The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 10, 1910, Image 2

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    this crnzux, fkiday, junk 10, joio.
New York Ghiof Brands
Subordinates Inefficient.
Accused Fire Fighters Declare Croker
Is Trying to Arouse Public Senti
ment In Favor of Old Political
System Two Killed at Fire.
New York, Juno 7. IiullKtuint civil
service firemen totln.v brand Chief
Croker's ernsntlonnl ntlnck upon the
personnel of the New York lire depart
ment ns a uenrtlcsN effort to use the
denth of two heroic fire fighters an the
means of creating public sentiment In
favor of .ipiln "putting the depart
ment Into politics" and allowing poli
ticians to secure appointments for their
friends and relatives regardless of
their fitness for the service. Tliey
point to the present high average of
the department as shown by records
of actunl work.
According to Chief Croker, a panic
among the firemen lighting the blare
In the Krce Storage warehouse yester
day was responsible for the death of
two members of the department find
the disablement by smoke of twenty'
two others, three of whom are still In
the Hudson Street hospital. In nddl
tlon, the chief declared that 40 per
cent of the membership of the fire de
partment today was inefficient, nnd he
blames the civil service commission.
"The cigarette smoking, weak lung
ed, undersized civil service firemen,"
Bald Chief Croker, "have been demoral
izlng the department for twenty-six
years, ever since the civil servlco com.
mission iH'&n to pass upon applicants
"If we continue to make scholarships
the prime requisite for membership in
the lire department Instead of size and
brawn and nerve It is only n question
The Kails of Xitttinrn FiunUb n Par
tner (lie l'o wer.
Charles Francis, n farmer nctr
Medina, N. V . is using a patent cow-
milker operated by electrlrlty trans
mitted from a power plant live ml es
The Ontario f'-vipany ha' ro::ipin:e-
cd a power catile from Niagara FaMs
to Syrnruse. 1 Vl miles, and by its
charter, must ttirnlth current along
the route. Furmers. ranlcttlnrly
dairymen, are making grrat plans for
using the current for nil kinds of
farm work. That Nlngi.ra will bo
milking the cows between the falls
and Syracuse. Is no Kile dream.
Farmer Francis Is an ardent ad
vocate of the olcetrlc cow-mi' Iter, for
a boy of 16 vyears milks li:s 32 cows
In less than live minutes; even the
irascible kickers. Mere manunl
Inbor would for the same work ro
quire four men two hours! not count,
the kicking cows, the tiles, th? switch
ing talis and other drawbacks
Vivid Blue is the Smart
Shade of tho Parisian Moment.
The W-irK ! (5ool.
All mortals iinvo lollowl a beaten
track Blnce mm: was Invented, a lot g
time back; and lo.ks were laughing
or Bheddlng tears away, away In the
vanished years. Tho cave man wor
ried because his club nroko do-in
when no battered ..nothur dub and
people Dew In a beastly raje because
their stovepipes broke in the I
age. The same old sorrow you hrvo
to-day, was old when Adam was bal
ing hay; tho worry that makes your
bosom dark, was old when Noah vas
In tho nrk. The grim foreboding
that makes you pale, was old wnn
Jonah was In the whale, there is
nothing new, in this world so wide
so do not worry, but let th'ngs slide
Vour hopes and doubts your dreams
and fenrs, are but the dust of a mil
lion years. Emporia Gazette.
Mm?. ;
i i
Hi - J !
Saturday Qight
Chalks -tsr
International Bible Lesson for Juna
12, '10 (Matt. 15:21-28).
Ideal Clotl Ing.
Clothing to be healthful should
combine the Tollowlns properties: It
should bo warm enc gh to protect
the body ngalnst sudden cllmntlc
changes; light In weight for freedom
oi movement: po.tu?, to allow freo
passing ofl of the perspiration; loose,
bc as not to constrict any part; light
In color, to admit of tho sun's rays
passing through; evenly distributed
to maintain equality of temperature.
Influence of Hotel Life.
That it is and lor children to grow
up without a home, as those children
must whose parents live In hotels,
goes almost without saying; but the
lite is also bad for the parents them
selves. They seem to develop, un
der its influence, a peculiar kind of
restlessness, a peculiar kind of self
ishness, and a general disposition to
take anything in life serious, except
its amusement.
