THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNK 1, 1010. 'fOAI AND nciLn to suit traffic. It In Hip One Absorbing Problem n Hunt Construction. On city boulovards and In parks thrra arc found roadways which have betit built for particular kinds of t rifle; thoro aro ways especialy adapted to equestrian travel, having co.'t and resilient surface for tho com fort of both horso and rider; there are other roads designed for wheel ed vehicles. The streets outside of park limits aro paved to meet tho re quirements of the locality; stone blocks Tor heavy trucking and and smoother pavements for lighter loads. The Idea of building the road to cult tho traffic Is already accepteJ n cities, and Is not new. With country roads, however, the case Is' dlfforent. Special paving materials have been ruled out on account of cost, and the Improved highways usually consist of macadam or gravel, or some treatment of tne earth practical to the financial re sources of tho locality. With State aid more permanent and costly Improvement of country highways Is possible. With the In creased weight of loads Induced b better highways, and with the new conditions presented by automobile travel, more durable metalling Is re quired. Thus improved roads in themselves demand further Improve ment from the Increase weight and wear or the traffic that they Invito. Tho question of building the coun try roads to suit the trailic 1- the one great problem relating to highway contsructloin that absorbs tho atten tion of engineers at present. Tho fact that all methods of traffic must be provided for, including the horse back rider, which Is perhaps the ear liest kind of travel, a:l kinds of horse-drawn vehicles and traction engines nnd automobiles, has sug gested a distribution of traffic to roadways especially adapted for each particular kind. This idea of special tracks for each kind of traffic, which shall be either parallel in the same road or practi cally parallel roads, Is being suggest ed first from one quarter then from another, and may, perhaps, prove to bo tho ultimate solution of this prob lem. Effect of Climate on Macadam. Division Engineer Henry D. Brow eter, of Syracuse, N. Y., is accredit ed with the following statement. "Macadam pavement can never be successfully mado In New York State. Some day tho State will como to a realization of this fact and seek a new and permanent road-bulldlng material, "The excessive changes in the temperature experienced in this State, coupled with varying grades of soil that form the sub-hase for our highways, renders the building of the macadam road not only Inad visable but Impractical. "This fact has been discovered by the Canadians, who have similar cli matic conditions to ours. They have found that macadam will not with stand the varying temperatures. It has been discovered there, too, but we seem to give It less attention than It deserves. "I think that ut this moment, when tho State Is about to chango the form of Its highway administration and is laying tho foundation for an Import ant system of trunk highways, it should first stop to consider the typo of road it is to build. It appears that prnctlcally all attention has been given rather to where the roads should be built than what they should be built of." Promote Education. Good Roads promote education and will do more toward tho educa tion of the next generation than all tho compulsory education laws in ex istence. With good roads children can go further to school nnd can at tend with greater regularity. Tho schools can bo enlarged, better equip ment can bo provided, and better teachers employed. Had roads build up tho cities and tend to centrallzo people into small communities, but good roads promote rural life and at the same tlmo add to tho prosperity of tho cities. I.Uo In tlio country with such roads in ex istence is far more desirable, pleas ant and healthful than life in tho cit ies. Gravel Itoatln lu Danger, Kecont observation and experi ments havo shown that aro a Berlous menace to stono and gravel roadways. In some places, particularly New York, civil engt neers and road experts havo mado an extensive study of tho effect of self propolled vehicles upon the road beds In tho country districts, aand in ro ports recently issued by them they unanimously declare that tho damage caused by tho rapidly driven cars 1b far greater than ono would surmise at first thought. The Majesty of the Law. "Pa, what is tho majesty of tho law?" "A country justlco of tho peaco who sits In a chicken-stealing case and thinks the nations aro watch Ins him." iNEW SHORT STORIES How Williams Helped Allen. "When John Allen was tunning for congress n number of years ngo he feared ho would not be re-elected, nnd ho called In to help him his old friend John Shnrp Williams," said former Representative Joe