run citizen-, i ai , ,n.y i, 101c. ASSAILS lifiTIS. Hill II III ! Senator Gore Denounces Colleague Prom Kansas. TILT PRECEDES EXPOSURE. Disclosure That Exchange of Angry Words Took Place on Day Before Oklahoma Statesman Told of Bribe Offer. Washington, Juno 28. New revela tions are following close upon the heels of tho sensational denounce ment of bribe offerers by Senator Thomas i Gore, the blind senator from Oklahoma. It has been disclosed that Senator Gore and Senator Charles Curtis of Kansas had a stormy Interview in the Democratic cloakroom of the senate "last Thursday. Senator Gore was sit ting with his colleague. Senator Rob ert h. Owen, when Senator Curtis approached them and upbraided Mr. Gore for having objected to the con sideration of the bill to pay James West ?5,000 to recompense him for some loss he had sustained on account of the Cherokee Indians. Senator Curtis had reported tho bill and was Interested in Its passage. Be called It up, and Senator Gore object ed to It and prevented Its passage. Senator Gore said nfterward that he had been advised that the bill was not meritorious and that he obstructed Its passage upon Information given him by tho attorney for tho Chcrokeo Indians. Other members of tho In dian committee of the senate were In- CHAUI.KS CURTIS, cllned to believe that the bill had mer it. It was for this reason that they reported It. Senator Curtis seemed very much disgruntled because tho senator from Oklahoma had opposed the bill, and after complaining to Mr. Gore, Senator Curtis warned him that he would never be able to get unanimous con sent again In the senate for the con sideration of any measure In which he was Interested. Senator Gore retorted by Inviting Mr. Curtis to go to a cli mate that is popularly believed to be hotter than Kansas, oven at this sea son of the year. Senator Curtis made omo reply, whereupon Senator Gore denounced the senator from IChnsas in language that if uttered on the floor of the senate would probably havo led to his being called to order. He said things about Senator Curtis that sur prised those who heard him. Senator Gore is on the Chautauqua circuit now. He hurried away from Washington ns soon ns tho seuate ad journed to fill his first engagement at Waterloo, In., yesterday. Just before he left Washington he was asked to confirm tho report that he had hud a violent quarrel with Senator Curtis the day before ho (Gore) made his sensa tional charge on tho senate lloor that an attempt had been made to bribe him In connection with certain Indian legislation. Senator Gore admitted that ho had talked to Senator Curtis in Inuguage that was very plain, but suggested that It would be Indelicate for him to repeat tho colloquy nntl re ferred his questioner to his colleague. Senator Owen. When asked about It Senator Owen appeared to bo somewhat embarrassed. Ho admitted that there had been a controversy and that Senator Gore had talked to Senator Curtis iu n way that would probably hnvo been consid ered unparliamentary in debate in tho senate. Senator Gore's colleague said that ho felt free to say that much hi view of tho fact that Senator Gore bad confirmed It already, but that ho would not try to repeat tho colloquy, and he appeared to bo a littlo surprised that Senator Gore had referred in quirers to him for Information regard ing tho controversy. The name of tho senator whom Mr. Gjre charged on hearsay with being Interested in tho so caned MCMurray contracts wiiu luu tiuuviair uuu uuii'b. aw Indians has norjeen aiactoson. CHARLES A. CULBrRSON. I Texas Senator's Will Cost Him ft Washington, Juno 2S. Tho assertloL made by ex-Senator Mason at Chlcagc that n majority of the seats in tlit United States senate had been pur chased Is hardly borne out in the case of Senator Culberson of Texas, whe has practically won his re-election tc the senate In the state of Texas nftei a total expenditure of $27. There had been some talk of opposition to Son ator Culberson, but It disappeared and as the time has gone by for the placing of any other name on the of flclal ballot for the primaries, whlct will occur In a few days, Senator Cul bersou's nomination on