THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 11)10. OOOCOOOOOOOOOXXKXOCXXX)KXC00000000 OUR NEIGHBORS HAMLIN. Mrs. L. Hawthorne, of Scranton. I visited Mr. and Mrs. Amos Olver Inst Sundny. Upon her return she was accompanied by Mrs. Olrer. Miss Florence Hoyco entertained the Hook Club on the afternoon of May 18th. Dr. Joseph McKee and family of Philadelphia, have arrived In town, and expect to remain for the sum mer. They will occupy the Morgan House. Mrs. W. II. Alt nnd Lawrence Alt arc home from Big Pond. Miss Alice Hamlin entertained a comet party on Wednesday evening. Sirs. Frances Orchard has return ed from a two weeks' visit In Scran ton. Mrs. Salinda Jones nnd Mrs. R. II. Simons were Hawley visitors last week. At the last quarterly meeting of the M. E. church it was voted to In crease the annual salary of the min ister one hundred dollars. District Superintendent Murdock delivered a sermon In the M. E. church on Sunday, May l"ith. at 1:30 p. m. 1 Miss D. P. Hamlin has improved her grounds and added a concrete walk. Eugene Mitchell has returned from Norfolk, Vn.. where he spent the winter. INDIAN ORCHARD. The planting season will soon be past, then the fanner will turn his attention to preparing the soil for the tilling of buckwheat. Miss Jeanette Hani, who has been visiting her father at the Old Hed Rock farm, will return to Honesdale to-day. Irma Ham is spending several days with Horace Budd and family at the West Shore House. Anna Smith and Ethel Ham are attending school at Honesdale. Minor Crosby and wife are mov ing their household goods from Aldenville to the S. Saunder's farm at this place. Mrs. O. D. Henshaw entertained friends from White Mills on Satur day and Sunday. Scores of people at this place spent several minutes on Saturday even ing viewing the comet. The members of the Ladles' Aid will be entertained at the home of Mrs. P. L. Braman on Wednesday next. A good as well as profitable time is expected. W. C. Spry and Earl Ham, ac companied by their wives, spent Sun day afternoon with friends at Swamp Brook. Philip Murray, Jr., one of Hones dale's energetic young business men, was at Altoona Farm on Thursday last showing us what he can do with the Cambridge sulky plow. He can do all that he claims he can. Every farmer should have one of these outfits. They are simply con structed and easily operated. Several taxpayers from this place attended the supervisors' meeting at Beach Lake on Saturday evening. W. C. Spry was the auctioneer at the W. N. Curtis sale at Ariel on Wednesday last. Horses sold for high prices. Mrs. Flcken, who has been sick for several months. Is no better. Jacob Swltzer. who purchased a property of B. Ham recently, is re pairing the barn by raising It high er and rebuilding the foundation. ALDENVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Minor Crosby mov ed last week to their recently pur chased farm at Indian Orchard. Grace Smith, who has resigned her employment with the Clinton Cut Glass Co., returned home on Friday. Mrs. M. Johnson and sons have moved Into the house vacated by C. C. Lozier. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bunting, who mourn the death of their infant son, have the sympathy of their friends. The Aldenville base ball team crossed bats with the Pleasant Mt. team Saturday. The game resulted In favor of Pleasant Mt. with a score of 8 to 9. The Pleasant Mt. team had a battery from Honesdale. The program given by the Clinton High school was well received. It was indeed a pleasing entertainment. Miss Mettler Is being entertained nt the home of ner cousin, Mrs. Wm. D. Watklns. HAWLEY & WILSON VILLE A death of unusual sadness was that of Lula M. Oothoudt, tho young wife of Floyd B. Oothoudt, who died at her home on Bellemont Hill Mon day afternoon of peritonitis, being 111 two weeks. Tho deceased came with her husband to Hawley from tho northern part of Now York State one year ago last December, and by her endearing qualities In this short tlmo hnd won many friends. Owing to illness, none of tho relatives were present, leaving the heart-broken husband to face his grief alono, but for tho extreme kindness of tho peo plo of Hawley, who over ready to answer to tho call of distress, did everything posslblo to comfort the bereaved one, who has left to caro for two llttlo girls, tho oldest being six years of age, and tho youngest one year. The former had found a homo with E. Tuthlll, and ho latter has been taken by Mrs. Fred At- ITH foid. The funeral was heid from the homo on Wednesday