The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 08, 1910, Image 1

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    THE WEATHER-Wcdnesdny fnlr and warmer wcntlicr will prevail, with llftlit and warmer wcntlicr will prevnll.
." tc ' 8 Jf K" 0 & i
Seml-Wcckly Founded
Wayne County QjHn
or the
Weekly Founded, 1844 J
W J .5 . .M J J .X Jit J J . ! S
4 v't . vJ vtf . , J J ,
67th YEAR.
NO. 45
Pennsylvania Miners Refuse
to Return to Work.
r- . -
Representatives of Nonunion Men Ask
Italian Consul to Act Hs Brings
About Conference, but No Final
Deolslon Is Reached.
i possessor 01 u.ui uuuy iu inline ihs
way in the world. Now, alcohol, tak
Wilkesbarre, Pa., June ".A largo i en In what Is considered moderation,
majority of the 12,000 striking mine lessens the power of the body to work
,,.. , .,..i..i n'd to maintain its heat supply,
workers of the Pennsylvania Goal Th,s concluslon ,B based uon ex.
have voted against ending the strike i nerlments conducted upon largo num
untll the compauy has settled their hers of men during long periods of
grievances I time. The results in regard to the
Their committees reported to theui f" weobtained fromTnveU
thnt the officials of the company have j gat0ns In the large armies of the
promised to take up their grievances world during active campaigns. In
within forty-eight hours of the time the British army in Africa, for in-
tho strike ends and if it is Impossible ?ta"ce' he exPcriment tr'e1
. , M ' . 1 tcrtln-j how far the soldiers could
to reach n satisfactory settlement i lnareh when taking dally what were
with the mine workers to submit the considered moderate amounts of rum,
grievances to the conciliation board. ! and then how far they could march
Officials of the mine workers also ad- ; vhen taking no liquor, and compar
. ... , ,, ., .. ing the records. So also In the Army
dressed the men and told them the of Ule Potomac ln the American
strike was In direct violation of tho , civil war, the same experiment was
aword of the strike commission, from tried with whisky. When the rec
whlch they had benefited, but the men ords were compared it was found that
were obdurate and said they would 1 soldiers can endure longer marches
not return to work without their grlev- 1 when taking no liquor than when nl
ances being adjusted. lowed their dally portion. Freder
Priests in tho mine district are ac- lck Treves, the King's physician, said:
tlvely endeavoring to end the trouble, i "J was with the relief column that
moved on to Ladysmlth. It was an
Italian Consul Acts.
Scranton, Pa., June 7. Representing
the 12,000 nonunion miners employed
by the Pennsylvania Coal company,
who are on strike, thirty Italians called
on Consul Fnrtunnto Tlscar and asked
him to use his good offices in securing
an adjustment of their grievances. 1
The men are still insistent, they said, .
that work will not he resumed until
the company remedies the evils of ox- ,
ceslvo Cocking nnd short weight com- 1
plained 6f. A vote taken during the .
past few days has revealed this.
Consul Tlscar informed General
Manager V. A. May of tho request, ,
and the result was u conference be-
tween the company officials and a
committee of priests and business men
representing the strikers. No final de- j
cislon woa reached, but It Is under- !
stood that the prospects for a settle-
mcnt are bright. Up to this time the
mii i 4
... , ., .
mittee of tfce strikers' representatives.
Mine Laborers Scarce.
WHkesbarro, June ".Owing to tho
scarcity of mine laborers lu this part
of the region the Delaware and Hud
son Coal company imported from New
York and other eastern points heveral
hundred foivlgn laborers, chiefly Slavs
and Itallaiw, and they will be distrib
uted among tho mines of tho compa
nies In this tiectlon. The officials say
the demand for coal far exceeds the
capacity of the company nnd that It Is
necessary to import laborers ln order
to load the cirs.
Results of Games Played In National
and American Leagues.
At New York New York, 5 jSt. Lou
Is, 1. Hutterles Mathewson and Mey
ers; Sallee and Phelps.
At Urooklyn Cincinnati, 1; IJrook
lyu, 0. batteries Itowau nnd Mc
Lean: Hell, llergen nnd Erwln.
At Philadelphia Philadelphia, 12;
Chicago, 2. Batteries Moore, Pfeffer,
Moran and Needhnm; Rlchlo and
At Boston Hoston-Plttsburg game
jM.stponed on nccouut of ruin.
