The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 27, 1910, Image 4

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    TlIK CITIZEN, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1010.
ruBLifiiir.n Err.nt wedneshay and Friday bt
Knteredas sccond-olnss mutter, nt the post
nlUcc. llonesdnle. I'n.
FRIDAY;, MAY 117, 1010.
The fnrmer nctunlly pays n prem
ium for bnd roads. He pays It In
time expended In getting to market;
In value of drafting animals and the
food they eat, and In the extra hands
for their care and handling; In In
creased number of vehicles and
wear and tenr on them, and In the
decreased product of land that has
less attention and care. If the
country had a system of smooth and
hnrd highways It would blossom
like a rose, and prosperity would
follow In the wake.
"Nothing adds more to the attrac
tiveness of a town, and make a bet
ter impression upon visiting strang
ers, than newly painted residences,
neat fences, good sidewalks, clean
streets and alleys, and withal, a
good number of shade trees and or
namental shrubbery and flowers in
your, yards. It is Indicative of re
finement, culture, good taste and
This Memorial day, in thousands
of peaceful valleys, on the broad
prairies, on the hillside, and in the
thronged cities, the comrades will
strew with flowers the graves of
those who died. And we would add
a further tribute, and it is to the
unknown dead those who fell in
the battle front, or who on the weary
march dropped out to die; and in
a hasty grave by the wayside, or in
the field, were left by those who
must still "march on." Men who,
when the God of Battles blotted
out their lives, left no trace. No
living, word, no messages, yet
Somebody wept when he marched
Looking so handsome, brave and
Somebody's kiss on his forehead lay,
Somebody clung to his parting
Somebody's' watching and waiting
for him,'
Yearning to hold him to her heart
And oh; how mother or wife, sis
ter or friend has longed for the boon
granted to others to see his last rest
ing place; or to lay a flower where
he sleeps. If they could only know
where he rests.
Not among the suffering wounded,
Not among the peaceful dead,
Not among the prisoners missing.
That was what the message said.
Names future generations will
honor, and not a single grave of a
soldier or sailor shall be unvislted.
Not one which willing fingers and
grateful hearts will not unite to
cover with myrtle and evergreen
entwined with bright blossoms upon
which the bright sunlight has paint
ed something of eternal beauty, to
kens of life's fraility, emblems of
valor's Immortality.
In the graves of the county's sol
dier dead should be laid also the
animosities which existed during
the great conflict that cost them their
lives. No matter whether they wore
the blue or the gray, they belonged
to tho Republic, were brothers In one
great family, and, in a broader
sense, were children of the great
Father of all. With the war-clouds
long since scattered by tho sweet
winds of peace, and our reunited
country happy under the smiling
skies of prosperity, standing by the
graves of the country's soldlor dead,
there comes to mind thoso words of
one of America's greatest orators:
"I have but one sentiment for tho
soldiers who fought In the late war,
and that is cheers for the living and
tears for tho dead."
Each year adds to the number of
graves of tho departed ones. The
regimental rounlons accentuate this
fact. Thoso who were with us a
year ago have fallon In lino with
thoso who have taken up tho groat
march Into eternity, and who shall
say how many shall pass over tho
river before Decoration day shall
como again? A few more years
and only tho sons and daughters of
veterans will bo left to perform tho
ceremony of decorating tho graves
with laurels and with flowers. Heads
bowed with reverenco around tho
graves of their comrades to-dny,
will rest by their side, perhaps, tomorrow.
Look In any direction you plcaso
In our borough and you'll see peer
ing up, new roofs, new additions,
new porches, new barns, all bctok
Ing genernl thrift, enterprise and
push. The prospect Is for more gen
eral Improvement than nns taken
place for mnny a year. Everybody
catch tho spirit and let business
Here are some Interesting statis
tics concerning the dead soldiers of
tho war: There are S2 national ceme
teries, containing 32,179 soldiers,
nearly. one-half of whom nre classifi
ed as "unknown." Twenty-one of
these burial spots contain over 5,000
bodies each, among them the famous
cemeteries at Vlcksburg and Corinth,
in Mississippi. At Salisbury, N. C.
out of a total of 12,132, only 07 are
At Andersonvllle and Hampton,
Vn., more than nine-tenths are Identi
fied. At the Soldiers' Home, Wash
ington, nlnctecn-twentleths, and at
the cemeteries at St. Augustine, Fla.,
and Battle Ground, D. C all are
The largest interments are at
Vicksburg, where there are 10,020 of
the dead. At Nashville, 1G.532 are
ING. A Phlladelphlan owning a subur
ban property on which he has fruit
trees, wrote to State Zoologist Sur
face for answers to the following
1. Will It do any harm to prune
trees while In bloom, or after they
have formed fruit?
