THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, .IUNE 1, 1010. WW 1 CENT A WORD COLUMN DESIRABLE property von SALE Residence of the late H. C. Hand, located at the corner of Cnurch and Eleventh streets; 75 feet on Church street and 120 feet on Elev enth street, together with house and barn. For Information concerning nhovo property, address W. II. Stone, Court street, Honesdalo, Pa. 43m2 STOVE WOOD Will deliver In Honesdalo hard wood, split, at $2 per cord; J 1.75 per cord If not cut. George Erk, Seelyvllle. I3ell phone. 42tG. BIDS for bridge construction will 'jo received by the County Commls- ulnnnro nt tlinlr nfltrn 11 lit 1 1 10 n. m.. Juno 8, 1010, for the building of the following concrete bridges: 42 feet j span over llolllster creek, Damas- cus; 32 feet span over Paupack creek, near llolllstervllle; 10 feet j arch at White Mills. Plans and specifications are on exhibition at the Commissioners' oltlce. 4 lt3. FOR SALE Honesdale National Bank stock, 23 shares, or any part thereof, at $1G5 per share. Warren P. Seheiirk, Honesdalo, Pa. WANTED House or apartments for small family. V, Citizen office. 2t WANTED A man to work on farm. Apply to L. O. lloff, Cherry Uldge, R. F. D. No. 2. 3i)to3. FOB SAIjE House containing ton rooms and bath, 300 Fourteenth street, Honesdale. Dwelling in ex cellent condition. All modern Im provements. FRANK STEINMANtf TWELVE muslin trespass notices for $1.00; six for seventy-five cents. Name of owner, township and law regarding trespassing printed there on. CITIZEN office. FOB SALE A walnut upholster ed, parlor set of furniture consist ing of sofa and two large cnalrs. In quire Citizen Office. tf ALL KINDS of legal blanks, notes, leases, deeds, warrants, bonds, sum monses, constable bonds, etc. Citizen office. LOCAL MENTION. It, Is twenty-one years ago last Saturday evening when the Irving Cliff hotel was burned. Mlddletown, N. V., will have a new federal building for the post office; also a handsome city hall Is to be erected. The Methodist Ladles' Aid So ciety will hold their annual straw berry supper In the church parlors on Thursday evening, June 2nd. Price of supper, 35 cents. G! William Bell left 6n (Friday for Lock Haven to confer with the business men of that city regarding the proposition made to Krantz, Smith & Co. to remove their plarit to that place. ,. The Democrats In this senator-1 lal district have a hot fight on to decide the fate of Harvey Huffman and Roger Burnett, both of Strouds burg, and candidates for the nomi nation for Senator of this dis trict. The Barnum & Bailey circus is getting a lot of free advertising by the burning of the old delapidated tent, under which they gave their show. The next reader will tell how 17,000 women working In relays had the new tent ready for the next per formance. It is rumored around Democratic State Headquarters that a strong effort will be made to have a local option plank placed in their platform, while another rumor which starts from Republican sources. Is that the j Republicans will recommend that the question of local option bo sub mitted to the public directly. -Miss Gertrude Erk entertained a number of young people at her home on Main street Friday evening. Games were Indulged In and refresh ments served. The following were present: Laura Cortrlght. Edna Haw ker, Ethel Hawker, Carrie Cody, Miss Erk, Henry Duke, Howard Erk, William Macey and Henry Quinlan. The Erie railroad has adanced its commutation rates for all points vithin forty mllos of New York City. ' he lncreaso ranges from 2.1 cents .. $4.00 a month. There Is also an ii. reuse In the fifty-trip family tlck- u. The reasons the railroad offi cials ghe for Increasing fares are that wa&es have beon Increased, and ties, rails, and equipment prices have doubled since the old schedule was Issued. On Friday morning of last week, one of the most exciting runaways seen on Main streot In some time, occurred. A horse and buggy be longing to William Fives was tied to a post at Schooll's toimorlal par lors, with Anna May, the llttlo daughter of Mr. Fives, In tho seat alone. As tho Auto Transportation Company's bus passed, tho horse took fright, and started down Main street at a mad paco. When It reached the Union depot, It turned from the street, crossed the plat form, and dashed around tho depot, coming out at tho upper entrance, and striking a tree, throwing tho girl to tho ground, and soverely cut ting her about tho head and face. She was taken to her brother's house, Paul Fives, where It was found that no bones wero broken, Tho horse escaped uninjured, but the wagon was badly wrecked. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. William Target, a son. A party of our young people left on Saturday for Wlnonn Lake where they expect to pass a few days. Rev, A. L. Whlttaker will hold service In .tho Waymart Presbyterian church on Sunday, June 5th, nt 3 o'clock. Drchcr township, nccordlng to the census, can boast of having 3 tenms of mules,. 1 Jackass and three pair of. twins. Benjamin Gardner, who-Is now locnted In Fuctoryvllle, was In town to attend memorial services with Capt. Ham Post of which he Is Ad Ju ant. Let us dispense with tho dan gerous Fourth of July celebrations; we can Injure and kill enough peo ple now with automobiles, and keep our reputation Intact. Grace Episcopal church, Sunday, June 5th: Communion (service nnd sermon at 10:30 a. in.; Sunday school and Bible classes at 12 M.; evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 p. m. William D. Lewis, Esq., of Lansdorf, is a candidate for the Re publican nomination for State Sena tor in this district. Having no op position Is tho reason we do not hear more about him. The High Point inn, near Port .lervis, which Is a conspicuous landmark to Honesdalo people while jnrouts to New York on the Erie Railro. d, has been sold to some wnlUv New Jersey gentleman for a park. The address of Charles P. Searle. Esq., delivered at the up town bridge on Memorial Day, was enjoyed by those present, as his clear, resonant tone of voice made it possible for all to hear very dis tinctly. The Standard Oil Company, that much berated corporation, has 70, 000 employes, and voluntarily the company is to increase their wages, adding thereby between six and ten million dollars to their pay roll. This corporation never had a strike. Glenn Curtiss won tno $10,000 prize ofleied by tho New York World for the first heavier-than-air machine that would make the trip between Albany and New York, a distance of 137 miles. Curtlss covered 150 miles. His, time was 2 hours and 32 minutes. Average speed, 54.06 per hour. Ex-Sheriff Murphy, Victor A. Decker, Esq., Dr. L. F. Cook and Rheinhnrd Warg, all of Hawley, while automobillng in Sheriff Mur phy's car, met with a serious acci dent on Memorial Day. They were In the vicinity of Harpersville, Sus quehanna county, and while speeding along at an ordinary rate, ran on to a muddy piece of road, when the ma chine skidded, went over a steep em bankment, and turned turtle, throw ing all the occupants out,, except Mr. Murphy, who was pinned under the fitrUcnink After he . was taken out from his perilous position, Ii was found that he had two or more ribs broken and his collar bone dislocated. The other occupants were bruised considerably, but no bones were broken. Tho party managed to get to Scranton where temporary relief was obtained from their sufferings, and on Tuesday morning they reach ed Hawley on tho early train over tho Erie and Wyoming train. The Memorial services at the Methodist Episcopal church on Sun dey evening were attended by a con gregation that filled every seat. The Revs. Dr. Swift, A. L. Whlttaker. George Wendell and Olver were on the platform and assisted tho Rev. William Hlller. The choir, reinforced by a large chorus, were also assisted by an orchestra consisting of brass and string Instruments, and rendered a musical program which was great ly enjoyed. The members of Capt. Ham Post, G. A. R., and Company E, 13th Regiment, who wero accom panied by tho Maple City Fife and Drum Corps, filled the front seats. The church was handsomely decorat ed with the Stars and Stripes. After prayer by Dr. Swift, responsive read ing, led by Rev. Wcndoll, and script ure reading by Rev. Whlttaker, the Rov. William Hlller made one of the most forcible and fearless addresses upon appropriate topics that any Honesdale audience has ever had tho pleasure to listen to, ending with an appeal to the gray-headed vetorans nnd the soldier boys to accept Christ as their Commander-in-Chief. On Monday, Darwin Ponwardon, wife and tw children. In company with Dr. Ed. Burns nnd wifo of Honesdale, while making n trip to Cadosia Lake, in Sullivan county, met with a serious accident. AVhlle going along at a moderate, rnto of speed, tho machine skidded and went over an embankment, throwing all tho occupants out and seriously in juring Mrs. Ed. Burns. William