The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 01, 1910, Image 4
TIIK C1TIZHN, WEDKKSDAY, JUNK 1, 1010. THE CITIZEN rUBUBIlKD EVERY WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY SY THE CITIZEN rDDLIfllltKO COMPANY. Kntered ns second-class matter, nt the post olllce. Ilonesdnlc. l'n. SUBSCRIPTION 11.50 K, H. UAHDKNI1KKU1I. l'KKSIDENT W. W. WOOD. - MANAOEH AND SKC'Y DIUECTOllS: C II. DOnFLlNOER M. R. ALLEN. HENRY WILSON. E. H. HARDF-NHEROII. W. W. WOOD. WKDN'KSDAY, .1UXU 1, HMO. "What would wo not give," says one of our llrst settlors, "for the uncloyed appetite of youth! Here nm 1, tired of chicken nnd sick of roast beef, but my young son comes In from school In the afternoon and asks for bread and butter. He goes from the kitchen to the dining room, eating one slice and carrying three more, which he arranges in front of him on the dining room table at equal distances apart, one back of the other, in columns by companies, a whole batalllon of joys! As he eats, he moves up the reserves nnd Is .happy happy on bread and but ter. Oh happy youth!" Admiration alone will not run a newspaper. Sooner or later such ad inlrers will find that the object of their affections has become welded to other ways that they do not ad mire in other words, a newspaper is compelled in order to live, to seek the friendship of those who are not so platonic in their love, but unite that practical esteem with senti ment that binds mutual admiration to other professions. There are too many men who expect the editor to slave In defense of their pet notions and hobbles, advocate their views against the strongest oppositions and coolly withhold business sup port by which alone a small news paper can live. XKWSPAPKHS AX1) THKIlt FH1KXDS. A newspaper, if it has any brains, conscience and muscle back of it, must continually decide between doing its duty and injuring Its pocket. In any position but that of an editor the public is able to sep arate the individual home from the collective citizen. But if the editor does not please them, it's nis pocket they ulm at. Thus It is that news papers learn who their friends are. The man who reads a newspaper and admires it all the year around, yet gives his business support to some other concern, whose princi ples he detests, is not a friend of the former paper. UK HKFUSKI) A MILLION. According to an Italian newspa per, Giovanni Bovin, member of the Italian parliament and a writer, was recently approached by a French banker who wished Uovia to allow his name to be used in connection with a matter of business to give the scheme character. The service, he insinuated, would be worth a round million to Bovla, who declin ed It, however, without a moment's hesitation. "There is no law," he wrote, "against my complying with your request, but it would be a crime nevertheless. You who have lived In Naples and others must know that I live from hand to mouth with my family by teaching and by writ ing and that the accumulation of a million would be an impossibility from that source. But- my work makes me independent, and the mil lion would bo superllous. You say that no one In Itomo would know, that all would be kept secret, but would not I know it? You bankers may leave your consciences at tho foot of the Alps and resume them again on your return, but I carry mine wherever I go." FALLS FROM WINDOW ASLEEP. Wifo Calls to Somnambulist as He Tumblts to Yard Below. New York, lay 31. Whllo walking In his sleep O urn nil Constmitino, who lives on the fiftli lloor of 218 Bowery with his wife and six children, turn bled out of an open window nt tho rear nnd fractured his skull nu ho landed In the yard below. Constantino had been asleep nbout iin hour when his wife heard hlra mov ing nbout. She called to him, nnd when he did not answer she Jumped out of bed In time to see him pitch through tho window. XOTICH. Rev. Thomas Houstoln, tho not ed blind singing evangelist, of Eliza beth, N. J., will preach in tho Pres byterian church at Bothany, Wed nesday evening, Juno 1st; at Slko, Thursday ovonlng, Juno 2nd, In tho Union Chapel, nnd on Friday evening, Juno 3rd will begin a Eerlc3 of meetings ln tho Presbyterian church nt RlloyvHle. REV. J. B. CODY. Born to Mr. and Sirs. Albert Eberhardt, Jr., on May 28th, a eon. MEMORIAL DAY IN HONESDALE (Continued from Pngo 