THE CITIZEN, TIllDAV, JULY in, 1010. IS ALWIOST SOI Submarine Rams GunL... In Maneuvers. VESSEL IS HURRIEDLY BEACHED i Bonlta In Mimio Attack Disables Flag ship of Flotilla Sudden Appearance Entirely Unexpected Submarines Supposed to Be Far Out at Sea. Provtncetowu, Mass., July 12. The narrow escape of the gunboat Castlno from beluK sunk by the submarine Bonlta called attention todaflo the fact that wonders In navigation be neath the waves are being quietly achieved which are as great, If not as spectacular, as the feats of aviators which are thrilling multitudes in many places. But as the navigators of the submarines operate beneath the sur face of the ocean, the attention of the public is rarely attracted to their dar ing exploits. The gunboat Castine, flagship of the submarine flotilla, was rammed by the submarine lioulta in the maneuvers and was beached to prevent her from sinking. No one on board was injured. Two of the plates of the Castiuc were loosened. Iier dynamo and boiler compartments between frames No. 10 and No. Gl arc Hooded, but the bulk heads are said to be holding Arm. The accident hapiwned in a mimic , attack on the Castlno by the subma rines, the Bonlta apparently misjudg ing the distance and striking the gun boat with considerable force. The men on both boats felt the impact and some were momentarily stunned. The Bonlta escaped with tho slight denting of a portion of her armor and the loss of a small section of her railing. i The "attack" on the Castlno was en- i tlrely unexpected. Several members of the crew were In swimming when the , Bonlta suddenly rose beneath the gun-1 boat and as she came up scraped her whole length across the bottom of the ' Castine. Water poured into the lower engine ; room and the dynamo room compart- , incuts of tho Castine, flooding them and threatening to extinguish the fires under the boilers. Tho doors of the water tight compartments were imme diately closed and the Castine started at full speed for the shore. She reached the beach under her own steam and ( rested easily In shallow water. All her crew remain on board. j The submarines often disappear early In the morning and do not return the ' entire day, some of their maneuvers being on the surface and some beneath it. At the time of tho accident not a ' submarine was In sight, and it was supposed that they were all far out In the bay. The others did not return un-' til two or three hours after the Bonita had struck the Castine. CONFERENCE IMPORTANT. Barrett Thinks Pan-American Meeting Second Only to Hague Gathering. Washington, July 12 John Barrett, director of the International bureau of American Republics, expressed the opinion here that tho fourth pan American conference, which will meet in Buenos Ayres today. Is the most JOHN BARRETT. Yinlil It iftll lwt Lfjwirttlfl In I tin kitt (iftrm I Mr. Barrett lxillevcs, ouly to the Hague iieace conference. Mr. Bar rett originally intended to participate in tho conference, but was prevented by illness. "In my opinion, as an International ofllcer," Mr. Barrett said, "there is no good ground for the recent report that any combination will be formed at this conference against the United States or that there will be an nttack upon its Latin-American policies." CRUSHED BY TRAIN WHEELS. Philadelphia Man Killed Boarding Washington Flier. Philadelphia, July 12.-F. II. Llucoln, until recently assistant general man ager of tho Philadelphia Rapid Transit company, was Instautly killed while attempting to board a Washington train at the West Philadelphia station of the Pennsylvania railroad. DON JAIME. Report That Spanish Pretender May Marry Mlis Morgan. London, July 12. Reynolds' Newspa per in its personal columns says: "It Isn't at all likely, judging from ' tlie frequency with which J. rierpont Morgan's daughter Anno and Don Jaime of Spain are seen together, that they will soon make a match of it." Don Jaime do Bourbon is forty years old, tho son of the late Don Carlos de Bourbon, and is therefore the preten der to the Spanish throne. Ho Is an ofllcer in the hussar regiment of Grod no in tho Russian guards. Miss Anne Morgan is interested In sociological work in New Xork. She has been in England for two months, traveling alone. SUSPENDS MAYOR. Governor Harmon Removes Atherton From Office Because of Lynching. Toledo, O., July 12. Governor Har mon has removed Mayor Atherton of Newark for thirty days pending an in vestigation of his actions Friday night when Carl Etherlugton, "dry detec tive," was taken from the