The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 08, 1910, Image 5

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mE citizen, Friday, july 8, 1010.
NEW POST CAltDS of Hones
dale. 21 copyrighted. Nowvoch
comes Lion, the first steam locomo
tive run In America, North, River
side and Central Parks, Main,
Church, Court, Ninth, Tenth nnd
Eleventh streets in which appear
autos, new state bridge nnd Hotel
Wayne, Carley Brook bridge, Union
Station, Golf Club House, Park Lake
and Dyberry river with boats, and
Irving Cliff. All copyrighted by 3.
B. Nielsen. 54eol3
MIST In the postolllcc on the
Fourth, a yellow-handled umbrella,
not valuable ns n rain lid but prized
because It has travelled so. many
miles with me. Reward. Hllllard
Bruce, The Citizen.
kinds of horse goods at Murray Co.,
Honesdnle, Pa. 53t4
FOR SALE Kelly & Stelnmau
brick factory building, Including en
gine, boiler and shafting. Inquire of
J. B. Robinson. 50tf.
for your Inspection, possibly we can
make a deal. Come and see us.
Murray Co.. Honesdale, Pa. 53t4
LOST A pointer bitch, liver and
white; a hound, black, white and
tan; reward. L. Senft, Kallsdale.
Teeth for all machines at Murray
Co., Honesdale. 53t4.
FOR SALE One 2-year-old
Orange county Holsteln bull. Spots
are all right on him. P. L. BRA
MAN, Indian Orchard, Pa. 3t.
SALE Residence of tho late H. C.
Hand, located at the corner of Cnurch
and Eleventh streets; 75 feet on
Church street nnd 120 feet on Elev
enth street, together with house and
barn. For information concerning
above property, address W. H. Stone,
Court street, Honesdale, Pa. 43m2
buying hay tools, call on us. We
can suit particular buyers. Murray
Co., Honesdale, Pa. B3t4
PHOX kills both the potato bug
and the blight, and will not wash
off. Murray Co., Honesdale. 53t4
The Wayne County Savings
Bank on Tuesday declared the usual
semi-annual dividend of 12 per cent.
The household goods of Fred
Lee have been packed and this week
some time will be shipped to To
wanda, where Mr. Lee Is cutting
Corn is coming finely now, the
dry, hot weather that preceded the
Fourth shoving the crop ahead so
fast Wayne county farmers can al
most see the blades grow while they
Married, at Allentown,- July 5,
Harry W. Pruemers of 315 Six
teenth street and Miss JuliaGleseke
of 1227 East street. Both are very
popular young people and their
many friends Join in extending con
gratulations. Borough Tax Collector Schuer
holz has bills out announcing that
all taxes paid on or before Sept. 24
will be entitled to the customary
reduction of 5 per cent, but that all
taxes paid from Sept. 24 to Jan. 28
will receive no reduction.
Mrs. C. C. Miller and son,
Frank, got here from Allentown on
the 3.15 train Wednesday. The
German Lutheran parsonage is not
quite ready for them, so Mr. Miller
took his wife and boy to the Wayne
hotel, where he has stopped since
he came to Honesdale.
It would not be amiss for tho
town council to post notices at the
entrances of our town, warning
nuios to keep within the speed limit
regulated by law. Put up notices
according to the act of assembly,
black and white letters not less than
six Inches in height. Mllford Dis
patch. Judge Henry Wilson is moving
his law oillce to the Dlramlck of
fices next the postolllce. Ho has been
in C. C. Jadwin's building 40 years
as lawyer-editor and lawyer, and his
departure seems Hko tho disappear
ance of a part of The Citizen's office
furniture. The management and
employes of this paper expect to
miss his delightful personality, but
they are glad that, having decided
to go. he is taking his desk, his
hooks and his convivial accomplish
ments to a spot not five minutes'
walk away. E. A. Pennlman, who
has been close to the judge since
1870, will have "desk room" at tho
new headquarters, and he has con
sented, as a special favor to tho-edl-tor
of The Citizen, to call two or
threo tltnos a day for a cluster of
state exchanges with which to while
away leisure minutes. Tho Woman's
National Dally of St. Louis, a Journal
Mr. Pennlman particularly admires,
will bo laid out overy day whero tho
gentleman can readily find it. Tho
ex-edltor keeps sharply In touch
with the topics of his time and a
day without plenty of Pennsylvania
papers would be a day In Tophet for
Pennlman. No wishes savo good
ones go with the two old boys as
they leave the home of; years behind.