2. I remove branches to open up
the tree in the centre, and In the
case of peaches cut back about one-.
third to one-half of last year's
growth. Is this right?
3. Is it right and beneficial to
prune trees now, or during the
summer, when the growtli becomes
Professor Surface's replies to
these queries are- of importance to
all fruit growers. He wrote as fol
lows: "It Is my opinion that you are do
ing right in pruning your trees at
this time, unless you are removing
large branches. If the trees have
been neglected to such an extent
that it is necessary to cut much
away from them, It might be very
severe on them to continue the
pruning Into tho summer, but com
paratively light pruning, such . as
trees should have to direct growth,
can be done at any time.
"It is right to open the centre
of the tree and let In light, heat and
air. I think pruning sufficiently to
do this can be done at any time, as
you suggest, it is also right to cut
back the trees to some extent. This
cutting back should be done in pro
portion to their lack of vigor, as
very strong trees do not need it so
much as those that are declining.
"I should much prefer to do
pruning In the early spring than to
delay It until summer time. I think
If It Is to be done, the earlier It is
done the better it will be for the
trees. Pruning in the summer re
moves the leaves, which are both
the stomach and lungs of the trees,
and this will, of course, tend to
check the growth."
Candidate for the Nomination for
Mr. Jackson was born In Damas
cus township on May 12th, 1848;
was one of a family of six children
of John and Abble W. Jnckson.
Reared under the parentnl roof, he
began his education in tho public
school, and attended tho Union Acad
emy at Damascus for several terms.
He taught school for two terms, then
entered tho employ of Fortnam &
Smith of Tyler Hill as clerk. This
concern kept a general store at Tyler
Hill and nfter ten years of faithful
service with this concern, Mr. Jack
son took the management of Meaner
& Co.'s branch store at Tanner's
Falls, and remained In this position
for eight years. In 1887, ho located
upon his present farm, known aB tho
Monington farm, erectecj a model
residence, built sorao good barns,
and other buildings that go to mako
his placo ono of tho prominent farm
ing places In Damascus township.
In connection with general farming,
ho has been engaged In stock rais
ing and dairying. Ho Is known and
looked upon as one of tho progres
sive farmers of Wayno county, who
has kept in touch with nil tho meth
ods of advanced farming. Ho has
been connected with tho Wayno
County Farmers' Mutual Flro Insur
anco Company slnco Its organization
in 1801, and Is now President. Ho
1b a most excellent business man,
conservative, progressive and success
ful In any direction in which ho
works. Ho was married in 1872, nnd
has four chlldron. Ho has always
been a consistent Republican; is an
active momber of tho Methodist
church, being Superintendent of tho
Tyler Hill Sunday School. Ho la a
director of tho Wayno County Agri
cultural Society, nnd is Interested In
the public schools of his town. He
Is an Intelligent, brond-mlnded, pro
gressive citizen, doing that which
ho believes Is right, and doing It with
nil his might. adv.
SENTATIVE. W. C.Amcs, candidate for tho nom
ination" for Assemblyman on tho
Republican ticket, was born In Haw
ley nnd has spent his whole life there.
The family was among tho early set
tlers of that borough, and have been
Identified with It nnd prominent In
Its development prnctlcally since the
town was founded. The triumvirate,
John, the father or tho subject of this
sketch, Jacob and Reuben, engaged
In the lumbering, funning nnd mer
cantile business for years nnd in ad
dition were largo dealers In cnttlo at
a time when droving was in vogue.
They nlso bought and bnled for the
market large quantities of hny, and
In these vnrlous Industries did a
large business. Later the firm was
dissolved and the partnership affairs
divided among the three.
