THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY lit, 1010. COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE Other correspondence on Page !l AltlKIj. Accident To Sirs. Rockwell Hanker Emery's New Home. Mrs. Itebecca Rockwell of South Canaan, mother of Contractor Rock well nnd Mrs. G. O. Collins of this place, fell down cellar through a trap door Thursdny at her home. Sho unstained several bad bruises but no broken bones. Cashier Emery of the new bank has moved Into the house of O. M. Hoover on the East side. The new bank expects to open Its doors Sept. 1. I'. J. Horan and family of Dun more have moved Into their cottage for the summer. WHITES VALLEY. Mrs. W. 11. Fltze, daughter Made line and sou William are visiting relatives In this vicinity. Mrs. Bates F. White, accom panied by Miss Louise Brown of Middletown, N. Y., returned to Les tershire Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Russell left Sunday for Walton, N. Y., where they will spend several days with Mr. Russell's mother. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George Clift, June 8, a daughter. Mrs. L. P. Stark and children of Honesdnle are being entertained at Mrs. Martha Stark's. Charles Bonham spent Sunday at Pleasant Mount and was accom- A son of Commissioner Mnndovllle I Julia Dunn of Whites Valley spent! died In tho West recently. His body j Sunday with frlpnds In tills place, will be Interred nt the Indian Or-, Raymond and Isabel McGranaghnn chard cemetery. I of Cold Springs visited friends In I L LOCAL Joseph Swartz and family arc en tertaining guests from Now York. Mrs. Eva Toms, who has been visit ing her parents, has returned to her home nt Honesdale. W. C. Spry Is busily engaged hauling city boarders from Nnr rowsburg to Beach Lake. Mrs. Roy Klllnm Is visiting rela tives nnd friends in Hawley. Jeanettc Ham of Honesdale Is visiting her father at Red Rock farm. C. Spry spent Inst week with Carl ton Brooks at East Beach Lake. MAPLEWOOD. The Ladles Aid of Grace church will serve a chicken dinner nt tho Lake Henry Park pavillion Thurs day. A social will follow In the af ternoon and evening. Frank Hartley, who has been seri ously sick. Is slowly Improving. Mrs. Alfred Bnrnes of Pntcrson, X. J., Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. M. Keene. Miss Lydla Hallock of Dunmorc Is visiting relatives here. Mrs. J. H. Sloat nnd son, Carl, nre spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brown. A much-needed shower arrived Sunday afternoon and crops nre looking up. The Ladles' Aid met at the home of Alba Black Thursday and spent the day quilting. this place Sunday, i Wayne Connor has returned to Uuo, Dod trUft w B0 New lork after spending her vacn- the U()3tmi stor(J 8tock Bnd flxturea July 20 at .1 p. m. and has posted tlon here . I . 1 TJY - t It... -1 . X V If. W " .mu.e. nn. u. im.uu,., . i., cIrcnInra to thnl effect Bpenaing ner vacation wmi ner aunt, Mrs. F. L. Clune Miss Ella Wrenn of Blooms burg, who has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Grlflln, lias gone to Scrnnton to enter Moses Taylor hos pital for an operation for appendi citis, Mrs. Griffin accompanied her. Local No. 92, American Flint HAWLEY. BETHANY. Mr. Rellly of Honesdale is visit ing his sister, Mrs. J. C. McKennn. Mrs. E. Evans of New York Is J visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Mc-I Avoy, St. Juliana parish nre to hold their i nnnunl picnic Aug. 15. This Is tho. Glass Workers' union, will hold their social event of the season nnd every second nnnunl picnic July 30,. two one should plan to attend. i weeks from Saturday, In Bellevue pnrk. Plans are being made by the committee for a royal outing. There will be plenty of eatables and art nhimilnnKA nt n m itaotimti t a fnr nlrl spi-nK.i.ji iTucH ""'""-' and young. Sonner's full orchestra Former Residents Buried. j i1!l8 ueen engaged to play William Itausman, who has been i Last week we gave our readers working nt his trade of glass cutting I a brief sketch of the proposed dam. in Xew York during the winter, has , nt Wllsonville nnd an inkling of Its returned to pass the warm months . magnitude. An additional bit of ln- on a farm nt Pnupack. formation which may be of Interest Mrs. Laura Lyons is entertaining j8 the fact that it is estimated that at her pleasant home on tho banks it will require six months for tho of the Paupnck river her annual j ,jam to fill with