The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 22, 1910, Image 2

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Pennsylvania Railroad Sit
uation Is Clearing.
Result of Conferences Between Repre
sentatives of Employocs and Offi
cials Gives Promise of Early
Ending of Wage Dispute.
Philadelphia, July 10. The Pennsyl
vania railroad strike cloud is beginning
to clear.
After the Joint committee of the con
ductors' ami trainmen's unions on tlie
Pennsylvania lines cast of Pittsburg
had held conferences with General
Mnnagcr Myers of the railroad com
pany It was announced by both sides
that a working basis of settlement had
been agreed upon, many mlsunder
Rtnndings cleared up and the probabil
ity of n walkout in all likelihood
Olilcers of the railroad company de
clared that the company had not yield
ed nn Inch from the position which It
has right along maintained. The union
leaders of the conductors and train
men likewise claimed that they had
been entirely successful In getting the
company to adopt such working condi
tions as the men had been contending
The crux of the dispute, as explained
by n Pennsylvania railroad oUlcial,
was: "Whether the company would
pay for n ten hour day what It now
pays for an eleven hour day, namely
54.04. This the company absolutely re
fused to do, but agreed, as it said all
along It would agree to do, to pay $3.03
for a ten hour day, allowing all higher
rates for longer days stand as they are
now. This has been the principal bono
of contention right nlong, and the com
pany long ago signified its entire will
ingness to accept the $3,63 for a ten
hour day, according to the new awnrd
of the eastern federation of the train
men." The trainmen explained that the mis
understanding to which they have re
ferred for the past two days concerned
this very provision, and they said It
was because of the misunderstanding
on this iolnt that tlK?y requested the
further conferences. They said that
the railroad company had misunder
stood them and that they had never
fought to le paid $4.01 for a ten hour
The union meu contended that all
they had sought was the consent of
the company to make a ten hour day
the minimum itfisls of paying wages,
thereby abolishing the present system
of paying its men a fraction of n day's
wages for a fraction of a day's serv
ices. The men feel that they have won a
substantial victory In getting the com
pany to agree to make n ten hour day
the minimum lmsls of a day's wnges.
Grand Trunk Strike Begun.
Montreal, July 10. A strike of all
the conductors and trainmen on the
Grand Trunk railway system went in
to effect last night. The strike is the
result of the failure to arrive at an
amicable settlement with the company.
Over 4,000 men are involved In the
Oklahoma and Kansas Crops Suffer
From Heat.
Chicago, July 10. Advices received
from Oklahoma and Kansas told of
serious damage to the corn crop by
drought. Guthrie told of a total loss
as a result of the fiercely hot weather.
Klngtisher reported not better than
half a crop expected, and Ponca City
messages told of serious damage by
hot and dry weather. Toukawn ad
vices said the mercury was up to 104
uud the lle'ls burned.
In northern Kansas the prospects
were fair, but hi the central and
southern sections rain Is needed, and
the corn crop prospects have been ma
terially lessened.
Missing New Theater Paymaster May
Be Victim of Robbers.
New York, July 10. Olllclals of the
New Theater have asked the police to
search for Walter J. Uullwlnkel, act
ing paymaster, missing since Friday
Bullwlnkel, who enjoyed the full
contldence of his associates, had near
ly $l,0Ofl of the theater payroll with
him, ana It is feared that this fact be
came known and that ho became the
victim of foul play.
Millions of Dollars Loss Threatened
fn Alberta.
Gnlgary, Alberta, July 10. Forest
fires uro assuming alarming propor
tions. They nro raging In soveral
places In the foothills count of tho
Rockies southeast of here, and unless
heavy rains fall immediately In tho flro
regions millions of dollurs worth of
Handing Umber will bo lost.
Roosevelt Getting Ready For Western
Speaking Tour.
Oyster Bay, N. Y., July 10. Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt Is busily at work
with his secretary, Frank Harper, In
making plans for his western trip.
Evidence That Penguin's Pinions
Were Once Used for Swimming.