nfternoon, Rev. B. P. Ripley olllclatlng. Interment was made In the Eddy cemetery. The J. L. Tempest Dramatic Co. will bo the attraction at tho Stand ard Opera House this week. Jennie Tompest, tho leading lndy, will be supported by an excellent company. Dr. Catterall was called yesterdny nfternoon to see Mrs. V. Huff nt Wllsonville. J. E. Trnnsue and two other gen tlemen of Stroudsburg, were callers at Wllsonville on Thursday. They were looking after tho Interests of Harvey Huffman, candidate for Stnto Senator. Otto Schmidt and Mnrtha Irmish were Monday visitors of Mrs. Doppel nt her home on Bone HIdge. Miss Olive Smith, of East Haw ley, has accepted n position with the Keystone Cut Glass Co. Clarence Loveless, of the East Side, is confined to the house with a sex ere attack of inflammatory rheu matism. Dr. Catterall is hi3 physi cian. Mrs. Silcr and dntighter are pass ing tho spring months In California. Jacob Adams and wife entertained on Thursday the latter's brother, George Dunn, of Scranton. Harry Williams, his father, and Mr. Edwards, with their families, moved to Brooklyn on Saturday. Frank Gilpin made a bicycle trip over in Pike county on Sunday. Florence Shook Is entertaining a gentleman friend who arrived on the Sunday morning train from Scranton. Invitations were received by Wayne county friends to the commence ment exercises of the Lucy Webb Hayes National training school for Missionaries and Deaconesses, held in Bust Hall, 1150 North . Capitol street, Washington, D. C, May 13 to 17, 1910. Miss Mary Degroat, a former Wayne countean. was one of the graduates whose friends are greatly pleased to know that she has chosen this noble work. Mrs. Hannah Layton went to Bo hemia on Wednesday where she will spend a short time with her friends. .Mrs. Saunders, of Scranton, was a recent visitor of her sister, Mrs. Alice Degroat. Morton Harloe made a business trip to N,ew York City the last of the week. Mrs. Coe Durland of Honesdale, was a mid-week visitor of her daugh ter, Mrs. F. W. Suydam. Owing to the great calamities with which mother earth was threatened by its passage through the comet's tall, some of Scranton's fair sex made comet visits to their Hawley friends on that much dreaded day, May 18th, thinking our town a more safe re treat in case of disaster than the Electric City. Jessie Mott, of White Mills, spent ffntnrrl.nv nftnrnnnn with frfpiwls In 1 town. Mrs. David Degroat died at her home at Fowlertown on Friday at noon after suffering with a cancer ous growth for several months. Funeral was held on Monday with burial in the Paupack cemetery. Mrs. Conrad Krause entertained relatives from Bloomsburg on Sat urday. Charles Langan went to Lakeville on Sunday to treat a sick horse own ed by Charles Daniels. Miss Sheridan of Honesdale, Is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Martin Barrett, the latter being In poor health ever since her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Seeger nnd dnughter Florence, of Lakeville, visited Joseph Pennell and wifo on Sunday. They enjoyed a motor boat trip up the Paupack in the afternoon. Mrs. George Kimble has returned from her winter's sojourn in .the western part of the state. On Sat udray she and her daughter, Char lotte, went to Lakeville to visit Mrs. Charles Locklln. Clarence Kimble and family Joined them on Sunday. Mrs. Oscar Williams visited Tafton relatives on Sunday. PLEASANT MOUNT. There nre live graduates from the High school this year. The bac calaureate sermon will be preached on Sunday evening next in tho Pres byterinn churrh by the pastor, Rev. William Usher. Tho Class Play will take puaco Tuesday evening, the 31st, and commencement exercises will be held on Wednesday evening, June 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling and daugh ter came to their summer home last Friday. SOUTH STERLING. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Barnes spent Friday in Scranton. Dr. and Mrs. Simons took a pleas ure trip to Honesdale last week in their now auto. Roy F. Martheus, of Pittsburg, is spending a few weeks at tho homo of Thomas Barnes. Mr. Robinson, of Honesdale, spent a few days with Mr. G. II. Lan caster last week. Mrs. Charles West, Mrs. William Hazer nnd eon have been visiting friends at Wllkes-Barro. Mrs. William Robackor and chil dren have been visiting relatives at Moscow during tho past week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gilpin have recently moved Muto Mr. Jesse Mar- tin's hous l Mr. Thomns BarneB spent Satur day nnd Sundny at Moscow, and Mondny in Scranton, Wnrd Frey Is spending n few days with his brother n Scranton. Mrs. Frank Hnmcs nnd son have been visiting Mrs. John Frlck. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Simons spent Saturday In this plnce. ' SOUTH CANAAN. Hov. and Mrs. Hooper returned home from ft trip to White Plains and Cos Cob, Conn. Tho Ladles' Aid of the M. P. church , met at the parsonage on Wednesday of last week. Dr. nnd Mrs. Cook are on a visit soutli. The Lake Qulnslgamon Cottage is again occupied. Hev. Hooper was elected by the New York Conference, Christian Endeavor of the M. P. church, as del egate to Atlantic City where the de nomination will hold Christian En-! deavor Convention on May 2Cth to! 29th. i The Young People's Bible class, of the M. P. church, Mrs. Hooper teacher, held an ice crenm social in the Grange Hall on Wednesday even ing, Mny 18th. KELLAM. The time of the comet is past, and we no not see any effects from It, and have not seen it. There are some who say they have seen it. Mrs. D. M. Stalker and daughter, Edith, and Emma Stalker, attended the Lookout Aid at Mrs. S. J. Rut ledge last Thursday. I Mr. H. P. Kellam and Dr. Frlsbie j took a trip to Honesdale last Friday and Saturday in the Doctor's new automobile. Mrs. John Moore and Mrs. WIer, j of Hanklns, called on friends here i last Thursday. D. M. Stnlker has a new canopy top wagon, large enough to take some of his neighbors to church with him. Miss Lida Conkllu was given a birthday surprise by eleven of her friends last Saturday. Ice cream and cake were served, and she received many little gifts In remembrance of the day. Mrs. B. French from L,ong Island, Is visiting her aunt, .Miss Barrllla Kellam. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Conklln, from Conklln Hill, visited relatives here over Sunday. Mrs. John Skinner made a trip to Long Eddy last Saturday. Have The Citizen come to your home twice a week. The paper with the news. WHITES VALLEY. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Spencer and Miss Anna Hauser spent Saturday and Sunday nt Forest City. Miss Minnie Thornton has return ed to Hawley after visiting Mrs. O. C. Miller. Mrs. J. W. Hull, who has been visiting Waymart relatives, has re turned home. Miss Edna Cliff entertained thir teen little girls Saturday at an after noon tea party. Miss Delma Fitze has returned to Creamtori after spending several days with her grandmother, Mrs. H. P. Meade. Our pastor, Rev. Schenck, has the Sunday school in charge and invites specially young nnd old to be pres ent. BETHANY. Henry Kent, of Carbondale, visit ed his sister, Mrs. Edward Hacker, recently. The many friends here of Mr. and Mrs. Horace V. Noyes of Honesdale, extend congratulations on tho birth of a son, Von Kirk Starnes Noyes, on Friday morning. Notice of the death of Mrs. Ger trude Jones will be found elsewhere. Mrs. M. E. Bolkcom spent Satur day with her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. 1$. Faatz. who Is seriously 111. Mrs. Charles Faatz has been taking care of her for several days. .Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Paynter and daughter, Isabelle, of Carbondale, droo over Sunday nnd spent the day with Mrs. H. N. Miller. Miss Cody was called to Honesdale Wednesday on n case. Dorothy Relfler of Tnnners Falls, spent Sunday with Ella Gnnunell. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Paynter and children of Carbondale, spent Sun day with relatives here. Rev. Thomas Huston, the evangel ist, will preach in tho Presbyterian church Wednesday evening, June 1st, instead of Sunday, May 29th. All are welcome. There was a good attendance at tho ice cream social at George Madde ford's homo Friday evening. Pro ceeds, $9. INDIAN ORCHARD. What was thought to bo Halley's comet was seen by several at this place Saturday evening between S and 9 o'clock. Friends from this placo attended tho funeral of Mrs. H. V. Turnan of Honesdale last Monday morning. Miss Cora Weeks recently visited her sister, Mrs. C. RIaloney, at East Honesdale. Henry Garratt and wife, of Steben vlllo, Ohio, and brothor, Nelbon J. Garratt, and wlfo of Scranton, also Mrs. Elizabeth Garratt and grand daughter, Melva Wrenn, of Hawley, aro visiting nt W. II. Halls. Mr, and Mrs. G. Ham and daughter Mary, recently visited relatives at Hawley. Nettle Ham nnd friend, of White Mills, visited her father and sis-tors on Sunday last. I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bishop spent Sundny nt Ira Bishop's. I Mrs. Mnddock, of White Mills, is spending some tlmo with