THE CITIZEN, Fill DAY, JULY 1, 1010. o ' or: Chumming With An Apache ao Never go chumming with nn Apncho. You smile nt such strango advice? Well, I might have smiled at It once myself. But we are all crea tures of circumstance, and I wns a tenderfoot then, anyway. This la how I chummed It with my little In dian: I was swinging my red-nnd-bluo clubs under the pepper-tree at the back of the railroad station. This I did because I hnd a theory that exer cise was good for a man living on a desert The lazy Mexicans, and most j of the Americans thereabouts, had no . ruddy glow on their faces. They were . all sallow. What I wnnted was a rod- dy glow. My red-and-bluc clubs circled about very prettily that day, and the ruddy glow came; also a dripping epidermis , and a big desire to sit down In the , shade of the pepper-trco and blow tobacco smoke. The tree was a small one. When the station tank ran over, which was not often, Its roots received a little moisture. So It grew, slowly. As soon as I dropped my clubs a squeal of disgust went up from some where, and, as I turned about, I saw a small, brown head dart behind a cactus-lined rock. I said nothing, but leaned back on my seat, pulled my sombrero down over my face, and shnmmed sleep, with one half-closed eye on the rock and the big cactus-shrubs. No use. You can not get an Apache out of hl3 hole that way. Next day, with ray beautiful exer cise theory still bristling in my brain, I turned quickly, while in the midst of my club-swinging, and saw the wide open eyes and gaping mouth of the cunnlngest little savage I had ever beheld. He sprang about and fled be hind the rock, but not too quickly for me to read "XXX Family Flour" In large red letters on his back. His one short garment was a cotton sack, with holes cut through it for his head and arms. "Come, Tads," I cried, christening him In that fleeting second with a name that stuck to him all his life, "out of that!" And I Jumped behind the rock, swinging an open hand that did not grasp the llour-sack, as I had intended It should. Where was the wee savase? Like a lizard, he had darted from sight somewhere in that little patch of rocks and cactus, though there did i not appear to be cover enough there to conceal a Jack-rabbit. "The spines must scratch him," I 1 thought, as I looked at the prickly cactus; but I did not know then how Apaches put up with small Irritations. Not wanting to give the boy unneces sary torture, I went back to my clubs. Throwing my eyes nbout again, I caught another fleeting glimpse of the brown head as it dodged behind the rock. Tads must have been disappointed next day, for there was no club-swinging under the pepper-tree. The duties of telegraph agent lay too heavily teal ! upon the desert. I saw Tads s away from his lair about two hours after my usual exercise time and walk down the sanddrlfts with a dejected air, his one garment flapping in the hot wind. A wild nature like his was proof against such snares as the toothsome confection, the golden orange, or the mealy peanut. I found that out by trial In the course of the next week. But an old Jack-knife won htm over. That was something his Apache mind could grasp. It was a greater delight to him than the red-and-blue clubs. Sworn friends from that day were Tads and I. His talk was a ridiculous mixture of Kngllsh, Spanish and Apache, and his voice was very throty. But I understood him. Indian like, he said little. It was, therefore, easy to get along with him. He would sit for hours on a high stool, listening to the "tunk-tunk-tunk" of my sound er. The telegraph was an awful mys tery to him at first, and It squelched his Imagination; but he solved the problem at last A man away off ovor the mountains spoke with his finger to me and I spoke back to him. That was his Idea of It and It was not such a bad one, either. The hum mlngs of the wires overhead were the voices of people with pondrous lin gers, but they wero not of this world. How the cowboys laughed when they saw Tads and me In the station. "That tenderfoot's a queer one," they said of me. The despised Apache could not crawl Into their hearts no, not oven if he were n six-year-old. "He'll steal overythtng the tender foot's got," they pleasantly averred. But he did not When Tads left the station of an evening, his little