I Till! CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY SW, 1010. THE CITIZEN TUBUBI1ED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND ml AY BY THE CITIZEN rUnUSlllKn COM TAN Entered as seconu-clnss nintter, nt tblpost omcc. uonesunic. in. sonscniPTioN n.co E. 0. HAKDKNllKltGH, PRESIDENT V. W. WOOD. - - MANAGER AND SKC'Y niuixrroKs: c. n. Donru.NOF.n. m. n. ai.i.f.n. HENRY WILSON. K. H. HAIltlEMIIllHII. W. W. WOOD. WEDNESDAY, MAY '27,, 1IM0. Rev. Henry N. Coudon, tlie blind chaplain of the House of Representa tives nt Washington, D. C, astonish ed the members of that body last Friday, In his prayer for divine culdnnce by uttering these words "Since the purity of the homo de pends upon the purity of those who compose It, the character of the na tion depends upon the people who make up the nntlon. Help us. there fore, as Individuals to strive earn estly to cast out the beam from our own eye that we may see clearly to pull the mote out of our brother's eye. If we are to become muck rak ers, help s to rake before our own door, and if we have time then let us help our neighbor. Since cant and hypocrisy are the most heinous of all sins, deliver us, we pray Thee, from them." G. It. Washburne, Secretary of the National Model License League, has given out statistics which show that the average Increase In the use of alcoholic beverages in the United States is 244,874 gallons a day as compared with the corresponding period In 190'J. Mr. Washburne at tributes the increase, not to the re verses that Prohibition have receiv ed within the last year, but to their successes. "Prohibition," he says, "has caused the Introduction of bot tles, Jugs, cases and barrels Into homes where liquor had never en tered under the license system." No doubt there Is some truth In his assertion. The desire to get that which we are forbidden to have Is as natural and as human as our in difference to that which we ought to have and can have for the taking. It Is this trait which often prompts young women to spurn the suitors at their feet and to throw their affec tions like lassos after less worthy swains who do not appear so anxi ous. It is a trait which manifests It self In a thousand different ways, a trait which every man may observe in himself and In every Individual of his acquaintance. It would be odd indeed If some such perversity of human nature did not crop up to spoil the attractive theory of Pro hibition. GOVERNORSHIP. Cyrus LaRue Munson, of Wil Hamsport, Pa., candidate for Supreme Court Justice on the Democratic ticket last fall, will be the nominee of the Democratic convention at Allentown for Gover nor, according to gossip heard about Democratic state headquarters. The sentiment, from reports received is tending strongly toward the Lycom ing candidate In spite of the activity of ex-State Treasurer William H. Berry and the efforts of Senator Webster Grim, of Bucks. State Democratic organization leaders who had been "laying low" are now talking Munson, and It is de clared by some of the people well versed In Democratic politics that he will come pretty close to being nominated on the first ballot. No one doubts that he will take the nom ination. From the best poll made of candi dates for delegates entered in the flllng of petitions which closod Sat urday, Berry has less than sixty dole- gates In sight. Some people do not give him that many and even If he should get as high as seventy-live It is believed the Munson delegates will be joined by the great majority of uninstructed delegates. Thoro will bo 209 delegates in the convention. Munson's place at tho head of the ticket Is believed so certain among men that they are talking of second place. The names of Senator A. G. Dewalt, of Allentown, and Rudolph Blankenborg, of Philadelphia, aro suggested; Dewalt has most of the favor. Munson's liberal expenditure of money In his offorts to get a seat on tho bench of Supremo Court last year was so stupendous that his candi dacy nppeals very strongly to the workers of the Democratic party, as they realize that all they can get out of a State campaign is what comes out of tho pockets of tho canlidates. Berry Is not very generoui In his disbursement of money to tlo cam- pnlgn fund, and while he has n rop utntlon of being honest, one promi nent Democrnt was heard to remark that Berry never had an opportunity to be dishonest where his chances of belng( discovered were not over whelming agnlnBt him. Berry Is too good a man to suit many of the work ers in his party, and If the Prohi bition, Locnl Option and Anti-Saloon parties would combine, he would nc cept a nomination from them, and the result would be a big cutting down in the votes of the old pnr tles. If the Democratic party