The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 25, 1910, Image 3

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Tho 111-Fnteil Battleship to He Re
moved Front Ilnvnnn Hnrlior.
"They mny bo able to raise tho
Maine, but It's going to bo a darn
tough Job," said Cnpt. Louis Sorcho,
the great deep sea diver, who was ono
of tho eight chosen by the Govern
ment to go down In tho wreck of that
ill-fated man-of-war Immediately af
ter it was blown up In Havana Har
bor on Feb. IB, 1S08.
"Wo reached tho harbor about six
or seven days after the Bhlp had gone
down, and after receiving our In
structions picked out our places, with
a good distance In between, so as to
avoid any danger of getting our lines
fouled, and also to cover a wide
"Havana Harbor has no cleansing
tide, merely a riso and fall. It Is
like a huge basin, with a big niche on
the side of the rim, through" which
the water comes In aud runs out.
"Now, the bottom of the harbor,
because of this, Is a mass of mud,
and as tho refuse and dirt of tho city
is emptied here to a great extent and
thero is no current to carry tho filth
away tho stuff settles at tho bottom.
To judge how bad the condition of
tho bottom of Havana Harbor is I
call attention to the fact that Ships
are not allowed to anchor there,
bouys being provided, for if a boat
were to drop its mud hook, when
it was pulled up it would stir up
such a muss that probably the way
would be paved for an epidemic.
Steamers must enter and leave with
their propellers moving only fast
enough to provide steerage way.
"There were no formalities in go
ing down Into the warship. Just as
soon as we were dressed in our div
ers' suits and had made sure of our
a.r pumps we went over tho side and
down into the blackest water I have 1
ever worked in during an uie years
I have been a diver,
"The depth where the Maine lies is
thirty-one feet, and the pressure of
water to the square inch about
twelve pounds. The dials on our air
pumps are marked so the men work-1
ing them can keep the air pressure
reeulated. and we don't have to
bother much except with our work
and the usual precautions for keep
ing our passageway free and clear.
"As soon as I reached the bottom
I was up to the shoulders in that
awful sticky mud. My helmet was
equipped with the automatic valve,
which can be controlled by the diver,
who, when he finds he has too much
air, can, by a move of the head, open
it, or vice versa.
"I quickly shut off the air escape,
and the suit began to fill up like a
balloon; but even with this aid I had
to signal for those above to pull on
the lines, to help mo in getting out
of the mud. After this, except when
we were working on the solid decks
of the sunken vessel, we worked un
der an air pressure of from one to
two pounds more than the depth
called for, so that we were almost
floating instead of walking.
"It was impossible to see anything
in that water, and your hand held in
front of your face plate could not be
noticed. Everything depended on the
diver's sense of touch. Although we
were equipped with the submarine
lights, they were useless and we
abandoned these after the first trip
"Our first duty was to get the bod
ies, nnd most of these were in tho
berth deck, forward. It was an aw
ful task; many of them were floating
up against tho roof of the deck, and
these we brought to the openings and
allowed to float to the surface.
"An odd thing about a person
drowned is that before the tuno for
him to come to tho surface, he Is
raised by the action of tho body gases
to a position almost standing, the feet
barely touching the bottom. Not be
ing able to see, wo just groped about
with widespread arms, and often I
have experienced tho shock, though
1 knew what to expect, of closing
my arms arounu one of the poor fel
lows who was In that peculiar posi
tion. "Finally we came to tho bodies of
tho poor fellows who wcro caught in
the wreckage; I believe I recovered
"Then came tho other work, and I
bad time to notice things more. The
sliii) by this tlmo was sunk in at
least ten feet of mud, and tho holo in
her bottom had so lllled up that it
would have been almost impossible
to tell where It was except through
tho breaks In the decks above it
"I will not attompt to say whether
tho explosion was from tho Inside or
outside, but I do know that overy
thiug was pointing upward, as If the
force was from directly underneath.
It must have been terrible, for things
wero blown nil out of shape, and yet
it ls remarkable that the magazines
nearby wore not touched. It makes
ono honestly think that if tho explo
sion had been in any ono of tho mag
nzlnes, tho others must have gone
too. I remember that wo sent keg
after keg of powder above, and some
of them wo took from places wher?
thoy must havo been blown, but thejr
bore no ovidenco of having bee?
touched by tiro such as muBt hav
beon tho case if tho upheaval ha
been from tho inside.