brown feet pattered straight over the roads to the wicki ups, a half-mile away. In time ho woro a narrow trail over to tho hunts. "Pltty veil," wbb what Tads would grunt to mo every day when he camo shyly Into tho office and I greeted him with a friendly "How-de-do?" Then he would shrug hU shoulders In a way that wrinkled the three X's Into such bewildering folds that you could not have read them unless you had known what they wero beforehand. One day while be was meandering about the place, grunting quietly to himself, he upset one of my battery Jars. "Tads," I cried, angrily, for the de sert's breath was hot upon mo and was irritating enough, let alone spilled vitriol, "you"re a little beast? Skip out of hero, or I'll talte a stick to you!" ! Tien rroso a groat howl from Tads, and he kept on howling until an A "(hf woman carao over the sands I from the w!"klups and gathered him I up In he" arms. She was his mother, i She cyol mo suspiciously and walked ! away with her highly denionstfntlvo burden. i Of course I regretted my hot lan guage and wanted the little beggar back again. It was so lonely thoro on the desert. The wires walled so heart brokenly, while the sun beat down so fiercely In the daytime and the coyotes yelled so dolefully at night. How ho had crept Into my heart, to be surol It wns several days beforo we wero on satisfactory terms again. Tads wanted to bo a white man. Ho want ed to make "talk marks" on "pupper" with a feather I sometimes used a quill pen, bo It remarked and ho wanted to speak with his finger. Well, I did manage to teach him a few let ters from n railroad poster, and he learned to drawl out "T-a-d-s" In a I droll wny. With perseverance that was really startling, I afterward took ge(j J nn ,,',, ,H ,innrt ox," nnd so on, wherefore ins Heart was glad. "I'll be w'ite mans, heap sure," ho declared in his bullfrog voice, after he had accomplished this wonderful feat. Great distress racked Tad's soul on the fatal day when the wickiups were taken down nnd the tribe mounted its mustangs to go over tho hills. The Apaches had to search all over tho station to find Tads. At last, they hauled him forth from under my bunk, screaming like mad. Of no avail were his screams, of no avail was his cry: "Me yanter stay wld him! Me yanter be w'lte mans!" Apache papas are unbending and Apache mammas are Inexorable. Away they whisked Tads, leaving behind him a tenderfoot with a queer feeling In his throat. "Well, the boy has the Instincts of a white man," I said, for I was proud of what I fancied I had made of him, "and he'll bo a shining light among those devilish people of his. If we had .a few more like him to put among them, tho Apache question would set tle Itself, and we could set our ,sol dlers to hoeing corn." Then I took up the restless life of a city man, and a big and busy railroad office claimed a good share of my at tention for the next ten years. Yes. it was fully that long before I again set foot upon the desert. Our train stopped at the old station. How the nenner-tree had crown, to be sure. In Its shade sat a cavalry sergeant with a half-dozen of his men about him, and in their midst were three Indian prisoners, who were being taken to the fort to be shot They were fierce-looking fellows, those three savages. There was one, the youngest, who was a perfect demon, the soldiers said. '"Killed three women and two babies down at Mustang Wash last Tuesday," said the sergeant to me; "Just after one of them had given him his breakfast, too. He's a young one. not more than seventeen, I should say; but-he's the worst red devil I ever saw." Gazing at the boy captive, a strange feeling stole over me. The st0"d faco was ddly familiar. ms name: uiesseu n i kuuw, said the sergeant; "what do you call yourself, young one?" he asked, giving him a not too delicate poke with the toe of his boot. "Me? Why. my name's Tads!" grunted the boy. "Talks pretty good English for a wild devil who has been over the Mexican border so long, doesn't he?" asked the sergeant, turning to me. But I said nothing. Frank Bailey Millard. The Era of the Waterfalls. One of the most notable things In the rapid march of mechanical science is the Increasing use of waterfalls for the production of electric power. This Is going on In all parts of tho world, and has