TIIB CITIZEN, AVEDNE8DAY, JUIjY 1.1, 1010. THE CITIZEN rUBLlBBED EVERT WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY BY THE CITIZEN rUM.IBlltKCl COMTANY. Knteml as second-class mnttfr. at the post ofllce. Honesdnle. l'n. SUBSCniPTION 1.50 E. B. HAKDEN'llKItOH. - PKKSIDKNT W. W. WOOD. - MANAGER AND SKO'Y BILLIARD BRUCE - EDITOR dikectorb: c. h. dorpunoer. m. ii. allen, henry w1lbo.v. e. ii. iiardenderqii. TV. W. TOOD. WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1010. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Governor JOHN K. TENER. Kor Lleutcnnnt Governor JOHN M. REYNOLDS. Secretary of Internal Affairs HENRY HOUCK. State Treasurer CHAS. P. WRIGHT. For Congress, C. C. PRATT. For State Senator, WINFRED D. LEWIS. COUNTY. Representative, H. C. JACKSON. All teachers with state certificates who have put in two years are to get not less than $50 a month. Good! , At any rate, the comet did not squelch the corn. That's coming in Wayne county as it seldom has corac hefore. All railroad men will watch and wait for the time when the Curtiss or Hamilton aeroplane, hound down the stately Hudson or crossing the lovely Delaware above West Chester landing, is suddenly held up by a hot box in the sky. Two fields for speculation: What is the Colonel going to do? What Is the Colonel not going to do? Was ever an American summer so fraught with portential possibilities as this one of 1910! We ascertain from the Johnstown Democrat that the Pennsylvania Democracy is about to split. Is there enough of it for anything like that? Houston (Tex.) Post. Let WARREN WORTH BAILEY of Johnstown speak up betimes and measure that "split" for SAM BAILEY of Texas! WTe read the Flood City editor's paper pretty reg-1 ularly, and from this distance it sure does look to us as though Editor WARREN WORTH thought the split between GRIM men and BERRY men, to say nothing of the very pronounced defection on the part of MUNSON men, bade fair to make the 1912 Democratic vote in the Keystone state even smaller than ever. "Scratch a reformer and you will find an office-seeker either past or present" has become almost a pro verb. For several years a certain brand of "reformers" in this state have been trying to Impose upon the people their panaceas for the correction of all evils, but the game is so manifestly selfish that the third party movement has degenerated Into a Joke. Democrats may be ex pected to stand by their party, and no considerable number of Republi cans will be led astray by the talk of the men who, having had all the honors of the Republican party and many of its emoluments, are at this time trying to destroy the organi zation which gave them the only prominence and profit they ever enjoyed. Scranton's select council has gent ly turned down as impracticable the curfew law that was wanted by an organization in that city. Opinions of good men in good and bad cities differ as to the effectiveness of a curfew law, but most progressive cities do not want one. Their law making bodies reason, and wo be lieve correctly, that tho lad who is bandboxed in his tender years Is the fellow who will make up for lost time when he gets beyond curfew age. As for Scranton in particular, the bulk of tho liquor dealors aro more careful today than they ever were before about selling booze to boys or permitting them to hang around while their elders take liquid nourishment, and a great many of the immoral Joints havo been put out of business. Scranton Is not such a wicked city. Scranton is a whole lot cleaner morally than Wilkes-Barro. In the latter city it might bo an excellent experiment to try sending the boys homo at 9 o'clock at night. Wilkes-Barre, wide open and will ing to bo bo, needs a curfew a great deal more than Scranton at her present gait will ever need one. Oyster Bay is now easily visible to tho naked eye, but tho first citizen of that delectable Nassau county settlement still requires six differ ent kinds of glasses for the manifold occupations of his existence, ,and may take unto himself a seventh pair when that new Roosevelt buzz wngon lately garaged at Sagamore Hill gets nicely to going. Now the fight Is over nnd Mr. JAMES JEREMIAH JEFFRIES has been knocked into a cocked hat by Mr. JOHN ARTHUR JOHNSON, the general concensus of opinion on the part of ring officials, trainers, sport ing editors nnd other Johnnles-on-the-spot who should have the situa tion well under their hats seems to be that Mr. JEFFRIES knew it all and wouldn't pay any attention to tho warnings thnt were given him by JIM CORBETT, not to mention BILLY MULDOON nnd