The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 10, 1910, Image 6

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Boston Mayor Is Studying Now
York Municipal Improvements,
Now York, .tunc ".Mayor Gayuor
received a visit from Boston's mayor,
John I Fitzgerald, who drove down
to the city hall In a bin automobile
and spent Fome time there. With
Mayor Fitzgerald was City Engineer
Jackson of Boston. Mr. Fitzgerald
told Mr. Gaynor that he came down to
Now York city to Inspect the Improve
ments hereabout, particularly with re
spect to the aquarium and the zoolog
ical parks.
Workmen Meet With Serious Accident
In New York Excavation.
New York, Juno 7. The cable of n
huge derrick which Is used to hoist a
giant Iron bucket from the excavations
on the site of tho old Fourth Avenue
Presbyterian church at the northwest
corner of Fourth avenue and Twenty
second street snapped when the buck
et was forty feet up In the air, and
ten workmen were burled under two
tons of dirt.
The skull of Vletro Massl was frac
tured, and he will die. John Frank,
whose shoulder was broken and who
was internally Injured, and James Mo
doyge, whose right leg was broken,
were taken to Bellevue hospital.
Wizard Burbank Has Perfected Two
Odd Blossoms.
San Francisco, June 7. Luther Bur
bank, "the plant wizard" of Santa
Rosa, announces the -perfection of two
flowers new to the world a poppy,
scientifically . designated Oenothera
Burbank, and a white evening prim
rose. They will be extensively repro
duced, he says, nt a ranch purchased
recently by him at'Loinpoc, Santa Bar
bara county.
Spinsters In France.
In Franco a spinster Is not allowed
to put money In the bank or have a
check book. However, ouce married
or a widow she can do business with
bankets as far as her. means ana
mind go.
Printing With Movable Types.
I,ourens Coster, or Koster, claimed
that he, Instead of Gutenberg, Invent
ed printing with movable types. Ho
was a chandler and innkeeper of Har
lem In the fifteenth century. His
claim was linally disproved to the sat
isfaction of almost everybody, but for
a time it gave rise to a good deal of
discussion and investigation.
How an Old Practice Arose.
The now greatly diminishing prac
tice of darkening the eyes underneath
comes from Arabia, It is said, and was
prescribed by Mohammed for the Ara
bian women as a protection from the
glaring desert suns.
The First Allusion to the Horse.
In that portion of Genesis which
tells tho story of Joseph, the famine,
etc., we find the ilrst historical allu
sion to the horse, nnd farther on In
noly Writ we read of the horses of the
great and wise Solomon, which num
bered -10,000-t hat is. if the -10,000 stalls
for horses are to be taken as a crlte-
Steel Pens.
A. pen nib Is a Httlo thing, hut more
steel is used in the manufacture of
pens than In all the sword and gun
factories in tho world.
Japanese Wrestlers.
Tho physique of Jap wrestlers la as
tonishing and is tho result of amore
Intensive form of feeding tht j any
glutton ever dreamed of. Welgnt is
tho chief requisite, and by means of
passlvo exercise" that Is to say, mas
sage Incredible quantitles"bf food can
bo absorbed by these giants in shoul
ders, back and girth.
Agriculture In Haiti.
Although agriculture is tho main oc
cupation of Haiti, neither plows nor
spadcH nre used. For 100 years or
more tho ground has been tilled by
scratching tho surface soil with u
The Smallest Book.
Tho smallest book la tho world is
only half the size of a postage stamp,
It Is In tho possession of tho Earl of
Dutferin and Is an edition of tho sacred
book of the Sikhs.
The Awakening
Morley's transfer to tho Chicago of
fice had apparently taken more than
n passing hold upon old Whcelock.
Seldom hnd the office force experi
enced two such nerve-racking, trying
weeks. Naturally a spirit of consci
entious application to business per
meated the outer ofllco atmosphere
each time n Rtep or tho creaking of
the Inner office chair became audiblo
to tho Industrious subordinates.
"Frank Is lato again." whispered
tho Invoice clerk to Knsllc as ho
passed him tho ledger.