1.) until -Invnrv Mm rnnrnnnti nnil nhmnn of the nation, the bnno of humnn bo-i k- were wim you in mo clety and which made the Dcclara-, bayonet charge; thoHO that fell carry tlon of Independence, declaring nil I ing the ling over tho ramparts of tho men free nnd equal, a byword nnd a j enemy; those Hint stood In the last hissing, should be forever blotted : dltcli In defense of the Union; thoso out. Not until labor, the birthright I horoes whoso monMmont 8 tho 8lnb of all men, should again assume the nmrkpd "Unknown " And nn wo honorable position which God had nlnrKctl unknown. And ns we given it. and from which it had been . strcw 1Iow;er8 "non ,thls mounl. lot driven by the slnve labor of the "s remember that there is a monu South. ment for these heroes greater than Tho strength of a republic lles'nny shaft of stone it Is the Union In the Intelligence, honesty, virtue i of States, one and Inseparable; for and loyalty of its working people; this country, nnd nil it stands for is and in this class, 1 Include nil men nnd women who with hand or head, with brain or brawn, labor for tho progress and improvement of our race. They are tho bono and sinew of our national greatness. The Idler has no place in our political econ omy, and whether rich or poor, he is not a desirable citizen. All honest toil, either of hand or bean, is hon orable, and so It must remain, if we are to bo a free and independent people. If we love our country, if we are devoted to tho principles of our free institutions, if we love our ling, the Hag that lias led us on to so mnny victories, the ling that stands for freedom, equality nnd jus tice, we must never for n moment waiver in our devotion to the great principle of equality before the law. There must be no privileged class; there must be no privileged inter- , cost of living compared with llones ests; there must be but one law for dale. Great stress Is lnid however nil men, and to this tho rich and the , on the benefit, this act has bestow poor, the educated and the illiterate eii 0n us. it is but natural that the must alike submit. Monarchies may uetter clnss of mcennllCS wore pro depend upon the strength of their ; , , , sltll.,tlong nmi ils thov armies, but republics must depend utleu y, tn situations and .is uicy m,n M.n rns.uW f tho nltWnnJ fnr Were able to Clin frolll ? 1 i. to $18 the law. Unless law bo held sacred. I a free government will not endure, i Laws that do not accord with the sentiments of the majority of our, people, can by that majority be re- peaieti. uui wane uiey remain upon , " r. tillv nf Mm Inw l.v nrnrMi nr nro. I cent is treason. The maloritv mav make or unmake laws, but no citi- i zen has tho right to refuse obedience to them or to counsel others to do 1 so. The rich corporation or the I wealthy individual that wilfully breaks a law, because of his or Its indifference to the small penalty which may be inflicted, is a worse enemy to the state and a greater breeder of anarchy than the sneak thief or the robber. A law-abiding people only is worthy of liberty and capable of guarding its treasures. We have had many years of peace and prosperity since the war of the Rebellion ceased, but the days when patriotism was a duty have not de parted. We are approaching another crisis in our national existence, a crisis big with possibilities of good or evil. Great corporations and great combinations of capital, un controlled Is a menace to our free government, but held under proper restraint, they can be made of much benefit. Wise and just laws' must be made, governing and controlling them, making them the servants of the people, and not allowing them to become the masters. Marvelous ! has been the increase of wealth, and built of brick. The town also con great has been the development and 1 tributes ?1,000 to pay for removal progress of our country during the ! of Iant and other expenses lnciden last decade. New conditions have ttU t0 Parting a new plant. Organl Snd.WDff - " ayne county seem to bo somewhat out of Joint allies W,H no doubt attempt to de with one another. New adjustments! Predate the removal of the glass must bo mnde to suit the new con ditions. Threatening social and po- litical evils are apparently near and I formidable. I am not a prophet of evil. I have an unwavering faith in IIIC IIULIIUIIDUI Ul UU1 1JUUIJ1U. 