Parentngo Is a great Joy; it is also
n vast responsibility. There Is notlt
I ins that so agitates tho great deep of
tho heart as to bend over an Infant In
Uj cradle, with the knowlcdgu that its
i whole future career depends upon
i you, nnd that you will bo the ar -hi-tec
of Its destiny In a very real sc.ise.
'in view of' all the perils that
, about the feet of Innocent childhood.
1 tho wonder Is that so many turn out
' well.
One of the saddest incidents in tl'c
llfo of Christ Is his Interview with the
Cannanlte woman In the region oi
Tyre and Sldon. Most of those wtio
j sought tho Great Physician wu.e
1 themselves nflllcted with disease
They came because they were in pain,
, or helpless nnd distressed. They wo 'o
i deaf or blind or leprous nnd the
' plead for personal relief. This worn in
came for an absent daughter, and so
great was tho grief of the mother o
her suffering child, that sho made he,
case her own, crying, "Have mercy on
me," as If what was done for the sic'-,
one would bo accepted as a per.ou 1
benoflt. So great was her dlstross, a .u
bo Importunate her plea, and so ma.
nlflcent her faith that her desire a
granted and a grateful mother clas. cd
to her heart a recovered daughter.
Broken Hearted Mother.
But that Syro-Phoenlclan homo Is
not the only household darkened and
saddened by a child's calamity. Thert
i urn tens of thousands of homes all
t...i., i r i- ii ,,) over this broad land. In which the
Can Be Adjusted to Give Patient
Chance of Position.
A boon to tho bedridden and to
Utousnnda of hospital pntlcutn
throughout tho country la tho Inven
tion of n Kentucky mnn. This ia n
bed which can be raised or lowered
at tho bend to any position comforta
ble to tho patient nnd having a rest
for the legs In nddltlon. A pair of
standards with a crossbar, looking
llko a' horizontal bar on rollnrs holds
tho upper end of the bed suspended.
At one side of the standnrds Is a
wheel, and gear by which the head of
tho bed may bc raised or lowered to
change the position of the person oc
cupying It. Running up from tho foot
of the bed Is n T-shnpcd bar to be
placed under the legs of tho patient.
bo that when the bed is tuteu at n
steep angle he is kept from sliding
downward, tho bar beneath his legs
giving him the feeling of being In a
reclining chair. Any person who has
been forced to Ho abed for any length
this summer. Never has there been mothers could truthfully say
such a year for this color, and there
seems to be no tone of blue that is not
worn. Periwinkle is immensely popu
lar, canard and sea blues are much
used, but it is the brilliant blue, of
which radium is perhaps the latest
and most vivid example, that Is the
prominently smart shade of the Pa
risian moment. Though so vivid, it
is not crude, but none the less it is
trying to many complexions nud, like
all brilliant blues, will be still more
unbecoming ns the season advances
and our complexions feel tho effect of
wind and sun. These blues are usual
ly toned down by black.
The suit illustrated is of n vivid blue
In radium silk, aud the upper part of
the skirt is of striped silk in blue and
black effect. The coat revcrs are ex
tremely odd and only becoming to a
i slight figure.
Too Frank.
"Unolo Joo" Cannon waB discussing
Jocularly our society leader's claim
that too many Htatcainon appear to
rely on your uncouthness on tho ab
sence of socks, etc. for their famo.
"I would point out," Laid he. "that
neither Caesar nor Alexander woro
socks, nnd If 1 attacked New York
socloty ns frankly ns this person has
nttacked public life. 1 might but
after all, perfect frankness Is Invaria
bly a bad thing.
"You havo heard, perhaps, of tho
man who admired perfect frankness?
Calling on a pretty girl, ho said.
" 'if tliero lu one thing that I rever
ence in this world, perfect frankness
Is Hint thing.'
"'Yes?' said the girl. 'Then I'll at
once grasp tho oportunlty to urge you
to shave off your mustache before you
nat nnothor soft boiled egg." "
Measure Strength of Oarsmen.
Mr. W. C. Marshall, of the Sheflleld
Scientific School at Yalo, has Invented
a pressure recorder which, when sub
stituted for the ordinary rowlock at
tho end of the outriggers of a racing
shell, measures and registers the pres
sure exerted at every stroke of the
oar. The varying forco of the strokes
during a long race can be ascertained,
and It Is Intended to apply tho ma
chine In the solectlon and training of
tho university crews.
