TH13 CITIZEN, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1010. jgfaturday Qight fNalkc y Rev F- davison yUlllJ Rutland, Vt AT THE KING'S TABLE. International Bible Lesson for Miy 29, 10 (Matt. 14:13-21; 15:29-39). Dr. Quiet nnd Dr. Diet are two very good physlclnns. Rest nnd Rc'resli ment are about the extent of their prescriptions, but multitudes can at test the efficacy of the treatment. The world baa been a long time learn ns what was well-known nnd constant!' practiced In Palestine by tho Gront Physician centuries ago. it wa3 His custom after an itinerant preaching trip, after an exciting experience with great multitudes In the metropolis, teaching and preaching and healing labors which taxed his physical sys tem to Its capacity, and tore the nerves of His disciples Into sdireds to take a boat ride across the lake of Galilee Into the solitudes of the oppos ite shore, nnd In the wilderness, "far from tho madding crowd," or In the mountain fnstnesses, breathe tho heal ing nlr of the highlands and take In strength and recuperation, prone on the breast of nature. The Simple Life. This has been the practice of some of the world's greatest men throus'.i the ages. The world never had hear 1 of Moses, if ho had not drenmod away 40 years In the deserts of Mldian k ei -lng the shoep of Jethro nnd developing n physical constitution that 40 year. of the most strenuous subsequent aci ivity could not break down. The Psalms of David were evolved untie the stars that shone on the Judiai. hills while the shepherd boy wat'-he-' his flocks by night John the Bn.-tis got his rugged constitution thro having his dwelling place in the v Ul erness. Tho men of the early g. llved long because they lied a six;!, life. Bad Tempered People. Some of the worst-tempered pecp't of the world are members of :v. church, in good . d regular stanrt'iig and they are so from the fact tha they have no rest. They toll all ll-e week at some profitable employrmtit and they give all their spare time tc superintending Sunday school, lis' en lng to sermons, and every night hold lng meetings, wait on ministers, serve on committees, take all the critieis:n? and hypercritlclsm that come ui earnest people, rush about everythin they undertake, have all the irons ;n the lire, and develop their hearts ai the expense of all their other f. n tlons. All such people should un' e stand that It is as much their duty tc take care of their health as to do to th sacrament. It Is as much a sin tc commit suicide with the sword of the spirit as with a pistol. Our earthly life Is a treasure to bo guarded. It is an outrage to when we ought tr live. To fire up the boilers so that they hurst mid-Atlantic shows poo. judgment when a moderate rate o.' speed would have taken us to a pea- e ful dock In good repair. The disposi tion of the old-time Mississippi pilots to pass everything on the river, blew up many a steamer and cost many a life. That man Is a sinner agalns' God and humanity who tries to d'i the work of thirty years In five. Man; a train rushing across the country at record-breaking speed comes to a hah through a hot axle. And the same thing Is true of men. Tho rush of business produces a hot box. Appropriate Food. But Dr. Quiet Is In partnership with Dr. Diet and they who patronize the one should employ the other alFo Christ fed the 5,000 In the wilderness, not with indigestible and Inappropri ate food, hut with the good, old-fa.1--loncd, homely, nutritious diet of bread and fish. It would have been as ea'-y for him to have provided a banquet such as epicures partake of, but such fare would have been entirely unlltted for women and children who pot. posed a great part of that crowd. The food He provided was appropriate fot them. The man who takes care of his health is careful of his diet. H? need not necessarily make himself a general nuisance because of his finicky appetite, but he will not usually par take of the wholo bill of fare, from soup to dessert. It is little short of blasphemy to ask God to take rare of you while you sleep if you eat chlr-ken-salad and welsh rarebit at olevdn o'clock at night and then go to sleep stuffed to repletion with every win dow shut tight. If you do not gee visions and dream dreams that a-e not of heavenly origin under such circum stances, it will not bo through tj failure on your part to invite "the spirit of the vasty deep" to dUpo.t around your pillow. One reason why the apostles we-e such spiritual giants was bemuse those early ministers were not Invited out to lato suppers, with yellow lp;j ged chicken and fried cakes. They kept good hours, and lived on substr n tlal diet, that furnished nitrates for tho muscles, and phosphates for the brain, and carbonates for the whole frame. They had good diet. Fish was cheap along Galileo, and this, with unbolted bread gave them plenty of phosphorus for brain food, . Doubt less God can do a good deal for the world with a sick man. Some sick men are worth a dozen well ones. But, other things being equal that man who eats to live, instead of living to eat, will live longer and live better than the man whoso stomach Is al ways out of order through foolhardy treatment Christ fed the hunary multitude with food that was adapted to all ages, nutritious, palatable, appropriate. thetl'::.:: :r. BesUlo tho lfnkltiT ln!