W. L. P.O.
Chicago 25 14 .041
New York 20 15 .031
Cincinnati 20 18 J523
Pittsburg 18 18 .000
St Louia 20 22 .476
Brooklyn 10 23 .452
Philadelphia 15 22 .405
Boston 10 20 .800
At St Louis-New York, 2; St. Lou
Is, 1. Batteries-Qulun and Mitchell;
Towel!, Bailey and Kllllfer.
At Chlcugo Chicago, 1; Boston, 0.
Batteries Walsh nnd niock; Hall and
At Detroit Detroit, 4; Washington.
1. Batteries Mullln and Stauuge;
Gray, Hardy and Street
At Cleveluud-Cleveland-Phlladolphla
game postponed on account of rain.
W. L. P.O.
New York 20 11 .703
Philadelphia 20 12 .084
Detroit 27 10 .628
Boston 21 18 .038
Cleveland 15 10 .441
Washington 17 24 .418
Chicago 13 22 .871
St Louis 6 31 .205
fnnrv i innnrnnifl,t' of tne thousand boys who tire
I Hr I A KUk hit I there, undor the age of eighteen
I IILf LMUUUliH vonro rnmn from Irmilrnril'a linmoa.
The White Rlbboners offered a
prize to the member of the Physiology
class In the Honcsdalc High school
who would write the best essay on
"Alcohol and the Laborer." There
were fifty ossnys submitted. The prize
was awarded to Alice Sluman, aged
" years. The essay we print in
Alcohol Is the laborer's enemy.
The end and aim of all the body pro-
cesses is to work. To accomplish this
end the body must keep warm. The
( more perfect the body can accomplish
these conditions, the more able is the
i a i ... ' - i i .
exceedingly trying time apart from
the heat of the weather. In that
column of some thirty thousand men,
the first who dropped were not the
tall men, or the short men, or the
big men, or the little men, but the
drinkers, and they dropped out as
wUh a bJg ,etter' on thep backs .,
These and other experiments of the
same nature thus demonstrate that
alcohol has the effect of diminishing
the capacity of a man for muscular
work, oven when the alcohol is taken
what aro generally considered as
moderate amounts. From these re-
even ln S0.caUed moderation, is a
Da(i practice for anyone who wishes
to do hard work or endure sustained
exertion. In skill and accuracy, nnd
in the direction and expenditure of
energy the man who has taken no
alcohol has a great advantage over
",c mau wuu uua- ,a '" u,u"
la any emergency, and can Judge bet-
Her how to make his strength most
effective. Science has proved that
the drinking man cannot work
long or as hard as can the abstainer,
that his work is not so accurate, and
that he Is more likely to make mis
Liquor does not fortify against
cold. Doctor Hayes, the Arctic ex
plorer, says: "In Arctic countries, al
cohol is, ln almost any shape, not only
completely useless, but positively in
Jurlous. I have known strong, able
bodied men to become utterly incap
able of resisting cold in consequence
of the long-continued use of alcoholic
drink." Experience shows that al
cohol weakens tho power of under
going severe bodily exertion. Doctor
McRae. ln sncakinc of Arctic exnlor
atfon, at the meeting of the American
Association for the advancement of
science, held at Montreal in 1856,
said: ' The moment that a man hnd
swallowed a drink of spirits, It was
certain that his day's work was near
ly at an end. It was absolutely
necessary that the rule of total ab
stlnance be rigidly enforced, If we
would accomplish our day s task.
The uso of liquor as a beverage when
we had work on hand, In thnt terri
fic cold, was out of the question."
We have the evidence of statistics
In regard to the health and mortality
of people who use alcohol, and of
those who do not. These have been
collected in England by the life In
surance companies. They indicate
that the life of the abstainer Is, on
the average, longer than that of the
Also, It has been found that the
hospitals get their inmates to n much
greater extent from the drinkers than
from the abstainers. The drinker is
less able to resist infection, and the
physicians ln these hospitals all ac
knowledge that, once Infected with
a serious disease, tho chances of the
alcohol drinker nre much less than
thoso of tho abstainer. Mr. Huber,
who saw ln one town ln Russia two
thousand one hundred nnd sixty per
sons perish with the cholera in twen
ty days, said: "It Is a most remark
able circumstance thnt persons given
to drink have been swept nway Hko
Hies, in Tillls, with twenty thousand
Inhabitants, every drunkard has fall
en, nil are dead, not one remaining."