Sibley of Pennsyl vania at tho Wlllard not long ago whilo tho two old friends were swap ping stories to n gallery of newspaper men. "Tho two mapped out n plan of cam. palgn, nnd they stumped the district together for a couplo of weeks, when Allen was called to nnothcr part of the district, leaving Williams to go on and fill his engagements. John Sharp nl- HE GOT NOTHIXO BUT THE QLASSl" BTAltE. ways loved to play tricks on his friends. Ho had been with Allen on so many of his campaigns that he knew pretty much all of the lattor's good stories, and so when Williams hauled up at n small place where Allen was popular ho determined to have some fun with his friend. He began by tell ing what n great man Allen was, and then he told his audience every good story Allen had been telling. The Al len constituency listened and laughed and dismissed Williams with n great sendoff. "A week later Allen visited the same neighborhood, and once more the crowd wns big. He began by thanking the citizens for their attendance nnd then launched In on some of his sto ries. He told one, two, three. There was not n ripple visible, not a smile to break tho solemnity of the occasion. Allen was dumfounded. He looked around tho audience, but In return got nothing but the glassy stare. He Imag ined that he was nddresslng a conven tion of undertakers. Evidently be had lost his grip entirely. "After the meeting adjourned Allen called one of the men aside and In quired: ) " 'naven't I got a single friend In this section of the state? ncre I have talked on for an hour and a half, told tho very pick of my stories and did not so much ns evoke n smile from n sin gle one.' " 'You are all right personally,' re sponded the fellow. 'The next time you como here to speak, however, don't repeat tho same speech that was delivered by Mr. Willlnms over n week ago.' "Didn't I toll the story correctly?" asked Colonel Sibley of "Prlvnto" John. "That's just one of John Shnrp's canards," returned "Private" John. Washington Tost. The Imagination's Power. Hobert Herrlck. professor of English at the University of Chicago, was talk ing about the curative power of the imagination, to which the beautiful Vermont chapters of his novel, "To gether," were devoted. "The Imagination Is wonderful," ho said. "I know a Chicago man who went last summer to Asbury Park. He in a quaint way proved my point. "Ho didn't reach Asbury Purk till 10 at night, and, very tired, ho turned In at once. As lie settled his head com fortably on the pillow ho said to his wife: " 'Listen to the thunder and hiss of the surges, Maria. 1 haven't heard that glorious sound for forty years. No moro Insomnia now!' "And Indeed for tho first tlmo In three months tho man slept Hko u log. But when ho nwoko In tho morning ho found that tho uproar which had lulled him to sleep was the uproar of a garage In tho rear of tho hotel. Tho sea wns over a mllo away." A Suggested Raise. Harry Thurston Peck wns talking at the Century club In New York about tho valuo of suggestion In literature. "Suggestion Is often moro effective," ho said, "than out and out statement. This is especially truo regnrdlng a hero's oxcellenco. A hero's excellence, stilted out nnd out, may wlu him, you know, tho reader's dislike. Suggestion Is moro artistic, nnd this Is truo no less In llfo than In literature. A busi ness man said ono day after borrowing his office boy's knlfo: " 'How Is It, Tommy, that you nlono of ray whole office Btnff always havo your knlfo with you?' " 'I guess,' the boy answered, 'It's bo causo my wages are so low I can't af ford moro than ono pair of pants.' " THE HORSY MAN. He Was Pressed Into Gsrvlce as an Art Critic. A London horse denier fninctts for his expert treatment pf "whlsllli.g," "roaring," "bucking" nnd other equ. to nllmcnts had n friend who wns n pic ture buyer. Tho Inttor,' hearing one of James MncNelll Whistler's works had been put on sale, was hur rying to Mew Bond, street to havo n look nt it. Meeting tho horsy mnn on his wny, bo stnted thnt he was going to havo a look at a Whistler nnd Inquired Jocu larly If his friend know anything about Whistlers. "If I know nnythlng In the world It Is what constitutes n genuine whis tler," replied the man, greatly to tho astonishment of tho first, who had never heard of such nn Infirmity of tho horse. "Come nlong, then," snld ho, "and I'll get your opinion on one that's In this neighborhood." Well, they entered New Bond street, nnd when they enme opposite tho print seller's whore the picture wns banging the lender of the quest said: "Here wo nre. It's Inside." "What's Inside?" nsked the other. "The Whistler," said tho first. "It's the queerest placo for a stable I ever knew," remarked the horsy man. "Where's the whistler here?" "It's upstairs," snld his friend, en tering. "How the mischief did they get it