Ornithological puzzles nro the pen
guins with their curiously shapod
winds suggest that the penguins nro
descendants of birds which used their
wings rather than legs In the pursuit
of prey under water, and as the strug
gle Intensified between the competing
individuals the most expert at this
sort of swimming would get the most
food and oust their less successful
rivals. The winners gained advnn
tago over their neighbors In propor
tion as their wings improved as
swimming organs, and inversely and
of necessity became less stilted to per
form the work of flight.
In all other birds the feathers
though shed annually are more or
loss gradually displaced; but In tho
penguins the new feathers all start
Into being at the same time and
thrust out tho old feathers upon their
tips so that these come away In groat
flakes. Whereas In all birds save
penguins the now feathers as they
thrust their way through the skin end
In pencll-llko points, formed by In
vesting shenthB, in tho penguins theso
sheaths are open at the tips and at
tached by their rims to the roots of
tho old feathers, and hence these are
held to their successors until they
have attained a sufficient length to
Insure protection against cold.
The curious device for retaining
the warmth aff6rded by the old feath
ers until tho new generation can fill
tholr places Is apparently due to the
fact that penguins nro natives of tho
antarctic regions, although some now
Inhabit tropical seas.
A Rothschild Anecdote.
Baron Rothschild was onco caught
In a predicament that many people
experience dnlly, and that Is getting
Into a conveyance of some kind and
then not having tho money to pay tho
The driver of the omnibus Into
which Rothschild entered demanded
his fare, and the Baron, feeling In his
pockets, discovered that ho had no
change. The driver was very angry.
"What did you get In for, If you
have no money?"
"I am Baron Rothschild," explained
the great capitalist, "and there Is my
The driver scornfully tossed tho
card away. "Never heard of you be
fore," said be, "and don't want to
hear of you again. "What I want Is
your fare."
The banker was In great haeto,
"Look here. I've an order for a mil
lion," ho said; "give me the change."
And he preferred a coupon for that
Tho driver stared and the pas
sengers laughed. Fortunately a friend
of tho Baron entered the omnibus at
the moment, and, taking In the situa
tion, inrmodlately paid the fare. Tho
driver, realizing his mistake and fool
ing remorseful, said to the Baron:
"If you want ton francs, air, I don't
miod lending them to you on my own
account." Buffalo Courier.
Electrc-Cheslcal Colors.
The preparation of mineral and
artificial organic colors by tho air of
electricity has recently made consid
erable progress, and It Is suggested
that tho products of this now Industry
may eventually replace thoee derived
from coal-tar. Among the colors now
produced In commercial Quantities by
the employment of the electric cur
rent are vermilion, Scheelo's green,
cadmium yellow, Japanese red. cerise,
or cherry red, Berlin green and zinc
white, besides a number of organic
colors. Tho process consists essenti
ally In sending an electric current
through a solution containing tho ele
ments required for the production, by
precipitation, of the coloring matter
A Vanishing Lake.
Fresh evidence of tho disappear
ance of Lake Tchad In Central Africa
has lately been accumulated. Cap
tain Tllho of the Anglo-French Bound
ary Commission says that the form
and area of the lake have undergono
groat changes since the explorations'
of Barth and Nachtlgal, 40 or 50 years
ago. It Is now navigable only In cer-1
tain places, and boats frequently run
aground. Tho tendency seems to be
toward tho development of a vast
marsh on tho site of tho lake, although
half a century ago Its great waves In
stormy weather gave it tho appear
ance of an ocean.
The Power of Niagara.
In a paper read before the Institu
tion of Electrical Engineers at Man
chester, England, recently, the maxi
mum output of tho live power-stations
at Niagara Falls was stated at 320,000
horsepower, distributed over a dis
tance of 150 miles. This distance will
soon bo increased to 250 miles, nnd
then, said the authors of the paper,
such a system of distribution will bo
In operation as would, if It were In
stalled In England, supply the whole
country with the electrical energy it
required, from one central station.
