The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 06, 1910, Image 2
I THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY fl, J010. DURBANK'S LATEST. California Wizard Hat Crested Two New and Wonderful Flower. When Luther lturlmnli, the Califor nia plant wizard, gnvo Mr. Cactus n hair cut, or, In other words, produced a thornless cactus, ho gullied world wide fame; but, not content with that achievement, he has gone on with the good work, constantly giving us snnie now plant or Uower to ninrvel over. He hns produced the wonderful Shas ta daisy, the purplo potato, the Heed less plum, the white blackberry, the thin Bholled walnut and a score ot other novelties thnt are not merely frenks, but practical products nnd of great value to the country. And now ho has n new one to astonish us. Recently Mr. Burbank has been wav ing his wand over the poppy and the primrose, with the result that he has created two flowers entirely new to the world n poppy, scientifically des- vs. autos on Tin: fahm. a LUTHER BUI1BAKK. lguated Oenothera burbankll, nnd white evening primrose. The former Is a combination of the Shirley, the tulip poppy and a species found In the mountains of north Afrlcrf. It Is larger and of a brighter hue than any of them and offers n combination of new shades. The primrose is Ave inches iu diameter nnd white. Mr. Burbank has been working on these new creations for a number of years. The principal methods of Mr. Bur bank nre selection and crossing. He takes two plants whose life habits, structure and environment" may bavn been wholly different. lie brings them together, lmplautlug the pollen of one upon the stigma of the other, lie brings a plum from China or Ja pan to combine it with a native apri cot. An experiment Is built up on the foundation of a common wild flower- as the daisy, for example. In another experiment a flower from Australia may be used. Ho brings a cactus from Central America to cross with a spe cies from Arizona. Claimed They Would Save Country Itcsldcnt'x Time nnd Pay lliin. The Nntlonnl Grnngo publication, which represents tho farmers' leading organization, makes n striking argu ment for the utility of the motor ve hicle to tho farmer, holding in sub stance thnt it completes the equip ment for the average fnrm, says an editorial writer In the Allontown Morning Call. Perhaps the most notable Illustration of this argu ment Is found In two small cuts, ono representing n londed wagon, horso drawn, on tho ordinary unimproved highway, and the other showing n motor car on an Improved or par tlally Improved highway. The argument of the Orange Is thnt population Is becoming moro remote from sources of food supply nnd food supply is becoming more costly than formerly nnd that in that distance between the two Is found one of the principal reasons for high cost of living. Where 4 per cent, of tho people lived In cities a hun dred years ago the percentage is now over 40. Whereas then there were 9C cultivators to support four non cultivators in every hundred, now there nre not over 30 in n hundred who are producers in the agricul tural sense. But nmong the curiosities of stat istics the Grange cites a study to show that there was a decrease in population of 3112 for each county in 25 counties selected for study in which the roads were Just tho ordi nary unimproved highways. While, on the other hand, roads which had been 40 per cent. Improved had the effect that in those 2C counties the Increase of population averaged 31,- 095 to the county. It is fair to ar gue, then, that much of the conges tion In the cities is due to the diffi culty of getting Into the country and out of it. That is, it Is owing to lack of convenient .access between both farmer and consumer in tho city. Another vivid way of putting the argument of good roads is to show that for truck farming an average haul of three miles Is all that can be realized on mud roads. That makes an area of 28 square miles. With Im proved roads truck farming can be carried six miles away from the con ter of distribution, or through such a radius as to make 13 square miles available for truck farming, while with motor transport ten miles is the average profitable haul, or mak ing nn available area of over 314 square miles. There is ten times the profit avail able for truck farming with motor car transportation than Is available under horse or mule traction on un- improved roads. It may be regarded as among the certainties of the near future that the successful farmer