The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 15, 1910, Image 1

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    TUB WEATHER On Wednesday fair anil continued warm weather will prevail, with light variable winds, mostly northwest and westerly.
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L 67th YEAR.
NO. 47
As usunl. the most entertaining
part of the commencement period
was the class day exercises, which
were held Thursday night In the
auditorium. A good-sized audience
enjoyed it. and the Lyric orchestra
The address of welcome by David
Peterson contained some humorous ;
points and the speaker did not for
get the six B's Barberl, Berger, ,
I3odie, Bunnell, Brown and Beatrice.
The class history by Elizabeth Burg-,
er made note of many interesting and ;
amusing experiences between 100G ;
and 1910. The last will and testa
ment, read by Kathryn Nicholson, J
left the building to the High school, j
the love and esteem of the 131 0 class
to the faculty, the "bliss of senior
statehood" to the class of 1911, and
to the school at large was bequeath- I
ed the use of the gymnasium floor , worthy of manhood and womanhood,
for basketball but not for danc- To go forward means perplexity. We
ing. ! must not think the path is always
At this point Mark Twain's "A I to show clear, smooth, uncompllcat
Crltical Situation" was excellently ' ed. We are expected to be intelll
recited by Lillian Barheri. I gent captains of our destiny, and
Mervin Bunnell gave the
usual I
fatherly advice to the juniors and i mission and refuse to face the per
advised them to be a model class, plexitles. To go forward means war.
like 1910. "Class Revelations" by i All life is a warfare, and the Chris
Rose Dirlam and "Class Roasts" by tlan man or woman finds fellow be-
Florence Smith were highly amusing
The class prophecy by Helen Try
on hit the vagaries of her classmates
with telling humor. Lloyd Schuller,
who made the class presentations, ward means work. This is a world
gave Grace Hanlan a toy piano, Har-1 of action, and to no man or woman
rlet Arnold a gold star, Ralph Brown is more command given to be dill
a big diamond ring, Elizabeth Burg- i gent in dally well doing thnn to the
er a jackknife. Win. Pethick a tree , man or woman who has taken the
to remember Miss Wood by, Kathryn Lord Jesus Christ for a pattern and
Nicholson a pair of stilts, Dorothy is trying to do something to lighten
lleichenbacker a tin horn, David 1 the burdens, reduce the misfortunes
Peterson a picture of Cupid In an
auto, Clarence Bodie a pair of doll
shoes, Conrad Hiller .a 'Jliroken
heart," "Rose Dirlam 'a teacher's rul
er, Mervin Bunnell a flask of sweet
ened water for "stimulant," Lillian life that compels much sacrifice. The
Barberl a pass to Carbondale, Flor- pleasures of the world make their
ence Smith a miniature automobile, appeal to all of us. The tempta
and Beatrice Rehbein a golf ball. j tlons of the world are something that
Able Bnctnluureate Sermon. I never take a vacation. The sacrifl
Allthe Protestant churches ,n spirit is developed with a great
Honesdale joined with the Methodist
people Sunday night to hear Rev
Will H. Hiller preach the baccalau
reate sermon to the graduates and
(lioir cflinnlmnfnc nml iannlinrc
students marched from the school j iher num 80ul wiU 1,lne becauso
building to the church next door of our sacrltices-
just before 7:30, and when they had "Go forward, but go with the right
taken the seats reserved for them on authority and with the right weap
the center aisle the house was en-1 ons- We cannot hope to make our
tirelv filled, both floor and ealleries. selves all we should be unless God's
The Presbyterian, Baptist and Epis
copal pastors occupied seats in the
pulpit and assisted with the sen ices.
The singing by the augmented choir
was excellent and the orchestra as
sisted appreciably In the musical part
of the program.