Another Element In the Stars.
Sir David Gill recently communi
cated to tho Royal Society a paper by
Joseph Lunt, In which tho author
shows that tho rare chemical element
europium Is represented by strong
lines in the spectra of tho light from
tho stars Arcturus and Pollux. Mr.
Lunt also confirms tho previous con
clusion of Professor Dyson that euro
pium is one of the elements represent
ed In the lines of the spectrum of the
chromosphere of tho sun.
ADaominni vpcrmiuni uii naci
Vory few people over 50 years ol
age recover from severe abdominal
. , I I . I A
Mack's First Backer One of Best
Players and Field Generals.
There Is Just one Individual of Mack
persuasion, not even excepting tho In
comparable Eddlo Collins, whom the
Philadelphia American league team
cannot spare without Irreparable loss.
That man Is Harry Davis, Mack's
captain, who today is one of the best
all around first basemen In the fast
set. Hal Chaso of New York Id sprier
and younger In years than Davis, but
for actual good to a team Davis Is tho
king of all fast basesmlths In the big
The oldest man on tho team, Davis
is today one of Its leading pacemakers
in batting and run getting, while, In
addition, ho Is tho whip of tho club.
Davis' worth to the Athletics cannot
be found In the batting and fielding
statistics Issued each year by Presi
dent Johnson. Ills value does not end
in driving a brother Mackman homo
with a baso hit, although he performs
this office as much as anybody else on
tho team.
It was Davis who aided Mack In tu
toring tho young players Into stars and
who is keeping them on their toos all
through the game. He Is to tho team
on tho field what Muck is to them on
tho bench. Mack on fljo beach cannot
get Into the play as It comes up. In
Davis ho has a man who carries oat
Mack Ideas on the field. Mock on tho
bench and Davis on tho field form tho
combination that has put the Athlet
ics where they are today.
There Is only ono first baseman who
excels him In fielding. Hal Chaso is
tho greatest fielding first baseman of
the ago. Davis Is the equal of Chanco
nnd tho Buperiou-of all others. When
his batting ability nnd generalship aro
added to his mechanical ability it Is
easy to see why ho is often called tho j
king of them all.
For nine consecutive years Davis has
batted hard and conscientiously for j
tho cause of Mack. Not one season In i
tho nine has ho failed to show uncom- i
mon ability. If tho Athletics win the
championship this season it will bo
mainly due to this reason Mack on the
bench and Davis on the field.
Englishmen Admit Their Speed, but
Deny They Havo 8tamina.
Commenting on tho poor perform
ance of tho American colt Sir Martin
in tho Gold cup at Ascot, where ho
finished nowhere, tho English critics
say again that Yankee racers have
great speed, but can't stay. Sir Mnr
tin's rating last year was a most pe
culiar one. In tho Derby ho fell Just
before reaching Tattenhain corner nnd
not only put himself out of tho run
ning, but It has been thought ever
Blnce that ho actually prevented Wil
liam IV. from winning.
How much thero Is in tho theory
cannot now bo determined, but It
Is n fact that William IV. was Inter
fered with by Sir Martin, nnd yet ho
finished In third place, only half a
length away from Minora, tho winner.
Tho subsequent running of Sir Martin
as a three-year-old gave ground for a
calculation that he should have beat
en everything In tho Derby except
Baynrdo. In last year's Cambridge
shire Blr Martin ran a fine raco when,
having tho worst of tho weight by
long odds, he was third to Christmas
Daisy and Mustapha. As tho raco
came off In very heavy ground It was
probably not to his liking or ho might
havo dono better.
Tho day following, when tho ground
bad dried up and was much better for
going, tho American colt put up a rec
ord performance In tho Durham hand
icap. He won with tlio top weight,
but was not seen In public again un
til ho won tho Coronation cup at Ep
som. This event was over tho mile
and a half course, and Sir Martin pat
up a capital performance.