Alcohol often lures men to crime
by which they forfeit life or liberty.
How much ovll Is done to men by al
cohol can bo learned by examining
tho records of criminal courts, where
between three-fourths or nine-tenths
of all the crimes listed are directly
duo to the use of Intoxicants; nnd by
turning tho thought to the untold
miseries in countless homes, never
made public, which are caused by the
same evil. In Illinois, in the two
penitentiaries, one at Jollet and one
at unestor, tnere are tnreo tnousanu
Inmates, two thousand seven hundred
of whom aro there because of strong
drink. In Pontine, Illinois, at the
state reformatory, six hundred and
It Is estimated that in England from
sixty thousand to one hundred thous
and vlctlmB of strong drink die every
The late Honorable Cnauncey M.
Depew, president of the New York
Central Railroad Company, in a talk
to railroad men, said:
"Twenty-five years ago, I knew
every man, woman, and child in
Peekskill, nnd it has been n study
with me to mark boys who started
In every grnde of life with myself,
to see what had become of them.
"I was up last fall and began to
count them over, nnd It was an in
structive exhibit.
"Some of them became clerks, mer
chants, manufacturers, lawyers, and
doctors. It Is remarkable that every
one of those that drank Is dead, not
one living of my age. Barring a
few, who were taken off by sickness,
every one that proved a wreck or
wrecked his family, did It from rum
and no other cause.
"Of those who are church-going
people, who are steady, industrious,
and hard-working men, who were
frugal and thrifty, every single one
of them, without an exception, owns
the house in which he lives, and has
something laid by, the Interest on
which, with liis house, would carry
him through many a rainy day."
When a man becomes debased with
drink, he doesn't care, and all his
liner feelings are crowded out.
President William H. Taft, in nn
interview in The Defender, New York,
(Vugust, 190C, declared himself an ab
stainer and told young men It was
the best plan; and in 1908 he turn
ed his wine glass down and said it
was going to stay down forever. In
his Yale lectures he declared for lo
cal option.
The United States government de
mands total abstinance of all rural
mail carriers, railway mail agents,
and all working men in navy yards.
A recent rule of the Civil Service
Commissioner requires an investiga
tion of the drinking habits of all ap
plicants for government positions
under civil service rules. This rule Is
required by one of the largest ship
building concerns In the world, by the
largest capital bank note company ln
the world, and by the large employ
ment agencies and business houses.
Recently In a large manufactory tn
the western part of the- State, six
thousand worklngmen signed the
pledge "No drinkers wanted."
Aside from all considerations of
physical, mental and moral Injury
wrought by the use of alcoholic
drinks, every young man may well
take Into account the damaging ef
fect of such a dangerous habit upon
his business prospects. Careful busi
ness men are becoming more and
more unwilling to take into their
employ any person addicted to liquor
drinking. Within the past few years
the officers of several railroads, hav
ing found that a considerable portion
of their losses could be directly
traced to the drinking habits of some
one or more of their employes, have
ordered the dismissal of all persons
in their service who were known to
use Intoxicants, with the additional
provision that persons thus discharg
ed should never be reinstated. All
mercantile agencies now report
the habits of business men In this re
spect, and some life insurance com
panies refuse to Insure habitual
drinkers, regarding such risks as
Modern life has left no place for
the drunkard and Is fast ousting
even the moderate drlnkgr.
The saloon breaks up every right
relation, honesty, Industry, kindli
ness, alike In the home and on the
street, ln business, politics and pleas
ure. The only safe way is, "touch not,
taste not, handle not."
The Wuynu Cut Glass Company Has
Thirty-live People Employed.