Mr. Hiller spoke for 40 minutes,
addressing himself particularly to
the graduates, whom he gave some
exceptionally sane, wholesome and
practical advice. After telling about
the experience of the children of
Israel crossing the Red Sea, when
God, at the command of Moses, caus
ed the waves to roll aside so that his
people might cross over on dry land,
lie said:
' I am glad indeed that this High Children's day wns celebrated, Mr.
school class of 1910 has chosen a 'Hiller, before commencing his ser
motto so completely in sympathy, so ; mon, asked the women to remove
heartily in accord with the spirit of their hats. About two-thirds of the
my text. I am glad they see the i fair worshippers took them oh.
necessity, the imperative command of ' Rev. George S. Wendell offered the
going forward. And in this conuec- opening prayer and Rev. A. L. Wlilt
tion I may assure them that in this taker read the Scripture lesson,
matter of going forward It is by no !
means necessary that they should I Commencement Iwcrelscs.
forsake old truths and fundamental Last night at 8:15 in the auditor
teachings. The principles on which 1 lu'n the commencement exercises of
this world is conducted are forever
the same, despite the great discov
eries scientists have made, are mak
ing and will make. The astronomers
havo discovered now stars and con
stellations of Btars, but they have
discovered no star that was not set
in the sky by the Creator when He
made the world. The mathemati
cians may evolve new methods for
the manipulation of figures, but you I
and I know that two and two always,
will be four so long as right Is right
and so long as God is God.
"I am glad you are to go forward.
This life is progress mental, moral,
spiritual progress. But to go for
ward Is not easy. No boy or girl
here, no man or woman here, should
ever be so weak as to believe pro
gress cannot mean difficulties to be
overcome and dangers to bo en
countered. To go forward means
difficulty. Our Master does not mean
for us to have easy lives. Tho con
quest that Is not arrived at by the
vanquishing of problems that tax
manhood and womanhood is not one
NeWS Snapshots Uo"so,vc Jr- secured license to marry Miss Eleanor Alexander June 20 hi Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church, New York.
r , 1 JoI, unwell, Pittsburg, accused by opponent. Dr. 11. G. Black, of being re-elected to congress by fraud. Harry T Pec!; (V
Ut the Week '"'"Mi professor, sued for $T0,000 by Mls Esther Qulnn for broach of promise. Roosevelt received degrees from Oxford and
Cambridge. Yucatan Indian uprising In Mexico; President Diaz sends troops. Hon C. S. Rolls tiles round trip over Fn-'ll-'i
channel, coming to America. Ex-Governor Napoleon B. Broward Democratic candidate for senator Florida. Hon. Lewis Harcourt mentioned as viceroy
of Inula: Mrs. Harcourt New York girl. Daring aeronaut Charles K. Hamilton Is arrunclug for more sensational (lights
only a weakling will sit down in sub-i
ings who do not share or encourage
his righteous purposes, but who aim,
rather, to Increase the difficulties of
the course he has taken. To go for-
and alleviate the sufferings of his or
her fellows. To, go forward means
sacrifice .It is no dlscour&gsiucnt to
you to 'say that every good and hon
orable life must of necessity be a
I uiuu) imufcn unu ii H'L'iiL many re
'1 nminneiripntR nf sntnn t)ilnrc flint nrn
not in themselves hurtful, hut not
one of us who wants to lead a life
that can contain some benefit to some
authority upholds and strengthens us
in all our ways. We cannot hope to
accomplish all we ought to accom
plish unless we are bucklered with
His weapons faith, prayer, conse
cration. On board one ship there was
a man without faith, and Jonah was
thrown overboard to save the other
people on board. On another ship
Paul, a man of faith, not a man of
unbelief, calmed the sea and no soul
was lost. God himself, in His word,
has shown us how to go forward, and
when we follow in His footsteps wo
shall gain the crown at last and hear
Him say: 'Well done, good and faith
ful servant.' "
As at the morning service, when
t'o class or lyiu at iionesuaie High
school began. The room was com
pletely filled with the parents and
friends of the graduates, and every
number on the programme was ex
cellently rendered and greeted by
liberal applause. The programme
Music, Orchestra.
Invocation, Rov. Geo. S. Wendell
History of New School Building, R.
