lllE CITIZEN, J'ltlDAY, JULY 10, 1010. 1 CENT A WORD COLUMN NEW POST OAUDS of Hones dale. 21 copyrighted. Nowvoch comes Lion, the flrst steam locomo tive run In America, North, River side nnd Central Parks, Main, Church, Court, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh streets in which appear autos, now state bridge nnd Hotel Wayne, Carley Drook bridge, Union Station, Golf Club House, Park Lake nnd Dyberry river with boats, and Irving Cliff. All copyrighted by .T. D. Nielsen. 54eol3 TRUSTEE SALE On Wednes day, July 20, at 3 p. m., of the goods of Manuel Jacobson, Bankrupt, who conducted the Boston Store, con sisting of Men's and Boys' suits, shoes, rubbers, hats, caps, shirts, un derwear, white goods, notions, gro ceries, also show cases, mirrors, scales, coffee mill, cash register, and other articles. Terms, cash. BUEL DODGE, Trustee. 55t3. HARNESS, COLLARS and all kinds of horse goods at Murray Co., Honesdnle, Pa. 53t4 FOR SALE Kelly & Stelnman brick factory building, Including en gine, boiler nnd sbartlng. Inquire of J. B. Robinson. 50tf. WE HAVE 100 WAGONS ready for your Inspection, possibly we can make a deal. Come and see us. Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa. 53t4 LOST A pointer bitch, liver and white; a hound, black, white and tan; reward. L. Senft, Fallsdale. 52t4. KNIVES, GUARDS and Rake Teeth for all machines at Murray Co., Honesdale. B3t4. FOR SALE One 2-year-old Orange county Holsteln bull. Spots are all right on him. P. L. BRA MAN, Indian Orchard, Pa. 3t. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Residence of the late H. C. Hand, located at the corner of Church and Eleventh streets; 75 feet on Church street and 120 feet on Elev enth street, together with house and barn. For Information concerning above property, address W. H. Stone, Court street, Honesdale, Pa. 43m2 IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR In buying hay tools, call on us. We can suit particular buyers. Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa. 53t4 PROX kills both the potato bug and the blight, and will not wash off. Murray Co., Honesdale. 53t4 TWELVE muslin trespass notices for fl.OO; six for seventy-five cents. Name of owner, township and law regarding trespassing printed there on. CITIZEN office. ALL KINDS of legal blanks, notes, leases, deeds, warrants, bonds, sum monses, constable bonds, etc. Citizen office. LOCAL MENTION. The editor who can please everyone is not suited for this earth. Ho is entitled to a full set of wIiirs. Human nature is no constituted that some of our renders would like to havo us tell the unvarnished trutli about them, while others would kill us if wc did. It Is ii comforting thought to the editor to know the .Lord himself did not pleji.se every one on earth. Wc labor hard to entertain and tickle our subscribers, but that we should occasionally fail is to he expected, The drum corps will have a picnic at Bellevue park Saturday. The drum will not beat for the mu sic, but there will be an orchestra. Mrs. Ernest Hunter of Farvlew, who has been receiving treatment at Emergency hospital in Carbondale for the past several weeks, was dis charged Monday. The faculty of the Damascus High school for the coming year will be Harry H. Pethlck, principal; Miss Lucllo Abraham, assistant prin cipal; Alma Noble, intermediate; Florence Olver, primary. The members of the Sunday school of the Cltestnut Avenue Ger man Presbyterian church, Scranton, will conduct their annual excursion to Lake Lodore Tuesday, Aug. 1C, and not to the new Mountain ParK on Thursday, Aug. 11, as previously stated. The state constabulary claim thousands of young rabbits are be ing killed by dogs running loose In the woods and ask the co-operation of all sportsmen to assist in bring ing to Justice those who are respon sible for the practice of letting their dogs range at this season. William H. Hawken, Eugeno V. Coleman, William H. Seltz, and John Gogard of tho Irv ing Cut Glass company went to Duck Harbor fishing. Hawken and Seltz started in an automobile and before they got thero tho machine broke down. Now parts were procured from Honesdalo and tho journey Duck Harborward was resumed. The party got homo Tuesday night. When one of them was asked tho pointblauk question "How many fish did you get?" he answered "Somo." The car was not full of fish when the party got home, and it was not the superfluous weight of flsh that was responsible for tho breakdown on tho road. Anyhow, all four had a rattling good time and, came back feeling good. That Is the principal thing. Tho Midnight Sons will hold aj dance in Lyric hall Friday evening. I Services will bo held at the ! Berlin Bnptlst church Sunday at 2.30 j o'clock. Rev. George S. Wendell I will preach. At the First Baptist church tho I pastor