The Towanda Reporter-Journal
Towanda's now Industry, the
Wayne Cut Glass Company, Incor
porated, an establishment which has
been doing business at Honesdale
for the past seven years, and which
was recently taken over by a number
of Towanda capitalists, began opera
Hons in their new home, the Tracy
building, on Monday morning of last
Tho Tracy shoo factory building
which was frequently vacated by tho
Seneca Silk company, has been leas
ed for n torm of years with nn op
tion to buy. Fred P. Leo, superln
tendent of the plant, has been busy
for the past three weeks preparing
the building and installing the ma
chinery which was moved from
Honesdale. Everything has been put
in readiness, tho machinery install
ed, nnd electric motors placed In
position for driving the machinery,
Tho entiro building is occupied by
the company nnd nil the floor space
Is used to tho best advantage possl
About 3D men were put at work in
tho various departments of tho big
fnctory on Monday morning. Tho
force will bo Increased from time to
tlmo as the occasion requires. It is
not an easy matter to teach the In
experienced hands the art of cutting
glass, and for this reason only a few
are put to work at one tlmo, and as
soon as these men become proficient
ln their work more help will be tak
Mnrh VAantnJ Hnffctnt Vic
lYlUlll YTdllluU IIUMOlUl TlO"
its Pittsburg.
1 41, convened with Sterling Grange,
, No. 861, the first Grange organized
NARROWLY FSGAPFS ARREST in the county. It also has the larg
NrtlUUmLI LOUrtTLO rtllLOI. egt membersnlp at the pregent Ume
! The morning opened tip fine and gave
Alleged Millionaire Briber, Fighting
Extradition From New York, Slips
Back Into Pennsylvania De
tectives Cry "Stopl"
would be a light attendance, but we
1 were agreeably surprised. The at
Plttsburg, Juno ".A dash Into Pitts- , tendance far exceeded our expecta
burg nnd out again in his private car , tons. A good dlnner was provided
was made Saturday morning by F. N. n the bMt Dinner over, Grange
Hoffstot, president of the Pressed wa8 caled to order at 1:45 p. m.
Steel Car company, but his daring net Pomona Master M. G. Noble occupied
almost resulted ln his capture by do
tectlvcs, who nre armed with war
rants charging him with bribing ritts
burg councllmen.
Hoffstot, who Is fighting cxtrndltlou
from New York, has been needed at
tho steel works for some time. His
business affairs became so urgent that
no ueciueu to sperm an nour in i-uis- jn tue largest number of new mem
burg at all hazards. bers for the quarter Just ended, and
At C a. m. Saturday his car was Ua3 captured Wayne County Honor
shunted in the works at Schoenvllle. banner. The followinc conimlttPPs
Ills arrival was noted by n man who
Is well acquainted with tho millionaire
manufacturer, and word was sent to
the county detectives nnd District At
torney William A. Blakcly.
While Hoffstot was conferring with
his subordinates detectives were has- Resolutions F. M. Shaffer, C. C.
tening to the car works. Guards were Gray, M. A. Gilpin,
stationed about tho place to warn The following were appointed to
Hoffstot. The private car, with a deride where the fourth quarterly
swift locomotive attached, stood In p0mona meeting shall be held E.
readiness. A number of papers were E. Kinsman, E. W. Gammell, J. F.
signed and approved by the steel man Taylor.
nnd important plans were discussed, i The Worthy Lecturer E. E. Kins
Just at 7 o'clock he left tho offices man now occupied the chair. A song
and hurried to his car. As ho boarded by members of Hope Grange, a very
a group of detectives were whirled ieasing address of welcome was glv
around the corner of the building in en by w B Webster. W. W. Baker,
an automobile nnd started for tho car. of Honesdale, ably responded in his
The engineer prilled the throttle wide uauai happy way.
openand the train started down the
' ; The question, whether a person
"Stop! Stop!" cried the detectives,
,f tim nndnoer ....Id no heed to the
but the engineer paid no heed to the
Jumping out of their automobile they
ran to a yard engine and ordered tho
engineer to start after the special.
Before It got fairly started tho special
was out of the yards and Hying tow
ard the Ohio line. After running a
short distnnce the pursuit was aban
doned. Hoffstot not only outwitted detec
tive here, but also outmaneuvered
special detectives who have been report oi me comnmiee on canui
wntcuing him In Now York. Ho left ' dates gave eleven names for lnitla
that city Friday night. The private tlon in the fifth degree, and they were
car was brought over tho Pittsburg duly obligated into the mysteries of
nnd Lake Erie rond from Youngstown, I this degree. Pomona Grange has
O., and was backed down the Alio-1 grown very much in the last two
gheny river tracks to what is known ' years and it is somewhat burden
as the "River gate." some now for the entertaining Grange
Railroad Has Mrs. Sturla Arrested on
Charge of Larceny.