Licking county Jail and lynched by a mob of wet sympathizers. Vice-Mayor John M. Ankele, who succeeds Atherton as mayor, is a Re publican and announces he will en force tho law strictly and close all the near-beer saloons. Formal charges against Sheriff LInko of Licking county for his failure to stop the lynching of Detective Ether ington were also made, tho paper be ing signed by Common Pleas Judge Charles Seward and other prominent residents of Newark. The charges wero immediately for warded and presented to Governor Harmon by Wayne Collier, a Newark attorney. Judge Seward Issued a venire for a special grand jury to meet next Mon day to investigate tho lynching and states ho will force tho grand Jury to sit all summer if necessary before in dictments have been returned. "Newark has been for years In the hands of law breakers," said Seward, "and the high officials of city and county have openly connived at viola tions of law and have defied the courts. Tills lynching has aroused the city, and tho law abiding elements are determined to see the lynchers pun ished." CURTISS FLIES FAST. Aviator Establishes American Record For Fifty Miles at Atlantic City. Atlantic City, July 12. Glenn H. Curtiss established the llrst American record for a fifty mile flight in an aeroplane, making nn average speed of exactly forty miles an hour over the sea course. The little neroplano cov ered tho llfty miles In 1 hour 11 min utes 59 seconds. By his long flight Curtiss secures a leg on the $5,000 prize offered by the Atlantic City club for the best time made over the fifty mile course during the meet. Brooklns, with tho Wright machine, who gets the $5,000 nltltudo prize through his flight to 0,175 feet in the air, which was not contested by Cur tiss, has not declared his Intention of going after the fifty mile prize, al though he still has two dnys in which to moke the flight before his contract expires. TRAIN KILLS CLERGYMAN. Rev. Dr. Sallade Crushed to Death In Attempting to Board Car. Philadelphia, July 12.-WhlIo at tempting to board a fust moving in bound passenger train nt tho Tioga station of tho Rending Rallwny com pany, Rev. Dr. Jacob Sallade, acting pastor of the Grace Baptist temple, was whirled under tho wheels and crushed to death. Dr. Sallade was secretary of tho American Homo Mission society and formerly served as pastor of tho Temple Baptist church. 19 KILLED IN TRAIN WRECK. Thirty-One Other Injured on Trans Caspian Railway. Askabad, Asiatic Russia, July 12. Nineteen yersons vroro killed and thirty-one Injured by the derailment of a train near tho station of IClsllarwat on the Trans-Caspian railway. !i : i 0. K. GIVEN LOEB. President Approves Collect or's Gubernatorial Boom. DISCUSS NEW YORK SITUATION Outlook For Republican Party This Fall Make Prospective Candidate Somewhat Shy, but Mr. Taft Takes Optimistic View. Beverly, Mass., July 12. Perhaps William Loeb, Jr., collector of tho port of New York, didn't come up to Bev erly to get tho indorsement of Presi dent Taft on his embryo gubernatorial boom, but he got it Just the same. Tho president and the collector had a conference In one of tho Whlto House automobiles while tho chief exe cutive was motoring over from tho Evans cottage to tho Myopia golf links. Later at luncheon nt the home of John Hays Hammond they talked things over once again. The president sug gested to Mr. Loeb that he enter tho race. Mr. Loeb, on the other hand, was not enthusiastic over tho prospect at first, but later admitted that after all the Republican party's chance of success might bo better than it looks at present to some observers. It was a!d that while the collector was not an eager candidate ho would hardly refuse tho nomination. According to reliable sources Mr. Loeb left Beverly for Boston nnd New York with tho Idea of seeing Governor Hughes on the return trip. The conference with President Taft, followed by that with the governor, may determine his attitude, Mr. Loeb's reluctance to get into tho fight which politicians think is coming in New York in the fall campaign was based upon the belief that tills is not Solng to be a good year in New York for Republican candidates. The presl dent admitted that there was some sense in this, but was Inclined to take the view that things were not nearly as bad as painted or ns they appear now. The opinion here is that Mr. Loeb will eventually find his place nt the head of the Republican ticket. Just what President Taft might do to aid Mr. Loeb if ho became a candi date is uncertain. On