will preach at 10:30 nnd1 7.30 o'clock Sunday. Tho Sunday1 school will be held at 11.45. William Kupfer goes to Car bondale tomorrow to make final ar- rangements for tho baseball series) between the teams of tho two towns. Miss Charlotte Lane entertain- 1 ed a number of friends at the golf' links Wednesday evening In honor of her frlond, Miss Regina Eckert of Philadelphia. At a meeting of Protection En gine company, No. 1, Monday night William Roadknlght was elected flrst assistant foreman and John Carmlchnel second nsslstant. The Ladles Aid society of tho Baptist church will hold an ice cream social the afternoon nnd even ing of Thursday next. Tnbles will ' bo arranged In the chapel and on the lawn. Ben. Robinson's baby is not Pnullne, as stated in another paper, but Fannie Estelle. The affable In surance ngent Is still buying cigars occasionally. He says his four young folks look good to him. Joe Westbrook has been hired ns newsboy on the D. & H. between this place and Carbondale, where he ' is relieved by the regular paper-( and-small-stuff messenger running through from Albany on tho main line. Tho Forest City team did not play In this city Wednesday, as previously announced, owing to an 1 oversight on tho part of Dr. Knapp, manager of that team. The team was scheduled to play at Lake Lo-! dore at the excursion of the First ! Aid to the Injured societies, and on this account the game arranged j with the local team had to be post poned. Carbondale Leader. ' A powerful street piano played I "My Wife's Gone to the Country" 1 six times in front of the courthouse this morning. All the county offi cials, from 88-year-old Judge Smith down to the youngsters about the building, listened to the festive strains and contributed when the hat came around. The piano also did business in front of the Presby terian manse, but there it did not stay so long, though Dr. Swift and his family are fond of music. On Irving Cliff Wednesday afternoon Miss Millie M. Weaver entertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Hendrickson of Brook lyn, N. Y., who are here on their bridal trip. The guests, aside from Mr. and Mrs. Hendrickson, were Miss Minnie Schuller, Miss Mina Frailey, Miss Annie Carey, Miss Bertha Pflume, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trus cott, Harry Freeman, Massy Trus cott, Walter C. Weaver, Otto Weav er and Charles Truscott. Routine business occupied the attention Tuesday of the seventeenth annual convention of the Federation of German Catholic societies In Pitts burg. Late in the afternoon Scran ton was selected as the place where the convention will be held next year. Johnstown delegates immedi ately offered to take care of the con vention in 1912 and that city was selected. Solemn requiem mass opened the session, the president's report followed, and afterward came those of the various committees and the appointment of new ones. The call for a convention of in dependent citizens, Republicans and Democrats, is expected to he sent out from Philadelphia Friday, but there seems to be a little interest in tho movement in Lackawanna county, says a Scranton political writer. The call will urge delegates to attend a meeting at which a state ticket will bo placed In the field against the Tener and Grim slates. Citizens here may be interested in tho movement, but they are keeping their interest to themselves. It can not be learned who, If anybody, Is to attend tho convenion from this county. Tho Wayne County Telephone company has extended its lines from John W. Nolan's past Relnlng's pond Into Cherry Ridge township and has added quite a number of subscrib ers to its list. Among them are Joseph Johannes, Patrick F. Moy lan, Jacob F. Bauman, James J. McDonnell, Fred Crockenberg, John Reissinger, John F. Garlng, Elijah Rlckart and several others. Tho lockout or secret service system Is giving good satisfaction. Tho bells ring selectively and only when tho subscriber is called, while thero is privacy during conversation, all pther subscribers being locked out. Tho line Is being built In a very substantial manner, with heavy poles. The Consolidated Telephone company has installed telephones in tho homes of F. A. Bell, J. A. Hoole, A. It. Patterson, S. T. Dunn, Lowis Cllft, Rov. C. R. Burch, W. J. Clift and others nt Waymart. A new, modern switchboard will bo In stalled and an aerial cablo contain ing 25 pair of wires will be run through tho village. A 50-paIr cablo will run out of tho exchange to tako caro of two trunk' lines of tho Northeastern Pennsylvania Telo phono company, two trunk lines from Honesdulo, and two from Car bondale for tho Consolidated Tele phone company, and two from South Canaan exchango of tho Way no County Telephone company, all of which terminate In tho Waymart exchange. At Grace Episcopal