tho Demo crntlc ticket is assured, and the Texas legislature will certainly be Demo cratic overwhelmingly. Senator Culberson is still at a healtt resort in New York, where ho has been for several months. He will not return to Texas until about Sept. 1 The senator is snld to bo suffcrlnp from n complete nervous breakdown and has not been In tho senate at the present session. Ills collapse cam following his work In connection wltt tho tariff legislation at tho extraor dlnary session. HAS CONFUSIONAL INSANITY. Dr. Arlitz Gives Opinion of Portei Charlton's Mental Condition. New York, June 28. With the new. that Italy's foreign olllce had decided to ask for tho extradition of Portei Charlton, who slew his wife nt I.ak( Como, Dr. William Jerome Arlitz gave a statement as to the form of demon tla atlliciiug the young mau whose ar rest lias developed an Internationa tangle. "Deyond a doubt Charlton suffer from confuslonal Insanity of adoles cence," said Dr. Arlitz. "This forn occurs In persons of neurotic tempera ment and develops between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five. "Charlton has exhaustive psychosis The boy has evidently suffered from this for n long time. He may recover and again the form may become acute and develop Into paranoia. "There is no doubt about his belnp tubercular. Ho has been a victim ol this mental malady for years. Ills nc tions nre most strange and lllumtnat lug. He will not eat Ho cannot sleep ' He has the delusions and illusions nl ways apparent in this form of demon tla." Dr. Arlitz was the first alienist en gaged by Judge Paul Charlton, fathci of the young prisoner, and had acted Independently of the other three phy slclans engaged. Dr. Chnrles L. Dana Dr. Allan McLane Hamilton and Dr Klsher. He would not enlarge upon tho sub Ject of the form of Insanity he sayt young Charlton suffers. KILLED BY STRAY SHOT. National Guard Rushes Bostwlck't House Find Desperado Dying. Atlanta. Gu.. June 28. W. II. Host ick, tho desperado, who killed two men and wounded three nt his homo, near Occllla, was found dying in -his uurncaueu nomo wnen me uuzgeraui . company of the national guard rushed, aud captured tho house. Ho soon died, ills five children, whom he had with him, were found' uninjured. It is supposed that a bullet fired by the besieging posse during tho night struck Iiostwlck. The Fitzgerald company upon ar rival promptly rushed to tho house, which had been tho scone of a fierco fire of bullote all night Por fear of hurting tho children the soldiers did not fire. Thoy assembled on all four sides of the house, 200 yards away, aud at tho command "Ponvardl" moved upon tho place at double tlmo. Tho first kicked lu tho door and with drawn revolvers entered. Bostwlck was found on the floor un conscious. The children, terrified, were huddled near. Tho father bad kept them on tho floor all night nnd thns they had escaped tho ballots. Maori Team Again Wins. Sydney, N. 8. W., Juno 28.-Tho Ma orl football team baa again defeated tho all American team by a score of 21 to 8. Tho all American team is com posed of students from tho University of California, Leland Stanford, Jr., uni versity and tho University of Nevada. Ro-elsstion 5 Only $27. ) 7 .JHsV SAVE THEJABIES Timely Word to Mothers on Care of Infants DurlngHot Weather, ADVICE WORTH HEEDING Health Commissioner 'Dixon Gives Rules to Be Observed In Nursing the Baby and For Ita Proper Care In General The Necessity erf Pure, Fresh Milk. The hot weather of this season ot the year is oxtremely dangerous to tho lives of Infants and young chil dren, not only because of the depres sing effect of high atmosphoric tem perature in general, but more espe cially because of tho effect of hot weather upon all porlshablo articles of food, among which cow's milk holds the first placo. It Is therefore highly important that cow's milk to be used for infanta' food should bo the purest and freshest that yon can afford to bay. During the hot weather Ice is absolutely necessary for the preservation of milk, and all milk used for food should be cooled by ice as soon as it comos from tho cow, and should be kopt noxt the ice until ready to be