F. Roiller, who wns close by in his nu tomobllo, hastened to tho help of tho party, and uftor extricating them from tho perilous position in which they had been thrown, It was found thnt while all tho occupants had been badly shnkoncd up and slightly Injured, Mrs. Burns was tho only ono who needed Immediate attention. Mr. nnd Mrs. Burns wero placed in tho Rolfler automobile and taken at once to a point where transportation could bo had to ennblo Mrs. Burns to bo conveyed to tho Burns Hospital at Scranton. Mr. Uelflor returned and convoyed Mrs. Penwarden and children to their home, leaving Mr. Penwarden to look niter tho wrecked automobile, which ho managed to ro palr and get to his garage on Tuesday. ( An Immense crowd attended the , opening nt Lake Lodorc on Monday. Honesdale furnished Its quota of ' pleasure seokors, and It took a train ' j of ten coaches to bring them home ' on the last trip. Tho Roller Coast J or, Chutes and new Merry-Go-Round ' were greatly in evidence all day. Old Glory mndo Its debut nt tho , Farvlew Asylum for the Insane on 1 Memorial Day. Tho patriotic Sons I of America presented the flng. Dr. Fltzslmmons made tho speech of ac ceptance In reply to J. H. Griffiths, who made tho presentation Bpeech. Tno ilag was run up to mast head and saluted with a volley of musketry. A number of persons were present, among the number wns Judge Searle, who made a short address. PERSONAL MENTION John Fisher is visiting nt his home in Wlnterdale. Miss Margaret Cogglns Is visiting Carbondalc friends. Mrs. Albert Kimble visited frlenus In Hawley last week. Daniel Faatz spent Monday with friends In Mt. Pleasant. Charles Griffin of Schenectady, is visiting his mother here. Mis3 Anglo Hughes, of Hawley, was In town on Saturday. John Tully of Poyntelle called at this office on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Charles Burger, of White Mills, spent Saturday in town. Harry Parish and sister Maine are visiting relatives in Now York. Miss Sadie Harrison Is spending a ! few days at her homo in Hawley. j Fred Butler, of Erie, Pa., is spend- j ing his vacation at his homo here. W. W. Starbuek, of New York, Is j visiting friends in the Maple Cly. j Miss Jennie Gray, of Scranton, visited friends In town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Tracey Sweet of Scranton, were in town on Saturday. Henry Tlngley, the Insurance man, spent Monday In the city of Scran ton. Michael Murrin, of WilKes-Barre, called on relatives here on .iemorial Day. Miss Christina Thomas is spending a few days with friends In Winter dale. Miss Mamie Charles, of Scranton, is visiting her cousin, Miss Bertha Flora. Dan White of New York, is spend ing a few days with Honesdale rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knapp, of Jersey City, are visiting' relatives In' town. M. J. Kelly was In town spending Sunday and Memorial Day at his home. Charles Hergett, of Bowling; Green, Ohio, Is spending several days, in town'. Miss Millie Weaver left Sunday for an extended visit with friends in California., Miss Daisy Alberty of Carbondale, spent Sunday with her parents on High street. Mrs. Mary Petershlne, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, is visiting Hones dale relatives. John Kimble of Towandn, spent Sunday and Monday with his parents' on Court street. Misses Hattie Quinlan and Mary Buckley have returned from a visit with Carbondale friends. Daniel Coleman and Edmund Fln nerty spent Sunday and Decoration Day at their homes here. Miss Jennie McLaughlin, of Car bondale, visited at her home on River street over Sunday. Walter Campbell, of Scranton, spent Sunday at the home of his parents in East Honesdale. Albert Stelnmnn, of Deposit, was In town Sunday and Monday and was visiting his many friends. Mr. William Hoydt, wife and daughter of Montclair, N. J., aro the guests of Judge Searlo and wife. Frank Stelnman was in town and spent Sunday and Memorial Day with his daughter, Mrs. Lester Knapp: Miss Mary Kelsh returned to her duties In New York City, after spend ing a month's vacation at her homo here. Hon. E. B. Hardenbergh and daughter, Miss C. Louiso, will pass the coming two weeks at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thompson aro passing a few days with their son, A. P. Thompson und family at Ami over, Mass. Fred Hamilton, wife and son pass ed last Sunday and Monday with Honesdalo relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Holmes. Emll Gass left Sunday for Brook lyn, N. Y to take a position at his trade of glass cutting in tho Camp bell & Herfoldt Eho'p. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Evans and daughter Edith, nnd tho former's sister, Miss Blancho Evans, aro visit ing relatives In Wllkes-Barro. T. A. LIghtlzer has returned from nn extended trip through tho south ern part of tho Stato. Ho will now bo nt his placo of business for a tlmo. Miss Emma Sander'eock, of Do posit, wns a visitor In town Sunday nnd Monday. Sho was a caller at tho homos of many of her friends and relatives. Chris Demor and John Irving of Blnghamton, arrived on Friday, and wero tho guests of tho former's par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Demer, un til Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schilling spent n few days with relatives In Scrnnton. Mr. Brnco Klrkham, of Scranton, spent Saturday with friends In this place. .Misses Julia Weldner nnd Hlde gard Washian recently visited friends In Scrnnton. Miss Lizzie Case of Welcome Lake, Is visiting at the home of George Marsh and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Monaghon of Scranton nrc guests at the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. James Bracey on Erie street. Wesley Gardner, President of the Finch Manufacturing Co., spent a few days In town last week, remain ing over Sundny. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stratton, of Dalton, Pa., spent Snturday and Sun day In town as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dusenberro of West streot. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Key and daughter, Bessie Lillian, of Wllkes Barre, are visiting Mrs. Key's par onts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Hawken, on North Main street. ANOTHER VETERAN (JUNE lion. .laniCM Se.xlon, Who Has Been Htoppln;; at Hotel Wayne, Died on Memorial Hay. Tho Hon. James Sexton, who has been stopping at Hotel Wayne during the last six weeks, left for his home at North Wales, Montgom ery county, this state, on Friday evening, purposing to spend Memor ial Day with his family, and taking part with his comrades in tho Memor ial services. Word was received here on Tuesday that ho had died very suddenly on Monday afternoon. Mr. Sexton was in the employ of the State Highway Department, and was the Inspector for the state road which is now being built in Dyborry township. He represented Montgom ery county in the Legislature for two terms; was a Civil war veteran, and was a genial, courteous gentleman, loved and respected by all who knew him. He was a member of the Methodist church at his home and a steady attendant at the Honesdale Methodist church while stopping at the Wayne. A dispatch from North Wales, Pa., has this to say: Jason Sexton, a leading agricultur ist, who represented Montgomery county in the state house of repre sentatives from 1S97 to 1900, drop ped dead while he was delivering a Memorial day address before a large assemblage of Grand Army Veterans and citizens in the school house here. Mr. Sexton, who served through out the Civil war under McClellan and Sheridan, did not march with the Grand Array Post to the cemetery as In previous years, but accompanied "l in a carriage to the cemetery. He was In the midst of an eloquent ad dress when he stopped abruptly and fell backward on the platform. Death was Instantaneous. OBITUARY. C R A X D A L L Chas. H. Cran dall, aged 05, died at his residence in Scraiton, on Saturday. He was born In Honesdale and was for many years in the employ of the D. & H. rail road company, at this place, being employed in the retail coal depart ment. For the last ten years he has been employed in a clerical capacity by the same corporation In Scranton. He leaves a wife and two children. Dr. Joseph Crandall, a dentist at Atlantic City nnd one daughter. Mary. His remains were brought to Honesdale on Tuesday morning and after brief services, conducted by Rev. Dr. Swift, Interment was mado In Glen Dyberry cemetery. POYNTELLE HOTEL BURNED TO 4 GROUND. The Poyntelle House, a largo three story frame building, for a number of years ono of the leading summer hotels of tho Wayne county lake re gion, was burned to tho ground Sat urder morning. The lire started about 2 o'clock from somo unknown cause, presumably an overheated Hue, as the night was cold and extra lires wero required In the furnace to warm up. Tho hotel was soon In flames, the fire