The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 25, 1910, Image 2

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Special to Tho Citizen. 1
If one would sec the blight of sen-1
tlmental nlmsglving let him travel
In tho Orient. Here he may see beg
gary reduced to a science and fraud
practiced as a line nrt. it is hardly
too much to say that everyone looks
for a present, man, woman, and
child, the prosperous in his way, tliq
starving and miserable for his dole.
From one end of the lana to tho
other, pcoplo of every language and
every strain of blood utter one uni
versal cry, "BACKSHISH."
In Jaffa I saw n linked child sit
ting astride its mother's shoulder,
not yet three years old, stretch out
its grimy paw while the filthy baby
llpa exploded with the word, "Back
shish." In Cairo they tell you that
the word Is not of native origin, but
an Importation from Syria, in Pal
estine they trust It still further back
toward Persia. That Is, the better
class of people do this, the rest use
tho word without shame. Our Chris
tian guide on the Nile, said that ho
had never heard the word until about
thirty years ago, when travel from
Palestine began to flow towards the
Cairo, but his memory may have
been at fault. Certain it Is that the
farther we went from Palestine the
less frequently wc heard the hate
ful word.
The tourist complains of the uni
versal howl, but the tourist is him
self to blame in large measure. That
is to say, tho tourist of an earlier
generation is to blame for the condi
tions which exist to-day, while those
who continue the practice of indis
criminate charity are helping to fast
en the parasitic habit and to make
miserable both beggar and tourist of
the next generation. So clearly do
they understand this who have the
real welfare of tho people at heart,
that the missionaries and government
employees have said again and again,
"Don't give money to these people all
the time." I even saw the request
printed in a circular designed to pro
mote winter travel in the Soudan,
"Visitors are asked not to give alma
or excessive tips to the natives, as it
tends to hinder their development."
The warning is a necessary one, and
should be printed in red across the
ticket, time-table, and pocket-book
of every traveller in the east. The
pity Is that it could not have been
done ages ago.
As it is beggars besiege you on
every hand. Toothless women with
unveiled faces upon which pain and
despair have written indelible traces;
children picturesque with rags and
dirt, smiling and winsome, with
teeth like pearls and hair that would
be beautiful if cleansed and combed;
lepers in rags; mere fragments of
men, waiving their stumps of limbs
to attract attention; blind men stand
ing in the corners of the streets, well
outside the stream of trafflc, rattling
tin cans, and calling in English,
French, German, and Arabic when
they hear a passing step; veiled
women, to me the most pathetic of
all, huddled into forlorn heaps
in the dust with one or more sickly
children crawling like vermin among
their skirts, looking up to the travel
er with haunting, hunted eyes, de
pendent upon some chance dole for
another day of life. I don't wonder
that people give in this land; I won
der that they give to such little
No doubt the sentiment which
prompts the gift is a double one.
The visitor sees such grinding pover
ty as he never imagined could exist
From Ills comfortable well-fed point
of view, the blind man or the leper
is starving. Furthermore, he has
girdled the globe for tho sake of
standing on holy ground. His soul
is stirred by the deepest feelings to
which men are susceptible. Giving
becomes an act of worship. But to
the man whose hand has become
stiffened by being stretched out to re
ceive alms, and whose voice has
sunk to a raucous croak of solicita
tion, the gift is a curse which has
robbed him of every atom of self-respect.
Oh, tha pity of It! If tho
donor would tako his gift to some
wise, sane mission worker, or be
stow it on some hospital or instltU'
tion worthily managed, he might
have helped Instead of blighting the
At first It seemed that Cairo must
bo the center of this plague of beg
gary, but further experience con
vlnces me that tho worst spot is
Jerusalem. For many centuries,
Jews, Mahometans, Greeks, Copts,
Itoman and Protestant christians
have united to pauperize this city.