would put a plank In their platform favor ing Local Option, they would, with out doubt, elect their ticket with either Munson or Berry nt the head, as this question is being agitated so that it is getting on the nerves of the voters, to the extent that they would like to try It out. A prominent brewer In Philadel phia was asked what he thought nbotit "Malicious Animal Magnet ism." His reply was, "There Is something in it, and I am satisfied that the local option crowd have a corner on the Infernal thing, for about two out of every three persons that I met and conversed with were leaning townrds giving local option a trial." Astronomers are discussing and disagreeing as to the time when the earth passed through the tall of the comet. Of course, It may be Inter esting to them, but the common, plain, every-day people have doubts whether the comet has a tall that anything could pass through. The failure of some visible display of this well advertised and long heralded circus in the planetary regions has strengthened the faith of the Chris tian Scientists, whose foundation be lief is that material things exist mainly if not wholly In the imagina tion, and that aches, pains, etc., are in the same class as comet tails. We often wish they were. BUILDERS OF CHARACTER. Nothing but frank intercourse with independant minds, nothing but dis cussion on equal terms, will keep a thinker Intellectually humbie and conscious of fallibility. There is a sort of Impulsiveness which often gets people Into serious trouble. We are fretted and vexed at the acts of somebody else, and we do not wait to think, but say out our irritation and wound deeply some sensitive spirit. We are angry and we let passion rule us Instead of calm reflection. The impulsive per son who cannot control his temper is like one who carries fire near gunpowder. What you do, do well. If a thing is worth doing at all, It Is worth do ing well. Yet the world is full of work badly done. It Is always bad policy to do work in a poor, half hearted and slovenly fashion. Good and honest work will always be of the greatest service, both to the serving and the served. The work er will ever find it to his best inter est to work conscientiously and carefully, and to do his very best. Like simplicity of manner, It shows us a man's sentiments and turn of mind laid open without dis guise. More studied and artificial manners of writing, however beauti ful, have always this disadvantage, that they exhibit an author In form, like a man at court, where the splendor of dress, and ceremonial of behavior, conceal those peculiari ties which distinguish one man from another. But reading an author of simplicity is like conversing with a person of distinction at home, and with ease, where we find natural manners and a marked character. I have observed one Ingredient somewhat necessary In a man's com position townrds happiness, which people of feeling would do well to acquire; a certain respect for the follies of mankind; for there are so many fools whom tho opinion of tho world entitles to regard, whom ac cident has placed In heights of which they nro unworthy, that he who cannot restrain his contempt or indignation at tho sight will be too often quarreling with the disposal of things to relish that share which is allotted to himself. Great care must bo taken lest your debates break In upon your pas sions and awakon them to tako part In the controversy. When tho op ponent pushos hard, and gives Just and mortal wounds to our own opin ions, our passions aro very apt to feel the strokes, and to rise In ro sontmont and defense. Self Is so mingled with the sentiments which wo have chosen, and has such a ten der feeling of all tho opposition which is mndo to them, that person al brawls aro very ready to como In as seconds to succeed and finish tho dispute of opinions. Then noise, and clamor, and folly appear in nil their shapos, and chase reason nnd truth out of sight. Bryco to Stay. Washington, May 21. Tho British embassy hero authorized a denial of tho report that Uio night lion. James Brycc, the British ambassador to the United States, had written to tho Brit ish foreign office asking to bo recalled from this city. TO THE PUBLIC. In our open lottcr of April 2nd we stated, that wo belloved every em ployee haB tho right to Join any or ganization he cares to, etc. We thought at the time that as soon as the citizens of Honesdale became con vinced, that the men were able to earn not only fair but good wages, sufficient pressure would be brought to bear to release the men from outside Influence, which is nt the bottom of this disturbance, in this belief we were very much disap pointed, and tho experience of the post eight weeks has been a