"I'm afraid It's n hopeless case," re
plied Knslle. "I stopped In on my
way home last night; she's pretty
A step was heard In tho outer cor
ridor; the door of the offlce opened
and Garsldo stepped In just at tho
moment when old Wheelock's form
appeared, watch In hand, on the thres
hold of his private office. It ne"eded
but a glance of the busy clerks to dis
cern tho impending storm, nnd Frank
involuntarily turned toward his su
perior with n look which would have
penetrated tho heart of tho nver.igc
man. But tho look faded from his
fnco and his hand reached out for sup
port as he met the manager's gaze.
"Let this be the Inst time, young
man, If you appreciate your position.
I'll stand for no excuses," as Frank
stammered out two or three inaudl
blo words.
Somehow Ensile and his fellow
workers Imagined themselves trans
planted to somo alien land. Tho hum
drum of business life hnd for many
years been co-ordinated with congen
ial companionship between manager
and staff. Tho familiarity which
breeds the proverbial contempt was
utterly lncking in the friendly rela
tions which existed between the work
ers and their superior.
Since Morley's sudden transfer
away from an office wherein he hnd
been a familiar figure for nearly eight
years, a new epoch seemed to have
begun, inaugurating a reign of uneasi
ness nnd even trepidation lest the
"boss" should become angry at this
or that mistake unconsciously made
by the unsuspecting clerk.
Mankind seeks a ready vent for its
displeasure. Hence Wheelock, who
had twice accidentally discovered Gar
side coming into the offlce a half hour
lato, poured upon this unfortunate in
dividual the sourness of a tomper
acidulated by weeks of chafing discon
tent. Garside, on the other hand, buried
his feelings beneath an exterior which
illy concealed the perturbations of a
spirit soroly tried. His wife had been
wasting away for months. The moa-
gre pittance which dubiously had been
named his "Income," barely sufficed to
meet tho expenses which a sick wlfo
-nnd a seven months' old infant neces
Under ordinary circumstances he
could have explained the cause of his
tardiness to old Wheelock, but the 'at
ter's temper, exploding as It did each
time the former had been guilty of
transgression, forced him to keep his
own counsel and. suffer each incident
to pass off as best it may.
Garslde's chair held no occupant
late that afternoon. The boys spoke
in hushed undertones which strangely
contrasted with the raspy tones which
emanated from beyond the "sacred In
closure." A subscription paper had gono the
rounds, and Ensile had even ventured
to risk old Wheelock's wrath by send
ing it through the various workshops,
from whence It had been returned,
grimy, indeed, but bearing the tokens
of many benevolent hearts which had
quickly responded to the needs of a
distressed fellow being.
And now ho was determined to
beard the Hon in his den. But his
resolution failed him as he approached
the forbidding door, and ho returned
to his accounts after carefully placing
the crumpled paper in tho drawer be
fore him.
A few moments lator a golden op
portunity presented itself In the shape
of a telephone call which took the
manager down Into tho sample room
Ensile, awake to tho opportunity.
slipped quickly into the Inner office
and placed the soiled slip of paper
upon the pad of old Wheelock's desk
and as quickly returned to his labors.
Tho hour was late when old
Wheelock returned. Tho olilco Had
been deserted save for the Janitor's as
sistant, who was busily engaged In his
dally task.
A few stray beams from tho fast
disappearing sun played upon the
dulntlly-framed photo which stood
upon tho old man's desk. He paused
a moment In his reflections; and the
sunshine penetrated his soul as his
eyes gazed upon tho foatures of tho
wife whom he so dearly loved.
Ho unconsciously raised tho photo
to his lips, when his oyes suddenly
fell upon tho grimy paper before him.
Tho spark of reborn lovo was kind
led Into flame, and with trembling
hand he raised the crumpled shoot and
deliberately scanned Its contents.
"Poor, unfortunate fellow" The
Boliloquy was suddenly Interrupted by
the busy scratching of a pen. Tho
check book was replaced in the draw
er. A note bearing only these four
words, "With my slucerest sympathy,"
was placed, with the check, Into a
dainty envelope, the envelope sealed
and addressed, and old Wheolock
arose, a beauty born of benovolenco il
luminating bis countennnce, and he
had come into his own again. MRS.
Sill Dalley was n bachelor, forsaken am'
He used to ent a slnnta ckr for breakfan'
every nioin.
He bought his esK one morning from tho
shop across tho wnr.
Th sign above them read, "TlirEe Kcgi
Are Btrlctly Frch Today."