other ring men who actually knew whnt they were talking nbout. JACK JOHN SON alone did not bent JIM JEF FRIES. The swelled head of tho defeated man helped like blazes. That disgusting battering match on the sage brush plains of Nevada will have one stimulating effect if It teaches a few hundred young Ameri can boys not to think they are the whole outfit and in so doing keeps them from getting hard knocks businesswise that humiliate even more than a bloody good licking in the prize ring. Says the Harrisburg Telegraph: Champ Clarke is a fine example of the optimistic Democrat. He gets much fun out of his mid-summer predictions, which are invariably frostbitten in the fall. But he won't loosen up any of that Democratic optimism at the Water Gap's Old Home week If he gets to it. As already advertised by the Gap reunion's very industrious and pretty competent press agent, he will not lisp one solitary syllable of poli tics when he mounts the stump no, platform at the prettiest cross roads In his friend PALMER'S Con gressional district. He will talk on that broad, safe, comfortable and non-committal subject . of "Good Citizenship," which does not oblige him to say in so many words that Pennsylvania will send a solid Dem ocratic delegation to Washington in November or that JOE FOLK, the man from the Hon. CHAMP'S own Missouri, is bound to run through the 1912 electoral college like JACK JOHNSON through the sore ribs of JIM JEFFRIES at Reno. For once, at least, the rainbow rooter from the peat bogs of Pike county Is going to be uncharacteristically conservative. The Bellefonte Watchman, one of those optimistic Democratic sheets that can always see a 200,000 Re publican state electing a Democratic governor by 100,000 and handing its electoral vote to the Peerless Pleader of the Platte by another 100,000, lets out its lungs like this: It might have been a lot of fun had the third party promoters suc ceeded in getting Gifford Plnchot to run for governor of Pennsylvania. Had ho gone into the hustings in this state, Roosevelt would probably have taken the stump for him and Roosevelt would at least have put a lot of ginger into the campaign. Tho esteemed Watchman pre sumes too much. Mr. ROOSEVELT Is still with his party. Mr. ROOSE VELT would be decidedly out of his element In any effort to help his personal friend, GIFFORD PINCHOT, heat out JOHN K. TENER, the very able and fairly nominated candidate of the Republican convention, and elect WEBSTER GRIM, a man who knows by this time that tho best thinkers of his own party do not want him. Imagine even Mr. PIN CHOT asking Mr. ROOSEVELT to come over and help him in Mace donia! But then, why fret and worry needlessly? Mr. PINCHOT has taken all the crimp out of tho in cipient boom that was started for him by n few soreheads by saying ho has no legal residence in Pennsyl vania. Ho shoots and fishes in Pike county now and then, hut he votes thoro never. Ho votes in Now York. His home, onco in Connecticut, is now In Now York, For tho sake of a bright though misguided con temporary wo nro sorry tho situation desired by tho Watchman cannot bo brought about, but it seems to bo clean beyond all politi cal possibility. A third ticket thoro may bo if anybody is green, enough to dig up tho money to finance It, but tho third ticket .cannot claim Mr. PINCHOT for its own. It'd about time for Col. SAMUEL R. HONEY, presumably one of tho sweetest men in Rhode Island, to como forward once more ns the Democratic candidate for the senate seat about to be vacated by tho Hon. NELSON W. ALDRICH. Thcro's an English walnut treo down In Bucks, cnndldnto GRIM'S county, that drops butternuts every fall, swears the Doylestown Intelli gencer. Now, Is there n tree within convenient walking distance thnt can be tapped for sweet cider? Whnt will Atlantic City do with airship races and the Returned Afri can Hunter on her hnnds at tho same time? How small the famous boardwalk, and the million dollar steel pier, and the 400-pound police man with a 50-cent cigar in his mouth will seem by comparison for a while! JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER was. 71 years old Saturday. Nobody knows j how rich he Is. Nobody knows what ' ho Intends eventually to do with all , his money. But every vigorous, , sensible man knows ho wouldn't i swap his own good health for tho Rockefeller sore feet that make their owner walk stockingless j through the dewy grass for two hours before breakfast every morn ing, even if he could get a liberal slice of the oil king's vast boodle out of the transaction. The Scranton councilman who