severe lesson to us. It has shown us, that there Is an organization, which has no regards for the rights of others, but the members of which feel that they are privileged to do whatever they please and that no one must opposo them. Organization on the part of the manufacturers according to their standard of Justice would be a crime ngalnst society. Since the beginning of the strike our fac tory has been In a state of siege; pickets have been on duty continu ously, and men who were willing and anxious to work, have been pre vented from doing so by tnrents of tho vilest character. Malicious and fnlso statements have been circulated In various ways. We have made nil kinds of efforts to arouse the spirit of self-preservation in this com munity sufficiently to induce some representative and public-spirited citizens to investigate the trouble without fear or favor, and state in an unbiassed opinion, which party is in the wrong. We believe that a man is free to sell IBs labor at the highest price obtainable; but we be lieve at the same time, that tlfe em ployee has no right to demand the control of his employer's invest ment; and the organization, which instills that doctrine Into the minds of its members, is not worthy of consideration, because it is un-American and savors of anarchy. Trade unions, if properly directed, can be of great benefit to the country as well as to their members, but when they attempt to deprive the em ployers of the control of their prop erty, they are bound to universal animosity. On account of the treat ment we have received during the past eight weeks from the members of the American Flint Glass Work ers' Union, we have decided that it is against safe business policy to em ploy any men, who are affiliated with that organization, because their presence in a factory is forever a menace to the interests of the em ployer, and a barrier to that feeling of confidence and mutual regard, which is the cornerstone of every successful Industry. THE HERBECK-DEMER CO., EMIL HERBECK, Pres. Honesdale, Pa., May 24, 1910. NO PLACE LIKE HOME. We print the following letter which was published In the Ump qua Valley News, published at Rose burg, Oregon, which goes to show that all the glittering prospects held out to go west have a dull side, which you fail to see until you have made the plunge. Our own county, under Intelligent and intensified farming, can be made just as profit able as most sections of this country. Dlxonville, Oregon, May 12. If you will allow me a little space I have a few "knocks" I woula like to register. While I believe in boosting a good thing, and there Is no locality on the coast that will justify it as will Roseburg and Douglas county, yet I think the es sential part of boosting is to treat people fairly and keep them con tented after they arrive here and have invested, and that feature of the programme, if it ever was a feat ure, seems to have been overlooked entirely. To illustrate, I have liv ed here a year, and during that time am satisfied I could have in duced four or five families from the East to locate here, but I wrote and told them not to come. If I had been satisfied they, lit turn, would have told their friends and thus formed an endless chain of boost ers "What's tho matter with me?" I'll tell you. All my earnings and a good part of my wife's money that she brought witli her goes to Roseburg to help pay for street pav ing, autos, fine roadsters, numer ous trips to California and other points, or their henltli and such. Tho farmers here who produce all this wealth where ono can be cited who can afford any ono of these luxuries, I can name five hun dred who do not have time to take a day's fishing at Winchester, nnd why Is all this? Tho high prices paid by tho farmers in Roseburg take all tholr profits. I'll glvo a few examples: I paid $100 for a wagon (2 1-2 In) that would cost at home not moro than ?G0 at tho highest. A walking cultivator was priced to mo nt ?2C, worth ?12 at homo and ono can buy them second hand at from 25 cents to ?3. A summer hat costs CO cents which after tho first shower looked like a dlBh rag. I can buy It In Chicago at rotall for 20 cents. A pair of work shoes cost ?3 that ono can buy anywhere In tho East for ?1.50 to 12, and so on down tho Hue. Do tho fnrmors get a good prlco for their products? Yes, very good price If they got tho mouey, but whnt do they get groceries. I haven't seen a dollar in so long that I don't know how It looks and I have so many groceries on hand that I am considering starting a store and trading them for farm products and soiling tho products for moro groc eiles and bo on. When I go to town with a load of fruit to buy more groceries I nm obliged to hitch my horses