resulted In an enormous in crease in the money value of tho falls. Some one has estimated that Niagara Falls, as a producer of power, is worth $1,000,000,000. Waterfalls aro now driving tram-cars, lighting cities, running factories, Irrigating farms and performing Innumerable other ser vices, often at a distance of many miles from tho source of power.' Italy, abounding with waterfalls on the slopes of tho Alps and the Apennines, is among the leaders In this advance. In India it is proposed to derivo 50.000 horse-power from the Doogh Sagar River, at a point where Its waters de Bcend about 2,500 feet Apple Trees In Tubs. In Germany dwarf standard pear and applo trees about four feet tall and pyramidal In form aro grown In small tubs for decoration. The trees bear from ten to thirty pears or ap ples which, when nourished with mu riate of potash, aro highly colored and offective both in tho blossom and tho fruit Looked Like a Fake. Tommy What did you think of the play "Julius Caesar," last night? Billy Oh, geo! It was a fake, "Why so?" "'Cause, when they killed Julius Caesar and tho curtain went down, be comes out and bows to the audience. He wasn't dead at all!" "Old Monoybags is afraid that prince ho bought for his daughter If a bogus one." "Why so?" "When it came to settling up be asked for the prlncoB debts, and thn fellow told him he hadn't any." HOTEL SPOOF. Harry Lauder' Joke on an English Newspaper. "I'll tell you n story nbout Arthur Ilobcrta nnd me," said Harry Lnuder, tho Scotch comedian. "The pair of us wero in Manchester when we saw on tho sporting page of the Guardian a paragraph that said: "In consequence of tho number of unsupported challenges recently for warded to this paper we give notice that In future only genuine challenged can bo accepted for insertion in our columns. As n proof of good faith each challenge must be paid for at the uniform rate of 1 shilling.' " 'Arthur said I, 'hero's a chance for a Joke.' " 'How?' said he. "I read tho notice to him, nnd then nnd there wo concocted a challenge of which I shnll never ccaso to bo proud a hotel spoof challenge. Of course there is no such game or sport as spoof. Spoof is n word very few peo ple have over heard of. To spoof Is to get off impromptu nonsense on the stage. Well, our challenge ran: "'Hotel Spoof. Iiarry Lauder, hear ing so much talk nbout A. Roberts be ing tho champion spoof player of Eng land, will play Roberts a game of ho tel spoof for 500 a side, catch-as-catch-can, over eight flights of hurdles, bath room barred. Address, money aud mnn, II. Lauder, Comedy Theater, Manchester.' "That was the chnllcnge, and we had no idea what it meant after we had drawn It up. Nevertheless wo carried It boldly to tho Guardian office. Tho clerk read it in n dazed way. " 'One insertion, please,' said Rob erts, planking down a shilling. "'Excuse me,' said the clerk, 'but what Is spoof?' . "Roberts glared at him. "'None of your nonsense with me, young man," he growled. 'What is spoof? You'll bo asking what chess or whist is next' "And the following morning, directly under the editorial notice that 'only ( genuine challenges could bo accepted ' for insertion,' appeared our little para- J graph about hotel spoof." She Gave Him an Answer. I A business man said to his wife at dinner: "nere Is a riddle for you, my dear. Why Is a husband like dough?" Tho answer to this riddle was, "Be cause a woman needs him." The busi ness man expected his wife to give the riddle up or else to guess thnt answer. But his wife said calmly: "Why Is n husband like dough, eh? Well, I suppose it's because he's so hard to get off one's hands." His Treat. In the course of a railway journey one day Queen Helene visited a small wnyslde station, where she was met by the mayor and corporation In all the glory of their robes of honor. An elegant luncheon had been provided. SOUOUT FOII A HANDKEltCIIIEF. but the queen, wishing to hasten on her journey, requested a member of tho deputation to got her a glass of wine. This was promptly brought, but while drinking It a drop fell on her traveling dress, ner majesty at once opened her hand bag and sought for a handkerchief to remove the stain, whereupon the worthy mayor, misun derstanding her action, murmured humbly: "Ah, no, your majesty! 