1 HU crisis will be met and right will pre. vail. Patriots, fearless and true, devoted to their country and its people will arise. Men after the type and character of Theodore Roose velt, more heroic in peace than in war, will pilot tho ship of state, through the dangerous seas avoid ing the scylla of corporate greed on tho nnn linn,l ntiI tho Minn'twltc nf anarchy on the other out upon the I ln 11 t' tho home of Blass cutting high seas of national progress, concerns, which have always been where individual effort and enter-1 Jealous of Honesdale's reputation, prise will be protected anu guarded ' can ally himself with a few indi against both of them. I viduals, and by arrogant, domineer- Veterans, your deeds will ever re- ng and hypercritical scheming drive ........ . ... uiu memory ui your- grateful countrymen, your sacri- fice and suffering will not be In vain, but men, inspired by your devotion to your country nnd Its Hag, will lead us onward and upward to a higher level In civilization, and to a stronger faith ln tho God of Nations. "God of our fathers, known of old. i.oru or our inr nung name line. JCJlt;ilLII W1UJBU UW1UI -.U1IU, WO I1U1U dominion over palm and pine. Lord God of hosts be with us vet. i Lest wo forgot, lest wo forget." W. W. Wood's Address on the "Un known Deutl." FRIENDS: It Is well that on ope day In the year we turn aside from tho busy scenes of life to pay homage to tho moinorles of our honored dead. It I tensely with a bronchial trouble that Is a groat and blossed privilege that ! was simply terrible to endure. I would on this Memorial Day we can gather havo mich spells that I could hard together In this hallowed spot, In this ly breathe. I would choko up, fill silent city of tho dead, to glvo ovi- up in my throat nnd bronchial denco of our love and nffection for tubes, and tho doctoring that I did those who havo gone down to tho end of this life, und passed ovox to tho shores of the eternal world. Wo should bo grateful that we live in a country whore righteousness nnd patriotism nro blended with love of home, of country, nnd fel lowman. All honor to n people who forget not their heroes. Somo of you can remember when tho black clouds of Intornnl strlfo swept over our be loved cpuntry; whon sho, like a storm-tossed vcBsel, wns fast being driven upon tho breakers of secession and destruction. All honor to the men of thoso days who, turning their back's upon homo and loved ones, hastened to tho rescuo. Men who rallied to defend tho flag; men who bared their breasts to tho storm of battle; men who braved death for their country's sake; and to-day we pay gladly trlbuto to thoso who have fought their last fight; who have met tnoir last enemy death, and havo joined that Innumerable host on the other shoro In singing tho song of victory. As wo remember thoso whoso graves nro mnrked with stone f RranltO IUld mnrblc, let UB not for- a monument to the glory nnd honor of our unknown dead, for the blood of our heroes is the seed of our greatness. THE PEOPLE'S FORUM mc.VKKArmit oh liKicoiiv Tho Independent In Its Issue of last Thursday informs us, that the organizer of the local glass cutters has procured positions for 00 of his followers in various factories throughout the country nt greatly Increased wages. No mention Is mnde of any likely difference in the lur weeli riBh- "ere at home, the amount of money withdrawn from local cashdrawers will average about ?S125 per week or ?43,000 per year The two concerns, which the good, christian gentleman lias driven from this town, employed no less than " "BUlu muir Jiw n- 'nS capacity at an average of $10 lr week, our business men will lose about ?S0,000 per year. What will the community consider me man who muso,! this loss? A lmnnfnr-tnr? Hardly! But we suppose, the in dependent thinks the time Is about ripe to tender a public banquet to him or reward him in some other suitable manner! Are we right? CURIOSITY. STROUlhSBUHO SKCUKKS IjKY FACTORY. HAW- The Monroe Record of May 2Cth devotes the best part of two col umns, in announcing that the Indus trial Club of Stroudsburg had se cured the locating of the William Gibbs Cut Glass factory of Hawley In that city. Mr. Gibbs is given a site 80x350 feet on which they wll erect a brick building 28x125 feet, two stories In height. The people of Stroudsburg