Commenting upon tho quality of
American horses, Vigilant In tho
Sportsman says:
"It Is rcmarknble, however, that
horses bred In America have generally
been distinguished for speed rather
than stamina, though tbcro havo been
notable exceptions."
Secret Marriage Leads to
Arrest of Lowery.
After Successfully Eluding Detectives
For Three Months Alleged Embez
zler of $144,500 Is at Last
Run to Earth.
Utlcn, N. Y., July 10. Romnnco nnd
crime went hand In hand In the cnreei
of F. Howard Lowery, former assist
ant cashier of the Utlca City National
bank, who has been brought back to
Utlca from Philadelphia, where he wa
captured, to answer to the charge of
having looted the bank of $144,500 by
a series of embezzlements extending
over years.
While Lowery was Juggling the
bank's cash he was courting Miss,
Bessie II. Sanderson, a pretty young
stenographer In a law office in the
same building ns the bank.
He married Miss Sanderson three
weeks before his Might. Tho marriage
was kept a secret by both. He con
tinued to occupy the old Lowery fain
.lly house nlone, nnd she kept to her
small apartment.
It was through watching Lowery's
bride that detectives were able to cap
ture him. She was unconscious that
she was being watched.
Lowery will be arraigned In the city
court hero to-day on a charge of grand
larceny In the first degree.
Vice President James S. Sherman Is
first vice president of tho Utlca City
Caught In Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, July 10. J. Howard
Lowery, the Utlca young man Indicted
for embezzlement of $144500 from the
Utlca National bank, was arrested here
yesterday after a three months' search
in which he outwitted detectives who
followed him all over tho United
States. He was caught through tho
I efforts of detectives employed by the
American Bankers' association, which
discovered that Lowery, whose wife
lives in Utlca, had secretly married a
Utica girl since his tllght.
Three Would Be Assassin's Shot Down
by Worcester's Bodyguard.
Manila, July 10. Deun Conaut Wor
cester, Amerlcun secretary of tho in
terior for the Philippines, was sot upon
by renegade Moros on the Island of
Paluwuu and escaped assassbiatlon
only through the alertness of his body
guard, who shot down tho outlaws,
killing three of them outright.
Secretary Worcester was touring the
island, which Is tho most westerly of
the larger of the Phillpplno group,
bounding the Sulu sea on tho west,
and was present at the Installation of
the new governor.
In anticipation of ids coming n band
of Moros planned his death. Armed
with boloK, carefully concealed, they
laid n trap for the secretary, who sud
denly found himself the object of a
siivnge rush.
Captain Moynlhnn of tho scouts was
tho first to recognize the hostile move
ment, and In the nick of time ordered
the scouts to fire.
At tho fusillade three Moros who led
the nttack dropped dead In their
tracks, while several others doubled
up with more or less severe wounds.
The rest of them took to their heels.
Jackson Hole Cowpunchers Plan Wild
West Welcome.
Cheyenne, Wyo., July 10. Former
President Roosevelt will get a real
hair raising wild west treat upon the
occasion of his visit here next month.
Tho welcome will rival any of his
Rough Rider experiences If tho plans
of the Jackson Hole cowpunchers are
carried out. It Is tho purpose of tho
cowboys to hold a celebration and con
test for the roping and riding cham
pionship. More than 1,000 punchers
are expected to gather hero at that
Further Trouble Feared In Louisiana
Fraukllnton, La., July 10. A mob of
white men set upon the olilcers In
charge of four negroes nt tho railroad
station of Rlotal, near here, and one
negro wns killed outright by bullets.
then hanged to a tree. Two other ne
groes were fatally shot nnd the fourth
Further trouble Is feared, as Uio ne
groes In tho surrounding country nro
Prisoners In County Prison at Camden
Camden, N. J., July 19. Sawing
.ihrough two Iron bars In a window of
tho county Jail, William Brown, serv
ing seven years for forgery, and
Charles Bcrger, serving six months for
picking pockets, climbed to tho roof
and slid down a rain spout to liberty.
Socloty Man Beats Police Officer.