urges straw hats for the city's po licemen during July and August Is a sane man and on the right track. Wo hope he wins his point. Why shouldn't a cop be comfortable? Compelled to wear their coats but toned, the policemen of any city suf fer enough without being forced to wear the head-sweating helmet all through the torrid period. By all means let the Scranton "finest" have cool lids for the summer. And let them loosen their coats for a couple of hours in the heat of the day. It is efficiency, not looks, that Is de manded from the man In blue and brass. That infernal artistic tem perament which of late has been raising Ned with the nation ought to bo sent to the back seat long enough to let our city police forces increase their activity by virtue of an Increase In bodily comfort. The Keystone Press A bungalow "up the creek," with plenty of fishing tackle and lots of bait, and time to burn! Who could ask for anything to exceed that? Franklin News. A Johnstown man was drowned while in swimming. He wasn't a native; the natives of Johnstown know better than to fool around water. Willlamsport News. Rhode Island baseball game broke up In a row. Likely there was ob jection to tho rule that a hit over any state line counts for only three bases. West Chester Local News. Only two per cent, of tho people of Mexico voted ngainst President Diaz for re-election. The minority Is about as strong as tho Democratic party In Pennsylvania. Wilkes Barre Record. Tho question whether all these honors havo spoiled Colonol Roose velt will not be settled until wo see whether he shovels the snow off his sidewalk or not. Allentown Chroni cle. Man fell ono hundred feet from Broadway building and broke his wrist. Other men who havo hit Broadway have not been so fortun ate They havo been carried homo badly broke. West Chester Local News. Long life to tho cheerful opti mist! Ho writes tho Evening Chat man that ho likes this sort of weath er "because It affords him so many warm friends." Why can't wo all take tho hot weather that way? Harrisburg Telegraph. Tho "chanteclor" luncheon Is tho latest fashionable wrinkle. A society hello In Franklin, Pn provided such a function, nnd had a llvo rooster In tho center of tho tablo. A society lady who can do a thing like that has something to crow about. New port has nothing on It. Scranton Truth. Thoro will bo very general agree ment among the Republicans of Pennsylvania with tho suggestion put forth by our Easton contem porary, the Freo Press, that it makes little difference whether Grim, Berry or somebody elso hoads tho Democratic Stato ticket. Nono can hopo for anything better than an overwhelming defeat at tho hands of John K. Tener, tho Republican candidate, in tho contest for gover nor of Pennsylvania. Pittston Gazette. But in spite of thnt little affair at Reno we think the white race is still Just what It was. Johnstown Democrat. The Des Moines Capital asks, "Who Is tho greatest American?" Foolish question No. 223,223. Philadelphia Inquirer. " The distinction of being the first person to be placed on the pension roll of the Lehigh Valley Railroad company hns come to Patrick Cos tcllo of Wilkes-Barre, the oldest en gineer in tho service of tho com pany. The railroads do themselves credit In providing a pension list. Scrairton Truth. It will require Bome years of de velopment in airships before the enemies of the atmosphere may be ovorcome nnd the present hazardous pleasure be converted Into a reason ably safe method of travel. The experience of a Zeppelin dirigible is sufficient to emphasize the point that flying Is yet a long wny from becom ing a popular pastime. Tltusville Herald. The Johnstown Democrat wants to Inaugurate a campaign of educa tion. Jesso Hook Wise, Democratic randidate for congress In this dis trict, hankers to do the same thing, but he seems to bo handicapped for proper newspaper support. Fayette county's alleged Domocratlc press is cold and distant. We would re spectfully suggest that Editor War ren Worth Bailey give ear to the Macedonian cry for succor that comes out of Greene county. Con nellsvlllo Courier. The "Jolly fnrmer" is no fiction these days. Everything seems to be going In the direction of tho agricul turist. Down the State newspapers note the gathering of stupendous crops of hay. The harvest bids fair to be a record-breaker, and hay brings good prices these days. Com ing nearer home, a glance at the fields of grain as one passes through the country districts shows that, un less something very serious inter feres, rye and oats will come to the ripening season in excellent