1 as sure you It's all paid for." , Anticipation. It has been well said that no man ever sunk under the burden of the day. It is when to-morrow's burden is added to the burden of today that the weight Is moro than a man can bear. Georgo Macdouald. Wanted All of Them Rivers had been detained by a busi ness meeting at the club, and the hour was late when ho reached home. "So it's you, is it!" exclaimed Mrs. Rivers, who wns wide awake. "You'vo got somo plausible excuse, too, irifcourse. You were detained downtowuTly somo necessary, indispensable, Important, unavoidable, unescapable, urgent, es sential and absolutely compulsory nnd lnexorablo business! Of all tho flimsy, transparent, diaphanous" "For heaven's sake, Lena," interrupt ed Rivers, whipping out his notebook, "wait a minute and let mo Jot down those synonyms. I don't know where you got them, but I can use every ono of them. Now go .ahead again, dewr, but please talk a little slower." Chica go Tribune. A Sweet Singer. It was 3 o'clock in the morning as Mr. Younghusband crept slowly up tho stairs. Everything ,wns peaceful in tho house. Opening tho door to his room noiselessly, he stepped upon tho tall of the family cat. Naturally a pentrating yowl rcsouuded through tho night. "John," said his wife, awaken ing, "don't you think it's rather late to be singing! The neighbors might complain." FOR A iUUQOOOQOOOOOCOaOOOOQOOOO; Theme: GOD'S POEM. BY ARTHUR T. BROOKS. Text "For we are Hlg workman ship" (poem). Eph., II., 10. i- Tho thought of re-created man must havo been in tho apostlo's mind as he penned these words to tho church at Ephesu8. Tho word "workmanship" has a larger and moro beautiful mean ing thnn hero appears, for the Greek word (polema), from which our Eng lish word "poem" Is taken, means the nemo of artistic workmanship. Often we use the word thus to-day, as. In referring to .architecture which pleases because of its splendid com pleteness, wo call It a "poem In mar ble;" or, pleased by tho sinuous graco of the dancer, we speak of tho "poetry of motion;" or a "poem of nature," as the eye Is refreshed with some ex quisite bit of scenery made possible through tho efforts of the landscape gardenor. Whonever the word Is thus used we understand it to mean tho cul mination of achievement So when Paul described the Christian as "God's poem" ho affirmed him to be tho per fection of God's creative work. As ono Judges a poem, tho poet, the plan, the material used and the poom itself are carefully considered. .-Oi us consider God's poem In this man ner. The Divine Poet appears to tho tho ono who has not "known Him" terrible, far away, unapproachable, with no thought for the children of men save to speedily punish tho trans gressor of His law. But to those "whom Ho hath called the son.- or God" He reveals Himself, loving. i..ul ent, tender, and unto such as love Him He becomes "like as a father." In iho "secret of His presence" they lcnn tho great love that throbs In His heart for mankind, and that as the poet will sacrifice anything that his work may attain completion. He has given tna Brightest and Best for the cotnpleto.i of His great epic. While It Is not given to the Unite to understand tho ways of tho infinite. It is apparent that from the beginning a great plan was in the Poet's uuad, the perfect man, who having the pow er of choice should naturally choose tho good. Gradually the plan was un rolled as the centuries passed and was finally revealed In Its fulness in the teachings and life of Jesus Christ. Since tho Christian era the plan has been operative, so that as the Chris tian with his vision sweeps the retro spect of his life he sees that always God has wrought In harmony with His great plan, and that the hardness 01 trial, tho flood of sorrow, the aehiee mont of ambition have all combined to make for his spiritual perfection. Adding hore, subtracting there, the Poet works to-day in each life sur rendered to Him until that life attain "unto tho perfect man, unto tho meas ure of the stature of the fulness of Christ" Ram's Horn Blasts. When you find yourself weak, tako Christ for your strength. (Put your hand in God's hand, nnd it will not matter If your feet do slip. No matter how much wo get, we only get to lose, unless wo also get Christ Building on a rock is an investment that pays dividends with every thun der