one of his re cent trips through New York state the president told the people of Syracuse that he would be back there this fall to see tho state fair. This would af ford Mr. Taft an excellent opportunity, his friends say, to make his way of thinking known. It is even possible that ho may make other stops in New York if ho went to Syracuse, and thus ho might find time for several speeches, all of which might bo de signed to help the collector and the party. Of other subjects of importance the president and Loeb had but little time to chat. Loeb Is Silent. New York, July 12. Deep interest is being shown here today in the boom for governor of William Loeb, Jr., and politicians are curious to learn what President Taft had to say concerning the candidacy of the collector of tho port nnd former Roosevelt private secretary. Loeb Is silent. He will not say that he does not want the nomination for governor and Is just ns unwilling to admit that he wants it. HENRY DEXTER DEAD AT 08. Will Said to Continue the Reward For the Arrest of His Son's Murderer. New York, July 12. Heury Dexter, lounuer aim rormer president of the American News company, is dead. Ho i sir Claude de Crcsplguy has crossed was In his ninety-eighth year, ne was the North sea In a balloon and Is tho born In West Cnmbrldge, Mass., on only whlto man who has successfully March 14, 1813. j swum the first Nllo cataract, no has He was the father of Orrando P. escaped from tho colls of a python. Dexter, who was murdered on tho dived among tho sharks to amuse a road leading from his cottago ut i few friends at Bermuda and enlisted Dexter Lake In Franklin county on ' as n scout during the Boer war be Sept. 10, 11)03. In memory of Or-j cause red tapo threatened to keep him rando Dexter, Henry Dexter gave to in England waiting for a billet until, the New York Historical society Its as ho put It, "all tho fun was over," new building at Seventy-seventh 1 three of his sons also being at tho street and Central Park west The front at tho time. Ono might search building cost $350,000, which Mr. Dcx- tho world over to find an Individual ter said was Just half his fortune. 1 moro fond of sport and adventure. In Orrando Dexter was murdered In the swimming, shooting, running, riding day time, and though his father offer-' and rowing ho excels. London Tit- ed a reward of $10,000 for the appro-' Bits. henslou of the murderer tho man was never broucht to lustlce. Tho offer of Rabbits Breed War In Australia. tho reward is said to bo continued in a codicil to Henrv Dexter's will. Mr. Dexter retired from business more than forty-live years ago and epeut much of his time travelling. THREE KILLED IN WRECK. Now York Central Express Leaves Leaves Ralls at Newton Hook. Poughkeepsie, July 12.-Threo per- eons were killed mid several Injured when the northwestern express of tho New York Central was wrecked at Nowton Hook, eighty miles north of Hudson The killed aro James Ken- dall, engine driver, of Rensselaer; Rob - ert Hall, flreman, of Rensselaer, and Frank Ray, baggageman, of Croton. The wreck was caused by the spread- ing of rails. Tho engine turned and rolled over, the engine driver and Are- men were crushed to death In a twlnk- linn rPI i f ItAilv n T thn TtnTfr(l(ramn ton i,uB. j.uv r, Z found by searchers Immediately after tho wreck- FOOD PRICES AE30AD. Eighty Cent Bacon In France Ice Cream $1.10 a Quart In London. In these modern days meat is tho staff of life, and one finds that tho staff costs as much abroad us at home, although over there they do not clamor about tho prlco as we do. They mere ly do without meat. Tho cuts are different and called by different names, and tho grades are endless. In England tho poorest folk can buy meat or meat bones for as low as 4 cents or even 2 cents a pound. And, too, thcro are often poor qualities in good cuts, and tho British, with characteristic Impertinence, refer to tho worst qualities as "American," qulto regardless of their origin. Tho best cuts of beef cost in London whero they nro given tho unattrac tive namo of rump steak 23 to 30 cents a pound, In Paris 30 to 31, in Berlin from 32 to 38. Bacon is tremendously dear. In France cholco brands may mount to 80 cents, and ordinary' brands aro over 30 cents. In Engand bacon is now about 30 cents, but is rapidly mounting, the Increasing scarcity of pigs 4clng responsible for this. Leg of mutton in England costs over 20 cents, in Franco 23 to 3"0. Milk in Paris is 11 cents a quart, in London 8 or 0. Plain water Ices cost In London 