nearly out to tho fair grounds by tho roadsldo or put them In tho bnrn and poy 20 cents for the privilege and 1 feed them my own grnin. This is an advance of 100 per cent, since tho paving. Of course If 1 had tho 20 cents but I have to spend my wife's money. Why don't 1 sell out nnd go back? I'll be compelled to do bo soon. The end Is In sight If there Is not n chnnge even If I must take the prlco of my fnrm In groceries. But I don't like to do It. would like to get In nnd help boost Instead of "knock ing" In self defense. Not one fourth of tho people reallzo what they have got here. I've- lived In the best parts of nenrly every state In tho West, Including Western Washington, Southern California, the Willamette Valley, the famous Rogue River Valley, and you have them "skinned a country block" In good people, climate, fertile soil nnd don't you doubt It, fruit. . All we need in that line Is a well or ganized Fruit Growers' Association to ship and sell our fruit and go after the big prices. Glvo us "a square deal" and we will help you. C. D. BROOKS. RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY. Whereas, The silent messenger of Death has again entered the wigwam of Oslek Tribe, and taken from our midst to the hunting grounds of his Fathers, our Brother George C. Decker, who died May 8, 1910; be it Resolved, That we extend to the Immediate family our heartfelt sym pathy In this, their hour of trial, and commend them to the care of the Infinite Father, who comforteth the stricken family; be It further Resolved, That our charter be draped In mourning for thirty days as token of regard for our departed Brother; that a copy of these reso lutions be extended to tho bereaved family, spread upon the record of the tribe, and published in the coun ty papers. EUGENE C. BABBITT, WILLIAM SCHLOSS, A. R. TAEUBNER, Committee. Wigwam Oslek Tribe, Improved Order Red Men, Honesdale, Pa., May 23, 1910. BIBLE CONFERENCE, Will Open nt Montrose, Susquehanna County, July 4th. Circulars have just been Issued by the Montrose Bible Conference as sociation, of which Rev. R. A. Tor rey is the founder and conference director, calling attention to the fact that the summer Bible school will open on Monday, July 4th, and will continue until August 31st. The third annual conference will open on August 19th at 2:30 o'clock and close on Sunday evening, Au gust 28th. The second annual meeting of the members of the Montrose Bible con ference association will bo held on Thursday, August 25th, on the con ference grounds. The semi-annual meeting of the board of directors will be held on the evening of the same day. The conference will be under the direction of Rev. Torrey, and some of the speakers already engaged are Rev. A. C. Dixon, of Chicago; Rev. Henry Frost of Germantown; Rev. Charles E. Hurlburt, of Kljabe, Africa; Rev. N. F. Smith, of North field, Mass., and many others. SON HORN TO SPANISH QUEEN. Queen Victoria was delivered of a son still born early Saturday morning. Tho unhappy outcome Is attributed to premature accouche ment, which otherwise was natural. Tho body will bo buried without ceremony In the escurlal monastery. When told of the loss, the mother wept bitterly. The past few weeks have been trying for her. Twice the officials were summoned on the Im pression that birth was imminent. While doubt existed, King Alfonso was obliged to hurry to London to attend the funeral of the queen's uncle, Edwnrd VII. According to custom. Premier Mendez bore the body to tho room adjoining the queen's chamber for official inspec tion by members of the royal fam ily. This Is tho first instance of still birth in the Spanish royal family, although tho child of Queen Isabella II, lived only to recelvo the lustral water. DRY CURE FOR COLD. A Paris physician, P. L. Romme, has recently nnnounced a now cure for a cold In tho head. In reality, Dr. Roinmo's cure Is said to have boon discovered 150 years ago by an Engllsli doctor named Williams, well known nt tho close of the eighteenth century. Tho remedy is simplicity Itself. All one has to do Is to abstain from nil liquids during n period of twenty-four to forty-eight hours, starting, from tho moment when tho sufferer feels tho first Irritating symptoms of a cold in tho head. Bread, fish, vegetables, white meat and pudding may bo eaten, but bovornges should bo taken in very small quantities n spoonful of ten, coffee, or milk In tho morning, nnd a smnll glass of water going to bed, or, If possible, not taken at all. It Is not necessary to remain nt home. Tho dry cure, in fact, is moro rnpld and complete If tho sufforer brenthes in tho open air. Dr. Stein berg, a Vlenneso authority, has mod ernized it by forbidding soup and oven tho small quantity