clap. There Is Joy In Heaveu over the sin ner that repents, even though ho may have been a member of the church for years. It was because David first said, "My Shepherd," that ho could afterward say, "Ho makoth me to He down In green pastures." If you are a Christian, It Is your privilege to cast all your care upon Christ Some of tho hungriest peoplo In the world are those who havo the most wealth. It is tho man who Is least willing to practice, who finds tho most fault with tho preaching. Many a man will find himself con demned in the judgment by being measured by his own yardstick. Many a man who thinks he Is pray ing for tho conversion of the world, doesn't give over a dollar a year to holp send the Gospel to It Had not David begun by saying, "Tho Lord is my Shepherd," ho could never havo said, "I will dwell in tho houso of the Lord forever." Filling the Earth with Light. Morning by morning God's great mercy of sunrise steals upon a dark ened world in still, slow self-lmparta tlon; and the light which has a force that has carried it across gulfs of space that the imagination staggors In trying to conceive, yet falis so gently that it doe not move the petals of a sleeping flower, nor hurt the lids of an Infant's eyes, nor displace a grain of dust So should we live and work, clothing all our power in tonderness doing our -work In quietness, disturb ing nothing but tho darkness, nnd with silent increase of beneficent pow or filling nnd flooding the dark earth with healing beams. Letting God Love. Loving God is but letting God love us, giving welcome, that is, to God's love, 'knowing and believing the love Qnd hnfo to us. Horace uuannen. Heroic Treatment Clears Reno of Critics. BOTH FIGHTERS ABE IN TRIM. Jeffries and Johnson Ready to Step Into Ring Pugilists Have Differ ent Ideas as to Best Methods of Training For Battle. Reno, Nov., Juno 28. Both Jeffries nnd Johnson nro todny declared by their trainers to be in tho pink of con dltlon nnd ready to step into tho ring to fight tho grentcst battle of their lives. Johnson has abandoned nil of his er ratic habits and has settled down to a systcmntlc dnlly routine. Tho black man's practice work with his sparring partners has created a good impres sion. Jeffries has also made the usspmbled light fans sit up nnd hike notice by bdxlng with oue after another of his sparring partners until tho men nnd tho list were exhausted. After this hard exercise ho seemed as fresh as in the beginning, and this has deepen ed the belief that he has lost none of his old time staying power. Reno Is now a town of boosters. No body knows what has become of the Photo by American Press Association. JISFFIHHS IN CAMP. knockera who once sniffed suspiciously mad echoed the California governor's rimiarks cuuccrnliiK a "f rnmeup." Thla disappearance of the knockers is said to have been caused by the heroic treatment resorted to by virtuous prizefight promoters and their fellow- el's, who have unmercifully beaten some of their outspoken critics. Now there nre no more critics In lteno. A leader of the boosters is now John L. Sullivan, the veteran lighter, who on his nrrlvnl hero wns driven away fioni the Jeffries camp by Jim Cor bett because he was considered a "knocker." Now that he is consistent ly boosting he has been restored to the good graces of the fighters, and his face is once more cure free. Othor correspondents Sullivan being now fight expert for a newspaper are striving to nvold tho ex-chainplon's un pleasant experience by keeping close to tho merry booster throng. Both Jeffries nnd Johnson declare that they nre confident of victory. Explaining his method of training Jeffries says: "I do my fighting In tho ring. I don't uoed to fight In training. My natural fighting style comes to me ns soon ns I havo to fight. If I slugged in training I couldu't find a man in the country to stand the gaff more than a couple of days." Johnson has other views. lie says: "Tho ouly wny to train for a fight is by fighting ull tho time. Suppose you get a hard punch on the nose right at tho start. If you nro used to getting hit on the nose It doesn't hurt you at all If you ain't used to It you get rattled." WEIGHT MEETS WILDING. American and New Zealander Opposed In English Tennis Finals. Wimbledon, Juno 28. Beals C. Wright of Boston Qualified