spreading rapidly through tho corridors anil upper floors, and It was only by the best of luck thnt tho family of Mr. Leit nor, tho proprietor, and the help es caped from the structure. Tho sum mer season had not yet started, and there were no guests In the house as yet, other than a couplo boarders who worked at tho ico houses. Tho vlllagors wero quickly aroused and did good sorvico in preventing tho flumes from spreading to the lnrgo burn and the Tiffany store and tho O. & W. depot nearby, there for tunately bolng no wind in tho direc tion of these buildings. Scarcely any of tho furnishings wero saved, tho loss being almost total. Tho hotel was built about eighteen years ngo by Mr. Fulkorson, for tho accommodation of summer visitors to Lake Poyntelle, nnd was located near tho railroad and about midway between Poyntello and Summit Lakes. It comfortably accommo dated fifty people. Three years ago tho proporty passed to tho possession of M. J. Leltner, formerly of Forest City, and ho had beon having con siderable success with it and planned a number of Improvements this year. His loss Is $7,000 on tho building, with $4,000 Insurance Tho furnl turo loss will reach at least $2,00 and Is partly insured. It is expected that the hotel will be rebuilt. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Teachers' examinations for pro visional certlllcntes will be held os follows: At Pleasant Mount, Juno 7; Waymart, Juno 13; Wlnwood, June 22; Honesdale, June 28; Damascus, July 2; Newfoundland, July 7; Ariel, July 8. The examinations begin promptly at S a. ni. and 1 p. in. No certificate will be granted to any one under 17 years of age. Applicants nre ex pected to supply themselves with pen, ink nnd foolscap or legalcap paper. The subjects are English Gramninr, Geography, U. S. History, Physiology and Hygiene, Civil Gov ernment, Algebra, Orthography, Penmanship, Written and Mental Arithmetic, Rending, and Theory of Teaching. Rending Includes Phonics, Irv Ing's Life of Goldsmith, and Gold smith's Desettud Village. Theory of Teaching Is based on the second half of Common Sense Didactics by Sabin and the second half of "The Study of .aure-' by S. B. Schmucker. .1. .). KOEI1LER. Supt. Wayne County Schools. A WONDERFUL NEW INDUSTRY. The Automobile Trust is to put new stock Into the market lor Wall street to gamble with. The General Motors company, which has a capi tal of $t!0, 000,000, earned $12, 000,000 net last year. Bankers are figuring on a new scheme of capi talization something In keeping with the Ideas of the company, and they believe about $150,000,000 will be about right. The company is turning out 140 cars a day and Is far behind its orders. Ono plant Is a quarter of a mile wide and seven eighths of a mile long. The auto mobile craze is the most remark able and expensive ever seen in this country. A New York banker Iden tified with the company said recent ly that he had just completed a careful estimate of the automobiles In use in the United States and finds 500,000 machines in actual opera tion. This takes no account of the second-class machines that aro only used occasionally or that are re tired. This half million of machines costs an average of $1,500 each, or $750,000 in all. .More than 100, 000 of them aro In the state of New York. It costs an average of $1, 000 a year to operate a machine after It is paid for, not counting the other expenses that are incidental, such as exorbitant prices for food that are exacted by all Inn-keepers from automobile travelers. Here is an expense of $500,000,000 a year. TO THE VOTERS OK WAYNE COUNTY: In a letter received this morning from a gentleman residing in anoth er county, he expresses his great pleasure In knowing that the friend of his childhood days, H. C. Jackson, Is seeking the legislative nomina tion, and that he Is standing square ly on the Local Option platform. I have not one word to say against the other gentlemen who are seek ing the same goal, but, since Local Option Is the most important matter that will come before the next Leg islature, and Mr. Jackson has had the courage of his convictions and alone publicly declared himself on this vital question, those who be lieve In popular government, in home rule, In the right of the majority to determine this and every other ques tion ought to a man to stand up and be counted at the Primaries next Saturday afternoon and cast their ballots for Mr. Jackson, a man who In intelligence nnd