agreed to pay 'for a frame building, but Mr. Gibbs by paying the difference, will have it factory by publishing and clrculn ting the statement that it is nn- other small factory like Kelly & steinman, and the Wayne, and that it wlll soon be repiaced by a large closed shop, and lots of buncombe of that kind; but, nevertheless, the fact stares the merchants and work lngmen of Wayne in the face that not only they have been injured financially, but the reputation of Hawley and Honesdale havo been blackened In tho Industrial world as a place where an individual living from Honesdale and Hawley con ! (.rna w,,lfl,, ,,.. ,,, ,.H wnr1rmor corns which have paid its workmen more than ono million dollars dur ing the past ten years. How mnny years will it take before our people will recover this amount from tho great "uplift to humanity" which Is promised from the closed shop? 1Iow many of the merchants nnd workmen will bo In Glen Dyberry or some other cemetery before those , Promised blessings will reach town? Bronchial Tubes AH Stuffed Up "Whllo u resident of Washington, 1). C, I suffered contlnunlly and ln- and tho remedies used were of no benclt to mo whatever. I heard about Booth's Hyomel being so beneficial ln catarrhal and bronchia,! affections and procured au outfit. I received relief from tho first by Its use. I continued with it nnd re ceived n cure. It Is nbout two years slnco I havo suffered at all from my former trouble."- Sirs. R. L. Pannoll, 404 N. Augusta street, Staunton, Vn., March 2C, 1909. Hyomel Is guaranteed by G. W. Pell to euro catarrh, croup, bron chitis, coughs, colds and sore throat or money back. A completo Hyomel (pronouncod Hlgh-o-ino) outfit costs ?1.00 at druggists everywhere. This includes a hard rubber pocket inhaler and bottlo of Hyomel; extra bottles Hy omel cost GOc. THE NEW JERUSALEM How the Ancient City Is HcIiik Hclmilt. Special to Tho Citizen. It 1b n parlous thing to lay hnnds upon a city like Jeriisnlcm, not only becnuso It Is so old, but because lt Is so revered. Jews, Christians nnd Mahometans alike hold lt to be tho most sacred spot on earth. Yet to day Jerusalem is in process of re building. Solomon did this with reverence, Herod carelessly. Of course Zerubbabel rebuilt lt nnd Saladdln nnd tho rest, but they had nothing but blnnk spaces or ruined walls to deal with. Tho builders of to-day have tho ancient city, revered nnd holy. Jerusalem Is not n largo city. Its wnlls are only two and one-hnlf miles In circumference. Yet within these narrow confines 00,000 persons find their dwellings, packed togeth er, herded Into the narrowest quart ers; for the scanty space for dwell ing places within tho ancient walls is rendered still more sennty because of the room taken for temples, mos ques, monasteries, churches, pools and barrocks. The grounds of the Temple alone, occupied by the Mos que of Omar and el Aksa, cover DG acres. When theso large spaces are subtracted, the roof left for dwell ings is very limited Indeed. For this reason there has sprung up another city outside the walls, for the most part to the north and west, a more modern city of Jerusalem, an ampler city, a cleaner city than the ancient Jerusalem. Although spread over twice the space occupied by the city within the gates, this new city has only half as mnny Inhabitants as the ancient Jerusalem. For the most part It Is a city of German Jews or Russian members of the Greek orthodox church, although there are members of other faiths and other nations In plenty to be found there. The great majority of the Inhabi tants of Jerusalem are Jews. This may surprise those who thought that the Moslems were more numerous. There are between fifty and sixty thousand Jews in the city, while there are only seven thousand Mos lems. There are perhaps the same number of Greek Christians, and five thousand Roman Catholics, while the remainder, Armenians, Copts, Nestorians, Jacobites, Abys slninns, dwindle down to a mere handful. It will be seen from this brief summary that the city is most truly a cosmopolitan one. The best of governments might llnd difficulty ln dealing with such a problem. But the government, heretofore, has been neither wise nor good. Its policy has been to play one interest against another. So In order to serve their own interests the various governments have interfered