Alloys of Gold and Iron.
Iron and gold when melted together
may bo mixed In various proportions,
and hardened or crystallized. Alloys
containing 10 per cent, of gold are
harder than pure Iron, but as the pro
portion of gold Increases above that
amount, tho alloy becomes softer.
Silver and Iron do not form alloys.
Turn Crank and Bed Moves,
of time, unable to change his position,
will appreciate the relief such a bed
will afford. Boston Post.
of time shen tho remaining 20 per
cent of the old Mine Ore lighters will
pass away and the organization will
fall to pieces.
"There was a panic in that lire to
day. I say it and 1 want It published.
A majority of the men lighting that
fire were young civil service firemen.
When they got Into the thick of the
smoke their lungs couldn't stnnd the
htraln. they got frightened, dropped
their hose and ran. They got lost in
the aisles of merchandise on the dark
fourth ljoor. and poor Hculy and Cot
ter were drowned there, nnd about n
score of others were laid out by smoke.
"I got there in time to see It. They
were hanging out the windows gaping
for air like lish on land. Hack In the
thick of the smoke nnd fire n llttlo
bunch of old timers stood the gaff nnd
conquered the blaze. It wasn't much
of a fire at that.
"I.ook at Deputy Chief lllnns and
Ilattalion Chief Ilrogan. They are a
couple of husky old timers. When
they went Into the department an ap
plicant was supposed to have strength
nnd size, and It wasn't necessary for
lilni to be able to more thnn read and
write his own name. Those two old
smoke eaters went In nt the beginning
nud came out at the finish nfter
breathing smoke for three hours, nud
they were as fresli when It wns over
ns when It started.
"In many fires of late years I havo
seen these civil service firemen drop
their hose and run. When one of them
weakens the whole bunch goes down
like n line of dominoes.
"When the percentngo of big, strong
old timers was heavier these weaken
ed brethren could bo held in lino, but
they nre so numerous now that when
they get cold feet they simply overrun
the men who try to make them stand
un to their work."
The two llremen killed nt the Are
were Timothy Cotter, who was over
come by smoke and drowned In a pool
of water on tho fourth floor, and W1I
Jam Healey, who was overcome by
smoke and drowned In tho same pool
with Cotter.
MtiHlr'an' Need.
Muslc.aus have felt 'bat tor a long
time the need of u means by which
their asptrat.ons aim their alms, co'ild
be brought nearer to the public,
while at the same time ewn the gen
eral public ha-? been hcgl-'.ns to
realize that some or the old mus cal
institutions have lost their elasticity
and begin to stand ratner out of sym
pathy with tne.r modern surroundings.
daughter Is grievously vexed wit a
devil." Whether we accept the do
trine of demoniacal possession or no.,
we are all conscious of the fact li at
there are all about us children w o
act as if they were possessed of dovl ,.
In the very first family of v.h h
i there is any record, the llrst born .-.o i
was a murderer, and his hands 'vi.x
stained with his own brother's blco.l.
What was Eve's anguish as she look
ed for the first tlmo into the pale face
of death! Jacob had a largo family,
but his boys nearly broke his heart
by their deception nnd jealousy. Si 1 i
mon had but one son. Itehoboam, ba.
he was a conceited, spoiled child, nnd
the first act of his reign was to jr.! t
the kingdom asunder. Solomon is
credited with being tho author of the
proverb "Spare the rod and spoil the
child," and he evidently practiced
what he preached. David's son Absa-
. . ,-.- , A ...I.U 1.1. .11-
Utilizing Old Basket,. lom rKe, n,b "e"" lJ T '.'
Do not throw away your old baskets ,us 1D" "'" ?.u , - , . ,, "n u
l.n- l,nvn rt,t rr.w.i tliolr rtraf iiaofnl. I mrouueu HIU1 uiuu
Attractions of Flowers.
A flower lias an almost human way
or llrst attracting Inserts. This is
by appealing to their fondness for
sweet things. There is secreted in
every flower a store of botiej, large
or small, as the case may be, to
which the midge, the butterfly, the
bee, the blue bottle fly and other In
sects are pttracted.
ness. Cover them with n coat of paint, , Balom! my son my son Absalo u :
soft gray below, with different colored would God, I had died for thee. O Ab-
Demons Possessing Children.