used. A littlo money spent for ice may prevent Illness and Its greater expense for medicine, nurs ing and medical attendance. As water Is often a carrier of disease it is safest to use only boiled water for drinking or the preparation of a baby's food. Tho following rules will old you in keeping your baby well during the hot weather, and are given out by the State Department of Health of Penn sylvania: Breast feeding. Every mother should endeavor to nurse her baby. Breast milk 1b tho natural food of a new born baby. There Is no other food that can compare with It A breast-fed baby has a much greater chance of living than a bottle fed baby. Immediately after birth do not give iny kind of artificial food to the baby while waiting for the breast milk to ifonifi. Pnt th hahv tn th hmnsl every four hours and give nothing else I but water that has been boiled. The baby needs nothing else and will not starve. After tho milk comes into tho I breast nurse the baby every two hours , during the day and two or three times ' at night. I Don't nurse the baby whenever It i cries. A moderate amount of crying i helps to develop tho lungs. Babies who i are nursed Irregularly or whenever they cry are likely to get indigestion and then cry the harder from pain. Nurse regularly, and tho baby will soon learn to oxpect Its nursing only at tho proper Intervals. Glvo the baby a little boiled water several times a day. After tho baby Is two months old j lengthen the time between feeding to two and a half or three hours, with only one or two feedings at night. Do not wean the baby as long as he Is gaining, and never do eo except by advlco of your doctor. Do not follow tho advice of friends or neighbors about weaning. If the baby remains well, but after a tlmo stops gaining in weight, do not think that your milk Is of no value, but consult your doctor 1 about ndding ono or two bottles to ' help you out i Bottle feedlna. If it becomes neces- ! sary to feed the baby entirely or only t ln Dart uPon the bottle, remember that tho greatest cleanliness Is noces sary ln all details of tho feeding. As soon as a bottlo is finished it should be thoroughly washed with cold water, then cleansed with hot water and borax (ono teaspoonful to a pint of water) an(f put asldo for fnrther cleansing before bolng used again. If you havo only a few bottles and It be comes necessary to use tho samo bot tle for the next feeding, boll it for a few minutes before putting fresh food Into It Never let the baby nurse from the remains of a bottle which ho has not flnishod. Take it away from tho crib, pour out tho milk and cleanse at once. 8tale milk curds sticking to the Inside of a bottle after a few hours become poisonous and may contami nate fresh milk coming In contact with , them. It is better to have as many bottles as the number of tho baby's dolly feedings, so that all tho bottles be boiled together before the food ,8 prnparedjn th.e .morulas, Nipples. Tho simpler the nipple tho safer for tho baby. Do not use com plicated nipples, and under no cir cumstances buy a bottle with a long rubber tube attached to the nipple. It cannot be kept clean and will cortainly cause bowel troublo. After tho bottlo Is finished tho nipple should be re moved at once, turned inside out over tho finger and scrubbed with cold wa ter and a brush kept only for this purpose. After use, always boll the brush. The cleansod nipple should bo kept in fresh borax water (one teaspoonful of borax to a pint of wator) ln a cov ered glass. Rinse tho nipple in boiling water before using it Do not put the nipple Into yor own mouth to find out whether the milk la - ... , - - I un"! " - ' ' ( warmed enough. Let a fow drops of martial of conspiracy against tho gov ot tho milk fall on your wrtrt; If It ' eminent, according to dispatches ro- feels too hot for your wrist It Is too warm for tho babyis mouth. No general Instructions can be given about tho preparation ot a mine mix ture tor your baby. Each baby needs a combination suited to its digestion. The mixture upon which some other baby is thriving may be too strong or too weak for your baby, Let the doctor tell you how to mix the food. If