"Wo worked In tho Maino ulneteoi
days, and during that tlmo wo notici
ed that sho sank several lect ueope
In tho mud. So you can Imagino hovl
much sho has settled by this time. 1:
has been estimated that tho vessel
rests In eighteen feet of mud, and lti
Is going to be a Job to lift tho Mnlno i
out of It. j
"Thero nro live ways which can bo .
employed to ralso tho warship. Tho
llrst is with steel pontoons and
chains, but how nro they going to
pass tho chains under tho bottom?
You can't tunnel through mud as you
can through sand.
"Another way would be with nlr
bags. One of tho fnults in this sys
tem is the nbsenco of a valvo to rcg
ulato tho air pressure, to equalize it
with that of tho water. Let us say
that at tho depth of fifty feet hero is
a wnter pressure of twenty pounds to
tho square inch. The air-bags must
be inllatcd to their capacity by air
pressure of an equal amount. It Is
not the air that does tho lifting, but
the displacement mndo by tho bags.
Now tho ship begins to lloat. At
twenty-flvo feet the water pressure
has decreased half, but tho air pres- i
sure remains tho samo because there
Is no method of releasing It. So wo
have a water pressure of ten pounds
to the nlr pressure of twenty, nnd
when It has reached tho surface
thero is a full pressure of nlr to none
of water. Can you see what will
happen? Nothing of canvass or rub
ber can withstand that strain and
the bags burst. This has been prov
ed on a number of wrecks where tho
air-bags were used.
"Another method Is that of coffer
dams. Either the dams arc built in
side the ship, the holes patched and
ti.e water pumped out, or else they
are built all around the vessel and
tho pumps set to work. As it seems
impossible to get at the hole in tho
Maine, the second method would bo
the ono used, and I don't see how it
can bo done. First, you must get a
firm .bottom to hold it on, and tho
raisers would have to drive the
whole of that dam through that
eighteen feet or more of mud, and
then not be certain as to what they
would find underneath. The pres
sure at the depth In which the Maine
lies is nearly twelve pounds to the
square inch, and so each square foot
of the dam, when tho water was
pumped out from Inside it, would be
subject to a pressure of about 1,728
1 pounds. Unless it was well braced,
it could not withstand it, and there
is apparently no way that braces can
be placed so as to hold it.
"But let us suppose that this way
ls attempted and the water numned
out wno couid nve Uown there among
that disease filled filth? It has been
suggested that the men coula be
equipped with oxygen helmets, but
while they would be protected the
men who would have to unload tho
buckets would be exposed, and so you
would havo an awful time in a few
days. It is doubtful, no matter what
precautions were taken, if anything
could prevent an epidemic in the city
if so large an area were exposed.
"Let us return to the system of
closing the vessel up from the Inside.
There is ono way of removing sand,
etc., from a ship, and that is by cen
trifugal pumps; but in this case they
would be practically useless, for as
fast as they sucked out the mud it
would pour into tho holes, and also
because of the fact that thero is no
currant there the mud would settle
back on the bottom of the harbor to
be carried back against the sides of
tho ship with each fall."
Getting Into Moral Debt.
Philip D. Armour, millionaire and
philanthropist, continually warned
young men against getting into debt.
Ilo loved free men and despised slaves.
When asked if he admired a certain
brilliant orator ho said: "lie may havo
a superb voice and fine presence, but
can't you hear the rattle of his chain?
That man is not free. Ue is under
moral obligations that demoralize him.
Ilo ls not speaking the deepest thing
In his soul, nnd I haven't time to hear
any slave talk. I want a man to b
just ns free ns I nm."
On another occasion he said: "Don't
get'lnto debt I mean moral debt. It
Is bad enough to get into debt flnnn
clally. Thero goes n young man who
ls mortgaged. That young man ls leg
ging it along with a debt, nnd It will
take twice us much power to get him
along as the man without a debt.
There are other debts and obligations
that nro embarrassing In their entan
glements. Don't get Into debt morally,
my boy; don't get Into debt so that
you may not exercise your freedom to
Its limits."
A Nice Calculation,
Two very dear old ladles walked up
to the window where tickets wero to
be sold for two popular concerts. They
wanted tickets for both nights; but,
alas, those for tho second evening
were all gone! This was tho moro
popular entertainment of tho two.