will use the motor car as much for bus! ness as men originally used it for pleasure. Hamilton And His Novel Flights T CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL Monument Placed on Johnson's Island, Where Civil War Prisoners Died. The dedication recently of a soldiers' memorial monument on Johnson's is land has attracted considerable atten tion, for that piece of land in Sandusky Bay, O., is one of tho most memorable landmarks of the civil war. There dur ing the great struggle thousands of Confederate officers and privates were imprisoned, and there many of them passed away, and it is in memory of those who died that the memorial stat ue has been erected. The statue represents n Confederate soldier In uniform. The right hnnd clutches a musket, the stock of which rests on the ground. The left hand Is HAT'S the grandest spectacle I have ever witnessed in my life." This remark was made tho other day by Major Trultt, Judgo ad vocate general of tho department of the cast, ns he stood on Governors Is land nnd watched tho flights of Charles K. Hamilton, who recently flow from New York to Philadelphia and back nlmost ns easily as wo would ride In a car to our office. I've seen pretty nearly every oth er nvlntor of any prominence wuo has flown In tho United States," con tinued tho major, "and I tell you Ham ilton's the greatest of them nil. There Isn't another aviator In tho world who would have gono up In that wind to day, let alono stay up for moro than nn hour." On this occasion Hamilton performed marvels In tho nlr little dreamed of only a few weeks ago. Weather con ditions make no difference to this bird-man. He sets nn hour to go up, nnd up he goes whether it's raining, snowing or blowing a gale. When ready for his recent exhibition over Now York bay tho wind was coming In gusts with a speed of about twenty miles an hour. The aviator said, how ever, that he didn't mind a little thing like thnt, and away he flow, to bo tossed In his biplane and played with by the wind currents ns n chip is by tho ocean's waves. After a time Hamilton turned nnd flew with tho wind, and then he start ed one of Ills famous dips that later were to terrify tho masters nnd pilots of passing harbor craft, who thought the aviator was falling on them. The first swoop wns made over the land, nnd three of his mechanics, grouped near the south end of the Island, were the apparent objectives of the ma- Good Form The woman who Intends to hare week end visitors or house visitors of nny sort needs to consider ono thing beforo inviting tho outsider Into her home Is the prospective guest worthy of the honor? Is she to be trusted with one's life, ergo one's reputation? If not madam must not issue her Invi tation, and if she sees flt so to do once tho strnnger Is within her gates nil must be given her full confidence In her Integrity nnd entire liberty In ev ery move thnt couccrns her health and happiness. As the hostess' cnptlousncss some times comes from feeling that tho vis itor of a week or more is outstaying her welcome, the English custom of arranging a visit within a prescribed period Is an excellent one. If you ask Miss Guest to come on tho lGth and .stay until tho 20th you lravo no reason to complain unless she prolongs her stay. This arrangement for the com ing of tho guest nnd her going puts tho wholo visit on a pleasant and easy bnsls, and the hostess and guest of good sense abide by all tho require ments of politeness nnd kindly feeling as long as the visit lasts. DALTIMORE'8 8HOWER BATHS. They Are Set Up In 8ummer In Tents on Vacant Lots. The city of Baltimore has a system ot portablo shower baths In which tho residents of the congested sections may enjoy both hot nnd cold water baths during the summer months. Although called portable the baths are not moved from placo to place every few hours but are housed un der ennvns or constructed of galvan ized Iron sheeting. They are erected, says Popular Me chanics, on vacant lots In congested districts and remain at ono place all summer, the "portable" meaning that they can then bo taken down and packed away until required the next year. Tho patronage of Biich a bath on warm days, It is stated, numbers about 400. On two dnys a week wom en attendants nre 'placed In chargo and tho bnths are turned over to women and girls. From 330 to 400 availed themselves of this opportun ity. Last year more than 10,132 per sons used tho bath. Roll of HONOR Attention is called totne STRENGTH of the Wayne County MILWAUKEE'S