Tho Carbondale Presbyterians
had their picnic at Lake Lodore on
the Fourth.
In tho Presbyterian church Sun
day Dr. Swift will take for his topic
"The Cup of Elijah; a Story and n
Miss Edith Tolloy has Just com
pleted a thorough cburso 'in book
keeping, comprising single and
double entry.
Miss Minnie Counterman of
Waymnrt, a niece of the bride, was
one of the flower girls at the Hor-row-Hockrine
wedding last week In
Services at the First Baptist
phtirch as usual next Lord's day,
10.30 a. m. nnd 7.30 p. m. Tho
pastor will preach nt both services.
The Bible school meets at 11.45
Several changes in agents nre
being made on tho D. & H. The
agent nt Peckvllle, B. C. Leach, Is
let out, and F. II. Surlne of Jermyn
succeeds him. Leon Edwards of
Maylleld succeeds Mr. Surlne nnd
George Glbb of Wlnton succeeds Mr.
Good cigars and good nature
are in evidence today wherever Ben
Robinson, the amiable Insurance
mnn, tnkes his way. At midnight
Tuesdny Mrs. Robinson presented
her husband with a bouncing girl
baby and the Joy of Its paternal par
ent is unconflned.
William H. Hawken, Eugene V.
Coleman, William H. Seltz, George
Rodine and John Gognrd of tho Irv
ing Cut Glass company are nt Duck
Harbor on n llshlng trip. Hawken
and Seltz went to the fishing grounds
in an automobile. The party will be
gone only a few days, butAlie live
men expect to bring the auto back
full of fish.
The Scrnnton Lace Curtain com
pany is after a trademark. Any in
dividual knowing a word short and
suggestive of the excellence of the
company's products stands a chance
to win ?100 in gold before Sept. 1.
The contest is open to anyone nnd
contestnnts are permitted to sub
mit as many names as desired. The
selection of a winner has been left
to a special committee, of which
former Mayor J. Benjamin Dimmlck
is president.
Frank P. Kimble has bought all
the stock Nelson J. Spencer owned
in the Honesdale Herald and Mr.
Spencer got his check for the amount
Tuesday. Mr. Spencer was editor of
the paper up to June 10, when he
left to go into the Job printing busi
ness with hW brother George. He
said yesterday that he was suited
with the terms he had been able to
make for the disposal of his Interest
in the business, and that his new en
terprise is coming nicely.
Mayor A. L. Sahm and City En
gineer Benjamin Anthony of Carbon
dale went Tuesday to Harrlsburg,
where they consulted State Health
.Commissioner Samuel Dixon relative
to the sewer system .in the city. Sev
eral sewers are being held up at
present, awaiting permits from the
state health authorities, and the visit
of the mayor and city engineer was
for the purpose of getting permis-j
sion for a stated period to have sev
eral sewers built throughout the city. ;
The contractors on the Dyberry
state road continue to have trouble
getting the help they need. They
could make some sort of time if
they had 50 men on the Job, but
there are seldom more than 40 avail
able. The day after the Fourth thei
force fell down to 17. The next day
is rose to 27. The firm advertised
for help and there was some new-
blood obtained that way, but yester
day George Seaman, who all along
has given the preference to local la
bor, was forced to put on some Ital
ians. From this time forward, Mr.
Seamon said yesterday, his firm will
hire any man they can get, in order
to press tho Job along and make a
dollar if they can.
Scranton Elks are going to the
national convention of the order at
Detroit next week with a well-developed
boom to make J. D. Jones
eiteemed grand loyal knight. They
will wear badges setting forth that
they want Mr. Jones for tills high
office and present Indications are
that he will get the place. Ho Is now
grand esteemed lecturing knight. It
is expected that enough Scranton
Elks will take tho trip to make a
good showing in the big parade.
There will probably be about 25 from
thero in attendance Some will go
on the special train to bo run by
tho Blnghamton lodge, nnd one' par-,
ty Is going to make the trip by auto.
