THE CITIZKX, FRIDAY, .11 N13 JO, 1010. Commeini'3: Of Interest to Women Readers A NEW REFRIGERATOR. Drawers Swing In and Out In Place of Having Shelves. A different kind of refrigerator has b' .-ii Invented by n Georgia man and i '.own In the cut. In place of t "... rov of Bhelvas with which the ordl-n-refrigerator 1b equlPPod this m-w h chest has a scries of drnwois, vv.vh awing in and out and which wake tho nrtlcles kept within much e.iier of access. The ice eompnr' ir.e:it Is at tho top. ns in most other typ-s, and alongside it in one corner Is a row of shelves which lift up, and on which may be kept those things which should be close to the Ice. The lower part of tho refrigerator is equip ped with drawors which swing in and out on a hinge at one side. They io rounded at one end and only rorre out a certain distance. That par of the bottom of the drawer which -tends outside when the latter its moved to the limii of its range is solid, tho other segment be ing perforated to permit the cold al to pass through more readily. In thN type of refrigerator It is not necessary to remove tho things in rront to get at those In the rear. 1H4-1-W-M-1-M--H--M-1--K--M":-" ' Hair Ornaments. Silver galloon bandeau fast- ? ened at the side with cluster of BilTer grapes and loops of sll- J ver. T ? Large bowknot of black so- X J quins mounted on wired black i net. 4. x Filigree silver bandeau with $ $ osprey of silver wheat at the .;- $ left front Slender wreath and aigrette $ of holly leaves and berries. Circlet to go around Psycho -i- 5 knot or around the head in gold, silver, or oxidized tissue. jj Soft quills of gold blade grass T ? with bow at side and bandeau 4- T of gold galloon. The Girl Who "Bosses." Many girls are done out of a good time becauso they love to rule. They may not know they are domineering but their mates are aware of It ami resent it This desire to manage other peo ple's affairs is a common cause of blackballs in girls' clubs, though the victim rarely recognizes that reason and attributes her defeat to personal spite, lack of money or "pull," rather than to lier temperament. There Is no better cause of unpepu larity than a "bossy" disposition. Mo.-.t of us have opinions of our own, and, even though they are not bo good as those of our friends, wo prefer to stick to them. It Is Irritating to have, each thought action or intention regu lated by another. For tho sake of peace most of us are supine when with these managing people. Wo give in rather than argue; often are false to our better selves rather than fight it out ThiB is bad for both. In oik it foi ters a desire to rule and an 'inpleas ant trait is molded into tyranny. With the other acquiescence becomes a habit that weakens the pown of de cision. Mothers who notice this d -.ire tc manage every one in a yoiiiy child should break it up at once. It ii- a tra.. that has a phenomenal growth, ai.u when once grown it Ib hard to uprou . If you are a girl who loves to n . very one, stop and consider. WhaL If you do think your methodb beu . than those of your friend? Do not n' trudo them until asked for an opinio:), then give it without Bulking If so::.e one else's plans are preferred. Your friends may pretend to give In to you, but they do it grudgingly and they like you none tho bettor for It. Obstinate people may fight things out with you; other persons, less fond of friction, will shun you. Tho would-be "boss" should take as a motto, "Llvo and let live," which in plain EngliBh means don't try to run the lived of throe around you. To Take Smetl of Smoke from a Room. Fill a bowl with cold water and placo in a room where thero have been gentlemen smoking the last thing before going to bod. In the morning throw the water away and you will find the room to be quite free from the smell of tobacco. PRINCE'S e.t.:ch. Cennina'a Roason For (snoring tho Roysl Audacity. One vt the lot i-torles in connection vflth the history c the UIiir'h speech, delivered at the opening of each fresh bcskIoii of parliament, says Every body's, is told of Oeorge IV. when prince regent. The prince, It Is well known, tool; hln roHpoiiKlbllltien lightly and on one occasion Is nnld to have bet Sheridan 100 guineas that cither owing to the magnetism of Ills personality or the flutter which tho occupants of tho lords' chnmlicr wore in bo little ntten tion was really paid to the verbal char actor of the ppeech he was delivering that ho could make any Interpolation lie liked without it being detected. The bet was taken, and the prince regent agreed to introduce tho words "Han, ban, black sheep," in the middle of the speech. "If nnybody smiles or looks stnr tied," he said, "I lose m.