Philadelphia, July lD.-Gordon Ware,
a Boston society man, was arrested for
stealing a red lantern nnd beating a
-mllceiuan over tho head with It
Prejudice Against Sleep.
Why can some men sleep at will,
and some "nervous" men, too, whllo
others, sometimes very "heavy" men,
with apparently lmraovablo nerves,
nro tortured by Insomnia? Why, too,
do some men aoem to obtain sufficient
rest with five hours' sleep, whllo oth
ers require nine? Do some men
"sloop slow," as Mr. Smedley Jocularly
argued In one of his amusing stories,
or do they actually require more
sleep? The popular prejudice against
sleep works an Infinity of mischief.
Thero nro plenty of sluggards even
among the cultivated class, but tho
sleep sluggard Is In that class a very
rare specimen. The tendency of tho
educated Is to wakefulness, and tho
man who does Intellectual work and
exhibits what his frlonds think a dis
position to oversleep Is obeying a
healthy Instinct. Sleep recuperates
him, and ho knows It. Family Doctor.
Could not Afford the Extras.
Those who object, like the negro In
the following story, to tho high fees of
a good physician do not always real
ize what they are paying for. The
doctor in question, says a writer In
Tit-Bits, was called out to attend an
unknown patient. When he arrived
he found that a decrepit negro wanted
his attention.
The negro first asked, "How much
yo' charge, doctah?"
"Two dollars a visit," said tho
other, and when the negro gasped his
surprise, ho continued, "That Includes,
you must know, my time, experience,
advice and tho medicine.",
"A poor old nigger like me den't
need nil dem extras," remarked his
patient. "Jiet gib me ten cents' wo'th
o' yo' cough med'clne, and dat's
enough fo' me."
Electric Traction In Sweden.
The Swedish government has be
gun tho electrification of the system
of railroads controlled by It. A regu
lar service of electric trains is first
to be establshed between Stockholm
and Jarfra. The trains will be light
ed and heated as well as driven by
electricity, but compressed air will bo
employed for braking. Before extend
ing the electrification to the entire
railroad system, the government Is
seeking a sufficient and reliable sup
ply of motive power from waterfalls.
It Is believed that this will be found,
and if so it will result In great econo
my, because coal has to be Imported
to run the steam-engtnes now In use
In Sweden.
Bank of England Notes.
When the Bank of England note
returns to tho bank It Is nsver reis
sued. It Is cancel'ed by having the
signature of the chief cashier torn
off. After the signatures are torn
off the notes are pricked off In tho
register and.sorted Into the dates of
Issue. They are then placed In
boxes In the vaultB where they are
kept for five years, after wh'ch they
are burned in a furnace in the court
yard. Fro7en Butterflies.
It is a' common experience among
mountain cllmbors to find butterflies
lying frozen in the snow, and so brit
tle that thoy break unless they aro
very carefully handled. Suc'i froz
en butterflies on "ielng taken to a
warmer climate, recover and fiy
away. Six species of butter?les
havo been found within a few hun
dred miles of the North Pole.
Typhoid nnd Flies.
"Typhoid is an autumnal disease,
appearing most frequently in Octo
ber; and looking back It will be found
that files were most prevalont at the
time of its inception.'- So declared
John B. Huber In an address to the
food Investigation committee of the
Chicago Consumers' League.
D. & H. CO. TlflE TABLE
A.M.A.M A.M. A.M. P.M. stations "'-m- -v m
SUN' SUN jitAiiin i ,
830 ;;;;;; 1000 430 Albany 2001050
U00 10 U0 6 05 .... Ulnebamtan .... 12 40 8 45
10 00 2 15 12 30 8 30 2 15 .... Philadelphia.... 3 53 7 31 732
"T20T25 "T7o "Taj Tio ....Wllkes-llarre.... 1020 1 05 715 '.'.'.l'.'.
2 03 8 15 5 30 2 03 7 55 Scranton 1) 37 3 15 6 20
P.M. A.M. P.M. iTm! A.M. Ev Ar A.M. P.M. P.M.
