THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, ,71'NE 10, J010. defer mm. Western Lines Agree to Postpone Higher Charges, WAIT FOR NEW RAILROAD LAW PROFESSIONAL! CAKDS. Attorncvs-ot-Lnw. H WILSON, . ATTORNEY A COUNBEI.OIt-AT-I.AW. Olllce. Mnponlc hvtldlne, second floor iiuuctu.'iiu. rn. Ut'M. II. LEE, I I I ATTORNEY .t COUNHKLOh-AT-LAW. Office over post olllce. All IcchI business I promptly attended to. Honesdale, l'a. Til C. MUMFOKD, JL. ATTORNEY A COUN8EI.UIl-AT-r.AW . Olllce Liberty Hall lmlhlltij.', opposite tho Post Olllce. lloncjdnle. I'o. Shippers Discuss President Taft's Statement Concerning Purpose of Injunction Cannot Reconcile It With Wickersham's Papers. EOMER GREENE. ATTORNEY A COtJNSEI.OR-AT-I.AW. Olllce over Itch's store. HmieMltile l'a. Washington, .lime 7. Shippers ev erywhere nre today Interestedly dis cussing the statement issued by Presi dent Tnft followlnp his conference with railroad presidents concerning the government's action In securing rii Injunction to prevent the proposed June Increase In freight rates by twenty-live western railroads. They cannot understand why Presi dent Taft declares In effect that the purpose of the suit against the western trunk lines was to prevent the In rreascs in rate until the new adminis tration railroad law goes into effect nnd not with the idea of the enforce ment of the Sherman antitrust act, when the papers tiled by Attorney (Jen ernl Wiekorshaiu sicclllcnlly charge the railroads with violation of the Sherman law. The conference with President Taft resulted In an agreement by the west ern trunk linos to withdraw all In creased rates that have gone Into ef fect sinco June 1 nnd to withhold all other Increases until the new rallrond bill becomes a law. Under the new Inw the Interstate commerce commis sion will pnss on tho Increases before they become effective. Presidents Brown of the Now York Central nnd McCren of the Pennsylva nia reached Washington today with other railroad men selected by Mr. Hrown. The eastern trunk lines nnd those In the central section of the country will probably follow tho example of the western trunk lines. President Taft's statement was as follows: "E. P. Ripley, president of the Atchi son, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway company; "VVnlker D. Illnes, acting ehairmnn executive committee Atchl con, Topeka and Santa Fe Itallroad company; Frederick A. Delano, presi dent of the Wabash Itallroad compa ny, and S. M. Feltou, president of the Chicago Great Western Railroad com pany, a committee representing tho twenty-four railroad companies de fendant in a suit brought by the gov ernment In Missouri In which Judge Dyer granted an injunction restraining Increases in rates, met the president and tho attorney general today pur suant to a request sent to the presi dent a few dnys since. "The president stated to these gen tlemen at the outset that the purpose of the snlt was to prevent the proposed rate Increases (which under the exist ing law could not be investigated at nil until nfter they had become ef fective) so as to preserve the status vntll the new statute could bo passed and the committee should have tho power to Investlgnto rate advances as oon as announced and before becom ing effective. He stated further that he thought tho railroad companies must withdraw the tariffs enjoined nnd all other tariffs filed by them ef fective on or nfter June 1, 1010, and that none of them ought to file any new tariffs Involving rate advances until the new law should be passed, nssumlng that it would bo passed at the present session of congress. "After conference the railroad com panies announced that they would adopt the view expressed b tho presi dent, and thereupon the pre.-ident stat ed that if they did so his purpose in bringing the suit would bo accom plished, and such result being accom plished he saw no ocension for press ing the suit and the same would be withdrawn." In effect the administration will sub stitute the operation of the new rail road legislation about to be enacted for the Sherman antitrust law as re gards rate making by railroads. The agreement between the government aid the railroads, ns viewed here, lifts lie menace that has overshadowed 1 i transportation business- of the ii'itry ever since Mr. Wi.