History Is full of such Instances.
Fathers searching for wandering boys.
Mothers weoplng In silence, refusing
to bo comforted over wayward daugh-
ir.a Untnna nrn HnrVannil tlint Wflllld
top and narrower base had a border of i ,,,. bo brlcht. hourg nre weary
soft purple. Uhe handle wns tied with 1 ... ,,. .yra,ian iiht nll
violet tulle and the basket filled with j
white sweet peas. i
A bunch of common wood ferns in a
borders and handle, and they make
artistic receptacles for flowers for
formal decorations.
To keep flowers fresh conceal In n
basket a bowl or vase that will hold
One such basket with wldesprendln
Painfully Natural.
Playwright is her acting so nat
ural? Manager (enthuslas-iicaliy)
Natural? Why, when sho appeared
as the dying mother last night an
insurance agent who has her llfo In
sured for $2b,000 and who was in
the audience actually tainted. Lon
don Tit-Bits.
that would dtherwiso be light, pillows
with tears that would otherwise be
soft. There are sleepless hours, and
lmni-tH nnil crief-stricken
white aud green basket, with fluffs of , , . bocauso somo son or daughter
4nl1.v m lwitilli naciitima flirt ... ...
1 i""1-- "-- jg grievously vexed with a devil. Tne
liur ui an uipuusnu uetuiuuuu. . l1rInk tho dovil of lust, the
rf ,llarhallnnnn tho dnvil nf In-
ible centerpiece to hold iru t or now- i ntltud0i the devil of wandering, tho
ers. smaller ones mat uoiu easier t . .. . .mnn- who, .rood of ,i&
guts couiu no pauueu w maicn uie , monfJ encamped upon the soul!
central uasicei to neigiueu wie eueci ui
English Regiments Hear That They
May Go Out.
Loudou, June 7. There is a report
current In military circles nt Aldcrsnot
that two battailous of infantry and a
regiment of cavalry have been warned
that they may be ordered to Egypt.
Lovely Time.
"Yes," remarked Mrs. Malaprop-
Partlngton, "we had a lovely time In
Venice. There are no cabi, there
you know, because the Btreets are
full of water. One hires a chande
lier and he rows you about in a don-
Such baskets could also be used as a
The Emperor as a Jack-of-AII Trades.
The following list of Emperor Will
iam's accomplishments reminds ono
strongly of our former strenuous Pres
He Is a yachtsman and an eques
trian. He can write a song, and sing
or play it most creditably. (Here is
where he scones one on Mr. Itoose-
elt.) He Is a lover of games, ex
celling at chess and (whisper It)
poker. Ho Is a capable artist and
knows how to criticise other artists.
He is an engineer and an experimenter
in electricity He is a theologian and
has composed a prayer. He is a
horse-breeder aud keeps a stud. His
literary taste is considerable, and his
library remarkable. He can command
a ship or a regiment, a fleet or an
army. He can discuss cookery In
every detail and teach editors how to
run their papers. Ho thrums a guitar
musically, speaks five languages flu
ently, and can make speeches that
fill the world with rumors of war.
From Success Magazine.
Illuminated Projectiles.
The French navy has recently be
gun experiments wun tne luminous
shell employed for a year past in
America. These shells have a hollow
In the rear end containing fireworks
powder, which Is Inflamed as the shell
quits the gun, and leaves a luminous
trail In the air. enabling the gunner
at night to follow the course of his
projectile, and determlno whether or
not it reaches Its object. Without
some device of this kind it is very
dlfllcult In firing over the sea In the
darkness to nscertaln whether the
range Is too long or too short. In the
daytime n Jet of water where the shell
falls tells the story.
the decoration.
Quaintnoss In Headgear.
Kverythlng In tho sartorial world sa
vors of qualntness this season that Is,
not of the qualntness as defined by
Webster its "fanciful," but singularity
of an entirely up to the minute ilk.
Such qualntness Is evidenced In tho
new coiffure worn by the pretty girl
pictured. The little side ringlets are
one of the latest notions of the hnlr
dresslng artists and suggest n lady of
The Plillohophy of Folly.
