and I also
observo he still owes mo for you."
Yankee Trade Abroad.
Tho conservatism of 'Austria-Hungary
is a proverb, but Yankoo inven
tion and enterprise have boon able to
break through tho old lines to a sur
prising degree. In the groat Bohemia
Moravia Machine Works in Prague,
ot the 520 machine tools In service
throughout tho various department
and slkops, 102 are of American origin
When wo really get down to it w
shall be selling to all the word.
Tree-Culture In English 8choole.
In an effort to stimulate the local
fruit Industry In tho county of Suf
folk, England, the East Suffolk Educa
tion Committee has Instituted n sys
tem of establishing npple-treo nurs
eries In connection with the custom
ary school gardens. A competent In
structor has been engaged to visit tho
different schoolB, and many of tho
children nre now as export In the art
of grafting nnd budding ns a veteran
Only a nomlnnl price Is charged for
these apple trees, and the villagers
Immediately rocognlzed the opportun
ity that awaited thorn and have been
eager to purchase the entire supply.
A number of orchards have been es
tablished, and In a single town more
than five hundred of these trees havo
been transplanted.
Canon Abbny, the head of the pro
gressive and successful Frnmllngham
Agricultural Co-operative Society, Is
enthusiastic over the efforts made to
restore to prominence the fruit Indus
try nnd Is superintending tho work.
Nearly three thousand of the young
trees aro now In stock, and a thousand
more aro to be produced this year.
St. Elmo'G Fire.
St Elmo's liro Is a name popularly
given to a luminous appearance, some
times seen on dark :nd stormy nights
at tho masthead nnd yardarms of
vessels, and also on land at tho top of
church spires and trees and even on
horses' manes nnd about human heads.
It Is due to tho presence of electricity,
generally at elevated points, whore
It accumulates more rapidly than It
can be discharged, and Is named after
St Elmo, the patron saint of sailors.
A Subtle Difference.
"And so," began the browbeating
attorney to the shabby witness, "you
live by your wits, do you?"
"No, sir, by other folks lack of
them," corrected the witness, modestly.
Thrills of Merriment & By Schwartz
Visitor (nt insane asylum) That
seems to be a gone case. What is his
"Ho thinks he has the smartest child
in the world."
Proud Daddy My boy, I congratu-
late yon on your standing in your
College Son Cut it out. dad. Me for
tho whole cheese in the next football
enner & Go's Stores t
t Ladies' Summer Clothing: t
At Greatly
Colored Wash Dresses. I
Linen Suits. White and Colored, t
Long Traveling Coats, Silk, Lin-
en and Light Weight Wool.
A lot of Sample Dresses at less
than cost.
Menner & Go's
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
Ladies traveling suits to close out
stock cheap nt Menner & Co. 51col4
It has Invariably been tho ef
fort of tho thrlce-a-week edition of
tho Now York World to publish tho
news Impartially In order that It mny
bo an accurate reporter of what has
happened. It tells tho truth, Irre
spective of pnrty, and for tnat reason
It has achieved a position with tho
public unique among papers of Its
The subscription season is now at
hand nnd this Is the best offer that
will be mado to you.
If you want tho news as It really
Is, subscribe to tho thrlce-a-week edi
tion of tho New York World, which
comes to you every other day except
Sunday, and is thus practically a
dally at the price of a weekly.
Tho thricc-a-week World's regular
subscription price Is only ?1 per
year, and this pnys for ICG papers.
We offer this unequalled newspaper
and Tho Citizen together for one year
for ?2. 47eiy.
Trains leave. Union depot at 7.20
a. m. and 2.48 p. m., week days.
Trains arrive Union depot at 1.50
and G.45 p. m. week days.
Saturday only, Erie and Wyoming
arrives at 3.45 p. m. and leaves at
5.50 p. m.
Sunday trains leave 2.48 and ar
rive at 7.02.
American Girl Oh, yes. count, my
homo was In California, and I went to
school In Boston,
Ach. so7 Did you go home at
Anuabelle I am at a loss to account
for the fact that Mr. Limoges has
more enemies than any man I ever
Egarpoe He must go through life
acting tho part of a candid friend.
Cut Prices.
r-H-t-t H--H-H
Olllce. Mnsunlc building, second floor
Iloncsdnle. l'n.
Olllcc over twist olllce. All leirul business
promptly intended to. Iloncsdnle, l'a.
Office Liberty Hnll bulhllnir. otmoalto the
Post OIIlct Ilonesdnle. l'a.
Olllce over Hell's store. Iloncsdnle l'n.
Olflce ver Post Olllce. Iloncsdnle. l'a
Special nnd prompt attention given to the
collection olrlnlms. Olllce over Hell's new
store. Ilonesdnle. l'n.
Olllce over the cost olllce Honesdale. l'a.
Office in the Court House, Honesdale
Olllcc Second floor old Savlne9 Brnte
bulltllug. Ilonesdnle. l'n.
Ofllces lntelv occupied by Judge Penrle.
Olllce adjacent to Post Olllce, Honesdale, Pa
tR. E. T. BROWN,
Olllce First floor, old Savings Bank build
ing. Honesdale. Pa.
Dr. C. It. BRADY. Dkktist. Honesdale. Pa.
Office Houns-8 m. to p. m
Any evening by appointment.
Citizens' phone. 33 Residence. No. S6-X
Office and residence 1019 CourtCstreet
telephones. Office Hours 2:00 to ,1:00 and
6 00 o:00.D.m
LIVERY. 1 red. G. Rickard has re
moved his livery establishment from
corner Church street to Whitney's Stone
C We wish to secure a good
correspondent in every town
in Wayne county. Don't be
afraid to write this office for
paper and stamped envelops.
H Designer and Man- H
p ufacturer of fc
it a
i a
p Office and Works p
j 1036 MAIN ST. 1
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Office: Second floor Masonic! Iluild
ing, over C. C. Jadwin's drugstore,
Buss for Every TralnTand
Town Calls.
Morses always for sale
Boarding and Accomodations
for Farmers
Prompt and polite attention
at all times.