- nnm tap Tho lom.1 plumL -r r :.. Tho plumber, lazy rii.n I. lie. With larso nnd srl.' " hands, And tho puzzle Is, tht- lca he does Tho inoi-o lila bill expunils. Week In week out, nil day to eve, ' I can hear each hammer blow. I can hear him fling his tools about From my sitting room below. And ho keeps on ringing tho bedroom bell. So the floor Is up, I know. He comes each morn to tho house With ono or two small boys, And when his tools are out of reach Ono hears his raucous .voice Shouting for what he may require. And It makes ono's heart rejoice. Spoiling, rejoicing, soldering Not where the leakage sltows Each morning scos tho Job begun, Each evening goodness knows! Something's attempted, nothing's done. At six o'clock he goes. Thanks to thee, unworthy friend, And tho mess that thou hast wrought. They're ruined, our hot water pipes. And new ones must bo bought Bother! Confound! I cannot shape Each burning word and thought! Tlt-Blts. It Made a Difference. Flddlodeo (to Miss Wlllln) Mr. Hold cm asked mo to come in nud say ho wouldn't be able to call this evening, as ho broke his arm, Miss Wlllln (anxiously) Gracious! Which nrm was It? Georga Washingdone. Georga Washingdone vos a vera gooda man. Hees fndda lie kepa big ga place in Washlngdono street. He hada a greata bigga lot planta wees cherra, peacha, pluma, chestnutta, pea nutta an' banan trees. lie sella to nicna keepa do standa. Gooda niana to Italia mana vas Georga Washing done. He hata dc Irish. Klcka dem way like dees. Ono tny wen Georga, hees son, vos dessa high, like de hoppa grass, he takes hees lltta hatchet an he beginna to fool round do place, no vns vera fresh, vas lltta Georga. Poota soon ho cutta downa de cherra tree Ukn dees. Dat spolla de cherra cropa for de season. Den ho goa around tre kllla tie banan an' de peanutta. Poota soon Georga's fadda coma rounda qulcka ilka dees. Den ho llfta uppa hees fista, looka Ilka big bunch a banan, nn' he vns just goin' to giva lltta Georga do smnka de snoota if ho tola He. Hees eyes blaze Ilka dees. Lltta Georga he say In hees mlnda, "I gltta puiicha anyhow, so I tella de square thing." So he liolda up hees lltta hands lika dees, an' ho cnlla "Tlmn!" Den he says, "Fadda, I cutta do cherra trees weesa inla own lltta hatchet!" nees fadda he say: "Coma to de barn weesa me, lltta Georga. I wanta speeka weesa you." Den hees fadda cutta big club an' he spitta hees handa, Ilka dees. Lltta Georga say, "Fndda, I could notta tella de He, because I know you cnughta mo deda to rights." Don do olda man ho snilla Ilka dees, nn' ho tooka lltta Georga righta down to AVall street nn' made him a present of de United States. Unidentified. Making a Schedule. "You have moved farther out Into tho country." "Yes," replied the commuter. "I think I have timed the trip about right now. It got to bo a nuisance to always find myself at the station be fore our rubber of whist was finished." Washington Star. Why It Shrieked. "Did you hear the shriek that engine gave as it flew by?" asked tho first man as they approached a railroad crossing. "Yes. What caused it?" rejoined his companion. "I presumo tho engineer had It by tho throttle." Smart Set. Bessie's Anxiety. Little Bessie Mamma, how'll I know wheu I'm naughty? Mother Your conscience will tell you, dear. Little Bessie I don't caro about what it tells me. Will it tell you? Kansas City Star. Wont Too Far. Yeast Do you think there Is a pen alty for lying? Crlmsonbeak Surel I knew a fel low who dislocated his shoulder while stretching out his hands to show the size fish ho claimed ho had caught! Yonkcrs Statesman. How She Did It. Grace How do you manage to make your husband spend all his evenings at home? Maud I spend nil his money, and he has nothing else to do. Baltimore American. In Reno. He There goes that handsome wld v Jenkins. Sho Widow! Why, she's only a ldowrenoj Life. HuhT "I hear ho married an actress." "All men do." Cleveland Leader. FOR THE CHILDREN A Deed of Daring. Traveler in tho uncivilized region of South America have to face many perils from Intense heat, polsonotu reptiles and savngo men. M. Thenar, who explored the Pllcomayo delta for tho Argentine government, describes nn experience which prompted him to eternal vlgllnnco In regard to snakes. Ho was lylug in his hnmmock. Tho scr gennt of his gunrd wns nslecp under a tree closo by. Suddenly ho noticed an ltnmenso serpent colled around tho sergeant's leg and extending Its head toward his bare chest. What should ho do? To