The othors will go on tho regular
Although ho is an undertaker,
J. Sam Brown Is woll supplied with
that saving sense of humor which
makes life worth living to rational
men. Ho figures ho Is 11000 bettor
off today than ho was Monday. Mr.
nrown admired Jim Jeffries, and ho
admits, that If ho had put any money
on tho Reno fight his bet would
have been pinned to tho bollor
makor whoso powerful jolts put
Jim Corbett and Bob Fitzslmmons
out twico apleco. "That's what I
call making J1000 by staying nt
homo on a holiday," says Mr. Brown,
who coupled this remark with an
observation that no man careful
about his dollars would bet without
going to tho training quarters to
take n peep at tho men. Little Jef
fries or Johnson money was put up
in Honesdale. Tho traveling men at
tho hotels all talked Jeffries, but they
only wagered cigars. The conclu
sive victory of the Galveston darkey
really surprised few Bportlng men
The nnnunl picnic of the A. F.I
of M. will be held at Bellcvue park!
Saturday evening. '
Fred Michels, who put in a new
bar last week, started Wednesday
to put in a cellarway.
Fred W. Butler has goho to
Scrnnton, whero he has nccepted a
position with C. , E. Rogers, the
Rev. George S. Wendell will
conduct public worship nnd preach
a sermon at the Dyberry Baptist
church Sunday at 2.30 p. m.
The Nickelet went Into tho hands
of the painters nnd decorntors Tues
day. They will work on it for n!
fortnight or more nnd mnko the lit-!
tie playhouse nn up-to-dnte picture
Workmen employed by the stnte I
nre tenrlng down tho old dancing j
pavilion at Farview and the lumber
secured in this wny will bo used in I
the construction of the new building I
for the stnte asylum for the criminal
A brush fire started by some ,
boys on Second street Wednesday
afternoon nbout 2 o'clock alarmed '
n few people on the street by threat- j
enlng to spread, but the llames were
promptly stamped out and the scare1
was all for nothing.
, About 30 friends of Mrs. Susan
Jenkins will go to Wnymnrt Friday,
on the noon train, and will take din- (
ner nt the Ensign house at 5.30 p.
m., returning on the evening train.
William Jncobs of Syracuse, N.
Y., Is visiting friends nnd relatives
here. "
Local No. 02, American Flint
Glass Workers' union, will hold their
second nnnual picnic July 30, three
weeks from next Saturday, in Bellc
vue park. Plans are now being
made by tho committee for a royal
outing and there will be plenty of
eatables and an abundance of amuse
ments for old and young. Souner's
full orchestra has been engaged for
the music.
As the paper goes to press the
young folks of the Presbyterian
church's Christian Endeavor society
are setting their tables on the lawn
for the ice cream sale, which is cer
tain to be a success. The Endeav
orers have the reputation of being
tiptop entertainers when It comes to
Ice "cream, and they will probably
have n snug profit to encourage them
when the books are balanced.
Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Jermyn of
Scranton entertained the following
at a clam bake at their cottage at
Lake Ariel: Misses Elizabeth Jer
myn, Helen Bess'ell, Lillian Connell,
Margaret Bessell of Scranton; Ellen
Pomeroy of Reading, and Ned Jer
myn, Wnde Bunting, William Jer
myn, Jack Jermyn of Scranton; Lew
Wallace of Indianapolis, Ind.; Ed.
Hoover and Morris Wilson of Chi
cago, III.
As this city has attained a
splendid reputation up and down
the valley as being a fine town for,
baseball, Manager Murtha is dally
receiving telegrams from the best
amateur teams in this section of the
state for games to be played with
the newly organized, team. Last
night a gnme was arranged with the
East Stroudsburg Normal school
team, to be played at the new West
Side park. Stroudsburg is ono of
the fastest amateur aggregations of
ball tossers In this section of the
state and in a recent tour through
this section they demonstrated their
ability to play ball. They played
a 13-lnning game in Honesdale and
also played a very close game with
the Archbald team. Carbondale
Farmer Dennle drove to Way
mart one day last week and pur
chased a No. 1 hayrake, but before
leaving town with his rake tied to
tho rear end of his wagon he stopped
at Merchant Dlmond's to inquire the
price of eggs and, finding the egg
machine was still out of repair but
under way of being repaired, he
made up his mind to hustle homo
and gather up a few dozen of eggs
before tho machine raised the price,
not thinking of the rako until ho ar
rived home, when, to his surprise,
the rako was missing. Going back
over the road about one-half mile,
he found the rake turned out of tho
road In ns bad a shape ns the egg
machine at Merchant Dlratnd's
store, minus tho tongue. Steeno
Tho Buffalo Giants, tho fast
team Capt. Kupfer expected to
have hero Saturday, cannot come.