Hill Iinllpy's wonder nnd surprise wcrt
more than we enn ten
When ho discovered (soma ono had been
writing on the shell.
In fact, it Nccmcd a woman had Inscribed
upon tho egg
Her nutoErnph. Tho namo he found woi
Clementina Clegg.
Ho wroto to the nddrcss she gavo nnd
registered a vow:
This Is tho woman of my choice. I'll
find a partner now." .
Fcr weary weeks he waited, though the
maiucn naa torgot.
And then his hopes were shattered by the
answer that ho got:
"Dear Blr, your letter Is at hand, nnd In
reply would beg
To Ftate that there Is no ono hero named
Clementina Clegg.
"Some of tho oldest people, hero admit
they used to know
A bunch of Cleggs who peddled eggs, but
that was years ago.
"They tried to run a poultry ranch, but
couidn t malto It pny,
So fold to a cold storago plant, and then
they went away,"
Spoltano Spokesman-Review.
A Feminine Failing.
First Sportsman Well, how do, you
like that new mare of yours?
Second Sportsman Oh, fairly well.
But I wish I hnd bought a horse. She
is nlwnys stopping to look at herself in
the puddles.
A Shaded Story.
Joseph Alexander Is a pickaninny of
many virtues, but sadly given to ex
aggeration. Ono day when I had him
pulling weeds in the front yard he ran
Into the house with eyes big as moons
and cried:
"Law, Miss Minnie, what you think!
I dun kilt three big rattlesnakes out
in the yard."
"Now, Joseph," I replied, "you know
that is not so."
"Well, now, Miss Minnie," ho Insist
ed insinuatingly, "it wuz two turrlble
big snakes, an" I killed 'em fo sho'l"
Determined to convict him, I, insist
ed, "You know you did not kill two
snakes, Joseph."
He thought a moment, then said Im
pressively, "Well, now, I did kill one
powerful big snake in dat very front
"Go away, boy! You are an out
rageous story teller!" I cried indignant
ly. Ho was not one whit abashed by
my vehemence, but cheerfully replied:
"Well, 'clarc for goodness, Miss Min
nie, hit was a powerful big worm!"
Weak Woman Against Strong Man.
Monday. He (of the Iron will)
No, my dear. Not to bo considered for
a moment.
Tuesday. He Most certainly we will
not. It is ridiculous, preposterous.
Wednesday. Ho Why, you must bo
crazy. It's tho most unreasonable
thing I ever heard of. It would bank
rupt us, I tell you. It Is not to be
thought of.
Thursday, no naven't I told you
wo cannot afford it? What is tho uso
of talking about a thing that is already
settled? Of course I would like to
please you, hut It Is simply out of tho
Friday. He How much did you say
that thing would cost?
Saturday, ne Well, go ahead then.
-Pearson's Weekly.
On the Installment Plan.
Accosted by n beggar whllo coming
out of a theater on Chestnut street n
few evenings ago, a prominent member
of tho bar was asked for a nickel.
"That's all I want, boss, Just a
nickel," said tho beggar In a whining
tono of voice.
"No!" nnswered tho lawyer, rather
sternly. "I am saving up my nickels
to glvo uwuy a million dollars at ono
time. I'm not a philanthropist on tbo
installment plan." Philadelphia Times.
One Turn of the Hand.
Bllffers Who says women havo no
heads for business? There's a woman
mado $50,000 by simply turning her
band over.
Whlffers-Phew! How? ,
BUfTerfl Sho turned it over to Mr.
Bullion, and jjow she's Mrs. Bullion.
New York Weekly.
A Good Landing.
"Ho was nlwaya a lucky fellow."
"What do you mean?"
"When ho fell out of his airship ho
plumped straight through tho skylight
tf n hospital." Woman's Homo Com
Liked His Father.
"Don't you know that Httlo boys who
swear don't go to heaven?"
"That's all right, mister. I'd rather
bo with pa, anyhow." Birmingham
Saul, son of Klsh, first king of Is- i
rnol, was a glnnt In body. Ho stood
head and shoulders above all tho ns
sopibly, so that Samuel, when the lot
had pointed him out as king, triumph
antly cried, "Seo ye him whom tho
Lord hnth choson, that thero is nono
like him nmong all tho peoplo?" And
the people immediately shouted, "God
save tho king!"