-kershnin undertook to apply the Sherman anti trust law to n situation that lias been regarded for years as Inevitable. As soon as the new railroad bill be 'omes a law all of the railroads will i-i'filu tho rates that they have wlth flrnwn and nlso the rates whose filing oas been held in abeyance through the present agreement. Under the terms of the now railroad law ns it is ex pected to appear on the statute books Ihe commission Is authorized upon Its own initiative to undertake an Investi gation into tho reasonableness of all Increases In rates. Tho commission will bo empowered to suspend tho iatea for 120 days pending the Investi gation into their reasonableness, if at the end of that period the commission its not arrived ut any conclusion it will nave tho power under tlw now law to suspend tho operation of tho rates for an additional six months. Counting tho thirty days in which tho rates will have to bo on fllo before they could become effective under or dinary circumstances, the commission will thus have eleven months In which to examine Into tho reasonableness of Ihe tariffs. NeWS Snanshots I5-V l,,w'n's permission King Edward was photographed after death. Oillcinl Investigation of sinking of Sl.'J.IO.noo drydock Ul Dewej in Philippines uudcr way. Frederick ICohler of Cleveland, called by Itooievelt "best police chief in America." urdcr Of the Week I'lmrnes for drunkenness. Glenn II. Cnrtlss HIim from Albany to New York: may participate in aeroplane (lights to Chicago and to St. Iuls for .$2T,000 and ?:?0,000. Charles I). Norton, assistant secretary of troisury, to succeed Frank Carpenter, sec retary to pn-slde-it. who Incomes minister to Morocco. . U-o O. Hrowno, iininnri by Charles A. While as person who bribed him to vo. for William Lorlincr as senator of Illinois, must stand trial. Thousund Americans at world mis denary conference Edinburgh; Duke of Argyll chairman. ! KIKHTIXtt THE WEEDS. juiring the destruction of noxious uul rapidly spreading weeds on nil l.ipluvays and lands adjacent. These weeds include the rocklebur, Canada thistle, quack grass, mild mustard, dock, buck-thorn, horse nettle, button weed nnd burdock, all of them ene mies of tho farmer. This law is enforced with vigilance nnd the state is comparatively free from the pests that assist In Increasing the burdens of the farmer. There is scarcely a weed mentioned in tho above list that does not make great demands upon the soil at the expense of the regular crops. Weeds not only choke off the grasses, grain and vegetables, but they render the soil worthless In time. The weed is nature's true em blem of sin. Like sin the weed will flourish where the good seed can scarcely gain foothold. And at the harvest time the weed offers nothing but the promise to cause more trouble next season. And like sin, the weed Is easily nipped In the bud, but when allowed to develop is dif ficult to check. The great drawback in dealing with weeds in this section of the country is the lack of concert In action. Of what use is It for one farmer to mow down the Canada thistle, one of the most difficult to destroy, If his neigh bor allows the thistles to go to seed so that tho seed may be carried for miles upon the autumn breezes? The obnoxious weeds are often brought from great distances mixed with grass seed and grain. For instance, the yellow daisy, or "Black-Eyed Susan," as it Is sometimes called, was brought from the west. A few years ago the yellow daisy was seldom seen on a Pennsylvania farm. But now they are becoming quite common. The white daisy ha3 proved harm less. In fact, experiments have de monstrated that the white daisy Is as good a milk producer as timothy hay. But the yellow daisy is said to be an undesirable blossom on the farm. Many plans have been advanced for the destruction of weeds on the farm. It is alleged that the wild birds will keep down many obnoxious weeds. This is undoubtedly true to an extent, as birds feed upon the seeds of many weeds, especially in tho winter and early spring. The practical extinction of the pigeon, the quail and the partridge has prob ably given the weeds a chance to flourish more luxuriantly than they