- bet" This exploit actually ca'e off, and at the close of a weighty nVuslou, com IKised by Lord Liverpool? to Welles ley's difficulties In Spain V'thc regent cleared his throat said, "Baa, baa, black sheep," hurriedly and went on without apparently exciting any re mark. Sheridan related tho royal audacity to Canning. "It Is perfectly amazing to me," Sheridan said, "that no notice was taken. Didn't you hear him distinctly nay. "Han, baa, black sheep?' " "I did," rejoined Canning, "but ns his royal highness looked you full in the face at the time I took it as a per sonal allusion, and my delicacy for bade me to think more about it." A Delicate Point. The Comtesso de Xoailles, nlcknnmed lime. Etiquette, bored Mario Antoi nette very much by her particularity on minor points of conduct One day Marie Antoinette's mocking spirit had its chance. She fell from her donkey and lay on the grass for awhile laugh ing. "Run as fast as you can," she said to the nearest attendant ns soon as hIio could speak, "and nsk Mme. Etiquette how tho queen of Franco ought to be have when she tumbles off her don key." An Example. A teacher was endeavoring to ex plain to her small charges the mean ing of the word "congenial." "Now, children," she said, "two peo ple are congenial who like to do the wine kind of things, who do not dis agree, and it la a very strong indi cation o congeniality when two peo ple think the same thing simultaneous ly. Can any of you, now, give me an examplo of two people who are con genial V "I can, Miss Mary," n little fellow shouted, waving his hand wildly. "All right Tommy." Miss Mary smiled, delighted that so prompt an understanding should have been man ifested, as there wcro several visitors present' "Tell us who they are and what proved It." "It's paw and maw," Tommy replied eagerly. "An' I know It, 'cause they thinks tho same thing at the same time. Last night maw said she won dered how anybody with any sense could ever lx fool enough to get mar ried, an' paw said, 'I was having the Identical thought, my dear.' "Detroit Free Press. Sleep. Now, blessings light on him that first Invented this same sleep! It covers a man all over, thoughts and all, like a cloak. It is meat for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, heat for the cold and cold for the hot. It is the current coin that purchases all the pleasures of the world cheap and the balance that sets tho king and the shepherd, the fool and the wise man even. Cervantes. What Ha "Saved." Peter Clay was a coach man. His master found him one winter morning lying on top of a snowdrift in the front garden quite drunk. "Why, Pete, you scoundrel," the mas ter cried, "what do you mean by get- "LWVEU VI' AM, I COULD." ting drunk at this time of day? Your breakfast has hardly settled, and you're drunk r "Well, sir," Pete answered, rising carefully, "my excuse 1b that, sir, on the way home with a demijohn of whisky for my wife's rheumatism I fell on a cake of Ice, sir, and tho demi john busted, and tho good liquor all run out. It lay In llttlo pools and puddles between tho frozen ruts. I got dowu and lapped up all I could, sir. That's how 1 got overcome." "You swinish scoundrel," said tho master, "how much did you drink?" "Well, sir," said Pete, "I guess I must liavo saved closo on to a quart and a pint" THE Mill 11X SNAPSHOTS AT CELEBRITIES William Lorimer, Senator From Illinois. it is said of William Lorimer, He publican boss of Chicngo and United States senator from Illinois, that ho never forgets a frlond or breaks a promise. That Is part of the secret of his success In politics. With this is n nntural ability to manipulate men. In his personal habits Senator Lorimer is a model. Ho neither smokes, chews tobacco, drinks nor swenrs. lie is also a member in good standing of the Y. M. C. A. Furthermore, he has a wife and nine children, nnd no breath of suspicion with regard to his domestic affairs has ever assailed tho junior senator from