"I'm so sorry, my dear!" pattered
one of tho old ladles to tho other. "Wo
did want to go, didn't wo, nnd wo
wanted to go both nights?"
"You couldn't give us two tickets
for each night?" Inquired tho other
of tho clerk.
"No, mu'wn."
"You haven't two seats anywhero
for tho second nlghtV"
"No, ma'am. Couldn't glvo you noso
, A great resolution beamed upon her
gcutlo face.
"Then," said sho firmly, "glvo mo
four tickets for the first night. Wo
will mako them do."
"Why, sister," quavered tho other,
"you'ro going to Invito somebody?"
"No," said she, "but if wo can't go
both nights" Sho paused, bewilder
ed, qulto out of her calculation. Then
a happy thought struck her, and sho
added, "We'll go twlco tho first night"
Youth's Companion.
P. H. McCarthy, Mayor of
San Francisco.
P. II. McCarthy, San Francisco's la
bor union niiiyor. who recently headed
it delegation from the Pacific const t"
Washington. Is 11 genuine leader of la
bor, 11 worUiiigmiiii who has risen, from
tho ranks. Tho quest of the delega
tion, which included Governor Glllctt.
wns the government's sanction for a
Panama-Pacific international exposi
tion to be held at San Francisco In
1015 to celebrate the completion of
the isthmian canal.
"Tho citizens of San Francisco," said
the mayor, "have subscribed $5,000.
000. and since it's our show wo don't
want tho government to give us a
cent. We'll pay tho fiddler ourselves.
All we want Uncle Sara to do ls to In
vito tho foreigu ministers and tell them
they'll have a good time and put up
his own part of the exhibit whatever
be happens to wish to."
Mayor McCarthy was born in Ire
land forty-seven years ago and came
to the United States -when eighteen.
He had learned the carpenter's trade
and while still a boy took an active
part in tho labor movement in St.
Louis, where ho settled, ne was one
of the organizers of tho Carpenters
and Joiners' union, which became a
national body at Chicago in 1S81 and
now has a membership of 235,000.
Five years later McCarthy went to
San Francisco and at oneo became an
active figure in the lnbor world. Mc
Carthy's first achievement was the or
ganization of the San Francisco Build
ing Trades council in 1S94, serving as
its president for fourteen years. Nine
years ago, with the nid of other labor
leaders, Mayor McCarthy formed the
State Building Trades council. He
was elected Its first president. In 1007
Mr. McCarthy was a candidate on tho
labor ticket for mayor, but was badly
beaten by E. It. Taylor. At that time
tho labor vote was divided, but In tlK
election last fall he received Its solid
support. Ho also succeeded in wlnnln
n largo number of business men to his
cause. Both bank presidents and un
ion men were numbered among his
supporting delegates on his trip to
Governor Hughes' Successor.
Lieutenant Governor Horace White,
who will become governor of New
York for the remaining three months
of Governor Hughes' term when the
latter goes to tho supreme bench on
Oct. 1, has been prominent in Now
York politics for many years. He
practically began his political career
when he was elected to tho state sen
ate In 1S93, although ho had previously
served in the assembly. In 100S ho
wns a candidate ngalnst Governor
Hughes for the gubernatorial uoiulun
tlou, but, being beaten for that honor
captured second place.
As lieutenant governor Mr. White
has been consistently opposed to tho
program of Governor Hughes during
his second administration, except so
far as the Itepubllcau organization has
given in to the governor's propositions
from time to time.
Mr. White was born In Buffulo In
1807 nnd is n nephew of Andrew I),
White, formerly president of Cornell
university and later nmbnssudor to
Germany. Ho was graduated from
Cornell with honors In 1687 and was
admitted to tbo bar In 1800 after a
courso in tho Columbia Law school.
Mr. Wblto took up tho practlco of law
In Byracuae, but early divided his at
tentlon between law and politics.
This Parlor Tablo is mndo of Quarter
Rawed oak Itotalls In stores for HSO
Only $3.35
For this handsomo Parlor Tftblo In
Quartered Oak. Finished and polished
golden Quartered Oak, Fancy 21 xti top,
richly carved rim, shaped undcrsholf,
French stylo legs. Also In tho rich
Mahopanlzed Iltrch for M 35. Carefully
vacked and shipped for 13.35.
Do not spend another cent for
Furniture until you have seen our
latest catalogue. Sent free.