New York, June 7. A woman who
has fallen down sixteen times iu tho
last four years and hits received ln all
about $5,000 from transportation com
panies on whose premises she fell is
locked up In tho Tombs. Sho Is Mrs.
Anna A. Sturla, sometimes Strula, late
ly of Hazlet, N. J. She was arrested
iu New York on a warrant charging
her with the larceny of $500 from the
New York Central railroad on Nov. 17,
1000. This money wits paid to Mrs.
Sturla by the railroad to settlo her
claim for personal injurlos In a fall
occasioned by tt banana skin.
Killed by Building's Fall.
Buffalo, June 7.-By the collapse of
a two story building at Ml Sycamore
street, on which wreckers were work-
lg. one man was killed and three were
injured, one seriously, tuo ueau man
Is Wllbert L. Shualc, n laborer.
Eighty Artillerymen Make Sensational
Attempt to Get Away.
San Francisco, June 7. A sensation
al dash for shore liberty In which, It
Is said, eighty men of Battery O, Sec
ond field artillery, outward bound
from Fort I). A. Russell, Wyo., to
Maulla on the transport Logan partici
pated la being given a rigid investiga
tion by Captain Francis W. Griffin,
commanding the battery.
Thirteen of the men, two having
been taken from tho city prison, bare
been placed ln tho transport's brig.
According to an official report, almost
half of tho battery, Just at dusk Sat
urday night, slipped from tho ship
without orders, carrying arms and
wearing cartridge belts, scaled a high
fence at tho dock and scattered along
tho harbor front. Some who were un
able to elude tho dock guard dropped
overboard and swam nshore. It was
not until 3 o'clock ln tho morning that
the last of the deserters was rounded
..PT CTrm
'v ljarK Attendance Notwithstanding I
the Stormy Weather.
The second quarterly meeting of
Wayne County Pomona Grange, No.
promise of a fair day, but about 10
a. m. the dark clouds began to gath
er and In a short time showers fol
lowed each other In quick succes
sion and we concluded that there
the chair, and nearly all the other of
flecers in their respective places.
Reports were received from sixteen
out of seventeen Granges.
Reading of the minutes of the last
meeting, also reading of the reports.
The reports show that Hope Grange
of South Canaan township has taken
were appointed:
Soliciting Committee T. E. Steph
ens, Mrs. A. F. Jones, Joseph Quln
tin. Time and Place F. L. Hartford,
f!eorEG Korr. H. R. S.imnson
"ul f "B' '"
was e'Elule to membership in the
Grange or not, was freely discussed,
in which some of the ladies took
part. A recess was declared, when
some specimens of San Jose Scale,
leaf blister mite, green aphis, etc.,
were exhibited and much interest was
shown in the matter, after which
the Grange came to order, to ad
journ for the evening session.
At 7:30 p. m. the Grange opened
In full form In the fifth degree. The
; to furnisn provision rreo wnicn was
i frequently done, it was therefore de-
elded at this time to hereafter mako
a charge of ten cents for each person
for each meal had while attending
Pomona. This Is practiced In .other
counties nnd meets with general ap
proval. On motion Salem and Sterl-
l lnf? Rrnneps were each awarded $5
ns a special prize for holding Wayne
County Pomona Grange honor ban
ner for two successive qunrters each.
At 8:30 p. m. Grange opened In
the fourth degree. Song by the
A valuable paper on the renova
tion of the old orchnrd, which
brought forth several questions nnd
answers, was read by W. II. Bullock.
Several specimens of black knot on
plum branches were exhibited by
I uur,t l "l """""
, "s experience n combating with this
seuse, 'ci u .. uu
air In the form of spores and attacks
, the sour cherry as readl y ns the
fruit growing and from li s pocket n
fine specimen (for this time of the
year) of the Northern Spy. The
writer had ono, too, but It was In his
grip or It would have been dlsplnyed
ln competition with Mr. Gilpin.
Song by members of Hopo Grange.
Recltntlon by Master L. H. Cross.
Select reading by Mrs. Asa Jones.
Recltntlon by H. R. Sampson.
Recitation by Miss Kato Cross.
There was a valuable paper on tho
"Silo and SUngo" by P. L. Hartford.
This is a very Important subject, nnd
If the lessons Imparted hero were
more strictly heeded to It would add
much to the profits and pleasure In
Recitation by Brock Lesher.
Song, Miss Maud Foster.