M. Stocker.
Music, "Rosebuds" Geibel, choruB.
Salutatory, Clarence Bodie.
Essay "Modern Chivalry," Dorothy
Oration "Local Pride," Conrad Hil
ler. Music, Orchestra.
Essay "Tho Passion Play," Luclle
Recitation "A Legend of Bregonz,"
(Adelaide Proctor,) Harriet Ar
nold. Oration "Into tho Future," Ralph
Music "Tho Lord is Great" '
delssohn, Chorus,
Essay "The Toy Carnival," Beatrice
Declamation "Cataline's Defiance"
((George Croly), William Peth-ick.
Music, Orchestra.
Valedictory, Grace Hanlan.
Presentation of diplomas Judge A.
T. Searle, president of the board
of school directors.
Music, Orchestra.
All the young folks participating
gave evidence of careful training on
the part of the teachers. The dec
lamations and recitations were well
enunciated and the choruses were
strong and even. Mr. Stocker's his
torical sketch evinced very graphical
ly and clearly the steps that led to
the erection of the new school build
ing. The salutatory of Clarence
Bodie and the valedictory of Miss
Grace Hanlan were well-worded and
intelligent efforts, with plenty of
school spirit infused and words of
appreciation for the directors and
Valedictorian class of 11M0, Hones
(laic High school.
Admitted to Piko Practice.
At the present session of Pike
county court at Milford Herman
Harmes of Hawley, a member of the
Wayne county bar, was admitted to
practice In the courts of Pike county.
Tics and Ralls Coming.
General Manager Richards of the
trolley company has a gang of men
filling and grading, preparatory to
laying ties and rails on that portion
of the East Honesdale road between
the Fourth street bridge and the
bridge crossing to the Erie railroad
at East Honesdale. We are safe in
predicting that travel between Seely
villo and Traceyvllle will be In pro
gress in a- few months.
While standing at the top of a
ladder, trimming dead branches from
a tree In front of his homo, James
F. Dillon, aged 21, was electrocuted
when tho pruning BhearB ho was
using came In contact with a live
electric light wire.
Tho wire carrlod 2,400 voltB of al
ternating current, which probably
accounts for tho remarkablo fact that
not the slightest sign of any burn
or scar was found on tho body. Af
ter a consultation among the experts
of the electric light company, It was
said It was possible an autopsy
would be performed to see If heart
failure caused death.
No one witnessed the accident, but
It is believed Dillon was facing the
sun, and for that reason did not see
Attended State Meeting.
State Orchard Inspector W. H. Bul
lock returned Saturday from Harris
burg, where he attended last week
the meeting of the State orchard Inspectors.
Xow It's Manager Callnwny.
The Wayne County Herald di
rectors met Saturday and elected
Edward B. Callaway manager of the
paper. He will continue his news
getting in connection with his new
Woodmen Will Have u Ball.
The Woodmen of White Mills are
to. have their first ball faaturday
nlght. It is proposed to make the
ball an annual event If this one
proves a success. People from
Honesdale, Hawley and other places
in Wayne county are expected to
attend. The Woodmen are model
entertainers and Saturday night's
gathering should prove enjoyable.
to Suppress Bridge.
Representative Derouen has given
notice of a bill in the lower house of
' the Louisiana legislature for "the ab
i solute suppression of the playing of
I bridge whist." "I am introducing
this measure," declared Mr. Derouen
for the benefit of children who rare-
ly have an opportunity to know their
bridge-playing mothers."
Old Potatoes-Drug On Market.
New potatoes are in the market and
last fall's crop remaining can hardly
be sold at any price. In some places
buyers have quoted as low as IS
cents per bushel in carload lots in
some instances and they generally
retail at 25 cents. Such low prices
will not pay for handling and draw
ing and farmers are feeding them to
stock rather than tnko the trouble
to sell.
(rude and Sidewalk.