The very fiber of manhood seems to
have been sapped by tho long pro
cess of parasites. This is what
makes so difficult all forms of re
liglous work in Jerusalem. If over
there was a place where men becamo
adherents to a given creed for re
venue only, It is in this city. Com
paratlvely speaking, the results of
mission work hero aro meager. Somo
churches havo abandoned tho ef
fort. I would not belittle tho splen
did work of tho English Church Mis
sionary Society, nor of tho Roman
or Greek churches In tho face of
hardship and even persecution. All
honor to those who have held on in
their work in spite of the hindrances
tof a rapacious government and by
sentimental, pauperizing travellers
Closely allied to tho evilf of beg
gary aro tho frauds practiced on
travellers. These run th$ wholo
gamut, from tho petty impositions pf
the camel driver to tho gigantic
frauds meant to deceive the million
aire collector of curios. There have
been enough spurious nntlqultlcs
carried out of tho Orient to sink tho
-Inrgcst ship that floats; tons of curios
which tho venders hnvo sworn by
their Gods were found In tho mummy
chambers of the kings. Enough
olive wood ornnmcnts stamped with
tho sacred nnmo of Gethsomnno to;
turn tho wholo Mount of Olives Into
n lumber yard. I saw car loads of
olive trunks nnd even roots being
shipped to Jerusalem from tho Plain
of Sharon which I am convinced
were for this purpose. Luxor Is not
ed for tho manufacture of spurious
Egyptian nntlqultlcs. Much of the
ancient jewelry is made in Germany.
If he thinks you are foolish enough to
believe him, tho donkey boy will
throw ono of a handful of manufac
tured beetles to tho sand and pre-
tend to find it under your feet. 1 1
Baw this done only once, and I am
In hopes It has been played out.
In contrast with all this fraud
and tho misery typified by tho beg
gars you may see crushing with their
teeth the vermin which Infest their
rags, I like to think of tho children
In tho mission schools, orphanages,
workshops of various denominations,
which one may see if he takes tho
trouble to visit them In Egypt, Pales
tine nnd Asia Minor. The colony of
the Zionist Jews in Jerusalem Is an
other. Beyrut in Syria and Roberts ;
College in Constantinople are others, j
These are but a few of the centers 1
from which go out influence which ,
are changing this Orient as tho ir -
rigation canals aro making the des-
ert fertile. Schools, colleges, print-
lng presses, hospitals, churches, there
is no blight in gifts to these, but only ,
tho richest blessing.
A man who says he has never at
tempted to deceive his wife declares I
that there is no use in trying, that a I
married woman is as skillful as a i
mind reader. Ho says he discovered
this before ho was married, and con-'
sequently has avoided lots of trouble, i
In giving his experience he relates ,
that while in Chicago, where he was
employed before his marriage, he met 1
a lady from Salt Lake City, his form-'
er home. In their conversation she I
stated that the city was to have a
now opera house.
Oh, yes," remarked the young
man, "I knew that. I hear from
Salt Lake every day."
The young woman smiled and said:
"So when you go home on your sum-, out either beard or mustache. Out
mer vacation you are going to get ' fielder Titus of the Phillies was the
married?" ! last National league player to discard
The young man protested thnt It
was a secret, though a fact, but that
neither he nor his fiancee had told .
anybody about it. i
"Why, you told me yourself, an-
swered the newly-found frlenu. You
see. no matter how fond your brother i
may De oi you, or your sister or .
mother or anybody else, none of i
these would send you a letter every j
day. Only one person would write I
you so regularly, and that is tho
girl you have promised to marry."
How to Protect Them From the Blaz
ing Sun and Mako Them Thrive.
It is a mistake to put palms out. of
doors in the blazing sun and keep them
there ull summer. This Is a common
treatment, most people arguing that,
being tropical plants, they can stand
any amount of heat. What is the re
sult? The leaves blister, nnd tho nlnnt
Itself ceases to thrive. '
If you have u veranda keep your I
plants upon them and do not let them
dry out. Remember that our summer
atmosphere Is as drying as furnaeo air.
and evaporation of pot plnnts is rapid.
Give a thorough watering once or
twice a day.
If you have no vernnda and have a
corner of your yard turn It Into n pro
tection for your palms If you havo
many of them. Make a wooden framo
of four posts, to which aro nailed
wooden slats about an inch apart.
Attach a canvas or even cheesecloth
screen or blind to the frame in such a
way that it can bo rolled over tho top
nnd down one side.
Plunge the pots of your palms or in
deed all your follnge house plants, such
ns rubber plants, aspidistra, dracaeuas
and nraucarius, Into the ground up to
the rims of pots. This keeps the soil
mnlst at an oven temperature, thero is
less evaporation, and the tender plants
aro gradually accustomed to a change
of temperature and different condi
tions of light nnd air.