Illinois. Likewise, until tho recent disclosures regarding his election to tho senate, no hint of unlaw ful acts has ever Involved his good name. Now, according to tho nllegcd confessions of three former members of tho Illinois legislature, they were bribed to vote for Mr. Lorimer. Since tho charges were made public the sen ator has been collecting data to dis prove them and says he will do so at the proper time. Senntor Lorimer Is a native of Man chester, England, nnd began his career in Chicago as a street car driver. Later ho became an employee, of the stockyards and at tho same time Inter ested himself In politics. As a politi cian he quickly forced to the front nnd for many years he has been tho undis puted Republican boss of Chicngo. Seven times ho was elected to congress nnd was a member of tho house when chosen to succeed Albert J. nopkins ns United States senator, no was elected on the ninety-fifth ballot, fifty-five Re publicans nnd fifty-three Democrats contributing to the result. He took his sent June IS, 1009. Sugar Men and Uncle Sam. Tho surprise of the trial of Charles R. Hoike, secretary-treasurer of the sugar trust, was the appearance of Oliver Spitzer. superintendent of the piers of the trust during the years in which the sugar weighing frauds were going on. Mr. Ileike. who ranks sec ond in Importance to President Wash CIIAULKS it. IlUIEK. lngton II. Thomas In the affairs of the sugar trust, in company with five other employees, was indicted last January, charged with defrauding the government. The case Is before Judge Martin In tho criminal branch of the United States circuit court. Bitting in New York city. Spitzer was convicted last December and received n two year sentence at Atlanta. Ho claimed at tho time that ho was being made the scapegoat Spitzer was pardoned by tho presi dent through tho Intercession of Hen ry L. Stlmson, special prosecutor for tho government Mr. nelko beenmo secretary of the American Sugar Refining company in 1800, and his attorneys lay stress on tho fact that tho system of fraudulent weighing had been In force two years when he assumed olllce. Ha bus fought desperately against being put on trial. He has oven gone In vain us far as tho supreme court of tho United States. It Is said he Is tho "highest up" man In tho trust that tho govern ment will over get to the bar, and yet It Is asserted that ho was merely a tool. Tho directors and olllcers under whom ho acted cannot bo brought to Justice, It Is said, because they corsred their tracks too well. 's z. mRlAL LIST. Wayne Common Pleas JL Juno Term 1010, , Week hcplnnine Juno 23, 1D10. HpcllvoBcl vs. ilrutscn, lioynnrcl vs. Davis, olszefski vs. Taylor. .Miller vs. Security underwriter Company, Cortrleht .t Hon vs. Hrlo It, It Compnuy Commonwealth vs. Miller. Iliirklnml vs. Iiit'crmnn. Whitney vs. take I-odoro Improvement Co. llncuerty vs. Cortrleht A Son. llurke vs. Cortrleht t Son. M. J. 1IANI.AN, l'rothonotary. Honesdale, l'a.. MnyiM. 1910. I3wl APPRAISEMENTS. Notlco Is giv en that appraisement of $300 to tho widows of tho following nam- I ed decedents havo been filed In tli Orphans' Court of Wnyno county, and will be presented for approval on Monday, June 20, 1010, viz: Thomas C. Ellison, Dnmascus: Personal. Frank Magalski, Prompton: Per sonal. Ralph G. Abbey, Salem: Personal. Martin E. Dolkcom. Uyberry: Real. ACCOUNT 01" ALBERT G. MITCH ELL. Guardian of Drusilla Young, a person of wenk mind, or Damascus town ship. Way no county, l'a. Iotlce Is hereby elveu that the second ac count of the cuardlan above imimtl hn' been Hied In the court of Common l'leas of Wayne county and will be presented forcontlrnmtlon nisi June 20, 11)10. and will lie continued ab solutely on October 27, 1!U0, unless except Ions thereto are previously Hied. M. J. IIANLAX. l'rothonotary. Honcsdalc. l'a.. Mayai, 1910. t3w3 pOURT I'KOCLAMATIOX.-Whereas, J the Judge of the several Courts of the County of Wayne has Issued his precept for holding a Court of Quarter Hesloin. Oyer and Terminer, ami General Jail Delivery In and for said County, at the Court House, to bosln on MONDAY Jl'NH 20. 