It is necessary to use cream in the mixture do jot buy cream It is likely to be stale but get It by pouring off halt a pint from tho top of a quart bottlo of milk, after cleansing tho Up of the bottle. During the summer the baby's food I should bo brought to a scald after It i is prepared. It should then bo poured i into tho clean bottle, corked with baked clean cotton wool and kept noxt Ihe ice until needed. Do not heat a bottle when you go to bed and keep It In bed until nursing time, becauso you do not want to go to the Ice box for it and heat It when tho baby noeds it. This is a certain way to make tho baby sick. Bowel movements. A bottle fed baby should have at loast one and not more than two or three bowel move ments a day. If the milk la cloan to start with and has ben kept cold, and all tho feeding utensils clean as you havo Just been told, the baby's movements should be yellow in color, and not too hard to be paosd easily. If the movements become greenish In color, but not more frcqoont than two or' three times a day, giro one or two teaspoonfuls of castor oil. If tho color does not Improve after the oil has worked off, consult your doctor. At this time he will be able to prevent the sorlons bowel trouble with which the baby la threatened. If tho move ments remain green in color and In crease In number to five or six or more in the twenty-four hours, your baby Is beginning to. have bowel trou ble, or summer diarrhoea. Stop milk at once, give pure boiled water in stead and call tho doctor. It may not bo too late. Do not begin milk feeding again until the doctor orders it You will not starvo your baby by stopping the milk; every drop of milk that goes into its stomach after this warning simply adds to the poison already there. You will cause serious or fatal Alness by keeping up milk food after the bowels becomo looso and the movements green in color. Vomiting. A bottle fed baby, should not vomit If its food Is pure and prop erly adjusted to its needs. If vomit ings occur it is usually a sign of ap proaching illness, either of one of the serious diseases of childhood, or more commonly in hot weather, of summer diarrhoea. Vomiting due to this cause may bc 010 flret Bln of trouble and the bowels may not become looso un til several days later. If vomiting Is repeated, stop milk feeding, glvo boil ed water, cool or of the temperature at which the milk Is given, and con sult your doctor at once. Clothing. Do not put too much clothing on tho baby In summer. Dur ing the hottest weather remove most of the clothes; a thin loose shirt and a diaper are sufficient during the day and on vory hot nights. Never use' clothing mado with tight waistbands. Petticoats and skirts should be supported by straps over the shoulders. Bathing. Bathe the baby every day. In not weather a quick sponging all over later in the day will give com fort and make htm sleep better. Wash tho baby each time tho diaper Is changed and dry the parts thoroughly before using powder. WaBh all soiled diapers and boll them. Never use a dried wet diaper without first wash ing it Fresh air. Fresh air is as important for the baby's health as fresh food. DllrInS the summer keep the baby out 01 aoor8 BS mucn 63 Pssiuie. rp tne babv out of tn9 kitchen ho may set a "sunstroke" from too much heat indoors Eruptions of the skin. If the baby has an eruption or breaking out of the Bkln, consult a doctor. Do not think that every rash Is prickly heat; it may bo some serious disease like scar lot fever, measles, smallpox or chick en pox. HIT BY TAFT AUTO. President's Son Robert Runs Down Workman at Beverly. Beverly, Mass., June 28. One of President Tuft's automobiles, driven by his son Itobert, ran over aud se riously Injured an Italian street la' borer. At the hospital It wns said there were Indications that the workman's skull was fractured. Itobert Taft, with college friends, I.eudall King of Minneapolis nnd Goorgo Harrison of Washington, start ed out from the summer White nouso for a spin nlong tho north shore. At Pride's crossing, about two miles from home, tho streets were being ollojl by a gang of men. Tho auto mobile wns slowed down. Tho horn