church Sun day, there will be holy communion at 8 a. m.; morning prayer and ser mon nt 10.30, and n brief evening service at 7.30. Thomas G. Evans, Clem Marsh nnd Michael Cadden of West Scran ton went to Hemlock Hollow Tues day morning on n flBhlng trip. Tho trip wns made In an automobile. They will havo a flsh supper Satur day night. A lawn soclnl under tho aus pices of tho Y. M. B. C. of tho M. E. Sundny school will bo held on Dr. Butler's lawn Thursday next. Ice cream nnd cake will be sold. Should tho evening be stormy, the cream will be served on the porches of the neighbors. Mrs. Bridget Manley of Forest City was token suddenly sick while attending the excursion nt Lake Lo dore. Wednesday afternoon. She was removed to Emergency hospltnl In Carbondale where she received treatment. She was Inter taken to her home. Wednesdny afternoon a slight lire occurred in a car used by the Delaware nnd Hudson trackmen nt Carbondale who are taking-the places of the trackmen who are out on strike. Tho fire started while tho cook was prepnrlng a meal, but it was extinguished in a short time by tho company lire brigade. Rev. A. L. WhittakQr and about 10 members of the Knights of St. Paul will go to Lake Lodoro Monday to Join about 20 members of tho Trinity church, Carbondale, chapter of the Knights of St. Paul in their camp at Hemlock point, where they will remain a week. The Carbondale members, with their rector, Rov. H. E. Robbins, and the superintendent of Trinity Sunday school, Charles J. Arnold, will remain three weeks. A meeting of the board of su pervisors will be held today In Blng hamton, N. Y. Among the matters coming up Is the payment of a bill for ?1.309 incurred by the trial of Charles P. Knapp at Cooperstown, Otsego county, which bill has been received from that county, and bills for $500 or ?600 more, sent in by witnesses and others attending the trial, who charge their extra ex penses to the county. Trains on the Honesdale branch of the Delaware & Hudson railroad are compelled to run slow on a por tion of the tracks near the aban doned plane leading to the old Pow derly breaker, owing to a mine caveln about 10 feet from the tracks. The cave Is being filled In and it is not expected the roadbed will be affected. Several small cavelns are occurring in that section of Carbondale. Thursday morning as June Decker was starting out with his colts on one of the street sprinklers the team became frightened at the Fow ler Milling company's automobile. The bit In the nigh horse's mouth gave way and the horses started down Main street at a good clip. Mr. Decker saw his only chance to stop them was to drive directly In to the telegraph pole in front of C. A. Cortright's house. One horse went to either side of the pole. The harness was damaged ?5 or $G worth , and one of the horses got some scratches on his legs. Dr. Knapp, manager of the rep-! resentative baseball team of Forest t City, wishes to deny that his team played at Archbald Sunday, as men-1 tioned in one of the Scranton pa-! pers. Forest City played against, Olyphant at Forest City. The game had to be called in the third, owing to the violent rainstorm. The score was 3-1 in favor of Forest! City. Tho doctor has a first-class I team and does not wish it to be compared with any such team as played at Archbald Sunday. They will play Carbondale today and are i open for all comers who play good amateur ball. I Grace Episcopal church will hold 1 a parish picnic at Lake Lodore, Fri day, July 22, with Trinity church, Carbondale, leaving Honesdalo at 12.25, returning at 7.31 p. m. It I Is desired that no children attend this picnic unaccompanied by their par- i ents or older persons, although In a limited numbor of cases, whore ar rangements havo previously been made with Sunday school teachers, children whoso parents aro unnble to attend will be cared for. Those connected with tho Sunday school, as well as parents of the members of tho Sunday school, should Inform tho teachers of their intention to at tend. Others are requested to send a postal card or to otherwise Inform the rector, Rev. A. L. Whlttnker, before Tuesday evening next. This is important, ns it Is necessary to I know how many extra cars will bo needed. Congressman William S. Ben net, the Port Jervls boy, Now York lawyer and former New York as semblyman whom many Honesdale Republicans know through speeches ho has occasionally mado hero, Is still mentioned as a posslblo Repub lican enndidato for governor to suc ceed Charles E. Hughes, but ho has little If any show of landing tho nomination. Port Collector William Loob, Jr., who was President Roose velt's secretary after Georgo B. Cortelyou went to tho cabinet, Is tho Oyster Bay choice and probably tho Whlto House choice. Mr. Ben net will not discuss his candidacy. Tho