1910. and to continue one week: And directing that a Grand Jury for the Courts of Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer be summoned to meet on Monday. June 13, 1910, at a p. m. Notice Is therefore hereby given to tho Coroner and Justices of the Peace, and Con stables of the County of Wayne, that they bo then and there In their proper persons, at said Court House, at a o'clock hi the after noon of said i:ith of Juno 1M0. with their records, liiqulsltlons.exanilnations andother remembrances, to do those things which to their olllres appertain to be done, and those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to prosecute the prisoners who are or shall bo In the Jail of Wayne County, bo then and there to prosecute against them as shall be lust. Given under my hand, at Honesdale, this ICth day of May. 1910, and in the l.'lid year of the Independence of tho United States c M J'EK 15HAMAN. Sheriff. Sheriff's Otllce I Honesdale, May 16. 1910. J 3Sw4 TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 OF WAYNE COUNTY. Nora Olson v. Ole Olsen. No. 5,1 Jan. Term. l!)lu. Libel in Divorce. To OI.K OI.SKN : You are hereby re quired to appear in the said Court on the third Monday of Juno next, to answer the complaint exhibited to the ludce of said court by Nora Olsen, your wife. In the cause above stated, or in default thereof a decree of divorce as prayed for in said complaint may be made against you In your absence. SIMONS, Att'y M. LKK 11KAMAN. Honesdale. Pa.. May 10, 1910. Sheriff. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given that the accountants herein named have settled their respective accounts in the otllco of the Register of Wills of Wayne County, l'a., and that the same will be presented at the Orphans' Court of said county for continuation, at the Court House In Honesdale, on the third Monday of June next viz: Account of Emma W. Harvey, ex ecutrix of the estate of Emma W. Harvey, deceased. First and final account of Leslie Van Deusen and Frank Van Deusen, executors of the estate of Carrie E. llaker, Dyberry. First and ilnnl account of E. E. Williams and Alonzo J. Williams, executors of the estate of John Wil liams, Berlin. First and final account of Ellen Thompson, administratrix of the es tate of John 11. Thompson, Hawley. First and final account of Alsup V. Tyler, administrator of the estate of Emily Wilcox, Damascus. First and final account of James MiDine, administrator of tno estate of Jacob Everly, Paupack. First and final account of W. Ii. Guinnip, administrator de bonis non cum testamento annexo of tho estate of Frederick Buddenhagen, Berlin. First and final account of J. J. Mc- Cullough, administrator of the es tate of Watson E. Beach, Damascus. First and final account of M. J. Hnnlau, executor of the estate of Mary L. Moule. Texas. First and final account of F. A. Ehrhardt, Jr., executor o fthe estate of H. J. Sieg, Dreher. First and final account of E. A. Rlchnrdson, administrator of tho es tate of Frank Magalski, Prompton. . First and final account of Joseph i . Auuuiinj, Kiiuiuiuii UL i,t-o r. .tic Garry, n minor child of Patrick Mc Oarry, Honesdale. First and final account of Emclluo E. Smith, administratrix of the es tate of Nicholas Smith, Clinton. First nnd final nccount of Ezra Bishop, administrator of tho estate of George Bishop, Berlin. First and final account of F. P. Kimble, executor of tho estnto of Henry D. Smith, Honesdale. First and filial account of Harvey S. Brown and John D. Miller, exe cutors of tho estate of Estclla B. Strong, Stnrrucca. First and partlul account of Nellie Woodward, administratrix of tho es tato of C. II. Woodward, Hawley. First and final account .of Georgo M. Cobb, Georgo McKlnnoy and John F. Savltz, executors of the estate of Usual Cobb, South Canaan, First and final account of Johanna lloff, executrix of tho estate of Henry Iloff, Cherry Ridge. First and final account of John H. Gromllch, administrator of tho estate of John Gromllch, Lako, Second and final account of Wil liam II. Prossor, guardian of Llda Baker, by May Belle Hudson, execu trix of tho estato of William II. Prossor, Damascus. Second and final account of E. A. Pcnnlman, administrator of tho es tato of Francis B. Pennlman, Hones. dalo. First and final account of A. T. Searlo and E. C. Mumford, adminis trators of the estato of Harloy E. Fleming, Cherry IHdge. E. W. QAMMELL, Hoglster. Register's Office, Honesdale. May 2C, 1910. lleud Tho Citizen. CJHERIIT'8 SALE OF VALUABLE D REAL ESTATE. -By virtue of procecH