Tho captain got a telegram to that
effect Inst night nnd nt once com
menced telegraphing and telephon
ing for a team, but up to today he
had not succeeded In arranging a
Saturday game and tho probability
Is thero will bo none. A series with
White Mills for 125 a side has been
arranged and thofirst gamo will bo
played hero July 1C. Tho Hones
dale team is a good aggregation for
so small a place and should reccivo
better support. Tho White Mills
series will bo worth seeing and tho
crowds ought to turn out and cheer
tho homo nlno. Capt. Kupfer
would get Drlfton hero again, but
the expenso of procuring such a
team Is considerable. They enmo
for tho Fourth on a CO-por cent,
agreement and tho local management
lost money.
Leo Oshorno is In New York on
Miss Edna Doollttlo has returned
from Scranton.
Edward D. Katz returned Wed
nesday from Scranton.
John O'Brien of Rochester, N. Y.,
has been at his old home hero this
Mrs. Charles Dorfllnger of White
Mills was n caller In Scrnnton Wed
nesday. Leo Theobald is back from Car
bondale, where ho went for tho
Miss Mildred Freeman of New
York Is a Honesdale visitor for a
Mrs. Lawrence Weldner and Clar
ence Weidner have been in Scrnnton
this week.
Miss Mndnllne Stevens of Carbon
dnle called on Honesdale friends
Miss Maud Colwell of Wllkes-Bar-re
has spent this week with Hones
dale friends.
Edward Dorln, nn nttorney of
Greensburg, Is registered at tho
Allen house.
Miss Charlotte Bullock Is enter
taining Miss Anna Ulrich of New
Haven, Conn.
Misses Louisa and Anna Keen
made a visit to their relatives at
Keen's Wednesdny.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Archer and
children have been passing the week
at Clark's Summit.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Shirley and
children will remain at Asbury Park,
N. J., until Sept. 1.
Miss Barbara Theobald is nt homo
from her school in Philadelphia for
the summer vacation.
Frank Sweeney has been In Calll
coon and other places In Sullivan
county, N. Y this week.
Mace Truscott, traveling sales
man for Birdsall Bros., is spending
a week with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith of Car
bondale have returned from a visit
to Honesdale and Seelyville.
Miss Kate Smith nnd Miss Rose
Connors of Scrnnton have been
Honesdale visitors this week.
Dr. and Mrs. P. F. Grlflln enter
tained Miss Ella Wren of Blooms
burg several days this week.
Charles F. Bollhagen of Brooklyn,
N. Y., spent the early part of the
week with Honesdale friends.
Mrs. H. M. Rowley of Brooklyn
Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Miles
Tracey of Upper Main street.
Miss Amy Clark Is taking a spec
ial course in music at the Cornell
summer school in Ithaca, N. Y.
' Mrs. John Lyons is entertaining
her sister, Miss Lucy Flanagan of
Port Jervis, N. Y., this week.
Mrs. Michael Walsh and Frank
Walsh of Scranton have been with
their Honesdale relatives this week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Smith of Peck
vllle spent Sunday and Monday with
their daughter and family at Lake
Frank Buckley, William Castek
and John Gray, all employed at Mar
tin's Ferry, W. Va., are home for a
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stanley of
Meriden, Conn., came for tire Fourth
and remained a few days afterward
with the former's relatives.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Asa Bryant, who
are motoring in the Berkshires,
reached Pittsfield, Mass., without
mishap. They will go on to Grey
lock and Hoosac tunnel.
R. J. Flannigan, who has been
blowing glass In Clarion, Ohio, Is
here for several weeks. He expects
to go back to the Buckeye state
when his shop starts up In Septem
Charles Wilson, superintendent of
agents of the Fidelity Mutual Life
Insurance company of Philadelphia
and E. W. Osborne, a general agent
of Scranton, registered at the Allen
house Thursday.