Messrs. Dunkelherg, Ham, Burnard
and GIbbs havo joined forces in Im
proving the sidewalks and curbing
in front of their property. They
have established a grade and have
contracted with R. H. Brown to con
struct new concrete curbing and side
walks that will make a vast improve
ment to that portion of Main street,
and which will bo greatly appreciat
ed by people who travel this portion
of the town.
A troupe of 45 members of the
American Blograph company, of New
York, arrived at the Klttatinny ho
tel, Delaware Water Gap, tho other
day. They will remain for a week,
during which time they will perform
for numerous moving plcturo films.
Tills is tho second company that
lias come to Monroo for this pur
pose, recognizing the beauty of tho
neighborhood's scenery.
Friends of Lycoming County Legis
lator Booming Him.
Friends of Representative Edgar R.
KiesB of Lycoming county are urging
his selection for tho nomination of
lieutenant governor on the ticket to
be selected June 22, says a Harris
burg dispatch.
It Is understood a number of thorn
will como to the convention with a
boom for him and will endeavor to
securo his selection by the leaders
not only on account of his personal
popularity but becauso of his strength
in tho homo district of C. LaRue
Munson. Kless was twico elected to
tho legislature In a county generally
Democratic and la one of tho best
known men In his Congressional district.
Pretty Wedding at Bride's Home.
Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock
Miss Laura M. Van Horn ana John
A. Kimble were united In marriage
by Rev. Will H. Hiller of the Meth
odist church at the bride's home on
East Extension street. The couple
left for a short trip and will make
their home at Towanda, where Mr.
Kimble is in business, he being
general manager of the Wayne Cut
Glass company.
It Didn't Amount To .Much Except To
Empty the Churches.
At 11:15 Sunday morning the
gong was sounded for a slight blaze
in the George Conzelman house at
513 Church street, next door to the
National hotel. A bundle of rags got
on lire in the house and somebody
sent in an alarm. The fire didn't
amount to much. One pail of water
put it out in short order. When the
fire companies got to the spot there
was nothing for them to do.
. " r'V " J ,
lu.rc,f time-indeed, it got under
This lire happened to start just at
way almost at the moment the domi
nies on Church street were giving
out their texts for the morning ser
mons and the pews were half
emptied In less than 15 seconds from
the time of the first gong. All the
young men. several of the old men,
and about a score of women went
from church to the lire. One elderly
business man, nudged by his wife,
who reminded him he'd left an oil
stove burning in their room at the
hotel where the couple reside, bolt
ed into the street to see where the
blaze was. He found It was, or rath
er lind been, 300 yards from the ho
tel, so he went back and reassurred
his better half.
Graduating Exercises In Methodist
Cliiui'li Largely Attended and
The commencement exercises of
the Wnymart High school were held
on Friday evening in the Methodist
Episcopal church, which was filled to
overflowing with an appreciative au
dience and one that gave strong evi
dence of loynlty to their High school.
The presence of Prof. Dooley, who
for so many years presided over the
school, was missed, but the trustees
were fortunate In securing the ser
vices of Mrs. Jacob A. Deemer, who
took up tho work and carried it to
sucli a successful issue.
Tho graduates were: Hylla M.
Ames, Angle M. Cromwell, Rozella
E. Farley, Ida A. Lee, Mildred E.
Reed, Hazel J. Shaffer, Floyd R. Car
penter. Tho program was finely car
ried out and all the numbers were
generously applauded. In full it was
as follows:
Overture, orchestra.
Salutatory address and essay "Dare
to Attempt," Ida A. Lee.
Class History, Anglo M. Cromwell.
Duet " 'Scuse Me, Teacher," Ray
mond Lange, Gordon Lange.
Essay "The Ideal Woman," Hylla
M. Ames.
Music, orchestra.
Class Prophecy, Mildred E. Reed.
Vocal solo selected, John Doyle.
Essay "Woman as a Ruler," Ro
zella E. Farley.
Vocal solo "Lovely Spring,.' Jennlo
ClnsB Will and Presentation, Hazel J.