condi tion. The rainy spring, followed by the warm weather of the past few weeks, has done the trick nicely. Pittston Gazette. Clean up days in Bellefonte re sulted in such a general effort in cleaning up nnd clearing out that the ladles who had the work In charge have cause to feel greatly gratified. There was almost uni versal compliance with their request and, except in a few cases, all of the residents of the town accepted the notice from the respective commit tees in the proper spirit. It was to be expected thdt a few would be im pertinent. There are always some down on a community and they are the ones who must seize on Just such an opportunity to express their disgruntled thoughts or make sraartles of themselves. Bellefonte Watchman. Information from Washington tells that the ranks of the army that de fended the Union In the great strug gle of the Civil war is rapidly pass ing away. At present about 90 names a day are dropped from the pension rolls. This average is equiv alent to about 2700 deaths a month, or about 32,000 annually among Federal survivors of the Civil war carried on tho pension lists. There are no pensioners of tho Revolution or war of 1812 liv ing. The last survivor on the pen sion rolls of the Revolution was Daniel F. Bakeman, who died at Freedom, N. Y April 5, 1860, aged 109 years. The last survivor of tho Revolution on the rolls lived for 86 years after the close of that war. If there is any soldier of the civil war who will llvo 86 years after the close of the conflict in which ho fought, his name will remain on tho pension rolls until 1951. Tho last survivor of tho war of 1812 lived 90 years after tho end of that struggle. Ac cording to these Instances, the country may be paying a pension to tho Inst soldior of the Civil war in 1955. Archbald Citizeu. Havo you thought of Saratoga Springs and Lako George as the place to spend your vacation this summer? Seo advertisement. 54t4 RIGHT OFF THE BAT. What do you expect, Mister, when you go out to one of these Ice cream suppers? Do you think the good people that put themselves out to entertain you on a hot July night aro going to hand you a gallon of crenm and n loaf of bread for 15 cents? Bo reasonable and not ex pect any more than valuo received for your money this hot wenthor. John H. Weaver. When you como to talk about snoring, let mo offer a suggestion not at all new but which ought to bo emphasized, Tho man who makes a regular practice of lying on his side will never snore. Tho man who persists in lying on bis back will al ways bo a nuisnnco to tho neighbors. And do you ' know how tho Indian lies down to sleep? Tho Indian, wrapped in his blanket or other wise, always ( lies on his stomach, and the Indian never snores. Prof. J. H. Cornell. When a man has seven mouths to feed, the wny I have, the increas ed cost of living Is something more than newspaper talk to him, and ho involuntarily finds himself saying, "I love my wife and kids, but O you price of rations!" Jnke Theobald. It is true that In these prosperous dnya a man of Intelligence and spirit can generally work for a living, but It takes some ability to get a good living without doing any work. But I want to say I nm one of tho men that alwnys has had to deliver the goods to get by. Leopold Blumen thnl. I nm certnln nbout two things. In tho first place I have one of the finest collections of roses behind my houso that ever grew in Wayne county. In tho second place, the man who wrote me up as a great admirer of the Woman's Natlonnl Dally is a low, lame, lying son of a seacook, and I can lick him. E. A. Pcnnlmnn. At length I havo got the last thing moved from the house whcis I've lived 23 years to the new quar ters. I rent four rooms for $10 a month and tho barn, which I don't I need, for $7, so the net cost of a roof over my head is less than $100 a year. When you beat your Uncle George you've got to go some. George Miller. I must confess 1 have my opinion of a man who brags about an eight pound baby at his house and still refuses his friends any celebration more olaborato than a nlcklo soda. A man who can buy 15-cent cigars and 15-cent drinks ought to be on that Job under such conditions. He can't get out of the cigar racket by saying there are no such costly weeds to be bought In town, though they tell me his defence on the oth er proposition Is that he knows no man In Honcsdale able to mix one that costs more than a dime. Mike Bregstein. Princess and one-piece dresses, white and colored, at Menner & Co. Sold low to close out stock. The Law as to Bullfrogs. Reports from all over Wayne, Pike