upstairs?" Inquired the other. "I suppose they enrried It up. You didn't fnncy It could walk, did you?" "Is It so far gone as that? It must be a ronrcr," said tho horsy mnn ns they went up to the first floor. "1 don't know nny modern pnlnter named Roarer," snld the other. "But there's the Whistler, nnd you may give mo your opinion on It. no calls It 'Sauterno In A Flat.' " The horsy man turned without a word, strode out of the shop, nnd the two have never spoken since. A Clincher. An Irishman visited a tuberculosis exhibit, where lungs lu both healthy and diseased conditions were display ed preserved lu glass jars. After care fully studying ono marked "Cured tu berculosis lung" he turned to the phy sician and said: "Perhaps It's because Ol'm Irish, but If he cured th' patient how th' divll could ye have his lung lu a bot tle?" Llppincott's. Overreached Himself. A doctor living In a country town near London wns notoriously fond of good living. He had accepted an Invi tation to dine with friends, but as he climbed their steps he smelled venison cooking In the kitchen next door. Tho neighbors being also his friends, ho resolved to drop In on thoin unex pectedly to partake of the venison. They pressed him to share their in formal dinner, but when he refused both soup and llsh his host began to apologize for the simple fare. The doctor then confessed thnt ho wns waiting for the venlsou, which ho had smelled as he came In. "Oh, that venison." said his enter tainer, "we were roasting to oblige our neighbors, who hnve n dinner party uext door." Duty. Duty is a power which rises with us In the morning nnd goes to rest with us at night. It Is coextensive with tho nctlon of our Intelligence. It is the shadow which cleaves to us, go whore wo will, and which only leaves us when we leave the light of life. The Accommodating Night Clerk, Up to the night clerk's desk went Abo Perlmutter, n Chicngo traveling man. "I wonder," he says, "could you find mo somebody to play a game of pinochlo for nn hour or two tonight?" "Why," says the clerk, "I guess so." And ho runs his eye over the register. "Boy," he calls, "page Mr. Gutwlllig." A OAMB IS AIUtAKGED. Before long Mr. Gutwlllig Is found and Introduced to tho pinochlo hungry Perlmutter, and a game Is arranged. "How did you know I played pino chle?" Mr. Gutwlllig asks tho clerk. "Oh, I" begins tho clerk. Just then emerges from tho bar a young mau triple plied with wine. He staggers up to tho desk and says: "Shay, I wanna fight! D'ye hear? I'm lookin' fr a scrap!" Thus tho clerk: "Boy, page Mr. Kelly and Mr. O'Brien." Success Magazine. Lucky Jim. A tall, gaunt, disappointed looking woman walked into tho office of a southeast Missouri county clerk. "You air tho inarrlago licenser, ain't ye?" alio Inquired sourly. "I am," tho clerk replied. "Well, hero's ono y kln.lpj back an' sell over. Mo nn' Jlmcs wuz a goln' to git married, mf Vim ho kind o' got cold foot an before I know ed It he escaped." POULTRY; NOTES IVY C.M.BAKNITZ RTmsiDE PA. KOEKEWONDINCB SOLICITED (These articles and Illustrations must not be reprinted without special permis sion.! BACK LOT HENHOUSES. Somo persons are awfully particular about other people being clean. My, no they wouldn't buy milk from Mr. A. nor bread from Mr. B. nor meat from Mr. C. And why? "Well, those dealers nrcn't any too clean. Their shops aren't sanitary." At the same time a lot of these very fastidious folks will kill and cook n NO. 1 HENHOUSE. chicken that has been tortured with vermin and housed In filth, and "It Just tastes too good for anything." But people whose chickens live In Bughouse row ought not to throw stones. The majority of towns and cities have ordinances against hogs In town Four legged hogs, we mean. Town councils get awful nightmares about those "Insanitary hogpens," but never get the harpoon out after John Bughouse and his numerous relatives. who decorate back lots with shacks, where poultry Is penned amid vermin and filth and microbes multiply. Some people do not see the Incon gruity of a property half Broadway and the other hunk Slnbtown. P.ui .1 ' rctiv Jentry i lf FT -I FEED TT . SCRATCH ROOM Kl h ROOST ' '2 H scale iVt.n.". l'LAN I'Olt NO. 1 IIKNHOUSK. such are those where a beautiful house adorns the front and a tumble down the rear. We present photographs of henneries that stand at the rear of two haud somc homes. Both are cheap and practical. No. 1 Is covered with rough boards, sheathed outside with painted sheet no. 2 nnxnousE. Iron. The roof la galvanized Iron, floor concrete nnd foundation stone. The building is eight feet high In front, six lu reur nnd cost $50. See plnu. No. 2 Is twelve feet long, seven wide, seven feet high In front, six feet In reur. Tho frame Is covered with Inch boards, stripped; tnr paper roof, board Uoor, fouudatlou stono piers, Build Ing cost $20. Take your pick. DON'TS. Don't bo effulgently eloquent In try lug to make n sale. Just a few true, choice words uiako a good ben title. Doat pack eggs In smeared egg cases. Your customer will think you're u tf?AtK case. DoRstet your mother ben rot lu u dlrty? Little chicks won't get sick If the'u f)ps nro nlco and slick. Don't ii'y 'turkey poults in tho com crib to cat, nnd keep them shaded sul try days from tho heat. Don't let ducklings out In heavy tain. You'll havo to go and batch all iver again. Don't let llttlo pheasants run on tainted ground. That'a where hungry gupoworms wait around. Don't snoro on when wlfo tells you tho dog Is making a big racket. Two or four legged prowlers may bo clean ing out your coop. THE BEST TO?."- TO TAKE. I jump Into bed with ...e t-.nt.keni An' snore like a bull, all night. I'm crowed out of bed Uic roosters As soon as it Kits ui.u llin light. When tho larks Is a-.aio!i:f sweetly An' tho roses is Kit. in nwnko I Bwollor a lot of spring water. There's somo of the tonic I take. I sits meself up to tho table, wnero the win or us lar an' stow rat. There's smllln' an' Joktn' an' latin', An grub tliore Is plenty of thnt. There's good homemade bread an' sweet butter An' smearkasa an' bully ham steak. We swoller 'er down with nary a frown. There's somo of tho tonic I take. The bosses Is rlddy fur plowln. I jumps on ole Fan, an' wo eocs, An' there on the hill In tho sunshine. We turn tho green sod In Ion rows. I breathe air that smells of sVcct flowers, My thirst at a clear spring I slako. I get a good sweat drlvln' Fan an' ote Pet There's somo of the tonlo I take. An' thus I'm a child of Damo Nature, An' she Is a good mother too. I get from her health, I git from her wealth. As I live beneath her sky blue. There's rollglon a-bloomln' about me. It's sung In tho hills an' the brako. In Ood an' his world an' a llfo free from strife I havo found the best tonic to tako. C. M. BAItNlTZ. KURIOS FROM KORRESPONDENTS Q. Is It not a fact that tho fewer tho hens with a rooster the moro chicks you get? Isn't fertility highest when ono hen Is kept with tho male? A. When just a few hens aro mated tho results aro not so good, becnuso the hens nre always jealous and fight each other nnd thus few eggs nro laid. When ono hen is mated the male chases her so much that she often does uot lay well at nil, and then often soft shelled eggs. When a male has eight to fifteen hens they are more peaceful and there nro not so many cockerels hatched. Q. I have seen carbolic acid recom mended for gape treatment. How Is It used, Internally or how? A. Drop tho acid on a hot brick or stovo plate and have tho chick Inhale the vapor. Q. To get real early chicks for show I sot a hen In my cellar In January, as I was afraid the eggs would freeze. At tho end of ten days tho hen began to molt, nnd when her chicks hatched she wns almost bare. Will you ex plain? A. A sudden change of temperature often lias this effect. A change of cli mate nenrly always causes hens to molt, but does not often affect male birds. Q. A great many eggs that my old hens lay have a thick ridge around the middle, nnd I note these eggs seldom hatch. What Is tho cause? A. Your hens aro too fat, and this Interferes with the egg organs. Q. I am thinking of running Incu bators In the fall and wish you to In form me ns to percentage of fertility at that time. A. If you havo vigorous stock, for tlllty should run from 70 to 00 per cent. As old stock will be molting, you will havo to depend on early pul lets for eggs, and these should not be sot until a pullet has laid her first dozen. FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. It Is claimed that New York specu lators lost $2,000,000 on cold storage eggs tho past season, the eggs being bought nt n high figure and failing to reach a top notch winter price. Chicken hnwks often appear in a locality for a few seasons and then mysteriously disappear. While many are shot, these chicken fiends appear to change residence, perhaps becauso chickens are thicker and come easier In another locality. The shading of a water vessel Is so easily and quickly done, and yet some let tho water get hot In tho sun. This heated water Is no relief to thirst and causes bowel trouble. "Why Is It," said a show visitor, "that this fancier wins so often on old birds nnd seldom gets a ribbon on young stock?" It Is becnuse ho buys, but can't breed, show specimens. He Is simply an exhibitor, which all tnny bo If they put up the cash. When a beginner sets his first Incu bator he generally marks every egg and just turns It so far around each day. Later he Just scrambles them and gets Just as many chicks. That's the old hen's plan, and It's no fllmllam. Rigid rules In feeding nre often adopted at tho start. Feed Is dis pensed by tho ounce and grain, tho