SOCIALIST MAYOR How does Milwaukee view the election of a Socialist to the post o mayor? Human Life for July gives an inti mate story of Emll Seldel, the newly elected mayor, and also of Victor L Berger, who is recognized as the brains, the mainspring of the new administration, and who has given the assurance that fairness and Jus tice to all will be the watchword of the new regime. Milwaukee's ex- perlment of flinging to the breeze the flag of Socialism from her city hall will be watched with unparallel ed Interest by other cities the coun try over. The story has unique features all through. It was the greatest victory ever achieved by any political party In Milwaukee since the city was founded. For tho first time a mayor had been elected who was absolute ly free to do as ho pleased in the tilling of the offices within his gift, but and right here Mr. Seldel show ed that he had some very unusual ideas on the matter of appointing city officials. Who is tills man Seldel, and how is ho equipped by training and tem perament for tho task lie essays? The story shows the man to be quite as out of the ordinary in many re spects ns are his Ideas. The man ner In which ho has disposed of. his private business affairs so that ho may bo unhampered to devote nil his time to city affairs might be called quixotic by many, but It proves that Seidel Is a Socialist In practice as well as In theory. His work in rooting out the temptations that luro the youth of tho city to destruction promises to be ono of the most radical and far-reaching feat ures of his administration, and his stand on many other questions Is of peculiar Interest. Human Life Publishing Co., Bos ton. ''jC .... , ;. Photo by American Press Association. HAMILTON IN HIS BIPIANE. neuver. Despite their familiarity with Hamilton's manipulation of his aero plane and the never falling success which has attended these dips, the me chanics scattered and ran for shelter Just about as quickly as do those who never before have seen nny of Hamil ton's sudden dowushoots and switch back hoverings. A rousing laugh came from the crowd that wns farther up the field at An Engagement Tea. Ono of tho newest ways of announc ing nn engagement is for tho prospec tive bride to glvo a tea and Invite all her friends and the friends of her parents. Yoj either Invito them by note telling of the engagement, or you may send visiting cards on which nre written a day, date and hour, and on their arrival tell them the news. When Invited by visiting cards, as sug gested, tea and cakes should be served, following the procedure precisely of any other afternoon ten. Even when an engagement Is announced In this way it is tho custom to write notes to ono's intimate friends, telling the news beforo they can hear It from outsiders. Such n note may read: My Dear Allno I want you to be among tho first to know ot my engagement to Jackson Frothlngham, which we shall an nounce at a tea on Wednesday afternoon. I hopo you will como In then, for mother and I will bo at homo at 6 o'clock. I know you will congratulate me when you know how happy I am, and I want you to take Jackson Into the friendship which you and I have enjoyed for so long. MARTHA. An announcement note of this kind should bo acknowledged by the recipient. Cataclysmic Geology. "Cataclysmic" geology no longer exists. It was once the accepted opin ion that tho great changes on the earth's surface had been mainly brought about by sudden and violent (cataclysmic) agencies, but Sir Charles Lyell, as far back as 1838, demolished the old theory of cata clysm at once and forever. Sir Charles proved by facts which were indisputa ble that the great geological changes have been produced slowly by gradual processes of subsidence and elevation, nnd not by earthquakes, volcanic ac tion, etc. Lyell may bo paid to be the father of modern geology, or, to put It moro correctly, of real, scienti fic gsology. Early Notions of Future Existence. Coulanges says: "The earliest opinion of the ancient generations was that man lived in the tomb, that the soul did not leave the body, and that It remained fixed to that portion of ground where the bones lay buried. Besides, man had no account to rend er of his first life. Once placed in the tomb he had neither rewards nor pun ishments to expect This Is n very crude opinion, surely, but it is the be ginning of the notion of a future life." The FINANCIER of New York City has published a ROLL Or HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks and Trust Companies of United States. In this list the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Stands 38th in 'the United States Stands 10 1 h in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wayne County. Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00 Total ASSETS, $2,r33,000.00 Honesdale. Pa., May 29, 1908. A. O. BLAKE, AUCTIONEER & CATTLE DEALER You will make money by ha vine me. "ell phone o-u Bethany, Pa. tt IF YOU GO TO SPEND THE SUMMER AWAY FROM HOME, BE SURE AND HAVE "THE CITIZEN" FOL- LOW YOU. IT WILL BE LIKE A LETTER FROM THE DEAR OLD HOME. Care of. Linens. As linen forms a largo percentage of spring and summer dresses it Is ad visable to study a method for preserv ing tho beauty of this fabric. No linen should Ik starched. True, linen has a crisp, clean finish when starched and ironed, but It rumples easily, and one wearlug makes a garment unfit for a second appenrance. Instead dampen the goods considerably and Iron until perfectly dry. Iron as much of a gar ment as possible on the wrong side to raise the thread. In washing bluo linen add vinegar to tho last rinsing water. Placo a tea spoonful of soda in a gallon of water when dipping a lavender. Use no blu ing in tans, but supply it plentifully In tho rinsing water for white, bluo and pink. Green should not bo dipped Into Indigo water. When tho green begins DOUBLE PROTECTION You are doubly protected when you start a bank account in the FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK wwu luai u "lX:r; nfl I to fade dip It into a sour solution of he predicament of tho inechnn cs and andlvlnegar and hang it in the their nntlcs as they scampered in varl-I , . .. ous directions. But tho spectators' Joy was short lived, for not thirty sec onds later they themselves were run nlng to cover under tho second of Hamilton's hawklike descents. Hamilton on the. next turn of tho field spied a small tug chugging Its way through Huttermllk channel, Its crew banging over tue port siuo tno better to view tho aeronaut, nnd Us pilot leaulng gracefully out of the wheelhouso with his right hand resuqg lightly on tho wheel. Turning sharply to the right at un nltltudo of about 600 feet, Hamilton commenced his dip. Straight as an arrow ho shot toward tho tug, gaining speed every moment ns gravity lent Its aid to the propelling power of his fifty horsepower cnglno running full tilt Tho tug's crew ran bewildered about tho deck. Tho en gineer, standing iu the doorway of the engluo room, clambered hastily Inside tho compartment. As for tho pilot, who but a moment beforo bnd been so ilONUMKNT TO CONFEDEUATE SOLDIERS WUO DIED ON JOIIKSON'B IBLiND. raised to tho forehead, shading tho eyes, and tho figure seems U be peer lng Into tho far dlstnnce toward the southland. Tho memorial rests on u pedestal Pocahontas and John Smith. Tho nretty story of Smith's rescue from Imminent death by Pocahontas when ho waB in the clutches of her re doubtable father, Powhatan, has been rather blown upon by later historians. It has boon shown that Smith In his earlier narrative only mentions tho constructed of South Carolina marble, princess Incidentally as a child, and it upon which is engraved In large let tors "Erected by tho Robert Patton chapter, United Daughters of tho Con federacy of Cincinnati, O., In memory of tho southern soldiers who died In the Federal prison on this lslund during tho war between tho stntes. Dead but Bceptered sovereigns who rule us from the dust." was not until she camo afterward to England and Smith wroto an account of her for tho edification of tho court that he described vividly how she hai arded the beating out of her own brains to save his. Dy that time th romantic Pocahontas had tho meta morphosed into Mistress Rebocca Rolfo, wife of a Virginia Bettior oi Sir Moses Ezekio of Rome, Italy, who standing, and her portrait, witn ... ' a n nl.imn lint Miff fan I1QS DGOn was a somier unuer uouert ia. lbc, i""" - - .. Jeslgned tho monument duly handed down in this capacity. shado to dry. Dress linens are not un like table linens ns to laundry work, ns hard pressing on damp material fur nishes a certain amount of stiffness sufficient for such fabrics. Use a very largo iron for pressing largo pieces. Shopping Etiquette. If you have waited until this elev enth hour to do your summer shopping thero are somo little decencies you must not fall to remember. Most of them ceuter about your obligations to tho store people, though tho comfort of mommer and hubby and tho chil dren Is