for tho final singles In tho all England tennis cham pionship tournament, defeating A. IL Lowo in tho semifinals, 08, 0 1, 0-4. ' Wright's opponent lu tho finals will bo A. F. Wilding, tho Now Zealander who was a member of tho Australa sian team whlcti successfully defended tho Davis trophy a year ago. 8ulclde of a Girl. Lancaster, Mass., Juno 28. Because she- was sent to her room for disobedi ence, Eva Smith, aged sixteen, an In mate of tho State Industrial School For Girls, hanged herself. PdHffjBsl Is Your Life Worth Living? When the liver refn" s to perform Us functions of secreting bile, and the bowels ,me inactive and loaded with foul waste materials, the effect on tho mind Is most distressing. Gloomy forclrodings drive out tue suns .me. You ate nervous and fret ful Lite is not worth living. What ails ym? it's your on a strike Con s' t-1, to', : ., suIkv, it refuses to perform its f llllC'J.lI.S. What's to be clone ? Take one or two Swim's Pineapple and Butternut Pills after (.lamer and again at night In the morning you will feel different. The sun will shine.'s the reason ? Your liver has re sumed business, that's all. These won derful little pills have set It going. With clear brain, keen appetite, you will enjoy life again. Take one occasionally for a week or so and your blood will be purged of impurities and its bright red flood will cairy health to your ringer tips. Physicians ue and recommend. They form no habit iu snouiu always k'ep them on nana. These little Vegetable Pills will ward off many ills. To Cure Constipation Biliousness and Sick Headache in a Night, use SM11HS . TOR vftS PINEAPPLE t AND r!ea!&chiar!i EiJ I fBLITTERNUTj K I, J J VI J 11 I PIUS I a . 4 CD Tills In Glass Vial 23c All Dealers. SMITH'S BUCHU L5THIA KIDNEY PILLS For Sick Kidneys madder Diawvs, jEheamatlim, the one best rtmrdr. Reliable, endorfted by leading phytlclftns; safe, effectual. Reiulti luting. On the market IS years. Hare cn-ed tliontanda. loo pUIi la arlalnal grata package, CO centa. Trial boxes. 60 pills, 25 centa. All druggists tU and recommend. I For New Late Novelties IS- JEWELRY SILVERWARE WATCHES Try s SPENCER, The Jewels, "Guaranteed articles only sold.1 .0 FFICK OF THE HONESDALE CONSOLIDATED LIGHT, HEAT. AND POWER COMPANY' SPECIAL NOTICE TO STOCK HOLDERS. The Board of Directors of this Company have called a special meet ing of its stockholders to be held at the General office of the company, in the Borough of Honesdale, Penn sylvania, on the 14th day of July, 10 10, at 3 o'clock, for the purpose of voting for or against an Increase of the Indebtedness of said company. M. B. ALLEN, Secretary. Tooth Savers We have the sort of tooth brushes that are nuide to thoroughly cleanse and save the teeth. They nre the kind that clean ttcth wilbou eavlns vour inouth (ull of bristles. We recommend tbo9e costlnc 25 cents or more, ns we can cuarantee them and will re place, free, nny that show defects of manu facture within three mouths. O. T. CHAHBERS. PHARHACIST. Opp. D. & II. Station HONGSDA1.U. PA mm ESTEF Time Card In Effect June 19th, 1910. SCRANT0N DIVISION kit I 1 -z i Sti Station S 2 H d k Kip P M! ArN.V.W.4M8t.I,v T4M 11 15, 1 00 Ar,..caaosia i.ti 310 219 4 SO 3 4 1&5 111 U liMI Ml " ... 5 " ..I Hancock... 4 SO 11 twin Starllfht,.., I Oil S20 B30 10 41 it w, hid! " l'restou Par " lost " ..wmvrooa... " ..PornteUe... ' " urson " " Pleasant Mt " " .. Unlondale.. " " .Forest city. " OTtynaaleYd " " .Carbondale. " io am os sis SSI (03 10 (Mill 51 3-.T1 VMI11S1 3 40 J43 3&S 8 IS 8 13 8 30 s uii sol 9 311 & n vituoa 14 04 K SM V IV,! 1 Ull 4 10 8 4J1 'S3 " White Bridire " .MajOeKl Yd. " on 10 M 418 121 OOSU04S " ....Jermyn,.. " 8 BSjlO 43 " ..Archlbara.. " S1 T03 TOO 7 09 T14 TIT , inion.. PeckTlUe.- " 4 SOl 4 31 ..Olyphant " ..Dickson... ' ...Toroop... ProTldenc .Park Place- 139 4 421 4 451 730J TJSl T IS 4 48 4 SI Bcranion ...Ar in TSM r Additional trains leave CarooBdala (or Mar. I eld Yard at 8.S0 a. m. dally, and s.88 p m daUr jicopt Sunday. Additional trains lears Mar. told yard lor Carbondale 88 a m dally and i M . m. dally except Sunday. I, O, AKDIB40H, . E. Wtua, Traftlo Manager, Traveling Agent, (S Beaver St., New Tort, Scrauton,Px 8WI0 4U 8 SI 10 80 " ... 8 4T10SJ " 8 410S 8 40a01J " 8ST1I0M " 8S4I0 1 a xn,in tn r.v W VV1 1 W W H . ... 1 Mil IP