1 a,f
3ETOjN. N.
itu-onr o -' thi: condition
a isatiM., -VAitu ) pi..
ut the close ot business, May 2, 1010.
Reserve fund $
Cash, specie nnd notes, f4i.:(7!i 50
Legal securities -15,000 00
Duo from approved re
serve agents 126,788 20-212,16"
McKels. cents anil fractional cur
rency Checks and cash Items
Due from Hanks nnd Trust Co's.not
reserve agents
Hills discounted. 113.-142 l
5H 27
2.12U 45
11.027 CO
Time loans with collateral 45,450 00
Loans on call Wltn eoi-
lateral 83.124 S7
Loans jii jail upon one
name 3,000 00
Loans on eutl upon two or
more names ol,li4"31
Loans secured by bond
and mortgage 21.400 521,491 7B
Investment securities owned ex
clusive of reserve bonds, viz:
Stocks, Honds, etc.. 1.H1.0W 71
Mortgages nnd Judg
ments of record.... 273,478 01 2,0S4.5fi2 75
Ollice liullding and Lot 27.000 00
Other Heal Estate 6.000 00
Furniture and Fixtures 2.000 00
Overdrafts 32 47
Miscellaneous Assets 400 00
$2,870,300 92
Capital Stock. paid m....f 100.000 00
Surplus Fund 310,000 00
Undivided FroiltB. less
expenses and taxes paid 97,418.98-507,448 98
Deposits subject to check $102,930 53
Time certificates of de
posit .23S 78
Savins Fund Deposit, 2,178,791 75
Ccrtiticd Checks 60 00
Cashier's check outst'c 657 50-2342.671 62
Duo to Commonwealtn 20.000 00
Due to banks nndTrust Cos. not re
servo agents 216 32
Dividends unpaid
$2,870,366 92
state 01 l'ennsyivnnia, county or wayne, ss:
I. II. Scott salmon. Cashier of the above
named Company, do solemnly swear that the
above statement ls true, to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
(Signed) II. S. SALMON. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th
day of .May 1910.
(Signed) IIOHERT A. SMITH. N. P.
Notarial Seal)
Correct -Attest:
T. II. Clabk. I
A. T. Searle. Directors.
C. J. Smith, 1
Designer and Man
ufacturer of
Office and Works
1036 MAIN ST.
J the Judex of the poveral Courts of
the County of Vnyne has Issued his precept
for holding a Court of Quarter Sessions. Oyer
and Terminer, and (ieneral Jail Del very In
and for said County, at the Court House, to
begin on
MONDAY JUNE 20. 1910.
and to continue one week :
Ami iiirrvtliiL' that a Or a: id Jury fur the
i'mr! it OiniriiT Sessions and Over and
Terminer be summoned to meet on Monday,
June 13, 1910, at 2 p. in.
aotlcu is inercioru ucreuv uivlii iu uiu
Coroner nnd Justices of tho Peace, and Con
stables fit too county oi ayue, ui;u nicy uu
then and thero In their proper persons, at
said Court I lou-e, at 2 o'clock In tho nftor
,,!, ,,f i,i nth of .lime 19 o. with their
records. Imiulbltlons.exainluatlousnndother
remembrances, to do those things which to
their unices appertain to. bo done, ami those
who nro bound by recognizance or otherwise
to prosecute tno prisoners wuo am or siiuu
thereto nrosocuto against them as shall bo
in. i,t tin, .inn m u nv i tiiniLV. Hi men mill
1UM' 1 I ,r.,..l..l
16th day of .May. 1910. and In the i 133d l year
of tho Independence of tho (Jutted States
Sheriff's Ollteo 1 .
Honcsdale, May 16. 1910. 38wl
Vnm niemi V Oil, Olseil.
VnKIInn T,.rm lllln I.lhol ill DIVOTCC
To OLE OI.SEN: You are hereby re-
r,nlr..,l In ntinnnr In Ihn Hllld Court Oil the
third .Monday of Juno noxt. to answer the
complaint exhibited to tholudgo ot said court
by Nora Olsen, your wife, in tho cause nbovo
siateu, or in ueiuuu uiuii-v u
divorce as prayed for In said complaint may
do maae against you in jour uubciiij:.
Honesdale, Pa May It, 1U1B. Huerlff .