85 cents a quart and ice cream $1.10. the portions being always minute. "It Is bad for the health, don't y' know! What?" In England good coffeo averages de cidedly more than in America, 35 cents being a cheap brand. In France it is very much dearer, 40 cents a pound for a really good blend being a bar gain and a "speciallte" being over CO. All common coffees abroad are loaded with chicory, which costs 10 cents a pound and adds great deepness of color to tho brow. Good tea costs less In England than in America, ranging from 35 to 75 cents. In France it is very high and always medicinal in taste, and a dealer likes to ask over $1.25 a pound. Butter ranges In all throo countries from, say, 30 to 40 cents. Sugar in England is C cents a pound. In Franco it is a government monopo ly and much higher. In London eat ing chocolate, almost ns goad as tho well known New York or Philadelphia makes, costs 75 cents a pound. Robert Shackleton in Saturday Evening Post. The Height of Kings. A remarkable feature about the physiques of reigning European mon nrchs is that they are nearly nil short er than their consorts. King George V. Is several inches shorter than Queen Mary. Tho German empress is a tritle taller than the kaiser, who always in sists on tho empress sitting down when they are photographed together. Czar Nicholas II. looks quite small by the side of tho czarlnn. Alfonso of Spain is a head shorter than Queen Victoria Eugenie, and tho king of Italy hardly reaches to the shoulder of Queen Hele na. The queen of Denmark, too, is a good deal taller than her husband. Ex ceptions to tho rule nro the king of Norway nnd the new king of tho Bel gians. The latter is six feet two Indies in height and the tallest king in Europe. London M. A. P. Women Smokers In London. Tho woman smoker, far from being a result of a decadent civilization, is merely a survival of a rougher and harder life. Even today the women who live tho hardest lives compatible with twentieth century civilization smoke Incessantly. Go Into any tramps' lodging house and you will find not only old and young women, but bits of girls scarcely in their teens, pulling contentedly, not nt cigarettes, but clay pipes charged with black twist tobacco. It is part of the eti quette of tho "road" for tho men after they have vigorously puffed at their "dudeens" to hand them to the women tramps who have no supply. London Standard. I a Dead Game Sport, T"e rabbit, which overruns Austra- 1,a- ,ms almost caused a civil war. In Past certain Australians made co- l0SStU fortunes by exporting mlllious of rabbits which they secured for noth ing. Eventually, though, it became necessary for tho government to find a better means of exterminating this de structive creature, for it threatened to ruin the country. A law was passed authorizing farmers to poison tho rob blta. Thus tho rabbit exporting con panle6 wero put out of uusjnesg. They nro now flRhtinB for tho rcpcal ot the poisoning law. ! what Toronto DrInk$i , nto wnter 80 bad ey bavo t0 straln ,t turou h a ,adder to Bepnrato lt from tbo (lebr,3 CMzQaa tok0 ,t out of tho , w,tQ a ,m,ot nnd lt wllh BolutIon of cblorldo jof Umo nnd BU, b0 of to . movo tbo A nro ' - too Jjlg for this treatment they take ont0 tbo back alloy and m Uh club. Edmontou Journal. A FAMILY OF TWENTY-FIVE. The Van Renselears Have Fifteen Daughters and Eight Sons. To Ann Arbor comes Oottlieb Van Rensolear seeking co-education and a home. He is from Missouri and can show them in Michigan tlftccn daugh ters and eight sons. It Is a great family to have grown up with tho southwest. As tho story goes, Mr. Van lcar's difficulty Is to find a house big enough for his domestic battalion. Thoy are not building in Ann A:oor to tho scale of twenty-live persons; for a single domicile. Not out there, ae .n our fortunate metropolis, do suites of thirty-two rooms and six baths offer themselves at modest rentals of "from $G,G00 up." Not tho worst Intentional Michigan landlord, surveying the train of Van Renselear heirs and heiresses, finds it necessary to put up the sign, "no children taken." Four of tho Van Rensolear girls aro ready for college. Each owns a cow and none means to let her pursuit of co-cducntionnl culture Interfere w'th ' her duties in the dairy. We hope tho ' boya in the family are even half as diligent and determined. There should bo no company better qualliled than this group of Missouri hop!nls to demonstrate at wholesalo that a college training does not necessarily detract from native adaptability. Religions of the World. Dr. Zeller, director of t!v Bureau of Statistics, Stuttgart, Germany, es timates tho world's population, classi fied according to religious adherence, as follows: The total of the human race is 1,344,510,000, of whom 534,910. 