Democrats are pretty well at sea for a candidate. Mayor William J. Gaynor of Now Yory city does not want to run, for ho thinks ho Is strong enough now to step from New York's city hall to tho Whlto House without an Intervening term at Al bany or the attempt to get one. Dr. P. B. Peterson has recently purchnsed a now Wnrren-Dctrolt 30-horBepower tournbout. At tho Allen house this after noon It wns stnted that Mrs. Frank N. Lord, who was so badly hurt In tho runaway accident near the golf grounds Saturday, wns comfortable and holding her own nicely. .Myron E. Dodge is greatly improved after bis operation for appendicitis. A young girl who went Into C. C. Jndwln's storo nt 2 o'clock this afternoon enmo out with her new summer hat on lire. She must have been leaning over the cigar lighter for the brim to become Ignited. Hnlfway to the bank corner her head felt hot and the lint commenced to smoke. Sho tore It off nnd threw It on tho sidewalk and two or three amused bystanders stopped laughing long enough to beat out the little blaze. The hat was ruined. If you know or hear of nn In teresting item in the community, muko it n point to sec that it finds u place in this paper. Wc should appreciate your effort nnd will send inn representative to ascertain or verify nny missing points. Any tiling which tends to better or brighten the news service of n paper makes it of so much more value to the community, nnd the subscribers are the people benefited. PERSONAL MENTION Miss Carrie Smith is in Waymart for a short stay. Mrs. Charles Moylon of Waymart has been in town this week. Mrs. Norman of the Lyric Is en joying a two weeks' vacation. Judson Smith of Carbondale was a recent business caller In town. Mrs. Judson Yerkes and son are visiting friends In Blnghamton, N. Y. Emanuel Freeman of New York Is spending a few days with relatives here. Daniel Monaghan and Augustus Willieau spent Wednesday at Elk Lake. Mrs. George Spettlgue Is spending July at West Shore house, Beach Lake. Miss Mae Finnerty spent the fore part of the week with Scranton rel atives. J. A. Staples of Scranton was In .town on business Tuesday and Wed nesday. Miss Madeline Roth of Brooklyn is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Frank Mc Kenna. Miss Elizabeth Frank of Chicago is being entertained by Miss Marie Lightlzer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Dennis of Carbondale passed Wednesday with friends here. Miss Virginia Heck of New York Is spending some time with Hones dale relatives. N. B. Spencer, who Is summering at Lake Ariel, was in town on busi ness Wednesday. Miss Dorothy Menner is enter taining a Vassar college friend, Miss Katherlne Yates. Llewelyn Woodley of Scranton was a business caller in town Wed nesday and Thursday. Miss Hazel Spruks of Scranton Is visiting at the home of W. L. Lem initzer of West street. Miss Madeline Gaffney of Port Richmond, L. I., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Mary Donnelly. Misses Mary Menner and Grace Salmon leave today for an extended stay at Kennebuckport, Me. A. J. Coleman of Elmira, N. Y., spent tho early part of the week with his Honesdale relatives. Mrs. John Bader returned Tuesday evening from a seven weeks' visit with relatives In Philadelphia. Misses Gertrude and Marion Murr man of Honesdale havo been the guests of friends in Scranton. Ray Dibble will spend a fortnight with his uncles In Ushers nnd El norn, N. Y., and his grandfather in Windsor. August Stoquent of Corning, N. Y., has called on Honesdalo friends. Ho is In White Mills for a week or 10 days. Misses Nellie and Kate Kelly of Monroe avenue. West Scranton, have been the guests of Misses Eva nnd Mamo Kelly. Mrs. August Beck and daughter, Helen, visited Miss Carrlo Smith at Captain and Mrs. Baker's in Way mart Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Miller and daughter, Gladys, are tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyers of Main street. Misses Hattle," Edith and Lydla Hambly and Mario Lightlzer have re turned from Rlleyvllle, where they spent a week. Miss Emma Bono of Dunmore, who visited her Bister, Mrs. Edward B. Callaway, last week, Is now at Laurel Lako. J. H. Illakoy of Chicago, 111., has returned homo after spending two weokB with his friend, Edward Jen kins of Dyberry Place. Bcnnott Brcgstoln of New York, a brother of Louis Brogstoln of Rlvor street, Is spending a fortnight with his brother and family. Vincent Carroll, Kenneth Uglow, Farrlngton Burhardt, Augustus Bar borl and Robert Heft, havo return ed from Laurel Lake whore thoy wero the guests pf Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin Dlttrlch. VILLAGE ROW MAY BE FATAL (Continued From Page One) back to Equlnunk this morning. Snm Held does not bear a good nnmc. It Is declared by those who know him hero