water. It is also summer visitors, the Misses Burnett t the Intention of the company to of New York. ! build a speedway the entire distance Mr. and Mrs. William Wagner nnd j around the big pond. Contemplate, little daughter of Masslllon, 0.,.are Ve Joy riders! Hawley Times, guests at the former's parental I Tne Electrlc clty qUnrtet. corn home at East Hawley. ed of j Percy Burns, Herbert Mrs. Simon Spangenberg and Dav,Sj Hlirola ,T whltmore and Clar family of Honesdale were boating once pau, PhlniI)3( were registered and fishing on the Paupack Thurs-jat the Lake house Lake Arlel over Marriage Ifcenses have been granted tho following: Fred L. Spatt gf Hancock and Tftressa O. McGrath of Starlight; Nathaniel Seargoant of Dyberry nnd Elsie Dover of Seely ville; Wytnan Cox otl Gravity nnd Bertha Black of Cortez; Bert Scott of Milanvllle and Vashlto Hartman of Torrey. Honesdale people who go fre quently to Hawley say Hawley Is almost always two degrees hotter than Honesdale. That is because the streets In Honesdale nre watered by a sprinkler and the streets of Hawley are not. Passengers who get off here after a stop In Hnwtey frequently speak about the change in temperature. DEATH OF .MRS. MOSES COLE. day. Sunday, and gave some line vocal .Methodist Church Realizes $100 Blind Evangelist Ends His Meetings All that was advertised was car ried out by the Methodist people and a very pleasant Fourth was cele- hrntoil EVInnila frnm Unnofirlnlp pnnied by Mrs. Bonham's son Vinnl, Tanner.s Ealls HalneS( Brooklyn, and infant son, Charles Richard. v v rnrhnnrtnin v.nSPnn. n nnri Nelson Crossmnn, who is spend- n.w nin ti,o lng several years preparing for the ,nH,.. rni,0,i mn Hnrni.i Mr. and Mrs. Florence Shook and ,, n,,,,. ,.., iin tnnrn.i thn little aaugnier passeu uie rouruii with Honesdale friends, extending' Baptist ministry, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Crossman, last week. Miss Edith Hull is visiting friends in Waymnrt. Mrs. H. L. Fisher was entertain ed Friday at the Pomery home. Miss Clara Kimball of Seelyville who has been the guest of Mrs. Ray mond Pomery, has returned home. Hacker met with an accident, his face being peppered with powder. He is getting along nicely. Grant Collins was overcome by the heat, but he recovered before evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blake enter tained the former's niece and hus- thelr visit until Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Degroat were visitors Monday at the home of her parents at Fowlertown. Mrs. Harry Shook and little daughter, Thelma, went to Paupack Sunday to visit the grave of her son Joseph. Mr. Hessler was a week-end visi tor at Wayne's county seat. D. J. Brannlng and J. S. Pennell took the early morning train Tues day for a prospecting trip on the eastern division of the Erie, visit ing Port Jervis, Middletown, Goshen INDIAN ORCHARD. band, a bride and groom, of New-1 and Chester. The former returned ark, X. J., over the Fourth. Thursday. Mr. Pennell extended Mrs. Starnes. Mrs. Halev and his Journey to Washlngtonville, X. daughter, Margaret, of Illinois are-1 Y., where resides his brother, Rev Various Matters of Village Interest Briefly Recited. Whew! Let's go to the city! It's getting too warm to stay in the country. Among those who enjoyed the Fourth at C. T. Week's were Prof Whewell of Xew York, Cora Budd of visiting at the Starnes' home. Charles W. Sutton of Xorwlch, X. Y., spent Sunday and the Fourth with his family here. Vinnlng Cody was called to Hones dale Saturday to attend Mrs. Lord, who met with a painful accident at the golf grounds. Rev. Thomas Houston closed his meetings in the Presbyterian church Honesdale, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sunday evening, when he gave his weeks and children of Prompton, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Weeks of White Mills and Chester Maloney and fam lly of East Honesdale. Hamlinton Braman of Carthage, N. Y., is visiting his brother, P. L, Braman, and family. Miss Katherlne Wagner of Hones dale Is enjoying a visit with parents at this place. Lawyer C. A. Garratt of Honesdale recently visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Garratt. Mrs. E. F. Rice and children of White .Mills spent the Fourth with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L Braman. Mrs. G. H. Ham visited relatives in Honesdale recently. Mrs. E. E. Avery and daughter