would otherwise have done. But the birds could not do It all even in the days before Improved firearms and the destruction of forests drove the wild birds from the earth. Eternal vigilance and concert of action are tho essential things In the work of weed destruction. Tribune-Republican. CONCRETE BOATS. It will puzzle most people to know that a boat built of concreto will not only float, but has a greater carrying capacity, is more durable and even lighter than a strongly constructed wooden boat. Tho Panama Canal Commission has just launched on tho Panama canal a big barge built of reinforced concrete, which weighs CO. 000 pounds, and two others will soon bo finished. These vessels, It is said, are unaffected by sea worms; marine vegetation does not aahere to them, and they aro practically Inde structible. ALL AHOUXIJ THE HOME. When a white enamel vessel has become discolored, simply (111 tho vessel with wnter and add a tea spoonful of chloride of lime, let boll a few minutes. The best frosting for cakes Is made by simply mashing five or six dnrk red stnrwberrles and mixing with confectioners' sugar until stiff enough to spread. . Put a cupful of Indian meal, half a cupful of white Hour nnd three tablcspoonsfuls of powdered borax Into a paper bag and shake nny ar tlclo that needs cleaning. In removing spots put a thick pad of cheesecloth or soino other mater ial underneath tho spot to absorb tho dirty cleansing liquid that soaks through tho garment. When wardrobe and bureau draw ers havo a tendency to stick, a thorough application of soap will usually provo effective. SPRINGS IN' THE SEA BED. now the Hottest Plni p on Earth fids Fresh Water. Bahrein Island tn the Persian Oo'.f, Is said to bo the hones' p'nee on oarth. It Is usual there to find the thermometer at 140 degrees Fan-, renheit. On the coast of this is land, where practically all of the peo ple Hvo, there Is no fresh water, which is needed uhove all thlng3 In so seething a temperature. And It Is to bo had from the bot tom of tho sea. Here nd there scattered over the floor of the har bor of Bahrein are springs of pure fresh water. These waters well up tnrough the sand to mingle with the salt waters of the sea. It would seem a dlltlcult task to find these threads of fresh water amid the ocean's volume, but the thirsty is landers are thought to have found them ages ago and to havo passed on their location trom generation to generation. A diver equips himself with a water bag made of skins, tno mouth of which Is closed, and descends to the bottom of the harbor at a point where one of the springs Issues. The bag is carefully Inverted over tho current or Iresh water as It Hows up from the sand, the mouth is opened, tho skin Is tilled, then the mouth Is shut fast and the diver re turns to the boat awaiting him on the surface. One scientist gives it as his be lief that at some period In the shad owy past that which Is now the har bors bottom was not touched by the sea. The springs were then on the shore and ready for the Islanders' needs. Little by little the sea en croached on tho land, but the loca tion of tho wonderful springs was not forgotten. About Picture Postcards. Within about eight years tho fan cy for the picture postcard has grown from almost nothing to amazing pv portions. Once the traveler wrn- letters now he sends a postcard w ai a few words that tell the story. The manufacture of the cards has t come a giant Industry, largely oi German development. It has given the postal services of tho world a new problem. Our officials say they are almost staggered by the increase It has mado In the volume of the mails. One day last month the ocean steamship Adriatic arrived with 65, 000 cards in her mail bags. Our government Is encouraging tho use of tho cards although they are pushing the old-fashioned ones to the wnll, for tho reason that Un cle Sam gets the same revenue from tho and saves the cost of the card and tho printing. Youthful California Family. Father, mother and child, all un der ihe age of 17, and therefore not ed down In tho school census mar shal's book, Is one of the Interesting and remarkable Incidents developed here during the last few days since Census Marshal Argall began work. Tho family