THE WEATHER Partly cloudy on Friday, and on Saturday warmer weather. tr x t? te tr jo tf it tc tf" if c tf t? t? k Semi-Weekly Founded Y 1908 v V. ft Weekly Founded. 1844 r K" ! 0 jf K Sf1 K1 JO s' af 0 1 Wuync County Organ REPUBLI PARTY .v. ,x .rt v; & vt jiBf jj fce j 67th YEAR. HONE SD ALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1910. NO. 44 HELP PROSECUTION Shippers Think Wickersham Should Do Aided. NEEDS BEST LEGAL TALENT. While Opponents of Increased Rail, road Rates Applaud Injunction, Wall Street Predicts Depressing Effect Wickersham Confident. New York, Juno 2. Beenuse of tin magnitude of the struggle between the government and the twenty-live west ern railroads over the iroiKsed ad vance In freight rates shippers here are uneasy concerning the character of fight Attorney General Wiekcrshnin will be able to make with the availa ble legal talent of his department at Washington. Eastern shippers hope that western shippers will engage law yers of the highest nblllty to co-operate with Mr. Wickersham. They say that the railroads will not only have the shrewdest lawyers In the country to present their side of the case, but will have the usual horde of "lobbyists' to render nsslstnncc. It was pointed out today that a judge recently called at tention to the fact that the attorneys for corporations usually put up a bet ter case than the salary drawing coun sel of the pedple. Such a condition, it was said, should be guarded against In this great fight against the railroads. On the other hand, the action of At torney General Wickersham in obtain ing an injunction restraining twenty five western roads from making ef fective proposed increases lu freight rates and the announcement of the de cision of the supreme court In the Mis souri river rate case have aroused vig orous protest by railroad olllcers, bank ers and manufacturers throughout the country. Among New York bankers nnd railroad men It Is generally felt that n considerable recession of busi ness ysill result, though just how se vere thls-setbnelC'Trtll bo-cannot be estimated at the present time. A heavy" decline In stocks was the further response which the stock mar ket gave to the steps taken by the fed eral administration in opposition to the freight rate ndvnnces proposed by western railroads. Losses of from 3 to C points were scored throughout the list before the second hour. Washington, June 2. That the de partment of justice will be able to ob tain a permanent Injunction against the twenty-flve western railroads charged with conspiring In vlolutlon of the Sherman law to raise rates In western trunk line committee territory Is the confident belief of Attorney Gen eral Wickersham. While the uttorney general Is looking after the legal end of the rate question the charge Is made by n uews agency thai some one lu Washington "leaked" and that Wall street interests made a "kllllng' by selling short upon ad vanced Information as to what the de partment would do. Attorney General Wickersham did not jump right into the light to pre vent the proposed higher rates going Into effect without knowing what he wa doing. He did not net on the spur of the moment or on a few hours' no tice. Instead he had been probing into the situation for several days before the bill for u temporary Injunction wns presented to Judge David 1. Dyer at Hannibal, Mo. Mr. Wickersham told the circumstances of beginning the suit. "The first intimation that. I received upon the subject," he snld, "was n sin gle telegram last Thursday evening, just before I was leaving the depart ment. I paid but little attention to It because it was unsupported. Hut on Fnday I received a nununer of tele grams, and Congressman E. B. Hub bard of Sioux City called upon me and gave me my first comprehensive view of the situation. "I at once perceived that the pro posed action of the railroads wan sub versive of the Interests of tho public, nnd I Immediately took steps to bring an Injunction suit." M0T0RB0ATS EACE HOME. Will Start From Havana For Atlantic City on Saturday. Havana, June 2. The four motor boats Borncyo, Caliph, Ilys and Caro line will start for home at 5 o'clock on Saturday nftcj-noon. They are to com pete this time for prizes offered by the Havana Yacht club and the Seusldo Yacht club of Atlantic City, nnd the finishing lino will be off the latter's clubhouse. This will inako tho race about a hundred miles shorter than from Philadelphia here, or about 1,030 miles. Weather Probabilities. Cool nnd partly cloudy