Vocal solo "Across tho Stream,"
Pearl M. Griffiths.
Rending "Sweet Girl Graduate,"
Hylla M. Ames.
Music, orchestra.
Essay and Valedictory "Esse quara
Vldorl," Floyd R. Carpenter,
Address, Supt. J. J. Koeuler.
Presentation of diplomas.
Music, orchestra.
At the works of Krantz, Smith &
Co., 150 men went back to work
Monday morning under an agreement
the company has made with the
American Flint Glass Workers'
Union. Neither side would say much
about the terms now in force, but
conversation with representatives of
the company and of the union left tho
impression that the former are glad
to be making glass again and that
the men who returned to work are
pleased at the prospect of more pay
days. There are still 100 to 200 glass
workers out of the Honesdale fac
tories ,but some of these, it must bo
remembered, have gone to work in
other places. Every man with a Job
and a pay envelope helps Honesdale
just that much, and citizens very
generally are suited by the resump
tion of work at Krantz, Smith & Co's.
Beautiful Exercises at Presbyterlnn
and Methodist Houses of Wor
' ship Sunday.
In splto of the inclemency of the
weather, the Presbyterian church
was well filled with the relatives and
friends of the boys and girls, all of
whom were well pleased with the ex
cellent program of songs and recita
tions given by the young folks. The
church was handsomely decorated
with greens and Howers, mostly
On the platform, assisting Supt.
Thompson, were Rev. Dr. Swift, H.
S. Salmon and R. M. Stocker, the
assistant superintendent. The chil
dren and members of the school oc
cupied the front seats.
After the invocation, children of
Mr. and Mrs. Voltaire, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Bader, and Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Bond were baptised. Then
followed the exercises, mostly by the
primary scholars, who had been ex-,
cellently drilled by Miss Watt and
her assistants. A solo was well ren
dered by Eda Krantz.
The pastor's sermonette was based
on the verse, "Consider the lilies of
the field, how they grow," and was
interesting to young and old. The
singing by the larger scholars was
excellent and the whole order of ex
ercises made the services enjoyable
and profitable.
At the Methodist church the labor
ing oar in the exercises was taken
by the Sunday school superintendent,
W. W. Baker, who announced the
numbers of the very interesting and
appropriate program. It was called
"The Children's Hour" and included
recitations by Wayne Spettigue, Mil
ton Buchanan, Earl Arnold, Herbert
Canfield and Alice Dibble, a duet by
Jessie Toms and Ruth Dibble, duet
by Garnet Robbins and Edith Robin
son, duet by Frances Church and
Stanley Jenkins. ' Rev. W. H. Hiller
spoke briefly of the Children's day
collection In aid of poor students,
who have five years to repay their
education loans. The organist, Mrs.
Nelson J. Spencer, with Mrs. W. A.
Sluman and James Miller, violins,
and Frank Robinson, cornetist, fur
nished harmonious music. They also
played for the union services nt night.
Oil' To See The Great West.
Walter Slieard of Calkins, a teach
er In the Damascus High school, left
this week for St. Louis and the far
west. Mr. Sheard Is on a tour of
observation. Ho intends to get ac
quainted with the far west in a prac
tical way, by working his passage in
the agricultural districts. After
ward lie will study conditions In the
Instruction Train Coming.
Plans have been perfected at State
college for the sending out of special
public Instruction trains uuder tho
supervision of the department of ag
riculture. The school of engineering
will run a train of instruction In fuel
economy and smoko prevention over
tho railroads of tho state, and the
school of mines will run a train for
the teaching of miners. Illustrated
lectures will bo given on the latter
train, practical experiments perform
ed and general instructions given.
Tho college is said to bo undertaking
a work unsurpassed In magnitude by
that of any other school in tho coun
try. The Fairs of Susquehanna.
The Susquehannn county fairs wflfi
bo hold as follows: .
Harford Agricultural society, Har
ford, Sopt. 21, 22; Susquehanna
County Agricultural society, Mont
roso, Sopt. 13, 10.