in, be half of their constituencies. There are some six postofflces'ln tho city beside tho Turkish. And yet the mall facilities are poor. But tho administration of justice is even more hampered by the interference of western hations. Those who have settled ln Palestine do not become citizens and when an offence is com mitted against the laws of Turkey the criminal Is to be tried by his own government. Imagine how this would work when thero are thirteen different governments represented by consuls in Jerusalem whose Juris diction must be respected by those who are set to enforce the Turkish law. No wonder the advocates of the new Constitution are anxious to have a freer hand. In the meantime building opera tions go on apace. An Infallible rule obtains that wherever you see a red tiled roof the building Is modem. According to this rule it is surpris ing to note how large a part of the city within tho wnlls is modern. New buildings on old sites abound. Many are for tho entertainment of strangers who come to Jerusalem as pilgrims for the various festivals of the church year. The bulk of theso nro Russian. Mnny aro very poor. If such refuges were not provided thoy would often suffer keenly. Both Jews and Gentiles come to Jorusalem to die that they may lay their bones In sacred soil. In genernl It may bo said that tho Russians aro tho tran sients while tho Germans, Jews or Gentiles, come to trado and so re main. The Russian Greek church and the German Roman Catholic church have recently completed a magnificent building on separato points of the Mount of Olives. The tower of tho German building Is not yet com pleted. These will bo tho future lnndinnrks of tho city. From tho north and even from beyond the Dead Sea they nro tho first objects to strlko tho eyo. So tho old has just now given plnco to tho now city. Many other buildings outsldo tho walls nro for tho housing of various colonies, mostly Jewish. Tho mom bers of theso communities have in somo Instances been driven from tho land of their adoption by persecu tion. They subsist partly on tho chnrlty of their brethren nnd partly by trado or tho manufacturo of fancy nrtlcles. Of a different sort nro ti.o Jews of the Sophardln, tho descendants of thoso who were driven out of Spain and Poland during tho days of tho Inquisition. Theso llvo In tho Jew ish quarter of tho city whoro thoy havo managed to eko out a miser nblo oxlstonco for centuries. Their quartor Is tho most filthy within tho walls, and that is saying a great deal. Bad food and unwholesome surroundings havo bleached their skins to a sickly yellow and emaciat ed their bodies to a degree that Is very painful. Thoy have adopted a sort of national dress, tho moat dis tinctive fenturo of which Is a fur rlintncd cap with a flat top beneath which they allow long curled locks of their hnlr, ono In front of each oar, to fall almost to tho neck. Their frnll bodies aro often clothed In costly silk gabardines nnd many are said to be wealthy. Near to the Mosque of Omar, which Is built on the foundations of the nnclent temple 'of Solomon, tho Jews long ago, by the payment of n heavy bribe to the Turks, obtained the right to assemble for worship by tho side of the stones of tho wnh of tho nnclent snnctuary. This Is called the Jews' Walling Plnco. Here on 1 tho evening of Friday, when tho ) Jewish Sabbath begins nnd nlso on Saturday, great crowds assemble for religious services, reading lamenta tions from tho Psnlms and uttering cries of grief, the hearers respond ing after each lament, "Hero sit we now, lonely, nnd weep." I must say that there were more eyes for the visitors than for the prayer-books whllo wo were there, but perhaps tho older .lows had not arrived so early. Tho crevices between the ancient bevelled stones nro driven full of nails to typify that the de votion of the person who drove them Is unchnnglng. The Jews do not enter the Mosque of Omar, lest thoy should tread un der foot some remnant of that which was once a part of the Holy of Holies. It is said that when Baron Rothschild, who has done so much for the Jews of Jerusalem, visited the city, wishing to see the ancient leniple site, ho was carried in a chair all through the Mosque and its I grounds. Perhaps tho time will come when even Jerusalem win even change Its ways. In contrast with the ancient