Mrs. Charles Schweighofer. and children of Scranton spent Friday with W. E. Avery and family John Case and family have re life experience. The services in the morning were ' held In the Metho dist church. There were large gath erings at both services. Four signi fied their intention of Joining the church. Mr. Houston has left to Join his family nt Ocean Grove. Mrs. W. C. Selfarth expects to re- her turn t0 ner ll0me ln Brooklyn today and will be met by ner two nieces. Mildred Miller and Isabelle Paynter, in Honesdale. They will accompany her home for a visit of several weeks. Miss Anna Ross has left for New York to visit her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns and son, Howard, spent Sunday anu the Fourth with the former's par ents here. Rev. Thomas Houston was enter tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Faatz Friday and at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hack- turned from a visit from relatives er Saturday, near Xarrowsburg, X. Y. Miss Addle Jennings of Beach Grove is visiting the Misses Beards- lee. Mrs. May Richinan has returned to Honesdale after spending her va cation with relatives here. James Wrenn and daughter, Melva, of Hawley have returned home, af- ter spending a few days at W. H. Hall's. The Granger's picnic drew a large Charles Faatz, Jr., is visiting his aunt. Mrs. Cott, at Miner's Mills. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest Paynter and children of Carbondale were here over the Fourth at the Lavo home. GOULDSBORO. Friday evening the Clover club was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Dowling. Dainty refreshments wero served. Those I present were Mr. and Mrs. S. A. i crowd and the general report Is that Adams, Mrs. G. H. Kerllng, Misses all had a good time. Grace and Alico Dowling, Bessie Miss Ella Dills of Duryea Is at Smith, Martha Fairless, Anna Smith, tho home of her brother, Samuel Helen Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George Dills, at this place, where she sxpects Goerlltz, Mrs. M. A. Adams, Mrs. to spend tho remainder of her vacn- Megargel, George Edwards, Clar- tlon. After the close of Miss Dill's term of school m Duryea, she Joined a party of tourists, who visited Wash- enco Surplus, C. II. Rhodes, Edgar Dowling. Tho Young Holpors were enter tained Thursday evening at the home ington and had a most enjoyable, in- 0f Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoffman structlvo trip. Homor Stevens, who has been Clara Dills of Honesdale recently sick several days, has returned to spent a few days visiting her home work in Hampton ln this place. Miss Boulah Tubbs of Blooras- burg, who has been spending several, weeks with Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Smith, returned Thursday. Miss Grace Gilpin Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Smith. James McAndrews Is tho guest of Mrs. P. Hefforman. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. A. Morgan were called to Scranton Friday by tho serious sickness of Mr. Morgnn's father. Sunday showers greatly refreshed vegetation. Tho Free Methodists of Beach Lake held a picnic In E. E. Avery's grove on the Bethel fruit farm the Fourth. Tho Methodists of the lake hold their picnic In Mrs. Wilson's grove near Valhalla cottage. Mr. Van Wert's fine pair of sor rel horses died on Saturday even ini?. Jlllv 2. All wnrn vprv nnrrv tn learn of Mr. Van Wert's loss. ROCK LAKE Richard Ham has had his barn re- A much-needed shower carao to us shingled. R. E. Bayly of Laurella Sunday afternoon. did tho work. James Fltzslmmons of Elklns, W. Mr. and Mrs.. William Weeks of Va., Is visiting at tho homo of his white Mills and Francis Weeks nnd mother, Mrs. M. Fitzslmraons family of Prompton wero guests of I George Flynn of New York Is Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Weeks of Grand spending his vacation at tho homo View farm. of his father, William Flynn The Berlin school directors will Jack Leonard of Now York Is meet Monday next at tho Laurella visiting his uncle, Matthew Leonard schoolbouse, at which time they Mrs. James Cluus is entertaining will employ teachers for tho ensuing her niece, Margaret JohnBon of Car A. R. Pennell. From thence he went up the Hudson to Xewburg, X. Y., visiting West Point, Washington's headquarters and many other places of interest. Mrs. Christina Glossenger of Lake- vllle was a recent visitor of