John H., tho father of our candi
date engaged In business on his own
account. William wns educated In i
the local schools nnd later took n '
business course at the Eastman Busi
ness College, Poughkeepsle. After
completing his studies he engaged in
business with his father until the
latter retired some 13 years ago. He
then purchased from J. F. Drake the
livery business which he has con
ducted since with marked success.
His is a genial and open disposition
which meets and readily makes
friends. In local affairs he has serv
ed as a member of the town council
and Is at present Mayor of one of the
most thriving towns in the county.
This position he is filling with satis
faction to borough residents and
credit to himself. We feel certain
that as Representative he would do
equally as well. In 1U0D he repre
sented Wayne county as a delegate
to the Republican state convention.
Mr. Ames is one of Wayne's staunch
est Republicans as well as her most
prominent citizens. adv.
The Consolidated Telephone Co.
has arranged to handle telegrams
In the Honesdale-Hawley Exchange
district for the Postal Telegraph &
Cable Co. so that its subscribers in
the suburbs and outlying rural dis
tricts will receive and may forward
their telegrams without expense for
telephone tolls, when telephoned to
the nearest olllce of the Postal
Telegraph Co.
The service of the Postal Com
pany is the fastest in tho world. It
Is not hampered by railroad con
tracts which necessarily impede the
rapidity of the service, because rail
road business Is not given the pref
erence over commercial business;
it does not furnish service to bucket
shops and other illegitimate enter
prises. The Postal Telegraph Co. origi
nated the new Night Lettergram
Service, one of the most Important
Innovations in the telegraph field.
Under this arrangement, letters of
fifty words or less may be filed for
transmission between G o'clock p.
m. and midnight, and delivered at
destination next morning at the
price of a ten-word day message;
additional ten wordB or less, cost
only one-fifth of the charge for the
first fifty words.
This night lettergram service
fills a long felt want, and the busi
ness community is quickly taking
advantage of tho facilities for the
rapid transaction of business which
this new service affords In tho saving
of time nnd money.
Stomach Misery for
Over Six Years
Read what Mr. Hoffman, landlord
of tho Webster Hotel, writes:
"I suffored misery nnd Intense
pains from stomach troublo for ovor
six years, and all tho doctoring that
I did or' medicines I used were of no
avail until about two years ago, when
I used a treatment of Ml-o-na. Tho
first fow days treatment helped mo
greatly, and upon using It n whilo
I was mado entirely freo from any
stomach troublo or complaint whnt
over. Slnco tho euro by Ml-o-na I
have regained my weight, I cat and
sleep well, am never nervous, and
my entire general health Is much
better." Max M. Hoffman, Webster,
N. Y., Aug. 2, 1909.
Ml-o-na stomach tablets relievo
distress In flvo minutes. They net
Hko magic. They aro guaranteed to
euro sour stomach, gas eructations,
heartburn, dizziness, biliousness and
nervousness, or money back. For
sale by druggists everywhere nnd by
G. W. Pell, Honesdnlo, for DO cents
a largo box.
Try Booth's PUIb for constipation;
they never disappoint, 26c,
Special to Tho Citizen.
You hnve not seen tho Nile nnd Its
ruins until you hao seen it by
moonlight. If Sir Wnlter Scott was
correct In saying Hint one could
not view Melroso nrlght by the
flouting light of dny, much more Is
It true thnt tho pitiless glare of tho
desert Is not tho medium through
which to view tho relics of Egypt's;
fallen splendor. But by moonlight
all blemishes hnve disappeared, the;
marks of the devastating earth-,
quake, tho defacements of fanatlcnl I
image-breakers, the filthy accumu-j
latlons of the shiftless desert tribes, 1
all are Boftcned, healed, obllter-l
atcd. I
Our party sailed down the Nile !
from Luxor to Karnak for this'
evening view. Tho tropical moon,
almost nt the full, rose so high that i
ono could almost stand under the I
shadow of his own hat. Wo had !
Invited the American missionaries j
to tho hotel for dinner with us and I
then for tho cool boatrlde after-'
wards. It was a most delightful ex-1
perienee to have them. Our guests
had good voices and we sang with ,
one consent tho songs of the home- j
land, college glees and old time fav
orites, as well as the sacred songs of 1
the church. All this while the Arab i
boatmen were tacking back and
fortli on the river. But when we
stood among the mighty ruins of
Karnak we had no mind to sing.
