The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 22, 1910, Image 1
THE WEATHER Friday fntr to partly overcast wcntlier nnd light southerly winds will prevail nntl on Saturday partly cloudy to fair weather. Scml-Wcckly Founded k 1908 4 J; Weekly Founded, 1844 3 . " v Wayne Cot V. ' REPUBLI .S .tf . J 0 J B 67th YEAR. HONBSDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1910. NO 58 Cttoa m Organ ? rSf J P?I DADTV IE STILL LIVES BUT FIVE-INCH GASH IX OLD MAN'S HEAD MAY TAKE SAM ItEKIS VICTIM ANY TIME IMPRESSION OK COUNTY OFFI CIALS SEEMS TO RE THAT HE MAY LIVE XUMRER OF DAYS. Slko Lord still lingers nt his home in Equlnunk, but the flve-lnch gash that extends from the back of the liend to the Jaw Is almost absolutely certain to prove fatal, though Dr. F. C. Frlsble, the village physician, who has been on the case from the outset, and Dr. J. F. Woolsey, the Hancock doctor called In by Dr. Frlsble to help him trepan the skull, lo not give up hope. The flve-lnch gash Is the one Wil liam Lord claims was made by the pick In the hands of Leona Lord about the time Sam Reed was hack ing Slke Lord's head with a hoe. District Attorney M. E. Simons said today he understood Lord might live several days, but that he hard ly expected the old man to get up. He has told Coroner Searles to be In readiness to go up to Equlnunk at any time to hold an Inquest. The district attorney and Sheriff Braman have thus far found it necessary to make only one trip to Equlnunk. That was last Friday and Saturday. The arrest of Leona Lord and her son, Millard Lord, took place Sat urday. Allen Lloyd, a neighbor of all the parties at Equlnunk, was In Hones dale today. He went to the office of his counsel, O. L. Rowland, with whom, he said, he had some busi ness that didn't pertain to the Lord rase. Hi- .spoke of the big gash the alleged pick hole In the head of Sike, and that Wednesday Sike seemed to be a trifle stronger. Reed in his cell at the jail Is In, fairly good spirits. He sees his law yer, W. H. Lee, and nobody else. His health is good, but he naturally worries over the outcome of his case. Spring Inspection Figures Give Co. E 05.80. i A Harrlsburg special says: According to the ratings of the various organizations of the national guard of Pennsylvania, as based on the results of the recent spring In spections, now made public by Ad jutant General Thomas J. Stewart, Company I of the Tenth regiment, Capt. Wade T. Kline, leads the In fantry branch of the service with an efficiency figure of 99.04. First city troop, Philadelphia, leads the cavalry with 99.90, the Second city troop being a close second with 99.30. The figures of the Thirteenth: Field and staff, Col. Frederick W. Stlllwell, hospital corps, regimental band, 98. CI; Company A, Capt. Ed ward J. Wellner, 97.73; Company B, Capt. Chester D. Smith. 9C.50; Com pany C, Capt. Michael W. Murphy, 91.86; Company D, Capt. Ralph A. Gregory, 97. 04; Company E, Capt. Carroll J. Kelly, 95.89; Company F, Capt. David Boles, 94.05; Com pany H, Capt. Thomas Russell, Jr., 90.89; Company I, Capt. Charles C. Johnson, 94.95; Company K, Capt. Albert G. Rutherford, 92.84; Com pany L, Capt. David W. Davles, 90 77. Cni'bondule Pokes Fun at Nick. Says the Carbondale Leader: The baseball contest In Honesdale on Saturday, which will be tho first of a series ofgames, promises to vie in point of Interest with the series which were played between the old association team and the Maple City group. The Honesdale papers feel Ban gulne that their representative team will have a walk-over and they give tho credit of victories for the local team to professional players who were secured from out-of-town. If they still have an umpire like "Nick" Spencer, more professionals will bo needed thlB year. "Nick" certainly was a favorite among the Maplo City enthusiasts and that's all. The day that he displayed his silk supporters at a game on Duffy's field he even shocked the delegation of visitors from his own town. E. C. Varcoo of Hawley will have charge of his father's printing office Saturday, Monday and Tues day. Tho funeral