Theo. Klein wns nppolnted a com
mittee to present Wayno County
Honor Banner to Hopo Grange.
Tho committee on resolutions of
fered the following which wore ap
proved and adopted as read:
Resolved, That tho next Pomona
Grange meeting bo hold with Cherry
Ridge Grange, between tho first and
fifteenth of August, subject to tho
approval of Cherry Ridge Orange; F.
L. Hartford, II. R. Sampson, committee.
Resolved. Thnt we heartily com-
i!"e"d. "..Su.rface'?t.atoZo.-
producing higher state of orchard
culture by demonstration and Inspec
tlon In Wayne county; also for his
appointment of our highly esteemed
nnd prominent Granger, W. II. Bul
lock, of Dybcrry, as orchard Inspector.
Several Granges were largely rep
resented, especially Hope and Union
Grnnges. Several visiting members
were also present from Lackawanna
county and a very enjoyable time
was spent.
W. H. BULLOCK, Secretary.
Storms and Signs for the month
of June says:
June brings an interesting dis
turbance of the solar system. This
Is solstice month the turning
point where we turn westward In
our orbit, and where the north pole
reaches Its greatest inclination to
the sun. This fact throws the
ecliptic on the day side of the earth
23 degrees farther north than tho
celestial equator and as far soutn
on the night side. This Is why the
sun and moon are far north, and the
summer constellations along the
ecliptic and the full moon are far
south at this time.
Old Mother Earth Is sailing
through the "House of Enemies"
this month and Is opposed by the
"House of Sickness;" the Indica
tions are that earth will receive great
affliction from the other planets.
At the time of new moon Uranus
is in strong aspect to the sun and
Neptune. There will be seventeen
"high flood" days and thirteen "low,
ebb" days, and the month will be a
very changeable one. Sudden and
unlooked-for events will take place
In many localities. Speculators
must be on their guard nil through
the month, for when one planet
favors satisfactory deals, another
opposes, nnd the chances for and
against are about equal. On the
whole, the month will be an excit
ing one in some lines. Consider
able sickness will prevail in the form
of nervous diseases and stomach
Vesus disturbance blends with the
earth's solstice from the first part
of the month to the end. The crisis
of the June solstice period usually
falls from the 10th to the 25th, and
during nil storm periods within and
about those limits except pheno
menal rains, much hall with thun
der and lightning, and dangerous
gales and tornadoes in mnny locali
ties. Extreme warmth will precede
storms, with a sudden drop lu tem
perature, followed by a cold wave.
Avoid all surgical operations dur
ing the "low ebb" dnys. Monday,
the 27th, and Tuesday, the 2Sth,
will be the strongest and best dnys.
Sow tomato seed or transplant
tomato plants Wednesday, the 1st;
Wednesday, tho 8th; Friday, the
17th, afternoon, and Monday, the
27th, p. m. If the plants are train
ed on supporting frames or trellises
they will give much more satisfact
ory results and nre more easily car
ed for.
Last Stretch of Rock Belli); Blasted
Out of Bergen Hill.
Final work towards getting ready
the four track open cut of the Erie
Is now under way and a large forco
Is at work on the Incline leading
from tho foot of Ninth street, Jersey
City, to Palisade avenue. Here the
men are blasting out rock and open
ing up a clear passageway between
the cut and tho fottr-trnck iron
structure which leads from the Erie
depot to the Bergen Hill.
This stretch Is nil that has stood
in the way of the completion of the
new cut. This work will be hurried,
as it is tho hope of the Erie officials
to have the cut ready for use of at
least some of their trains by June
Plans are now being made for the
opening of tho cut. It Is the idea
of the Erie officials to make the day
a memorable one In tho history of
the railroad. The first train to run
through will have President Under
wood and the Erie officials and di
rectors and the engineers who had
the work of constructing the tunnel
ln charge. After that another train
will ho run with some prominent
Jersey City officials and railroad men.
Edward Salley, who Is Inspector of
engines on the Erie and nn experi
enced engineer, will bo tho first en
gineer to run over tho new four
track cut.
After tho cut Is opened, the New
York, Susquehanna and Western
railroad trains will enter the Erie
depot. They nro now entering the
Pennsylvania station. Tho Susquo
hnnna's arrangemont, so It Is re
ported, expired June 1 with the
Pennsylvania railroad.
eu on.