de votion to the past and Its traditions, the traveller of to-day may visit the Schneller, the orphan houses where 400 children are cared for, or the Jewish Hilfsvereln schools providing education from the kindergarten to the normal course for 1,000 schol ars, or the enterprises of the Zion ists, Bezalel, presided over by Dr. Schatz, where rug-making, brass and silver working, lithography and other Industries are taught to boys and girls, while at the same time the school is made to pay Its own expenses. Enough has been said to show that there is a new Jerusalem in course of construction on earth. But it does not consist of tile-roofed buildings nor cut-stone walls. It is growing up in the minds anu hearts of men of all creeds, worshippers ln mosque or church or by temple walls, and It Is the children who are' leading the way. Jerusalem, May 5, 1910. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Hib Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 7 ESTABIilSIIEI) 1830 THE OLDEST BANK IN WAYNE COUNTY THE- HONESDALE RATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, SURPLUS TOTAL ASSETS WE ARE AFTER YOU ! You have moro or less banking business. Possibly it is with us, such being the case you know something of our service, but if uot a patron would it, not bo well for you to become one ? OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT will help you start. It is calculated to serve all classes, the old and the young, tho rich and tho poor, MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN IT RECEIVES DEPOSITS OF $1.00 AND UP nnd allows three per cent, interest annually. Interest will be paid from the first of , any month on all deposits made on or before the 10th of the month provided such deposits remain three calendar month or lonpiT. IIKNHY Z. HUSSKM.. 1'HKSIIIK.NT. ANDRKW THOMPSON vice riti:suE.vr. I THE POPULAR TELEGRAPH INNOVATION " Night letters of fifty words or less will be sent at $ night and delivered next morning at the price of a ti a ten-word day message. Additional ten words or $ less cost onc-tlttli or the charge ror tne nrst ruty words. TELEPHONE YOUR TELEGRAMS TO THE a POSTAL TELEGRAPH CO. a New Phone 6139, - Carbondale a S-Telrsroph tolh! will bo chnrced to the telephone account.": a CONSOLIDATED TELEPHONE CO'S OF PENN'A. K Faster Uuildlnil. Honesdale. Pa. Z iaa-fatata-r:na-fa-fai-K4-atafaaaaiaaaa-fa--a-fa-fa-r State ol Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, SS.: Frnnk J. Cheney makes oath that ho Is senior partner of the firm of F. L. Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County nnd State aforesaid, and that said flrr will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case o Catarrh that cannot bo cured by tho use of Hnll's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo and subscrib ed ln my presence, this Cth dny ot December, A. D. 188G. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken In ternally, nnd acts directly on the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, ,7Gc. Take Hall's Family Pills for con-stlpiuion. nHrTEU A. GARRATT, J VTTOIiN'EY A COUNSKLOK-AT-I.AW. Ollin' ,laci'iit to Post Olllce, Honesdale. l'n REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION FOR REPRESENTATIVE. FRED C. ItEICHEXBACKER, Druggist, Honesdale, l'n. Was born at Honesdale ln 1SG4 and has always been a resident of the borough. He was educated In the Honesdale high school and learn ed the druggist's business ln tho pharmacy of C. C. Jadwln, and is still engaged in that calling. He has always been an active and con sistent Republican, is well versed ln and an able exponent ot the princi ples of the party and wholly devoted to Its interests. Mr. Reichenbacker is a member of the American Federa tion of Musicians. He was placed ln nomination for state senator of the il4th district , by ; the , conferees of Wayne at Stroudsburg in 1908 and during the deadlock had the highest vote of any candidate; but notwith standing the nomination belonged to Wayne, his name was withdrawn on the fifty-second ballot and the nom ination went to Carbon county. Turn out to Primaries Saturday. June 4, 1910. t t ! $ 150,000.00 241,711.00 1,902,000.00 EDWIN K.TOl'vlil'Y CA8IIIEK. AI.ltKltT V, LINDSAY AfeblSTANT CAHHIKU NIGHT LETTERGRAMS 5 i HjMHMMUHMgl ll.aillBEBagJSgJMIfc.AlMMMMMMMBaM .. .. -