her sister, Mrs. Howard Ktrkham of School street. Albert Tetzloff and daughter of Fowlertown drove to Cherry Ridge Monday and enjoyed the day with relatives. John Hoover and family, who re side on Erie avenue, are entertaining relatives from out of town, who ar rived Friday. Mrs. Charles Brady and friends of Honesdale occupied the Suydam cottage at Big Pond the past week. Christina Smith, a trained nurse from Jersey City, who Is passing her summer vacation with her sister nt Paupack, was a recent caller at the home of Mrs. Mary Pennell. Prof, and Mrs. Mark Creasy went to Big Pond Thursday for a sojourn of two weeks. Prof. Creasy had just returned from attending tho funeral of a relative at Light Street. The remains of George Mande ville, son of Commissioner John E. Mnndeville, will be brought from Colorado to his home at Hawley to day (Tuesday) accompanied by his brother, who had recently gone there to pay him a visit. The de ceased had been away about one yenr. He was greatly improved ln health, being in a very delicate con dition when ho went away. Tho news of his death was a great shock to his relatives. He was a glass cutter by trade and was foreman in Glbb's glass works when he was taken sick. He was a young man of excellent habits, with mnny friends who mourn his early demise. The body of another Hawley boy by tho name of Feeley, a glass blow er of Masslllon, O., was brought here Sunday. Irvln Brown of Honesdale was In town Sunday. Max Alpha of Lakevlllo Is bring ing some fine cultivated raspberries to market, selling them for 10 cents a basket. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bea of Staple ton, L. I., and Mrs. William Smith of Masslllon, O., are guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Beat of Church street. C. S. Houck, who for several years has been assistant cashier at the First National bank, has sovered his connection with that Institution. Warren Murphy, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. R. W. Murphy, haB secured a place at Atlantic City for tho sum mer. He expects ln the fall to enter tho omploy of tho General Electric corapnny of Schnectady, N. Y. Friday night nt the commence-1 inent exercises held In tho High school auditorium Ruth E. Guest and Louis Miller wero tho winners of tho prizes given by II. J. Atkinson in the oratorical contest to tho ones who could best recite tho selections "Paul Rovero's Ride" for tho girls and "Spnrtacus to the Gladiators" for the young men. Each received a $5 gold piece. The prize, a trip to Atlantic City, offered by tho manager of "Dream land" to tho most popular woman In Hawley, was won by Miss Nellie B. Langan, tho obliging clerk at tho world and Is now resting, prepara tory to taking up the fall and win ter work. They will be heard at Delaware Water Gap the balance of the season. Emerson Gammell, Dr. P. B. Petersen, R. A. Smith and G. P. Ross went to Seelyville Saturday night and surprised William C. Ferguson on his 02d birthday. They found the venerable man ln good health and spirits and he was glad to see them. The five men talked remlnlscently and the four visitors congratulated Mr. Ferguson and told him they hoped he might see at least eight more birthdays. He works every day, eats well, feels well, and says he Is well. There Is a Jeffries man In town who bet a Johnson man a cigar, a sandwich and a drink that the white slugger would clean up the ring with the black slugger and take the winner's end of the $101,000 purse at Reno. The black man got there and the Jeffries man offered to set tle, but the Johnson adherent let him off ln part when he found It was really going to hurt the feelings of the Jeffries man to buy the three articles called for by the conditions of the wager. The loser said he would pay the moist part of his bet and let it go at that. The cigar Is still in the dealer's box and the sandwich hasn't been put together. A good many people, not all of them sports', have been wondering whether or not Honesdale would see the pictures of the great Reno fight betwoen Jack Johnson and Jim Jef fries. Many Southern and Eastern and also a few Western cities have put up the bars and the syndicate that paid $100,000 for the privilege of using the light Alms faces a heart breaking loss of profits In some large cities in consequence. Mana ger Dlttrlch of the Lyric is away at ills summer cottage and could not ln reached for an