Frederic Cody, son of Rev. and
Mrs. Cody of Bethany, left this week
for Connecticut. Mr. Cody is a
salesman for the Fairbanks company
and has been recuperating for a few
weeks from the effects of a street
car accident in Schenectady, N. Y
Judgo A. T. Searlo enjoyed his
Massachusetts trip immensely. He
saw 20,000 schoolteachers in con
vention at Boston and heard Pres
ident Taft, whose summer homo at
Beverly is close by, make a speech.
Tho Judge visited his aged mother
In Danvers and saw many of the in
teresting sights of the Bay State.
Stomach -Misery
Over Six Years
Head what Mr. Hoffman, landlord
of tho Webster Hotel, writes:
"I suffered misery and Intense
pains from stomach trouble for over
six years, and all tho doctoring that
I did or medicines I used wero of no
avail until about two years uko,
when I used a treatment of Ml-o-nn.
Tho first few days' treatment helped
me greatly and upon using it a whllo
I was mado entirely free from any
stomach trouble or complaint what
ever. Slnco tho euro by Ml-o-na I
havo regained my weight, I eat and
sleep well, am never nervous, nnd
my ontiro gonral halth is much bet
tor." Max M. Hoffman, Webster,
N. Y Aug. 2, 1909.
Ml-o-na stomach tablets relievo
distress In llvo minutes. Thoy net
like magic. Thoy aro guaranteed
to euro sour stomach, gas eructa
tloifts, heartburn, dizziness, bilious
ness and nervousness, or money
back. For sale by druggists every
where and by G. W. Pell for CO
cents a largo box.
Try. Booth's Pills for constipation;
they never disappoint, 2Gc.
Richard Brown nnd fnmllv hnvo
been recreating at Elk Lake.
J. O. Ryder of Port Jervis, N. Y
wbb a Honesdale caller Wednesday.
Walter Whltnov lnf WTmlnnoilnv
on a business trip through New York
Mr. nnd Mm. EVml Mannnr ltnvti
tho first of next week for their home
In Boston, Mass. i
William Hardlne of Now Ynrk nni7
Thomns P. Clark of Nowburg, N.
Y., have returned home nftor n visit
with Mr. Clark's parents nt Fortenla
anu J. u. Clark of Park street.
Benjamin F. Haines hns this wppIt
showed Wayne county scenery to
one of ins cousins, Mrs. J. B. Page,
who halls from Dover, N. H. Prin
cipal John C. Page of the Belvldere,
;s. .1., High school was with his moth
er at the homo of Editor M nlnna
the early part of this week.
You are doubly protected when you start
a bank account in the
Your money is safe in the bank and in the trans
mission of checks in paying bills. It is the safest,
easiest and only way for the business man or those
who have monthly bills to pay when you have an ac
SYIenner &
t Ladies' Summer Clothing
t At Greatly Cut Prices.
Colored Wash Dresses. ' t
Linen Suits, White and Colored,
Long Traveling Coats, Silk, Lin-
en and Light iWeight Wool.
A lot of Sample Dresses at less t
than cost. , t
Present Day Comfort
demands that every home in
Honesdale should be equipped
Bell Telephone Service
To call the doctor, order your
groceries, chat with friends,
make appointments or break
them the easiest way
Use the Bell
TheBel JTelephonejCpmpany
E. M. McCRACKEN, Agent
Honeidale, Pa.
John Carrol returned Wednesday
evening from a visit with Brooklyn
Michael Farrell of PIttston was a
business caller In Honesdnle Wed
nesday. Miss Dorothy Lynch leaves the
last of this week for her homo In
Canton, Ohio.
Misses Alice and Marcella Duff and
Lucy Murtha are on an extended
visit with Port Jervis and Middle
town friends.
Miss Emma Bono of Dunmorc,
sister of Mrs. Edward B. Callaway,
has spent this week In Honesdale.
From here she expects to go to
Laurel lake for a week or so.
Have you thought of Saratoga
Springs nnd Lake George as tho
plnco to spend your vacation this
summer? Seo advertisement. 54t4
Go's Stores
tenner & Go's t