UEAL ESTATE. -By virtue of process
Issued out of the Court of Common
I'lens of Wnyno county, nnd State of
PoniiBylvnnln, nnd to mo directed
and dollvored, I havo levied on ana
will expose to public snlo, at the
Court Houso In Honcsdale, on
ritlDAV, .It'XH 10, 11)10, y I M.
All of defendant's right, tltlo and
interest In tho following described
property, viz:
All these two certain lots or par
cel of land situate In the towiiBhlp of
Dyberry, county of Wayne, nnd
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows:
The first Beginning at the north
eust corner of lnnd of John Nelson
which ls also tho southeast corner of
Conrad Pulls farm, at the end of n
stono wall; thence by land of Dan
forth Keys, dee'd., nnd of Thomas
Ballamy, south cloven nnd one
fourth degrees west thirty-six rods
to n whlto ash tree corner, standing
on tho verge of ledge of rocks;
thence along lands of the said John
Nolson, nbove but near said ledge
north lifty-six degtees west eight
rods, north thirty-two degrees west
eleven nnd one-half rods to a sugar
maple, north eleven degrees west
fourteen and eight-tenths rods, nnd
north six degrees west twolvo and
six-tenth rods to end of stone wall
, above a high ledge which wall is the
division line between land of John
Nelson and oT said Conrad Pulls
J farm, belonging to Daniel Hoel;
I thence by tald division wall south
twenty-six degrees east twenty-four
and one-fourth rods to tho place of
beginning. Containing three acres
and one hundred and forty perches.
Being same premises which John
Nolson by deed dated October 28,
1SG7, recorded in D. B. No. 35, page
79, granted to Thomas Bellamy.
The second lot Beginning at a
stones corner of Jacob Hole's land;
thence north eighty-one and one-
fourth degrees east along tho same
one hundred and forty-nlno and one
half perches to a stones corner;
thence north twelve degrees west
sixty-six and one-half perches to
stones corner of William Pulis;
thence south seventy-eight degrees
west along the same one hundred
and twenty-three perches to n stones
corner; thence south twelve and one-
fourth degrees west sixty-three and
one-half perches to place of begin
nlng. Containing fifty acres more or
Being the same premises which
Homer Brooks et ux. by deed dated
April 23, 1S55, recorded in Wayne
County D. B. 23, page 522, granted
to Thomas Ballamy.
The above premises are the same
on which Thomas Ballamy died, seiz
ed, and which Charles Ballamy and
Thomas H, Ballamy, his executors,
by deed dated March 27, 1901), and
Intended to be recorded, granted to
Gertrude M. Hartman.
On said premises are a two-story
frame house and barn and over one-
half of said land is Improved.
Seized nnd taken in execution as
the property of Gertrude M. Hart
man at the suit of Thos. H. Ballamy.
No. 5S March Term, 1909. Judg
ment, ?1800. Attorney, Kimble
All the defendant's right, title and
interest In the following described
property, viz:
By virtue of tho annexed writ of
Fieri Facias, I have this day levied
upon and taken in execution all the
within described pieces or parcels of
land, situate, lying and being in the
township of Cannan, county of
Wayne, nnd Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to wit:
Tho first Beginning at a stones
corner, being the south-west corner
of Lot No. 33, in the Elk Forest
tract; thence south eighty-nine and
one-half degrees east elghty-nlno
rods to stones; thence north, along
lands of B. Feeney, eighty-nine rods
to a corner; thence north eighty-
nine and one-half degrees west eigh
ty-nlno rods to stones corner; In
western line of Lot 33; thenco south,
along said western line, ninety-one
and four-tenths rods to the plnco of
beginning, containing fifty acres, be
tho samo more or less.
The second Beginning at the said
corner of Lot No. 33, in Elk Forest
tract; thenco north forty-six rods to
stnko and stones; thence west seven-
ty-soven nnd one-half rods to line of
land of B. Flemmlng; thenco south,
along said Floinmlng's lnnd, thlrty
ono degrees east llfty-threo and
soven-tenths rods to a stake for a
corner; thenco south elghty-nlno and
one-half degrees east fifty rods to
tho place of beginning, containing
eighteen acres and fifty-two and ouo-
half porches, bo tho samo moro or
Tho third Hounded on the north
by land of Thomas Kennedy; on tho
enst by land of James Naglo; on the
south by land deeded to David Moy-
lnn; and on tho wost by lands of tho
holrs of Jesslo Thorp, containing
fifty acres, be tho same more or less.