"They say," observed the Phlloso-
pber of Folly, "that it takes nine
tailors to make a man. 1 always ac
knowledged the truth of this old pro
verb, when ono of these dudes boasts
that be has patronized the sama tailor
all his life." Spokesman's Review.
Placing Leather lleltlng.
in putting up leather belting be
Euro to place the hair side next to
the pulley, it not only clings to the
pulley nutter but will wear much
Ccstly Target.
Probably the most .oluborato and
costly target .n the world I1U3 recent
ly been launchod by the New York
navy yard. The target is almost the
exact duplicate of a section from tho
hull of a battleship and is estimated
to have cost ;&u,00u.
Higher Than Monarch.
Ho who reigns within himself and
rules passions, desires and fears, Is
more than a king. Milton.
The woman whoso father died of
gout always has something to which
she may anchor her pride.
ye oldeu days tricked out in full skirt
of daintily sprigged muslin, with a
Nurpliced bodice and possibly u small
grenadine shawl about her shapely
shoulders. A big coal scuttle bonnet
and n reticule hanging on her arm
would completo the picture.
When Cleaning Curtain Hooks.
To clean curtain hoolu place them In
water lu which a litUe ammonia hat
been dissolved nud leave them for a
llttlo while. This will reinovo both
dirt and rust. When wiped with a
clean cloth tho pins will fasten Into
the curtain as easily as new ones.
Oh, If youth, hot-blooded and in
considerate, could for a moment real
Izo "how sharper than a serpent's
tooth It Is to have a thankless child
It they could feel for an Instant the
nolnt of one thorn, a whole crown of
which they aro plaiting for their par
ent's brows, thoy would chnnge the r
courso of evil doing before another
sunset. They would steady those
nged limbs Instead of digging pitfalls
for trembling feet. They would lift
tho burdens from bending shoulders
rnther than add to tho weight. They
would make the present peaceful and
the future roseate with Uope. The
Prodigal Son came homo. It Is true, in
time to receive his father's dying
blessing, but not until ho had wasted
his substance in riotous living, had
lost his reputation and his character
hnd ruined his health and boon cast
out from U10 socloty even of his old
companion's In vice. The mighty, for
giving fathor lovo Is shown In tho re
ception that ho received but there Is
little to commend In tho career of the
man who stayed away Just ns long as
he could got a crust to eat nud a rag
to wear, and dragged his poor, miser
able, wretched and ruined body home
when starvation wns stating him n
tho face, for his poor old father to
take care of. That ho camo home at
all was something; that he did not
come before was despicable.
Oh! tho holght and depth and
length and breadth of parental love.
It overleaps all barriers, It palllntis
where the world condemns; Its man
tlo of charity covers a multitude or
sins. That child must havo gono very
far astray whose mother turns against
lilm. Courts may pronounce him guil
ty, but to her be Is her baby still, and
she will go with him to the gallows
forgiving and forgetting nil. God only
knows how many mothers are thU
moment prostrate, crying, out of the
bitterness of their Bplrit, "Have mer
" upon me, my child is grtevousl
d with a dovlL"
Roll of
Attention is called to tne STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
i 1
The FINANCIER of New York
City has published a ROLL Oi
HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania,
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00
Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00
Honesdale. Pa.. May 29, 190S.
I"'1 T oTblakeJ
I B You will mako money
I H by bavins me.
; Hbkll phone 9-u Bethany, Pa.
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3 0.V
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... Albany ....
lllni'humton .
.. Philadelphia..
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8 45! Carlnmilalo ....
8 55...I.Itu'i)ln Avenue..
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Lake Lodore ....
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The Era of New Mixed Paints !
Tlito vwii" nnnm Wl'rh Jl (lolllM! f)f HOW 1111X0(1 DailltS. A COll-
dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some ikind
of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Thoir compounds, Doing now aim nuuvuj uutciuouu,
may find a sale with tho unwary.
There aro reasons for tho pro-minonco of CHILTON PAINTS;
1st No ono can mix abetter mixed paint.
2d Tho painters declaro that it works easily and has won
derful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his
own oxpenso.overy surface painted' with Chilton Pamt that
proves defective. ...
4th Those who havo used it arq perfectly satisfied with it,
and recommend its use to others.