today; fair and warmer tomorrow; light to inoder crate winds. ' C CAPTAIN ROBERT SCOTT. ? C Explorer Has Sailed In Terra 5 C Nova For the South Pole. London, June 2. The steamship Ter ra Nova, Captain Scott, sailed yestor dny bound for the south pole. The Terra Nova will sail to New Zealand, whence a start will be made for antarctic waters In November. The real dash for the pole will start In October, 1011. From tho expedi tion's expected base the round trip is about 1,500 miles, nnd at the rate of ten or twelve miles a day. if the pole is reached, It will be about the middle of December, 1011. MAY REACH VOTE TODAY. La Follette Amendment to Railroad Bill Defeated In Senate. Washington, June 2. There Is n chance that the senate will today vote on the administration railroad bill. A number of Important amendments were acted upon yesterday. The sep crate roll calls were had on the propo sition to authorize tho Interstate com merce commission to take the physical valuation of all railroads In the United States that aru engaged in Interstate commerce. The first roll call came on an amendment offered by Senator La Follette, who Is a "specialist" on this particular brand of legislation. Mr. Lu Fotlerte's amendment was de feated by a vote of 30 to 25. This roll call developed an Interest ing situation. Eighteen Democrats and nineteen Republicans did not vote. Most of them were paired, but some of them were not. Three Republican Insurgents, or near Insurgents, Bever Idge, Bourne and Burkett, were ab sent and not paired. Four Democrats, Bankhead, Hughes, Smith of Maryland and McEnery of Louisiana, were ab sent and not paired. A few minutes after tho vote wns taken Senator Itevoridge came Into the senate chamber and appeared very much disappointed. CUT FOREMAN'S THROAT. An Irish Steamship Cattleman Attacks New Jerseyite In London. London, June 2. An Irish cattleman of the name of Kelly was arraigned in (he Guildhall police court on a charge of having attempted to murder Itobert Bergln of New Jersey, foreman of the cattlemen on bonrd the Atlantic Trans port liner Minneapolis, which arrived here from New York on May 30. Kelly, according to the testimony, nt tacked Bergln with a razor on the street nnd cut his throat In such a way that he Is In a critical condition. Kelly was remanded for further ex amination. PASTOR FORTY YERS. Montclair Congregational Church Ha Interesting Celebration. Montclair, N. J., June 2. A Mont-1 clnlr church that has known only one , pastor during Its existence Is celehrat-1 Ing its fortieth anniversary. The per-. ...l.n 1. ...... .1.1.. .... 1 1 ..t .....I.. I ouiia nuu tia.u m-uu turn iuukiuuh liuuy grow from the little company of men who met together lu 180!) to a church with more than 1,300 names ou Its membership roll like to think of the coincidence that makes it possible to celebrate the anniversaries of the church nnd of the service of tho Itev. Dr. Amory Howe Bradford at the same time. Aud the newer comers to the community, inside and outside of the First Congregational church, were saying that the significance of the event to them lay In tho part that Dr. Bradford hna played In bulldlug a town. COAL RAISE POSTPONED. Increase of 10 Cents a Ton Won't Be Made Till July 25. Washington, Juno 2. Rates on coal from Ullonls and Indiana mines to Chicago and to points basing on Chi cago, which were to be effective yes terday, bavo been postponed until July 25. Tho change proposed In the rates was a flat advance of 10 cents a ton. STILL p PH. Men Convicted of Sugar Frauds Receive Wages. EVEN SPITZER NOT DROPPED. Gerbracht Tells of Sugar Company's Method of Caring For Accused Em ployees Havemeyer Wanted Them "Cared For." New York, June 2. Ernest W. Ger bracht, on trial for the sugar trust frauds In the United States court, testi fied that Oliver Spltzer and all the men hertofore convicted, as well as those on trial, still draw their salaries. He said that Spltzer's salary, which has been given at $55 a week, is now being paid to his wife, although It was the confession of the former dock superin tendent in this trial on which the gov ernment relies chlelly to convict Ger bracht, Charles It. Helke and James F. Bendernagel. Spltzer Is the man who was brought back from the federal prison in Atlan ta after President Tnft had pardoned him. He turned on his former asso ciates and told his story in court. Others who still receive their sal aries, according to the statements of Gerbracht, are the four checkers now on Blnckwell's island, the three who confessed lu his trial and Bender nagel, as well, of course, as Helke, sec retary of the trust. Spltzer wns asked about this state ment outside the courtroom. He was asked if It were true that the salary was being paid to his wife. "I don't know," he answered. "I never asked her about it." According to a statement made out side of court by Attorney Lexow of Gerbracht's counsel tho convicted men drew their salaries from Gerbracht himself. Six of the men drew $18 a week. Walker got $23 nnd Spltzer $55. This would mean a total of $0,776 wjlch Gerbracht would have to pay 'yearly out of his salary of $25,000. "Those boys," was what Henry O. Havemeyer, founder of the sugar trust, called the checkers who helped cheat the government by short weights. They were "those boys" when they got into trouble, nnd It wns Have meyer himself who directed that coun sel be obtained for them nnd that they be "taken care of," according to Ger bracht. FLINN FIGHTS OLIVER. Former State Senator Attacks Clean liness of Pennsylvania Politics, l'ittsburg, June 2. Ex-State Senator William Flinn of l'ittsburg, who is making such n bitter fight against the rcnomlnallon of United States Senator George T. Oliver to the United Stntes GEOItGE T. OLIVER, senate made a rather sensational speech before the Hungry club, whore ho let fall a real bomb when he at tacked tho cleanliness of Republican politics In Pennsylvania, In which he has been bo deeply mixed for years. "The legislature of 1001 Is memora bio in Its character," said Mr. Fltuu. "It witnessed tho buying of that legis lature for tho election of n United States senator. Then they introduced the Ripper bill, and they bought nnd pnld for that, nnd then they introduced tho Rapid Transit bill, nnd they paid for that. I remember that the govern or remained up ut night to sign that bill bo the elect could get tho fran chises, and I bavo been Informed they sold the franchises for $2,500,000." Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell Dead. London, June 2. Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, who fouuded In New York a hospital and medical school for wo men and who practiced medlclno In England since 1850, Is doud at her esuknce, Rock House, Hastings. ' Former Populist Leader Re turns to Democratic Party. Augusta, Gn., June 2. Thomas E. Watson, once n Democratic member of congress, twice nominated by the Pop ulist party for the presidency of the United States aud who has long been one of the chief controlling factors In politics as a Populist In this state, an nounces his return to the Democratic party. His language is strong and would seem to leave no doubt that he has returned to stay. Ho calls upon his long time political friends to de feat Thomas W. Hardwlck for re-elec tion to congress. BASEBALL SCORES. Results of Games Played In National and American Leagues. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At New York New York, 5; Cincin nati, 2. Batteries Mathowson and Meyers; Anderson, Itowan, Doyle nud McLean. At Brooklyn Brooklyn, 2; Pittsburg. 1. Butteries Barger nnd Bergen; Lle lleld nnd Gibson. At Boston Chicago, 5; Boston, 1. Batteries Overall, Richie and Kling; Brown, Ferguson aud Graham. At Phlladelphla-St. Louis, 10; Phil adelphia, 5. Batteries Corrldon, Sal lee, Marmon nnd Phelps; Moren, Flsh erty, McQulllen nnd Mornn. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. L. P.C. Chicago 23 12 .057 New York 24 14 .032 Pittsburg 18 1(1 .52!) Cincinnati IS 17 .514 St. Louis 10 20 .1ST Brooklyn 17 22 .43(1 Philadelphia 13 21 .3S2 Boston 14 24 .308 AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Detroit Detroit-Philadelphia game postponed on account of rain. At Cleveland Cleveland-Washington game postponed on account of rain. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. L. P.C. Philadelphia 2(i !) .743 New' York 23 10 .007 Detroit 23 10 .500 Boston 1!) 1(1 .513 Cleveland 14 IS .438 Washington l(i 22 .421 Chicago 11 20 .355 St. Louis 7 2S .200 WILL NAME INVESTIGATORS. White and Wadsworth Expected to Complete Committee Today. New York, June 2. Lieutenant Gov ernor Horace White will probably to day meet Speaker Wadsworth, and after consultation with their Repub lican associates lu the senate aud as sembly they are to name the three senntors nnd the live assemblymen to make up the Joint legislative Investi gating committee which Is to sit lu New York city most of the summer months and may be In full bloom dur ing the stnte campaign. The senators have not been selected, but tho names most frequently heard mentioned were those of Victor H. Allen of Petersburg, George L. Meade of Rochester, Charles M. Hamilton of Ripley, John F. Schlosser of FIshklll Landing, Herbert P. Coats of Saranac Lake, James P. MacKenzle of North Tonawanda nnd Charles J. Whlto of Brockport, Republicans, nnd James J. Frnwley of New York city ns the Deuioerntlc member. MADRIZ BEATEN. Routed Before Bluefields and Are In Full Flight. Washington, Juno 2. The Madriz forces under General Lnrn have been defeated and are lu full flight, accord lng to a dispatch received ut tho state department from Commander W. W, Gilmer of the gunboat Pnducnh at Bluefields. Hundreds nro reported dead as the result of the last, charge made by tho Mndrlz army. REFORMERS UNITE Arrange For Nation VVide!State Chairman Gunners' Crusade Against "Graft." i Successor Discussed. ARE LED BY MR. SPRECKELS.I TAMMANY WANTS JOHN A. DIX Organization Will Undertake to Clean I PPosin9 Elements In Party Favor Up American Politics Millionaire's I John Sl whaln- Lo"' M- Antls Llfa Mlislnn-tt!rr.ri h r.u.. i da' and Other Candidates. lations of Corruption. I Chicago, Juno 2. A nation wide cru sade against graft has been determined upon by a band of reformers headed by Uudolph Spreckels, tho San Fran cisco millionaire who led the memora ble California light against bribe tak ing public ollicials and bribe giving heads of great corporations. This crusade has been determined upon because the recent revelations of j prominent being John A. Dlx, who has graft In the Illinois legislature, the , the indorsement of Tammany. Pittsburg council nnd elsewhere are : But Just before today's meeting was said to have made It clear that reform called to order wise ones shook their must present n united front from At- heads and predicted a "surprise." lantlc to the Pacific If the forces of After that when Chairman Conncrs evil are over to be permanently de-' started to deliver an address in which feated. he reviewed his services at the head Mr. Spreckels Is In Chicago to ar-, of the state committee there were range for co-operntion with the city's j some who suspected that the "sur reform leaders in furtherance of the prise" would be the re-election of Mr. national organization to cleanse Amer- Connors before adjournment today, lean politics. He acknowledged that I Other men mentioned are John S. reform in San Francisco had received j Wlmlen, Louis M. Antlsdnle of Roches a knockdown blow In the recent elec- ter, Judge Shalton of Chenango nnd tions, nnd he compared the state of the Harry S. Patten of Oneida. Pacific coast city with the corruption ' Some of the members of the state revealed in the Illinois legislature. 1 committee will propose resolutions "Legislators bribed lu the Illinois ! designating an advisory committee legislature are a lit part of the general , composed of the Democrats who have picture," he said. "American politics not since 180G been voting with tlio Is rotten from the top down. We see party as a party, denouncing the legls men In high places buying their seats, , lature for falling to pass n direct nom- grent corportlons caught red handed I luntlons bill nnd charging the Ieglsla steallng from the government, repre-' ture with corruption and extravagance. sentatlves of the people selling out their otllces, and we have to ncknowl- edge that we are not surprised by any revelations of corruption. "Disclosures like those taking place in Illinois' politics' retlect the state of public honor. Politics, capital and la- bor nre all on u basis of corruption. The sale of a seutorshlp Is nothing out of harmony with these times. Every center of legislation from Wash- ingtou down Is now n center of dls- appointment nnd alarm to the public. The men we have counted on have failed us. Tho principles on which they were elected have proved n fal lacy. "The Illinois legislative investigation only shows n special feature of tho rottenness that has fastened on our government. The nation Is In real peril. The unrest and hatred tire grow- iiiK i.n-iiin.iiiK. e can wait no lunger to take the steps o put our politics on an honest basis It was after rel eving his mind of -, u , t... o announced that lie was in Chicago In the Interest of a national organization -of graft fighters. f if . . ... "The organization Is under way," he sail. "Men of the same mind who o - n,t;',v;, f th'eVCKtla11 ovter the country nre drawing together. In lng togeth September we will be ready