i hen's breathing spnee is measured, and protein and corbobydrates are dispensed ns scientifically necessary. Thus so culled sclenco makes valu man a tool till he discovers ho's a fool. At Pasadena, Cul., the unusual oc curred when a uegro appeared In court and pleaded for a light sentenco for u wblto man who stole his chickens. lie said; "Judge, If you will allow me I will ask you that you will just bo ns easy as possible with this white mau. I Just want him out of the way so bo will not steal nny moro of my chick ens." TUo thief got twenty days. In February, while fresh domestic eggs sold at 30 cents wholesale In Now York, eggs shipped from Austria, Franco nnd Gerraauy via null, Eng land, sold In (bo same market for 23 cents. At this prlco foreign shippers inndo a profit after pnylug 0 cents duty and freight per dozen. Ily feeding whlto hens rbodnmlno dyo during molt tho New York Statu College of Agrlculturo has succeeded In changing white feathers to pink and tho yolks of eggs red. In tho hot months when you find Incubator nn&riKPp'ler heat hard to tontrol trim ISVteners of tho lamp r.'lck and note tho difference. Is Your Appetite Always Good? Why can't you cat as you used to i Sim ply because your liver doesn't do Us work properly. Its business is to tako bile out of the blood, which acts as Nature's cathartic, but your liver is sluggish and the bile accumulates too fast, and you feel worn out, tired and lifeless, and each suc ceeding day brings no relief. The use of Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Tills will regulate your bowels, stimulate your liver, and promote a healthy, vigorous appetite. Mr. It WW. Dlxox.of 8anfonl,Me.,'wflte: " I linre Rained ten jK)Uiid. 1 can now eat all kinds ol food." Try them and you will be convinced that these little vegetable pills are indeed a tonic and stimulant to the functions of the liver. Then your brain will be active, your mind clear, and health conditions again estab lished and jou can eat anything. Get your liver right. Smith's Tineapple and Butternut Pills act gently but surely on the liver. Physicians use and recommend They form no habit? You should always keep them on hand. These little Vegeta ble Pills will ward off many ills. To Cure Constipation Biliousness and Sick Headache in a Night, use SMITHS ton. PINEAPPLE BiUouaneis. AND ttSSSSSlS liS (BUTTERNUT! Ike Stomach UPI PIUS liver An Knmlt 7 w"- CO rills In filniM Vial a.lcv-AU Denier. SMITH'S BUCHU LITHIA KIDNEY Fcr Sick Kidneys Bladder Plscavs. Ithenmatlsm. the, one best remedy. Itellable, endorsed l.jr leading phjslctans: safer, cjeclnal. Itcsulls lasting. On tho market IS year. Hare enred thousands, loo puis In original class package, CO cents. Trlallioxes,CO pills, Kcents. Alt druggists seU and recommend. PILLS M. LEE BRAMAN EVERYTHING IN LIVERY Buss for Every Train and Town Calls. H " s for sal iCcomodatlons armers Prompt ,i polite attention at all times. ALLEN HOUSE BARN For New Late Novelties -IN JEWELRY SILVERWARE WATCHES SPENCER, The Jewels, "Gunranteod articles only sold." -vjOTICE OF UNIFORM PRIMAIt i IE8 In compliance with Sec tion 3, of the Uniform Primary Act, page 37, P. L., 190G, notice is here by given to tho electors of Wayne county of the number of delegates to the State conventions each party is entitled to elect, names of party offices to bo filled and for what offices nominations aro to bo mado at tho spring primaries to be held on SATURDAY, JUXR I, 1IUO. REPUBLICAN. 1 person for Representative In Congress. 1 porson for Senator in General Assembly. 1 person for Representative In General Assembly. 2 persons for delegates to tho State Convention. 1 person to bo elected Party Com mitteeman In each election district. DEMOCRATIC. 1 person for Representative In Congress. 1 person for Senator In General Assembly. 1 person for Representative In General Assembly. 1 person for Delegate to tho State Convention. 1 person to bo elected Party Com mitteeman In each election district. PROHIBITION. 1 person for Representative in Congress. 1 person for Senator In General Assembly. 1 person for Representative In General Assembly. 3 persons for Delegates to tho State Convention. 3 persons for Alternate Delegates to the State Convention. 1 person for Party Chairman. 1 person for Party Secretary. 1 person for Party Treasurer. Petition forms may bo obtained at the Commissioners' office. Petitions for Congress, Senator nnd Representative must be filed with the Secretary of the Common wealth on or before Saturday, May 7, 1910. Petitions for Party offi cers, committeemen and delegates to the state conventions must bo filed nt the Commissioners' office on or before Saturday, May 14, 1910. J. e; ,MANDEVILLE, J. K. HORNDECK, -T. C. MADDEN, Commissioners. Attest: George P. Ross, Clerk. Commissioners' Office, Honesdalo, Pa., April 4, 1910.