also concerned. Amoug my woman friends thero are two sorts of shoppers whoso methods I have taken pnlns to observo with tho desire, however, to learu rather than to teach. Tho correct form of shopping Is a wonderful gift, Implying as great a saving of body and soul as of mon ey, and I am ono of tho unfortunate ones who come out of theso gladlato- nonchalant and blaso about it all-ho lal coutests tho worso for wear In commenced pulling every bell whoso ovfy wa7 . . , , levers lay ready at his hand, nnd then Tho, sa,Ilta ln f hIiopp ng calendar ho gavo his wheel a few rapia turns u b" UUJlUy UIVaAtUf MUJ U. IUU that swung tho noso of tho craft at al most a right nnglo to tho course tho tug had been pursuing. nnmllton by this tlrao was almost upon tho boat and not fifty feet abovo It. Tho tug was fast npproacuing the Brooklyn shore, so close to It that it Its speed had been kept up a moment longer it must havo brought up sharp ly against a big freighter lying along side a pier. As Hamilton swooped within ten feet of tho tug's smokestack and he said afterward that of all tho odors ho had over experienced that coal gas was tho worst ho tilted his elevating piano a trlflo and shot up ward and past tho scooting tug, turned steadily toward tho right and swung once moro above Governors island, Tho tug Btoppcd. bncked out Into tho channel and proceeded at full speed op tho stream, disappearing Ui a dense cloud of smoee. Your money Is safe in the bank and in the trans mission of checks in paying bills. It is the safest, easiest and only way for the business man or those who have monthly bills to pay when you have an ac count in the FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK. D. & H. CO. TIHE TABLE HONESDALE BRANCH A.M.lA.M, SUN SUN 10 oo 1 SM 2. Ui P.M. 5 40 s so! 3 51 li 11 17 0 (i 2li 6 M (i ;ei ti 4:1! I! 46 6 GO P.M A.M. 2 15! 7 25 8 15 A.M. U 03 U 15 IU u a; U 42 9 4S 0 51 D 67 10 00 10 01 10 OS 10 11 10 15 A.M. A.M. 10 00 10 00 12 30 4 40 5 30 P.M, 6 20 0 30 G 11 li 52 6 53 7 01 7 0 7 13 7 IB 7 20 7 21 7 ' 7 31 P.M P.M, I 30 1 20 2 OS P.M, 2 05 2 15 2 19 2 37 2 13 2 4 a 5 2 o; 2 w 3 03, 3 07 3 10 3 15 p.m.: 4 30 U 05 .M. 2 15 7 10 7 53 A.M. P.M, 8 45' 8 53' 8 50 0 IS 0 21 9 29 9 32 9 3 9 39 9 43 9 4 9 50 9 53 A.M. ... Albany Hlneliamton . ... Philadelphia. . Wllkes-llarro. , ...bcronton.... 3 51 A.M 10 at 9 37 Lv Ar A.M. ...Carboiulale ..Lincoln Avenue.. Whites Karvlew , Canaan ... Luke I)dore .... ... . Way mart , Keene Steene , Prompton Portenln Seelyvllle .... Iloni'Sdale .... Ar 2 00 12 40 8 OS 7 51 7 50 7 33 7 23 7 19 7 17 7 ll 7 09 7 03 7 01 6 5S 6 53 Lvj.V.M ,A.M, 10 501. 8 45,. ' 31 4 03 3 15 P.M. 1 33 1 25 1 21 1 art 12 u.i VI 51 12 19 12 43 12 40 12 3fi 12 32 12 29 12 23 P.M. 7 32 P.M.I 7 15 6 20 P.M 5 40 5 no 5 2 6 US 5 01 5 50 4 51 4 4S 4 45 4 41 4 37 4 31 1 30; P.M. V . A.M. SUN SUN 10 00 8 15 7 31, 7 32 2 25'P.M. 1 35 10 03 P.M. P M. 12 17 12 07 12 031 11 41 11 37 11 31 11 29 11 23 11 20 11 10 11 12 11 09 11 031 8 29 8 17 8 13 t 54 7 47 7 41 7 39 7 32 7 30 7 28 7 22 7 19 7 15 A.M. P M. hearts behind tho counter tho dear women who havo always a gracious word for tho tired salesgirls, who know what they want beforo thoy go to the shop and buy it without hag gling, dawdling or bad temper. How to Register at Hotels. When registering at a hotel a mar ried woman writes her name In full, as "Mrs. Gcorgo Mills Brown," with bor town and stato following. An un married wptnan writes hers "Miss Jano Dlank," with her city nnd stato. Street nddressos are not given. That tho full name bo given Is very Important In caso of accident, as tho uso of Initials renders identification moro difficult Peoplo oftcu have similar initials that rcpresor.i names (julto different. An unmarried woman should norer omit tho prefix 'Miss." The Era of New Mixed Paints ! This year ononi with a doluco of now mixed paints. A con dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised, may find a sale with the unwary. THEJONIjY PIjAOE IN HONESDALE AUTIIOIIIZEO TO HANDLE CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS Is JADWIN'S PHARMACY. Thoro are reasons for the pro-minonco of CHILTON PAINTS; let No ono can mix a better mixed paint. 2d The painters declare that it works easily and has won derful covering qualities. 8d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at hia owu oxponso.ovory surface painted with Ohilton Paint that proves defective. 4th Those who havo used it .are perfectly satisfied with it and recommend its uso to others.