Is named Crase. Proba bly such another record cannot bo found In the State. Grass Valley Correspondent Sacramento Bee. Ha! Hit! Laughed Pat. English John, and Pat, were two friendly workmen who were constant ly tilting, each one trying to out wit the othor. ' Are you good at measurement?" asked John. "I am that," said Pat quickly. "Then could you tell mo how many shirts I could got out of a yard?" asked John "Sure," said Pat. "It dopeuds on whose yard you get Into.' New Gimtcnialnu Line. Tho now Guatemala railroad which Is expected to opon up tho riches of nnothor country to tho industry of the United States, Is nn American en terprise, which will bring Guatomala City within a few days of Now York instead of as heretofore, leaving that capital only accessible from San Francisco after 20 to 30 days travel. A Stockyard. A wag who thought to have a Joke at the expense of an Irish provision dealer said, "Can you supply mo with a yard of pork?" "John," said the dealer to his as sistant, "glvo this gentleman three plg'D feet." Primitive Spain. In Spain about the only kind of plow In use Is a primitive wocrJen affair with one handle and a tongue. To this Is h'tched a pair of sn.a.l oxen or of mules yoked up like ox"i The driver rests his riht foot on a rear extension to keep tho plow from Jumping out of the .ground, steadying himself by touching his left foot when ho seems likely to lose his balance. Keep Within Income. The true secret of comfort and good taste In the home whatever Itssize or quality is never to attempt what cannot be done well with co:n paratlvo ease. Keep well within tb? family Income, bring down the wc.: of the house well within the streng i of those who have It In charge, a'. I the bread winner will be care fre .. tho housekeeper will be good-tempered, and general content will re f,a Rather Hani on tho Dcg. We have broken our dr,j of a fi'ra 1. fixed habit of sleeping upon the beds when the family were away, by the following simple method. We spread an old sheet over the ent're bed and lightly sprinkle it with cay enne peper. The sheet was left on but one day and the dog has never attempted to go near a bed since. Good Housekeeping. Men's Dress. Men are dressed as they are chiefly beca .so fewer of them look ridicu lous so clothed than they would In nny other costume. Modern dress is merciful to men; it gives no un due advantage to tho well-built and handsome Indeed, it detracts from their appearance and modifies tho figures of those not blessed with a fine physique. Court Journal. Good Trade uith Siberia. The value of agricultural machines and implements annually Imported by Siberia amounts to about 10,000, 000 rubles (?5,lf0,000). The Im ported articles are chiefly suppl'ed by German and American manufac turers, being far superior to those made In Russia. All Seek Foreign Trade. Owners of ever, the smallest toy mnufacturlng establishment, located in the Nuremburg district, Germany, cater to the foreign trade. Facto ries employing from six to twonty people are no exceptions to this rulo. Italy a Good Customer. Italy's Imports from this country aro not quite 507,000.000 a year, and ours from that country nro only $30,000,000. India's Coal Production. According to tho reports of the geological survey of British India the production of coal In thnt country in 1007 was 9,783,250 tons. The Young Men and the Apples. Herbert and Samuel auu Wilfrid bought a basket ot apples. Herbert took halt the apples and ono more, Samuel took half the remainder and ono more, Wilfred took half tho re mainder and six more. How many appies' were thero in the basket at first. Too Weak a Word Bill Nye used to toll this story of a Frenchman who was visiting In America. After opening his mall one morning he woro so gloomy an expression thaf his hostess asked him If he was 111. "No, no," ho replied sadly, "but I am dissatisfy. My father Is dead." Advantages of Wit. Mnn could direct his ways by plain reason, and support his ltfo by tasteless food; but God has given us wit and flavor, and brightness and laughter, and perfumes to enliven tho days ot man's pilgrimage and to "charm his pained stops over tho burning marlu." Sydney Smith. Religious Statistics. The fifteen hundred million human beings living on earth are, by tho best authorities, roughly divided ro HglouBly as follows: Buddhists, C00, 000,000; Christians, 400,000,000; Hindus. 