and Monroe counties state that bull frogs are In abundance in all the streams. The season for shooting them opened July 1. For the bene fit of sportsmen we publish a sec tion of the fish laws covering this subject: "Act of April 6, 1903, regulating the catching or taking, within the commonwealth, of bullfrogs and ter rapin. Section 1. Be it enacted, etc., that from and after the pas sage of this act, it shall be unlawful to catch, take or kill any bullfrogs only from the first day of July to the first day of November, and terrapin save only from the first day of No vember to the fifteenth day of March, in each year." State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, SS.: Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. L. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said flrr will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case o Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ESTABLISHED 1830 t THE OLDEST BANK INJWAYNE COUNTY X --'(THE- I HONESDALE NATIONAL : i t I t BANK CAPITAL, $ 150,000.00 SURPLUS 241,711.00 TOTAL ASSETS 1,902,000.00 WE ARE AFTER YOU ! You havo moro or less banking business. Possibly it is with us, such being tho case you know something of our service, but if not a patron would it not bo well for you to become ono ? OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT will help you start. It is calculated to servo all classes, tho old and tho young, tho rich and the poor, MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN IT RECEIVES DEPOSITS OF $1.00 AND UP and allows threo per cont. interest annually. Interest will be" paid' from tho first of any month on all deposits made on or before the 10th of the month provided such deposits remain three calendar months or longer. HENRY Z. RUSSELL, I'liESIDKNT. ANDREW THOMPSON VICE PRESIDENT. COLD IS HARD ON BASS. Low Temperature In Breeding Sea son Killed Eggs, Says Commis sioner. Owing to an unfortunate spell of weather for hatching fish that wbb unprecedented in the history of tho state department of fisheries, tho black bass work has been n failure. "Cold weather In May," explains Fish Commissioner Median, "is re sponsible for the loss of our black bass supply. When the temperaturo of water falls to 55 degrees bass cease to spawn. At 50 degrees tho eggs that may havo been deposited on the next die, and at 45 degrees any young fish that havo been hatch ed will die. "This year the nesting season was about four days later than In 1908 or 1909, coming as late as May 30 In the northern hatcheries. There was an unusual quantity of nests discov ered by field men In Susquehanna and Wayne counties, and a larger percentage than ordinarily in tho stato hatcheries. "C. H. Nesly of Wayne county had two lakes in his charge. In one, called Righten's lake, there were 250 nests, with 250,000 fish In sight. He got 12,000. Of my own 15G nests, I had 52,000 fish. This un expected loss upsets our wholo scheme of stocking streams and oth er waters of the state for the year, as far as black bass are concerned." If the yield of tubers turns out as well as the crop of bugs and slugs in our potato patches, it will mean an extra bin and enlargement of tho cold storage plant. Our noble house wives could more easily wear oft the rust from the paring knives which their husbands failed to grind, remarks a correspondent of the Monroe Record. ABOUT HYOMEI A Bottle Cohts Only ."50 Cents A Complete Outfit Including In haler $1.00. When G. W. Pell will guarantee Hyomel to cure catarrh br give you your money back, what Is your an swer? Are you satisfied with your condi tion or do you want to rid yourself forever of vile catarrh, with its hu miliating symptoms, such as hawk ing, spitting, blowing and bad breath? Hyomel Is a simple, antiseptic med icine, that you breathe through a small pocket Inhaler over the parts affected. It is made of Australian eucalyp tus mixed with other germ killing and membrane soothing antiseptics. Get a complete outfit to-day. It only costs $1.00, and contains every thing necessary to cure any ordinary case of catarrh. Extra bottles, if needed, 50c. Hyomei is the best remedy in tho world for sore throat, coughs and colds, croup and bronchitis. It gives wonderful relief in two minutes. For sale by druggists everywhere and by G. W. Pell, druggist. GUARANTEED Wafer Bonds TO YIELD From 5 to 6 per cent. I In denominations of 100, 500 and 1,000 If interested call on or address D. D. WESTON, ; 303-14th St., Honesdale, Pa. 53U6 EDWIN F.TORREY CA8HIER, ALBERTO. LINDSAY A8BI8TAMCA8II1KR IIIIHHtlHHIttllllllHIHtHttltllllH)HtllMMi