Issued out of the Court of Common Plens of Wayno county, and Stnto of Pennsylvania, and to mo directed and delivered, I havo lovlcd on ana will exposo to public sale, at tho Court Houso In Honesdale, on FUIDAV, JUNK 10, 11)10, 2 l M. All the defendant's right, tltlo and interest In the following described property, viz: All those two certain lots or par cel of land sltunto in the township of Dyberry, county of Wayne, nnd State of Pennsylvania, hounded nnd described ns follows: Tho first Beginning at tho north east corner of land of John Nelson which Is also tho southeast corner of Conrad Pulls farm, at the end of a stone wall; thenco by lnnd of Dan forth Keys, dee'd., and of Thomas Ballnmy, south eleven and one fourth degrees west thirty-six rods to a white nsh tree corner, standing on the verge of ledge of rocks; thence along lands of tho said John Nelson, above but near said ledge north fifty-six degrees west eight rods, north thirty-two degrees west eleven and one-half rods to a sugar maple, north eleven degrees west fourteen and eight-tenths rods, and north six degrees west twelve nnd six-tenth ,rods to end of stone wall above a high ledge which wall is the division line between land of John Nelson and or said Conrad Pulls farm, belonging to Daniel Hoel; thenco by said division wall south twenty-six degrees east twenty-four and one-fourth rods to the place of beginning. Containing three acres and one hundred and forty perches. Being same premises which John Nelson by deed dated October 28, 1867, recorded In D. B. No. 35, page 79, granted to Thomas Bellamy. The second lot Beginning at a stones corner of Jacob Hole's land; thence north eighty-one and one fourth degrees cast along the same one hundred and forty-nine and one half perches to a stones corner; thence north twelve degrees west sixty-six and one-half perches to stones corner of William Pulls; thenco south seventy-eight degrees west along the same one hundred and twenty-three perches to a stones corner; thence south twelve and one fourth degrees west sixty-three and one-half perches to place of begin ning. Containing fifty acres more or less. Being the same premises which Homer Brooks et ux. by deed dated April 23, 1855, recorded in Wayne County D. B. 23, page 522, granted to Thomas Ballamy. The above premises are the same on which Thomas Ballamy died, seiz ed, and which Charles Ballamy and Thomas H. Ballamy, his executors, by deed dated March 27, 1909, and intended to be recorded, granted to Gertrude M. Hartman. On said premises are a two-story frame house and barn and over one half of said land is improved. Seized and taken in execution as the property or Gertrude" M. Hart man at the suit or Thos. II. Ballamy. No. 58 March Term, 1909. Judg ment, 51800. Attorney, Kimble. ALSO All the defendant's right, title and interest in the following described I property, viz: I By virtue of the annexed writ of Fieri Facias, I have this day levied 1 upon and taken in execution all the I within described pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the township of Canaan, county of Wayne, and Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Tho first Beginning at a stones corner, being the south-west corner of Lot No. 33, in the Elk Forest tract; thence south eighty-nine and one-half degrees east eighty-nine rods to stones; thence north, along Innds of B. Feeney, eighty-nine rods to a corner; thence north eighty nine and one-hair degrees west eigh-O'-nine rods to stones corner; in western line of Lot 33; thence south, along said western lino, ninety-one and four-tenths rods to the placo of beginning, containing fifty acres, be tho same more or less. The second Beginning at the said corner of Lot No. 33, in Elk Forest tract; thenco north forty-six rods to stake and stones; thenco west seventy-seven and one-hnlf rods to lino of land of R. Flemming; thenco south, along said Flemming's land, thirty-1 one degrees east llfty-threo and ! seven-tenths rods to a stake for a I corner; thence south elghty-nlno and one-half degrees east fifty rods to the placo of beginning, containing elghteon acres and fifty-two and one half perches, bo tho same more or less. Tho third Bounded on the north by land of Thomns Kennedy; on tho east by land of James Nagle; on the south by land deeded to David Moy- lan; and