of tea or milk of Dr. William's system. But he allows a small glass of wlno nnd wnter during the day. HOCND ABOUT THE HOUSE. A cloth wrung out of vinegar, nnd wrapped round cheese, will keep it from moulding. When you seal nn envelope with tho white of an egg it Is Impossible to steam it open. A lnrgc safety pin makes a con venient holder for odd buttons nnd looso hooks nnd eyes. Ammonia wnter that has ben Used for washing may be used for plants. It Is an excellent fertili zer. A coarse cloth dipped In salt and water, and rubbed over straw mat ting will prevent It from turning yellow. A can of Welsh rnbbit is all ready for serving when melted In a little water or milk and turned over toast. Suede shoes that have become shiny and worn-looking can he freshened by rubbing them with fine snnd-pnper. If you are obliged to burn a light In your bedroom, It had better be a cnndle or a night lamp. The or dinary gas flame consumes much of tho oxygen. For a cheese omelet, beat six eggs slightly and stir in an eighth of a cupful of grated cheese with a little salt and pepper. Cook like an or dinary omelet. As a substitute for a bodkin needle a safety pin Is excellent. It opens up the way without punctur ing the cloth. It Is especially good to use with starched articles. f It Is the drying of delicate mus lins and lawns that fades them rath er than the washing. They should never be hung In the sun, but should be laid upon a doubled sheet, covered with another and rolled up for an hour. Girls who are expert with their needles could cover their own para sols If an old frame Is available, for a cover could be ripped away, one section opened and pressed and this will serve as a pattern for the new cover. When ripping examine carefully the sewing. - Blond and brunette sandwiches are pretty additions to the tea table. To make the blond ones cut white bread into thin triangles and spread with butter nnd chopped cress; the brunettes aro made of circles of brown bread spread with cream cheese and chopped olives. They should be served on separate plates. LEON FINKELSTEIN, of Flnkclstein 15ms., Optometrists and Opticians of Syracuse, N. Y., will he at the Commercial Hotel parlors Saturday, May 28, 1010. ! Having hundreds of satisfied customers in Wayne Co., no doubt I can satis fy you also. At White Mills National Hotel, Mon day, May HOtli; nt Hawley, Reailer's Hotel, May ttlst. All work guaran teed for one year. Glasses furnish ed at reasonable prices. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of CU -M-f-f-H-M-f ESTABLISHED 1830 THE OLDEST BANK IN WAYNE COUNTY --THE CAPITAL, $ 150,000.00 SURPLUS 241,711.00 TOTAL ASSETS 1,902,000.00 WE ARE AFTER YOU ! You havo more or less banking business. Possibly it is with us, such being tho case you know something of" our service, but if not a patron would it not bo well for you to become ono ? OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT will help you start. It is calculated to servo all classes, tho old and tho young, tho rich and tho poor, MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN IT RECEIVES DEPOSITS OF $1.00 AND UP ond nllows three per cent, interest annually. Interest will be paid from tho first of any month on nil deposU made on or before the 10th of the month provided such deposit remiin three calendar months or longer. HENRY Z. RUSSELL. 1'UKBIDK.NT. ANDREW THOMPSON VICE PRESIDENT. 1 i WOMAN'S PLACE IS HOME. Can do Moro Good There Than nt Polls, Says Preacher. Cincinnati, O., Mny 22. A hearty welcomo to tho delegates of tho Federation of Women's Clubs was delivered last evening from the pul pit of Rev. G. R. Robblns, of tho Lincoln Park Baptist church, who spoke on "The Club Women, 800, 000 Strong, nnd Their Possibilities." "Woman's first place is in the homo," he snld, "and there she can do more good than at tho polls, for It Is her opportunity to mold the character of tho generation which Is to succeed themselves. Wo trust that every woman who bends over the washtub, Iron board, who scrubs the floors of public buildings, gets grny hairs over the worries incident to sowing, or Is employed In office work, will receive nn uplift by tho presence of these women In our city, whose aim and object Is to bring about a better state of affairs In the home, city and land." HOWS THIS? We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any ob ligations made by his firm. Waldlng, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Prlco 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggsts. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. THE NOBBY LONG COATS - - AT - - r I Cos Stores Are Suitable for Real Stylish Wear t EDWIN V. TORIIKY CABIIIKK. ALBERT C.LINDSAY ASSISTANT CASHIER Menoe H--H- tmmt V