2(30,000,000; Mohamme dans. 250.000.000. Chlno'-c .duuiclpnl Pawnshops. 1 Municipal pawnshops have been opened in i king for the relief of tho 1 residents v. no nave been heretofore tho victims ot extortionate privato 1 establishments I'lie city charges ' nwtn 1 f. r... nntlt fit. H11. hmm Kr.ft paying 50. Want the Practical. Preaching optimism Is, of course, well enough, but those who are out of wort wou'.fJ be better satisfied with something a little more practl ca . Buffalo Commercial. How to .Make it Easy. One vrc can enjoy the worda ot a popular song without the music, should havo little troublo In estab lishing a plea of Insanity. Bricks of Sand nnd Lime. Bricks made of sand and lime and ha- ened in the air are used lnr-e-ly n immunities where there is, no clay from which clay bricks can be made, but where an abundance of sand can be found. A Society Pest. There is no more mischievous pest in society than the man whose at tentions are without Intention w"ie comes, and comes, but never ecus Dorothy Dlx. "Stlckley- Brandt Furniture" is tho kind that serves you beau Only $6.00 for this luxurious Morris recllnlntf chair with claw rfet. Mado cither In toIJca oak or birch mahosanlzed. polish finish, fancy Velour or Verona cushions, rever sible, hair filled. Wide arms and curved front posts, ltetalls in stores for Jaw. Carefully packed and Bhlppeu charges prepaid for tdeo. Send today for our latest cata logue of furniture. Mailed free. BINGECAMTCN. N. Y. OFFICE OF THE 1IONESDALE CONSOLIDATED LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER COMPANY SPECIAL NOTICE TO STOCK HOLDERS. Tho Board of Directors of this Company havo called a special moot ing of its stockholders to bo held at tho General office of the company, in tho Borough of Honesdalo, Penn sylvania, on tho 14th day of July, 1910, at 3 o'clock, for tho purpose of voting for or against an Increaso of tho Indebtedness of said company. M. B. ALLEN. Secretary. Tooth Savers We have the sort of tooth brushes that are made to thoroughly cleanse uud save the teeth. They are tho kind that clean teeth wlthon eavlnc vour mouth full ot bristles. We recommend thoso costlnsr 25 cents oi more, us we can cuiiriiuteo them and will re, any that show defects of manu facture within three months. O. T. CHAHBERS, PHARriACIST, Opp. D. & It. Station HONESDALE, PA 0L. ROWLAND, ATTORNEY A l Ot'NSEI.Oit-AT-LAW Olllce ver Post nllito. Itoneiriide. l'a ftllARLKS A. MrCAKTY, J ATTOUVEY A COl'NfEI.OR- VT-I.AW. Special nnd prompt attention civen to the collection ot claims. Olllce over Hell's new store. Iloncsdalp. l'a. 1,1 P. KIMIIIE, I? . ATTORNEY A COfNSKr.OR-AT-I.AW Olllce over the post olllce Hoiicsdale. Pa. M E. SIMONS, ATTORNEY A COL'NSELOU-AT-I.AW, oilico in the Court House, Honeedale Pa. PETER II . ILOFF, ATTORNEY A COt'NdELOR-AT-LAW. Olllce Second floor old Suvlnss link biiildlue. Himcxilulc. l'u. QUA RLE fc SALMON,! ATTORNEYS A COUNFEI.OR?-AT-I,AW. Olllces lately occupied by Judge Searle. fHIESTER A. GARRATT, L' ATTORNFY A r0IINbEI,01!-AT-LAW; Olllce adjacent to Post Olllce. Honesdale, Pa Dentists. DR. E. T. BROWN, DENTIST. Olllce First floor, old .Savings Hank build in:;, Honesdale. l'a. Dr. C. it. BRADY. Dektist. Honesdale. Pa. Office Hours 8 m. to p. m Any eveninz bv appointment. Citizens' phone. 33. Residence. No. fG-X Physicians. DR. II. B. SEARLES, HONESDALE, PA. Olllce and residence 1019 C'ourtstreet telephones. Office Hours 2:00 to J:CO,nr,d 6 00 oB:OO.o.m Livery. LIVERY. Y red. G. Rickard has re moved his livery establishment from corner Chu.-ch street to Whitney's Stone Barn ALL CALLS PROMITLY ATTENDED TO. FIRST CLASS OUTFITS. 75yl MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. HONESDALE, PA. JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Ollice: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over C. C. Jadwin's drug; store, Honesdale. M. LEE BRAMAN EVERYTHING IN LIVERY Buss for Every Train and Town Calls. Horses always for sale Boi' Vii' and Accomodations for rarmers Promptm polite attention ai. I times. ALLEN HOUSE BARN insurance