000 aro nominally Christian, 175,290, 000 aro Mohammedans, 10,800,000 are Jews, and 823,420,000 are classed as heathen. Of these latter 300.000,000 aro Confucians, 214,000.000 are 'bra hmins, nnd 121,000,000 are Buddnists. Others adhere to various strange re ligious cults. Out of every 1,000 in habitants of the earth there are nomi nally 340 Christians, Hi Mohamme dans, 7 Israelites, and 533 of other religions. From the standpoint of hu man probability, the evangelization of the whole world Is a task that baf fles our expectation, but our Lord said, "All authority hath been given unto Me in Heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore. ;.nd "'ike d!svi;,les of all the nations."- Presbyterian of tho Smith Do You ' Need Lath? There's quite a difference in the quality of lath don't spend your money for the ordinary shaky stuff found in many lumber yards. Our White Pine and Hemlock Lath is of a much superior quality. It means money saved when you purchase here as we are care ful to buy stock of only the best quality even if it does cost us a little more. You Arc Sure of Quality and Prompt Attention at Onr Yardi. MARTIN HERMANN, Callicoon, N. Y. D. & h. CO. TlflE TABLE A.M. A M Sl'NiSL'Ni a 30 WW A.M..A M. I' M. 10 00 10 00 4 Ml Albany ti 051 lihiL'Iuuuton .. iA.M. lu ool 2 151 12 30! 8 30 2 15 Plillailelphia . .WIlkes-lTarre. 1 so 2 (W 7 23 4 40 8 30 1 20 2 OS S lb . ...scranton ' P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Lv 8 40 5 50 S 51 9 113', 15 0 20 ti 30 2 03 2 15 2 lit 2 37 2 43! 2 40 2 62 2 57 2 Bit! 3 03 3 07 3 10 3 15 8 451 8 55! 8 5U' It 1SI ...Carbontlale .Mntoln Avenue.. Whites Karvlew Canaan .. Lake Loilore ... .. . Wnymart Keene Stecne .... Promptou .... Kortenlu ....Seelyvillo ... Honesdule .... U 111 y 3ti 1) 42 II IS ti 31 (i 11 ti 17 ti 52 ti 5i it 21 ti Zi 7 01 9 29 9 32 (i a 51 0 87 707 7 13 7 10 7 20 ti 32, 9 3 U 33 (i III ti 43 10 U0 9 39 9 4.1 10 01 10 OS 7 21 9 47 10 11 7 27 9 50 9 83 ti 00 10 13 7 31 P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Ar The Era of New Mixed Paints ! Tins year opoiu with a deluge of new mixed paints. A con dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being now and heavily advertised may find a sale with tno unwary. TIIIS(OXIjV I'IjAOE IX HOXESDAIjE AUTJIOIU'ZKI) TO U,VXI)IiE Is JADWIN'S PHARMACY. There aro reasons for the pro-minenco of OIIILTON PAINTS 1st No one can mix a better mixed paint. 2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won derful covering qualities. 3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his own oxnense.every surface painted with Chilton Paint that proves defective. 4th Those who have used it aro perfectly satisfied with it aud recommend its use to others. Peanuts from Japan. Those Japs! After tho Germans, the Japs, gottlng everything. Yan kees arc tho greatest peanut caters In the world they would be, even It there wero no circuses. In 1907 and 1908 Japan exported 17.000,000 pounds of pdanuts and we took nearly all ot them. Roll of HONOR Attention is called totne STRENGTH of the The FINANCIER of New York Citv has published a ROLL Ot HO'NOK of the 11,470 State Banks and Trust Companies of United States. In this list the WAYNK COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Stands 38th in the United States Stands 10th in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wayne County. Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00 Total ASSETS, $2,r33,000.00 Honesdale. Pa.. May 29, 1908. HONESDALE BRANCH I'. M. A M P . A.M. Sl'.V SUN 2 00 12 40 10 50! 10 501.. H 43; , B 43 3 53! 7 31' 7 321. 7 31 7 32 ;. . M 'l'.M. 10 20 4 05i 3 151 151 ! 2 25 P M 0 37 6 20 1 35j 10 03 r A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P M 8 03 1 33 1 23 5 40 ... 5 30 ... 5 21 ... 8 ihl... 8 Oil... 8 5ti ... 4 51 ... 4 4 ... 4 45 ... 4 41 ... 1 37 ... 1 31 ... 4 30 ... 8 29 8 17 8 13 ; 54 47 " 41 7 39 7 32 7 30 7 28 7 22 7 19 7 15 7 5 7 50 7 : 7 25 7 19 1 21 1 Oil 12 5iil 12 51 7 1 7 l: 12 49 12 12 40 12 3t 12 32 12 29 12 23 7 09 7 05 7 0 6 5S ti 55 I,v A.M. P.M. P.M. .. A.M. P M CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS I Wayne County mm mm A. O BLAKE I lAUCTIONEER & CATTLE DEALERS H You will make money W nj by bavin? me. 55 BEr.L phone 9-u Bethany, Pa.