her daugh- tor, Mrs. O. Lovelnss. j Miss Nellie Hnll recently spent ' several days visiting relatives In i Hawley. Lester Rico of White Mills, spent Frldny afternoon with Hnrold Hall. Mrs. John Marshall of Vine Hill, who has been quite seriously 111, Is reported on the gain. DIFFICULT OPERATION. On an Improvised operating table stretched over two seats in a car of a Long Island railroad train, James Corwood lay senseless while a surgeon amputated one of his legs. While the operation wns performed, the train lurched and pitched, mak nig the fast run to Jamaica. Cor wood was run over at Bellemore, and put aboard to be taken to n hospital at Janiacia. A telegram was sent ahead to Rockvlllo Centre, in response to which a physician boarded the train nt that point. Ho saw an immediate operation was needed. He completed the task be fore the train reached Jamaica. At the hospital It was said Corwood had a chance of recovery because of tho prompt treatment. .JURORS FOR JUNK COURT. GRAND JURORS. Berlin G. T. Brltenbaker. Buckingham Amos Edwards. Canaan William Sheeley. Cherry Kldge E. C. Brown. Clinton S. A. Snedeker. Dyberry Nicholas Dippert. Dreher Scott Bartleson. Damascus B. H. Keyes. Honesdale Thomas A. Crossley, Sr., James Monahan, Alfred H. Olver. Hawley Frank Stevenson. Lebanon BenJ. Rutledge. Manchester Linas Mahon. Mt. Pleasant Thos. Dunn. Oregon Henry Tamblyn. Palmyra Hugh Parcell. Paupack Augustus LIntner. Preston Henry Niles. Starrucca George Carpenter. South Canaan H. C. Curtis. Salem Byron H. Leonard. Texas Emanuel Holland, Fred Herman. TRAVERSE JURORS. Bethany J. E. Goff. Berlin Herbert Branning, Fred Daniels. Buckingham Cain Lord, William Flynn. Cherry Ridge Ferdinand Dlrlam. Canaan Norman Jenkins. Clinton John Mill. Damascus Augustus Keeslor, H. B. Lord, G. A. Keesler, Ward Wall. Dyberry Harry E. Palmer, Geo. M. Day. Dreher A. J. Osborn. Honesdale Frank M. Robinson, Paul Knorr, Wm. Pohle, John Drls coll. Hawley W. C. Knapp, J. J. Swlt zer. Lebanon Leroy L. Mitchell. Lake William Ransom, T. N. Jones. Lehigh Reuben Biesecker. Mt. Pleasant Wm. Glover, Grand ison Loomis, James Clune. .Manchester D. M. Stalker, Jr., Charles Phillips. Oregon George Taylor. Prompton William Wood. Preston Dennis Moran. Paupack John Munzatt. v Palmyra Joseph Schoell. South Canaan Thomas Box, Jay Shaffer. Salem Edmund Hartford, An drew McCluskey, Chas. M. Glllett. Sterling Abram Garrls, Eugene Balsley. Starrucca E. R. Huyck. Scott William Eberline. Texas Julius Bussa, Jacob Deni er, Sr., Michael Loercher. Waymart R. Wonnacott. Results of Games Played In National and American Leagues. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Pittsburg New York, 7; Pitts burg, 1. Batteries Wiltse, Mathowsou and Meyers; Phllllppl, Camnltz, Webb and Gibson. At St. Louis St. Louis, 0; Brooklyn, 0. Batteries Lush and Phelps; Bar ger aud Erwln. At Cincinnati Cincinnati, 0; Boston, I 5. Batteries Gasper nnd McLean; t Frock aud Smith. At Chicago Chicago-Philadelphia game postponed on accouut of rain. STANDING OF TUB CLUBS. W. L. P.C. Pittsburg 10 10 .015 Chicago 10 11 .Cl Cincinnati 10 11 X'X New York 17 14 .548 St. Louts 10 15 .510 Philadelphia Hi 13 .500 Boston 10 10 .345 Brooklyn 10 21 .B23 AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Boston (fifteen Innings) Chicago, 4; Boston, 3. Batteries Walsh, Puyno and Block; Hall und Donohue. At Philadelphia Detroit, 4; Phlladel phla, 3. Batteries Donovan and Sta unge; Bender nnd Lapp. At Washington Washington, 7; St. Louis, 2. Batteries Johnson nnd Street; Graham and Stephen. At New York New York-Clevelaud game postiKmed on account of rain. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. L. P.O. Philadelphia 20 0 .700 Now York 18 8 .092 Detroit ., 17 13 .507 Boston , 15 13 .530 Ciovoland 13 14 .481 Washington 12 18 .400 Chicago 0 10 .300 St. Louis 5 21 .10: MEMORIAL DAY. In tho dream of northern poets, The brave who in bnttle die Fight on In tho shndowy phalanx In tho fields of tho upper sky; And, ns we road the sounding rhyme, The reverent fancy hears iic fjiiuoiij w i i.ic tiv n ivsa swords And the clash of tho spectral spear3. Wo think with Imperious question ings Of the brothers whom we have lost j And we try to track In death's mys-j tery The flight of each valiant ghost, The northern myth comes back to us, And we feel througn our Bor-' row's night That those young souls are striving still Somewhere for truth nnd right. A chosen corps, they are marching on In a wider Held than ours; Those bright battalions still fulfil Tho schemes of the