awake tho man meant cer tain death to him, but how could the snnko bo killed or driven away with out rousing tho sleeping soldier? Then ho recalled n method of capturing tho cobra of Indln. He prepared a slip knot, and by stealthy, almost Imper ceptible movements ho nttracted tho serpent's attention. It turned Its head. Then M. Thouar leaned from tho ham mock and tickled tho snnko gently on tho throat. It rnlsed Its head, and ns It did so the noose was drawn tight around its neck. Just then the ser geant awoke and almost fainted with fright. But the danger was past. The slipknot had saved him, and tho stroke of a saber cut off tho serpent's head. Moving Pictures at Home. If some ono told you ho could show you the complete shadow of a ninu's face on a piece of ordinary string you would find it hard to believe. Yet this is true. Take a piece of string about two feet long nnd tlo a bullet or other small weight to one end. Then hold tho other end llrmly In your hand and whirl the weighted string around in tho air as fnst as possible. Next have somo ono stnud between the whlrllug string and a bright light, nud you will see his shadow plainly appear on the string. Tho explanation is somewhat like that of tho moving pictures. Tho movement of tho string is so rapid that the eye does not sco It, but sees only a blur. This is because of what is called "persistence" of vision. That Is, when an image is formed in the eye it stays there for a short time, about an eighth of n second, and by that time another image has been formed, so that tho picture appears continuous. Boston Herald. A Japanese Card Game. A game popular with both grown people and children in Japan is played as follows: One hundred well known proverbs are selected, each divided Into two parts, each part printed on a sep arate card. The host has tho hundred first halves, which he reads aloud one by one. The hundred second halves are dealt to the other players, who place their hands upward upon the tatami, or thick mat of rich straw, on which they sit. As the first half of any proverb Is read tho holder of the second half throws It out or If ho sees It unnoticed among his neighbor's seizes it and gives him one of his own. Tho player who Is first "out" wins. It Is a very simple game, but It affords a great deal of amusement to tho play ers, for the quick sighted and keen witted are constantly seizing the cards of their duller and slower neigh bors. This leads to much laughter and good natured teasing. The Cat and the Cheese. There once was a little girl that tend ed sheep on tho hillside. She had a largu flock, and the ewes gavu so much milk that she made a cheese ono day. Sho mado tho choose and put on the table, when what should she see but her cat, James, who was looking nt the cheese with a mischievous expression. "Jumes," said tho little girl, who knew just what tho cat was thinking about. "If you put your paw lu that cheese I'll give you a taste of the stick." Now, James wanted that cheese more than he wanted anything else in the world, but ho would not have dis obeyed his mistress for anything, nnd so when the little girl had turned her back for n moment he did not put his paw Into the cheese, ns any other cnt would have done. Instend he put hid nose Into It. Conundrums. Who was the most successful sur veyor on record? Alexander Selkirk, the original of Itoblnsou Crusoe, for lie was monarch of nil ho surveyed Who Is n mun of grit? A sugar re finer. Why Is tho letter "w" like scandal? Because It makes 111 will. What Is one of tho rules of war? That it Is death to stop a cnuuon ball. Why are photographers most un civil? Because they always reply with a negative. What cord Is full of knots, yet nev er can bo untied? A cord of wood. Hunt the Slipper. Tho plnyers sit down on the ground In n circle nud get nn old slipper or shoe. Ono of tho players kneels in tho mlddlo of tho circle. Then the slipper Is passed from ono to tho other, nud tho ono In tho middle has to find It. Every time tho players get a chance to hit him with tho shoo they do so, Three Little Pussies. There wero three pussies, all downy gray, Bleeping so Boundly one April day. "Dear little pussies, why don't you run ver the green grass? That would be fun." But the gray pussies said not a word. Ko pussy stretched a paw; no pussy purred. still their heads rested on their brown pillows. They were not pussy cats, but pussy willows. STILL AFTER PACKERS. Jersey Prosecutor Will Seek Dissolu tion of Charters. Jersey City, X. J May 111. Prosecu tor of the Picas Pierre P. (Jnrven of Hudson county, reqhest for requisition papers lu the ease of J. Ogdon Armour. Louis F. Swift nnd Ed ward F. Morris, three of the twenty one Indicted beef packers, was denied J. OGDEN ARMOUR. by Governor J. Franklin Fort, hns served notice on Edwards & Smith, Jersey City counsel for the defendants, that he proposes to apply to tho su preme court