Saul was a giant in courage. It
wns Inaction always, and not notion,
that brought out his bad qualities. Let
tho Ammonites come up against Ja-borh-glload
on the east. let tho Philis
tines come up against Israol from tho
west, let a call come to destroy tho
Amalekltes in tho south, and Saul
was swift in organizing his forces and
bo'.i in leading thorn. So far as do
pended upon human vigor, mental
alertness, and dogged determination,
this first king of Israel was always a
v.-as a giant in humility; for
humility is indeed a gigantic quality.
He was no self-pusher. While tho lot
was singling him out, though Samuel's
anointing oil was fresh upon his brow
and the prophet's kiss was oven yet
felt upon his cheek, Saul wu3 hiding
wrong tho baggage of tho camp.
When, after he was chosen king by
vote of the people accepting tho
cho'ce of God and His prophet, tho
"children of Belial," tho "sons of
worthlessnoss" cried sneerlngly, "How
shnll this man save us?" and despised
hlra, and brought him no presents.
P'inl quietly bldod his time, going
buck to his fields. And when, after
the victory over the Ammonitos,
Saul's exultant followers would have
the proved ruler take vengeance upon
his detractors, with noblo meekness
the young king said, "Thero shall not
a man be put to death this day."
How, then, wns this giant dwarfed?
In three ways, corresponding to theso
three exaltations. He was dwarfed by
self-will, by jealousy, by suicide: by
self-will, which destroyed his humil
ity: by Jealousy, which counteracted
his courage; and by suicide, which
lowered his giant's body into a dis
honorable grave.
God had been ruling His people
through Judges, obedient to His will.
He would as readily have ruled them
through kings, had they been obedient
to His will. But when Saul would not
wait for Samuel at Gilgal, and as
sumed priest's functions In his faith
less Impatience, he showed his unfit
ness to be God's vice-gerent over the
people. And when Saul spared Agag
of tho Amalekltes and the best of tho
spoil, and then pretended to have
performed the commandment which
he had broken, he mado his unfltnoss
to rule In a theocracy oo plain to be
doubted a moment.
And then when young David slew a
giant bigger even than Saul, when he
showed in tho court that he was as
winsome and gifted as he was cour
ageous, he proved in the battlefield
and In the varied fortunes of his
exile that Jehovah was manifestly
with him. Saul lost his heart
and the martial vigor of his mind, be
coming a moody monomaniac, a sol
dier the skirt of whoso robo could ba
cut off and his spear stolen while he
lay asleep..
Ah, the gloomy sceno on Mount Gil-
boa! Saul's army Is scattered, the
noble Jonathan and the other princes
aro slain, tho king himself is wound
ed. His armor-bearer will not kill
him, so he kills himself. Sulcldol
What but suicide was Saul's entire
life, from that first deadly disobedi
ence at Gilgal?
Remembering God's Benefits.
It Is easy for us to forget the bene
fits wo recelvo from God. We sei no
divine hand giving us tho good tilings
wo need, and wo forgot that there is
such a hand. Our common blessings
como to us In what wo call natural
ways, and wo fall to remember that
every good gift Is from above. Life
would be wonderfully changed for us
If wo could keep ourselves always
aware that It is God who gives us
everything wo receive. It would glvo
a now sacrcdness to all our blessings.
It would make ub conscious of the di
vine lovo that thinks about our needs,
hoars our prnyers, and will not let ua
suffer. Then It would help us to en
duro the things that seem hard. J. R.
Miller, D. D.
Guard the Voice of Jesus.
Tho voice of Jesus leads; It does
not drive. Bo on your gunrd against
any feeling that Is a harsh ono, a wor
rying one, n nagging ono. Christian
and Missionary Alliance.
Common Christians.
Do not think it enough to live at
the rute of common Christians. David
Starved Soul.
Mnn may grow Into a perfect ani
mal, possoss a cultivated brain, be
come carefully rollgious and yut carry
In his bosom a starvod soul.
Live In Christ.
However largo any man may be
without Christ, 1m can bo much laxg
r and greater with Christ ltolng lq
Engineer Will Atsist In Penn
sylvania Mine Caving Inquiry.