interview. When Expires at Home of Her Daughter In Carlmndalo. A special from Carbondnlo says: Sarah, wife of Moses Cole, died nt the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Perry, at 3.30 o'clock Fri day morning, after a brief sickness. She was born In Clinton township, Wayne county, March 17, 1830, the daughter of Jesse and Elizabeth Od gen. Her early life was spent on the farm. At the age of 19, in 1S58, she was united in marriage to Moses Cole of the same neighborhood. They began housekeeping on the farm, on which they continued to reside until 1908, the year they cele brated their golden wedding, after which they moved to Prompton. She was a prominent Methodist and of the Stene church she had been for over CO years a faithful member. Mrs. Cole possessed a beautiful character and was willing at all times to lend a hand to those in want or distress. Sho is survived, by her husband and the following children: James, of Carbondale: William and Thomas of Clinton, Edward and Charles of Forest City, and Ira of Prompton; Carrie, wife of William Perry of Carbondale, and Fannie, wife of David Mill of Bethany; 22 grand children and one great grandchild; also by three sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Dolph of North Platte, Neb.; Mrs. Silas Buckland of Elk Lake, and Mrs. Ed. Carr of Black Walnut. Prayer services were held Sunday morning at 9.30 at the . home of Mrs. William Perry, 03 Williams avenue, Carbondale, after which the remains were taken to Prompton, where funeral services were held from the Presbyterian church by Rev. R. C. Burch of Waymart. In terment was ln Prompton cemetery. Mr. Cole was in Honesdale Satur day and received the condolences of his local friends. He said Mrs. Cole had been troubled by a cancerous growth some time and had been a great sufferer, though she bore her ualnful complaint heroically. Mr. Cole, a hardworking man, has the sympathy of all who know him. He went from Honesdale to Prompton, where Sunday's funeral services were held. HOI ON THE FIELD Continued from Page One. cal training of tho Pennsylvanlans In tho nrt of laying out a camp. The Bevernl tactical units dropped their packs around the stacked rlflca In tho company streets, and scarcely had the men shed their coats when tho big army wagons, drawn by pairs of sophisticated army mules, were on tho Bpot, tho bundled tents were unloaded In quick order, and In a very few minutes the cheers told of the first tent In place In each regimental camp. Following the canvas other teams laden with the Implements necessary for camp life were unloaded. The big company chests, field cooking ap paratus, rations and baggage of all klnd3 lumbered the ground, but only for a few minutes, as ready hands soon placed everything where It should be. Ma. Vandllng, tho Third brigade quartermaster, who arrived here on Wednesday last, was re sponsible for the rapid handling of tilings, wagon transportation, al ways the black bug at state encamp ments, was on hnnd, and plenty of It. Likewise the commissariat, with tons upon tons of the ration com ponents stored In specially construct ed warehouses, was ln prime work ing order. This was seen to by Capt. Adams, commissary of subsistence, Fourth infantry, acting as brigadier commissary. The rations allowance is placed at 21 G5-100 cents per man per day, and Is considered quite liberal. Getting under cover was all that was expected of the arriving sol diers, but, of course, such essentials as guard mount and retreat were not dropped. Some of the commands even attempted regimental parade, but a welcome thunder storm some what marred tho ceremony. With Gen. Dougherty were Major Sharp, adjutant general; Major Davis, judge advocate; Major Halberstadt and Lieutenant Clement, Twelfth in fantry, A. D. C. Surgeon Major Clarke, inspector, came In later. Each of the staff officers immediate ly assumed their various duties, and notwithstanding the fierce heat were helping to bring matters to the usual orderly condition of a Pennsylvania camp. The general reported ln per son the arrival of himself and com mand to General Wotherspoon, U. S. A., the commander of the joint camp. The schedule for this tour of duty Is similar In a way to that of the past week, starting tomorrow with close order drills, etc., and progress ing until on the last full day a big maneuver problem will be worked out. THAT XEW TOBACCO LAW. Menner & Co. will close out all summer goods at low prices. 