nt Its opening session In Trenton on June 7 for un order for the dissolution of the Xntlonnl Packing company on tho grounds that the cor poration failed to obey Supreme Court Justice Swuyze's order directing It to produce the minutes of its directors and stockholders' meetings before the Hudson county grand Jury. In case ho succeeds In putting tho Xntlonnl Packing company out of bus! ness In so far ns Its operations lu Xew Jersey are concerned he will make an application for tho dissolution of tho charters of Swift & Co., Armour & Co. and Morris & Co. WON'T SIGN CAUCUS CALL. Twelve Republican Insurgents Oppose Postal Savings Bank Bill. Washington, May '2 1. Twelve Re publlcan Insurgents refused to sign the call for the party caucus which Is to be held tomorrow night to take ac tion on the postal savings bank bill. Among those who withheld their sig natures from the call wns Representa tive Xorris, the Xebraska Republican who led the fight against the Cannon organization in March. The indications are that unless a compromise is effected on the postal pavings bank bill In caucus it will fall ly the wayside. How to Treat Linoleum. The way to prolong linoleum's period of usefulness is to keep it clean. Dirt ground into tho Unlshed surface by tho tread of feet is the floor covering's grentest enemy. Linoleum needs uo soap, ammonia or strong cleaning agents. A simple wiping with n cloth just moist with warm water Is all that Is needed. Once or twice a year give the linoleum a wiping of good furni ture polish to renew Its smooth sur face. JANE All Ail. Girl Whom William Soyler Is Accused of Slaying. How to Know Cooking Measures. Young housekeepers aro often at a loss when n recle calls for a cup of unythlug to tell what kind of cup to use or how much a cup meustrree. The accepted measure is n stone kitchen cup nnd means that cup filled to the brim. It is equal to one-half pint. A cup of solid butter, milk, chopped meat or granulated sugar Is equal to about half n pound. A cup of sifted flour Is equal to one-quarter of a pound. How to BrloJiten Your Piano. Tako a basin of lukowarm water, Wot a pleco of soft cheesecloth In It; then pour a few drops of kerosene oil on tho cloth and rub lightly over your piano. Keep repeating until you have been all over tho surface; then tako a dry pleco of cheesecloth and polish un til It Is glossy. Your piano will look like new and that dull, smoky look will all disappear. Opportunity seldom comes with a letter of Introduction. t i Again In the cyclo of our sacred days, wo como to tho Day of Memo ries. And what memories they aro! To him of tho Xorth, who fought vic- ! tor'.ouslv for hla countrv. enmn mem- orlos not untlnged with Borrow, and to him of tho Southland, who no less nobly fought for cause, sad retro3poo tlon comes not wholly without Joy. And then on this, our great Com memoration Day, tho women who, In the field, eased tho sufferings of the wounded and pointed the Way of Llfo Eternal to the dying these angels of the battlefield thrill anew as they re call deeds of valor and sacrifice Bet down only In memory's book on earth, and tho Recording Angel's above. And to another portion of America's womanhood who, even now. In wak ing fancy, listen for footsteps that nev- t er again sounded on the homeward way, thore comes an agony of recol- lection sweetened by the thought that to meet the need of the hour each ' sent forth a patriot. Xo man, no woman, no child, In i whose veins Hows the blood of these ' heroes, would withhold a flowery I tribute from our soldiers graves. And J the silent cities of the dead have, per- haps, their best use as reminders that men so loved their lives for them. ! Yet the day should not be devoted but i to thoso who have crossed over the ' . river that Stonownll Jackson saw In his dying vision, and aro resting under the shade of the trees In tho beautiful gardens of God. Remember the heroes , who have not yet gono to the land of tho warless life. There are among us to-day few men of even early middle ago who served In the Civil War, and ours Is a generation which puts too high n premium of youth and energy, to the discredit of age and experience. To us, the veterans In blue or gray are apt to be but old men, too llttlo do we appreciate tho spirit of patriotism which spurred them through a conflict that put to Its highest test tho man hood of the land and left It scarred in body, torn In soul, but wholly free. Tho Day of Memories is a time for us to pause and ponder the quality of our patriotism, and to put It In tho balance against that which bouyed the spirit of these heroes who, whether starving and writhing with the fire of undressed wounds In prison camps, or holding tho field till bloody rivulets besmirched the sod, put principle first What manner of men are we? How arc we answering the call for the ex ercise of patriotism through tho office of good citizenship. Lincoln and Lee and Grant how would tho love wo bear our country compare with theirs? Would they have been as callous as are wo to-day to a want so dire? Per haps tho prayer that we most need to pray is, "Lord, keep us vulnerable." FIGHT WITH POPGUNS. Tho nation which should act on tho theory that war can be made so dangerous that men will not engage In it or that peace can be arbitrarily brought in by force, might well expect to share the experience of a doughty Confederate colon el who, after tho civil war. returned with his war-worn and defeated veterans to his native vlllnge and was twitted on the fact that four years earlier he had boasted that he and his men could lick the Yankees with popguns. "So we could," answered the colon ol stoutly, "but the Yankees wouldn't light that way.' Common to All Americans. In many parts of tho south Memo rial day is now jointly celebrated by survivors of the blue and tho gray, and the custom la growing. Aa the country comes more and more to cherish as a common Inheritance tho valor, fortltudo and self-sacrifice of that conflict, It will become universal. Are You Bilious? Biliousness means that your liver Is sick and out of order. You are cross or cranky, can't cat, have a bad, nasty tasting mouth, and arc sick all over. To neglect bilious ness will, result in congestion, loss of appetite, torpidity and bad feelings. Re store the liver to health by using Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Pills, which euro biliousness In one night, give your liver healthy action, assist digestion, clean up your furred and coated tongue, and give new life and energy to tired nerves. Mrs. James ELDitKixiK.of Old Mystla, Conn., writes !" Please semi mo a vlnl ot Smith's I'lneapplo and Iluttornut Pllli. Those I have) luvl nre all right, anil I like them very much for biliousness and dyspepsia, nlileh I bars been troubled with." These little vegetable pills will accom plish more in a few days toward making you feel better than a bushel of nerve pills. They cleanse and invigorate the blood and make it rich and red. They restore the liver and stomach to normal activity. Physicians use and recommend. They form no habit. You should always keep them on hand. These little Vegetable Pills will ward off many ills. To Cure Constipation Biliousness and Sick Headache in a Night, use i SMITH'S , tW -WSA I 'and luTfya-tftoalstrj' Aon I cheand IrJU I fflUiltKHUIJ DtMajosof f . . ..... . I naaaa' PIUS 00 Pills In Olass Vial 25c All Dealers. SMITH'S BUCHU LITHIA KIDNEY PILLS For Sick Kidneys, Bladder Diseases, Rhenm&tlsm, tbe one best remedf. Reliable, endorsed by leading physician: sate, effectual. Results lasting. On the market It years. IlaYe cured thousands, loo pUli In original glass package, CO cents. Trial boxes, to puis, accents. All druggists scU and recommend. M. LEE BRAMAN EVERYTHING IN LIVERY Buss for Every Train and Town Calls. Horses always for sale Boarding and Accomodations for Farmers Prompt and polite attention at all times. ALLEN HOUSE BARN For New Late Novelties -IN i JEWELRY SILVERWARE WATCHES SPENCER, The Jewele. "Guaranteed nrtlcles only sold." vrOTICE OF UNIFORM PRI MAR IN IES In compliance with Sec tion 3, of the Uniform Primary Act, page 37, P. L., 190G. notice Is here by given to the electors of Wayne county of tho number of delegates to tho State conventions each party Is entitled to elect, names of party olflces to be filled and for what ofllces nominations nre to be made nt the spring primaries to be held on SATURDAY, JUXE 1, 11)10. REPUBLICAN. 1 person for Representative In Congress. 1 person for Senator In General Assembly. 1 person for Representative In General Assembly. 2 persons for delegates to the State Convention. 1 person to be elected Party Com mitteeman In each election district. DEMOCRATIC. 1 person for Representative In Congress. 1 person for Senator In General Assembly. 1 person for Representative in General Assembly. 1 person for Delegate to the State Convention. 1 person to be elected Party Com mitteeman In each election district. PROHIBITION'. 1 person for Representative in Congress. 1 person for Senator In General Assembly. 1 person for Representative in General Assembly. 3 persons for Delegates to tho State Convention. 3 persons for Alternate Delegates to the State Convention. 1 person for Party Chairman. 1 person for Party Secretary. 1 person for Party Treasurer. Petition forms may be obtained at the Commissioners' ofllce. Petitions for Congress, Senator arjt Representative must be filed with the Secretary of the Common wealth on or before Saturday, May 7, 1910. Petitions for Party offi cers, committeemen and delegates to tho state conventions must be filed nt tho Commissioners' olllco on or before Saturday, May 14, 1910. J. E. MANDEVILLE, J. K. HORNBECK, T. C. MADDEN, Commissioners. Attest: George P. Ross, Cleric. Commissioners' Ofllce, Honesdulo, Pa., April 4, 1910.