Scrnnton, Pa., June 7. A commis
sion of five men of national proml
nonce will direct tho campaign ngalnst
tho mine caves that have recently
caused so much dninngc In this city
nnd. In fact, throughout the anthracite
This is In accordance with u plan de
vised by former Mayor J. Benjamin
Dimmlck, who has been working at
tho Instance of a Joint eonmiltteo of
the school board and councils. John
Hays Hammond will bo one of the
commission. Another will Iks E. II.
Collins of New York. Two others will
be engineers Jointly recommended by
Mr. Hammond and President Iladley
of Yale university. William Griffith of
this city and V. A. Lathrope of the
Wllkesbarro Coal nnd Navigation com
pany are the engineers who will mako
tho preliminary Investigation.
Cooking Utensils.
If your cooking utensils have a hab
it of burning or tho victuals stick easi
ly try boiling a Httlo vinegar in them.
It acts like magic, especially with
heavy skillets.
A Sewing Hint.
When a bias edge is to be sewed to
a straight edge put tho bias edge un
derneath and the danger of stretching
will be lessened.
The Hog Survived.
Thero Is a case on record in which
a great fall of earth at Dover, In Eng
land, burled a whole family. A hog
shared the fato of the family, so far
as to be burled by the same landslide.
Five months nnd niue days passed and
then the hog was discovered alive.
Presumably it had had neither food
nor drink In the Interval.
simllaiing ihcrMMdlttfjuta
ling Uic Stomachs andBowcls of
Promotes Digeslionkf rful
ness and Rest.Contalns neither
'aire .
OphinuMorphinc nor Mineral;
Cfun&if Jtyir .
huiomm nanr.
Anrrfert Remedy forConslipa
(ton . Sour StORudt.Dlarrhoa
ncss arulLoss or bMv.
Facsimile Signature or
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Expenses of Keeping England's Nnvy
That Cost $(100,000,000.
Our navy cost Just under thlrty
throo millions for tho financial year
lately cloaod. An enormous sum;
yet, considering that our warships
protect over lG.OOO.OUl) tons of mer
chant shipping, it Is not n costly in
surance. It is only i.iii per cent.
Japan spends 6 per cent, Germany
11 por cent and tho United States
35 por cent for a similar purpose
Wo hear a great deal of th enor
mous cxpenso of building nsw bat
tleships. It is true tnat the, now
ships like tho Dreadnought and
Temeralro, are tremendously costly.
Ready for aea they averago out at
ll.75U.uuu apiece, and tho present
valuo of our navy In hard cash Is
put by exports at tl33.G0U.U0U.
London (England) Answers.
London's Beggars.
It Irs raiculatod .uat tour thousand
persons mako a living In London by
bcgginc. and that their averago in
come amounts to about 30s. a week,
or more than 300,000 a year. Last
year 326 persons were arrested for
bogg'ng In tho streets, of whom more
than fifteen hundred wore sentenced
to t- rms of Imprisonment varying
from ono week to three months.
Many of theso objects of charity
were found in possession of sums of
mony and oven of bankbooks show
ing very handsome deposits.
His Honchty.
An Irish dealer, when soiling a
nag to a gentleman, frequently ob
served, with emphatic earnestness,
that bo was an honest horse. After
tho purchaso had been effected tho
gentleman asked him what he meant
by an honest horse.
"Why, sir," replied the seller,
"whon 1 rode him he always threat
ened to throw mo off. and he certain
ly nt-vpr deceived me."
A Madc-ln-Afrlca Cathedral.
The White Fathers havo erected a
cathedral on the west shore of Lako
Tanganyika says the Catholic Mis
sions. All the material used in tho
ouildlng Is a product of Africa, with
the exception cf tho glass for the
windows. The . ork was done by
the natives assisted by tho mission
aries, and It is as well don& as if all
the artisans were uropean or Amer
ican workmen.
Between Fifty and Sixty.
The sixtn decade of life has been
L-ost prolific In human achievements,
and may well bo designated as tho
ago of the masterwork. says the Cen
tury lagaine. in action alone Ub
accomplishments have revolutionized
history, and it would be m .st difficult
to conceive what would be tho pres
ent status of tho world i. affairs bad
theso ten years of Individual life nev
er existed .
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
Reuresent Reliable
Companies .ONLY
Bears the t
Signature XW
Ayr 'n
X Use
J For