Egypt Is the land of mystery. The
Sphynx is its symbol. Here more
often than anywhere else the mod
em man asks himself the question,
Why did they do all this and what
does it mean? Hero more vividly
than elsewlierc the great problems i
of human existence and eternal des-
tiny are pressed home upon mind
and heart. The symbolism of the i
temples fosters the inquiry. the very j
obscurity of the history that is set
forth In the crlptlc hieroglyphics of i
the Pharoahs stimulates the curios
ity. Before lie Is aware, even tho
most stolid, hard-headed, modern !
business man is brought under the
thrall of this land of dreams and
Heretofore I have religiously re
frained from setting down facts and
figures that could be obtained by
the leader for himself from the
guide books. But at this point the
vastness of the ruins, the multitude
of tho temples and the stupendous
size of the remains must be re
ferred to in order to give some
intelligent Idea of the vista we saw
under the tropical moon.
The ruins of ancient Thebes lie
on both sides of the Nile, which has
changed its course since the temples
were built and now cuts its way
through what was once the heart of
the ancient city of the dead. Mag
nificent masses of ruins exist In
those parts of the old city now
known as Karnak and Luxor as
well as the city of the tombs across
the Nile still called Thebes. Tak
ing Karnak as a 'center, a great
road now burled, lined on each side
by five hundred sphynxes, now de
stroyed or buried by Nile mud, ran
two miles south to Luxor, while an
other magnificent avenue of
sphynxes ran west to Thebes be
tween two and three miles away.
These ruins are unparalleled in
size and splendor. If any man can
look upon them without emotion I
am profoundly sorry for him.
Imagine If you can these stupend
ous monuments by moonlight. Vast
walled buttresses pierced by gates.
Great groups of columns, one hund
red and thirty-four In all, many of
them still connected at the tops by
giant slabs. Tho papyrus buds or
lotus cups which form the capitals
of tho columns scarcely cast their
shadows on tho trodden earth be
nenth tho mngnlficent pillars. Tho
stone bars of tho latticed windows
of Rameses IPs palace, 75 feet in
the air, built above tho temple,
show you tho evening star above the
desert mountains in the west.
Although tho tropical night Is so
bright, yet there is a certain umbra
brooding over the place. You re
member that this was a temple, the
greatest perhaps in the world. No
mntter If tho ancient fnith has been
dead so long that only a few schol
ars could tell you what it taught,
thero Is still n certain awe oppress
ing you. Go Into one of tho smaller
chambers which you visited by day
light where tho ancient gilt stars on
the stone celling aro still blackened
by tho smoke of sacrifices offered
for thousands of years, and you will
feel still more keenly the senso of
mystery. Your step echoes solemn
ly on tho crumbling mosaic pave
ment, now worn Into hollows. Your
stumbling has roused ono of tho
hawks which Infest tho placo nnd
thero Is a clash of wings and tho
chattering screams of birds of prey
startled untlmoly from their sleop.
Your imagination needs no spur to
picture the human victims of tho
nnclent Pharoah's rage, such as you
saw In tho shimmering heat of tho
aftornoon set forth on theso wells,
bound together for slaughter and
stretching Impotent hands beneath
tho pitiless blows. Tho flight of
vultures and the noisy cries of birds
of prey como down through tho con
turles and haunt your memory. Tho
PharonhB and their godB aro dead,
but tho swishing wings and tho
hoarso cries and tho creepy shadows
all typify Egypt tho parent mystery
of the world.
Tho longer you medltnto In tho
moonlight and shadow tho less fit
ting It seems to call her parent. Tho
Pharoah seems not like tho personal
sovereign, but some Incubus; Egypt
Is not mother tho word Is utterly
out of plnce she Is only boiuo for-'
tile breeder, which Hko the Nilo
swallows up her offspring. Your holy
of holies with its smoky gullded
stars Infested by bnts reeks with
the memories of cruelties without a
name. You gasp for freer air.