thnt he has fre quently been In hot water on both sides of tho Delaware; that he has done time In New York and Is count ed a tough character In Sullivan county. He has friends In Lords vllle, N. Y., nnd he went there after making his escape across tho river. It Is known thnt ho stopped with them Tuesday night. SIke Lord Is over six feet tall and powerfully put together. In his youth he was a strong, active man, a lifter, a wrestler, and a fellow quite nble to take care of himself In any sort of a fair light. "If that scrap had been 20 years ngo," snid a Honesdale hotel man who has known Slke for years and years, "Slke would have cleaned up the crowd of 'em, Sam Reid and all, and had n good appetite for his dinner." Reld is between 40 and 45 years; old. He Is small, spry and wiry. He will not weigh more than 125. A sort of a clock tinker by trade, he has had a small shop In the village and there he has worked spasmodi cally, but the majority of men here abouts that know him say Sam Reid has never been a steady work er within their recollection. On Nov. 5, last year, Slke and Leona had a light over boundaries and that ditch. Slke had his sister-in-law arrested for assault and bat tery. The case was tried at Hones dale Jan. 19 and Leona was found not guilty. The costs were divided equally. "Mr. Lord may or may not live," said Dr. Frlsbie of Equlnunk over the phone at 2 o'clock this after noon. "It is too early to predict yet. Of course, his age Is against him." "The report of 20 cuts in the head from the pick and hoe are an exag geration. He has about seven, com mencing over the ear. He is con scious today, knows what is going on, and realizes who hit him." Reld Caught; On Wny Here. A later telephone from Equlnunk saya Reid surrendered to Constnblo James Harford this morning nnd la on his way with tho officer to Honesdnle. George Foster has been visiting friends In Scranton. Ex-Sheriff Murphy of Hawley was n caller in town Wednesday. Miss Florence Rclf is at ABbury Park, N. J., with Scranton and Car bondnle friends. Mlsa Mary Slebecker of Scranton Is spending two weeks with her uncle, Benjamin II. Dlttrlch, at Camp "As You Like It," Laurel Lake. Solomon Jones of Lako Ariel Is visiting his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones, on Avenue D., In Mntamoras, N. Y. 'President and General Manager A. A. Kessler of tho Watson Dump ing Wagon company, Canastota, N. Y., Is at the homo of his father, John B. Kessler, In Galilee. On Tuesday father and son drove to Honesdale to see Desmond Kessler, a brother of the visitor from Canas tota. Mrs. Charles S. Houck and daugh ter, Florence, and son, Joseph, of Hawley, Pa., were calling on friends In Matamoras Monday afternoon. Her many friends In Mntamoras were all pleased to see her again. Her husband, Prof. Houck, was formerly principal of the Matamoras High school. Matamoras cor. Port Jervls Union. Mrs. Mark V. Richards and son, James, came to Honesdale yesterday to spend two weeks with Mrs. Rich ards' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac J. Lobb. Mr. Richards goes Aug. 1 from the city editorship of the Port Jervls Gazette to the managing edi torship of the Plqua (Ohio) Call. He will shake hands with his Hones dale friends before he goes west. r IF YOU GO TO SPEND THE SUJD1ER AWAY FROM HOME, HE SURE AND HAVE "THE CITIZEN" KOL- LOW YOU. IT WILL BE -f LIKE A LETTER FROM THE DEAR OLD HOME, -t- r - -M-M-M- t tMtT-M"H-r r ft Havo you thought of Saratoga Springs and Lake George as the place to spend your vacation this summer? See advertisement. 54t4 If you read the paper The Citi zen you known you aro getting the best This Jar Is extra K v 5&&&i&M quality class and r H. SvflKuiS, t; of uniform thickness VSvCSff itt THE ATLAS' E-Z Seal Jar (Lightning Trimmings) is Ideal for Large Fruits The day of the paring knife for halving and quartering large fruit is gone. unless they're un usurMy large, peaches and pears go into the Atlas E-Z Seal Jar ivl.oL That means beauty pre served as well as the quality; and later on you have the pleasure of serving fine, natural locking fruit to tne lamily. Your dealer keeps these perfect jars in stock and will he more than pleased to show you their advant ages. Ask him to do so. Remember the Atlas E-Z Seal Wide Mouth Jar is stronger and smoother at the top than any other. It can't cut your hand and it won't break when sealing. HAZEL-ATLAS CUSS CO. WUetilnj. IVestVa. B5K33S5SJEBE3K For Convenience Sake Your home, your office should no longer be without Bell Telephone Service Defies distance, time and weather. Anyone can reach you anytime. You can reach anyone anywhere. Use the Bell The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania E. M. McCRACKEN, Anent Honeidate, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers