The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 15, 1910, Image 1
THE WEATHER On Friday fair weather will provall, with slight temporaturc cluuigcs and light variable winds. X SO tC tC K" iC tf JO t? I? C Pnnniln.1 ? Organ 1 1908 ? - Weekly Founded, 1844 2 Vi REPUBLJRA' PARTY 5 9 U jt , o . & j j j j & o o J v t ,e o O t w J at en B7th YEAR. HONE SD ALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1910. NO 56 a VI LLAGE ROW IFIRE IN CLARENDON READY FOR BATTLE r MBSM. I SHERWOOD'S FLYER REGULARS WORRY i t PATENT LAWYER SMITH, NOW SKKKING STRONG, LIGHT EN GINE, WILL MAKE TlUAIi TRIP THIS PALL, IT IS EXPECTED MAY SAIL OYER FORT MEYER PARADE GROUND. Earl Sherwood swore up nnd down yesterday that when he gets back to Washington, say about the first of September, one of the first jobs he will tackle will be the per fection of the neroplane In which, ho says, he and Rexford M. Smith, the patent lawyer he has had helping htm in the Fnrnham case, are equally Interested. "I may not make the first trip into the air myself," said the Washing ton lawyer, "for I am rather of a heavy man to be shooting up Into blue space in nn airship. I think Smith, who is the builder, the prac tical man, will make the first flight alone. He understands the opera ting as well as the construction of the thing and he is about GO pounds lighter than I. He won't weigh much, if any, over 1G0. I weigh a little more than 200." The principal prouiem about the Smith-Sherwood ship Just now, he said, is to get an engine at once light and strong. When that is installed, as Mr. Sherwood sayS It will be this fall, the sky pilot, Law yer Smith, will be ready to go up. Air. Sherwood said he didn't know yet whether or not Smith would try to imitate Orville Wright's feat and sail over Fort Meyer parade ground, just across the Potomac from Wash ignton, at a 42-mlle-an-hour clip. Still, he did not seem to consider Fort Meyer an Impossibility. Rexford M. Smith Is one of the bright minds of the country when it comes to patent law. His main of fice is In Washington and there he keeps 10 men at work all the time, drawing up specifications and look ing after the technicals of the office. He visits the office for about an hour a day, and much of his time out side is spent at the shop where his aeroplane is being touched up. .air. -Sherwood does not know juBt when he will have to be In Wash ington to argue his big case. The attorney-general has 30 days to answer the brief Mr. Sherwood filed just before he left Washington July 1 for Honesdale. "It took me 60 days to get up that brief, and I don't think he'll answer It in 30. He'll get an extension of time. He'll need CO days to answer If he's able to answer at all," said he. Mr. Sherwood is enjoying his rest in Wayne county. He meets people every day whom he is glad to see and who, in turn, are glad to see him. He says they shall all have a picture a big one, suitable for, framing when the Smith-Sherwood airship makes its appearance in the sky. ENGAGED TO JAY GOULD. Beatrice Von Bruner, Actress, Said to Be Finance of Young Millionaire. Davenport, Iu., July 14. That Heat rice Blanche Ilruner Godfrey, the beautiful Davenport girl who figured In a romantic marriage with Arthur W. Godfrey, the young Hack Hay mil lionaire of Boston, Is engaged to Jay Gould, Is the assertion of Mrs. A. Ilruner, mother of the young lady In question. Blanche was formerly a Davenport belle and went from here to the Bos ton Conservatory of Music, where her beauty and her romuutlc marriage made her famous. Parental opposi tion later resulted in separation and divorce. As Beatrice Von Hruner the young lady Is now In Inlon, her mother nays, playing with Anna Held in "Mis Innocence." Jay Gould Is understood also to be there. UNEASY IX MINNESOTA OVER CONSERVATION CONGRESS THltESII OUT ISSUES TODAY GOVERNOR EltEHHAKT AND OTHEIt CAXDIDATES PEAK EF FECT UPON STATE VOTE, fp Washington, July 14. A merry row has started over the conservation con gress scheduled to meet In St Paul on Sept. 0, and the Minnesota city may withdraw Its invitation to GIfford Pin chot and his followers. This situation has been presented by the action of Mr. Pinehot nnd his associates In making up n program of speeches for the congress which the local managers believe will stir up trouble and possibly react on the Re publican party in the state primaries to be held in September. According to information obtained here, Governor Kberhart, who Is a can didate for re-election, nnd other Re- publicans in Minnesota are all "het. up" over the situation. A few weeks ago they were tickled over having lauded the big congress, but now they are going around under the Impression that they have a good, big "white ele phant" on their hands. Colonel Roose velt Is one of the speakers that Mr. Pinehot has on his list. The local St. Paul managers of the congress have given notice that they will not stand for an "all Insurgent" program such as they declare has been prepared by Pinehot. The controversy is to be threshed out nt a conference to be held in Chicago today. Mr. Pin ehot has already left for Chicago, and he will ho joined there today by B. X. Baker, president of the congress; J. B. White, another officer of the congress. and Thomas It. Shlpp, secretary of the National Conservation association, who has taken an nctive part iu making preparations for the St. Paul affair, The conservaVionists will be met in Chicago by Governor Eberhart and other anxious Republicans from Min nesota. The issue is to be settled at the Chicago conference. If the conservation officials stand pat on the Insurgent program the congress will not be held In St. Paul Minnesota Republicans' are anxious to have the conservation congress held In St. Paul, but they are ready to pro test with great heat against the pre sentation of speakers who, they be lieve, may stir up controversies that would In all probability bo ventilated in the September primaries. Among the speakers to whom excep tion has been taken by the St. Paul men are Louis D. Braudels, who rep resented I B. Glavls as attorney be-' fore the congress joint committee on inquiry into the Ballinger-Plnchot af fair. Brandeis is n strong partisan of Mr. Pinehot. The St. Paul authorities fear that if he speaks at St. Paul ho would Inject a lot of verbal fireworks into the discussion that might provoke trouble. Another speaker to whom exception has been taken Is Editor Nelson of the Kansas City Star. Messrs. Brandeis nnd Nelson are car rying a lot of anti-Tnft sentiment on their chests, aud the St. Paul board of managers are apprehensive that they plan to unload it at St. Paul. St. Paul made an active fight to land the conservation congress. It won out in n contest for the honor with Kansas City, St. Louis nnd other cities Senator Nelson of Minnesota, chairman of the committee of congress that ts inquiring Into the Balllnger Piucliot affair, was opposed to St. Paul entering the list. MAY BE FATAL Sam Reid and Leona Lord At- Lordg who gets some UgSy Cuts on Head Assaiianf Gets Away Across the Dela ware -Ditch and Boundary Line EVIakes More Trouble at Equinunk-- Reid Caught Later. V Jilt. TYLEIl AND Mil. AND MRS. i SC1IEXK LOSE VALUABLE PER ; SOXAL EFFECTS WHEN HOUSE GETS A-BLAZE EXOITIXG TIME SUXDAY AFTERNOON AT TYLER HOUSE. The Clarendon correspondent of The Citizen writes: Shortly after noon Sunday Mrs. William T. Schenk, who was stay ing a few days with her brother, Clemens Tyler, discovered smoke issuing from the stairway. After giving the alarm she rushed up- As the result of bad blood that j on. At first the men who didn't like for some time has existed on ac count of a ditch between the farms one another were 30 or 40 feet npart. Then they got nearer. Mll- of Silas Lord and Leona Lord at i lard and his party, William thought, Equinunk, a matter that has once been threshed out In the Wayne county court, Silas Lord is in a were throwing dirt over to his side of the line. "Don't throw that dirt over here!" HONESDALE AND WHITE MILLS SIGN UP FOR THE 11)10 SERIES CARBONDALE SERIES OUGHT TO BE GOOD, BUT NUMBER OF GAMES ISN'T DETERMINED YET. The full text of the Honesdale Whlte Mills agreement to play ball for the county championship Is here given: "White Mills, Pa., July 8, 1910. "This ngreement, entered into this date by the White Mills Baseball as sociation, party of the first part, and stairs for her purse and some cloth-, tlle Hnesdale Baseball association. ing she had with her. i l,urlJ ol ule seconu pun, 10 Know an Mr. Tyler and Mr.' Schenk had Person8 bv these presents. Just come into the house to avoid! "These are to govern terms and a slight shower. They at once tried I conditions of a series of five (5) to put out the blaze. Seeing the i ganies ot" baseball, viz. there shall fire was gaining headway, Mr. and be flve sames Plaved, regardless of Mrs. Schenk and Mr. Tyler's mother I tno score- or the Sanies won or lost began to carry out the furniture and! m same to be played at Honea were soon Joined by Mr. Tyler. , dale on Saturday, July 1C, at 3 They succeeded in removing the P m' sewing machine, two rockers, one, 2nd Bame t0 be P'ayed at White sofa, one mattress, one chiffonier, MilIs on Sunuav. Jul" 17. at -1 P- m. two small stands, one shirtwaist box, ! 3rd Bame to De Played at Hones a suitcase and a box of clothing be-j dale on Saturday, July 30, at 2 longing to Mrs. Schenk and her . p m mother. Mr. Schenk and Mr. Tyler1 4th Same to be played at White liberated the chickens from the coop M1,Is on Sunday, July 31, at 4 p. m. and park. ' "th Bame to be played at Hones- Mr. Tv'ler lost nearlv nil his fur-1 dale on Saturday, Aug. 6, at 3 p. m. nlture and all the elothlne belnnelmr 1 "H Is hereby agreed by the un critical condition at his home in that j he shouted village. During a violent quarrel More dirt came over to his side to the family, besides a gold watch "ersseu " parties concerueu Tuesday between Silas and William then and the young men swapped and chain of his wife's and his own ll"nLtT,,ltrirn . wntrli nni! trunk- rnntnlntnir n lnriro the amount Of ten dollars (?10.00) ' number of nieces of sllvpranrp. I to defray their expenses while play- Sam Held, who out of friendship for too. Mrs. M. S. Tyler lost a valuable nB on tae home team's ground, viz Millard butted into the mess, he re ceived two blows on the head from a pick and 20 or 25 blows In the same place from a hoe in the hands of Sam Reid. Who held the pick is a question somewhat in doubt, one story being that It was in the hands of Millard and another that the pick Job was the work of Leona Lord, the sister-in-law of Silas. Sam Reid got away. He went over in New York state, probably somewhere in Sullivan county. ,From the Silas Lord home to the state line Is less than 500 yards if you take.a boat and row right across the river, and Sam, his Equinunk and Honesdale acquaintances say, always kept a boat himself or knew where he could get one in a hurry. He may, of course, have crossed the Delaware on the bridge, about one mile away one story that got to Honesdale late last night was to the effect that one of Sam's pals was handy by with a swift horse and took the assailant over Into Sulli van county but it is much more probable, say Equinunk people, that Sam hopped Into a boat and rowed across the Delaware, not a very wide stream at that point, about as fast as a pair of oars could drive him. The ditch, the snme old source of wars and rumors of wars between the Lords of Equinunk, started the row. Millard went out there the first thing Tuesday morning and commenced to dig. Leona and Sam got there pretty soon. William Lord came up on the Silas Lord side of the line to see what was going William and Millard commenced : cold watch, one dress skirt and fwo for the first four proposed games underskirts and umbrella. Mrs.1 11 IS nereoy agreed mat eacn Schenk had ?30 in her pocketbook,1 team is to put an umpire on the to mix It up then, according to the only disinterested witness, and old man Lord "Slke" a good many peo ple call him came out of the house. He saw the cousins fighting and somebody shouted to him. "I'll keep away,"' said Sike, who is CO years old. "Let the best man win." In the tussle between the two the old man got a blow from the pick and then, so goes the story, Sam Rold grabbed a hoe that lay near by and attacked Slke. The old man got something like 20 or 25 nasty cuts. He was knocked out and his son dragged him Into the house and sent for Dr. Frlsble. The doctor dressed the wounds and had Sike put to bed and kept quiet. Sike regained consciousness after a time and when members of his family asked him how he felt he simply said "Good" and lapsed Into unconsciousness again. The wounds start on top of his head and go down to the base of the brain. One large (lap of skin left hanging was as big as a door hinge. The two sons of Slke came to Honesdale Wednesday night and saw Attorney O. L. Rowland, with whom they were closeted an hour. They brought with them Mrs. H. J. Lo gan, a New York summer visitor who, It was said, saw from a near by window the scrap at the Lord house, which Is on the main street, just In the edge of the village. The Lord boys and Mrs. Logan In her room upstairs. She recovered the pocketbook, but lost a dress skirt, a pair of rubbers and an um brella. Mr. Schenk lost his coat and grip. Mr. Tyler was overcome once and fell, but he escaped Injury. Mr. field, alternating at each inning, known as the "double umpire" sys tem. "Be it further agreed that at the signing of this agreement that each team post a forfeit of Twenty-five Dollars (525.00) for their faithful Schenk's hands were slightly burned appearance on the field, for the and Mrs. Schenk had one limb ! sames to be played on the dates as slightly burned while coming down above mentioned, the stairway after securing her, For their failure to appear as iiuovu iueiuiuaeu, u iiiey ue uui iu purse. Mr. Tyler was a Wayne county boy. He went to Warren county a uniform on the field to play, the forfeit money to go to the team number of years ago. He is em-!makInS their appearance, ployed by Rockwell & Co. of War "The White Mills team Is re- ren and Is engaged In pumping oil i trlcted to the players of their lo- j on their lease. Mr. Schenk Is the j pastor of the M. E. church at Pleas ant Mount. He, with his wife and moiuer-in-iaw, was 10 spenu a snort i callty, viz. all amateurs, no pro fessionals. "The Honedale team Is restricted to the players of their own locality. vacation at Mr. Tyler's. At present ! Vlz- a" amateurs, no proiessionais. they are at Clarendon with Mrs.! "In the event ot rain on any of Meals i the above-mentioned dates, when the The house at Clarendon and chick-1 Bame or Saiues as scheduled above, en coop were totally destroyed. The ! the rest of the games are to be barn caught fire, but this was put , Pla'ed at their respective town, as nut linfnro nm- ilnmnon l,n,l Wn nUOe IUeUUUUUU. done. The origin of the fire is a mystery. Dates of County Fairs in New York. Orange County fair at Middle- town, Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. Rockland County fair, burg, Sept. 5-9. Another City, Aug. 29 to Sept. 1. Sullivan County fair at cello, Aug. 15-18. Ulster County fair, Ellenville, Aug. 23-2G. Dutchess County fair, at Pough keepsle, Sept. 27-30. Orange at New Monti- ( Continued on Page Five.) Cast of King's Funeral. London, July 14. King Edward's fu neral cost the nation $202,500, as Is shown in the supplementary financial estimate Issued. WEATHER EVERYWHERE. Observations of tho United States weather bureau taken at S p. in. yesterday follow: Temp. Weather. New York &1 Cloudy Albany 74 Clear Atlantic Oity . . 84 Cloudy BoBtou 80 Clear Buffalo (18 Clear Chicago G8 Clear New Orleana . . 82 Cloudy Philadelphia... 84 Cloudy St. Louis 80 Cloudy Washington ... 80 Cloudy Weather Probabilities. Generally fair today aud to morrow; moderato winds. BERRY WILL RUN A special from Pittsburg says: William H. Berry has practically accepted tho gubernatorial nomina tion from the Allegheny county wing of tho American party. In a letter received by County Chairman W. H. Gibson Berry says he will run for governor If his sup port Is substantial. Berry Demo crats will meet In the office of R. E. Smith, Mutual building, West Ohio street, North Side, to make arrange ments for co-operating with the American party. Former City Treasurer John F. Steele, who ran against William A. Magee for tho Republican raayorallty nomination, is mentioned ns a prob able candidate for lieutenant-governor or state treasurer. Rev. A. L. Whlttaker will hold went services in the Indian Orchard schoolhouse Sunday next at 2.30 p. m. There will be a baptism nt this service. Leslie Dodd Ward Dead. London, July 14. Leslie Dodd Ward, vice president of tho Prudenttal Life Insurance company, died from acute Brigbt's dlrftMBo, complicated with pneumonia, which developed last Mon day. Ho practically did not rally from the coma which set In on Jnly 0. nis son was at bis bedside, and bo will accompauy the body to New York, probably on tho Campaula, Bailing to morrow. t 3 ROADS TO ARIEL "The postponed ganies. if any, to be played in the town scheduled on a date as agreed upon after the fourth game Is played, or as pro posed to be played. "The series to decide the champ ionship of Wayne county for the year 1910. "The fifth game to be played at Honesdale on Aug. C on a basis of 50 per cent, of the gross receipts of the game, viz., each team Is to get and receive, share and share alike, on this date on the results of the game. "It Is hereby agreed that Mr. Thomas Gill of White Mills, Pa., is to be the stakeholder of tho Fifty Dollars ($50.00) as per agreement, as nbove mentioned. "We, the undersigned, accept the above conditions for our respective teams and promise to abide by the above conditions. "Signed: WILLIAM KUPFER, Representing Honesdale team. Signed: WILLIAM WEBER. Representing White Mills team. Some Gumes With Cnrbondnle. Honesdale will play a series with Carbondale, which has n fast team this year. The first game comes Saturday, July 23, and there will, It is expected, bo a special train to A special from Scrantou says: Instead of one trolley line to Lake Ariel, Scranton may have three within a couple of years. The lat est line to the lako talked about may bo built by the Scranton Rail way company from Mt. Cobb on the j bring tho Carbondale rooters, who Mooslc mountains by way of tho old in times past have como down 500 THE TYLER HILL HOUSE. This house is probably one ot the finest, If not the very finest, built houses in Wayne county. It was erected by William Smith, better known as "Basswood" Smith or "Billy" Smith. Money was no ob ject when ho built It and every tim ber used was selected regardloss of cost Tho workmanship was the best that money could procure. The men who did tho work were all excellent mechanics and thoy had orders to take all necessary time and tako caro to do everything in tho best possible manner. The interior decorations paint ing, staining, papering wero by Sloane & Co. of Broadway, Now York. Thoy wore a work of art. Tho house Is now owned by Charles Schlumbohm, who onter- talns a select number of summer boarders from New York that an nually make tho pilgrimage to Tylor Hill to spend their vacation and to enjoy the excellent cooking of Mrs Schlumbohm, as well as the cordial hospitality ot host and hostess. Gravity line to tho lako. "It Is a possibility and no more; It may como some day, but there are no plans being made for it just at present," declared General Man ager Frank Caum. Tho Scranton and Lake Ariel has its line staked out over tho mountain to the lake and is ready to ask coun cil for a franchise giving It the right to run Its lino over numerous South Scranton streets. The Lake Shoro company, promoted by Scranton and Dunmoro men, and which la plnnned to be run to tho lake, hasn't an nounced any definlto plans yet. Captures King's Prize. Blsloy, England, July 14. Shootlug has been coucluded In the first stage of tho competition for his majesty the king's prize. Captain Campbell of tho Eighth Argylls captured tho bronae medal with a record nuo score or ioi out of a possible 105. Sergeant Morris was socoud with 103. strong, to Honesdale. Joseph Rosier, who has at vari ous times played with Honesdale, came here Tuesday night and hunt ed up Capt. Kupfer. Mr. Rosier represented Manager Murtha. Mr. Rosier and the Honesdale captain did not arrive at a definite conclu sion ns to tho number of games that will mako up the series, but this will bo announced later. Car bondalo has tho baseball fever in great shape this year aud the team from that place is well supported at homo. Honesdale Soldier Overcoinu by Heat. Tho men In camp at Gettysburg are In good health and spirits. Only elovon patients aro In tho army hos pital and nono aro serious. Thomaa Simmons of Company E, Honesdale. was taken with cramps ns tho result of drinking Ice water after march ing in the hot sun Tuesday. He is recovering.