of George Turner, an aged resident of Dunraore, whose death occurred Monday morning, took place Wednesday at 12.30, with impressive services at tho house. Tho remains were taken to Hawley on the 1.33 Erlo train for burial. Spill SilS News Snapshots Of the Week From an unceasing round of pleasure to the hard work entailed In the duties of an active otliclal of the New York Central lines Is the change W. K. Van derbllt. Jr.. has taken. General Leonard Wood commenced his duties as chief of staff of United States army. Women garment workers struck In New York. STATE ROAD WORK BIG MEETING AT MT. POCOXO TO PROMOTE BETTER ROADS HELD AT MT. PLEASAXT HOUSE I M P ROVE M EXT WOULD RUN TO WAYNE COUN TY LINE. A dispatch from Stroudsburg says: Property owners In Monroe countj and a committee from Scranton met at the Mount Pleasant house to dis cuss plans for betterment of roads in Coolbaugh township. Those pres ent were Messrs. Leech, Johnson and Dunning of Scranton and Messrs. LaBar, Brittain, Lynch, Toohey, Dr. Rhoads, E. W. Chamberlain, Louis Kohn, George T. Smith, William Transue and Stewart Quick. The end in view is to secure a good road across Coolbaugh town ship, which would run from the Wayne county line to Tobyhanna, .thence to Mt. Pocono, the township line being near the Pocono Mountain house. The Scranton men hav been Interesting themselves in the cause of good roads over the Pocono and for that purpose have subscribed a largo sum of money and have built a five mile stretch of road from Elm hurst to Moscow. This road's wear ing quality has proved to be as ser viceable as the state road and is constructed along the same line as the state macadam roads. State Highway Commissioner J. W. Hunter of Harrlsburg and State Inspector Arthur W. Long of Scran ton have been in town preparatory to visiting In the vicinity of Bushkill and Smlthlleld to Inspect the new state roads recently completed at those places. That at Bushkill was constructed under the supervision of A. E. Her rlck of Pocono lake and that at Smithfield under the supervision of E. P. Arbogast of Stroudsburg. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC. Honcsdalc-Cni'liondulo Joint Afl'uli' Promises to Bo Pretty Good. The combined excursion of Trinity Sunday school of Carbondale and of Grace church, Honesdale, occurs Fri day. Arrangements are now com pleted and, judging from tho inter est manifest, this year's outing will outdo all former occasions of Its kind. Tho Mozart orchestra of Carbon dale will entertain In a musical way and S. T. Burnard has been secured to furnish all kinds of refreshments. The special train will leave Carbon dale at 9 a. in., stopping at Lincoln avenue, and returning will leave the lake at C p. in. As on former occasions, all tho children of the schools will receive freo transportation. Following Is the program of tho athletic events, which beghi at 2 o'clock: Boys 100-yard dash, prize base ball bat; 440-yard dash, necktie; 1-mllo race, pocketbook; broad Jump, pocket knife; high Jump, pair sus penders; throwing hammer, 0 trips on roller coaster. Girls 100-yard dash, box hand kerchiefs; potato race, pocketbook; tug of war, (10 girls on a side), a trip on the merry-go-round. After the races a ball game will take place between Trinity and Grace church Sunday schools. Let outdoor life at this season claim all one's leisure moments. Tho houso should be but the adjunct to the porch and yard. Eat, when possible, among tho trees or on tho porch. Bring from tho woods the wild flowers. Mass them la every possible nook and cranny, that they may woo you from tho house into the open air. Last of United States wooden war vessels, the Portsmouth, Is to go out of active service and may become a museum or be sold as old junk. Arthur T. Hadlcy, president of Yale university, has been asked by President Taft to head committee which will Investigate "watered" stock issues of railroads. (1,225 feet, the record for high llylng, was made by Aviator Wal ter A. Brooklns at Atlantic City. Fountains, lire hose und hydrants play important parts In hot weather scenes in New York. CAR THIEVES IN THE TOILS Ghauncey Tyler and Ollie Wright Both Held in $200 Bonds for Court William Riley is Able to Find a Bondsman, But Men With Him In Car-Breaking Job at Hawley Go Work- By Waytfe County and Erie Detectives. Working together without the clash and friction that sometimes spoils results when county officers and railroad specials set out to clean up bothersome gangs, County De tective Nick Spencer and Erie Detective Frank Kelly, the six feet seven crook chaser known on the Delaware division as "Long" Kelly, have gotten about all the men implicated in the car-breaking and beer-stealing at Hawley July 1. The seal was broken and eight cases and one barrel of beer appro priated by a gang of six or seven, not all local talent, the county de tective and the Erie officer believed, and next day Capt. Glass, chief of the Erie's force of gumshoe men, had Kelly take a run over from Port Jervls to Hawley to see what could be done to And the culprits. Lieut. Ralph of the Erie, whose headquar ters are at Dunmore, asked Spencer to come in on the deal, and all last week the Wayne county officer and "Long" Kelly, a conspicuous man In Hawley and everywhere else where he works up cases, were around the yards and up and down the tracks, trying to land the bunch Last week John Hendry, aged 17, a son of William Hendry of Marble Hill, was arrested by Spencer and Guy Ralph and brought before Jus tice Ammerman, charged with Illegal train riding and with having broken a window In the West Hawley depot April 10. Hendry plead guilty to tho charges and was lined 5 and costs, the latter amounting to about $5. That was the beginning. Tho first man to bo pulled on sus picion of actually having had some thing to do with the Hawley car- cracking was Joe Kelly, a young lad woll known In the village. He was brought before Justice Ammerman and held in ?200 for trial. Ho got bail. Chauncey Tyler, whom Spencer and "Long" Kelly believed all along to he the kingpin of the whole Job, was lauded Wednesday at Mastbope, Kelly had been following Tyler, who is a fairly good-appearing young fel low of 27, and Wednesday night ho telephoned to Spencer, who was caught at the Commercial hotel In Honesdale. "Come down and get him," said "Long" Kelly. "I think ho'll squeal on the rest of the crowd." Tyler did. Locked in a cell after suppor, which the Erie man brought hlra at 7 o'clock, the prisoner lost his nerve and agreed to tell who was in tho job. Spencer, who had driven down from Honesdale as soon as he got the Kelly call to como and arrest Tyler, questioned him sharply and Kelly had already pumped Tyler and had gotten from htm a story that didn't differ one iota from tho To Jail-Clever story Kelly heard Tyler give Spen cer. "Better let her all out, my boy," said the big Erie man, who Is a fatherly sort of a personage and has a pretty fair sort of a heart inside of him, despite his rough looks and rough job. "It'll do you good to tell It." Tyler gave tho names of the live that were with him on the Frlduy night before the Fourth, but he stuck to it that he didn't break tho seal to get the cases and the barrel out of the car. He told Spencer and Kelly who did do it. "I was there," he'admitted, "but I didn't break the seal." He was told that one of the sus pects had accused him of being the man who opened the car In tho first place, but Tyler stuck stoutly to that part of his denial. I believe the boy's telling the truth about It," said "Long" Kelly. "There's somebody trying to make this lad the goat and put the whole job on him." Tyler Is of slight build. He won't weigh more thau 135 or 140. He lives just over the Paupack, which divides Wayne county from Pike, his home being closo by No. 9 bridge. He Is a wood burner and works at odd Jobs about Hawley and White Mills. Ho has occasionally had employment as a laborer in Honesdale, but he says he has no folks in tho borough and he does not know that he is any relation to tho Tylers of Tyler Hill. Spencer and Kelly finished their quizzing of tho prisoner at 11.30 Wednesday night and Spencer drove back to Honesdale. He went down to Hawley on tho 7.20 this morning to getHhe men Tyler's confession Im plicated and to attend the hearing of Tyler, whom Justice Ammermnn nt a hearing Wednesday night had committed until this morning. William Riley, ono of tho men named by Tyler in his confession, was arrested and brought before Justice Ammerman this morning at 9 o'clock. He plead not guilty and was held under 200 bonds. He got them during tho forenoon and whs liberated. Ollle Wright, for whom they had to go to Tusten, was brought to Honesdale on tho 1.50 train, hand cuffed to Detective Spencer and Chauncey Tyler. Tho pair wero tak on Ao the office of Justice Robert A. SnsflllRlhj&A. courthouBo and Wright waVtjiV cliTThearlng nt onco. To tho chargo of breaking and entering an Erie refrigerator car and stealing beer, Wright pleaded not guilty. Lieut. Ralph of the Erlo pollco was sworn and stated that July 2 a report came from the station agent (Continued on Pago Fire.) JILTED, HE SUES j handled knife like the knives plnch GRISWOLD WANTS $.-,0,000 FOR ed Irom Mr. Watts was in the pocket WOUNDED HEART CLAIMS 1 of another officer, who was seen to PROMISE OF MARRIAGE j use a to open some clams Saturday YOUNG MAN CLAIMS HELEN night W. SMITH REFUSED TO KEEP Thn man ausneeted was sharnlr PLEDGE AFTER NINE YEARS New York, July 21 Russell Grls-1 wold of Now Y'ork and Rowaytou, Conn., has Hied suit In the New York supreme court, pleading for a $50,000 i ensh cure for his wounded young heart j knife ana- ais0 as to his where from wealthy Helen Woodruff Smith ; abouts Sunday morning, when Martin of Stamford, Conu., who Is many years J E. Galvln's barn went up In smoke his senior. She was formerly the wife of nomer Cumiulngs, twice mayor of Stamford and a Democratic politician of national prominence. She-is the daughter of the late James D. Smith, who was president of the New York Stock Ex change, commodore of the New York Yacht club and head of the banking firm of James D. Smith & Co. of No. 70 Brondway. Dying, her father be queathed to her the major share of 51,500,000. Grlswold, who alleges that their ro mance began nine years ago, when he was president of the senior class of tho Stamford High school and In his iwmiuii uuueu. uiue ejt uu- sophisticated boyhood, claims social prominence for himself also. He Is the nephew of Henry Bell, president of the First National bank of Stam ford; a cousin of Mrs. Charles Stout of New Y'ork, who was Miss Genevieve Ileckor, the national woman golf champion of 1002 and 1!K)3, and a grandson of wealthy Andrew J. Bell, who when he died a few years ago left young Griswold's mother a large portion of his $500,000 estate. Grlswold says he tlrst met Mrs. Smith when she was the socially fa mous Mrs. Cummlngs. He was eight een years old. After her divorce from ex-Mayor Cunimlngs In October, 1007, he says he was emboldened to ask her hand In marriage. To this, he al leges, she made answer that thrilled him with delight. It was "Yes." Miss Smith In her answer denies all the allegations that he makes, but Grlswold says that he has In his pos session fully 200 letters to help con vince a jury that tho wealthy society woman exercised with undenlablo grace and fascination her lure over him in boyhood, youth nnd young man hood, that she called hlra In these let ters her "Siegfried" and herself his "Brunhllde," nnd that she promised to ov him "always and uuto ashes." TRADE BOARD'S MEETING. Officers Hustling To Get Out tho Crowd for Public Booster. The Greater Honesdale Board of Trade officers are not asleep on their Job, for they are asking everybody to como to tho meeting next week Friday night in town hall, at which tlmo plans for tho betterment of Honesdale and tho Immediate vi cinity will he talked over. Three lawyers will glvo their opinions on three questions that re late to " Greater Honesdale " tax- ntlon, fire protection nnd tho Btatui'ncl1. wh,I tho other wagered that of tho suburban schools that would bo taken in by the borough oxton Blou. It wa hoped that evory business man in Honesdalo and the places close by will aim to attend this moot ing. It is bound to bo an interest ing session, and the Board Is en titled to tho support of every citizen who wants to seo Honesdalo grow. The meeting will be callod to or der at 8 sharp. IS F POSSIBLE THAT .MAN SUSPECTED OF WATTS BURGLARY MAY KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT ORIGIN OF SUNDAY MORNING'S BARN BLA7.E HE HAD A ROUGH-HANDLED KNIFE. County Detective Spencer believes he knows who broke Into the store of Graham Watts one night last week and got $25 worth of revolvers' and pocketknlves. The burglars, who went up a ladder to the second story windows and down Into the main part of the store, helped themselves to seven or eight revolvers, a dozen rough-handle knives and 40 cents in change. The back door on the first floor is not only tightly bolted but there Is an Iron screen that makes It im possible to break the glass, reach through and slip the bolt. 'The lad der used belongs to .Air. Watts. It was lying right back of the store and was easily secured. Early In the week rough-handled knlyes were circulating to some ex tent In Honesdale. The guns were under cover somewhere. One of the knives was shown in a Honesdale I hotel by a young fellow whose rep I utatlon for straight behavior Is noth ' lng extra and the cotlnty detective I was put wise. A peculiar feature of the case Is the fact that a rough- Interrogated by Detective Spencer Wednesday, just before that officer went to Hawley to get Chauncey Tyler for the Erie car robbery at Hawley. The young fellow told a noor story as to how he got the and three horses were burned. Detective Spencer has thought all along that the barn Are was of in cendiary origin. An arrest Is ex pected shortly. The fellow suspected has been iirXhtfUOUii of thO' low be fore. He Is young and able-bodied, but seldom works. One or two other men are being shadowed. CAMPnCETING IN AUGUST. Muplegrovo Will Have Its Customary Array of Able Talkers. Maple Grove campmeetlng will be held at Maplewood, on the shore of beautiful Lake Henry, commencing Aug. 3 and continuing one week. Rev. A. M. Sampsel of Heauing, u, e,der of th0 Allentown b..., ,., ,,,. esictoH I ,1lotT-t,.f will hp In nliarce. assisted by the following clergymen: Rev. F. E. Erdman, Tamaqua; Rev. A. J. Brunner, Wilkes-Barro; Rev. W. H. Hartzler, Mahoney City; Rev. A. G. Flexer, Mauch Chunk; Rev. D. P. Longsdorf, Welssport; Rev. L. O. Weist, Dnnielsvllle and Rev. J. G. Rosenberger, the local pastor. The meetings are under the aus pices of the United Evangelical church, but all are invited to come and participate. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Black, who have looked after the boarding house and comforts of the campers, will be In charge again this year. In formation will be furnished by Rev. J. G. RosenberEer of Maplewood. OBITUARY. LAKE Lorenzo Lake was found dead sitting In his chair at his home In Pleasant Mount one day last week. He was a native of Connecticut, but had been for many years a resident of above town. Deceased was 83 years and two months old. Ho was twice married and Is survived by his second wife, son and daughter. Mr. Lake was a pensioner and drew ?24 a month for services rendered as a veteran of Co. E, 7th N. Y. volun teers. Ho returned from the war with greatly Impaired health, which rendered It impossible for him to follow any regular occupation. Poli tically he affiliated with the Repub lican party. Interment In the Mount Pleasant cemetery. SwIft-GrowliiK Corn In SuMiuetiaima. A wager was made between two Susquehanna county farmers as to how much a stalk of corn will grow in a single day. One of them said that a certain healthy stock of corn about waist high would grow ono it would grow two inches. Accord ingly a stake was driven in the ground bo that its top came even with tho highest blade of tho stalk. At tho samo hour tho following day an examination was made and It was discovered that the stalk of corn had grown Just four inches. Car bondale Leader. Ladles traveling suits to close out Btock cheap at Menner & Co. 51eoI4 WHO IRFRUG