to an nounce the personnel of the nrmy that we Intend shall clean up the politics of this country. "For myself I can say that I Intend to devote the rest of my life to the movement to restore the purity of American politics and American busi ness." FIFTY DOLLAR PLASTER. VVIIO nppiiEB I., ..wfc i.iivimnj, . .CM m Fifty Dollar Bill Sticking to It. Mlddletown, N. Y., June 2. The treasury department ollicials at Wash ington will shortly receive n porous plaster, for which they will be asked to lssuo a fifty dollar bill. A week ago a merchant of this city on retiring for the night left some bills lying ou top of u dresser. He had n lame back and asked his wife to prepare u porous plaster. She did bo, but ufter heatlug It accidentally dropped It on tho dress er. In picking It up she did not notice thc fifty dollar bill clinging to It aud applied it to her husband's buck. Thu bill was missed, and servants were suspected of having stolen It. Tho wholo household worried over the matter until tho merchnnt removed his porous plaster and the bill was found sticking fust to It so firmly that It could not be removed without tearing it to pieces. The merchant will send tho plaster to tho treasury department for redemption. $10,000,000 Realty Deal. Now York, June 2. It wns reported In real estato circles yesterday that the easterly half of the block bounded by Broadwuy, Seventh avenue, Thirty fifth and Thirty-sixth streets has been acquired by a syndicate of capitalists and real estate operators as a site for an offlco building. Tho deal will ln volvo about $10,000,000. ;iJLU HE i MEET Surprise Is Predicted. Now York, June 2. Members of tho Democratic state committee are in ses sion here today. It Is expected that the committee will name a new stnte chairman to succeed Wllllnm J. Connors. Numer ous Democratic leaders lu all parts of New York have been mentioned In connection with the post, the most Talk of Mayor Gaynor for governor ' came to the front again, even though. tho mayor has told his personal friends that he was elected mayor for four j years aud would serve out his term, and the Interesting statement .was made that William B. Bryan on his ; recent visit to Mayor Gaynor at the city hall counseled the mayor not to ' think of running for governor next fall. Mr. Bryan, it Is well known, wanted Mayor Gaynor to take the vice presidential nomination on the ticket with him in 100S. TURNER IS HARRIMAN AGAIN. , Erio Railroad Rechristens the Village station and Villagers Are Angry, ' Mlddletown. n. y June 2. - Once I .,, tIm ,., ..,,.., i...a ii j tl0 ,mmo of thu oIJ vIIl!W. of Turncr , nna rechrlsteiud it Harrlman. Ono W(luk on tUl ,, tImt MlM ! Mary Harrlman was married to cl)iu.les m,lns0Vi thc Erle took down ( t))e oU1 8lKnboaril OI, the station nt Turner and replaced It with n new one marked "Harrlman." Orders were 1 111.-W i.LUll 111.' I I 1I1I11IIUI1 LU Ullll UUI , .,IInrrhlnmn.. whun lrnlns rcacnwl , t nnd twenty-four hours later the Har ..... , ., i also given the trainmen to call out man signboard was taken down nnd the Turner signboard put back In the place it had occupied for half a cen tury. The trainmen again announced "Turner" to passengers, nnd now rail road men have again nailed the Harrl- i man signboard to the old station and taken down the Turner sign. Villagers opiwsed to the change of name will hold an Indignation meet ing next Saturday night. LEMBERG WINS DERBY. Favorite Captures Historic English Turf Event. London, Juno 2. The one hundred and thirty-first Derby since Its estab lishment lu 1780 wns run In thc Epsom Downs before n vast concourse com posed of all classes, from the aristo crat to tho lowly but sporting coster monger. Tho race was won by Lein berg, a bay colt by Oyllene Sallcla nnd owned by one of the wealthiest men In England, who races under the assumed name of "Mr. Falrle." Lem berg was tho favorite, tho price about him being 7 to 4 ns the colts started out to parade before tho grand stnnd. SUICIDE AT NIAGARA. Man Steps Into Falls From Rail at Proipeot Point. Niagara Falls, N. Y June 2. A man stepped over the rail about ten feet front the brink at Prospect point and went over the fulls, ne was six feet tnlL of medium build, forty-flvo or fifty years old, hnd a dark mustache and was dressed In dark clothes and soft hat. Foreigners Threatened. Shanghai, Juno 2. Chlncso warships with troops have been dispatched to . l-I .- I .. ..nllnlli.HATI n nAlA riulllwtH, m uuitviiiuviuu ui u uaiuv outbreak against foreigners.