5 40 M 05 6 20 205 8 45 Carboudale 8 05 1 35 S 40
5 50 9 15 ! 6 30 2 15 8 55 ...Lincoln Avenue.. 7 51 1 25 5 30
5 54 9 10 U 31 2 19 8 50 Whites 7 50 1 21 5 21
(ill 9 36 6 52 2 37 9 IS KurvluW 7 3.1 ltd 5 03
6 17 9 42 6 53 2 43 9 21 Caiman 7 25 12 56 5 01
C 23 9 48 7 01 2 40 20 . ... Lake Lodore .... 7 10 12 51 5 56
6 26 9 51 7 07 2 52 9 32 ... . Wnynmrt 7 17 12 49 4 64
6 32 9 57 7 13 2 67 9 37 Keene 7 12 12 43 4 43
6 35 10 00 7 16 2 50 9 30 Stet'llO 7 09 12 40 4 45
6 39 10 01 7 20 3 03 9 43 Prompton 7 05 12 36 4 41
6 43 10 03 7 21 3 07 9 17 Kortenla 7 01 12 32 1 37
H 46 10 11 7 27 3 10 9 60 Seelyvllle 6 53 12 29 4 34
6 50 10 15 7 31 3 15 9 55 llonesdulo 6 55 12 25 4 30
P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Ar Lv A.M. P.M. P.M.
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year oponj witti a dolugo of now mixed paints. A con
dition brought about by our enterprising dealors to get some kind
of a mixed paiufc that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised,
may find a sale with tlio unwary.
There are reasons for tho pro-minenco of CHILTON PAINTS
letNo ono can mix a better mixed paint.
2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won
derful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his
owu oxpenso.ovory surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective. ,.,.,,.
4th Those who havo used it aro perfectly satisfied with it
and recommend its use to others.
How the Bishop Swore.
Bishop Olmstead, of Denver, tells
a Thanksgiving story Illustrative of
the fact that clergymen must keep
very much farther away from evil
than tho ordinary man.
The bishop was onco talking In Olm
stedvlllo with an old fisherman about
a neighboring divine.
"A very good man," tho bishop
"A good man, yes," assented tho
old fisherman. "He swears a good bit
for a preacher, though."
"Swears!" exclaimed Bishop Olm
sted. "I can't bellow that"
"But I hoard him," said tho old
fisherman, obstinately. "I sat beside
him at our Thanksgiving treat, you
know, sir. We wero both hacking
away at a turkey leg. His got away
from him. It slid across the tabla
toward me, and a lot of cranberry
sauce was scattered about
"I said to him, sympathetic like, for
I could see ho was worked upr
" 'Theso legs are d tough, ain't
thej, sir?'
" 'Yes, George, they certainly aro.
"Now If that ain't swearing," con
cluded tho old fisherman, "what Is
New Balloon Gas.
Recent experiments by Dr. W. von
Oechelhauser, In Germany, have re
sulted in the production from the de
composition of ordinary coal-gas In
vertical retorts of a gas possessing a
lifting power of about ono kilogram
(two and one-fifth pounds) per cubic
meter. Compared with hydrogen, the
now gas has a lifting power of In the
proportion 1.000 to 1,050. A balloon
of 1,000 cubic meters filled with the
now gas would lift GCO pounds more
than the same balloon filled with or-
nn fro a
Roll of
Attention is called to tne STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
City has published a ROLL Or
HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks
nnd Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00
I Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00
Honesdale. Pa.. May 29, 1008.
You will make money
by having me.
n . n
bell phone 9-u Ketnanv. Ha.
10 50
8 45
7 31
7 32
2 25
1 35
10 05
P M.
12 17
12 07
12 03
8 29
8 17
8 13
; 54
1 47
7 41
7 39
7 32
7 30
7 26
7 22
7 19
7 15
11 41
11 37
11 31
a 2n
11 20
11 16
11 12
11 00
11 05
. A.M. P M.