Being tho lands deeded to Andrew
Lnpushnock, by deed dated 8th Juno,
1908, and recorded In tho oillco for
recording deeds in and for tho coun
ty of Wnyno In Deed Book No. 97,
nt pago 1178 as roferonco thereto
will moro fully and nt largo appear.
Upon tho premises ls n frnmo houso,
barns, nnd other out buildings, ap
ple orchard, and other fruit trees,
and largely Improved land.
Seized and taken in execution as
tho property of Andrew Lapushnock,
torro tennnt, nt tho suit of W. L
Ferguson. No. 171 Oct. Term, 1908.
Judgment, C50. Attornoy, Leo.
TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs
must be paid on day ot bqIo or deeds
will not bo acknowledged.
M. LEE CRAMAN, Sheriff.
Honesdale, Pa., May 18, 1910.
Farmers and Me
chanics Bank,
at the close of business. May 2d, 1910.
I!(crvc fund t
i ash specie and notes, tvjw U
Hue from approved re
serve nirents ttd.l.TO Cl-nfl.TGf, 71
N'lrkcls, rents and fractional
currenpy , 208 00
Checks nnd other cash Items IKil 2H
Due from hanks and trust com-
lanles other than reserve 4.1
Hills discounted IC1.0IJ) fO
Time loans with collateral JH.110 00
ujans on call wltn collateral 22,r?u u;
Loans upon call upon two or more
names 20.115 00
Loans secured by bonds and mort
gages 11.815 00
Investment securltle'ovvned exclu
sive of reserve bonus, viz
Stocks. hond. etc HIJSW 11
.Mortgages and Judg
ments of record I2.15G 32-MUM 7.1
OlllcelJulldlngand Lot WjiO 65
I' urnlture aud nxtures lWi
$ 329.7SS 03
Capital Stock paid In $ 75.000 00
Surplus Fund 5.000 00
Undivided Fronts, less expenses
nnd taxes paid 7.911 30
Deposits, subject to check. .f35.Kl!l VI
Deooslts. sneclal'3 71
Cashier's Checks outstanding. ItiS 51-211,813 (77
$329,788 03
State of Pennsylvania. County of Wayne. 88
I. C. A. Kmery. Cashier of the above named
company, do solemnly swear that tho above
statement ls true to the best of my knowledge
nnd belief.
C. A. K.MKKY. Cashier.
Subscribed nnd sworn to before mp this 7th
day of May 1910.
hex a p. r.nciCTT, is, r.
Correct attest:
M. E. Simons. )
W. M. Fowler. Directors.
HOLDERS. Tho Board of Directors of this
Company have called a special meet
ing of its stockholders to be held at
the General office of the company,
in the Borough of Honesdale, Penn
sylvania, on the 14th day of July,
1910, at 3 o'clock, for tho purpose
of voting for or against an increase
of the indebtedness of said company.
M. B. ALLEN, Secretary.
Office, Masonic building, second floor
Honesdale, Fa.
Office over post office. All legal business
promptly attended to. Honesdale. Pa.
Otllce Liberty Hall building, opposite the
Post Ollice. Honesdale. Fa.
Office over Keif's store. Honesdale Pa.
Office ver Post Office. Honesdale, Pa
Special and prompt attention given to the
collection of claims. Otllce over Kelf sinew
store. Honesdale. Fa.
Office over the post office Honesdale. Pa,
Ollice in the Court House, Honesdale
Office Second Moor old Savings link
building. Honesdale. Fa.
Otllcesilatelv occupied by Judge Searle.
Office First iloor, old Savings Hank build
ing, Honesdale, Fa,
Dr. C. it. 11HADY. Dkntist. Honesdale. Pa.
Office Hours-8 m. to p. m
Any evening by appointment.
Citizens' phono. 33. Jtesldcnce. No. tX
Office and resldenco 1019 Court street
telephones. Office Hours 2:00 to 4:00,and
0 00 oV.00. p. m
LIVERY. I-red. U. Hicktird lias re
moved his livery establishment from
comer Church street to Whitney's Stone
Trains leave at S:2& a. in. and
i:iS p. m.
Sundays at 2:48 p. m.
Trains arrlvo at 1:40 and 8:08
p. m.
Saturdays, arrives at 3:45 and
leaves at 7:10.
Sundays at 7:02 p. m.