Climb now to the top of tho gi
gantic pylon, the gateway of the
ancient temple. You enn brenthe
here. The soft stars which listened
with sorrow to the sighing of the
captive thousands of years ago still
bend silently down. At your feet
Is tho vast Jumble of ruined temples
with their scores of standing col
umns and acres of confused ma
sonry. Wcstwnrd where the castellnt
ed mountain tops aro soft ngatnst
the sky, lie the tombs of tho kings
who built nil this, with the colossal
statues of Rnmcscs and the miles
of bombastic inscriptions to his
praise. At your feet are the palms
and the mud huts of the Arabs.
Their dogs nre barking Impatiently
for you to bo gone, and the dusky
guardian of tho monuments stirs
about as if to remind you that you
have disturbed his rest on the sand
by Invading tho temple by moon
light. As you descend you look again
through tho henvy gratings which
served for windows of the palace.
It Is more like a prison than a pal
ace. Was this too one of the mys
terious haunts of cruelty, some
gullded cage where the pitiless Ram
eses held captive the princesses of
conquered tribes?
The spell is upon you. It is use
less to try to shake It off. Even
the familiar stars and the tropical
moon will not lighten your mood.
Go back and dream about the mys
tery, not to-night only, bub next
year always.
By reason of tho Insistence of
many investors that their bonds be
of "first" mortgage it may be said
that the importance of the word
"first" is dependent upon the cir
cumstances, says Moody's Magazine.
A bond may be first in fact. It may
be so only in a relative sense in that
it indicates the order in which the
bond was put out by the issuing
company or the use of the term
"first" in the name of a bond, un
desirable and loose though it be In
such instances, may be upon the
slight ground that the mortgage is
indeed first on some part of the
property, while on other parts it
may have but a third or fourth
claim. It is therefore obvious that
the mere presence of this term In a
title does not necessarily make the
bond an absolutely prior lien. It
hns been estimated that 95 per cent.
In number and 95 per cent. In value
of steam railroad "firsts" are first
liens In name only.
of Finkelstein Bros., Optometrists
nnd Opticians of Syracuse, N. Y., will
be nt the Comineninl Hotel parlors
Saturday, May 28, 1010.
Having hundreds of satisfied
customers in Wayne Co.,
no doubt I can satis
fy you also.
At White Mills National Hotel, Mon
day, .May iJUth; nt Huwley, Render's
Hotel, May ttlM. All work (jtiaian
teed for ono year. Glasses furnish
ed at reasonable prices.
For Infants and Children.
5he Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
--THE- X
You havo more or less banking business. Possibly it X
is with us, such being tho case you know something of our X
sorvieo, but if not a patron would it not bo well for you to
become ono i .
will help you start. It is calculated to servo all classes, tho X
old and tho young, tho rich and tho poor, X
nnd nllowa three per cent, interest annually. Interest will be paid from
the first of any month on all deposits mado on or before the 10th of the
month provided such deposits remain three calendar months or longer.
Thoro Is great and growing Indig
nation In St. Petersburg over tho un
pardonable Indifference shown by tho
Rtlssfnn government toward tho
wounded and crippled soldiers who
have returned from tho east.
In nearly every street one sees sol
diers with an arm or leg, or both
limbs, mlBsIng. Others stretch out
hnnds In pltlnble appeal for alms.
Some wear on their breast the Cross
of St. George, which Is only given In
n case of great personal bravery. All
of these unhappy cripples havo a
right to bo fed by tho state nnd to
recelvo a small pension. Ask them
why they beg and tho answer Is ln
varlably the old story of wholesale
peculations among tho officials.
I have been horrified by instnnccs
related to me direct by theso sold
iers. Wounded In some battle, they
lay months in the hospitals and then
suffored incredible privations on the
long Journey home, the money appro
priated for their foods having been
Bto1 n by the officials. For weeks
they starved on a diet of water and
a little bread given by people at sta
tions on the Siberian railway.
Now that a bad crop is In view and
taxs cannot be possibly paid, the
pensions which should go to the
soldiers nre held back to make up
th" deficits. London Mall.
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years,
and bellevo him perfectly honorable
In all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by his firm.
Waldlng, Klnnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon tho
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free.
Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by
all Druggsts.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
- - AT - -
Menner & Cos Stores
Are Suitable for
Real Stylish Wear
$ 150,000.00