was sounded, and most of the men stepped aside. Ono of them, however, wns not quite quick enough, nnd tho machine struck him, tossing him Into the gutter. He was unconscious when picked up by young Tuft and his friends. AMERICAN REBEL GUILTY. Nicaragua Court Martial Convicts Pitt man, Estrada Soldier. Wueflelds, Juno 28. William Pitt man, tho daring American who was captured by tho Madrlz orniy during tho fighting about Wueflelds a month nm hfM hnnn fnnnri irnlltv bv a COUTt eclvod hero, no will bo sentenced to at least ten years ln the penitentiary at Managua. A Tart Retort. Mrs. Hoyle Don't you think my boy Is growing? Mrs. Doyle-Yes; he Is pretty largo for bis mother's age. Juuee l DEVIL FI8HING A3 AN INDUSTRY. Pacific Coast Mry Provide Much Es teemed Food for Japan. A now indu Xry offers for tbo fish ermen of British Columbia the pur suit of devilfish, otherwise octopus, or cuttlefish. Jspane.e say there is a markot In thfelr country for canned devtlflsh to can. Tho public on this side of tho Pacific doo3 no generally regard tho dovlliish as ed'ble. but In Japan It is csteomcd as a food, and whllo It is not rated as fino a delicacy as green turtle or lobster tho flavor Is said to equal that of the clam. The octopus hunts for a sheltering cavo or an overhanging rook, wnero It lies In wait for prey. It abhors the sunlight Tho Japanese fishermen simply provide a shady retreat for tho octopus, and, whon it backs into the trnp, it Is hauled to tho surface. Tho pusucrs of tho octopus provide themselves with largo earthen Jars more than a foot In dlair.otor, which are fastened to a ropo and lowered Into tho sea. When the devilfish comes looking for a place to ambush Its enemy the earthen Jar appears to fulfil Its needs. Backing into the Jar tho octopus permits its tentacles to wave about tho seaweed. Half con cealed It appears to be as harmless as a bunch Of kelp, but when a fish comes along there Is a swish of tho long arms and the victim Is hold by tho suckers and forced Into the rapacious maw. The, fisherman simply sets his traps, returns tho next day and pulls them to tho surface and removes tho octo pus from Its hiding place. Getting Legal Advice. You should always find out who Is telephoning to you If you can. There's a Broadway lawyer who at present Is wishing he had. The other day a lady rang him up and refused to glvo her name to his clerk, saying that she wished to talk on personal and private business. As soon as the lawyer himself picked up the receiver, before he could make any Inquiries, she began: "Oh, please to!l rae, must there not be two copies of a lease?" "Why," he answered, "It Is usual to glvo one to tho landlord s agent and ono to the lessee. But who are?" "Yet, tho fact that the wife of the lessee had never seen a copy of the lease wouldn't keep It from being legally binding?" "No," slipped from the lawyer, who quickly added: "But before I discuss the matter further may I ask to whom ?" There was n pretty little laugh he admits It was pretty even no'.v. "Oa, I'm Mrs. Brown, and I live -on Broadway. You don't know me." It was obvious, likewise, that he would not "but I've always heard your ad vice was so very valuable, and I want ed a lawyer, and so I Just called you up. Good-by." And when he asked for the number Central gave htm the Grand Central Station! Geology and Coal. A European geologist calls atten tion to the practical bearing of recent geological studios of the construction of tho Karpathlan Mountains. It has hitherto been assumed that the coal basin adjoining these mountains ter minates nt a fault along their edge, but Professor Uhllg shows that the coal must continue under the moun tains, and that the proper points to sound for It may be determined sim ply by tho character of the superposed layers. Instead of sounding through the Lower Cretaceous formation, as has been attempted, he points out that the places where the older Tertiary layer shows Itself are those where the coal must He nearest tho surface. Re cent soundings indicate the correct ness of hl3 conclusions. D. & H. CO. TIHE rABLE A..M A.M.i.. SUN -UN .. 