on tho west by Innds of tho heirs of Jesslo Thorp, containing fifty acres, bo tho samo more or less. Being tho lands deeded to Andrew LaptiBhnock, by deed dated 8th Juno, 1908, and recorded In tho ofllco for recording deeds In and for tho coun ty of Wayno In Deed Book No. 97, nt pago 4178 as reference thereto will moro fully and at largo appear. Upon tho promises is a frame house, barns, and othor out buildings, ap ple orchard, and other fruit trees, and largely Improved land. Seized and taken In execution as tho property of Andrew Lapushnock, terro tenant, at tho suit of W. L. Forguson. No. 171 Oct. Terra, 1908. Judgment, ?650. Attorney, Lee. TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs must bo paid on day of sale or deeds wilt not bo acknowledged. M. LEB BRAMAN, Sheriff. Honesdale, Pa., May 18, 1910. Are You One of the Always Tired Kind? Why are you more tired in the morning than when you retired? Why arc you un equal to further exertion after your dinner f You are quite played out. The truth is you habitually overload your stomach. Your liver Is congested and your bowefct clogged with foul refuse. " What shall I do ? " you say. Why. take Smith's Pine apple and Butternut I'ills for just one week. Take one or two each night when you re tire. They will make you feel better all day long and in a week's time your tired, despondent, blue condition will have van ished. As an after-dinner pill nothing can take the place of Smith's Pineapple ad Butternut Pills, for they possess not only the antiseptic and resolvent properties of pineapple, but also the laxative and tonic properties of butternut, They improve digestion, assimilation and nutrition, and stimulate a torpid liver or a sluggish condi tion of the bowels. Physicians use and recommend. They form no habit. You should always keep them on hand. These little Vegetable I'ills will ward of many ilia. To Cure Constipation Biliousness and Sick Headache in a Night, use SMITHS PINEAPPLE AND BMousnesv VA M lndlaaWon "41 BUTTERNUT HMdacheand jjpfJJU PILLS I'llU In Olam Vlnl SSc. All Ilenlenu SMITH'S BUCHU LITHIA For Sick Kidneys niaddtr mne. IUitumallm. the one best remedy. Kellable, enilorwsl bj Icadinu phjleini fe, effectual. Renlt Usllnir. On the market It jeara. Hare eared thousands, loo pllll In original glass package, 60 cents. Trial botes, W puis, 3S cents. AU druggists seU and recommend. KIDNEY PILLS Fur .New Late Novelties -IN JEWELRY SILVERWARE WATCHES SPENCER, The Jewele. "Guaranteed articles only sold." JUHOUS FOIt JUXK COUKT. GHAND JUROItS. Berlin G. T. Britenbaker. Buckingham- Amos Edwards. Canaan William Sheeley. Cherry ltidgo E. C. Brown. Clinton S. A. Snedeker. Dyberry Nicholas Dippert. Dreher Scott Bartleson. Damascus B. II. Keyes. Honesdale Thomas A. Crossley, Sr., James Monahan, Alfred H. Olver. Hawley Frank Stevenson. Lebanon Benj. Rutledge. Manchester Llnas Mahon. Mt. Pleasant Thos. Dunn. Oregon Henry Tnmblyn. Palmyra Hugh Parcell. Paupack Augustus LIntner. Preston Henry Nlles. Starrucca George Carpenter. South Canaan H. C. Curtis. Salem Byron II. Leonard. Texas Emanuel Holland, Fred Herman. TRAVERSE JURORS. Bethauy J. E. Goff. Berlin Herbert Branning. Fred Daniels. Buckingham Cain Lord, William Flynn. Cherry Ridge Ferdinand Dirlani. Canaan Norman Jenkins. Clinton John Mill. Damascus Augustus Keeslor, H. B. Lord, G. A. Keesler, Ward Wall. Dyberry Harry E. Palmer, Geo. M. Day. Dreher A. J. Osborn. Honesdale Frank M. Robinson, Paul Knorr, Wm. Pohle, John Drls coll. Hawley W. C. Knnpp. J. J. Swlt zer. Lebanon Leroy L. Mitchell. Lako William Ransom, T. N. Jones. Lehigh Reuben Biesecker. Mt. Pleasant Wm. Glover, Grand Ison Lootnis, James Clune. Manchester D. M. Stalker, Jr., Chnrles Phillips. Oregon George Tnylor. Prompton William Wood. Preston Dennis Moran. Paupack John Munzatt. Palmyra Joseph ScUoell. South Canaan Thomas Box, Jay Shaffer. Salem Edmund Hartford, An drew McCluskey, Clias. M. Gillott. Sterling Abram GarrlB, Eugeno Baisley. Starrucca E. R. Huyck. Scott William Eberllne. Texas Julius Bussa, Jacob Dem or, Sr., Mtchaol Loercher. Wnymnrt R. Wonnacott. AKRIVAIi AND DKl'AKTUItE OP ERIE TUA1NS. Trains leave at 8:25 a. m. and 2:48 p. m. Sundays at 2:48 p. m. Trains Arrive at 1:40 and 8:08 p. in.- Saturdays, arrives at 3:45 and. leaves at 7:10. Sundays at 7:92 p. m. AY w V GO I J