Tho direct heat of tho sun Is kept off
by tho screen nud by tho light that fil
ters through the slats. Less watering
wl)l bo necessary than when on u
porch, but it is well to give a dally
spraying to keep off insects and to
keep the leaves frco of dust.
How to Protect Lilies From Worms.
Worms and underground Insects prey
upon Illy bulbs. Tho following slmplo
method is a preventive: Preparo tho
lily bed by thoroughly mixing well
lotted manure with tho soil. Dig holes
a foot and a half apart and six inches
deep. Put half an Inch of sharp sand
in tho bottom of each nolo, then put In
three or four bulbs to tho nolo. Add
enough sand to mako a covering of
half an inch over tha bulbs. Bo sura
that every part of thorn is well cov
ered. Fill in tho rest of tho hole with
earth from tho flower bod. Tho worms
will not penetrato tho sand.
Got on His Ntrves.
Frugal North Briton (In his first er
pcrionco of a taxi) Hero, mon, stop!
I hao a weak heart. I canna stand
Ohat hang't weo machino o' yours
markln' up thao tuppences. London
Hnuuah Uuqlll. n flftcon-yenr-old
girl of Yorkshire, ICiikIiiikI, has receiv
ed n medal for lur bravery in saving
her mother from an Infuriated bull by
prodding the nnlmnl with n pitchfork.
Mine. Novlkoff, who bus been called
the "M. P. for UumsIii." Is famous the
world over for her political nrtlcles.
It is her custom to live six months In
the year In England and six months in
Tho first woman to preach In Hun
gnry Is Julln Varghn, whose sermons
are reported most favorably in tho
Budnpcst papers. She Is tho daughter
of a bishop, nnd her sermons are de
livered in Klauscnburg.
Mrs. Mary Emery, widow of a mil
lionaire realty dealer of Clucinnntl,
has purchnsed n two acre tract of land
in thnt city to be tnndc Into a park
B0lely for birds. Mrs. Emery intends
to spend $200,000 on the little park If
Mrs. Taft, wife of tho president, Is a
full llcdgcd baseball "fan." She Is as
enthusiastic about the national game
as is her husband. She knows the
game thoroughly, it is reported, and
can discuss its line points with almost
the case of a professional.
Mrs. A. D. Wlnshlp of Undue, Wis.,
is the oldest "freslininn" In the Unit
ed States. Shu Is seventy-nine years
' - "V """""j
W ""a "tcraturo nt the Ohio btatounl-
vcrslt' !iui1 ,tal18 a course tl,nt wlu
Kocl uer ""eiioeiun.iy usy xor some
. . ,
fly UatCIlCS.
When Connie Mack let Jimmy Walsh
get awny from him he lost a live one.
This lad is kuocklug the boards off the
fence at Baltimore.
On July 23, 1S00, Harry Davis played
flrst base for I'Utsburg ngaiust the
Giants. He's tho Harry Davis who is
su" 1'J "K with tno aiuicucs.
ob Gilks. who Is one of the best
scouts in tho business and ono of the
bc3t Judges of ball players, says that
ualf of the success of Ty Cobb Is due
to Ms nerve and confidence in himself.
Daubert, Brooklyn's now flrst base-
man is one of the numerous crop of
left handed men who are now taking
Jobs on llrst. He is not a Hal Chase
in speed, but is a wonder on loug foul
Hies and a whale of a batter. i
No professional player wears n mus
tache now. It's an unwritten rule of
tho profession to play the game wlth-
his mustache. He had it removed two
years ago.
Tales of Cities.
As records area Now York cltv Is
the largest in the United States. It
covers 32G square miles ns compared
wlth IWY2 for Chicago and 12916 for
The streets of Canton are divided
lnto sections of a few blocks each, and
euch section is shut off from all oth
ers by heavy gates that are closed at 0
o'clock in the evening.
Troy, N. Y., has a huge water wheel
sixty feet in diameter, with buckets
twenty-two feet long und six feet deep.
It was constructed in 1838, and the
people will not permit it to be destroy
ed, although it no longer serves any
useful purpose.
State Lines.
Illinois has more than a million and
a lmlf of horses, worth a little more
than $100 each.
Missouri produced last year more
than half u million pounds of tobacco,
worth 12 cents per pound.
Kansas annually produces about 00
per cent of the material from which
whisk brooms are made in tho United
So large is the Italian population of
Rhode Island that all Important offi
cial documents lu the state arc printed
in English und Italian.
British Briefs.
A complete set of British birds' eggs
Is worth about ?1,000.
No English prison governor's salary
is higher than $3,500 a year.
Tho governors of Australia and Can
ada receive $50,000 each yearly.
Officers of tho civil servlco In New
South Wales must Insure their lives.
In tho course of a yeur 090,051
pounds of opium find their way into
Children In New York.
There ure 1,125 children in one block
in Chicago. Contrast tho entire length
of New York's Fifth avenue, please.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
New York babies arc being shipped
to New Orleans by carloads. Down
south tho mother of ten children has
always room for ono more, while a sin
gle Infant in New York la looked npon
as a misfortune. Philadelphia Inquir
er. Comparisons.
In New York 292 persons were found
sleeping in one bouse. Milwaukee ten
ements are not so bad, after all. Mil
waukee Sentinel.
New York's world'a fair of 1013 will
bo a nlco Httlo orchestral opening for
tho exposition at San Francisco. San
Francisco Chronicle.
Over 300,000 persons can be accom
modated at ono tlmo in tho hotels of
Now York city. This must almost
equal the ability of Los Angeles along
tho samo lines. Los Angeles Times.
copperhead's moo foot leap.
Strange Snake Story from Northeast
ern Pennsylvania.
Two Wysox (Pn.) men had a thrill,
lng experlonco on Tnblo Rock Moun
tain, ono which they will not caro to
As they were walking on tho moun
tain they camo upon n Inrgo copper
head snako which was enjoying a
sun bnth about 100 yards from the
rock which gives tho mountain Its
name. Tho men looked nround for
stones, but nono thnt they could han
dle to good effect could be found, nor
was there a good club at hand.
Taking sticks of good length thoy
attacked tho snake, which showed
light and struck at both men. Falling
to land and not liking the lashing of
tho sticks his snnkcshlp started for
the edge of tho mountain overlooking
tho river which flows at the base,
some 1.4UU ieai ooiow.
Reaching the edge of the tablo
rock which hangs out from tho moun
tainside a considerable distance, tho
snake nrranged itself in a peculiar
shape and then with a hiss half
Jumped, half squirmed out Into tho
air. The men rushed upon tho shelv
ing rock and peered over and watched
tho fearful descent of tho snake, ex
pecting to see It strike the trees or
protruding rocks down the mountain
side, but It missed all these obstruc
tions. It was not thought posslblo
the snako would clear tho Lehigh
tracks, but as tho distance was cov
ered tho snake seemed to straighten
out and, as the men vow, crawled
through the air and succeeded in
landing in deep water with hardly a
While they were watching to seo if
the snake came to tho surfaco one
of the men became dizzy from peer
ing over the edge of the rock nnd
would havo followed tho snake's aw
ful example had not his companion
caught him Just In time.
Some Idea of the distance travelled
by the copperhead can be had when
It is known that but few boys or men
can throw a stone so that it will
strike In tho river as the snake did.
X-Ray Traps a Liar.
"Doctor, do you ever do anything
for charity? I am an awfully poor
woman and have heart trouble. Won't
you please examine my heart with the
X ray free of cost?"
This plea was made to-day by a
poorly dressed woman of about C5
years old to Dr. George Hermann of
Corryville. Happening to look a lit
tle lower than the heart he discov
ered two 520 gold pieces In a chamois
bag under the woman's garment.
"How Is my heart, doctor?
"Your heart Is pretty bad," he ejac
ulated with a tinge of sarcasm.
"Ie there any hope for mo?"
"Not If yoi. keep on this way," ho
declared as the third $20 gold pieca
came Into view. "I really mean that
you had a bad heart. You lied when
you said you were poor. Take that
money out of your waist and pay mo
The woman nearly collapsed, but
she took out the J50 in gold and from
another part of her raiment drew out
a purse containing bills. Chicago In
ter Ocean.
Where Father Got Stung.
Ono afternoon not long ago, In IN.
vicinity of Druid Hill Park, in Haiti
more, there might have been sen a
young man Industriously pushing up
and down a baby carriage. Intently
reading a book the while.
"Henry! Henry!" called a young
woman from the second story f a
house opposite.
Henry heard not, but continued to
push the baby carriage and to read
his book.
In about an hour the cries for "Hen
ry" were repeated.
"Well, what do you want?" ho de
manded, rather Impatiently.
"Nothing, dear," was the Irritating
response," except to inform you that
you've been wheeling Harriet's doll
all the afternoon. I think it's tlmo for
thw bnhv to hnvo a turn now."
Honesdale Dime Bank
At the close of business May 2, 1910
T Loans
Bonds & Mortgages
Real Estate, Furnlturo
and Fixtures
Cash and duo from
Deposits May 20th, 1000
" Nov. 20th, 1000
" May 28th, 1007
" Dec. 10th, 1007
E. O. MUJDTORD, President.
I.- The Town Can't Do
Without Her
Hilda the Helper is a girl who has
a way about her that makes her
precious as a pearl. THE TOWN
She's always ready on the spot
where anything is doing, with all
the energy she's got her share of
work pursuing.
Hilda the Helper HELPS THE
TOWN in many lines of action.
(No wonder young Philander
Brown admits she's his attrac
tion.) Somo single suits to clean up
stock, at Menner & Co.'s store, will
be sold out regardless of ost. 4w
A.M. I
8 30,
10 00
10 00
4 30
6 05
... Albany ...
Iilngliamtm .
1C 00
10 00
2 15 .
12 30
8 30
2 15
7 55
1 20
2 03
7 25,
8 15
4 40
5 30
1 20
2 OS
. ...bcrnntoi....
A.M. Lv
5 40
5 50
0 05
9 15
9 19
9 3fi
9 42
9 4S
6 20
B 30
6 34
(i 521
fi 51:
7 04!
2 05
2 15
2 19
2 37!
2 43!
2 4l
8 4di Carbondae ....
8 S3;... Lincoln Avmue..
8 59 Whites
9 181 Farview
9 24 Canaan
9 29, . . . . I.nlce Loili re . . .
9 32' ... . Wnymal
9 37 Keene
9 39 Steene
9 4.i ProniDtcn
5 M
a ii
6 17
6 as
ii ai
9 51
U 57
7 07
2 52!
7 13
2 8
(i 35
10 oo:
10 04
7 16
2 59
a 3!i
G 43
7 20
7 24
3 at
10 OS
3 o;
it ..
9 50 ..
Ii 16
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10 11
7 27
,7 31
3 10
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10 15
9 55 ..... Honesdae
P.M. A.M.
P.M. P.M.jA.M. Ar
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
Tins year opens wicti a deluge of now mixed paints. A con
dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind
of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised
may find a sale with the unwary.
There are reasons for tho pre-minence of CHILTON PAINTS
1st No one can mix a better mixed paint.
2d The painters declare that it works easily and has won
dorful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his
own oxpense.overy surfaco painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective.
ith Those who havo used it aro perfectly satisfied with it,
and recommend its use to others.
Capital Stock
Surplus, Earned
Deposits .,
Dills Payable
Deposits May lOti,
Nov. 27ti,
April 28U,
Nov. Gti',
May 2, 1910, Deposits $528,34026
W. P. IllEFLEIt, VIco President
Roll of
Attention is called to the STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
ilH 111
The FINANCIER of New York
City has published a ROLL Oi
HONOR of the 11,470 State Uanke
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00
Total ASSETS, $2,?33,000.00
Ilonesdale. Pa., May 29, 1908.
You will make money
by having me.
bell phone o-u Bethany, Pa.
P. M.l
2 00
12 40
10 50
8 45
10 50
8 45
3 53
' 31
7 32
7 31
A . M
10 20
9 37
4 03
3 15
7 15
6 20
2 25
1 35
10 05
8 05
1 35
1 25
5 40
e sol
7 54
7 50
7 33
7 25
7 19
1 21
5 24
1 03
12 56!
5 08
5 01
12 51
5 56
7 17
7 12
7 09
7 05
7 01
(j 58
12 49
12 43
12 40
12 36
12 32
12 29
12 25
4 54
4 48
4 45
4 41
4 37
4 34
4 30
6 55
A..M.IP.M. P.M. A.M. P.M
S 75,000.00