8 J)t u W. 1A.M., A.M.lIV.M.l ID HO 4 30, 10 00 -I- ... Albany lltn'.'tinitiiun A.M. 12 30 8 30 JJ3 7 10 7 55 ... Philadelphia. 1 '.1)1 2 U i 20 . 8 15,. 4 40, 5 30 1 20 2 tW ....Wllkes-Itarro..., scnintun P.M. A.M.,. I'.M P.M. A.M.iLv 5 40 a go 9 ay tl 15 fi 20 ti 30 li 31 2 05 2 15 2 19 2 37: 2 13 m 45 . . .Curhomln'o . -. 8 551. ..Lincoln Avenue.. O 51 6 11 8 09 Wllltus U 3U B 42 9 4S U 51 9 57 H 52 li 51 9 15 9 21 t) 29 ...Kar 6 17 6 a ... Itum.ui .... Iiko Lottore . . Wiiymart... Kettle ....Steene .. l'rompton... . .. Kortenla .... ...Seelyvllle ... .. Honesdale .. 7 01 7 07 2 49 (i 26 2 52 9 32 9 37 e 32 7 13 7 16 7 20 2 5 6 35 10 U) 2W 3 03 3 07 3 10 3 15 9 39 9 43 10 01 u 4:1 If 4(i 0 60 10 OH 7 21 9 4 10 11 7 27 9 50 U 55 10 15 7 31 P.M, A.M. I'.M P.M. A.M. Ar The Era of New Mixed Paints ! Tins year opoiii with a delugo of new mixed paints. A con dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED, PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised, may find a sale with tne unwary. TilK'ONLY PLACE IN HONESI1ALE AUTHORIZED TO IIAN'DLE Is JADWIN'S There are reasons for the pro-minonco of OHILTON PAINTS; 1st No one can mix abetter mixed paint. 2d The painters deolaro that it works easily and has won derful covering qualities. 3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his own oxpenso, every surface painted with Chilton Paint that proves defective. 4th Those who have Used it aro perfectly satisfied with it and recommend its use to others. A Chinese Smuggler. An Ingenious Instrument for smug gling was discovered at Rangoon, when a Chinaman named Ohcng was arrested at about 7 o'clock ln the morning as ho stepped ashore from a sampan. Tho prisoner was carrying what appeared to bo a tin of kerosene, but on examination of the tin a cun ning contrived smuggling outfit was discovered. , The corner of the tin, where the opening to admit tho oil was situated, was ln the shnpo of a cube four inches square and tho other part of the tin was used as a receptacle for contra band, the bottom of the tin s.ldlng out In this hidden receptacle the oxclse Inspector found fifty-five tolas of belnchl nnd fifty-two one-eighth ounce bottles of cocaine. If the World Spoke English. If tho whole world spoke English, England, with her cunning and Intel lect, would have swayed If not ruled, the world forever, for behold how she still sways us and pokes her finger In our eyes and pies any old time she likes. If England hadn't talked so fine Now York and London could havo stacked tho pack and dealt the deck for good and ever. Great Total of Family Ages. Living at the present time near Manchester Is a family of eight sis ters and a brother whose united ages reach the stupendous total of 607 years. Tho members of the family, named Stevenson, are: Caroline, 77; Jane, 74; Margaret, 72; Ann, 09; Rob ert, 07; Betsy, 65; Alice, 63; Emma. 61, and Sarah, 59. Five of the sisters and the brother are married. Roll of HONOR A ttention is called to tne STRENGTH of the Wayne Count 7 The FINANCIER of New York Citv has published a ROLL Or HO'NOR of the 11,470 State Banks and Trust Companies of United States. In this list the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Stands 38th in the United States Stands 10th in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wavr.e County. Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00 Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00 Honesdale. Pa.. May 29, 1908. A. O. BLAKE, AUCTIONEER & CATTLE DEALER You will make money uynavms me, IBELL PHON'E 9-1 Bethany, Pa. - - - HONESDALE BRANCH P.M. A.M, . 1'.. A.M. .SUN 'SUN 2 00 10 50,. 8 45!. 10 50 12 40 43 3 53 ' 31 7 32 M. 7 31 7 32 A . M 10 20 9 37 4 03 3 15 7 15 6 20 2 25 P.M. 1 35 10 05 Ar A.M P.M, P.M. P.M. P.M. 8 05 7 51 7 50 7 33 1 33 1 23 5 40 5 30 I 21 5 21 Ieiv.... 1 03 5 Or 7 25 12 5H 12 61 5 01 5 Sti 7 19 7 17i 12 19! 12 13 4 51 4 4 15 7 12 7 09 7 05 12 10 12 31) 12 32 12 29 12 25 4 1 7 01 4 37 4 31 4 30, 6 58 ti 55 LvjA.M. P.M, P.M A M. P M. CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS PHARMACY. I 12 17 8 29 12 07 8 17 12 01 8 13 11 11 7 64 11 37 7 47 11 31 7 41 11 29 7 39 11 23 7 32 11 20 7 30 11 Hi 7 28 11 12 7 22 11 09 7 19 11 05 7 15