character meas ures up to the demands of the posi tion, and will voice the conscience of old Wayne. In voting for Mr. Jack son, wo arc not giving expression now to our convictions on the Temper ance question. We simply say: The people, must be granted their blood bought right of deciding this ques tion for themselves that, and noth ing more; and for this, .Mr. Jackson alone of all the candidates stands, so far as wo know. I sincerely hope that the citizens of Wayne county, who call themselves Republicans, will honor themselves by voting for Mr. Jackson. Vote, and persuade your neighbor to vote! Give your time and influcnco this week, and some timo Pennsylvania shall be free. Sincerely yours, W. H. SWIFT. Honesdale, Pa., May 30. 1910. POULTRY IN HIS DRUM. Unlucky vDi-iiiiiiiu-r Had to Share His Prlzo With tho Colonel. During tho latter years of tho war the armies wero frequently obliged to mnko rapid marches without their provision trains nnd nt other times wore obliged to pass through devas tated regions, whero thero was not the slightest prospect of obtaining anything In tho way of food. As a result df all this tho men wero con stantly devising ways and means of obtaining, secreting and transporting food about their persons. On ono of the marches of tho Army of the Cumberland tho soldiers had orders not to forage, but as their ra tions wero rathor low it took sharp watching on the part of tho officers to provont tho men from foraging when over tho chanco presented Itself. On ono occasion tho bass drummor of ono of tho regimental bands managed to secure two turkeys and six chick ens, which ho secreted In tho interior of his bass drum. When they reach ed camp that evening the band was ordered out to play for a review that had been arranged on tho spur of the moment for a distinguished officer who had arrived on a visit. All this happened before the bass drummer had time to remove his live poultry from the Inside of his drum, and, of course, when he struck It It gave forth no sound whatever. This ex asperated the colonel, who shouted repeatedly to drum harder. Finally, In a great rage, he came down to where the latter stood pounalng for dear life and sweating like a field hand. "Why in blank, blank, blank don't you beat that drum hnrder?" ho shouted. "Colonel," said tho drummer In a voice husky with anguish, "there's two turkeys and six chickens Inside this drum, and half of them are for you." "Well, why In blnzes didn't you say so?" the colonel replied. "Fall out at once and go back to your quarters." As a matter of course the colonel subsequently shared in the repast. "FARMER" AMES FOR REPRE SENTATIVE. W. C. Ames, candidate for the nom ination for Assemblyman on tho Republican ticket, wns born In Haw ley and hns spent his whole life there. The family was among the early set tlers of that borough, and have been identified with it and prominent in its development practically since the town was founded. The triumvirate, John, the father of the subject of this sketch, Jacob and Reuben, engaged In the lumbering, farming and mer cantile business for years and in ad dition were large dealers in cattle at a time when droving was in vogue. They also bought and baled for the market largo quantities of hay, and in these various industries did a large business. Later the firm was dissolved and tho partnership affairs divided among the three. John II., the father of our candi date engaged In business on his own account. William was educated in Hip loral schools and later took a WILLIAM C AMES. business course at tho Eastman Busi ness College. Poughkeepsie. After completing his studies he engaged In business with his rather until the latter retired some 13 years ago. Ho then purchased from J. F. Drake the livery business which he has con ducted since with marked success. His Is a genial and open disposition which meets and readily makes friends. In local affairs he has serv ed as a member of the town council and Is at present Mayor of one of the most thriving towns in the county. This position he is lllling" with satis faction to borough residents and credit to himself. We feel certain that as Representative he would do equally as well. In 1909 he repre sented Wayne co-jnty as a delegate to the Republican state convention. Mr. Ames Is one of Wayne's staunch est Republicans ac well as her most prominent citizens. adv. THE NOBBY LONG COATS - - AT - - er & Cos Stores Are Suitable for Inn Real Stylish Wear