51cl4 Third Party Boomers Will Meet July 27-U8. A special from Philadelphia says: For the purpose of placing an in dependent ticket in the field for gov ernor and other state offices to be Xow In Effect und: Afreets Tobacco filled at the Xovember election, a und Cigarette Smokers. convention of independents will be One of the first to feel the effects, held in that city July 27-2S. This of the new Internal revenue law, announcement was made by Henry tho acting mannger was given chance to talk ho just smiled through the ticket window at the question "When do you expect the fight pie tures?" and answered "We don't know yet." Robert Pitman of Honesdale, Ph.. has been In Westerly und Quonochontaug," R. L. this week calling on tho friends of boyhood He has been a Quonochontaug visi tor every summer for 30 years or more. He says the Rhode Island coast Is one of the finest summer cooling spots on tho continent, though tho Wayne county hills are beautiful and breezy. He was rais ed in New York but spent much of his youth ln Westerly, where former Representative B. Court Bentley and tho late Charles W. Barber, the suc cessful druggist and past command er of Narragansett commandery, K. T.. were among his chums. Mr. Pit man is a fnctory boss in HonesdnJe. His personality Is agreeable, and In that part of the stato ho has a great many warm friends. Norwich (Conn.) Evening Record. Tho finest specimen of oats seen hero for many a day was brought to this office on Thursday by a sou of milkman August Heyne. Tho sample was one plucked at ran dom from a field of 7 acres on tue Heyne farm and Is said to bo a fair sample of tho wholo close. Tho stalk is unusually thrifty, with long broad leaves, and measures 4 feet 6 Inches ln height. Ten Inches of this length is mado up of tho kernels, which are extremely thick In clus ter and very heavy. Tho seed was nut Into tho ground on April 1. and ln tho three months following that time has grown to full size and will soon becln to ripen. Envious farm er nelchbors of Mr. Heyne are offer lng him ?2 per bushel for tho seed which, it Is estimated,' will weigh fully 50 pounds to the bushel. Two representatives of tho American Ag rlculturlst who stopped at the Heyne farm on Wednesday, declared It to be tho finest piece of oata they had yet seen this season. Hawley which became operative July 1, Is the Btnoker. The law affects smoking tobacco and cigarettes directly. Cigarette boxes- are reduced In size, holding eight Instead of 10 cigarettes. The use of the fractional "third" ln measuring ounces of smoking to bacco is supplanted by fourths. Hereafter tho pouch which has con tained one ounce and one-third will contain one ounce and ono-fourth, but will retail for tho old price. Retail dealers know they will lose one perquisite or "commission" as a result of this law. Every dealer who buys a crate of a certain brand of cigarettes has found two extra boxes of a now brand packed In with his original order. These extra boxes were sup piled free, In order to advertise the brand. But notice was served on the trade that after July 1 tho "extra two" will not be included. C. Xiles of York, former state chair man of the Lincoln party, an Inde pendent organization. Mr. Xlles, as chairman of the committee having the Independent movement In charge, named the fol lowing temporary executive com mittee to prepare for the conven tion: John O. Sheatz, Philadelphia, chairman; George E. Mapes, secre tary; Frank M. Riter. Philadelphia, treasurer; Dr. D. A. Dllllnger, Cor nelius E. Scully, Allegheny county; George Wentworth Carr, Andrew R. Wright and Albert E. Turner, Phil adelphia, and Albln Garrett, Chester county. WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK. Honesdale, Pa., June 2.7, 1910. Xotlce to Savings Depositors: Interest will be allowed from July 1 on all deposits made on or before July 11, 1910. H. S. SALMON. Cashier 51t4. DOUBLE PROTECTION You are doubly protected when you start a bank account in the FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK V 1 II I H WJHHVlb mi Your money Is safe In the bank and In the trans mission of checks In paying bills. It Is the safest, easiest and only way for the business man or those who have monthly bills to pay when you have an ac count In the FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK. J year. bondale. local postofflce. Times.