heavenly powers; And high," brave thoughts float down to us, The echoes of that far fight, Like the gleam of a distant picket's gun Through the shades of the sever ing night. No fear for them! In our lower field Let us keep our arms unstained, That at last we be worthy to stand with them On the shining heights they've gained. We shall meet and greet In closing ranks, In Time's declining sun. When the bugles of God shall sound recall, And the Battle of Life be won! John Hay. ZSF-LET US PRINT YOUR BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATE MENTS, NOTE HEADS, ENVEL OPES, CIRCULARS, ETC., ETC. CJHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE D REAL ESTATE. -By virtue of process Issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Wayne county, and State of Pennsylvania, and to mo directed and delivered, I have levied on and will expose to public sale, at the Court House in Honesdale, on All the defendant's right, title and Interest in the following described property, viz: All that lot of land situate in the township of Mt. Pleasant, county of Wayne, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a corner in the line of land of H. G. Squires and corner of Bernard Hatton; thence along said Hatton's east line north ten degrees west one hundred and ninety-eight perches to Hatton's north east corner; thence north eighty five degrees east to line of land sold to Joseph Monroe. Jr., and Charles E. Fletcher; thence south five degs. east one hundred and ninety-eight perches along the line of No. 11 and 12 of the Keen allotment to line of H. G. Squires; thence south forty eight and one-half degrees west along H. G. Squires' line to place of beginning. Containing one hundred and twenty acres more or less. Be ing same premises which W. B. Roadknight, sheriff of Wayne, soid as the property of John Kerlin by deed dated Oct. 2S, 1907, recorded in Recorder's office deed book No. 95, page 35, to Marvin Cooley. And same which Marvin Cooley, by deed dated June G, 190S, and intended to be recorded, granted to Mary F. O'Neill. j Upon said premises are a frame dwelling aud two barns and three fourths of said land is improved. Seized and taken Into execution as the property of Mary F. O'Neill at the suit of Marvin Cooley. No. 4S. June Term, 190S. Judgment, 51,300. Kimble, Attorney. TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs must be paid on day of sale or deeds will not be acknowledged. M. LEE BRAMAN, Sheriff. Honesdale, Pa., May IS, 1910. i is?! Plenty Of Good Lumber Here Don't buy just the ordinary everyday lum. ber when you can get some of our beau tiful, soft and clear grain Yellow Pine Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Casing, Basing, Etc. gat the same price as you'd pay for Inferior lumber. Wo also carry a full line of Hardwoods, Cedar Shingles, Lath, Plaster, Cement, Fencing, Posts, Etc. "Quality and Prompt Service" goes with all sales we make. Come and in spect our complete etock and see for yourself. RETAIL LUMBER YARDS MARTIN HERMANN, 3fl 31 Sis 8 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION FOR REPRESENTATIVE. FRED C. REICIIENBACKER, Druggist, Honesdale, Pa. Was born at Honesdale In 1SG4 and has always been a resident of the borough. He was educated In the Honesdale high school and learn ed the druggist's business In the pharmacy of C. C. Jadwln, and Is still engaged in that calling. He has always been an active and con sistent Republican, is well versed in and an able exponent of the princi ples of tho party and wholly devoted to it3 interests. Mr. Relchenbacker Is a member of the American Federa tion of Musicians. He was placed In nomination for state senator of the 14th district by the conferees of Wayne at Stroudsburg in 1908 and during the deadlock had the highest vote of any candidate; but notwith standing the nomination belonged to Wayne, his name was withdrawn on the fifty-second ballot and the nom ination went to Carbon county. Turn out to Primaries Saturday June 4, 1910. JOSEPH N. WEIGH r ire Insurance The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over C C. Jadwin's drug store. Honpsdale. Tooth Savers We have the sort of tooth brushes that are ni:nle to thoroughly cleanse nnd save the teeth. Tliry nre the kind Hint clean teeth w Ithon eavins vour mouth full of bristles. We recommend those costlnj 25 cents o more, as we ran guarantee them and will re place, free, any that show defects of mami fai'turc within three months. . O. T. CHAHBER5. PHARHACIST, Opp. I). A It. Station HONESDALE, PA SEPf r